How to Not Be Your Own Energy Vampire

  • Опубліковано 24 чер 2024
  • Welcome to Day 16 of the 52-Day RENEW Challenge! Today, we are focusing on a crucial aspect of energy management: ensuring that we are not our own energy vampires. After identifying external sources of de-energizing behaviors and circumstances, it’s time to turn inward and examine if we are guilty of draining our own energy.
    Steps to Stop Being Your Own Energy Vampire:
    1. Audit Your Internal Self-Talk:
    You cannot achieve great things if you constantly berate, chastise, and judge yourself critically. In a powerful session with my executive coach recently, I realized that despite my ambition and success-oriented mindset, I carried internal thoughts and beliefs that were working against me. For instance, I often thought, “I can't catch a break. All the good things in my life always have a shadow of bad. Why can't it ever be all good for me?” This internalized script was demotivating and draining me of energy. It wasn’t anyone else saying this to me-it was me! I was my own energy vampire. I had to learn to change that internal disposition and stop foreboding that anytime something good happened, something bad was around the corner.
    *Strategy:* Identify limiting beliefs. You may need help doing this-either with a close friend, a trusted advisor, or a coach.
    2. Baptize Every Situation as Good:
    I once read about a retired priest who no longer baptizes children but baptizes situations. When something adverse happens in his life, he does not judge it-he simply baptizes it and changes its name to good, in the name of The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. What a powerful way to look at circumstances! We can decide that whatever is happening to us is happening for us instead of against us.
    *Strategy:* Change your perspective. Reframe adverse situations as beneficial or opportunities for growth.
    3. Be Accountable to Someone:
    Ask someone you trust to call you out when you say anything inconsistent with the new goals and new ways of thinking/believing that you set for yourself. Accountability can help ensure you stay on track and reinforce positive self-talk.
    *Strategy:* Find an accountability partner. This could be a friend, family member, or mentor who understands your goals and is willing to support you in maintaining a positive mindset.
    Reflective Practice:
    As you move forward today, take some time to reflect on your internal dialogue. Write down any negative thoughts or limiting beliefs you notice. Then, reframe these thoughts into positive affirmations. Share your reflections with your accountability partner and ask for their support in keeping you on track.
    By auditing your internal self-talk, baptizing every situation as good, and being accountable to someone, you can stop being your own energy vampire and conserve your energy for the things that truly matter. Let’s commit to these practices and continue on our path to renewal with a positive and energized mindset.
    Wishing you a transformative and enlightening Day 16!
    Warm regards,
    Yawa Hansen-Quao
    Founder of the 52-Day RENEW Challenge