In the philippines it don't apply for women. Women just practice tiktok then when they get get old, they'll catch an american for money and green are. Then they get money. Shortcut for Prostitution with style.
After 25 years of teaching I can tell you first hand, he is 100% correct. Those running our education system (not the teachers by the way) are doing a horrible job. It is being run exactly the way they want it, the problem is the goals they have do not aline with what is best for the students or society.
I completely agree with Elon's views about education. Children need problem solving skills, which require actual thought and creativity rather than memorizing facts. My daughter is a creative teacher who quit teaching at public school and started private tutoring so she could teach her way. She would love teaching at this school!
Musk is not educated himself, so he is not a authority to say this, even its funny he said it as he doesn't have college degree and also poor, why would people listen to him to start with?
It's the future of schools. I wanted to build a school then I did some research and came to understand that in the futre schools will be online and home schooling will be more relevant as more people will study online so i gave that idea up!
We do homeschool, its nothing like the government system public school. We dont do online public school either. My kids are happy, healthy, thriving. I love the freedom of how this style is shaping us, even myself. We think for ourselves and aren’t brained washed.
That's just I felt in school - what is this for - why am I here. I am 81 now and a success and nothing I leared in school particularly helped me. Smart man this Musk
I looked at school as a social event and not an educational one. But ended up with post graduate training and a great career. But it took my own inquisition into science do get it done. I can say with complete confidence 90% of my pre college education was useless.
As a homeschooling mom I smile to hear this. My kid is amazing at reading and struggling at math. This makes me know she's right on her own path. She and I talk about writing children's books. Develop our steghths and work on our weaknesses.❤
If you are unschooling your children, get in touch with me any time My name is Derek Thomas Lirio. I've educated myself since I was a kid, started working for myself during high school and taught many others to do it. I used to skip school to meet with business owners and celebrities. Get in touch, I'll point you to different resources that are currently available for independent education.
As an educator for 50 plus years I can only say Elon is 100 💯 percent right on. We need to change education to save our kids and country from the current disease 🦠.
@ I changed it a great deal when I started a new high school with an immersive learning program for which I won an award. Sorry I couldn’t change the entire department of education. I had to wait for Trump.
0) Deep and Broad Learning 1) Track record 2) Exceptional ability 3) Hands-on learning 4) Learning what is needed for the job. 5) Reverse Engineering. 6) Seek out Why you're doing something. 7) Problem Solving skills. 8) Gamifying Learning.
I didn't understand why I was learning what I was learning!! and till this day 80 % of what I learned has never been helpful or come in handy. I feel the education system only wasted my childhood. Never really prepared me for anything that I wanted to become.
It trains your brain to think a certain way. It’s not a waste. Go speak to someone with a middle school education or no education. You may not remember everything, but it trains your brain to understand and solve problems
80% so up through about 9 or 10th grade ? So you didn’t learn to read? You didn’t learn reading and auditory comprehension? Do math? Like percentages when you comment on videos? You didn’t learn socially acceptable behaviors that differ from toddlers? So you’re sad you might’ve been taught how to do reading and math using facts that didn’t FEEL relevant, but those skills didn’t get used in your life? You didn’t end up learning how to be on time for things? How to time manage by getting assignments done on time? Do cooperative work with group projects? How to share public spaces? They may not be explicitly on a test but you more than likely went to a school that encouraged and reinforced those skills. Or at least provided you a learning opportunity that you could have taken advantage of to learn those skills.
@@ThatTimeTheThingHappened I learned to read, write and do math at home before even going to school. % was learned watching sports 😂. The rest of what you mention is more social skills. Those skills you really dont need school for. Theres sports, clubs and just playing with the kids in the neighborhood to learn those along with observing for parents. Think about it you were basically told to sit down and shut up for hours at a time to regurgitate what the teacher said. I can say I was happy that i took a keyboarding class in HS as it has helped alot in my career, and it was an elective😂.
My wife and I hated school when we were young. So we decided to homeschool our kid. Our kid is now in university with a scholarship but she knows she can drop out at any time if she wishes to.
I was a university professor and took some underperformed and average grade students as PhD and MSc candidates. They graduated with indexed journal manuscripts, indexed books and find great job s in the university and government offices.
Wht I can say, every school starts with these ideas until we don't care about the knowledge but grades only, then it starts to be worst place for the students and teachers.
@@demonlucy1050 they're victims and at the same time at fault, because despite knowing how harmful and destroying the education system is, they still follow it, just to get paid It's just about grades and money
I remember my science teacher in freshman year would bump grades lol. A bunch of the girls had a crush on him, and he wasn't a very good looking guy. Dude was really energetic and excited all the time, I'm guessing that's why. His was the only class I liked going to. Even when someone got a question wrong, he was able to break down why that kid thought that and and fix the thinking without making em feel dumb. I wonder how he's doing now.
I taught private music lessons for 26 years. I noticed that home schooled kids in general were more skilled, & overall 'smarter' than the other kids. They were followed by private schooled kids, then charter schools, with public schooled kids being dead last. I later taught ESL English for a private company. They were efficient & extremely effective in teaching. I finally ended up teaching social studies at a public school for 6 years. I was shocked at the level of incompetence, red tape, & flat out questionable tactics employed by the system. The teachers were NOT the problem, it was the system we were locked in. I ended up quitting & I'm now in business for myself teaching English. It is really difficult to put into words how self sabotaging the public school system is. One of the deans pretty much was knows as the master of disaster because whatever was working & effective she'd pretty much change & turn it into a total clusterf**k of inefficiency. I wholeheartedly agree with Elon on this. Don't even get me started about colleges & universities....
There is one education money pot. Funding has been siphoned from traditional public schools and given to charter schools and the voucher program. Traditional public schools have been under attack for decades by privatizers. There is ZERO evidence that charter schools out-perform traditional public schools and, in fact, are doing poorly in many parts of the US like, for instance, Ohio, where most of the charters schools are under-performing. Charters are rife with money mismanagement and they have WASTED a billion dollars in education funding. Vouchers often result in students attending religious private schools which teach fiction. If all traditional public schools were fully funded and politicians, non educators and privateers would keep their noses out of a profession for which they are NOT experts, traditional public schools would be much better. By robbing Peter to pay Paul, charters has siphoned off so much funding that traditional brick and mortar schools are in a state of disrepair, they have teacher shortages and crowded classrooms. Traditional public schools have had to get rid of nurses, teacher aids, librarians, counselors, and before and after school programs thanks to charters and vouchers. And, thanks to high stakes standardized testing, testing we don't need and that is hugely expensive to administer, traditional public schools have had to focus on Language Arts and Math causing learning loss in other subjects like Civics but isn't a dumb populace what big business wants? The US has a perfectly good test, NAEP, aka the Nation's Report Card also called the National Assessment for Education Progress. Traditional public schools used to be quite good and the envy of the world until privatization started. Traditional public schools turned out critical thinkers who later became US presidents. There's money in data and charters and vouchers. Charters are either privately owned or privately managed and there's little accountability or oversight. That's why they wasted a billion dollars. Look it up.
I think all teens starting at the age of 14 or 15 should work or have some kind of internship while in school and college. You need to do both at the same time. It helps you figure out where you want to go in life. Sitting in a class room with no real life experience kind of stunts your ability to think creatively.
He is absolutely right about everything...because when you go for a job sometimes the things you go through in schools that don't matter. I think all countries in the world should acknowledge this idea..just teach work in a fun environment for children. Practical is better than theory. ❤❤
I mean he is right. I am just month away from finishing high school. I loved learning new things since very young age. But then I started hating school, because you had to know this and this. So only things I was enjoying (languages and history), I learnt it myself from other sources much better.
I enjoyed science, biology, and such and I want to collage but no successful job straightaway, so my chance for success is my invention called the atommformer, akak formstarted a major innovations like Steve Jobs works, th8nsg Elon does, and resrsch at CERN, well my device I’m talking about is one which marked the particles needed for atoms and make whole atoms and compounds of them via 3d printing, like ex 3d print unlimited organs, liquid oxygen, seeds,watermelon,bricks,metals, fuel,material for solar energy, fusion reactors,you name it
same is my case i like pyschology of human and i love to learn about space time but my uni dont teach me these things if i have to learn pysch that i can learn another thing which i love most so i mlearning these things myself
oh my god same, im a freshman, and ever since i was 8, i have loved history and geography. i would binge watch history videos, although with school i kinda had to stop. i can tell you right now i learnt 1000x more from those videos than i learnt from any history or social studies class, ive always had good grades, but i think like most people have always hated school. i do think we shoukd expose every subject to children and teenagers, to see if it sparks an interest in them. i don't just mean math and english (although they would be included in it) i mean like anything.
Montessori saw this too. Small groups, grace and courtesy chats and encouragement, correction of error in every activity of choice, problem solving, exploring questions, guidance by Nature, natural laws.... Confidence grows at a phenomenal rate.
To quote John D Rockefeller; I don’t want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers. A quote from the man who helped engineer the curriculum for public schools aka school was created to make us workers not free thinkers who can work for themselves
I just looked up job opportunities within Tesla, any jobs within the fields of engineering, chemistry, materials etc. required a minimum of a bachelors degree. Hypocrisy at its finest.
I did learn 3 things. 1 suck up to the art teacher because I sucked at art to get a better grade. Write a 5 paragraph essay which is useful and how to spot someone maxing a bench press in weight lifting class😂 The rest was social I never did homework until the class before it was due cause could care less what the teacher was saying😂
I hated school when I was coming up. I was smart and lazy at the same time. Lol. Very few classes were actually fun. I had good teachers all throughout. But I felt i I learned more from hands on, reading books about things that interested me. And first hand experience.
I like Elon's comment about disconnecting the grade system from the evaluation and just making sure people progress as fast as they can. I think the grading system is a Muda factory and unfair in many ways. Education evaluation needs to be revolutionized, to make it a more efficient "game" as Elon mentioned.
Modern Times : Vertical Education, Self Learning Ability, Master Language (Connectivity With people) English & Mandarin, Financial Planning Skills (Calculator), Solving Problems, Geography (Global Connectivity & Population) Serving The Mass, Mastering Water Art, Writing Art & Colors Soft Skills. Public Manners & Moral, Social (Charity), Food Skills.
Most if not all the examples of successful dropouts he gave went to private schools and had wealthy parents. An ordinary person can’t afford to take such a risk, and most would fail. That said, I agree with most of what he said. I thought a lot about what university gave me, and about the only thing was to prove that I could work hard and succeed. However, in most job interviews the interviewers had a poor view of top grades, probably because they didn’t get top grades, and want to make someone with too grades look stupid. Some interviews have work related tests e.g. create a program to represent in 3D capacitance on a touchscreen. I always did well at those. In my view most education enforces obedience, which is what most employers seek. They reward mediocrity, most employers cannot cope with autonomous employees. Tesla is an exception.
There are many examples of average income people who absolutely failed in standardized education, bucked the system, were unschooled, etc. who succeeded greatly. They just aren't known by people like Elon Musk.
…..if one desires an example and test for one’s ability to accept self-discipline, confidence, and accomplishment - look to that of the successful military recruit graduate!
Grading schools based on standardized testing achievement levels has ruined public education. The entire curriculum is based on the tests. Interesting projects are often delayed until after the testing schedule is finished. Creativity has been totally stymied.
And learning the life of Life takes a lot of time learning, research reading note taking maybe taking extra courses, who has time for it, as the clock is ticking I am getting older. I would have liked to have my education in school that I could actually use in my life.
And learning the life of Life takes a lot of time learning, research, reading, note taking, maybe taking extra courses. Who has time for it, as the clock is ticking I am getting older. I would have liked to have my education in school that I could actually use in my life.
@@ThisIsAnInactiveChannel they just most afraid/fearfull of own and our survival so that's why they want to indoctrinate us with rubbish/trash knowledge students can do normal jobs to live normal rubbish life .........
….this is where the Generation 2.0 of artificial intelligence can and should replace the ordinary teacher in the classroom for many, if not all, students. The idea of a personalized AI teacher for each student is almost a reality!
When my daughter took my grandson out of school he went from being a first grader to a 4th grader year. School was holding him back. For some kids they're constantly waiting for the others to catch up. I can't believe he reads me books at Six years old. We can't even be sneaky and spell things Because he know how to spell everything.
00:00:00 College not necessary for exceptional ability. 00:00:29 Evidence of exceptional ability trumps degrees. 00:01:34 Colleges for fun and proving chores capability. 00:02:41 Education should match aptitudes and abilities. 00:03:05 Teach problem-solving, not just tools. 00:04:46 Education should be gamified and engaging. 00:05:55 Explain the purpose behind learning subjects. 00:07:22 Education should be interactive like video games. 00:10:00 Why of things is crucial for learning retention.
Some students read out side of school and learn some truths but if those students don’t agree with what the teacher s are told to teach the student will be called a liar. Some students travel and some teachers never travel a hundred miles from their homes…
Agreed, enjoyment plays a BIG part. When i was in year 7, i had a great teacher and classroom environment for maths. the atmosphere was so relaxed and engaging. there were even little inside jokes, and people actually even put their hand up and was like 'why cant you do this [insert other way they thought about]?. like they actually thought about what was being taught. i found the class so great that i got mostly grade 7's without even having to revise, and having loads of time at the end to fill my test pages up with cool creative drawings. it was just so amazing but then, we changed sets/into levels of classes grouped by maths ability. i got put in the top set. the classroom was dead silent with only the occasional rustling of paper, and the teaching method was horrible [we had to listen to what the teacher was saying, WHILE copying previous notes from the board down!]. So then i did not care about maths at all. rapidly dropping down a few grades each test and eventually to grade 3, i got moved down to middle set. which was much less intense than top. middle sets teacher was actually extremely good, i love that teacher, but it just wasn't the same environment as the first class. i cant remember exactly, but i got grades 5 - 6 i think? anyways now ive changed schools for the worst and i just feel really bad about it so my grades are horrible and im in bottom set because im new but idk why im talking about this since its not important so yeah enjoyment, thanks for listening to my Ted Talk
Where are you from btw ? How can we relate to each other so much even do not speak same language we are thousend of kilometres away from each other's but but conditions are actually same
I agree. I recall teaching my cousin, there was a difference in my style versus the way her mom taught her. I taught her in a laid back manner, almost as sort of a friend, rather than a teacher. I. could tell she was way more relax, I encourage her to not worry about making mistakes, rather focus on enjoying herself. I maintained her attention through joking around & being playful with her, which gradually gained her trust. There was something important about this, the encouragement to make mistake was an absolute must, I was always there to answer any question she had, whereas her mom scolded her whenever she made a mistake. It was to say I personally greatly enjoyed experience, I understand some people have learning anxiety, I'm there to help. You could feel there was always a tenseness in the air. I believe this is what education is like: one in an extremely formal manner, while the other in a laid back manner, where learning does not feel like a chore, rather a sip of wine. It's extremely frustrating to watch from my perspective the justification professors and teachers has for their "style of learning" where upon it's nothing sort of lack luster, and ineffective. These teachers are not teachers, they do absolutely nothing, & while at it, they make your life miserable, every once of joy a person had for this particular subject were away. It's almost like a competition to see how dull they can make for an otherwise fascinating subject. I just wanted to tell you I completely understand, not to mention the creativity the education system has sucked away. To be frank, this entire education is flawed to the teeth, it's about time there' s a revamp of this. And many times I could never wrap my head around the fact some people take education super seriously to the point it's mentally damaging their health. I would've done everything such that my students does not have to feel this. This is a difference between a great teacher, versus the average. And you're definitely out of luck of you're a gifted student, or any particular student with a style of learning that's not one the formalize one we see in the education system.
Actually it is important, and you are correct. The learning environment itself has a huge impact, sondon't blame yourswlf andntry to see if you have other options.
Elon musk is top ranking teacher i remember when I was 8to9 years in school my brain was blowing with learning science but there was little science teaching in school at that time. I congratulations....❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Together a dream can be awakened. Together we can spark a renaissance of art, science, new skill trades, save American arts and crafts. I respect this innovator and real deal keep going, so will I. God bless America.
For me school was literally as bleak as in Pink Floyd's The Wall. It was the beginning of a lot of trauma. I had teachers laugh at my future goals and tear up other students art and make them cry. Elon's school sounds very practical, hands on, and a bit more fun and engaging.
Most young people inspire by Elon . When he gives that kind of motivation is not for everyone so, I would like to say that when you give advice or motivational speech encourage young kids to be themselves work hard to achieve their goals instead telling them our educational system is terrible. I don’t say we have a great education system but we have to have first some thing in the ground. The school system you create for your kids is just for people to afford not for everyone.
In my 4 years of college, all I did was "upload something before the deadline". I am free now, I have started learning from now. I think it's time to get a different perspective
In my family some the most succesful are the ones that didnt go to school but had a lot of curisity like my brother he didnt graduate junior high and he gets paid the top salary at the company that he works because he is good at fixing machines i dint finished high school and have a construction company, i see the ones that went to school they are more dedicated to finding a good job rather than creating one for them they are scared to go out and just start from the bottom up.
I still don't know to this day why I went to school other than to turn me into a worker not a thinker. Being at school was worse than sawing my arm off with no anesthetic.
He is very smart. I think it depends on what profession you go into if you go to college or not. Obviously if you want to be a doctor or lawyer going to college would be necessary. It would also matter what career path to choose to support yourself. There are many great apprenticeship programs out there. I have seen people who went to college who were very successful in their career path and those who didn’t choose college who were equally successful.
Baloney.. Sort of. If you have stuck it out for four years and get a degree it tells a potential employer that you stuck it out. If u have good grades even better. It means you are a hard worker. If you went to a difficult school it tells the potential employer you can compete. I had no problem getting jobs. Went to Berkeley.
If you want to do jobs in the conservative fields, college is very important because they don’t tolerate change much but entrepreneurship can be everyone
The educational system stifles learning it certainly doesn't encourage it. The educational system teaches individuals to get in line and play follow the leader, just like in everything else that is associated with the human experience. Most of the educational system is like most everything else in our society you have nuances that you simply cannot overcome. Daydreaming is also part of education, most educators certainly don't believe in that. I find it benificial to be independent and approach it from that angle.
I studied computing and researched on internet during the 90s and I already saw this pattern. The insane growth of online information and amount college graduates pushed by the government blindly, degree will be worthless. It's simply supply and demand that we all learn in school. So my son is very mediocre in academics but I know he has the take risk "go getter" mentality. So I took my gut instinct told him to leave school and learnt a trade skill. After two years of finishing his apprenticeship, he decided to leave the company and only took him a week to find another job because there are hardly any youngsters willing to work in the industry. He is only 19 and earn more than a graduate.
5 місяців тому+2
Same issues even at university level. Once I was teaching 5th year Electrical Engineering students. I was asking: "how do you select which coax cable to buy in the shop? You have dozens of different types.". From the more than one hundred students no one had any idea. OMG. Then I explained that when they did a summary exam at 3rd grade they learned already everything for this. However, no one told them why to learn those stuff and what is the usage. Very sad...
I believe that school was made for workers, good grades ? Good get a stable “high” paying job. They’re hiring you cause you’re a good worker, worker not thinker. Depending on your job of course but other wise you’d be underpayed. If you want another career path and have a plan or know where to find the info(internet/networking/experience) then people will say” you don’t go to college you don’t become successful “ they kill your creativity.
My father was very successful and he didn’t even finish seventh grade. Elon is right about college. I always wanted a college degree and after the fact, I worked to get 85 credits and what are they doing now? They’ve done nothing to help me. It was real life experience and learning from books and people that helped me more than anything. College is just where most people go to party. This guy is a genius. He knows what he’s talking about. And another example is one of the vice presidents I worked with at one of my jobs who did not go to college, but learned from real life experience and ended up being an international expert in the transformer industry. And he was one of the kindest, most generous people I have ever worked with. ❤
Elon must love his children…very cool would it be to have Elon as dad? As you grew no dream, would be beyond your reach..with your dad as the most excellent teacher…very lucky kids! Good job Elon!!💕💕💕😊
Wish Elon could help re-invent the entire schooling system, all children desperately need it..but Elon is so busy already, one man can’t do everything..there’s just not enough time, but, maybe other educators will step up and join with with him, and together it will get done…🌎
One thing I think is that there needs to be more work done to make academic databases more easily accessible by the public. You can learn anything for free to an extent, but if you want to start accessing scholarships and research you need funds
It’s so valid. I loved my college experience because I was exposed to lots of subjects and experts in their field. It was humbling but also made me turn on my brain for first time. But there was definitely something empty feeling at the end because I only learned a couple of things thoroughly. And most of the stuff I learned is forgotten now at 39.
…. The Montessori method is more than 100 years old. We are in the 21st-century now and we need to advance for beyond that method, oven instruction and learning.!
I enjoyed my time in public education as a student. I had fun!! I didn’t graduate. But went to college for a trade and ended up with an associates. As well, I self educated and networked during this time.
I did think school was little more than a 13 year prison sentence. I did learn some but, I probably learned about 5 years of knowledge in 13 years. We home schooled our daughters and by 6th grade they were already testing beyond 12 grade.
@Brian P this is the argument, everyone told me. I really don’t think the classroom environment was the most effective way to interact with others. Most the time conversation and natural play was very limited and controlled. And truly thinking creatively was at best discouraged but, at time’s punished . My daughters had many neighbor friends and cousins to play with and they were both involved in group sports and hobbies. Actually I think kids need more alone time. My daughters are adult now. 28 and 32. And I admit we all gave into the pressure of expensive college route. But my view of college is a little more positive because the student was a little more autonomy. They both earned graduate degrees via academic scholarships (still somehow cost a lot of money) One is a physical therapist and other a psychologist. These degrees certainly helped them in their career but, I do wonder if all the time and money spent was justified? I went to college for 10 years (as an adult) to earn post graduate degrees, which I believe to be much more interesting and valuable. I did very well with university as is common when people who enjoy what they are doing. Due to scholarships I did not pay a lot but, it was still a monetary burden and a huge consumer of time which. I wonder could have been used more wisely? The occupation I chose as a research scientist in biology would have been difficult to impossible without a PHD but, in reality not sure if that barrier is somewhat artificial? Certainly a place for intense classroom training but, if there is no desire and curiosity, pushing through is tough and maybe not very useful? Well any way…. Looks like I did a whole lot of bragging to make my point 🤪! Guilty. Thanks you the thoughtful message
Students are taught as though on an assembly line so that the end products are all the same. They’re easier to manage that way. I let my children choose their own direction and support them in their interest in order to build passions fir what they do.
If the education system was dismantled and the money was given to parents in education credits, the parents could choose to spend the money at any school. Schools could be publicly rated according to some education standards. There would be so much more money available for better education.
Same here. They never taught me anything I wanted to learn about.I was interested in one thing, I learned by traveling. I was able to go where I wanted to and learn what I wanted to. The only thing I was good at was remembering. The one thing I learned in school was never stop asking the question.
As my thoughts to this, it shows the brilliance of understanding what is truly wrong and should be fixed in our society. As well as any and many other social systems.
I have a little boy and Ive totally lost hope in the school system. It actually depressing me and how it is impacted my life between myself and my son. Constantly receiving negative comments about him. He is only 5 and I'm tired of it already. I wish I could have a home tutor and not bother with school.
Could try homeschooling maybe, or co-op schools? Thry are really fun when you hook up with groups. Remember Edison and Einstein both did very poorly in regular school and got negative comments from teachers all the time too.
Hi there! He's absolutely right about prevailing education system.Because education system is about fitting one into the parameters for the particular situation,it simply kills the best for the purpose. As a result,challenges in our life turn into problems and get resolved. Thanks & regards.
Crazy how all those people dropped out and all had to hire people with degrees to keep their ideas and businesses going. The argument against college using the successes of others who lack degrees is flawed and misleading. Go to college if you find something you are passionate about and it requires a degree, don't look at it as a ticket to wealth and success.
I wish my grandson will be able to go to Elon’s school those children are so fortunate! But I hope they still learn how to read n write and be able to enjoy classics! God bless Elon!
Agree. Cuz you cannot control creative people. They need to be free. That’s where they excel. Reality is that the education system either prohibits or puts limitations on creativity.
The school he described is similar to the New School system implemented in Colombia for children of low income areas. It is a multigrade system. It helps teachers to offer instruction to a variety of students in different grades in a single classroom. With the facilitation of the teacher older students help to youngers students, a process to facilitate sharing knowledge and fix the concepts.
Just because it didn't suit Elon, doesn't mean school is not right for everyone. I thrived at school and loved it. Wanted to learn and wanted those who were not interested, catered for elsewhere ! It depends on your personality( I know a trad. classroom environment can be hard for those with eg autism, adhd, and other reasons not to thrive) your motivation and what level of opportunity, support, and access to information/ inspiration, you would have if school didn't exist. Plus school is social inteteaction with people you would not necessarily spend time with out of choice, so skills for dealing/ working with people as an adult. I would like to see more support for widening opportunities such as day release to college or work experience, more active skills learning, in or out of school, flexible timetabling tailored to individual pupils needs and interests.
I agree with this education system 100% I am an educator and sometimes I feel terrible about the existing education system. That is the reason we push kids to school and a lot of them dropout.
Practical training is the main factor and there is complete absence of it from school. Wasting time on bizarre subjects, never gonna use . Jack of all Trades or Really good at one thing
I was in a technical school learning design and how engines work. Needless to say I am well qualified and doing well. My technical abilities also includes how to build my own wood frame house and also learned a lot of different things that’s not even related to my trade.
I was a teacher, but left the education field completely. Freelancing and offering my own services now. Elon is completely right. It's more like students being treated like drones and teachers not focusing on concepts and application of what they're teaching. Being able to engage with your students / learners is huge as well, unfortunately most teachers these days are mindless drones regurgitating the same content year in year out.
Smart people can learn by themselves, but there's many students that do need the support of teachers to help/motivate with the learning on different subjects
The education system is imperfect but it’s probably still the most cost effective way to help most people create better lives for themselves. It doesn’t create optimal outcomes for the majority but what’s the alternative? Most people can’t afford to build their own experimental school? As far as tertiary education goes, the major problem is that too many people are studying useless subjects with no purpose or vocation. The standards are not hard enough and the subject matter isn’t focused on the skills and knowledge that employers need and want.
I am a certified Montessori Teacher, and it is an amazing method that enables children to develop problem solving skills, and follow their interests as well as learning how to function well in society.
Summary on education: 1. Show exceptional ability. 2. You can learn anything you want for free. 3. Start from the problem to the solution. Use educational tools to solve that problem. 4. Explain why are you teaching a subject. 5. Cater education to match abilities and aptitudes. 6. Enjoy education. Have fun. 7. Gamify the process of learning. 8. Make it interactive and engaging. 9. Allow people to procede at the fastest pace that they can. Thank you for reading. Feel free to add any comments on this topic.
The way they described how it should be, i feel like a tons of amount of kids will start socializing more making friends more and learn things that they really wouldn't forget because they are enjoying it and really their mental health would be much better, i truly wish i could go to such schools but my time is over and iv suffered but ill try my best to change it so no more people get to suffer
Education is the foundation and platform to grow from the age of 21. You start thinking and creating at the PHD level at the age of 21 to 24. What you do after that its up to you. Being wealthy at this age is a bonus. The next stage is love and Marriage and family and the foundation of the education system is repeated for your children. With addition and subtractions. Give credit to all those that have degrees. Well Done. Be Proud.
BS You start thinking and creating as soon as you pickup a crayon College degrees are necessary because people like you say they must be The public education system is the biggest scam ever perpetrated on the American Public. Some of the dumbest people I know have degrees All they signify is one’s ability to show up to class and complete assignments on time. The teaching profession as it exists today, is entirely unnecessary and overrun by political activists and people who like the smell of their own farts.
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Kamu mencuri id aku tetap ada loyeraku
Why is Absolutely so important.
Thank you Mr.Elon Musk 👍
In the philippines it don't apply for women. Women just practice tiktok then when they get get old, they'll catch an american for money and green are. Then they get money.
Shortcut for Prostitution with style.
Can't agree enough.
Your idol? LoL. Elon!?!??!!!!
After 25 years of teaching I can tell you first hand, he is 100% correct. Those running our education system (not the teachers by the way) are doing a horrible job. It is being run exactly the way they want it, the problem is the goals they have do not aline with what is best for the students or society.
You're a teacher? -"aline"
@@zuutlmna I R Professor
Conflict of interest is a common people problem.
Ironic a professor is saying that, you’re part of the education system.
I completely agree with Elon's views about education. Children need problem solving skills, which require actual thought and creativity rather than memorizing facts. My daughter is a creative teacher who quit teaching at public school and started private tutoring so she could teach her way. She would love teaching at this school!
The education I received in small town Manitoba in the 1990s is the education people need right now. This is severe damage.
MSRA COURSE should be there for all.
Musk is not educated himself, so he is not a authority to say this, even its funny he said it as he doesn't have college degree and also poor, why would people listen to him to start with?
I used to teach and did not like the system. I resigned and homeschool my youngest. It was the best thing I ever did.
It's the future of schools. I wanted to build a school then I did some research and came to understand that in the futre schools will be online and home schooling will be more relevant as more people will study online so i gave that idea up!
If children are reading online it will affect their eyes more over it didn't develop the children core mind his curiosity, challenges
We do homeschool, its nothing like the government system public school. We dont do online public school either. My kids are happy, healthy, thriving. I love the freedom of how this style is shaping us, even myself. We think for ourselves and aren’t brained washed.
That's just I felt in school - what is this for - why am I here. I am 81 now and a success and nothing I leared in school particularly helped me. Smart man this Musk
I looked at school as a social event and not an educational one. But ended up with post graduate training and a great career. But it took my own inquisition into science do get it done. I can say with complete confidence 90% of my pre college education was useless.
Praticamente é quase o mesmo que dizer estudou duas vezes.
As a homeschooling mom I smile to hear this. My kid is amazing at reading and struggling at math. This makes me know she's right on her own path. She and I talk about writing children's books. Develop our steghths and work on our weaknesses.❤
If you are unschooling your children, get in touch with me any time My name is Derek Thomas Lirio. I've educated myself since I was a kid, started working for myself during high school and taught many others to do it. I used to skip school to meet with business owners and celebrities. Get in touch, I'll point you to different resources that are currently available for independent education.
That sounds amazing even Im good at reading but struggle at maths , everyone has their own strengths ❤ and its subjective let her do what she wants
As an educator for 50 plus years I can only say Elon is 100 💯 percent right on. We need to change education to save our kids and country from the current disease 🦠.
Then why u don't change it probably you were inside the education establishment?
@ I changed it a great deal when I started a new high school with an immersive learning program for which I won an award. Sorry I couldn’t change the entire department of education. I had to wait for Trump.
@leofuchs5551 it's not gonna change. Home/Self education is the best option for younger generation.
0) Deep and Broad Learning
1) Track record
2) Exceptional ability
3) Hands-on learning
4) Learning what is needed for the job.
5) Reverse Engineering.
6) Seek out Why you're doing something.
7) Problem Solving skills.
8) Gamifying Learning.
I didn't understand why I was learning what I was learning!! and till this day 80 % of what I learned has never been helpful or come in handy. I feel the education system only wasted my childhood. Never really prepared me for anything that I wanted to become.
Yes most students never use advanced math. They sloud explore what each child has a interest in . .
only 80%. I say 95% of anything useful was learned at home.
It trains your brain to think a certain way. It’s not a waste. Go speak to someone with a middle school education or no education. You may not remember everything, but it trains your brain to understand and solve problems
80% so up through about 9 or 10th grade ?
So you didn’t learn to read? You didn’t learn reading and auditory comprehension?
Do math? Like percentages when you comment on videos?
You didn’t learn socially acceptable behaviors that differ from toddlers?
So you’re sad you might’ve been taught how to do reading and math using facts that didn’t FEEL relevant, but those skills didn’t get used in your life?
You didn’t end up learning how to be on time for things? How to time manage by getting assignments done on time? Do cooperative work with group projects? How to share public spaces?
They may not be explicitly on a test but you more than likely went to a school that encouraged and reinforced those skills. Or at least provided you a learning opportunity that you could have taken advantage of to learn those skills.
@@ThatTimeTheThingHappened I learned to read, write and do math at home before even going to school. % was learned watching sports 😂. The rest of what you mention is more social skills. Those skills you really dont need school for. Theres sports, clubs and just playing with the kids in the neighborhood to learn those along with observing for parents. Think about it you were basically told to sit down and shut up for hours at a time to regurgitate what the teacher said. I can say I was happy that i took a keyboarding class in HS as it has helped alot in my career, and it was an elective😂.
My wife and I hated school when we were young. So we decided to homeschool our kid. Our kid is now in university with a scholarship but she knows she can drop out at any time if she wishes to.
i was in tears a minute ago over my future and my university's last semester..and then idkkkk how i found this....LOVEEE
I was a university professor and took some underperformed and average grade students as PhD and MSc candidates.
They graduated with indexed journal manuscripts, indexed books and find great job s in the university and government offices.
sir, do you mind sharing what do you mean by underperformed grade students as a professor pov?
@@ourmuseI think he meant those with average grades
I'd rather hear that they founded successful businesses than that they got government jobs.
Wht I can say, every school starts with these ideas until we don't care about the knowledge but grades only, then it starts to be worst place for the students and teachers.
I wouldn't say the same so for teachers.
@@demonlucy1050 hmmm
@@demonlucy1050 exactly yeah
Only students not teachers
@@demonlucy1050 they're victims and at the same time at fault, because despite knowing how harmful and destroying the education system is, they still follow it, just to get paid
It's just about grades and money
I remember my science teacher in freshman year would bump grades lol. A bunch of the girls had a crush on him, and he wasn't a very good looking guy. Dude was really energetic and excited all the time, I'm guessing that's why. His was the only class I liked going to. Even when someone got a question wrong, he was able to break down why that kid thought that and and fix the thinking without making em feel dumb.
I wonder how he's doing now.
I taught private music lessons for 26 years. I noticed that home schooled kids in general were more skilled, & overall 'smarter' than the other kids. They were followed by private schooled kids, then charter schools, with public schooled kids being dead last. I later taught ESL English for a private company. They were efficient & extremely effective in teaching. I finally ended up teaching social studies at a public school for 6 years. I was shocked at the level of incompetence, red tape, & flat out questionable tactics employed by the system. The teachers were NOT the problem, it was the system we were locked in. I ended up quitting & I'm now in business for myself teaching English. It is really difficult to put into words how self sabotaging the public school system is. One of the deans pretty much was knows as the master of disaster because whatever was working & effective she'd pretty much change & turn it into a total clusterf**k of inefficiency. I wholeheartedly agree with Elon on this. Don't even get me started about colleges & universities....
I couldn't agree more colleges are just for assignments and hanging out with a group of people of your own age group
@TheCatsSandra and that's a good thing right?
bruh this needs to be shared more
There is one education money pot. Funding has been siphoned from traditional public schools and given to charter schools and the voucher program. Traditional public schools have been under attack for decades by privatizers. There is ZERO evidence that charter schools out-perform traditional public schools and, in fact, are doing poorly in many parts of the US like, for instance, Ohio, where most of the charters schools are under-performing. Charters are rife with money mismanagement and they have WASTED a billion dollars in education funding. Vouchers often result in students attending religious private schools which teach fiction. If all traditional public schools were fully funded and politicians, non educators and privateers would keep their noses out of a profession for which they are NOT experts, traditional public schools would be much better. By robbing Peter to pay Paul, charters has siphoned off so much funding that traditional brick and mortar schools are in a state of disrepair, they have teacher shortages and crowded classrooms. Traditional public schools have had to get rid of nurses, teacher aids, librarians, counselors, and before and after school programs thanks to charters and vouchers. And, thanks to high stakes standardized testing, testing we don't need and that is hugely expensive to administer, traditional public schools have had to focus on Language Arts and Math causing learning loss in other subjects like Civics but isn't a dumb populace what big business wants? The US has a perfectly good test, NAEP, aka the Nation's Report Card also called the National Assessment for Education Progress. Traditional public schools used to be quite good and the envy of the world until privatization started. Traditional public schools turned out critical thinkers who later became US presidents. There's money in data and charters and vouchers. Charters are either privately owned or privately managed and there's little accountability or oversight. That's why they wasted a billion dollars. Look it up.
I think all teens starting at the age of 14 or 15 should work or have some kind of internship while in school and college. You need to do both at the same time. It helps you figure out where you want to go in life. Sitting in a class room with no real life experience kind of stunts your ability to think creatively.
It’s called sports and band. There are tons of other after school programs as well
How awesome that these things can be said in the open like this and be put for public display. A unique time in history for sure.
They have been pushing us with school…
He is absolutely right about everything...because when you go for a job sometimes the things you go through in schools that don't matter. I think all countries in the world should acknowledge this idea..just teach work in a fun environment for children. Practical is better than theory. ❤❤
I agree, but the education system is too lame to make that happen.
Check out the education system in Finland. I wish we had something like that in the US.
I mean he is right. I am just month away from finishing high school. I loved learning new things since very young age. But then I started hating school, because you had to know this and this. So only things I was enjoying (languages and history), I learnt it myself from other sources much better.
ironic that languges are your best subject, yet you cannot properly write....
I enjoyed science, biology, and such and I want to collage but no successful job straightaway, so my chance for success is my invention called the atommformer, akak formstarted a major innovations like Steve Jobs works, th8nsg Elon does, and resrsch at CERN, well my device I’m talking about is one which marked the particles needed for atoms and make whole atoms and compounds of them via 3d printing, like ex 3d print unlimited organs, liquid oxygen, seeds,watermelon,bricks,metals, fuel,material for solar energy, fusion reactors,you name it
@@Jimothy-723expecting perfect writing on the internet is a farce.
same is my case i like pyschology of human and i love to learn about space time but my uni dont teach me these things if i have to learn pysch that i can learn another thing which i love most so i mlearning these things myself
oh my god same, im a freshman, and ever since i was 8, i have loved history and geography. i would binge watch history videos, although with school i kinda had to stop. i can tell you right now i learnt 1000x more from those videos than i learnt from any history or social studies class, ive always had good grades, but i think like most people have always hated school. i do think we shoukd expose every subject to children and teenagers, to see if it sparks an interest in them. i don't just mean math and english (although they would be included in it) i mean like anything.
Montessori saw this too. Small groups, grace and courtesy chats and encouragement, correction of error in every activity of choice, problem solving, exploring questions, guidance by Nature, natural laws.... Confidence grows at a phenomenal rate.
1,000% AGREE Elon! When we have kids, I want to enroll them in your school.
The education system needs a major overhaul here in the US
For sure
But other country's students want to study in US's schools 💔
To quote John D Rockefeller; I don’t want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers. A quote from the man who helped engineer the curriculum for public schools aka school was created to make us workers not free thinkers who can work for themselves
So very true!
Very true the education offered in more than 96% of schools are not updated to meet the challenges of the times
Todays schooling is very bad for our mental health.Its so inefficient.
No, they are meant to solve the manpower pooling of the industries.
I just looked up job opportunities within Tesla, any jobs within the fields of engineering, chemistry, materials etc. required a minimum of a bachelors degree. Hypocrisy at its finest.
I did learn 3 things. 1 suck up to the art teacher because I sucked at art to get a better grade. Write a 5 paragraph essay which is useful and how to spot someone maxing a bench press in weight lifting class😂 The rest was social I never did homework until the class before it was due cause could care less what the teacher was saying😂
Completely agree. "People are not objects on an assembly line."
I hated school when I was coming up. I was smart and lazy at the same time. Lol. Very few classes were actually fun. I had good teachers all throughout. But I felt i I learned more from hands on, reading books about things that interested me. And first hand experience.
Me too 👌
I like Elon's comment about disconnecting the grade system from the evaluation and just making sure people progress as fast as they can. I think the grading system is a Muda factory and unfair in many ways. Education evaluation needs to be revolutionized, to make it a more efficient "game" as Elon mentioned.
Modern Times : Vertical Education, Self Learning Ability, Master Language (Connectivity With people) English & Mandarin, Financial Planning Skills (Calculator), Solving Problems, Geography (Global Connectivity & Population) Serving The Mass, Mastering Water Art, Writing Art & Colors Soft Skills. Public Manners & Moral, Social (Charity), Food Skills.
Most if not all the examples of successful dropouts he gave went to private schools and had wealthy parents. An ordinary person can’t afford to take such a risk, and most would fail. That said, I agree with most of what he said. I thought a lot about what university gave me, and about the only thing was to prove that I could work hard and succeed. However, in most job interviews the interviewers had a poor view of top grades, probably because they didn’t get top grades, and want to make someone with too grades look stupid. Some interviews have work related tests e.g. create a program to represent in 3D capacitance on a touchscreen. I always did well at those.
In my view most education enforces obedience, which is what most employers seek. They reward mediocrity, most employers cannot cope with autonomous employees. Tesla is an exception.
Exactly. These examples keep being given again again and again. Enough already
Is Twitter an exception too?
There are many examples of average income people who absolutely failed in standardized education, bucked the system, were unschooled, etc. who succeeded greatly. They just aren't known by people like Elon Musk.
…..if one desires an example and test for one’s ability to accept self-discipline, confidence, and accomplishment - look to that of the successful military recruit graduate!
One size does not fit all and this is the way school is being taught!I feel like it tears down so many children’s morals 😢
Grading schools based on standardized testing achievement levels has ruined public education. The entire curriculum is based on the tests. Interesting projects are often delayed until after the testing schedule is finished. Creativity has been totally stymied.
When you go to school you learn the life of school
When you leave school you learn the school of life…..
And learning the life of Life takes a lot of time learning, research reading note taking maybe taking extra courses, who has time for it, as the clock is ticking I am getting older. I would have liked to have my education in school that I could actually use in my life.
And learning the life of Life takes a lot of time learning, research, reading, note taking, maybe taking extra courses. Who has time for it, as the clock is ticking I am getting older. I would have liked to have my education in school that I could actually use in my life.
Holy shit how my school teacher can’t answer my question why I need to do this stuff?
So true. Teachers just order you to do stuff all the time, and they want you to not question yourself why you need to do it. But, still, why?
@@ThisIsAnInactiveChannel they just most afraid/fearfull of own and our survival so that's why they want to indoctrinate us with rubbish/trash knowledge students can do normal jobs to live normal rubbish life .........
….this is where the Generation 2.0 of artificial intelligence can and should replace the ordinary teacher in the classroom for many, if not all, students. The idea of a personalized AI teacher for each student is almost a reality!
Not all teachers want to give that answer, but many have no choice.
I ask why and want to chznge their stupid systems that has been made to confuse and profit from people
Elon is a genius,his works,thoughts and everything he did remain ,be greatful for that.
When my daughter took my grandson out of school he went from being a first grader to a 4th grader year. School was holding him back. For some kids they're constantly waiting for the others to catch up. I can't believe he reads me books at Six years old. We can't even be sneaky and spell things Because he know how to spell everything.
Yeah, make sense
00:00:00 College not necessary for exceptional ability.
00:00:29 Evidence of exceptional ability trumps degrees.
00:01:34 Colleges for fun and proving chores capability.
00:02:41 Education should match aptitudes and abilities.
00:03:05 Teach problem-solving, not just tools.
00:04:46 Education should be gamified and engaging.
00:05:55 Explain the purpose behind learning subjects.
00:07:22 Education should be interactive like video games.
00:10:00 Why of things is crucial for learning retention.
Some students read out side of school and learn some truths but if those students don’t agree with what the teacher s are told to teach the student will be called a liar. Some students travel and some teachers never travel a hundred miles from their homes…
The thing that I've learned about learning, is if you don't understand the "why?", you find it a lot harder to remember. I completely agree with him.
Agreed, enjoyment plays a BIG part.
When i was in year 7, i had a great teacher and classroom environment for maths. the atmosphere was so relaxed and engaging. there were even little inside jokes, and people actually even put their hand up and was like 'why cant you do this [insert other way they thought about]?. like they actually thought about what was being taught. i found the class so great that i got mostly grade 7's without even having to revise, and having loads of time at the end to fill my test pages up with cool creative drawings. it was just so amazing
but then, we changed sets/into levels of classes grouped by maths ability. i got put in the top set. the classroom was dead silent with only the occasional rustling of paper, and the teaching method was horrible [we had to listen to what the teacher was saying, WHILE copying previous notes from the board down!].
So then i did not care about maths at all. rapidly dropping down a few grades each test and eventually to grade 3, i got moved down to middle set. which was much less intense than top.
middle sets teacher was actually extremely good, i love that teacher, but it just wasn't the same environment as the first class. i cant remember exactly, but i got grades 5 - 6 i think?
anyways now ive changed schools for the worst and i just feel really bad about it so my grades are horrible and im in bottom set because im new but idk why im talking about this since its not important
so yeah enjoyment, thanks for listening to my Ted Talk
good talk bro
Where are you from btw ?
How can we relate to each other so much even do not speak same language we are thousend of kilometres away from each other's but but conditions are actually same
I agree. I recall teaching my cousin, there was a difference in my style versus the way her mom taught her. I taught her in a laid back manner, almost as sort of a friend, rather than a teacher. I. could tell she was way more relax, I encourage her to not worry about making mistakes, rather focus on enjoying herself. I maintained her attention through joking around & being playful with her, which gradually gained her trust. There was something important about this, the encouragement to make mistake was an absolute must, I was always there to answer any question she had, whereas her mom scolded her whenever she made a mistake. It was to say I personally greatly enjoyed experience, I understand some people have learning anxiety, I'm there to help.
You could feel there was always a tenseness in the air. I believe this is what education is like: one in an extremely formal manner, while the other in a laid back manner, where learning does not feel like a chore, rather a sip of wine. It's extremely frustrating to watch from my perspective the justification professors and teachers has for their "style of learning" where upon it's nothing sort of lack luster, and ineffective. These teachers are not teachers, they do absolutely nothing, & while at it, they make your life miserable, every once of joy a person had for this particular subject were away. It's almost like a competition to see how dull they can make for an otherwise fascinating subject. I just wanted to tell you I completely understand, not to mention the creativity the education system has sucked away. To be frank, this entire education is flawed to the teeth, it's about time there' s a revamp of this. And many times I could never wrap my head around the fact some people take education super seriously to the point it's mentally damaging their health. I would've done everything such that my students does not have to feel this. This is a difference between a great teacher, versus the average. And you're definitely out of luck of you're a gifted student, or any particular student with a style of learning that's not one the formalize one we see in the education system.
Actually it is important, and you are correct. The learning environment itself has a huge impact, sondon't blame yourswlf andntry to see if you have other options.
Elon musk is top ranking teacher i remember when I was 8to9 years in school my brain was blowing with learning science but there was little science teaching in school at that time. I congratulations....❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Together a dream can be awakened. Together we can spark a renaissance of art, science, new skill trades, save American arts and crafts. I respect this innovator and real deal keep going, so will I. God bless America.
For me school was literally as bleak as in Pink Floyd's The Wall. It was the beginning of a lot of trauma. I had teachers laugh at my future goals and tear up other students art and make them cry. Elon's school sounds very practical, hands on, and a bit more fun and engaging.
We're you at my school? It was like that.
Most young people inspire by Elon . When he gives that kind of motivation is not for everyone so, I would like to say that when you give advice or motivational speech encourage young kids to be themselves work hard to achieve their goals instead telling them our educational system is terrible. I don’t say we have a great education system but we have to have first some thing in the ground.
The school system you create for your kids is just for people to afford not for everyone.
You got my comment buddy, it's absolutely true.
Wow that is some of the worst writing I've seen
How about you work hard, implement this comment, create a school like his where anybody can afford
It's like
Hey all are falling in the hole 🕳
All are jumping so we also jump
The school system are really sux. We should point it out so that change can happen. By the way, thanks for express your thought
In my 4 years of college, all I did was "upload something before the deadline". I am free now, I have started learning from now. I think it's time to get a different perspective
In my family some the most succesful are the ones that didnt go to school but had a lot of curisity like my brother he didnt graduate junior high and he gets paid the top salary at the company that he works because he is good at fixing machines i dint finished high school and have a construction company, i see the ones that went to school they are more dedicated to finding a good job rather than creating one for them they are scared to go out and just start from the bottom up.
I still don't know to this day why I went to school other than to turn me into a worker not a thinker. Being at school was worse than sawing my arm off with no anesthetic.
He is very smart. I think it depends on what profession you go into if you go to college or not. Obviously if you want to be a doctor or lawyer going to college would be necessary. It would also matter what career path to choose to support yourself. There are many great apprenticeship programs out there. I have seen people who went to college who were very successful in their career path and those who didn’t choose college who were equally successful.
Baloney.. Sort of. If you have stuck it out for four years and get a degree it tells a potential employer that you stuck it out. If u have good grades even better. It means you are a hard worker. If you went to a difficult school it tells the potential employer you can compete. I had no problem getting jobs. Went to Berkeley.
If you want to do jobs in the conservative fields, college is very important because they don’t tolerate change much but entrepreneurship can be everyone
Boomer blind spots very common
Hell yeah, I don't want a doctor educated on youtube, wtf. College actually is very necessary in some cases.
A lot of new doctors admit to looking stuff up on web md.
The educational system stifles learning it certainly doesn't encourage it. The educational system teaches individuals to get in line and play follow the leader, just like in everything else that is associated with the human experience. Most of the educational system is like most everything else in our society you have nuances that you simply cannot overcome. Daydreaming is also part of education, most educators certainly don't believe in that. I find it benificial to be independent and approach it from that angle.
I studied computing and researched on internet during the 90s and I already saw this pattern. The insane growth of online information and amount college graduates pushed by the government blindly, degree will be worthless. It's simply supply and demand that we all learn in school.
So my son is very mediocre in academics but I know he has the take risk "go getter" mentality. So I took my gut instinct told him to leave school and learnt a trade skill. After two years of finishing his apprenticeship, he decided to leave the company and only took him a week to find another job because there are hardly any youngsters willing to work in the industry. He is only 19 and earn more than a graduate.
Same issues even at university level. Once I was teaching 5th year Electrical Engineering students. I was asking: "how do you select which coax cable to buy in the shop? You have dozens of different types.". From the more than one hundred students no one had any idea. OMG. Then I explained that when they did a summary exam at 3rd grade they learned already everything for this. However, no one told them why to learn those stuff and what is the usage. Very sad...
I believe that school was made for workers, good grades ? Good get a stable “high” paying job. They’re hiring you cause you’re a good worker, worker not thinker. Depending on your job of course but other wise you’d be underpayed. If you want another career path and have a plan or know where to find the info(internet/networking/experience) then people will say” you don’t go to college you don’t become successful “ they kill your creativity.
My father was very successful and he didn’t even finish seventh grade. Elon is right about college. I always wanted a college degree and after the fact, I worked to get 85 credits and what are they doing now? They’ve done nothing to help me. It was real life experience and learning from books and people that helped me more than anything. College is just where most people go to party. This guy is a genius. He knows what he’s talking about. And another example is one of the vice presidents I worked with at one of my jobs who did not go to college, but learned from real life experience and ended up being an international expert in the transformer industry. And he was one of the kindest, most generous people I have ever worked with. ❤
Elon must love his children…very cool would it be to have Elon as dad? As you grew no dream, would be beyond your reach..with your dad as the most excellent teacher…very lucky kids! Good job Elon!!💕💕💕😊
Wish Elon could help re-invent the entire schooling system, all children desperately need it..but Elon is so busy already, one man can’t do everything..there’s just not enough time, but, maybe other educators will step up and join with with him, and together it will get done…🌎
One thing I think is that there needs to be more work done to make academic databases more easily accessible by the public. You can learn anything for free to an extent, but if you want to start accessing scholarships and research you need funds
My niece got taught in school there are over 20 genders. She became depressed and confused. The system is broken and unethical.
Confusion is from Satan
It’s so valid. I loved my college experience because I was exposed to lots of subjects and experts in their field. It was humbling but also made me turn on my brain for first time. But there was definitely something empty feeling at the end because I only learned a couple of things thoroughly. And most of the stuff I learned is forgotten now at 39.
What he said is one of the essences of the Montessori Education approach.
…. The Montessori method is more than 100 years old. We are in the 21st-century now and we need to advance for beyond that method, oven instruction and learning.!
I enjoyed my time in public education as a student. I had fun!! I didn’t graduate. But went to college for a trade and ended up with an associates. As well, I self educated and networked during this time.
I did think school was little more than a 13 year prison sentence. I did learn some but, I probably learned about 5 years of knowledge in 13 years. We home schooled our daughters and by 6th grade they were already testing beyond 12 grade.
@Brian P this is the argument, everyone told me. I really don’t think the classroom environment was the most effective way to interact with others. Most the time conversation and natural play was very limited and controlled. And truly thinking creatively was at best discouraged but, at time’s punished . My daughters had many neighbor friends and cousins to play with and they were both involved in group sports and hobbies. Actually I think kids need more alone time. My daughters are adult now. 28 and 32. And I admit we all gave into the pressure of expensive college route. But my view of college is a little more positive because the student was a little more autonomy. They both earned graduate degrees via academic scholarships (still somehow cost a lot of money) One is a physical therapist and other a psychologist. These degrees certainly helped them in their career but, I do wonder if all the time and money spent was justified? I went to college for 10 years (as an adult) to earn post graduate degrees, which I believe to be much more interesting and valuable. I did very well with university as is common when people who enjoy what they are doing. Due to scholarships I did not pay a lot but, it was still a monetary burden and a huge consumer of time which. I wonder could have been used more wisely? The occupation I chose as a research scientist in biology would have been difficult to impossible without a PHD but, in reality not sure if that barrier is somewhat artificial? Certainly a place for intense classroom training but, if there is no desire and curiosity, pushing through is tough and maybe not very useful? Well any way…. Looks like I did a whole lot of bragging to make my point 🤪! Guilty. Thanks you the thoughtful message
Wow! Nice to hear that, how did you do it please, I'm struggling.
@@wisepage7288 what are you struggling with?
@Chris long how did you teach the advanced subjects, like chemistry? I know f all about chemistry.
We are wasting lives!
America needs Elon Musk to address content of school teaching to what is beneficial to our children and what not bring changes 🎉🎉🎉❤
Students are taught as though on an assembly line so that the end products are all the same. They’re easier to manage that way.
I let my children choose their own direction and support them in their interest in order to build passions fir what they do.
I wish all dads were like you.
If the education system was dismantled and the money was given to parents in education credits, the parents could choose to spend the money at any school. Schools could be publicly rated according to some education standards. There would be so much more money available for better education.
Same here, hated going to school 😢
….a very institutionalized, wrote method of instruction and learning. It’s almost a kin to a soft version of a penal institution.!
I am a mechanical engineer
Hated every moment
It was a 4 years degree. It took me 6 years
Same here. They never taught me anything I wanted to learn about.I was interested in one thing, I learned by traveling. I was able to go where I wanted to and learn what I wanted to. The only thing I was good at was remembering. The one thing I learned in school was never stop asking the question.
As my thoughts to this, it shows the brilliance of understanding what is truly wrong and should be fixed in our society. As well as any and many other social systems.
I have a little boy and Ive totally lost hope in the school system. It actually depressing me and how it is impacted my life between myself and my son. Constantly receiving negative comments about him. He is only 5 and I'm tired of it already. I wish I could have a home tutor and not bother with school.
Could try homeschooling maybe, or co-op schools? Thry are really fun when you hook up with groups. Remember Edison and Einstein both did very poorly in regular school and got negative comments from teachers all the time too.
Hi there! He's absolutely right about prevailing education system.Because education system is about fitting one into the parameters for the particular situation,it simply kills the best for the purpose.
As a result,challenges in our life turn into problems and get resolved.
Thanks & regards.
Crazy how all those people dropped out and all had to hire people with degrees to keep their ideas and businesses going. The argument against college using the successes of others who lack degrees is flawed and misleading. Go to college if you find something you are passionate about and it requires a degree, don't look at it as a ticket to wealth and success.
Crazy how you can get loans to obtain an often “useless”degree when you are still in high school but not to obtain housing or land
I wish my grandson will be able to go to Elon’s school those children are so fortunate! But I hope they still learn how to read n write and be able to enjoy classics! God bless Elon!
That's what we were taught and your uniqueness is exceptional.❤
The real purpose of the school factory system is to create an obidient , volunteer for the factory setup.These are way easy to control than creatives
Agree. Cuz you cannot control creative people. They need to be free. That’s where they excel.
Reality is that the education system either prohibits or puts limitations on creativity.
The school he described is similar to the New School system implemented in Colombia for children of low income areas. It is a multigrade system. It helps teachers to offer instruction to a variety of students in different grades in a single classroom. With the facilitation of the teacher older students help to youngers students, a process to facilitate sharing knowledge and fix the concepts.
My mother went to a one room schoolhouse until they did away with them when she reached Jr. High. She said it was a very tough adjustment.
The "why of things" is incredibly important.
"Colleges are just for fun..." killed me😂😅
Hi…. Greetings there
Glad to hear from you.
I appreciate your love, care and support ….
Where are you watching from?
Incredible discussion ❤
I hated school too but by the time I got to University I spread my wings and became a space scientist.
You can too.
If u did not encounter really good teachers or friends in schools, or did not learn about people through schools, he’s right.
I see so many people who are text book but don't think outside the box.
Well said Elon.
I agree totally ❤❤❤
Just because it didn't suit Elon, doesn't mean school is not right for everyone. I thrived at school and loved it. Wanted to learn and wanted those who were not interested, catered for elsewhere ! It depends on your personality( I know a trad. classroom environment can be hard for those with eg autism, adhd, and other reasons not to thrive) your motivation and what level of opportunity, support, and access to information/ inspiration, you would have if school didn't exist. Plus school is social inteteaction with people you would not necessarily spend time with out of choice, so skills for dealing/ working with people as an adult.
I would like to see more support for widening opportunities such as day release to college or work experience, more active skills learning, in or out of school, flexible timetabling tailored to individual pupils needs and interests.
I agree with this education system 100% I am an educator and sometimes I feel terrible about the existing education system. That is the reason we push kids to school and a lot of them dropout.
Practical training is the main factor and there is complete absence of it from school.
Wasting time on bizarre subjects, never gonna use .
Jack of all Trades or Really good at one thing
I was in a technical school learning design and how engines work. Needless to say I am well qualified and doing well. My technical abilities also includes how to build my own wood frame house and also learned a lot of different things that’s not even related to my trade.
I'm going to start a school like Elon Musk 🙂
Musk university? Similar to Trump's one?
Totally agree. In the U.K. it’s cash for certificates. The teaching is unimaginative and that’s in the arts!!
I think at this point, UA-cam and the internet in general, is far more valuable as a source of learning than any school or college.
I was a teacher, but left the education field completely. Freelancing and offering my own services now. Elon is completely right. It's more like students being treated like drones and teachers not focusing on concepts and application of what they're teaching. Being able to engage with your students / learners is huge as well, unfortunately most teachers these days are mindless drones regurgitating the same content year in year out.
Smart people can learn by themselves, but there's many students that do need the support of teachers to help/motivate with the learning on different subjects
The education system is imperfect but it’s probably still the most cost effective way to help most people create better lives for themselves. It doesn’t create optimal outcomes for the majority but what’s the alternative? Most people can’t afford to build their own experimental school? As far as tertiary education goes, the major problem is that too many people are studying useless subjects with no purpose or vocation. The standards are not hard enough and the subject matter isn’t focused on the skills and knowledge that employers need and want.
Spot on about tertiary. Parents should know this when their kid takes out huge loans. The best scam in the book for colleges. Huge money.
Totally agree. That school looks a lot like our homeschool, which we liked to think of as "unschooling."
College sucks because grades are more emphasised then learning learning comes from failure without that we are nothing
I am a certified Montessori Teacher, and it is an amazing method that enables children to develop problem solving skills, and follow their interests as well as learning how to function well in society.
Everyone has a different way of learning. Hence lots of us took private tuition in subjects that we were weak in.
I'm so happy you've chosen to livestream, Arnel. This is an exciting development!
Summary on education:
1. Show exceptional ability.
2. You can learn anything you want for free.
3. Start from the problem to the solution. Use educational tools to solve that problem.
4. Explain why are you teaching a subject.
5. Cater education to match abilities and aptitudes.
6. Enjoy education. Have fun.
7. Gamify the process of learning.
8. Make it interactive and engaging.
9. Allow people to procede at the fastest pace that they can.
Thank you for reading. Feel free to add any comments on this topic.
I homeschool my daughter and I push reading, basic life skills and life skills but everything else is based on what she wants to learn or try.
I’ve seen some amazing exceptional young kids it’s the educational system that has no future
it need to change from indoctrination to enlightenment .....
I agree. The one we got doesn’t have one and doesn’t deserve to have one
The way they described how it should be, i feel like a tons of amount of kids will start socializing more making friends more and learn things that they really wouldn't forget because they are enjoying it and really their mental health would be much better, i truly wish i could go to such schools but my time is over and iv suffered but ill try my best to change it so no more people get to suffer
Absolutely true!!
I am 59 and have worked 16 years as a network engineer in higher ed.
Education is the foundation and platform to grow from the age of 21. You start thinking and creating at the PHD level at the age of 21 to 24. What you do after that its up to you. Being wealthy at this age is a bonus. The next stage is love and Marriage and family and the foundation of the education system is repeated for your children. With addition and subtractions.
Give credit to all those that have degrees.
Well Done. Be Proud.
You start thinking and creating as soon as you pickup a crayon
College degrees are necessary because people like you say they must be
The public education system is the biggest scam ever perpetrated on the American Public.
Some of the dumbest people I know have degrees
All they signify is one’s ability to show up to class and complete assignments on time.
The teaching profession as it exists today, is entirely unnecessary and overrun by political activists and people who like the smell of their own farts.
"You start thinking and creating at the PHD level at the age of 21to 24." Profound way of stating what I hold to be true.
Yes I started thinking can create meaningful things at PDH when I was 30 years. Then got married and struggled to make a living for the family