0 seconds ago He is a genius. He was a straight A student in Boston. A token black. 2024 because the only great improvement for blacks is under neo slavery aka Satanism aka Freemasonry or Masinry
Yeah, that is wonderful isn't it? A real discussion, an exploration of the issues and difficulties, even when the people talking disagree. How is it we have gone so backward in this? Don't look for this in the media. They thrive on conflict and sensationalized strife. I have to tune in to various podcasts and UA-cam to hear this kind of thing these days.
I was taught in high school (texas) MalcolmX was a terrorist. I'm glad i didn't listen or accept that. he's the only man, black or otherwise, who when he talks about women (in his case black women) he exudes protection. i'll never forget when i heard him say, "who taught you to hate the color of your skin" it took my breath away. i think MalcolmX is the kind of man God had in mind when He created man.
Wow, unbelievable! I also re-approached my black middle school social studies teacher, while grown and asked why she taught us lies. She readily and firmly said that she taught what she was told to teach. Oh what a shame!. I wouldn't take such a job that would further enslave my own people. (predominantly black school)
They push MLK Jr because he’s nonviolent and they want people to be nonviolent. It’s beneficial to the system. Malcolm X philosophy is better than MLK. MLK was for himself and worked for the government to keep blacks down, nothing he did help further blacks people at all!!
@@lisagooch3740to be fair, it's possible that you would, if your own education was lacking, such that you wouldn't know the information you were taught, was a lie. The honest liar has no awareness of the error in their understanding.
What about OUR MESSIAH YAHWEH BEN YAHWEH? Did you see the work - I loved Malcolm biography. However I actual witness the work The Messiah YAHWEH BEN YAHWEH is Victorious!
Malcolm was so eloquent. As a young guy it’s like going back in time to hear something like this, amazing history and what a brilliant speaker and hero.
Malcolm X is one of the few African American leaders in our history that helped me to figure out my space within American culture. His story, intelligence and example helps me to navigate my life to this day..
Malcolm X would never call himself an "African American." It's disrespectful to an ancestor to misrepresent the beliefs they adhered to while living. Particularly those held in captivity
I was born in the 50s MalcolmX is my political mentor I love that man l have all his Records and his tapes, when i pass from this walk of life my son wants those records😃
Don’t wait until you pass to share those artifacts with the world. Start a channel and share it now! Taki inventory of what you have and insure it! Keep that safe!
It can hold true to y’all who are worldly but we are spiritual and this is not Gods desire so it’s a terrible idea. It’s reflective to the devils agenda
I have been listening to Malcolm X since 1990 ! I am now 58 yrs old and I don't get tired of all this information we hear from him thru all of his speeches ! God Bless him !
you dont know who the hell malcolm x is or anything about him. He could speak well, and sometimes correctly and profoundly, but overall he was ignorant, short sighted and a net negative for black people and their progress
his autobiography is brilliant, I can't say he wrote it by himself, but he would be the first to tell u he isn't perfect.. And "let he who is without sin cast the first stone". Why so much hate, @austinlittke7688
@@jasonwakeman His autobiography was written by alex haley, the famous plagiarizer of the book "roots". And theres no hate at all? i admire how malcolm was dynamic and evolved as a person after his trip to mecca, he gets a B for effort and an F for results or vision/intelligence as far as helping black progress. (at times he had great vision and made very poignant observations, but then would in the next sentence immediately contradict himself, flip flop, go another direction, and say something completely self defeating or derogatory about black people and disrespect his compatriots]) My only intent is to let people know not to be impulsive or rush to judgments about malcolm x, and to first educate themselves on him, because he was more famous and notroious than he was an actual pioneer or helper of black progress. Itd be very uneducated and disrespectful to put him in a category with rosa parks, mlk, any of their ilk, of whom his entire life he called uncle tom's and other pejoratuve statements and then denounced every step of progress they made or good thing they did for the black race. I dont think malcolm should be celebrated at all, but he is an interesting character and gives insight ro the zeitgeist.
All Gifts come from the Creator to achieve specific purposes in life....Those must be the big take away....Next how it applies to us as individuals.......Words to the wise! or the would be wise!
@@docmarc36 I disagree that his natural ability to captivate an audience was a learned skill; any more than having a great singing voice is learned. If you remember, in his past life he was an effective con artist. He knew how to communicate with people both individually and collectively as an audience. While I would agree Elijah taught him about the principles of the religion, Malcolm’s natural giftedness is what made people stop and listen. Only Almighty God can gift people with natural talent like he had.
Although, what I did notice, which was problematic for me, was that X wasted time trying too hard to be poetic, or profound - and wouldn't answer specific questions. I think sooooo highly of him and feel he was largely misunderstood as a complex human - in general, and that habit sometimes didn't help bring clarity to his messages. Bayard Rustin is also a powerful force toward the cause and even he was able to identify this type of occasional speaking (and even called X out on it - and compelled X to be more mindful of the specific question). Therefore, I thought X was the most clearest toward the end of the 60-minute conversation.
@@seejames4u I understand what you’re saying but at the same time his use of analogies was very powerful in driving home a point. To provide an example, on many occasions he was labeled a “demagogue”. During his time under Elijah Muhammad (before his split with the Nation) He was asked by a white journalist (during the midst of segregation and the civil rights movement) the following question: “Why do you hate the white man?” His response was a word picture that was extremely impactful in silencing the journalist. Malcom’s response: “That’s like the rapist asking the victim why do you hate me?” Or the Wolf asking the sheep why do you hate me? If someone is oppressing you, why would you love them?” The point of this is to say that many times he used visual language and analogies to drive home a point even if not to the individual with whom he was having the discourse but to the audience member who had a preconceived notion as to who Malcolm was or what he stood for. Remember that the media labeled him as a dangerous hate monger whose sole purpose was to destroy the order of their society. He had a disdain for the pacifist like Rustin and others he felt were a mouthpiece for the establishment. While Rustin was speaking directly to Malcolm X, I think his Malcolm’s way of speaking was largely to impact the audience more so than to his opponent or the moderator.
I have a huge, framed poster of Malcolm X on my wall. Listening to him speak never gets old. Such a strong, unapologetic man who wasn’t afraid to speak truth to power and to also demand that black people take a look at themselves and meet their own responsibilities to their families and communities. Rest in peace good sir. 💐🙏🏾
I am a 59yr old white man.. I have never listened to Malcolm X.. I am very impressed with him.. I don't agree with everything he says but i do agree with most. We need more Malcolm X's in the world.. as a country we have come a long way. However, we have much more work to do.. God bless all God's children
Read a biography on Malcolm X or learn more about him and you wont have this opinion. He was a good speaker and at times he could have his head straight and be profound, but more often he was short-sighted, ignorant, and sabotaged and set back progress for race relations in this country. He called MLK and the most important civil rights leaders uncle toms and denounced them like dogs. They actually had a vision unlike him and were making progress, all he was trying to do was divide black people and sabotage the civil rights movement so his cult, the NOI, could gain more members by taking them away from the civil rights camp. Members, whom, malcolm x sponsored the severe beatings of and turned a blind eye to the sexual abuse of.
Malcolm X was used by Elijah Muhammad. When he realized this, he was greatly distressed and confronted Elijah because not only was he a genuinely moral man who took a stand for truth.
@@abdulwahabmendy292elijah put himself on a pedastal he did not deserve. He was not monagamous and taught the nonsense of Yakub and black supremecy. Malcolm X learned to know he was wrong.
@@ctb7894 with respect, The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad never put himself on any pedestal, he simply stated who he was and his purpose. In truth monogamy has nothing to do with Malcolm’s leaving The Nation of Islam because if being so called “non-monogamous” was an issue, he would’ve shunned Islam altogether because Prophet Muhammad of Arabia (pbuh) had 9 wives. Abraham the ‘friend of God’ also fathered children by multiple women. The history of Yakub and we the white race being non-original and a grafted people isn’t some wild theology, it’s backed up by the science of genetics and Elijah Muhammad never taught black supremacy, he simply taught exactly what Minister Malcolm spoke to in this debate which was the true thorough knowledge of self (and others) as it pertains to the Original Black family that would dignify and clean up a man and/or woman who did not have such knowledge prior.
Okay so I wasn’t the only one that noticed the whole “parallel Moses” thing he really thought that Muhammad was Moses when in reality he was and other dude was convincing himself he was Jesus…honestly as a first time viewer of this historical piece, it’s a fascinating plot twist because it reads cult even. Truly hard to pick to pick out though because they’re wrapped in a warm religious blanket.
Agree. The arc of history is toward justice and equality. Nationalism of any sort needs to be a bit suspect, but Malcolm's contribution was very well thought out, his intellect was great and his conduct was heroic. I wish his contribution was still being made not just on the internet.
@@neilrichardson7454 I get what you mean, the state of education in general for everyone is grim but there are sophisticated black American intellectuals people know nothing of such as Thomas Sowell, Glenn Loury, John McWhorter because the liberal machine doesn’t want it. It goes against its whole premise. And that is the one thing I agree with Malcolm X’s analysis on. Otherwise, he shares the same broken, not useful premises as the narrative he criticizes, which is a major reason that things haven’t changed for a portion of black America as much as they could have. For instance, the other guy in this debate I haven’t even heard of despite having been thinking deeply about these issues the past five years. His analysis and questioning of Malcolm’s premises and conclusions is more practical, useful, as history seems to suggest. The sad thing is people have been sooooo deeply propagandized that they see the fact that some of Malcolm’s observations are as relevant today as they were then, not as a failure of vision but as a confirmation of his correctness. Sad but it is what it is.
Malcolm X would be disappointed in BP if he were alive today. It makes no sense that he gave us the game plan and we still fumbled the ball. Unacceptable! R.I.P. Prince Malcolm X
BP in America listened to the wrong prophet. They wanted the smooth sounding rhetoric that Bayard Rustin penned for MLK. BP in America followed that roadmap. That generation is dying now. I'm not sure what is happening to the children of that generation, but only the remnant that is called to think for itself and can hear the words of Malcolm X and with the force of God move forward. People weren't ready for Malcolm. They called him angry, but he wasn't. He spoke the truth boldly and was killed for it.
Listening to this 62 years later proves that Malcolm X has a point that needed to be considered. We have practiced what we thought was integration and now those same people are trying to show us that it was only to appease the government. They are trying to take us so far back it will seem like anything we thought we accomplished never existed.
@@gatekeepercreativeTrue but he grew expanding his world view and became dangerous. Sadly. Brother turned against brother, divided we fell and lost a great leader.
@kgar5String have you never heard of Minister Farrakhan? You've never heard of minister Muhammad Ali, Jeremiah Shabazz, Theodore Hamza, Abdul Rahman, or his own son, Imam WD Muhammad? I mean ABSOLUTELY NO DISRESPECT to you, sir, but you are obviously not qualified to make a statement like this because you lack sufficient knowledge on the subject. Do some independent research. Farrakhan replaced him! And, if you want to be honest, Mosque number 7 grew to heights, in terms of memebership following, and influence in Harlem under minister Farrakhan, than it ever saw under minister Malcolm. In fact, as National Representative of the HONORABLE ELIJAH MUHAMMAD, the position Malcolm held before him, minister Farrakhan was more successful in all regards than Malcolm was. Don't take my word for it. Do the research. And PLEASE understand, I am NOT trying to discredit or bash our fallen brother Malcolm. He was the best advocate and helper of the HEM during his time, and he should be respected for his contribution to the Nation, and to the struggle for Freedom Justice and Equality for Black people in this country. But if you want to exalt Malcolm above his teacher, or somehow single him out or set him apart from the body of knowledge and training he received from messenger ELIJAH Muhammad, or even reference him as an anomaly as opposed to simply one of many shinning examples of the teachings of the HEM, I'm sorry you're just DEAD WRONG!
I see this, because I understand what black peoples plight in America has been from the very inception of this country. Keep in mind Black people were being lynched when my mother was a kid, my grandmother, who is from Lake Charles, Louisiana, watched her uncle, be beaten to death by a group of white men when she was a kid , this happened right in front of her she never really got over it and some of the stories she used to tell us would make your blood run cold. So true which is why when Donald Trump came along, he was able to galvanize white people by using the biggest dog whistle right in our faces make America great again let’s keep it real. When was America great for a black man?
I loved listening to this debate. Malcolm X was a genius, extraordinary black man. And I'm going to listen to some more debates because everything he said - over five decades ago - so relevant to 2023.
What's sad is that the nation rode on Malcom just like a Crip would on a Blood. All that unity they preached and hypocritically ignored it because he went on his own. The response didn't match the offense. Just nuts
@chris v. Noire i would encourage you to research BABA DICK GREGORY'S account of MALCOLM X's assassination and ya might just walk away with a slightly different point of view.....🤔
@@reelblack it is interesting that he says islam is not compatable with western ideals. muslims to this day readily admit this. also funny that malcom renounced the noi. also the call to pray, is not the same person often as the one who delivers the sermon. the noi is considered heretics by most muslims. they claimed elijah muhammad was a prophet and fard was allah incarnate. both concepts are blasphemy to sunni and shia islam.
the vagina worth more than gold yet being sold For crack pipe as toilets. yes little girls will have to be married to a crypt or blood Hatfield and McCoy blue or gray and she will become black and blue for backing the blue also policeman were black. history always reveals our behaviors and today we have created an interspecies food chain children at the bottom being cannibalized girls are being raped boys are being sodomized and publicized on TV viewed in pornography but you cannot see because of Adolf Hitler's brainwashing machine not see Nazi-ism. Adolf Hitler's legacy is still alive we never eradicated it actually optimized in the form of Botox Cialis Viagra bleached booty holes, cardi B, sexxy red Nikki Manaj teaching and showing our little girls how to be successful make money selling the body selling a soul being ridden by many riders just like horses the more the merrier the more money yet soul their souls must be used as septic tanks.
Bayard Rustin was a known CIA asset, who also set Foundational Black Americans back politically, for decades... His only real interests, were centered around his fellow LGBTQ people... He wasn't making any type of sacrifices, which were also meant to benefit Foundational Black Americans...
How ironic it is that the words spoken over approximately 60 years ago are still relevant today. We are still struggling to define our humanity in this country. Thank you, brother Malcolm for your insight and leadership. Peace be unto you always. Kiss Betty for me.
Feel free to move to the utopia of sub-Saharan Africa. The place where blacks made your past family SLAVES before a European ever stepped foot there. Who then SOLD them to Europeans. Should be thanking your lucky stars you were born in America...
We still striving because we always need cultural and moral reforms. The mass majority aren't educated properly on our history origin in this country. When u learn about the Antebellum in its entirety, it's easy to put the pieces together. Our foreparents had to build a culture under the hegemony of white society. It was to many white bottomlines and it had to be non threatening. To be made hole we always was going to need ethnic names, a dialect, cultural privacy, customs, traditions, garb, etc unique to us outside white Americanism.
Are u really struggling to define ur humanity? if humanity has any validity coming from the mouths of any critters out here it has to be the Africans and those who issue directly from them ethnically and historically. the gift and curse of being human was born in Africa, regardless of how the usual suspects would have us believe. As far as I'm concerned, a respectable commentary on human history has yet to be written, because, for whatever reason, we are not writing it. meanwhile, there is no human story if we are omitted from the telling. it was always questionable to rely too heavily on the tutilage of the prodigal son for a vision of who and what we are, or who we need to be. our humanity was never in question if we understand what humanity really means. ..it is what it is.
Listen to the first few minutes again. Your humanity was intact the moment you were conceived. Regardless what scared people filled with hatred promote. The fight is to get them out of your way when you deal with them and to inspire those of color that have been confused. None of which appears to be natural to an ignorant large their past present culture unfortunately
Very ironic that all this is happening under a current government of so-called "white liberals" in 2023. They have never really hidden their true selves from black people, it's always whether or not we choose to see what is before our eyes.
US "liberal" Democrats in Washington DC partnering up with Ukrainian N**is ... Science Fiction novelists couldn't make this stuff up, I wonder if Malcolm could have imagined such a wild scenario in the future?
Malcolm X was a real gem. Loved how he subtly used Rustin's own argument of Moses and turned it on it's head, and very rightly termed it as a 'slave mentality'. From then on we can notice Rustin was nothing but defensive and argumentative.
@@seansmith3058 Rustin was completely wrong about African history. Islam reached the West African coast in the 11th century via trade, a significant part of West Africa was Islamic long before Europeans arrived and during the height of slavery. Ghana empire, Mali, Songhai, Wolof, Hausa, Fulani, Kanem-Borno etc. The destruction of African art was during the Fulani Jihad, with the likes of Uthman Dan Fodio et al. They imposed a strict verson of Islam on mostly already Muslim populations, this is well documented. Africans typically practiced syncretic Islam, adapting it with local beliefs.
I am so impressed with both of these brothers. Brilliant! I always knew how brilliant Malcolm was. Not until I saw the movie Rustin, did I know how bright Bayard was. What a command of language have the people of African ancestry! So grateful to hear these two in debate.
Nope! Bayard Rustin is complete trash; and also shouldn't even be spoken about, in the same breathe, as Malcolm X... Bayard Rustin was a CIA saboteur, and also wasn't even a Foundational Black American... As it turns out, he was a Caribbean tether, who also actively undermined the so-called Civil-Rights Movement. This is just History, that should be more widely known.
Two fine, brilliant, articulate, informed, and cultured African Americans engaging & exchanging ideas intellectually. We must return to this type of civil engagement once again.
Malcolm X teaches us to be self reliant, MLK initially spoke of integration. Eventually i think he realized they didnt want to help us, but to rely on them as they give us crumbs.
It makes me sick to my stomach, the things that I've learned, over the last decade... If I could just fully describe the machinations, which have taken place in order to lead to the current condition of the Foundational Black American Community, then I honestly believe that it might just lead to an uprising... It's far worse than most people could even imagine... We're dealing with some of the most vile and wicked people, to have ever existed, in human History. In addition, I even question whether or not these monsters in question, are even humans, themselves... For many years these monsters have long ballyhooed, about whether or not, Foundational Black Americans were even human beings, to begin with; when in fact, that same mis-characterization should've been rightfully levied, against them. After all of the evidence has been fully collated and accounted for, are we still also to believe to ourselves, that these are the savage acts, of real human beings? Or perhaps, they're just another species entirely? It has been recently pointed out, that only Black people lack any Neanderthal genetic admixture; so again, are we dealing with an entirely different species?
Malcom was sharp, powerful, & brilliant,, but please don't forget WHO taught him and built the things that Malcom was boasting about The Honorable Elijah Muhamad.
@NoopooHorg Baba Elijah Muhammad inspired Baba Malcolm while he was in prison. Baba Malcolm self educated himself, reading so many books, writing in the dark and reading the whole of the dictionary.
Boy was he right! WE ARE STILL BEGGING!!!! 29:00 was very interesting….58:00 pay much attention as to when Mr X answers the question brought upon him….very well said.
I love hearing Malcolm speak. This was a great debate and should be shared with everyone we know! Thank you for posting this. May Allah continue to bless you.
Malcolm: If you need a law passed for white AMERICA to accept the Black man into society then there is no brotherhood. I realized as a 61 year old Black Man who grew up in the sixties and seventies that we are not truly respected, Laws are the only thing that has kept this fragile "Democracy together"
But of course. America likes to pat itself on the back for abolishing slavery. Except it didn't. Slavery is still constitutionally protected. It changed from private owners to state owners, and requires you now to first be labeled a criminal. The other funny part is that just to reach that point, this country had to have an entire war with itself. This country had to go to war with itself to abolish slavery, and the previous traitors thst almost ruined the union? They were allowed back, many of them never charged for treason, and they were given reparations for their slaves. All of that was a red flag to what would happen to those freed slaves and their descendents.
Two of the most important black men ever in history. Malcolm we need you now more than ever. Bayard thank you for your amazing organizational skills for the movement for "all people"
@@dguthrie1 Factz are that the marching and praying is the only reason your black ass and my black ass aint picking cotton and tobacco anymore bruh....i was there
honorable? he performed homosexual acts for money with a rich white man and i could list a million other things. Which is fine, not everyone is perfect, neither were the founding fathers, but in my opinion malcolm x didnt contribute anything to black people or their progress, unless you consider that any publicity is good publicity, because he certainly garnered publicity in a tabloid way with his vulgar statements and extremism.
Malcolm X was way more intelligent, enlightened, informed and quick-witted than he was given credit for. Any other person could have been steamrolled by Bayard Rustin's arguments but Malcolm had an answer for any point Bayard came up with.
Thank you for sharing this lively debate between Minister Malcolm X and Mr Bayard Rustin. Minister Malcolm made the most sense to me in this debate. Of course, I've never saw him lose a debate so far. The man was brillant.
Happy Birthday to one of the most extraordinary role model for blacks all over the world he was, and still is as I remember him a trendsetter I will always keep his daughters in prayer Malcolm X was a great leader, taught great wisdom, and knowledge to the black community, and to anyone else that would listen to him know that he spoke the truth he lives on in us RIH My Beloved Brother✌🏽🫶
As an African person im so impressed by Malcolm's knowledge of Africa and he never even had university education. Most American with a PhD don't know nothing about Africa.
Remember. American black people are the most longsuffering people in this world. We mimick God, whereas His longsuffering of love towards His followers, sinners, past and present is shown in our turmoil, our pain, our struggle to be free from slavery. When an African turns his or her nose against their stolen brothers and sisters, you have the problem more than we do. Peace and blessings ❤
Malcolm X was an embodiment of knowledge, intelligence and wisdom. Not only did he display an excellent knowledge of history but he also predicted the future most accurately. Everything he said is still happening in America today.
@@jeanwilson3752only thing that is wrong with that, is money is not the most important objective!!! So your still a black slave just a different bank account....
He was a prophet for our times. I only pray black people can master their history as well as he did so we can understand the way forward. I agree that have to know the Most High. I am reading the prophets and the prophecies and understanding how we came to be here. The stories describe us. He promised that we would wake up and we are. Even King realized that he made a mistake, when he stated in his letter, I'm afraid I have lead my people into a burning building, when he fought for desegregation. Mr. X was right when he said that the government had to pull a gun on white citizens to make them play nice with black citizens. I was a baby when we got civil rights not and in this day people in the government, the same politicians that mister man said we needed to go to, while Gerrymandering and stealing our votes shows a bit of the brotherly love they still have for us. Sorry. I love and respect that prophet because his words ring true today.
@@jeanwilson3752the truth was not murdered with him, only his knowledge. However, he left us enough to grow us up and to point us in the right direction to learn the truth for ourselves, which is what any great teacher would do. Our truth is out there, it's deep and vital that we find it. I'm sure it is because they would not have fought so hard to hide it, and Malcolm would not have been assassinated. They killed him just like they killed Jesus, for teaching His people the truth. They pointed us to the same truth. It's not dead. It didn't die with Jesus. It didn't die with Malcom, and when we find it, it won't die with us. Have faith. Keep looking.
Wowwwww.. I didn't know this existed!! Brother Malcolm was far ahead of his time with no equal while his message was giving us a roadmap for today. He was a General.
23:56 As depressing and generally sad it is decades later proved that he was absolutely right IT DID NOT HAPPEN. No lie he had me dying here with how sarcastic and smooth his response was.
“We don’t feel that the daily news is qualified to classify us as anything!” Listen! Don’t play in the minister’s face. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 I absolutely love to hear brother Malcom debate. He’s such a quick thinker. Thanks Reel Black for sharing this debate. I’ve never heard it, and I’m grateful for this channel. Always learning new things here. Rest well brother Malcom 🙏🏾🌻🙏🏾 Happy birthday 💜
The most striking thing to me about this discussion is the contrast in style to debates today. These two men clearly disagree and yet give space for each other to express himself. I am not sure if this debate was broadcast or recorded which may account for the format, but it seems that current broadcasts and podcasts follow a different course. I hear the passion of both speakers, but their eloquence and manners speak more loudly. Great post!
The Voice of Malcolm X always sounded unique and Futuristic as a Black Man in his time !! There was Literally no black man in America who sounded like him !! In Fact Malcolm Always Sounded like the Black Man of the Future already 3 Generations Ahead of His Time !!!....
I dont think the black man of the future will have this knowledge or gift. This seems like the black man coming from the pain of the past to haunt like a ghost!
Nah he was in a personality cult and you will find yourself in one if you think we still have prophets. He is quoting his leader and he keeps referencing him. Yet you think those are his own words.
If a person has heard something about the situation of the history of a nation, or a people that are supposed to be for the people, but their track record shows that they are not for the people,why do you think that brother Malcom, if he agrees with the person that's teaching,Is speaking the truth, if that's what you want..no matter who's telling it,what'sthe problem?. PEACE
Happy Birthday Brother RIP Rest in Paradise. We will always Love, cherish & use your Insight as a blueprint! 🗣you said it best “MAKE IT PLAIN” and that you most certainly did !!!!! Thank you Reel Black for sharing Bro. Malcolm!
Malcolm performed great in this one-sided debate. It would have been nice to see Malcolm question and grill Rustin in the same manner that Rustin questioned him. ✌🏿
@justthink5854T he government is and never was Muslim. It's amazing how yall always ignore shhh to fit your narrative. Obviously that proves you to be a liar
The lack of strength and education has failed just merely existing and full of corruption has failed our people the resort still the use of drugs which is a major cost wake up!!!!
@@RenardGarzaro systemic racism! Red Lining, shady bank lending practice, being underpaid, racially profiling, un fair medical practices, discrimination in schools. I could go on for days but hopefully you get the point.
So much has changed; with the type of jobs black men, and women are working today are much different from those in Malcolm’s time! What black needs to teach the young blacks the knowledge of self to grow strong!
Just as he said it would but the Bible also tells us what is going to happen in the end times so if you want to learn more listen Big Judah, Elder Ahyal. Listen closely when Malcolm X speaks about the children of Israel if that doesn't sound like us then I don't know where your head would be at! Because it is us, they are us, and he was speaking about us. That no one else can show that Moses wasn't speaking to our forefathers! Who else has that history? Read Deuteronomy 28:15-68.
As we from west Africa listen to our ancestors and a revolutionary, the New African revolutionary mindset have been born. Long live Malcom x. Long live Elijah Muhammad. Long live Marcus Mosiah Garvey long live kwame Nkruma , long live Dr Kwame Toure and Long live MY Africa ancestors. Black power..... peace.
Thank you so much for bringing my comments to life ive written about the discord between mlk and malcolm x was because bayard rustin is who use to write mlk's speeches and someone went out and found the direct aim of my comment and brought the two heads together with this video it is very much appreciated and I thoroughly enjoyed it, thank you❤
27:00 Black South Africans🇿🇦 take note. Malcolm X you were too good for this world. If only people could return from death, I'd have Malcolm X back not even Mandela.
It's always an honor to listen to this debate. Both brothers made good points and I learned a lot. No arguing or fighting just two men having a good conversation.
I totally agree! This was an excellent discussion between the two brothers, regardless of how you fee.l Some people are making comments addressing Mr. Rusting as "Some guy." REALLY? Are they that unfamiliar with this historic man? As the saying goes, "If you don't know, you'd better ask somebody!!!"
@25:25 Devine separation, that's what I'm talking about. Everybody wasn't down with that "turn the other cheek" love your enemy, we wanted total separation and autonomy. Land for peace.
True but Gay Rustin wanted Malcolm and the rest of us to just continue to struggle in a system that wasn't meant for us.. "a system cannot fail those it was not meant to protect ". W E B Dubois..
Bayard was arrested in Los Angeles in 1957 for sexual acts with two 14 year old white boys in Pasadena. Bayard did 6 months in county jail. By the way, they were doing him.
No that double agent creep is not what we need today whatsoever. He undermined a great deal of Martin Luther King's work. Yet today he is lauded as being instrumental in the accomplishments of the SCLC and he wasn't.
@@MisterJackson-so9lo It's because he's LGBTQ; that's why they want to prop him up, as a noteworthy historical figure... The Civil Rights Movement was always a farce; that is, in order to usher in this pluralistic and satanic doctrine, of "anything goes..." This was all planned out, over a century ago, according to my own research... They've just been using the plight of Foundational Black Americans - which they caused in the first place - in order to undermine, the American philosophical premise of "individual sovereign rights." You've got to learn how to look at the bigger picture here... They've been using Black versus White racial animus, in order to re-enslave us all... These are some very sick and demented people, who we're dealing with; nevertheless, they're also extremely clever.
So, why haven’t black people left America or created a land of “their own” over all the years since the Black Muslims became a minor force in Black culture? Because separation is impossible. Because religion is authoritarian, anti-freedom puff.
@@harmoniousmonkeyNotwithstanding the failures or successes, if separation was beyond the realm of possibility, then why did the ACS establish Liberia? Ironically, the idea of black separatism isn’t even fully unique to the NOI. Liberia was proposed a solution because the fate of freed Black people was still in the air. They were free, but at the time they weren’t considered American citizens and were denied the privileges and protections such a status affords. Even after the passage of the 14th Amendment in 1868, the withdrawal of federal troops from the South basically sealed the fate of African Americans for nearly a century, because White southerners realized that may not have been able to deny Black people their citizenship rights, but they could reduce the quality of it by effectively making them second class citizens, which is what segregation effectively did. You can call the ideology flawed, but who wants to be treated like an alien in what is suppose to be their own country? I can understand the rationale behind Malcolm’s thoughts.
One of the best things about Malcolm X is he didn't mince words. The truth he spoke hurt the ears and minds of those who were trying to make him out to be militant, terrorist, or a host of other ugly terms. The truth doesn't change just because it doesn't feel good...
Thank you for posting this. This was fantastic. They were both so knowledgeable and sincere. Even when they disagreed, it was only on strategy, not on outcome. In 2023, such statesmen no longer exist, man or woman.
Just listening to this debate has helped me put pieces together and understanding. I offer my thanks and gratitude to the folks who uploaded this. Malcolm explaination of the indoctrination of the black american on language, faith, etc helps with understanding the struggle of why in 2023 the propaganda is still relevant and though integrated, the struggle of black Americans hasn't changed. I will always remember this debate.
This brother is how I converted to Islam. My parents didn't know how deep I was going to when I studied him. Everything he said was logical, practical, and sound. May Allah rest his soul and reward him with Jannah al-firdous (garden of Paradise).
@cavebaby berserkers so why did he leave the Nation? How do you leave an organization that speaks on it and go to something traditional as he did? Take your time, I need a sound answer vs your emotional reply that means nothing.
@cavebaby berserkers if he didn't why did he travel to Mecca and even try to pray in Arabic? Your points are missed because it seems you only studied the revolutionary part of him, and that's fine. But who hurt you? 😂
@@dxthms915 As-Salaamu Alaikum Akhi... Al Hajj Malik Ash-Shabazz aka Malcolm X took his Shahada. i heard him say it on video. Alhamdulillah he died a Believer a real Muslim. May Allah (swt) Have Mercy on him. Ameen.
Exactly my thoughts. Both him and MLK were prophets however Malcolm was less controlled because he didn’t even go to college. He was self educated so he was a free thinker and closer to the truth.
The one thing I loved most about Malcolm X was he had an 8th grade education but was self taught and could debate with men black or white who had advanced degrees and was so articulate. He was able to admit when he was wrong about something and was at the end of his life coming to work with MLK. He went to a rally a few weeks before his death where Coretta was participating and spoke, MLK was somewhere else. He wouldn’t have done this earlier and I believe he would have worked more with MLK had he not been murdered. He was so brilliant and his voice is so needed today.
Malcolm and Rustin were both icons within the black community. Rustin's massive contributions were hidden because he was guy, but he was the mastermind behind much of what Dr. King did early-on in the Civil Rights Movement. The March On Washington was his idea.
Drinking that Obama Kool-Aid. Bayard is overshadowed because he literally tried to turn the movement for BIack rights into one about gays. Which is essentially what people like his boyfriend have successfully achieved today. He deserves no praise accolade or acknowledgement from us. Let the LBGTQ community have their icon.
Ideas and concepts don't make actions occur. Rustin busted his ass for the movement of civil rights. Unfortunately, he was an asshole and got along with very few people. Eventually leading to his ouster
I hope this generation appreciates UA-cam. Being able to hear debates such as these is like going back in history all at the ease of your fingertips.
I appreciate the technology for the ease of my fingertips.
Exactly why Im here! Exactly!!!
@@garyeastman2307 This is very true, some contents l had downloaded years ago cannot be found anywhere
We take it for granted.
UA-cam is sensoring us, you might need to rephrase your statement.. 🤦
Who else is here, in 2025, listening to this brilliant man?
Thoroughly insightful debate. Just woow
I'm here February 2024
Feb 21, 2024
0 seconds ago
He is a genius. He was a straight A student in Boston. A token black. 2024 because the only great improvement for blacks is under neo slavery aka Satanism aka Freemasonry or Masinry
This is how a debate is suppose to be. No overtalking, no interrupting, no screaming and yelling. Just respect to listen the the view of the other.
Yeah, that is wonderful isn't it? A real discussion, an exploration of the issues and difficulties, even when the people talking disagree. How is it we have gone so backward in this? Don't look for this in the media. They thrive on conflict and sensationalized strife.
I have to tune in to various podcasts and UA-cam to hear this kind of thing these days.
I miss dialogue like this.
👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 exactly no shouting (civilised behaviour
@@niahwilliams722746:00 i think Clarke gave him this article
I was taught in high school (texas) MalcolmX was a terrorist. I'm glad i didn't listen or accept that. he's the only man, black or otherwise, who when he talks about women (in his case black women) he exudes protection. i'll never forget when i heard him say, "who taught you to hate the color of your skin" it took my breath away. i think MalcolmX is the kind of man God had in mind when He created man.
Wow, unbelievable! I also re-approached my black middle school social studies teacher, while grown and asked why she taught us lies. She readily and firmly said that she taught what she was told to teach. Oh what a shame!. I wouldn't take such a job that would further enslave my own people. (predominantly black school)
They push MLK Jr because he’s nonviolent and they want people to be nonviolent. It’s beneficial to the system. Malcolm X philosophy is better than MLK. MLK was for himself and worked for the government to keep blacks down, nothing he did help further blacks people at all!!
Hero in Somalia good strong men
Since 9/11, damn near everyone has been labelled a terrorist
@@lisagooch3740to be fair, it's possible that you would, if your own education was lacking, such that you wouldn't know the information you were taught, was a lie. The honest liar has no awareness of the error in their understanding.
This debate is over 63 years old and yet, it's still relevant today. There will never be another Malcolm X. This man was a genius!
I would like to disagree After all isslam was forced onto africans or faced death
What about OUR MESSIAH YAHWEH BEN YAHWEH? Did you see the work - I loved Malcolm biography. However I actual witness the work The Messiah YAHWEH BEN YAHWEH is Victorious!
@@YahwehBYBYahweh what about him? The term "Messiah" means "anointed one," who, then, anointed this one calling himself an anointed god?
There doesn’t need to be another Malcom x. He came and fulfilled his purpose. We’re next.
Actually some say he might have been one of the smartest American ever!
Malcolm was so eloquent. As a young guy it’s like going back in time to hear something like this, amazing history and what a brilliant speaker and hero.
Malcolm X is one of the few African American leaders in our history that helped me to figure out my space within American culture. His story, intelligence and example helps me to navigate my life to this day..
Right on Jeff.✊🏿
Malcolm X would never call himself an "African American." It's disrespectful to an ancestor to misrepresent the beliefs they adhered to while living. Particularly those held in captivity
Be strong on that conciousness or awakening
We aren't African Americans we are in truth the Aboriginal American Indians.
@@Chahta_healer 😂😂😂 indians 😅😅😅
Malcolm said we'll still be begging one hundred years from now. 🎯💯
And we are. (Reparations, Affirmative Action) wah wah wah just whine and beg whine and beg. The jedi mind trick of the libs.
When you know you know!!!! I'm enraged and have been for quite sometime!!!
So stop begging, be productive and make something of yourself.
@@NoStepOnNeckstill the white man controls the wealth
I was born in the 50s MalcolmX is my political mentor I love that man l have all his Records and his tapes, when i pass from this walk of life my son wants those records😃
Don’t wait until you pass to share those artifacts with the world. Start a channel and share it now! Taki inventory of what you have and insure it! Keep that safe!
Malcolm X analogies still hold mostly true in the 21st Century.
It can hold true to y’all who are worldly but we are spiritual and this is not Gods desire so it’s a terrible idea. It’s reflective to the devils agenda
This Man has been dead for nearly SIX DECADES and white ppl are still afraid of his words.
@@Rumblealsojennings2929 what thought is of satan?
@@409CJ Exactly, what is this pundit trying to say???
Absolute fact!
I am not black, I am not muslin and I am not socialist, yet I find Malcolm X fascinating. Smart, articulate and right on spot on many issues.
Why not take the dive and give socialism a more serious look
Yes. Humanity transcends labels. Easy for human beings to connect with humanity of another.
I agree 100% with you.
@@thegameplayer5466 Because it is dumb, move to socialist country and you will be fine.
Why is it when a White person starts off with im not black, Muslim etc when they state they agree with a black leader?
I have been listening to Malcolm X since 1990 ! I am now 58 yrs old and I don't get tired of all this information we hear from him thru all of his speeches ! God Bless him !
What made him a great thinker was his ability to evolve while others where rooted in concrete ❕
The Brilliance of Malcolm X is unmatched.
Don't let the poison make you forget who taught him.
you dont know who the hell malcolm x is or anything about him. He could speak well, and sometimes correctly and profoundly, but overall he was ignorant, short sighted and a net negative for black people and their progress
his autobiography is brilliant, I can't say he wrote it by himself, but he would be the first to tell u he isn't perfect.. And "let he who is without sin cast the first stone". Why so much hate, @austinlittke7688
@@jasonwakeman His autobiography was written by alex haley, the famous plagiarizer of the book "roots". And theres no hate at all? i admire how malcolm was dynamic and evolved as a person after his trip to mecca, he gets a B for effort and an F for results or vision/intelligence as far as helping black progress. (at times he had great vision and made very poignant observations, but then would in the next sentence immediately contradict himself, flip flop, go another direction, and say something completely self defeating or derogatory about black people and disrespect his compatriots]) My only intent is to let people know not to be impulsive or rush to judgments about malcolm x, and to first educate themselves on him, because he was more famous and notroious than he was an actual pioneer or helper of black progress. Itd be very uneducated and disrespectful to put him in a category with rosa parks, mlk, any of their ilk, of whom his entire life he called uncle tom's and other pejoratuve statements and then denounced every step of progress they made or good thing they did for the black race. I dont think malcolm should be celebrated at all, but he is an interesting character and gives insight ro the zeitgeist.
@@austinlittke7688a net how?
Malcolm X was a gifted and natural orator. He was so adept at using an analogy to drive home his point. Truly a great leader and a gifted man.
All Gifts come from the Creator to achieve specific purposes in life....Those must be the big take away....Next how it applies to us as individuals.......Words to the wise! or the would be wise!
this was a learned skill... Elijah taught him, and he was an exquisite student.
@@docmarc36 I disagree that his natural ability to captivate an audience was a learned skill; any more than having a great singing voice is learned. If you remember, in his past life he was an effective con artist. He knew how to communicate with people both individually and collectively as an audience.
While I would agree Elijah taught him about the principles of the religion, Malcolm’s natural giftedness is what made people stop and listen. Only Almighty God can gift people with natural talent like he had.
Although, what I did notice, which was problematic for me, was that X wasted time trying too hard to be poetic, or profound - and wouldn't answer specific questions. I think sooooo highly of him and feel he was largely misunderstood as a complex human - in general, and that habit sometimes didn't help bring clarity to his messages. Bayard Rustin is also a powerful force toward the cause and even he was able to identify this type of occasional speaking (and even called X out on it - and compelled X to be more mindful of the specific question). Therefore, I thought X was the most clearest toward the end of the 60-minute conversation.
@@seejames4u I understand what you’re saying but at the same time his use of analogies was very powerful in driving home a point. To provide an example, on many occasions he was labeled a “demagogue”. During his time under Elijah Muhammad (before his split with the Nation) He was asked by a white journalist (during the midst of segregation and the civil rights movement) the following question: “Why do you hate the white man?” His response was a word picture that was extremely impactful in silencing the journalist. Malcom’s response: “That’s like the rapist asking the victim why do you hate me?” Or the Wolf asking the sheep why do you hate me? If someone is oppressing you, why would you love them?”
The point of this is to say that many times he used visual language and analogies to drive home a point even if not to the individual with whom he was having the discourse but to the audience member who had a preconceived notion as to who Malcolm was or what he stood for. Remember that the media labeled him as a dangerous hate monger whose sole purpose was to destroy the order of their society. He had a disdain for the pacifist like Rustin and others he felt were a mouthpiece for the establishment. While Rustin was speaking directly to Malcolm X, I think his Malcolm’s way of speaking was largely to impact the audience more so than to his opponent or the moderator.
I have a huge, framed poster of Malcolm X on my wall. Listening to him speak never gets old.
Such a strong, unapologetic man who wasn’t afraid to speak truth to power and to also demand that black people take a look at themselves and meet their own responsibilities to their families and communities.
Rest in peace good sir. 💐🙏🏾
Malcolm X was a brilliant Man!
I am a 59yr old white man.. I have never listened to Malcolm X.. I am very impressed with him.. I don't agree with everything he says but i do agree with most. We need more Malcolm X's in the world.. as a country we have come a long way. However, we have much more work to do.. God bless all God's children
What do you disagree with?
Exactly the problem
Read a biography on Malcolm X or learn more about him and you wont have this opinion. He was a good speaker and at times he could have his head straight and be profound, but more often he was short-sighted, ignorant, and sabotaged and set back progress for race relations in this country. He called MLK and the most important civil rights leaders uncle toms and denounced them like dogs. They actually had a vision unlike him and were making progress, all he was trying to do was divide black people and sabotage the civil rights movement so his cult, the NOI, could gain more members by taking them away from the civil rights camp. Members, whom, malcolm x sponsored the severe beatings of and turned a blind eye to the sexual abuse of.
You need to talk to your fellow whites if you want to see change
@@johnscott9318ml😊😊 2:52
Malcolm X was used by Elijah Muhammad. When he realized this, he was greatly distressed and confronted Elijah because not only was he a genuinely moral man who took a stand for truth.
Exactly. It was a cult.
Elijah made Malcolm who he is,if you learned from the best you became excellent...
@@abdulwahabmendy292elijah put himself on a pedastal he did not deserve. He was not monagamous and taught the nonsense of Yakub and black supremecy.
Malcolm X learned to know he was wrong.
@@ctb7894 with respect, The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad never put himself on any pedestal, he simply stated who he was and his purpose. In truth monogamy has nothing to do with Malcolm’s leaving The Nation of Islam because if being so called “non-monogamous” was an issue, he would’ve shunned Islam altogether because Prophet Muhammad of Arabia (pbuh) had 9 wives. Abraham the ‘friend of God’ also fathered children by multiple women. The history of Yakub and we the white race being non-original and a grafted people isn’t some wild theology, it’s backed up by the science of genetics and Elijah Muhammad never taught black supremacy, he simply taught exactly what Minister Malcolm spoke to in this debate which was the true thorough knowledge of self (and others) as it pertains to the Original Black family that would dignify and clean up a man and/or woman who did not have such knowledge prior.
Okay so I wasn’t the only one that noticed the whole “parallel Moses” thing he really thought that Muhammad was Moses when in reality he was and other dude was convincing himself he was Jesus…honestly as a first time viewer of this historical piece, it’s a fascinating plot twist because it reads cult even. Truly hard to pick to pick out though because they’re wrapped in a warm religious blanket.
Happy Birthday Malcolm, thank you for your dedication, your activism and your humanitarianism!
Malcolm X. You really know your history. May you rest in peace.
Seek Refuge in Allah (swt)! the deceased can't hear you.
YES. Hailed as a necessary troublemaker while he lived and a Hero after he's gone.
@@muslim7608AA collectively has the seventh/eighth economy and buying power in the world
@@aarondigby5054 I 💯AGREE BIG FACTS!!
Happy birthday, Malcolm X! Thank you for your important contributions to our black community and your sacrifice 🙏🏾
The truth benefits us all.
The history is always teaching us, many people sacrificed to save lives of their loved people. Thank you for your words
Agree. The arc of history is toward justice and equality. Nationalism of any sort needs to be a bit suspect, but Malcolm's contribution was very well thought out, his intellect was great and his conduct was heroic. I wish his contribution was still being made not just on the internet.
Seek Refuge in Allah (swt) Sister! the deceased can't hear you.
Malcolm X is an actual American hero.
Black American Understanding of our people, THINK TO GETHER WE STAND,Divide we FALL GET AJOB
Malcolm is not an American hero, how can you be a hero of something you hate
How did Malcom x win this debate? Explain
Maynard was gay, but he won this debate
Great debate by two sophisticated Black men. Need more of this today.
you'd have to find more sophisticated black men 1st. 🤔
@@neilrichardson7454 I get what you mean, the state of education in general for everyone is grim but there are sophisticated black American intellectuals people know nothing of such as Thomas Sowell, Glenn Loury, John McWhorter because the liberal machine doesn’t want it. It goes against its whole premise. And that is the one thing I agree with Malcolm X’s analysis on. Otherwise, he shares the same broken, not useful premises as the narrative he criticizes, which is a major reason that things haven’t changed for a portion of black America as much as they could have. For instance, the other guy in this debate I haven’t even heard of despite having been thinking deeply about these issues the past five years. His analysis and questioning of Malcolm’s premises and conclusions is more practical, useful, as history seems to suggest. The sad thing is people have been sooooo deeply propagandized that they see the fact that some of Malcolm’s observations are as relevant today as they were then, not as a failure of vision but as a confirmation of his correctness. Sad but it is what it is.
Rustin was no light weight himself, definitely a giant by those who knew who he was
@@neilrichardson7454 Cornell West.
Malcolm X would be disappointed in BP if he were alive today. It makes no sense that he gave us the game plan and we still fumbled the ball. Unacceptable!
R.I.P. Prince Malcolm X
This shows you that there is a mental problem in our community. Not to mention our community got bombarded by clowns 🤡 like the naacp.
And there is no black man(or woman) alive that has the intelligence and strength of Malcolm x
@@brianmeen2158 How do you know?
BP in America listened to the wrong prophet. They wanted the smooth sounding rhetoric that Bayard Rustin penned for MLK. BP in America followed that roadmap. That generation is dying now. I'm not sure what is happening to the children of that generation, but only the remnant that is called to think for itself and can hear the words of Malcolm X and with the force of God move forward. People weren't ready for Malcolm. They called him angry, but he wasn't. He spoke the truth boldly and was killed for it.
@@gems3604a lot of the ones left from that generation are the reason why we are in the situation we are in now!
Listening to this 62 years later proves that Malcolm X has a point that needed to be considered. We have practiced what we thought was integration and now those same people are trying to show us that it was only to appease the government. They are trying to take us so far back it will seem like anything we thought we accomplished never existed.
Agreed, but it wasn't Malcolm, it was the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad that he very eloquently articulated.
@@gatekeepercreativeTrue but he grew expanding his world view and became dangerous. Sadly. Brother turned against brother, divided we fell and lost a great leader.
@@gatekeepercreative Then why was he the only on who spoke like that, Muhammad could not teach a replacement?
@kgar5String have you never heard of Minister Farrakhan? You've never heard of minister Muhammad Ali, Jeremiah Shabazz, Theodore Hamza, Abdul Rahman, or his own son, Imam WD Muhammad? I mean ABSOLUTELY NO DISRESPECT to you, sir, but you are obviously not qualified to make a statement like this because you lack sufficient knowledge on the subject. Do some independent research. Farrakhan replaced him! And, if you want to be honest, Mosque number 7 grew to heights, in terms of memebership following, and influence in Harlem under minister Farrakhan, than it ever saw under minister Malcolm. In fact, as National Representative of the HONORABLE ELIJAH MUHAMMAD, the position Malcolm held before him, minister Farrakhan was more successful in all regards than Malcolm was. Don't take my word for it. Do the research. And PLEASE understand, I am NOT trying to discredit or bash our fallen brother Malcolm. He was the best advocate and helper of the HEM during his time, and he should be respected for his contribution to the Nation, and to the struggle for Freedom Justice and Equality for Black people in this country. But if you want to exalt Malcolm above his teacher, or somehow single him out or set him apart from the body of knowledge and training he received from messenger ELIJAH Muhammad, or even reference him as an anomaly as opposed to simply one of many shinning examples of the teachings of the HEM, I'm sorry you're just DEAD WRONG!
I see this, because I understand what black peoples plight in America has been from the very inception of this country. Keep in mind Black people were being lynched when my mother was a kid, my grandmother, who is from Lake Charles, Louisiana, watched her uncle, be beaten to death by a group of white men when she was a kid , this happened right in front of her she never really got over it and some of the stories she used to tell us would make your blood run cold. So true which is why when Donald Trump came along, he was able to galvanize white people by using the biggest dog whistle right in our faces make America great again let’s keep it real. When was America great for a black man?
Baba Malcolm X is my hero.
He is outspoken, energetic, honest and unapologetic.
Our role model to our youths.
I loved listening to this debate. Malcolm X was a genius, extraordinary black man. And I'm going to listen to some more debates because everything he said - over five decades ago - so relevant to 2023.
What's sad is that the nation rode on Malcom just like a Crip would on a Blood. All that unity they preached and hypocritically ignored it because he went on his own. The response didn't match the offense. Just nuts
Why not share it with all your girls.
@@Glen-e3g50:00 is that a mosguided response ?
@@davidperreaux1348chill out manosphere
Malcolm X has been my hero for a long time. I read his Autobiography several times and must read it again.
Everything Brother Malcolm said is a fact today. Bayard was busy chasing integration and his white men. Happy Born day Brother Malcolm.
Rustin’s homosexual affinity for white men definitely compromised him.
@chrisv.noire.6388I see by your comment that you just don't get it and you probably never will.
@Chris V. Noire. Harsh truth.
@Chris V. Noire. Did you know that his killers were federal agents? They were black but enemies not from the Nation Of Islam. Stop lying plz & thx.
@chris v. Noire i would encourage you to research BABA DICK GREGORY'S account of MALCOLM X's assassination and ya might just walk away with a slightly different point of view.....🤔
Thank you Reelblack One, this is pure gold!
I’m glad you enjoyed
💯...this is amazing thank you🙏🏿
@@reelblack it is interesting that he says islam is not compatable with western ideals. muslims to this day readily admit this. also funny that malcom renounced the noi.
also the call to pray, is not the same person often as the one who delivers the sermon.
the noi is considered heretics by most muslims. they claimed elijah muhammad was a prophet and fard was allah incarnate. both concepts are blasphemy to sunni and shia islam.
the vagina worth more than gold yet being sold For crack pipe as toilets.
yes little girls will have to be married to a crypt or blood Hatfield and McCoy blue or gray and she will become black and blue for backing the blue also policeman were black.
history always reveals our behaviors and today we have created an interspecies food chain children at the bottom being cannibalized girls are being raped boys are being sodomized and publicized on TV viewed in pornography but you cannot see because of Adolf Hitler's brainwashing machine not see Nazi-ism.
Adolf Hitler's legacy is still alive we never eradicated it actually optimized in the form of Botox Cialis Viagra bleached booty holes, cardi B, sexxy red Nikki Manaj teaching and showing our little girls how to be successful make money selling the body selling a soul being ridden by many riders just like horses the more the merrier the more money yet soul their souls must be used as septic tanks.
@@michaelmalzahn-tx2ziHe never renounced Islam
This needs to be listened to today!! Thank you Rustin and Malcolm for your sacrifices
Bayard Rustin was a known CIA asset, who also set Foundational Black Americans back politically, for decades... His only real interests, were centered around his fellow LGBTQ people...
He wasn't making any type of sacrifices, which were also meant to benefit Foundational Black Americans...
Thank you! Malcolm’s Words still rings true today!
There were ppl on Twitter who were still attacking this great man.
Those are Elijah Muhammad 's words. You actually didn't hear him constantly reference the source? Public education failed us all 😂😂😂
@@BLOCKBOI3RD EM was speaking the truth obviously
@@dwightlove3704 yet he was diddling Black girls.
Yes it does.
How ironic it is that the words spoken over approximately 60 years ago are still relevant today. We are still struggling to define our humanity in this country. Thank you, brother Malcolm for your insight and leadership. Peace be unto you always. Kiss Betty for me.
Feel free to move to the utopia of sub-Saharan Africa. The place where blacks made your past family SLAVES before a European ever stepped foot there. Who then SOLD them to Europeans.
Should be thanking your lucky stars you were born in America...
We still striving because we always need cultural and moral reforms. The mass majority aren't educated properly on our history origin in this country. When u learn about the Antebellum in its entirety, it's easy to put the pieces together.
Our foreparents had to build a culture under the hegemony of white society. It was to many white bottomlines and it had to be non threatening. To be made hole we always was going to need ethnic names, a dialect, cultural privacy, customs, traditions, garb, etc unique to us outside white Americanism.
The Truth has no expiration date
Are u really struggling to define ur humanity? if humanity has any validity coming from the mouths of any critters out here it has to be the Africans and those who issue directly from them ethnically and historically. the gift and curse of being human was born in Africa, regardless of how the usual suspects would have us believe. As far as I'm concerned, a respectable commentary on human history has yet to be written, because, for whatever reason, we are not writing it. meanwhile, there is no human story if we are omitted from the telling. it was always questionable to rely too heavily on the tutilage of the prodigal son for a vision of who and what we are, or who we need to be. our humanity was never in question if we understand what humanity really means. ..it is what it is.
Listen to the first few minutes again. Your humanity was intact the moment you were conceived. Regardless what scared people filled with hatred promote. The fight is to get them out of your way when you deal with them and to inspire those of color that have been confused. None of which appears to be natural to an ignorant large their past present culture unfortunately
This is such a great find - I heard about this like 9 years ago on MHP and looked for it on YT but couldn't find it
17:45 - 19:00 Malcom is literally describing what's happening in Ukraine right now. WOW!
That's awesome observation 👏!
And THIS is why we call him a PROPHET! 👍🏿🙏🏿🤲🏿❤
Malcolm's insight is eternal.
Very ironic that all this is happening under a current government of so-called "white liberals" in 2023.
They have never really hidden their true selves from black people, it's always whether or not we choose to see what is before our eyes.
US "liberal" Democrats in Washington DC partnering up with Ukrainian N**is ... Science Fiction novelists couldn't make this stuff up, I wonder if Malcolm could have imagined such a wild scenario in the future?
That’s what came to mind when I heard that part
Malcolm X was a real gem. Loved how he subtly used Rustin's own argument of Moses and turned it on it's head, and very rightly termed it as a 'slave mentality'. From then on we can notice Rustin was nothing but defensive and argumentative.
Oh Malcolm X most certainly flipped the script on The Moses narrative.
Given what Rustin said about real Islamic and African history I'd say his points landed as well, it just took a few years.
Rustin was just thinking about the next white man he was gonna sleep with!!
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard@@seansmith3058
@@seansmith3058 Rustin was completely wrong about African history. Islam reached the West African coast in the 11th century via trade, a significant part of West Africa was Islamic long before Europeans arrived and during the height of slavery. Ghana empire, Mali, Songhai, Wolof, Hausa, Fulani, Kanem-Borno etc.
The destruction of African art was during the Fulani Jihad, with the likes of Uthman Dan Fodio et al. They imposed a strict verson of Islam on mostly already Muslim populations, this is well documented. Africans typically practiced syncretic Islam, adapting it with local beliefs.
Thank you for posting this...Thank you, REELBLACK...a treasure...WBAI!!
Malcolm x was the truth when that brother spoke you had no choice but to listen...r.i.p Malcolm x
Malcolm was always spittin 🔥🔥🔥
I am so impressed with both of these brothers. Brilliant! I always knew how brilliant Malcolm was. Not until I saw the movie Rustin, did I know how bright Bayard was. What a command of language have the people of African ancestry! So grateful to hear these two in debate.
Nope! Bayard Rustin is complete trash; and also shouldn't even be spoken about, in the same breathe, as Malcolm X... Bayard Rustin was a CIA saboteur, and also wasn't even a Foundational Black American... As it turns out, he was a Caribbean tether, who also actively undermined the so-called Civil-Rights Movement.
This is just History, that should be more widely known.
Two fine, brilliant, articulate, informed, and cultured African Americans engaging & exchanging ideas intellectually. We must return to this type of civil engagement once again.
2023 we still have sellout brother's scared to tell the truth Malcolm is 100% correct.
Disagreement is not selling out!! That being said, I stand with Malcolm.
Malcolm X teaches us to be self reliant, MLK initially spoke of integration. Eventually i think he realized they didnt want to help us, but to rely on them as they give us crumbs.
It makes me sick to my stomach, the things that I've learned, over the last decade... If I could just fully describe the machinations, which have taken place in order to lead to the current condition of the Foundational Black American Community, then I honestly believe that it might just lead to an uprising...
It's far worse than most people could even imagine... We're dealing with some of the most vile and wicked people, to have ever existed, in human History. In addition, I even question whether or not these monsters in question, are even humans, themselves...
For many years these monsters have long ballyhooed, about whether or not, Foundational Black Americans were even human beings, to begin with; when in fact, that same mis-characterization should've been rightfully levied, against them. After all of the evidence has been fully collated and accounted for, are we still also to believe to ourselves, that these are the savage acts, of real human beings? Or perhaps, they're just another species entirely?
It has been recently pointed out, that only Black people lack any Neanderthal genetic admixture; so again, are we dealing with an entirely different species?
Malcolm X is my all time HERO!!
Malcom was sharp, powerful, & brilliant,, but please don't forget WHO taught him and built the things that Malcom was boasting about The Honorable Elijah Muhamad.
@NoopooHorg Baba Elijah Muhammad inspired Baba Malcolm while he was in prison.
Baba Malcolm self educated himself, reading so many books, writing in the dark and
reading the whole of the dictionary.
@@kwameaboagye-cl9meyes Elijah Muhammad was the spark that produced the Sun in Malcom X
For me it’s:
Jesus Christ
My Biological Father
Malcolm X
Boy was he right! WE ARE STILL BEGGING!!!! 29:00 was very interesting….58:00 pay much attention as to when Mr X answers the question brought upon him….very well said.
I love hearing Malcolm speak. This was a great debate and should be shared with everyone we know! Thank you for posting this. May Allah continue to bless you.
Malcolm: If you need a law passed for white AMERICA to accept the Black man into society then there is no brotherhood. I realized as a 61 year old Black Man who grew up in the sixties and seventies that we are not truly respected, Laws are the only thing that has kept this fragile "Democracy together"
And therefore?
But of course.
America likes to pat itself on the back for abolishing slavery.
Except it didn't.
Slavery is still constitutionally protected. It changed from private owners to state owners, and requires you now to first be labeled a criminal.
The other funny part is that just to reach that point, this country had to have an entire war with itself.
This country had to go to war with itself to abolish slavery, and the previous traitors thst almost ruined the union?
They were allowed back, many of them never charged for treason, and they were given reparations for their slaves.
All of that was a red flag to what would happen to those freed slaves and their descendents.
Two of the most important black men ever in history. Malcolm we need you now more than ever. Bayard thank you for your amazing organizational skills for the movement for "all people"
Lol to u I only like Malcolm
@@dguthrie1 Well without Bayard there wouldve never been an "organized" or "executed" Civil Rights movement brother...FACTZ!!!
@@michaelbailey9763 that not facts that goofy buck didn’t do anything marching and singing did nothing we always fall fr bs
@@michaelbailey9763 you are no brother just a blind buck like him
@@dguthrie1 Factz are that the marching and praying is the only reason your black ass and my black ass aint picking cotton and tobacco anymore bruh....i was there
Malcolm was way ahead of his time. He has more knowledge than any leader we have had .
Two words …. Thomas Sowell. He’s a million times smarter
SoldMalcom… not uprooted and stolen … but sold.
Also not afraid to speak truth to power....these weak ass leaders now will never tell the establishment that they are to blame
@@giachellogene LMAOOOOOOOOOO
28:44 Malcolm broke it down and spelled it out! Thank you Sir!
Thank you sister for posting this...I can listen to the honorable Malcom X speak all day long.....that brother is truly one of my idols forever...
Brotha I feel same way.
honorable? he performed homosexual acts for money with a rich white man and i could list a million other things. Which is fine, not everyone is perfect, neither were the founding fathers, but in my opinion malcolm x didnt contribute anything to black people or their progress, unless you consider that any publicity is good publicity, because he certainly garnered publicity in a tabloid way with his vulgar statements and extremism.
We miss you Brother Malcom Africa really need you
Malcolm X was way more intelligent, enlightened, informed and quick-witted than he was given credit for. Any other person could have been steamrolled by Bayard Rustin's arguments but Malcolm had an answer for any point Bayard came up with.
Bayard was just looking for another white man to be a bottom to.
Thank you for sharing this lively debate between Minister Malcolm X and Mr Bayard Rustin. Minister Malcolm made the most sense to me in this debate. Of course, I've never saw him lose a debate so far. The man was brillant.
Malcolm X said James Baldwin was his most challenging debater Malcolm X said it took all the strength he had even biting his lip to keep from cursing.
@@aarondigby5054Baldwin was too emotional at times
I like them both!These two were such remarkable men!!My respects to them both!!
@@brianmeen2158 Baldwin's problem was constantly trying to prove to white Amerika that he was worthy
It's a shame that even today black men are still having to debate with the massa negro property.
I listened to this in the 60s. I still have this album in a boxset. He was right then and he is right today.
Malcolm was brilliant!
He was right all the time, even he was wrong. That is the point of truthfulness
In one hour, he covered all the African history
Powerful. I really enjoyed it
@@alhdafe pl5 eeß❤❤❤❤❤❤
Happy Birthday to one of the most extraordinary role model for blacks all over the world he was, and still is as I remember him a trendsetter I will always keep his daughters in prayer Malcolm X was a great leader, taught great wisdom, and knowledge to the black community, and to anyone else that would listen to him know that he spoke the truth he lives on in us RIH My Beloved Brother✌🏽🫶
Not one of!!!!! He's the one...!!!!
As an African person im so impressed by Malcolm's knowledge of Africa and he never even had university education. Most American with a PhD don't know nothing about Africa.
Remember. American black people are the most longsuffering people in this world. We mimick God, whereas His longsuffering of love towards His followers, sinners, past and present is shown in our turmoil, our pain, our struggle to be free from slavery. When an African turns his or her nose against their stolen brothers and sisters, you have the problem more than we do. Peace and blessings ❤
Unoversity is NOT the only source of knowledge
Malcolm X was an embodiment of knowledge, intelligence and wisdom. Not only did he display an excellent knowledge of history but he also predicted the future most accurately. Everything he said is still happening in America today.
Sadly said but true. The problem is when he was murdered so was the reality of truth! I can say some of his words & views are moving forward ....
There are move black entrepreneurs today than it was back in the 60's
@@jeanwilson3752only thing that is wrong with that, is money is not the most important objective!!! So your still a black slave just a different bank account....
He was a prophet for our times. I only pray black people can master their history as well as he did so we can understand the way forward. I agree that have to know the Most High. I am reading the prophets and the prophecies and understanding how we came to be here. The stories describe us. He promised that we would wake up and we are. Even King realized that he made a mistake, when he stated in his letter, I'm afraid I have lead my people into a burning building, when he fought for desegregation. Mr. X was right when he said that the government had to pull a gun on white citizens to make them play nice with black citizens. I was a baby when we got civil rights not and in this day people in the government, the same politicians that mister man said we needed to go to, while Gerrymandering and stealing our votes shows a bit of the brotherly love they still have for us. Sorry. I love and respect that prophet because his words ring true today.
@@jeanwilson3752the truth was not murdered with him, only his knowledge. However, he left us enough to grow us up and to point us in the right direction to learn the truth for ourselves, which is what any great teacher would do. Our truth is out there, it's deep and vital that we find it. I'm sure it is because they would not have fought so hard to hide it, and Malcolm would not have been assassinated. They killed him just like they killed Jesus, for teaching His people the truth. They pointed us to the same truth. It's not dead. It didn't die with Jesus. It didn't die with Malcom, and when we find it, it won't die with us. Have faith. Keep looking.
Wowwwww.. I didn't know this existed!! Brother Malcolm was far ahead of his time with no equal while his message was giving us a roadmap for today. He was a General.
This explains why they had to eliminate Brother Malcolm. He was too powerful of a man.
Malcolm X. Happy Birthday
What a wonderful discussion!
Brother Malcom is the Greatest Leader we ever had!!! 🤲🏽✊🏽
Relax buddy. Ever hear of Jesus?
@@TakeaSwigofTheJuice Get off my 🍆 go find u some business 🤡
@@TakeaSwigofTheJuiceReally 🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️😫😫😫
As depressing and generally sad it is decades later proved that he was absolutely right IT DID NOT HAPPEN.
No lie he had me dying here with how sarcastic and smooth his response was.
“We don’t feel that the daily news is qualified to classify us as anything!” Listen! Don’t play in the minister’s face. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 I absolutely love to hear brother Malcom debate. He’s such a quick thinker. Thanks Reel Black for sharing this debate. I’ve never heard it, and I’m grateful for this channel. Always learning new things here. Rest well brother Malcom 🙏🏾🌻🙏🏾 Happy birthday 💜
Awesome debater.
Wish we had 10 more like Him.
They stayed trying to play in brotha Shabazz's face. Lol
@@marilyngilliam7607 100,000 thousand like him
The most striking thing to me about this discussion is the contrast in style to debates today. These two men clearly disagree and yet give space for each other to express himself. I am not sure if this debate was broadcast or recorded which may account for the format, but it seems that current broadcasts and podcasts follow a different course. I hear the passion of both speakers, but their eloquence and manners speak more loudly. Great post!
Well said - their eloquence and manners speak more loudly.
The Voice of Malcolm X always sounded unique and Futuristic as a Black Man in his time !! There was Literally no black man in America who sounded like him !! In Fact Malcolm Always Sounded like the Black Man of the Future already 3 Generations Ahead of His Time !!!....
Miss him Spiritually Enlightened
I dont think the black man of the future will have this knowledge or gift. This seems like the black man coming from the pain of the past to haunt like a ghost!
Thank you for posting this. Malcolm was a prophet. This is an example of how social media allows knowledge to be introduced, shared and consumed.
Right on
Many are getting connected to the mind of Malcolm
This type of content is what wRong desatanist wants to destroy. ..
Nah he was in a personality cult and you will find yourself in one if you think we still have prophets. He is quoting his leader and he keeps referencing him. Yet you think those are his own words.
Elijah Muhammad was the teacher. What does that make him.
If a person has heard something about the situation of the history of a nation, or a people that are supposed to be for the people, but their track record shows that they are not for the people,why do you think that brother Malcom, if he agrees with the person that's teaching,Is speaking the truth, if that's what you want..no matter who's telling it,what'sthe problem?. PEACE
He died saying there's only one god and Mohammed is his last prophet. That's Islam.
Happy Birthday Brother RIP Rest in Paradise. We will always Love, cherish & use your
Insight as a blueprint!
🗣you said it best “MAKE IT PLAIN” and that you most certainly did !!!!! Thank you Reel Black for sharing Bro. Malcolm!
Thank you for this upload! Love this jewel of history!
Malcolm performed great in this one-sided debate.
It would have been nice to see Malcolm question and grill Rustin in the same manner that Rustin questioned him.
Maybe because he was a homosexual sympathiser and a democratic self inserter that was programmed to obey their cause , and it continues TO THIS DAY.
@justthink5854T he government is and never was Muslim. It's amazing how yall always ignore shhh to fit your narrative. Obviously that proves you to be a liar
@@wbharvey504 now
@justthink5854 CAN you? D*mb a**
@Just think
Yes, really.
Malcolm spent the whole time defending his position, and he did it well.
Not once did Rustin have to defend his position.
What's so sad is this still applies today. Nothing has changed. If fact, it's gotten worst! 😢
The lack of strength and education has failed just merely existing and full of corruption has failed our people the resort still the use of drugs which is a major cost wake up!!!!
It has not gotten worse, you don’t know how it was, what have you faced that is so bad?
@@RenardGarzaro systemic racism! Red Lining, shady bank lending practice, being underpaid, racially profiling, un fair medical practices, discrimination in schools. I could go on for days but hopefully you get the point.
So much has changed; with the type of jobs black men, and women are working today are much different from those in Malcolm’s time! What black needs to teach the young blacks the knowledge of self to grow strong!
Just as he said it would but the Bible also tells us what is going to happen in the end times so if you want to learn more listen Big Judah, Elder Ahyal. Listen closely when Malcolm X speaks about the children of Israel if that doesn't sound like us then I don't know where your head would be at! Because it is us, they are us, and he was speaking about us. That no one else can show that Moses wasn't speaking to our forefathers! Who else has that history? Read Deuteronomy 28:15-68.
This still applies today.
*Malcolm X For President 2024*
😂😂stop it. He'd be almost 100 years old.
@@neilrichardson7454 still younger than Biden
@@TakeaSwigofTheJuice sadly, math isn't your strong suit😔
Happy Birthday Malcolm 🎊🎉
I love the spirit of Malcolmv!!!!
As we from west Africa listen to our ancestors and a revolutionary, the New African revolutionary mindset have been born. Long live Malcom x. Long live Elijah Muhammad. Long live Marcus Mosiah Garvey long live kwame Nkruma , long live Dr Kwame Toure and Long live MY Africa ancestors. Black power..... peace.
@@bobocamewegokokinovadonesh6627Your ancestors trapped and sold your other ancestors...and mutilated/sacrificed those not sold.
“Malcolm was our manhood. Our living Black manhood.”🙏🏿
Ossie Davis
He was African Americans' backbone and beating heart. Our true Black messiah
Thank you so much for bringing my comments to life ive written about the discord between mlk and malcolm x was because bayard rustin is who use to write mlk's speeches and someone went out and found the direct aim of my comment and brought the two heads together with this video it is very much appreciated and I thoroughly enjoyed it, thank you❤
Can you direct me to some of your writings on Malcolm X and MLK please?
@virgilwimberly2071 no, but I'm sure reading about them yourselves will inspire you to do great things
Thank you for bringing us this priceless Ourstory!
He spoke Truth and it's all coming to light. Malcolm X was a prophet in his time.
This was so powerful, i have not heard more truth in an one hour video than my whole thirty-three years of life.
Blessed earth strong Brother Malcolm✊ great discussion
27:00 Black South Africans🇿🇦 take note. Malcolm X you were too good for this world. If only people could return from death, I'd have Malcolm X back not even Mandela.
If a man puts a gun on you to force you to put your arm around me and act like you love me that’s hypocrisy
It's always an honor to listen to this debate. Both brothers made good points and I learned a lot. No arguing or fighting just two men having a good conversation.
I totally agree! This was an excellent discussion between the two brothers, regardless of how you fee.l
Some people are making comments addressing Mr. Rusting as "Some guy." REALLY? Are they that unfamiliar with this historic man?
As the saying goes, "If you don't know, you'd better ask somebody!!!"
@25:25 Devine separation, that's what I'm talking about. Everybody wasn't down with that "turn the other cheek" love your enemy, we wanted total separation and autonomy. Land for peace.
Happy birthday Malcolm X.A true Leader
This isn't a debate. Mr. Malcolm is making an effort to educate this guy.
Kara M, well said. Thank you.
And did! Lol
You must not know who “that guy” is.
True but Gay Rustin wanted Malcolm and the rest of us to just continue to struggle in a system that wasn't meant for us..
"a system cannot fail those it was not meant to protect ". W E B Dubois..
@@tiz6549 You are absolutely correct!
Mr. Rustin ..Rest in a Peaceful Sleep. You are what is needed in this world today. Especially in the black community.
Bayard was arrested in Los Angeles in 1957 for sexual acts with two 14 year old white boys in Pasadena. Bayard did 6 months in county jail. By the way, they were doing him.
No that double agent creep is not what we need today whatsoever. He undermined a great deal of Martin Luther King's work. Yet today he is lauded as being instrumental in the accomplishments of the SCLC and he wasn't.
It's because he's LGBTQ; that's why they want to prop him up, as a noteworthy historical figure... The Civil Rights Movement was always a farce; that is, in order to usher in this pluralistic and satanic doctrine, of "anything goes..."
This was all planned out, over a century ago, according to my own research... They've just been using the plight of Foundational Black Americans - which they caused in the first place - in order to undermine, the American philosophical premise of "individual sovereign rights."
You've got to learn how to look at the bigger picture here... They've been using Black versus White racial animus, in order to re-enslave us all... These are some very sick and demented people, who we're dealing with; nevertheless, they're also extremely clever.
No we don't need a gay man in the the community 😂 🤔
@@MisterJackson-so9loand he was having sex with white men
Malcom, expressed what we as a people needed. I was a teenager at that time. His preaching gave us all a firm direction.
And 50 hrs later black men haven’t gotten better but worse
@@thetruthandnothingbutthetr6484 SYSTEMS!!! Systemic racism has caused that and we will always struggle under predatory racist capitalism.
So, why haven’t black people left America or created a land of “their own” over all the years since the Black Muslims became a minor force in Black culture? Because separation is impossible. Because religion is authoritarian, anti-freedom puff.
@@harmoniousmonkeyNotwithstanding the failures or successes, if separation was beyond the realm of possibility, then why did the ACS establish Liberia?
Ironically, the idea of black separatism isn’t even fully unique to the NOI. Liberia was proposed a solution because the fate of freed Black people was still in the air. They were free, but at the time they weren’t considered American citizens and were denied the privileges and protections such a status affords.
Even after the passage of the 14th Amendment in 1868, the withdrawal of federal troops from the South basically sealed the fate of African Americans for nearly a century, because White southerners realized that may not have been able to deny Black people their citizenship rights, but they could reduce the quality of it by effectively making them second class citizens, which is what segregation effectively did.
You can call the ideology flawed, but who wants to be treated like an alien in what is suppose to be their own country? I can understand the rationale behind Malcolm’s thoughts.
@@mryardiedescendant59:00 nailed it with propaganda
Malcolm was sharp in his way of thinking.
yes he was
One of the best things about Malcolm X is he didn't mince words. The truth he spoke hurt the ears and minds of those who were trying to make him out to be militant, terrorist, or a host of other ugly terms. The truth doesn't change just because it doesn't feel good...
Thank you for posting this. This was fantastic. They were both so knowledgeable and sincere. Even when they disagreed, it was only on strategy, not on outcome. In 2023, such statesmen no longer exist, man or woman.
Both Malcolm X and Bayard Rustin are superbly educated.
It's 2023 and I feel like they're are talking about today.
Both got trained by degenerate con artists. That wasn't natural those are someone else's words.
They were
But Malcolm only went to the eight grade!
Rusti was dirty and a globalist
@@ronpickings9547he self-educated himself by reading and gaining knowledge for his own self. He was a scholar without a masters degree!
Just listening to this debate has helped me put pieces together and understanding. I offer my thanks and gratitude to the folks who uploaded this. Malcolm explaination of the indoctrination of the black american on language, faith, etc helps with understanding the struggle of why in 2023 the propaganda is still relevant and though integrated, the struggle of black Americans hasn't changed. I will always remember this debate.
Honorable Brother Malcom , take a bow 🥇
This brother is how I converted to Islam. My parents didn't know how deep I was going to when I studied him. Everything he said was logical, practical, and sound. May Allah rest his soul and reward him with Jannah al-firdous (garden of Paradise).
@cavebaby berserkers so why did he leave the Nation? How do you leave an organization that speaks on it and go to something traditional as he did? Take your time, I need a sound answer vs your emotional reply that means nothing.
@cavebaby berserkers if he didn't why did he travel to Mecca and even try to pray in Arabic? Your points are missed because it seems you only studied the revolutionary part of him, and that's fine. But who hurt you? 😂
@@dxthms915 As-Salaamu Alaikum Akhi... Al Hajj Malik Ash-Shabazz aka Malcolm X took his Shahada. i heard him say it on video. Alhamdulillah he died a Believer a real Muslim. May Allah (swt) Have Mercy on him. Ameen.
me too i embraced Islam cause of the honourable brother minister Malcom
@@muslim7608 Ameen
Malcom X is so full of knowledge. I hope Bayard learned a few things from him.
Malcolms precise debates rival any debate today..
Malcolm x is a prophet! His warnings 60 years ago is coming to fruition now. Truth is an absolute as exemplified by his worldview
Exactly my thoughts. Both him and MLK were prophets however Malcolm was less controlled because he didn’t even go to college. He was self educated so he was a free thinker and closer to the truth.
The one thing I loved most about Malcolm X was he had an 8th grade education but was self taught and could debate with men black or white who had advanced degrees and was so articulate. He was able to admit when he was wrong about something and was at the end of his life coming to work with MLK. He went to a rally a few weeks before his death where Coretta was participating and spoke, MLK was somewhere else. He wouldn’t have done this earlier and I believe he would have worked more with MLK had he not been murdered. He was so brilliant and his voice is so needed today.
Malcolm and Rustin were both icons within the black community. Rustin's massive contributions were hidden because he was guy, but he was the mastermind behind much of what Dr. King did early-on in the Civil Rights Movement. The March On Washington was his idea.
The March on Washington started with the grassroots. The government took it over and guided MLK and the other so-called leaders
Actually the March on Washington was started and based on an original concept courtesy of
A Philip Randolph
He was arrested for prostitution in a park,a degenerate.fbi has his file 😂
Drinking that Obama Kool-Aid.
Bayard is overshadowed because he literally tried to turn the movement for BIack rights into one about gays.
Which is essentially what people like his boyfriend have successfully achieved today.
He deserves no praise accolade or acknowledgement from us.
Let the LBGTQ community have their icon.
Ideas and concepts don't make actions occur. Rustin busted his ass for the movement of civil rights. Unfortunately, he was an asshole and got along with very few people. Eventually leading to his ouster
Never saw this thanks for posting this