So beautiful articulate and passionate about Ethiopia. I pray 🙏🏼 we will cultivate more independent strong compassionate females. May god bring peace and harmony to our beloved Ethiopia!
Wow ❕ so impressed by your confidence. Your love for your country and your passion for education for girls. I particularly appreciated your willingness to give credit to your parents and Nazareth School for your success. It is important to remember that we are all products of our environment and the support of our loved ones plays a vital role in our development. I am so proud to be your friend.
Dear Mismak, Thank you very much for your insightful analysis.I appreciate your unique perspective,reminiscent of Ethiopian wisdom. Your thoughts take me back to the Nazareth school of the late 60’s and early 70’s. I particularly enjoyed the first part and look forward to the second instalment.your lessons remind me of my younger days, inspiring me to embody the strength of the legendary queen of Sheba’s lineage. I hope the upcoming segment will continue to enlighten and entertain.Do not let any misogynistic voices silence your voice.keep up the excellent work. Best regards
this is a very interesting interview 🤔 where the interviewer interest focused merely on social status, party, earning potential vacation time, dating yadi yadi yada while the women had a lot to offer and impart so much knowledge and experience. By undermining her he wasted her’s and our time. I wonder if the interviewee was a male, what his question be like? Mismak thanks for keeping your cool. I would have lost it.
Very fascinating story. I can’t wait to hear the next episode
wonderful woman.
Great interview. I liked her confidence and integrity
ጋዜጠኛ ኤልያስ ይሄንን ፕሮግራም ስላሰብከውና አቀነባብረህ አየር ላይ ስላዋልከው ከልብ ላመሰግንህ እወዳለሁ። የሄዋን እይታ ብዙ የበሰለ እና እረቂቅ አስተሳሰብ ያላቸውን እህቶቻችንን ይዞ ብቅ እንደሚል እና ለሌሎቻችን ይቻላል የሚል ታላቅ መልካም ትምርት እንደሚያስተላልፍ ተስፉ አረጋለሁ። ተባረክ
ጎብዝ ልጅ! በርች!
My Nazarth sister Mismak ❤
በጣም ግሩም ፕሮግራም::
ኤልያሰ በጣም ቆንጆ ፕሮግራምነው በርታ!!
So beautiful articulate and passionate about Ethiopia. I pray 🙏🏼 we will cultivate more independent strong compassionate females. May god bring peace and harmony to our beloved Ethiopia!
Great interview, Mismakye!!! Keep doing the hard work.
Wow ❕ so impressed by your confidence. Your love for your country and your passion for education for girls. I particularly appreciated your willingness to give credit to your parents and Nazareth School for your success. It is important to remember that we are all products of our environment and the support of our loved ones plays a vital role in our development. I am so proud to be your friend.
Dear Mismak,
Thank you very much for your insightful analysis.I appreciate your unique perspective,reminiscent of Ethiopian wisdom. Your thoughts take me back to the Nazareth school of the late 60’s and early 70’s.
I particularly enjoyed the first part and look forward to the second instalment.your lessons remind me of my younger days, inspiring me to embody the strength of the legendary queen of Sheba’s lineage.
I hope the upcoming segment will continue to enlighten and entertain.Do not let any misogynistic voices silence your voice.keep up the excellent work.
Best regards
ናዝሬት ትምህርት ቤታችን ልዩ ናት:: እናትም አባትም ሆና አንድ እንድንሆን አድርጋ አሳድጋናለች:: ❤️
ምሥማክበጣም እድለኛነሽ😢እኔግን ወታደርአርጌሻለሁ❤ቆራጥ ወታደርየተማረች
የአፍሪካን ድህነት አሁንም በኮሎኒያልዝም አታመሀኝ!! ከነፃነት ወዲህ ብዙ ዘመን አልፏል:: አፍሪካውያን መሪዎችስ ምን ሰሩ!
Mismakye 😊
እባክህ ብዙ ጣልቃ እየገባህ አታቋርጣቸው
እኛ ከአፍሪካ ከቅኝ አገዛዝ ነፃ እንድንሆን አባቶቻችን አደረጉን ግን እኛ ልጆቻቸው እራሳችን ማስደግ አቅቶን የአለም የመጨረሻ ደሃ ህዝቦች ሆንን አሁን ደግሞ በስደት እነኝህን በቅኝ የተገዙ አገሮች መውረር ጀመርን። ያአሁ ትውልድ ችግር ማስወገጃ ከመስራት ይልቅ በቋንቋ ተለያይቶ እርስ በርስ እየተፋጀን ነው። አሁን ኢትዮጵያዊ አንገት ከመድፋት በስተቀር ምን ለሌላው በኩራት የምነግረው አለው?
Dr. Abeba Fekade
this is a very interesting interview 🤔 where the interviewer interest focused merely on social status, party, earning potential vacation time, dating yadi yadi yada while the women had a lot to offer and impart so much knowledge and experience. By undermining her he wasted her’s and our time. I wonder if the interviewee was a male, what his question be like? Mismak thanks for keeping your cool. I would have lost it.
Kibera slum in Nairobi. U can't find blacks in Westland and parkland. It is a city where Indians and whites are living in a better way
ኬንያን የሚመራ፣ የኬንያ መሪ ነኝ ይላል አፉን ሞልቶ፣ ማፈሪያ። የሌባ አገር፣ ሰው በገዛ አገሩ በነፃነት የማይዘዋወርበት አገር።
Ethiopia gin endelibeh timelalesaleh ?
@@mrhow22 አሁን ነዋ ኢትዮጵያ የተበላሸችው፣ ቢሆንም እንደ ኬኒያ የትም የለም። ዜጎች 5pm ከስራ ወጥተው 12:30pm ድረስ ቤታቸው ለመድረስ ያለው ትርምስ፣ ሩጫ፣ ምክንያቱም ከ7pm በኋላ የሌባ ስዓት ነውና፣ ታዲያ ይሄ ኑሮ ነው።