Hong Kong's New Era: Stories From After 1997 | CGTN Documentary

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024
  • For more:
    Hong Kong has gone through a remarkable transformation since its return to China from the UK in 1997. This new era has given Hong Kong many stories to tell. In this documentary, we share heartfelt stories told by the people of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
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  • @dormungwesinie1755
    @dormungwesinie1755 Рік тому +27

    All best for Hong Kong 🇭🇰and the Chinese people love the show 👏👌

  • @hangtuah888
    @hangtuah888 Рік тому +32

    It goes without saying that being reunited with the mainland can only foster greater prosperity and growth into the future.

  • @madszwzteo5619
    @madszwzteo5619 Рік тому +15

    Having spent the major portion of my adult life in Hong Kong, I love Hong Kong. Hong Kong’s fighting spirit is in my blood. Hong Kong always keeps reinventing and morphing itself to not just survive but thrive. That’s a good philosophy for life. Never settle, always forging ahead, the sun will always rise in the east, tomorrow will be better.

    • @loopydoo
      @loopydoo 11 місяців тому

      like joshua lol

  • @TheAncientMarinersBlog
    @TheAncientMarinersBlog Рік тому +27

    I first visited HK in 1984 (and landed in Kai Tak, on a Jumbo, just like in the video). I was back in 1997, and again in 2006. From 2010 onwards I had a HKID card, and I kept a boat in Tai Po
    I have witnessed first hand how Hong Kong has changed over this time, and it has all been to the better - in a way we British never dreamed of, much less ever attempted
    This video is of course more than slightly skewed, but fairly so, and both HK and the PRC have much to be proud of. Good on you!

    • @davidrichards1741
      @davidrichards1741 Рік тому +1

      Same, altho I lived there from before '97 handover until recently when the real blight was the attempted color revolution in 2019, pushed & organized with the heavy support of the US CIA-NED and brainwashing of some clueless youth. Western media of course never told the truth that it was a US-sponsored revolution that failed, rather than a supposedly grassroots uprising by the majority of local (which it was NOT) - SHAME on us. Thankfully, the wise Taiwan people voted OUT the US-puppet govt in Taiwan 3 weeks ago in favor of a more China-friendly gov't and the old status quo, in the biggest landslide election in Asian history.

    • @willsmith39
      @willsmith39 Рік тому

      In a way we British never dreamed of much less attempted. Wow - that's some claim. Any specifics you can think of? I've lived in HK - permanently - since 1989 and am not sure what you're alluding to exactly. I've seen grand infrastructure plans hatched in 1997 - for example Kai tak redevelopment - that a succession of CE's kicked the can down the road on before they finally settled on the white elephant cruise terminal.
      Truthfully I've seen very little progress on anything from affordable housing to levelling up while Singapore in the same time frame has done so much.
      Just a huge lack of imagination and successive reactive not proactive CE's.
      But then you'll probably tell me that the 1 million plus people on the streets in 2019 were doing so in a mass show of satisfaction. Or were they actually really happy but corrupted by foreign forces 🙄
      Also your final point that this documentary is skewed ( which it clearly is since it's Chinese state media propoganda) and yet "fair to both sides" makes literally no sense.

    • @davidrichards1741
      @davidrichards1741 Рік тому +2

      @@willsmith39 Well I live in Singapore now after HK previously.
      HK is rather complex. Sg is simple as it thrives because overall it's a benevolent-authoritarian govt't and a market-oriented country mostly free of US and British rule and interference, unlike before when Sg was a dirt poor colony, exploited, and primarily a malaria hellhole attached to a strategically-located port.
      It's accurate to say that literally 98% of Singaporean citizens (but not residents which include many foreigners) strongly objected to the HK "protesters" and the obvious foreign interference. Similar opinions in Macao and in chinese Malaysia. That's according to a number of NST polls at the time and consistent with my empirical observations.
      I think the root of the HK problem is both the greed of the top tier and the corruption that continues from the days of British rule, which btw was appalling, corrupt, and simply racist too. The difference is that in Sg, a strongman autocrat cleaned out and eliminated corruption and installed severe anti-corruption laws that continue to this day and are vigorously enforced. That wouldn't have happened if the foreign angmoh had remained in control. So the bottom line is that HK will require time to similarly improve with a long way to go, but it's positioned on the right path now, and I along with most here in Sg support HK.
      As an expert in finance, I expect China will gradually become the global financial capital sometime in the 2030s as the West continues to decline, and that's both an opportunity and challenge for HK (and Shanghai ofc), advantageously situated in the Pearl Delta, one of the very most vibrant & dynamic regions in the world. I do hope that you and yours do see it come to be, contribute & participate, enjoy and benefit from it. For me and my family, there's probably no going back to my home country, as sadly I'm done with it, barring an unlikely total turnabout. A possible return to HK eventually seems to have more long-term potential. Good luck, HK!😃

    • @willsmith39
      @willsmith39 Рік тому

      @@davidrichards1741 98 percent. Wow, I hadn't realised the Singaporeans were that homogenous in thought, sheep like almost, you certainly paint them as living up to their unflattering stereotype.
      Fortunately, it's utter nonsense as is the stereotype of course. I too have spent chunks of time in Singapore and have many good friends who've lived there for decades and while of course as individuals their views differ and are nuanced, none of them expressed the blanket disdain for the protesters you attribute to them. Lee Hsien Loong was honest enough to admit, in what I thought at the time were actually very thoughtful and balanced remarks, that Singapore could just as easily find itself in the same position if government appeared tone deaf and disinterested in dealing with people's legitimate concerns. He didn't, as I recall certainly, attempt to blame it all on the CCP fall back of invisible nefarious foreign forces, which of course robs Hong Kong people of having any agency or ability to think for themselves. The 'argument' that the million plus people that took to our streets on successive broiling Sundays in summer of 2019 did so not out of long simmering anger over government failings with the extradition bill being the last straw, but because we'd all been corrupted by these malign 'foreign forces' and were acting on the great Satan's Imperialist instructions 🙄
      Yeah, that must have been it.
      As for the racist corrupt hell hole that Hong Kong supposedly was before the glorious motherland took over and put us on the right track, it seems again that local people don't see it that way at all. From cab drivers I talk to to wet market vendors you'll actually hear people say pretty much the opposite, that in fact they prefer how things were before the handover. Poll after poll has borne that out, although even asking people this question post NSL may be seditious ( it's always "may") with the result that I don't expect to see too many polls on this going forwards. I mean the pace at which rule of law and civil liberties has been eroded post impositions of the NSL has taken even me by surprise. Its incredibly depressing and sad to see what's happened to this once vibrant city.
      Its interesting how in this revisionist history of Hong Kong's story by Wumaos such as yourself and the various white monkey shills that have paid UA-cam channels, that how Hong Kong came to be is never addressed. That the engine for its growth was the millions that came here in late 50's to early 70's to escape the absolute horrors that were unfolding on the mainland with the cultural Revolution and great leap forward. 100's of thousands came with litteraly nothing but the shirts on their backs, some even swimming, so desperate were they to get away. My wife's family are actually one such group, one of many many of course.
      But that's not something you guys seem terribly keen to talk about in your rewriting of Hong Kong history. Just as in your celebration of Shenzhen's incredible development a couple years ago, Xi seemed to forget about who actually funded it, where the money and entrepreneurs initially came from, when he made his speech. Funny that eh mate ? 🙄

    • @willsmith39
      @willsmith39 Рік тому +1

      @@davidrichards1741 I want to make one further point. I generally try to refrain from ad hominems and so wouldn't use the term Wumao or talk about shills / 50 cent army unless I think that person I'm debating with isn't genuine. Which unfortunately in the comments section of a CGTN video is going to be a lot of people.
      I found this out in the past when talking to people that as the discussion wore on it became obvious wasn't a discussion/ debate at all, I was interacting with someone that was here to do a job. They had no interest in a genuine discussion.
      I don't like the term Wumao unless it's warranted, since I have myself been branded that by some correspondents to RTHK when I was writing letters to denounce the violence perpetrated by a small number of extremists and also the targeting of mainlanders /mainland businesses, again by a small minority of idiots who didn't reflect the views of the million I myself peacefully marched with.
      So I don't like the term, but I'm sorry to say that it's hard when I read your post that refers to 98 percent of Singaporeans supposedly being against the protesters, and you put the word in inverted commas to suggest we were something other than that, to believe you are here as genuine debater. Especially you then go on to describe Hong Kong pre handover as "corrupt" when in fact by every metric since the late 1960's with root and branch reform of the police and the introduction of the ICAC Hong Kong has been one of the most transparent, least corrupt major cities in the world for a good 50 years now.
      And I'm sorry to say contrast that with the mainland where corruption to this day is still absolutely rife, from building regs scandals, to tainted food, to environmental debacles, to Sino (no 🙄) forest and Lukin coffee to bribery and corruption at every level of local government.
      Yes Xi Jingpin made this his number one issue when he came to power, and arguably he has made some major improvements, but it's still a huge problem to this day and of course many people find it curious that none of the elites that are staunch Xi loyalists have ever been found to be corrupt whereas every single political threat to him ( until every last one was purged) was found to be dirty. Statistically as a "finance expert" how likely does that scenario seem to you?
      And it's not Hong Kong mothers that were flocking to the mainland to buy safe baby products because the widespread knock offs in food and consumer good finally reached the level of fake baby formula.
      You want to talk about supposedly corrupt Hong Kong when mainland greed and corruption had reached the point of babies being poisoned en masse.
      Sorry but a pro CCP shill calling HK corrupt is like a Donald Trump supporter calling you a bigot.

  • @AIKA17R
    @AIKA17R Рік тому +17

    Indah Sekali Ya Negeri Dan Budaya China,, ingin Rasanya Bisa berkunjung ke Negara China untuk berwisata..
    Semoga ada Rezeki dan langkah saya Bisa Kesana

  • @agnesbui14
    @agnesbui14 Рік тому +18

    I love Hong Kong China 🇭🇰 🇨🇳💕💕💕💕💕💕💪💪💪💪💪💪加油努力🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹👏👏👏👏

    • @loopydoo
      @loopydoo 11 місяців тому

      what do you like most ?

  • @Jade-sc7ne
    @Jade-sc7ne Рік тому +7

    So proud of my motherland China, may you continue to progress and prosper.

  • @sckchui
    @sckchui Рік тому +12

    Housing has long been Hong Kong's biggest challenge; it was so under British rule, and it continues to be so under China's One Country Two Systems. I am one of the Hong Kongers who emigrated overseas when I was young. There were some worries about what would happen after the handover in 1997, but honestly my parents mostly wanted for us to grow up in a house where every person can have their own room, and where we could run around on the grass. The Hong Kong government must continually improve housing conditions and the urban environment, to make Hong Kong a more livable and affordable city. I think a lot of people in Hong Kong are angry and stressed but they don't really understand why, and so they look for people to blame, and ways to lash out. I think, if people can have enough living space to have some peace and quiet, and if they don't have to worry about how to pay sky-high rents every month, then they would be happier and more at peace, and even more productive from being less stressed.

    • @canto_v12
      @canto_v12 11 місяців тому +1

      I left HK as my primary residence before the handover, but I still spend a lot of time there. You seem to understand what few do. Sadly, true even within Hong Kong itself--people don't really understand the cause of their frustration. The root of Hong Kong's problems is that its housing supply has been strangled by the outdated land supply model and the big developers, with insufficient subsidised options.
      Hong Kong needs a healthy supply of public housing to balance out the private market because unlike 99.9% of other major cities on this planet, Hong Kong has a strange situation of closed borders and no territory to expand outwards. The only other similar city I can think of is Singapore, and they keep a lid on the housing market with a robust public (HDB) supply.
      The other problem is the obsolescence of the port industry. As China has grown its own shipping ports and goods become increasingly virtual, Hong Kong's share of milk has long been dwindling and the city has struggled to find growth industries.

  • @dailymandarin
    @dailymandarin Рік тому +11

    All the best to all.

  • @begotten59
    @begotten59 Рік тому +8

    Kudos Hong Kong 🇭🇰 China 🇨🇳👏👏👏👍👍👍☕️☕️☕️

  • @johnleong4807
    @johnleong4807 Рік тому +12

    Unification of HK with mainland China is the way to re-engergize the economy , peace and harmony after national security stepped in. Anything outside the political thinking is unacceptable to any rightful owner. Beautiful colonization extablished by the British was to carry out lootings and forcing country to sign away more land and property to further looting .
    Compensation and humiliation are two expensive items to pay.

  • @makuohua3071
    @makuohua3071 Рік тому +12

    Now HongKong Greater Bay region New Era Start from December onwards as Business and Tourism to Economics Investment Global Bench mark Hubs Bloom .

  • @monipenny408
    @monipenny408 Рік тому +12

    policy of unity will always prevail over policy of divide as can be seen in the US, UK, EU.

    • @loopydoo
      @loopydoo 11 місяців тому

      cooperation beats dictating

  • @geoffpj1
    @geoffpj1 Рік тому +8

    Very good documentary CGTN. I have lived in Hong Kong for 25 years and relate to many of the stories and opportunities for Hong Kong 🇭🇰 and especially the youngsters as a father of two teenagers, wonderful city, location and motherland 🇨🇳

  • @kevinlification
    @kevinlification Рік тому +7

    Congratulations to the Chinese government for peacefully reuniting Hong Kong with 0 deaths, putting an end to foreign interference, and implementing the national security law

  • @davidlo7123
    @davidlo7123 Рік тому +5

    There were more than 1 million people died from Covid 19 in USA; and counting. But not in Hong Kong, Taiwan or Mainland China. David Lo

    • @willsmith39
      @willsmith39 Рік тому

      Actually HK has pretty much the highest per capita death rate for covid in the world in 2022. It was an absolute disaster.
      We've yet to see how it's going to look as unvaccinated mainland china finally is forced because of economic necessity finally to open up - but so far despite the usual media black out it's not looking good.
      Taiwan has done well yes.

  • @syedmaricar9946
    @syedmaricar9946 Рік тому +4

    Best is yet to come . HK is in new era.

  • @PeterXiao1
    @PeterXiao1 Рік тому +8

    Hong Kong needs to stand out among the great cities in its neighborhood. Singapore is fully English-speaking. HK isn't. Shenzhen is fully Mandarin-speaking. HK isn't. But HK can aspire to be both an English- and Mandarin-speaking city.
    It would provide a unique advantage if HK could succeed in developing a Mandarin and English school system. It would not only educate its own students, but also attract international students that are interested in mastering both languages.

    • @taiwanstillisntacountry
      @taiwanstillisntacountry Рік тому +5

      In SG they speak Singlish not English.
      In Shenzhen they speak Mandarin and Cantonese.
      Lion-rock mentality of the people of HK, SAR of the PRC.

    • @pbworld7858
      @pbworld7858 Рік тому +2

      I hope HKers will continue to use Chinese as their first language. It's part of their culture. It's not difficult to be bilingual or multilingual if children get the right education at an early age.

    • @MeiinUK
      @MeiinUK Рік тому +1

      Why should HK speak Mandarin ? It is a Cantonese city. This is another issue as well.. even though in this video.. is showed Mr Fok... who was actually genuine Hans Chinese.. but now.. some of the people in Shenzen.. is not even Hans Chinese? They are and can be Mongolian-Chinese as well ? Even though Canton province.. classically was actually Cantonese speaking.. and even Cantonese is being lost as well. So you are asking some of the people here... to speak a language that is not part of their ancestral tongue ? Never mind this part... then you also have actually... other Singaporeans.. that were actually Cantonese...and they have ran off ?.... It was the Fuijianese, wasn't it ? The various... groups of people... I realised why actually... so many kids in HK turns to gangs.. cos they are not even connected to society. Very dis-engaged....

    • @loopydoo
      @loopydoo 11 місяців тому

      wht not stick to cantonese ?

  • @emeritusdavidteo5553
    @emeritusdavidteo5553 Рік тому +3

    That's the right way forward. Housing, health and job stability are genuine concerns and therefore should be accorded top priorities by the HK government. This will greatly mitigate grievances of the millennial generation. Wishing all Hong Kongers success in their endeavours from Singapore.

  • @komalaanita8867
    @komalaanita8867 Рік тому +3

    Long Live & good fortune ,great prosperity to China Hongkong 🇨🇳🇭🇰🙏💪

  • @dongiovanni8899
    @dongiovanni8899 Рік тому +6

    meanwhile BNO washing dishes in UK chinatowns

    • @weeleung6043
      @weeleung6043 24 дні тому

      To those who are worried about us BNO's,......l rather wash dishes,clean toilets than live in a police state.

  • @discoverchina1885
    @discoverchina1885 Рік тому +7

    Hong Kong has suffered from British colonisation, multiple color revolutions and western-led financial war(like the financial crises in 1997, when Hong Kong returned back to the motherland)🇨🇳🇭🇰

    • @willsmith39
      @willsmith39 Рік тому

      Yeah who can forget all the suffering during colonial times when almost 2m starving HK people fled with just the shirts on their backs to enjoy the riches of food and standard of living Mao's China had to offer.
      HK people couldn't get to the mainland fast enough to enjoy the cultural Revolution and great leap forward. It was an absolute exodus from Hong Kong 🤣🤣🤣
      Mate by the late 80's HK's 7m people produced fully 25 percent of the Gdp of all of China - over a billion people.
      Stop lying.

    • @elainelee2491
      @elainelee2491 Рік тому

      Will Smith is a western paid troll.

    • @willsmith39
      @willsmith39 Рік тому

      @@elainelee2491 Lol. That's an amusing spin Elaine but sadly since expressing an opinion isnt a crime in The West there's no market for a Western 50 cent army.

    • @elainelee2491
      @elainelee2491 Рік тому

      @@willsmith39 no spin? You're definitely spinning it and you're doing it very well. Keep On believing your own lies and live in your little fantasy world. Where is Julian Assange and Edward snowden?

    • @willsmith39
      @willsmith39 Рік тому

      @@elainelee2491 Yeah you're whattaboutisms are pretty weak. Especially since you only know about aberrations like that because Western media exposed and condemn. And continue to do so. The exception that proves the rule.
      In China where your media works for the state to suppress and cover up every crime by the government there is literally no way to find out what's actually going on except via brave whistleblowers.
      To answer your question specifically we know exactly where Snowden and Assange are and both are very much alive.
      In China we'd never even get to know their names and they'd have been dead a long time ago.
      Where is Beijing
      'bannerman' from a month ago? Will he get due process under the law ( with your 99.7 percent conviction rate) Will we be hearing from him and his legal team shortly? Will Chinese media be condemning his abduction? 🤣🤣🤣
      It must be exhausting being such a boot licker.

  • @user-ug4yr8er9g
    @user-ug4yr8er9g Рік тому +4

    Сян Ган.🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳💪💪💪💪💪👍👍👍👍👍

  • @ahkoy973
    @ahkoy973 Рік тому +2

    During british rule the hk people were dirt poor. Its only when China opened up under Deng that hk flourished from mid eighties ... hk became the gateway to China.... obviously more needs to be done particularly in housing

    • @willsmith39
      @willsmith39 Рік тому +1

      Absolutely. That's why 2m HK people in the 60 and 70's risked life and limb, some even swimming, to reach safety and prosperity on the booming mainland. 🙄🙄
      Or was is the other way around? Because that would be a very inconvenient truth wouldn't it Wumao?
      Seriously - do you think if you just lie loud enough and long enough you'll be able to change history? Good luck with that

  • @liaojohnweechun7454
    @liaojohnweechun7454 Рік тому +1

    The City is Overfilled. The Chinese Fatherland should encourage the people by giving them cheap or freeland in Mainland China in Tibet or Xinjiang to develop Economy in this Western Part of China . Jiayou Chung Guo 💪🇨🇳🙏

  • @jyy9624
    @jyy9624 Місяць тому

    I grew up in Asia as a well traveled elite with a regional finance father. Hong Kong is so special and now so screwed.

  • @jerrylee6154
    @jerrylee6154 Рік тому +2

    Hong Hong 是什么?请写Hong kong,bye。happy merry Christmas to cgnt.

  • @fisherbuys1
    @fisherbuys1 Рік тому +1

    As an American living in China, I could never understand why some lazy young people took money from the US Government to start protests in Hong Kong. Hong Kong people have more opportunities to make money than any other place on the planet. They have advantages over every mainland Chinese person. When a Hong Kong person crosses the border to mainland China, they speak a common language, have a 6000 year history together, and are welcomed as brothers and sisters. A Hong Kong citizen can make a great living by simply taking foreign goods across the border. ITS SO EASY FOR THEM TO MAKE MONEY. So why grab the hand of the nations that treated you as servants during the occupation by England? Why grab the hand of the nation that brought drugs to China and got so many people addicted? Most of Hong Kong understands the truth, but for those who don't, WAKE UP!

    • @willsmith39
      @willsmith39 Рік тому

      Do you get money per word or per line of the standard script you work in.
      "6000 year history" is where I always take a shot in the Wumao diatribe. Needless to say my liver is destroyed 🤣
      As an American living in China 👍😂.
      But let's say you genuinely are, you know just for fun.
      The point is you can say all this bs then go back to America and absolutely nothing will happen to you. Not an issue at all, no one cares.
      Now imagine a Chinese person doing this. As a mainland Chinese living in New York I want to tell you that the CCP are behind the protests in Washington etc etc.
      How's that going to play for you and your family when you go back to China? All good ? 🤣🤣🤣

    • @loopydoo
      @loopydoo 11 місяців тому

      any evidence ?

    • @loopydoo
      @loopydoo 11 місяців тому

      are you sure you can just go the border and sell stuff lol

  • @cedricwai7499
    @cedricwai7499 Рік тому +2

    Hopes all Hongkongers faithful to the British will forever leave Hong Kong and never returned, Hong Kong is only for loyal to motherland Chinese.

    • @loopydoo
      @loopydoo 11 місяців тому

      thats dumb

    • @loopydoo
      @loopydoo 11 місяців тому

      who cares about the motherland, be loyal to karl marx lol

  • @maricel4083
    @maricel4083 Місяць тому

    See you soon hk

  • @barendagames5541
    @barendagames5541 Рік тому

    Lion Rock..
    Lagu Yang Bagus..
    Aku Mau Download.

  • @JamesMoten-u6q
    @JamesMoten-u6q 6 днів тому

    Carey Cliffs

  • @colinlee9678
    @colinlee9678 Рік тому

    The correct legal interpretation oif "one country ,two systems" would apply the emphasis on the one country rather than on the two systens or else there would be a self-contradiction with the effect of splitting theme country!

  • @artemsheen982
    @artemsheen982 Місяць тому


  • @HikikomoriDev
    @HikikomoriDev 7 місяців тому

    ...I think this is just for entertainment purposes only.

  • @loopydoo
    @loopydoo 11 місяців тому

    good production though lol

  • @unclesmack10
    @unclesmack10 10 місяців тому +1

    Lies one country no system

  • @loopydoo
    @loopydoo 11 місяців тому

    omg the mother and son story is like hypnosis lol - the mother is meant to be china, the son is meant to be hong kongers lol

  • @loopydoo
    @loopydoo 11 місяців тому

    carrie lam : serf manager lol

  • @weeleung6043
    @weeleung6043 24 дні тому

    I rather wash dishes and clean toilets in Chinatown than live under a police state.

  • @dannylove7507
    @dannylove7507 3 місяці тому

    Hong Kong is not the Hong Kong we used to know… it’s the new Pyongyang 🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵

  • @loopydoo
    @loopydoo 11 місяців тому

    i wonder how much pension politicians like joephy get when they retire ? lol

  • @loopydoo
    @loopydoo 11 місяців тому

    isn't the opposition party always anti government ? lol .

  • @glgdpeter
    @glgdpeter 4 місяці тому


  • @willsmith39
    @willsmith39 Рік тому +1

    This is what happens when state propoganda recounts history.
    For those of us who lived it we know what actually happened.
    Anyway I see the Wumaos are out in force as usual in the comments section. I hope the money is worth it.

    • @obiwan5781
      @obiwan5781 Рік тому +1


    • @willsmith39
      @willsmith39 Рік тому

      @@obiwan5781 Did you get your 50 cents ? You've been a good boy

  • @loopydoo
    @loopydoo 11 місяців тому

    34:08 : don't focus on our differences, communism or democracy, focus on our simliarities : MONEY !! haha

  • @loopydoo
    @loopydoo 11 місяців тому

    the motherland thing is kind of racist. oh be loyal to the motherland because it's the same race. forget about the fact that the values are different. china loves karl marx, hong kong loves churchill. lol . but because it's the same race, yeah just throw away your values and join in worshipping karl marx too lol

  • @cybersid
    @cybersid Рік тому

    Hong Kong and Taiwan are independent countries.
    China should not poke it's nose into these countries.

    • @Bexxxyable
      @Bexxxyable Рік тому +2

      Don't lie Endian. With your logic, the whole of India doesn't exist. It was created by the British. Free Northeast India, Free South India, Free North Himalayan region of India!

    • @easternhouse
      @easternhouse Рік тому


    • @dongiovanni8899
      @dongiovanni8899 Рік тому +1

      LOL british endia smelling nose

    • @davidrichards1741
      @davidrichards1741 Рік тому +2

      Your grammar sucks. The correct word is "its", but you used the contraction meaning "it is". Similarly, India should not poke its nose into the large areas of Muslims that it occupies, terrorizing and degrading the people there.

    • @dongiovanni8899
      @dongiovanni8899 Рік тому +2

      @David Richards Endia speaks Inglish and still serves its post-colonial overlord

  • @genewest8426
    @genewest8426 6 місяців тому

    CCP propaganda 😢

  • @chamankhan7396
    @chamankhan7396 Рік тому

    Love u china

  • @melaniamonicacraciun9900
    @melaniamonicacraciun9900 Рік тому +1

    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year of love for new partnerships & business opportunities, how's your sports partnerships are going on out there? Let's date & paaaarty, wishing you organize competitions & get in action fans 🙋🎂👍🌺💐🥳👍🍀🥳🥳🌺😘🎁😘🎁🍾🎿😍😍👏😍🎻🎻😍🎻🎻🎻🎿🎿😍🍾🎁🙋🎁😘🙋🎁🎂🙋