it was the jam when it came out. everybody knows of it. it's just underrated now because nun of the new generation know how much better the older games were
+Romnys Gonzalez i replay Legend of dragoon almost every year, i wish they would remake it with todays graphics but leave the story untouched. i think it would turn out beautiful, one of my favorite combat systems too
I think was make the old games better back in the days was the Surprise factor. In this Gen the people know everything about the game months before the game come out. I remember buying LoD in the store and i was like "Oh men the cover look fucking awesome". Nobody in the store knows about the game and without google to answer what this game is all about. i didnt know this was one of the best RPG ever until mid 2000's
No Legend of Legaia?! Bullshit. That was my most favorable JRPG on the PS1, and it was underrated just because it was released the same year when FF7 was released as well. Legaia > FF7
+MegaMarcoX15 Legaia is easilly in my top3 JRPG's and I agree was neglected and overlooked due to FF7 just like other JRPG's such as Grandia and Breath of Fire III that were also released in the later to end of 1997
+MegaMarcoX15 It was such a unique JRPG and I have loved it since I was 8th. I cannot help but love that game and continue to play it at least once a year. You have good taste. Legaia > FF7
No mention of Lost Odyssey. Awesome game. Under appreciated due to being released for the xb360 which tanked in Japan. Hoping for a remaster release for PS4 one day.
Pretty much every JRPG that doesn't have Final Fantasy or Tales in its title in the seventh generation. Almost all of them were released in 2008 for Xbox360 in order to persuade people to buy a 360. But they didn't. They remained loyal to Sony, thus them, and their little brother Last Story, are extremely underrated. Granted. Lost Odyssey is miles better than the rest and is the only real reason to buy a 360.
+Aaron Carter p.s. Thank you for mentioning the best jrpg game of all time and I feel really nostalgic that so many ppl in the comments love Legend of Dragoon as much as I do, on the cool that almost makes me wanna cry.
+Micheal Sands No... no you wouldn't. todays game publishers are evil greedy wallet vampires that corrupt everything they touch! if they ever did a ramake it would be a twisted limping abomination with painful pustules filled with microtransactions!
Suikoden 2 is arguably one of the best (if not the best) RPGs of all time. We need a whole series of suikoden with that art style. Just a legendary game.
Here are some more; Jade Cocoon, Brave Fencer Musashi, Grandia, Vandal Hearts, Suikoden, Breath of Fire, Front Mission, Legend of Legaia, Sakura Wars, and Steambot Chronicles.
Nick Cervenka The last Suikoden game came out over ten years ago, and the last true Breath of Fire came out fourteen years ago. I'd say that they have definitely been forgotten. Maybe not by their die hard fans, but certainly by their developers.
tycho042 i wouldnt say that xenogears is forgotton though because there are still xeno games being released. In fact, after xenoblade x came out the price for gears went up from the desire of new xeno fans to play it. And im sure if Nintendo aquired the rights to xenogears monolithsoft and takahashi would make a sequel.
You got to remember personal opinions differ, the things you may have really loved about the game others may not have liked as much. Different strokes for different folks.
I justify it's spot on the list to myself by the fact it was pretty big when it came out and sold pretty well. Maybe not as successful as they hoped (they spent a long time and a lot of money on the game) but it was still pretty successful becoming a greatest hits title. But yeah, with only a re-release digitally during the ps3's life cycle it seems to have fallen into obscurity over the years for everyone but people who loved it back then.
+NerdyHippy Star Ocean is the JRPG series that made me completely overlook the Tales games. Until I picked up Zestiria last month. They play the same is all I heard growing up.
+MrHermanVargas You were lied to! Each Tales game has a a constantly updating system, some good and some bad. The first several ones were strictly side scrolling (See: Eternia, Destiny, Phantasia) and later got adapted to a more 3D Environment (Symphonia, Vesperia, Abyss, and all after those as well. Legendia too if I recall), but even then the combat/combo system has changed and adapted, sometimes becoming cleaner sometimes just adding an interesting trick. Zestiria is, apparently, one of the lesser stories of the Tales series. If you wanna get into it Symphonia and Abyss are the sweethearts (alongside Phantasia, which is the first and had a GBA port). My personal favorite is Vesperia. But there are A LOT and the stories are never short so if you try them be ready for a long, but good, drive.
+VaellinTheBard You're right. I'm about a dozen hours into Zestiria and my only complaint so far combat wise is the lack of free movement without taking that penalty. Other than that I'm enjoying it despite not playing a JRPG in over 10 years.
The Last Remnant was the fucking shit. Still pissed that there wasn't enough demand when the producer said a sequel was possible if people started asking for it during a FFXIV Q&A. Guess it's just meant to have a small following nowadays.
Chilling Villain I LOVED it, though I never finished. Sometimes the grinding drove me insane, but I still adored the characters enough - especially David and his relationship with the protagonist, far more accessible than most royalty/nobles in games. Wish I hadn't sold my copy... But I've come across a lot of people who said it was really mediocre and not worth the time. While I acknowledge there was a lot they could have improved, it really got the short end of the stick.
I don't remember if it was any good or not, but does anyone else here remember Jade Cocoon? The Lunar games and Legend of Dragoon were two of my favorite PS1 games ever, along with the well known Final Fantasy games.
+K1NG M1DWAY Parasite eve wasn't an forgotten game, the original got plenty of press time and spawned 2 sequels. Agreed, Brave Fencer Musashi should have been on this list.
Came in here expecting to say "Skies of Arcadia should be on here." Blown away it was number 1, rightly so. Amazing game. I would also add the original Suikoden. People only seem to talk about 2 rather than the original.
Tania Bams yes!! I love that series. I wish they would bring it to ps2 releases on ps4. Sure the cinematics can get long winded, but it's a great story.
Raúl Márquez Yeah Dark Dawn pales in comparison to the first 2 games, but I still found it somewhat solid and worth playing. I think the problem was it felt very tacked on.
Skies of Arcadia...pure beauty. If you've never seen the lush jungles of Ixa'taka sailing below you, the hanging city of Glacia underneath a continent-sized iceberg, or entered the disturbing Dark Rift, or beheld the might of Soltis as it emerges from the depts and rains doom, all this while traversing one of the best damn cool world maps ever made on the mighty Delphinus, you have not seen one of the most awesome jewels in the history of JRPGs. Beauty indeed. What are you waiting for?! Go purchase a Game Cube and this game. You won't ever regret it.
I dunno, I think there's a difference between cult classic and forgotten. Dragoon is mos def not forgotten, nor is skies, or vesperia, as all three are still spoken of frequently and fondly by JRPG fans. Lost Oddysey, maybe, I have a soft spot for blue dragon. There's also Legend of Legia, the Granstream Saga, Grandia, Enchanted Arms, Vagrant Story, Okage Shadow King, Evolution Worlds, The Digital Devil Saga games, La Pucelle Tactics, Pandora's Tower, Arc Rise Fantasia, I can go on for days.
legend of dragoon when it was released was most definitely a forgotten RPG its only years later has it gotten popular. when i first got the LoD game no one played it no one had ever heard it but now years later its now got the attention is deserves.
No one played it? It sold almost 1 millions copies here in NA alone. It wasnt the hit that FF7 was, but it definitely didnt tank either. I didnt do so well in Japan though, which is the reason Sony neglects it, but It did very well here in the states for a jrpg.
correction 960k copied were sold in america alone, thats barely even a handful of the america and 280k in japan. Sure it's become the top 5 best selling digital copied but thats only bc the serious only recently became popular when the game were released in america.
Thank you for including Eternal Sonata. This game is unique and can be found nowhere in the standard community. By the way, the battle system is very challenging, especially on Encore Mode. Some of the bosses will tear you apart at your first try. Also because they sometimes get these random cutscenes before they use skills and you use block too early...I hated that, but it looks cool, too.
+ShadowEliteHD Couldn't agree with you more. I know the English version was an unfinished product but it is still one of the best JRPGs games to date, both as a Tales of title and on its own for a fun battle system and damn good characters.
+ShadowEliteHD the video is top 10 forgotten JRPGs, while is likely a really good game(I haven’t played any tales game) it is part of a fairly well known series and at least it did get a ps3 release somewhere thus I think it was pushed down the list as it wasn't as unheard of.
+ShadowEliteHD Because everyone knows Vesperia is one of the best Tales games, and it hasn't really been forgotten nor is it underrated. It doesn't get the love it should get, but it hasn't been tossed by the wayside like Skyes or Lunar.
clownavenger Fun fact, the release of ToV in Japan as an Xbox 360 exclusive caused the console to completely sell out from retail stores in the country for the first time in history.
+Dylan Cooper I think what it boils down to is... the greatest actual forgotten games are actually forgotten. Meaning these numb nuts wouldn't find it. Like Ys, among others.
my top 10 favorite that was forgotten was.. 1. Chrono Trigger 2. Lufia 3. Suikoden 4. Legend of Dragoon 5. Saga Frontier 6. Tales of Destiny 7. Final Fantasy Tactics 8. Xenogears 9. Secret of Evermore 10. Valkyrie Profile.
Grailsarvas Yeah i never got into the tactics on other systems. Chrono Trigger really deserves a remake tho.. Game would be so awesome. I just want to see what chrono trigger would be like with the graphics and clarity of today.
Animexxkyubii Well majority of these RPGs did became really famous during the time it came out. Back you also have to remember that during those times there really wasn't that many gamer's as compared to now a days. FF7 was a game that was highly remembered because it was released at the perfect time on the right system. During those times, Playstation, N64 and Saturn was still fairly new. Also it was Squaresofts first rpg in full 3D. Just the graphics, creativity, music and everything was very good back then during that time. I honestly think Chrono Trigger could have been more popular if had been released earlier like in 1992-1993 and such. Chrono Trigger kind of came out during the end of the SNES era if im not mistaken.
+DevilMayCare4 SteelgodLink glad someone else noticed something missing here.. jesus Baten Kaitos is so obscure even the obscure list doesn't recognize it
+DevilMayCare4 SteelgodLink Grandia II was the very first JPRG I played so I got loads of nostalgia for that game. Still one of my favorites and the game was so influential on me that it helped me become the person I am today thanks to all the philosophical stuff it touched upon. Helped me become a better person. I still think Ryudo has one of the best character developments in any game.
SERIOUSLY! My god, that game jumped out from my past and I can't stop thinking about it! I'm still waiting on an HD re-release or updated sequel or something...
I was quite surprised to find skies of arcadia on #1 on this list. Back when I was a young teenager, that game was one of my absolute favourite JRPGs. Never noticed that I was living in a small bubble of me and my friends, loving this game like crazy, not noticing that it is actually very underrated and many people have never heard of it.
JRPGs are the reason games today even make any money. Notice how every popular game incorporates heavy RPG elements to it to increase life span. COD, Destiny, World of Warcraft, any MOBA.
Shadow Hearts the first one on PS2 was really somekind of teasure gem, never i've played a RPG with this kind of dark atmosphere, at least not till the Witcher games. Plus the setting of the game is not something that is really used often, During/after WW1. Legend of Dragoon was a really decent RPG, just the last part of the game that was kinda meh, but a really enjoyable game. Star Ocean 3 was a nice JRPG.
I just wanted Skies mentioned, it's super cool that you gave it the top spot! I would have loved a sequel, but idk what they would have done for the storh
+xXHey You PicklechuXx Yeah I just looked it up, holy shit what I would give to play that again. Once I buy my own PS4 it might be one of the first games I decide to buy.
Skies of Arcadia is truly excellent. It doesn't do anything revolutionary, but it does every single RPG trope SO so right. Great side questing, beautiful soundtrack, interesting battle system, long story, just enjoyable all around
Shadow Hearts, the entire series is amazing. Yuri & Alice's story is so sad. The end of Covenant, if you get the best ending will "Blow your mind"! Dark Cloud 1 & 2 are faves of mine. You forgot to mention Rogue Galaxy & Radiata Stories.
Yes! Finally a list with a No. 1 I can agree with. Skies of Arcadia is one of the best games I've ever played. Also glad to see a mention for the vastly underrated Vandal Hearts. But as much as I love Wild Arms - I am doing a play through on the original PS1 classic on my PSP as we speak - can we really call it forgotten? It had four sequels, a spin off tactics game, and a remake of the original. It almost has as many games as the Suikoden series!
+Burner2K0 Fuck yeah, I've replayed it a few times. It's very tempting to grind (which you can easily get VERY grindy in this game), which puts you way ahead of the difficulty curve, so when I replay RPGs I try to speedrun as much as I can, especially since you can get the late-game stuff early through a saved Photo Album, as to not make it easy for myself. First time I played, I grinded to max out Steve's core while still in the forest chapter! I think that run got to +180 hours, I think I could do it under 40 nowadays if I perfectly resisted the siren lure of grinding.
ALUNDRA! A masterpiece. A respect every gamer that has finished that game. A real challenge! And the storyline, so dark, depressing and mysterious. 10/10.
Legend of Heroes series? The franchise flew under the radar for a damn long time until they had Trails in the Sky on steam and it gained a cult following.
Legend of Dragoon... Never did a game more deserving of a sequal get blown off. I keep two copies of this game at all times in two separate locations. Just in case.
Where is Rogue Galaxy? Why does nobody know this masterpiece? It has lots of different characters, a great story, a crafting system, a good battlesystem, many plantes to explore and lot of humorous moments. Sometimes, I think I'm the only one who knows that game. Rogue Galaxy I♥U *sniff*
Aside from the addition and dragoon system, Legend of Dragoon is also fantastic because the world is unusually beautiful and realized for the era. It's huge and filled with detail.
+David Mejia Jr. (Yellowturtle258) Because no one remembers that game, its so sad. I have been waiting for a sequel for years and it will probably never come.
I think this list is lacking Valkyrie Profile, and maybe the Seiken Densetsu (Mana) series. Though I guess SD got a number of sequels (and a recent mobile game in JP) and is not easily forgotten. VP was an awesome game and suddenly, no more mentions. It did got 3 games and one remaster. Well, guess there is no way to extend the story after all.
+Maiko Gabriel Kinzel Engelke Agreed, Valkyrie Profile was probably one of the best PS1 JRPGs, one of the few with expansive voice acting and a dynamic combat system.
yeah, it had to sequels, VP2 Silmeria (PS2), VP Convenant of the Plum (Which from what I heard is basically based on Hrist), and the Remaster of the first game: VP Lenneth, so one game for each Valkyrie.
well that's a bit of cool irony , this video was posted on my 36th birthday and I have been a RPG fan since the 8bit days lol. Hey WatchMojo I strongly believe you guys should consider doing a top10 modern jrpg style games list
+Lance Morse Well, to be fair, *Lost Odyssey* is far from being "forgotten". Whenever people discusses about what's the best JRPG on the Xbox, the first one that would come to mind is Lost Odyssey.
im so glad i got it for my gc out of the sales bin. i didnt even know it was such a gem at the time, just thought the description on the back was cool with the airships n all
Loved that game, I remember playing this with my two best friends. We each had a monster to train and whenever we needed one for the element advantage we had to give up to controller to the owner. Stayed up many hours at night over the weekend to train our monsters lol.
I love the comment section here. Instead of salty comments and insults, which is kinda ''normal'' for any UA-cam video, you'll only see names of good/great RPGs that left a mark on our childhood. Gotta love this.
+ChrisCa1601 I remember, it was a good Japanese action RPG back in the day. I actually have a copy of The Legend of Oasis for the Saturn sitting on my desk waiting to be played again.
If that happens, I know that Red Dead Redemption, Batman Arkham Knight, Metal Gear Solid V, Xenoblade Chronicles X and Fallout 4 are gonna be in there.
legend of dragoon is my favorite game ever its what got me hooked on games that game was a master peace it should have taken off not final fantasy pls somebody make a remake or sequel get it back out their.
Valkyrie Profile. There are others but this game is a must and didn't even receive an honorable mention. There is still one Valkyrie left, the company has been bought out by a mobile phone game company, and they keep focusing on other games that apparently fans like better like Drakengaurd. Screw that! Give me my Valkyrie Profile 3! I would say The Shining Series as well but may not count as a JRPG. Destiny of an Emperor for the NES was great and I don't hear much talk about it. Panzer Dragoon Saga as well just for a Saturn Title.
A little sad that Lost Odyssey isn't even mentioned. It's one of my favorite games of all time, but I don't know of many people who have heard of it, let alone played it.
+Colton Bertagnolli Yes, loved both games. Although BK 2 only had 3 characters, it made an already interesting fighting system even better and had some kick-ass music. I could only play the second game via freeloader. (Only reason I still got my gamecube) I wish there was an HD remaster or something like that...
Legend of Dragoon so underrated. That game is amazing
it was the jam when it came out. everybody knows of it. it's just underrated now because nun of the new generation know how much better the older games were
+Bryan Davis well said..well said..wish they make a second one
+Romnys Gonzalez i replay Legend of dragoon almost every year, i wish they would remake it with todays graphics but leave the story untouched. i think it would turn out beautiful, one of my favorite combat systems too
+Romnys Gonzalez love that game.
I think was make the old games better back in the days was the Surprise factor. In this Gen the people know everything about the game months before the game come out.
I remember buying LoD in the store and i was like "Oh men the cover look fucking awesome". Nobody in the store knows about the game and without google to answer what this game is all about. i didnt know this was one of the best RPG ever until mid 2000's
any fans of the golden sun games out there?
fucking LOVE Golden Sun series! GBA ones are easily my favorite ones!
I loved the first two for GBA, but I REALLY love Dark Dawn. Played it like 4 times !!
I was totally enthralled by Golden Sun.
I beat dark dawn so many times I lost count
yaaas whoo!!!
Golden sun really aged so well that I still play it over and over again, sometimes I even forget that its release over a decade ago.
No Legend of Legaia?! Bullshit. That was my most favorable JRPG on the PS1, and it was underrated just because it was released the same year when FF7 was released as well.
Legaia > FF7
+Marcio Cardoso Oops. I misread that from the Wiki page, but yeah. Legaia was the best.
+MegaMarcoX15 Legaia is easilly in my top3 JRPG's and I agree was neglected and overlooked due to FF7 just like other JRPG's such as Grandia and Breath of Fire III that were also released in the later to end of 1997
+MegaMarcoX15 It was such a unique JRPG and I have loved it since I was 8th. I cannot help but love that game and continue to play it at least once a year. You have good taste. Legaia > FF7
I think so too that Legend Of Legaia is one of the best! :)
I agree. LoL was great!!! Legend of Legaia, I mean.
I saw Dart in the thumbnail and my heart skipped a beat
Basically my childhood right there lol
Michael Fenton me too I love Legend of Dragoon!
Oh man... remember the fight with the SECOND Virage?!
Honestly the thumbnail was an instant click for me haha
+Anarchy Blu me too XD
No mention of Lost Odyssey. Awesome game. Under appreciated due to being released for the xb360 which tanked in Japan. Hoping for a remaster release for PS4 one day.
This game was really awesome =)
krillarbran Only game to ever make me cry. The first of the Tales of a Thousand Years or whatever it's called.
omegagilgamesh The one about the prisoner who turns blind when he rushes to see daylight really got to me.
Pretty much every JRPG that doesn't have Final Fantasy or Tales in its title in the seventh generation. Almost all of them were released in 2008 for Xbox360 in order to persuade people to buy a 360. But they didn't. They remained loyal to Sony, thus them, and their little brother Last Story, are extremely underrated. Granted. Lost Odyssey is miles better than the rest and is the only real reason to buy a 360.
Lost odyssey the best 3d Final Fantasy the worlds come too see and sadly dont even know it!!
In my opinion, Legend of Dragoon should've been #1.
My love for LoD will never fade away, my older brother and I still play it till this day.
+Aaron Carter p.s. Thank you for mentioning the best jrpg game of all time and I feel really nostalgic that so many ppl in the comments love Legend of Dragoon as much as I do, on the cool that almost makes me wanna cry.
+Albert Meadows no doubt about it my friend.
loved that game
+Aaron Carter No
Boy....what I would do for a Legend of Dragoon sequel
+Micheal Sands I would even take a remake
I have a copy of it for the psx
+Micheal Sands
No... no you wouldn't. todays game publishers are evil greedy wallet vampires that corrupt everything they touch! if they ever did a ramake it would be a twisted limping abomination with painful pustules filled with microtransactions!
+Albert Meadows
yet... believe me they would given half the chance.
Albert Meadows
I hate to be the one to tell you this but as a fanboy I'm afraid your brain cells have already committed suicide.
I'd like to see the Shadow Hearts games and the Legend of Dragoon remastered.
Man, Shadow Hearts was the shit. The atmosphere for that game was awesome.
We all would love that! Especially a remake of The Legend of Dragoon. But Shadow Hearts Covenant story and atmospheres were so good as well.
Ah, loved both games
still no legend of Legia
+Alex Ninten Agreed
+Alex Ninten Agreed
yeah prince cort is not amused
+Alex Ninten omg that game was awesome :D
No respect.
SUIKODEN fans here!anyone..
+Khairul Izwan Suikoden is good, just not as good as Phantasy Star, Alundra/Landstalker, Vandal Hearts, or Skies of Arcadia
+Khairul Izwan Sorry dude, every fan was killed off by Neclord.
(now known as KONAMI)
Suikoden 2 is arguably one of the best (if not the best) RPGs of all time. We need a whole series of suikoden with that art style. Just a legendary game.
+Khairul Izwan Currently replaying Suikoden 2. Oh the nostalgia.
Here are some more;
Jade Cocoon, Brave Fencer Musashi, Grandia, Vandal Hearts, Suikoden, Breath of Fire, Front Mission, Legend of Legaia, Sakura Wars, and Steambot Chronicles.
Suikoden isn't forgotten, nor is BOF. God call on the others.
Nick Cervenka The last Suikoden game came out over ten years ago, and the last true Breath of Fire came out fourteen years ago. I'd say that they have definitely been forgotten. Maybe not by their die hard fans, but certainly by their developers.
This is a list of games where people are all, "oh shit yeah, I forgot about that game."
the last GOOD SUIKODEN game was #2
Stewart M 3 and 5 were great
Tales of Vesperia in mentions? What? Most all the Tales games, including that one are not even close to being forgotten.
+MrChronickills and yet no mention at all of Baten Kaidos
It's probably because it was on the 360 while the others were all on PS2 and PS3.
flameknuckle12 actually it was on the game cube
Aexeiz I was talking about Tales of Vesperia
flameknuckle12 ah
Holy shit, where to begin.
Golden Sun, Suikoden, Xenogears, Baten Kaitos, Grandia, Lufia, Luminous Arc...
+voyan38 It's okay though, I forgive them. They put Suikoden 2 and Xenogears in their top 10 JRPG's of all time list
xenogears lives on through xenoblade though
+David Ribeiro except it's not related at all. they are only close in name
tycho042 i wouldnt say that xenogears is forgotton though because there are still xeno games being released. In fact, after xenoblade x came out the price for gears went up from the desire of new xeno fans to play it. And im sure if Nintendo aquired the rights to xenogears monolithsoft and takahashi would make a sequel.
+David Ribeiro hm. didn't think all of the xeno games were related. I stand corrected.
Legend of Dragoon should be higher than 5
You got to remember personal opinions differ, the things you may have really loved about the game others may not have liked as much. Different strokes for different folks.
Will Finnegan it not forgotten at all
Ive found either you know the Legend of Dragoon or dont.
I justify it's spot on the list to myself by the fact it was pretty big when it came out and sold pretty well. Maybe not as successful as they hoped (they spent a long time and a lot of money on the game) but it was still pretty successful becoming a greatest hits title. But yeah, with only a re-release digitally during the ps3's life cycle it seems to have fallen into obscurity over the years for everyone but people who loved it back then.
Legend of the Dragoon should have been #1.
+Amiibo Trainers it is the best
+Amiibo Trainers When the PS1 was the big thing I played that game pretty much non stop!
+Amiibo Trainers played that game a lot back when I was a video game junkie.
+Amiibo Trainers ikr
Star Ocean: The Second Story. One of my all-time favorite games.
Yes, it is a gem!
There's a new one coming out!!
Star Ocean is the JRPG series that made me completely overlook the Tales games. Until I picked up Zestiria last month. They play the same is all I heard growing up.
+MrHermanVargas You were lied to! Each Tales game has a a constantly updating system, some good and some bad. The first several ones were strictly side scrolling (See: Eternia, Destiny, Phantasia) and later got adapted to a more 3D Environment (Symphonia, Vesperia, Abyss, and all after those as well. Legendia too if I recall), but even then the combat/combo system has changed and adapted, sometimes becoming cleaner sometimes just adding an interesting trick. Zestiria is, apparently, one of the lesser stories of the Tales series. If you wanna get into it Symphonia and Abyss are the sweethearts (alongside Phantasia, which is the first and had a GBA port). My personal favorite is Vesperia. But there are A LOT and the stories are never short so if you try them be ready for a long, but good, drive.
You're right. I'm about a dozen hours into Zestiria and my only complaint so far combat wise is the lack of free movement without taking that penalty. Other than that I'm enjoying it despite not playing a JRPG in over 10 years.
The Last Remnant was the fucking shit. Still pissed that there wasn't enough demand when the producer said a sequel was possible if people started asking for it during a FFXIV Q&A. Guess it's just meant to have a small following nowadays.
Chilling Villain I LOVED it, though I never finished. Sometimes the grinding drove me insane, but I still adored the characters enough - especially David and his relationship with the protagonist, far more accessible than most royalty/nobles in games. Wish I hadn't sold my copy...
But I've come across a lot of people who said it was really mediocre and not worth the time. While I acknowledge there was a lot they could have improved, it really got the short end of the stick.
Came for legend of the dragoon
+Ivan BIndarovich me 2 . hehe.
+Ivan BIndarovich dito
+Ivan BIndarovich
Great game!
+Ivan BIndarovich same the pic was hard core click bait for me
+Ivan BIndarovich 3 was the best.
I don't remember if it was any good or not, but does anyone else here remember Jade Cocoon? The Lunar games and Legend of Dragoon were two of my favorite PS1 games ever, along with the well known Final Fantasy games.
Jade Cocoon was one of my favourite games on ps1! Along side... well, most of the jrpgs on this list XD.
I'd say Digital Devil Saga
no rpg in general has been able to have a similar mood to it, the architecture is amazing too
Vagrant Story
Parasite Eve
Lost Odyssey
Blue Dragon
Brave Fencer Musashi
Kingdoms of Amalur is not a JRPG.
+K1NG M1DWAY Parasite eve wasn't an forgotten game, the original got plenty of press time and spawned 2 sequels. Agreed, Brave Fencer Musashi should have been on this list.
Not having the Lost Odyssey on here really blew my mind. That game was near perfect.
Albert Meadows jarpg then, in either case it was a japanese game with rpg elements. Which qualifies for me.
Came in here expecting to say "Skies of Arcadia should be on here." Blown away it was number 1, rightly so. Amazing game. I would also add the original Suikoden. People only seem to talk about 2 rather than the original.
Xenosaga series gets overlooked a lot but for those who know about Albido (crazy bastard) it does get some recognition. Thank you joshscorcher.
Tania Bams yes!! I love that series. I wish they would bring it to ps2 releases on ps4. Sure the cinematics can get long winded, but it's a great story.
Tania Bams I have been in love with Albedo since I was 12.💓💓💓💓💓
Xenosaga is one of the greatest RPG trilogies of all time. All the characters are great. Way ahead of its time.
It definitely needs a another sequel or at least a complete remaster
What?! Where's Golden Sun??
+superchief86 Great game, but probably wouldn't consider it forgotten. It is fairly popular among JRPG fans.
Andrew Phillips
Oh good. Well that's fair enough then :)
+superchief86 00:23
The third one wasn't that good... The first two were awesome, and I wouldn't really call it forgotten... But I'm pretty sure we won't get a fourth one
Raúl Márquez Yeah Dark Dawn pales in comparison to the first 2 games, but I still found it somewhat solid and worth playing. I think the problem was it felt very tacked on.
.Hack// should be here
+Samuel Acosta My Nigga
***** My nigga, my nigga.
+Samuel Acosta Both the original series as well as G.U.
Skies of Arcadia...pure beauty.
If you've never seen the lush jungles of Ixa'taka sailing below you, the hanging city of Glacia underneath a continent-sized iceberg, or entered the disturbing Dark Rift, or beheld the might of Soltis as it emerges from the depts and rains doom, all this while traversing one of the best damn cool world maps ever made on the mighty Delphinus, you have not seen one of the most awesome jewels in the history of JRPGs. Beauty indeed.
What are you waiting for?! Go purchase a Game Cube and this game. You won't ever regret it.
Masterpiece in every way
I dunno, I think there's a difference between cult classic and forgotten. Dragoon is mos def not forgotten, nor is skies, or vesperia, as all three are still spoken of frequently and fondly by JRPG fans. Lost Oddysey, maybe, I have a soft spot for blue dragon. There's also Legend of Legia, the Granstream Saga, Grandia, Enchanted Arms, Vagrant Story, Okage Shadow King, Evolution Worlds, The Digital Devil Saga games, La Pucelle Tactics, Pandora's Tower, Arc Rise Fantasia, I can go on for days.
good old jrpg days
legend of dragoon when it was released was most definitely a forgotten RPG its only years later has it gotten popular. when i first got the LoD game no one played it no one had ever heard it but now years later its now got the attention is deserves.
So it isnt forgotten.
No one played it? It sold almost 1 millions copies here in NA alone. It wasnt the hit that FF7 was, but it definitely didnt tank either. I didnt do so well in Japan though, which is the reason Sony neglects it, but It did very well here in the states for a jrpg.
correction 960k copied were sold in america alone, thats barely even a handful of the america and 280k in japan. Sure it's become the top 5 best selling digital copied but thats only bc the serious only recently became popular when the game were released in america.
What about lost odyssey? or is that just me?
+Leo Kenny Not just you, expected it to be #1.
+Leo Kenny Yeah I was expecting it to show up as well
+Leo Kenny Lack of Lost Odyssey and Nier shows how voting just doesn't work for lists ^^
+Raektis I forgot neir! God bless platinum! the one will awesome!
+Leo Kenny That deserves a lot of love. Truly.
Thank you for including Eternal Sonata. This game is unique and can be found nowhere in the standard community. By the way, the battle system is very challenging, especially on Encore Mode. Some of the bosses will tear you apart at your first try. Also because they sometimes get these random cutscenes before they use skills and you use block too early...I hated that, but it looks cool, too.
I'm playing legend of the dragoon right now
You have good taste ;)
I bought it yesterday and love it so far
+Chris Papa I am too currently. Just recently restarted the game.
Gamekicker where? Lol
My brother got me a ps1 copy for my birthday. Best gift
Legend of Legaia.
catbatbomb yaaaaassssssss!
catbatbomb yaaassss! i just did a run through of the first one, halfway done with number 2
i played it 6 times, still my favorite along legend of mana, and chrono series
Loved it, the fighting system is so cool
best on its time^^
No Valkyrie Profile or Vagrant Story?
Valkyrie Profile is very popular. But im agree with Vagrant Story
I think that because Vagrant Story has linked with Final Fantasy .
Isn't Vagrant Story part of FF Tactics/XII universe?
luqmanr yep it's set in Ivalice
To hell with FF7 Remake. Give me FFT and Vagrant Story Remake. Dumb-ass Square.
I think that Shining Force Series, should be on the list. I really Love that game.
+Rafael S. Nascimento Well stated. That and Gaurdian Heroes for the Sega Saturn.
+Rafael S. Nascimento You, Sir, deserve my upvote. I also was a big fan of the Shining Series.
What? How is Tales of Vesperia an honorable mention? Its one of the best Tales of games... Why couldn't the PS3 ver be released outside of Japan...
+ShadowEliteHD Couldn't agree with you more. I know the English version was an unfinished product but it is still one of the best JRPGs games to date, both as a Tales of title and on its own for a fun battle system and damn good characters.
+ShadowEliteHD Never knew it was any good. being an Xbox exclusive jrpg is not a good idea.
+ShadowEliteHD the video is top 10 forgotten JRPGs, while is likely a really good game(I haven’t played any tales game) it is part of a fairly well known series and at least it did get a ps3 release somewhere thus I think it was pushed down the list as it wasn't as unheard of.
+ShadowEliteHD Because everyone knows Vesperia is one of the best Tales games, and it hasn't really been forgotten nor is it underrated. It doesn't get the love it should get, but it hasn't been tossed by the wayside like Skyes or Lunar.
Fun fact, the release of ToV in Japan as an Xbox 360 exclusive caused the console to completely sell out from retail stores in the country for the first time in history.
10. 0:29 Eternal Sonata
9. 1:18 Odin Sphere
8. 2:10 Alundra
7. 2:46 Lunar: Silverstar Story Complete
6. 3:38 Wild Arms
5. 4:20 Legend of Dragoon
4. 5:04 Dark Cloud 2 (Dark Chronicle)
3. 5:44 Shadow Hearts: Covenant
2. 6:28 Phantasy Star
* 7:10 Quest 64
* 7:15 The Last Remnant
* 7:21 The Last Story
* 7:26 Infinite Undiscovery
* 7:31 Vandal Hearts
* 7:36 Tales of Vesperia
1. 7:42 Skies of Arcadia
Seriously, no Ys? NO YS!? Does anyone even know the game exists?
+Dylan Cooper Ys is definitely unknown, the Legend of heroes games from the same company are also never mentioned. I love both so it's too bad :(
+Dylan Cooper when I got my super Nintendo I got the 3rd one and hunting the others.
+Dylan Cooper I think what it boils down to is... the greatest actual forgotten games are actually forgotten. Meaning these numb nuts wouldn't find it. Like Ys, among others.
+Dylan Cooper I dunno, there are plenty of Ys games around and I think Origins and 7 were pretty well received by critics and fans alike.
+Dylan Cooper i love ys!!
my top 10 favorite that was forgotten was..
1. Chrono Trigger
2. Lufia
3. Suikoden
4. Legend of Dragoon
5. Saga Frontier
6. Tales of Destiny
7. Final Fantasy Tactics
8. Xenogears
9. Secret of Evermore
10. Valkyrie Profile.
+zero11322 You get my like just for having Chrono Trigger as your top pick. Man that game would be incredible if they remade it for current gen
Grailsarvas Yeah i never got into the tactics on other systems.
Chrono Trigger really deserves a remake tho..
Game would be so awesome. I just want to see what chrono trigger would be like with the graphics and clarity of today.
+zero11322 - He must be trolling. Noone is dumb enough to name Chrono Trigger as a forgotten game.
+skins4thewin Wasn't it also like "never got the atention it deserved" or so? Maybe he thinks it should have been even more famous?
Animexxkyubii Well majority of these RPGs did became really famous during the time it came out. Back you also have to remember that during those times there really wasn't that many gamer's as compared to now a days.
FF7 was a game that was highly remembered because it was released at the perfect time on the right system. During those times, Playstation, N64 and Saturn was still fairly new. Also it was Squaresofts first rpg in full 3D. Just the graphics, creativity, music and everything was very good back then during that time.
I honestly think Chrono Trigger could have been more popular if had been released earlier like in 1992-1993 and such. Chrono Trigger kind of came out during the end of the SNES era if im not mistaken.
1. Beyond the Beyond
2. Breath of Fire Series
3. Xeno Gears
4. Grandia
5. Secret of Mana
DarkChyld80 Are you joking?
DarkChyld80 I REALLY hope you're joking lmao
Secret of Mana getting remake!
Those aren't even forgotten lmao
No Grandia, Legend of Legia, Baten Kaitos or Valkyrie Profile
Baiten kaitos!
+DevilMayCare4 SteelgodLink aaa, Grandia was a masterpiece. Played it not too long ago on an emulator again. The nostalgia hit really hard
+DevilMayCare4 SteelgodLink glad someone else noticed something missing here..
jesus Baten Kaitos is so obscure even the obscure list doesn't recognize it
Ahh Baten Kaitos Origins was so great. Good combos, Good Battle System So many twists in the story and an amazing soundtrack
+DevilMayCare4 SteelgodLink Grandia II was the very first JPRG I played so I got loads of nostalgia for that game. Still one of my favorites and the game was so influential on me that it helped me become the person I am today thanks to all the philosophical stuff it touched upon. Helped me become a better person. I still think Ryudo has one of the best character developments in any game.
The Legend of Heroes Trails in the Sky trilogy from Nihon Falcom deserves a huge mention in my book. ☺
Come on......not even an Honorable Mention for Parasite Eve?
Childhood nostalgia
isnt that from action based though? and their was an import of it on psp
Drew Lytle NOT forgotten
SERIOUSLY! My god, that game jumped out from my past and I can't stop thinking about it! I'm still waiting on an HD re-release or updated sequel or something...
I know right?
YES SKIES OF ARCADIA. Someone finally knows what it is!!
What an underrated beauty it is
I am here because of the thumbnail! Finally someone loves Legend of the Dragoon just like me!
I was quite surprised to find skies of arcadia on #1 on this list. Back when I was a young teenager, that game was one of my absolute favourite JRPGs. Never noticed that I was living in a small bubble of me and my friends, loving this game like crazy, not noticing that it is actually very underrated and many people have never heard of it.
JRPGs are the reason games today even make any money. Notice how every popular game incorporates heavy RPG elements to it to increase life span. COD, Destiny, World of Warcraft, any MOBA.
I'm honestly surprised Rogue Galaxy, Lucifer's Call, Digital Devil Saga or Valkyrie Profile weren't mentioned!
I'd have put rogue galaxy here before dark cloud 2 lol non of these games on this list are even remotely forgotten.
I agree. Skies of arcadia was amazing . Wild arms series are also underrated
Rogue Galaxy? D:
+Uncle Jellyfish exactly
+Uncle Jellyfish If it's not on the list, then it's a good sign. You know, not really forgotten. xD
Still it was very under rated
+Uncle Jellyfish Well not really anymore since it's now on PSN to play on ps4. Actually I'm in the process of playing it now lol.
Shadow Hearts the first one on PS2 was really somekind of teasure gem, never i've played a RPG with this kind of dark atmosphere, at least not till the Witcher games.
Plus the setting of the game is not something that is really used often, During/after WW1.
Legend of Dragoon was a really decent RPG, just the last part of the game that was kinda meh, but a really enjoyable game.
Star Ocean 3 was a nice JRPG.
If you really want a dark/occult JRPG, you should play more Shin Megami Tensei.
I just wanted Skies mentioned, it's super cool that you gave it the top spot! I would have loved a sequel, but idk what they would have done for the storh
Rogue Galaxy ?
They did mention Dark Chronicle atleast ^_^ I regret not buying it for the PS2 when I had the chance though.
Rogue Galaxy just got a re-release before Christmas. :-/
+TheDarkPremonition Another great game that missed the mark....
+TheDarkPremonition that was my favorite ps2 game growing up. just saw yesterday that its in the playstation store for $15. i was so happy.
+xXHey You PicklechuXx Yeah I just looked it up, holy shit what I would give to play that again. Once I buy my own PS4 it might be one of the first games I decide to buy.
Where's Shining Force?
+Jonathan Sandstorm (xXGalacticGumXx) +1 Was exactly what I was gonna ask. No Vagrant Story either. Oh well, at least Vandal Hearts got a mention.
yeah at least Vandal Hearts did made it
When it came to Shining Force, Shining Force CD for Sega CD was the best one.
I was thinking the same thing!
I know this was 4 years ago but big up you for mentioning shining force.
Skies of Arcadia is truly excellent. It doesn't do anything revolutionary, but it does every single RPG trope SO so right. Great side questing, beautiful soundtrack, interesting battle system, long story, just enjoyable all around
Holy crap... One of the villains is Cubert Farnsworth... 5:19
Lol. Glad I wasn't the only one who caught that.
+Budsygus yeah caught that too.
I knew I recognized that voice, isn't that Phil from rugrats also?
+Havok Sosa wow. indeed it is. never realized they were voiced by the same person.
Logan me neither until now, that's pretty cool.
Legend of Dragoon, Skies of Arcadia, and Vandal Hearts were amazing games! Also, you forgot about Suikoden.
Absolutely agree with the #1 pick here! Skies of Arcadia needs a sequel, like, LAST DECADE!
I really liked the 'Evolution' series on the Dreamcast. Also, I'm not sure if this counts, but 'Folklore' on PS3 should have gotten more love.
folklore did have pretty addictive combat
Yea, not many games used the Dualshock's motion controls well, but I loved the mechanic of "fishing" for the monster's souls
+The810kid that was its most annoying part imo. and the reason I didn't beat it ^^;
+Flounderboy15 Evolution was so darn cute... even though just a dungeon crawler ( or roguelike?) it was very charming character and story wise.
Shadow Hearts, the entire series is amazing. Yuri & Alice's story is so sad. The end of Covenant, if you get the best ending will "Blow your mind"! Dark Cloud 1 & 2 are faves of mine. You forgot to mention Rogue Galaxy & Radiata Stories.
Yes! Finally a list with a No. 1 I can agree with. Skies of Arcadia is one of the best games I've ever played. Also glad to see a mention for the vastly underrated Vandal Hearts. But as much as I love Wild Arms - I am doing a play through on the original PS1 classic on my PSP as we speak - can we really call it forgotten? It had four sequels, a spin off tactics game, and a remake of the original. It almost has as many games as the Suikoden series!
Still own Dark Cloud 2. Beaten it twice and I still don't feel like I've gotten everything, this game was huge and was my childhood :(
+Burner2K0 I'm trying to get the game on Amazon, but they want 90$+ for it....
Still have the game. . . couldn't finish it because it stopped working for some reason D;
+Chris C. If I'm not mistaken, if you have PS4, I think I saw Dark Cloud 2 downloadable for $14.99.
Gil Francis Abinal
Keeping a mental note when I get and PS4. Thank you!
+Burner2K0 Fuck yeah, I've replayed it a few times. It's very tempting to grind (which you can easily get VERY grindy in this game), which puts you way ahead of the difficulty curve, so when I replay RPGs I try to speedrun as much as I can, especially since you can get the late-game stuff early through a saved Photo Album, as to not make it easy for myself.
First time I played, I grinded to max out Steve's core while still in the forest chapter! I think that run got to +180 hours, I think I could do it under 40 nowadays if I perfectly resisted the siren lure of grinding.
This is incredible!
A masterpiece. A respect every gamer that has finished that game. A real challenge! And the storyline, so dark, depressing and mysterious. 10/10.
Legend of Heroes series? The franchise flew under the radar for a damn long time until they had Trails in the Sky on steam and it gained a cult following.
I'm sick of trails of the sky thanks to Jason Schrier of Kotaku.
Nick Cervenka Wait what?
Stories Dreamer Try that again sober.
Legend of Dragoon... Never did a game more deserving of a sequal get blown off. I keep two copies of this game at all times in two separate locations. Just in case.
love that Alundra got a mention! loved that game as a kid and will continue to forget alundra 2 ever happened lol
Where is Rogue Galaxy?
Why does nobody know this masterpiece?
It has lots of different characters, a great story, a crafting system, a good battlesystem, many plantes to explore and lot of humorous moments.
Sometimes, I think I'm the only one who knows that game.
Rogue Galaxy I♥U *sniff*
Rouge Galaxy was fantasic and clearly was ahead of its time
Great game! The mechanics were awesome!
@@varyndirgaming664 agreed!
Yup, Rogue Galaxy is great - I've still got a working copy but I don't take it out the box often now.
I'm a simple man, I see Dart, I press like.
Aside from the addition and dragoon system, Legend of Dragoon is also fantastic because the world is unusually beautiful and realized for the era. It's huge and filled with detail.
Resonance of Fate ( PS3 and 360) was forgotten because it launched the same year as FF13.
Good game, convoluted combat system.
If threads of fate is not here, I swear to fuck...
... WHY?!?!
+David Mejia Jr. (Yellowturtle258) Because no one remembers that game, its so sad. I have been waiting for a sequel for years and it will probably never come.
+David Mejia Jr. (Yellowturtle258) I know right?
Just a few that I could remember: Xenogears, Vagrant Story, Legend of Gaia, Legend of Mana and Parasite Eve.
Legend of Dragoon needs to come back
Loved lod
I never got very far after the main character becomes a dragoon
I should go back and play it again
omg the last remnant. ive been searching for games like that. its so underrated.
im a simple man, i see Legend of Dragoon i click
Straight up!
I think this list is lacking Valkyrie Profile, and maybe the Seiken Densetsu (Mana) series.
Though I guess SD got a number of sequels (and a recent mobile game in JP) and is not easily forgotten. VP was an awesome game and suddenly, no more mentions. It did got 3 games and one remaster. Well, guess there is no way to extend the story after all.
+Maiko Gabriel Kinzel Engelke Agreed, Valkyrie Profile was probably one of the best PS1 JRPGs, one of the few with expansive voice acting and a dynamic combat system.
+Maiko Gabriel Kinzel Engelke VP was pretty good. That combo attack system was pretty cool. I think it had a sequel.
yeah, it had to sequels, VP2 Silmeria (PS2), VP Convenant of the Plum (Which from what I heard is basically based on Hrist), and the Remaster of the first game: VP Lenneth, so one game for each Valkyrie.
well that's a bit of cool irony , this video was posted on my 36th birthday and I have been a RPG fan since the 8bit days lol. Hey WatchMojo I strongly believe you guys should consider doing a top10 modern jrpg style games list
Good list, kinda surprised Lost Odyssey (360) wasnt there.
+Lance Morse I was thinking the same thing T____T
+Lance Morse
Well, to be fair, *Lost Odyssey* is far from being "forgotten". Whenever people discusses about what's the best JRPG on the Xbox, the first one that would come to mind is Lost Odyssey.
Omg I want skies of Arcadia so bad
Micheal Hutchcraft it need PC remastered
im so glad i got it for my gc out of the sales bin. i didnt even know it was such a gem at the time, just thought the description on the back was cool with the airships n all
That is an awesome game.
Mojo has obviosly not heard of Valkyrie profile. That's one true forgotten classic. And very valuable in nowdays too 👍
No love for Jade Cocoon? Out of the games I've played that one stuck out the most while being "forgettable."
Loved that game, I remember playing this with my two best friends. We each had a monster to train and whenever we needed one for the element advantage we had to give up to controller to the owner. Stayed up many hours at night over the weekend to train our monsters lol.
Damn, I forgot about Legend of Dragoon! That game was awesome!!!!!
I love the comment section here. Instead of salty comments and insults, which is kinda ''normal'' for any UA-cam video, you'll only see names of good/great RPGs that left a mark on our childhood. Gotta love this.
Check out one of their wrpg list. When it comes to wrpgs, ohhh boy.
Does anybody remember Beyond Oasis for the Sega Genesis?
+ChrisCa1601 yeah but idk if is jrpg or simple rpg (west)
+ChrisCa1601 I remember, it was a good Japanese action RPG back in the day. I actually have a copy of The Legend of Oasis for the Saturn sitting on my desk waiting to be played again.
I'm surprised there was no Breath of Fire or Tales of Destiny.
Tales of Destiny Remake is the greatest in the series.
+Rei I agree
So glad Skies of Arcadia got the top spot - definitely one of my favourite games of all time!
I still have Legend of Dragoon for PlayStation 1 all parts. :(
I finished disc 1, lost disc 2, still have disc 3 and 4 XD.
+kumbirai muringi you can play it on a emulator on pc :3
Top 10 biggest open world games.
If that happens, I know that Red Dead Redemption, Batman Arkham Knight, Metal Gear Solid V, Xenoblade Chronicles X and Fallout 4 are gonna be in there.
+Alvin Risk you forgot the witcher 3.
Oh yeah, definitely. Ar this point, unless people have been living under a rock, it should be pretty easy to see what'll make the list
+Alvin Risk if its biggest then just cause has to be in it also skyrim
Fuel or minecraft would be #1 I reckon
Legend of Dragoon is and forever will be my favorite game of all time.... im glad that I saw Dart in the Thumbnail...👍👍👍
Top 10 rage moments in Anime (when characters get angry)
That's a good one..
+Mateo Allo If Gurren Lagann isn't in that, there's something wrong with WatchMojo. 40% of that anime is pure rage.
lol Gintoki from Gintama have a lot of rage moment
legend of dragoon is my favorite game ever its what got me hooked on games that game was a master peace it should have taken off not final fantasy pls somebody make a remake or sequel get it back out their.
Wild Arms and Skies of Arcadia, two of my absolute favorites.
Valkyrie Profile. There are others but this game is a must and didn't even receive an honorable mention. There is still one Valkyrie left, the company has been bought out by a mobile phone game company, and they keep focusing on other games that apparently fans like better like Drakengaurd. Screw that! Give me my Valkyrie Profile 3! I would say The Shining Series as well but may not count as a JRPG. Destiny of an Emperor for the NES was great and I don't hear much talk about it. Panzer Dragoon Saga as well just for a Saturn Title.
I think the rights to VP are from Enix and they are busy with DQ11
Definitely a Tri Ace game. Square just publishes it.
SpykSaturn Valkyrie profile 3 wouldn't be a good idea unless it was a side story
Nimbereth And they SHOULD be busy with the ff7 remake and Kh 3
what about arc the lad
and onimusha
Yes! Arc the Lad is so underrated
+aceking1221 Arc the Lad Collection and Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits were amazing rpgs.
A little sad that Lost Odyssey isn't even mentioned. It's one of my favorite games of all time, but I don't know of many people who have heard of it, let alone played it.
What about Radiata Stories?
+Ace51992 Oh yeah, such a stupid (in a good way) and funny RPG. I loved how dumb the protagonist was and how goofy he walked.
+Somebody Somewhere lol I know right. also you can't go wrong kicking people in the shin on the over world xD
+Ace51992 oh i remember that gem!!.
Grandia 1, 2 and 3 .... all amazing games =]
The number 3 was not so good
I disagree it was every bit as awesome as the first two games.
I loved Grandia 1 and 2. 3 was ok but Extreme was boring as fuck.
Skies of Arcadia 2
Actually Grandia 3 has best battle system of all grandia games. Developers did really great job with it.
VANDAL HEARTS! Im so glad that you guys mentioned this game. It's so GOOD!
But....where's Baten Kaitos or Baten Kaitos Origins???
I was really hoping it would've made it on the list.
+Colton Bertagnolli Yes, loved both games. Although BK 2 only had 3 characters, it made an already interesting fighting system even better and had some kick-ass music. I could only play the second game via freeloader.
(Only reason I still got my gamecube) I wish there was an HD remaster or something like that...