I’m Eager to Pastor Now - Should I Skip Seminary?

  • Опубліковано 17 жов 2024


  • @bgunter3
    @bgunter3 5 років тому +54

    A man does doesn’t necessarily have to go to seminary to be a pastor, but a pastor must necessarily know the Bible well and be prepared to teach and preach it. If someone asks you to explain the Trinity, divorce/remarriage, election, speaking in tongues, eschatology, or some other thorny issue, are you prepared to walk them through every relevant text, exegete, and explain the Word of God to them? Are you ready to explain different theological traditions that others have been exposed to and then to show why these do or do not line up with biblical teaching? Are you prepared to counsel a couple who marriage is falling apart because of infidelity, financial difficulty, or familial conflict? How will you prepare and counsel the young couple who wants to be married but is living a worldly lifestyle? How will you explain to them and others why you did or did not marry them? Who will you baptize and who will you recommend the local church receive into membership?
    These are the issues you will face when you assume the responsibility of pastoring a church. You need to have well-studied and carefully considered answers to these issues which account for the experience and wisdom of seasoned pastors before you enter the ministry. Otherwise, you will not be prepared when these issues arise.
    I recommend you serve under an experienced and well-educated pastor for a number years while simultaneously attending seminary. Allow him to mentor and disciple you while you do the hard work of earning a degree from a trustworthy seminary. Some may think this is unnecessary, but far too many pastors are ill-prepared for ministry, and many will never put in the hard work and sacrifice to adequately prepare for ministry. The effort you put into preparing for ministry will equal how seriously you take the calling. If you believe that ministry is a high-calling, then prepare for it accordingly.

  • @shawnlight9695
    @shawnlight9695 5 років тому +28

    A lot of churches won't even consider you without a seminary degree; however, I am a Pastor without a seminary degree! God can open doors for you! If your path is of God, it will prosper! I work full time, and spend about 20 or more hours a week studying and preparing for Sunday morning and Sunday night. It's taxing physically and for the family. If God opens a door for you to Pastor full time and be supported full time as well, then you'll be able to devote much more time to ministry. Lastly, Pastor and preacher are two very different positions! I was in your shoes: I preached at my old church and was involved in Youth ministry. Just thought I would share some of my experience. May God bless you in whatever you do for His kingdom!

  • @jonschrader2063
    @jonschrader2063 5 років тому +30

    History is filled with soul winners that had no formal education - all the way back to John the Baptist and Noah! But also zeal without knowledge is dangerous - so know the Word, know the Savior

    • @jesuslovesmegalatians2205
      @jesuslovesmegalatians2205 5 років тому +5

      Yes it is the holy spirit who taught them, most of christ's disciples had no real formal education in Greek the language of the eastern half of the Roman empire, but when led by the holy spirit they were not only able to preach the gospel in Greek but also made wonderful use of the Greek language in writing the new testament, there is no reason why a similar thing could not take place in modern times too

    • @Romans_116
      @Romans_116 2 роки тому +1

      Best answer I’ve heard.

  • @tommy11sixorozco9
    @tommy11sixorozco9 5 років тому +6

    affirmation from elders Is very important. I too will be going to seminary but after I finish my current degree to move on then to a Masters of Divinity.

  • @HenT8991
    @HenT8991 5 років тому +10

    As thoroughly uneducated as I am and one who dislikes most seminaries for perverting The Gospel of Grace, I think it is wise to spend years simply listening and seeking knowledge and understanding before doing weightier things such as teaching or leading.
    My meager advice is faith in Jesus and patience. You may do some good things if you get right into doing whatever ministry, but if you're patient and learn you could do much better things in The Lord. Do as The Lord leads you! God bless.

  • @localdwlr_cvtem1458
    @localdwlr_cvtem1458 5 років тому +5

    Even though ministry is too early for me, there are four things I should be doing; studying the Word, prayer, fellowship, discipleship and sharing the gospel.

  • @andrewortiz5797
    @andrewortiz5797 3 роки тому +5

    I know I'm called to preach but I have a thorn in my side, I have very bad social anxiety to the point that it seems like a handicap and when speaking to people I have much fear and trembling. I've had many struggles but I believe struggles are really gifts, there is a lesson you must learn in every struggle.

    • @TheRealMonnie
      @TheRealMonnie 2 роки тому +1

      Maybe you can do an online ministry. Online videos, emails, phone calls. No face to face.

    • @andrewortiz5797
      @andrewortiz5797 2 роки тому +1

      @@TheRealMonnie online ministry is good. I'm gonna have to go face to face with people, this is where I know I'm going to end up doing in the future. I'm being Led to move out of the fear mindset.

    • @patrickdewhurst3378
      @patrickdewhurst3378 Рік тому

      @@andrewortiz5797 Scripture is chock full of people used powerfully by God in spite of their social anxieties. Something important to remember is that there isn't necessarily Grace for your future fears- you've been called out of them after all. However, there is grace for the moment. God always provides the means, enablement and grace for everything He calls us into. Doesn't mean it will be easy, but we aren't called into ease.
      As a side note, I don't know if I've ever met a called pastor who didn't have some sort of anxiety or hangup- myself the chief cripple. With love, join the club, and let His strength be made known in your weakness. :) Blessings!

    • @andrewortiz5797
      @andrewortiz5797 Рік тому +1

      @@patrickdewhurst3378 Wow!! This was 2 years ago!! Alot has happened over these years. 2020 turned out to be the best year of my Life. I found God!! While 2020 was considered the most horrible year because of covid and shut ins, it was a year of Peace and Surrender for me. It's true that I lost my old religion and I'm not longer a Christian and I lost all my old beliefs but in The Process I found God. I couldn't find God thru religion or christianity. I tried to become a Muslim but even that didn't work. One day in my suffering I had A Spiritual Experience and my Life changed instantly. God was with me the whole time, I just didn't know it!! I was Searching for Something that was never lost! This Realization changed me instantly.

    • @annabrinckerhoff3316
      @annabrinckerhoff3316 5 місяців тому

      Jesus is still the only way to heaven. In love and fear and trembling I tell you this. Only through His sacrifice on the cross and shed blood for the punishment of your sins can you receive forgiveness of yours. You must place your faith fully on and in Him alone by grace through faith and call out to Him to save you. My friend… if you are still alive and see this.. do not ignore this. It could be your last day before you step into eternity and face God on judgement day.. but as your judge and eternal enemy and not as your savior. I plead with you in love to turn to Him while you have time, and to give Him your life. Repent of your sins and believe on Jesus Christ for salvation. Unless you are born again and receive the Holy Spirit, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven and if you die you will die in your sins and forever be suffering in the lake of fire, which is the full wrath of God in conscious torment. It is commanded that you repent and turn to Jesus. I plead with you.. turn to the Savior and turn from your sins. Trust in Him alone and cling to Him. Read the Bible and cry out to Him to save you. Do not stop seeking and living for Him. He is faithful.

  • @lawrencefitzgerald4744
    @lawrencefitzgerald4744 4 роки тому +1

    "...and serve the Lord until He comes...or until He calls."
    Wow. Beautiful!

  • @jamiemarks4332
    @jamiemarks4332 4 роки тому

    Thank you, Brandon, for asking this question. Thank you, Pastor John, for the answer, and for taking the time, and energy to make this venue.

  • @AlanChambers
    @AlanChambers 5 років тому +2

    Awesome that someone wants to respond to the call of God on his life. I got to Valor Christian College in Columbus Ohio. It's a fully accredited two-year program. We are working toward the accreditation for a four-year degree.

  • @SimpleManGuitars1973
    @SimpleManGuitars1973 4 роки тому +4

    There is nothing "wrong" with seminary but it's not "mandated" by God and I don't believe it should be totally mandated by churches. When the church needed deacons God showed them to get men "filled with the Holy Ghost and wisdom" and when Paul told Timothy how to fill offices he listed the qualifications and not once did he say that he had to have an "MDiv". He DID say that he shouldn't be a novice, though. I just feel like we've reached a point in the church where a man can be considered as a pastor and when asked about his "qualifications" he can say "well I'm blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach, not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre, but patient, not a brawler, not covetous, I rule well my own house, my children are in subjection, not a novice, and I'm of good report of them that are without" and they will say "but do you have a degree" and he will say "well no" and they will say "thank you for your time". Then the next candidate will come along and say "well I'm not the husband of one wife, I do have a bad temper, I do have a somewhat bad reputation among the world, and my kids aren't really well behaved, and my wife sorta just does her own thing" and they'll say "but do you have a degree" and he'll say "oh yeah I've got a Master of Divinity and PhD in early church history" and they'll say "WE'VE FOUND OUR MAN!" I know that's a little hyperbolic but I sadly don't believe it's too awful far from the truth.

  • @PracticalBibleStudies
    @PracticalBibleStudies 4 роки тому +2

    You can go to seminary while you're a pastor. Helps if you do a lot of the classes online.

  • @westandpreachandteachGodsWord
    @westandpreachandteachGodsWord 5 років тому +14

    God makes Pastors and Evangelist not some bible school...
    Matthew 22:14 King James Version (KJV)
    14 For many are called, but few are chosen.
    Stay in the Word of God for knowledge

    • @AnHebrewChild
      @AnHebrewChild 4 роки тому +2

      "And there shall be one fold, and one shepherd." - Jesus

    • @westandpreachandteachGodsWord
      @westandpreachandteachGodsWord 4 роки тому +1

      @@AnHebrewChild Jesus Christ is the greatest of teachers (Shephard)

    • @AnHebrewChild
      @AnHebrewChild 4 роки тому

      We Stand, Preach, and Teach God's Word! Love that MAT22 verse :] Acts 2 also comes to mind:
      Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.
      Also, these WORDS OF JESUS: (JN14) These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

  • @ironman2326
    @ironman2326 5 років тому +1

    I didn't go to seminary but chose physical therapy school. I entered the program at 32 yrs old and am finishing up now at 36. I don't regret it a bit. Age is only a number.

  • @ifronnin
    @ifronnin 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you. I needed to hear this.

  • @alex3475
    @alex3475 5 років тому +1

    You can also do part time bible studies or even distance learning so as to adequately equip yourself. Any education will equip you better than having none at all, it exposes some of your errors and areas where you lack knowledge and assists you in your ministry. I would encourage especially any young persons to equip themselves with education b4 going or while engaged in ministry.

  • @medigoomnis
    @medigoomnis 5 років тому +1

    Haha, I like the kindergarten extra at the end! Good advice, very important to find a GOOD seminary if you go to one, though. Many of them pervert the Gospel now... :(

  • @mgmoses4859
    @mgmoses4859 4 роки тому

    Great blessing for your teaching and ministry

  • @triaminnick7877
    @triaminnick7877 5 років тому +2

    Going to seminary and being involved in ministry are not mutually exclusive. Go to seminary while being in ministry. It is not more difficult that.

  • @dfpolitowski2
    @dfpolitowski2 3 роки тому

    I believe the benefit is not in seminary training per se, but in a pastor who is a reader, writer and life long learner. In short, an educated man who stays academically sharp. Yes, how to handle the scriptures is a must. But I'm not convinced seminary is the key. However I will say, The fear of the lord, wisdom, love and good fruits make a pastor a great man.

  • @jordanzumwalt6336
    @jordanzumwalt6336 3 роки тому

    Ive seen him face to face but im still here!!!

  • @jasonissel217
    @jasonissel217 3 роки тому

    No; a bad idea. I had that change. I was in a mentorship program at a local church, and they had scheduling problems and I walked out and am now full-time at Liberty University and I don't regret it one bit. I have decent bible observation skills but I lack any real interpretation skills, and theology I knew little about. I also had poor writing skills. I came in feeling hopeless and figured I'd be kicked out for bad grades by now, but I made honor roll this year. I got logos and buying on my own lots of books, but I still find that it only takes one bad day to get a D. Professors don't believe in C's, it's either a B or a 69.1. They never give you a C if they can help it. You need to make sure you can discern the HS from the lies of the enemy or you will fall to the devil. That's why I went to school and left my mentorship program.

  • @debrahunter7130
    @debrahunter7130 5 років тому +7

    We were not called to go to Seminary, He did tell us to spread the "Gospel of the Kingdom"!! We are also told not to be in debt to anyone. Cannot serve God and mammon (money). Seminary brings forth bills you will have to work to pay back.

    • @567xd
      @567xd 5 років тому +1

      Do you rent or own?

    • @debrahunter7130
      @debrahunter7130 5 років тому +1

      @@567xd Home was paid off many years ago and the Lord has been very strong about not going back into debt.

    • @frankhartmann3824
      @frankhartmann3824 5 років тому +1

      @@debrahunter7130 I'm 54 and am in my last year of seminary (M.Div). The Lord led me to start preparing myself academically for a possible future ministry after my upcoming retirement from my secular career of over 30 years and after putting both of my kids through college. He also prompted me to pay for each semester in full from my own income, no loans. Going to seminary does not mean going into debt. That's a cop out. The Lord will always provide a way if the calling is true.

    • @debrahunter7130
      @debrahunter7130 5 років тому

      @@frankhartmann3824 That's awesome that you have the finances to stay out of debt!!! I just don't find any place where Jesus told His disciples to go to go get schooling before going out to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom. He taught them as they went, along the way, hands-on. God will provide as He sees fit to open and close doors along the way. From what I have learned in the churches over my entire life, there seems to be a whole lot of man-made theologies taught as truth in Seminaries... the very best trick Satan has pulled on us, was to create many denominations with their own theologies to bring a huge divide into the Body of Christ. Hummmm, as I am writing this, a new thought... Man-made theologies and denominations is actually God's way separating the wheat from the tares, and dividing the ten virgins that all loved the coming Bridegroom as they waited for His return. But in the end, five were not prepared for themselves and were left behind. I can clearly see the difference between our American Seminary taught Pastor's and people who preach the Gospel in third world countries. Guess what, those in the third world countries simply read a Bible and move out in the power of the Holy Spirit. The results are far more powerful with people being saved, being healing, people coming back from the dead, and much more. I don't see what Jesus taught in American culture. I do see a lot of time limits on Holy Spirit though.

    • @frankhartmann3824
      @frankhartmann3824 5 років тому +1

      @@debrahunter7130 Thanks Debra, lots of good information there. I may consider some of your assertions are a bit too generalized (i.e. there are both good and bad seminaries to be sure), but you're definitely not on the wrong track. Additionally, the idea of seminaries certainly isn't American nor is it new (see 1 Samuel 19:18-24 and in 2 Kings 2 and 4:38-44) and in Jesus' time on earth there were the highly respected schools of Hillel and Shammai, many of whose students became Christ's followers after his resurrection (cf. Acts 6:7), including the most famous formally educated Pharisee turned Christian, Saul of Tarsus. As you said, preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom certainly doesn't require a seminary degree but I think 2000 years of Christian history bears out that our greatest preachers and teachers have typically been formally educated in some manner, even when we allow for the occasional naturally gifted and self-taught Charles Spurgeon-like prodigy who never went to a formal seminary.

  • @OnyxViper360
    @OnyxViper360 5 років тому +1

    Let me say first I think it is very important to introduce and guide our children with the Bible but in a much more complex way if we are serving gods kingdom in the road he has planned for our lives from the moment of creation to our savior Jesus Christ makes his return, first of all our days are numbered and he knows the steps he has for you, but I think a key idea to grasp is if we walk in the lord, won’t we live breathe and do right by him as well no matter the enemy or the beloved? And I believe that will rub off on our children. Knowing I’m still 21 yo and young I do want to be a pastor but see the key importance of not leaving one soul behind in the matter of faith and love

  • @tommy11sixorozco9
    @tommy11sixorozco9 5 років тому +2

    " I do not expect to be 93" JOHNNY PIPE!!! please don't think that way lol, be 100+

  • @CornCod1
    @CornCod1 3 роки тому

    The young fellow should consider online Bible college or seminary. If the money is tight they might let you take as little as one class at a time. If one's church is prosperous you might be able to get a little help from them.

  • @danieltan7093
    @danieltan7093 3 роки тому

    This is my life!

  • @jwm66
    @jwm66 3 роки тому

    You can pastor and be a student at the same time.

  • @robzola695
    @robzola695 Рік тому

    just a thought. Denominations are not in the Bible either. There was only 1 doctrine, and 1 church. God never said to break that down and divide it. It was the pride of men, the sin of the flesh that did that. 1 man's belief he knows better than the next. with 1 church and 1 doctrine there is no need for Seminary, you become educated from spending time reading the bible, the holy spirit helps you to interpret and understand the word. Thats the formal education. If God gives you the gift to teach, you will teach.

  • @beithamidrash1960
    @beithamidrash1960 3 роки тому +1

    Seminary is not required. Period.

  • @brycegeorge37
    @brycegeorge37 5 років тому

    I disagree with the idea of being in the last minutes of the end times. I don't know how long we'll be here on this earth, neither do any of the rest of us, but i will say there is a sense of Urgancy in the fact that we DON'T know, and i will say that bible schools in general are mainly the traditions of man, and not the doctrines of God, and there's enough free teaching out there that you can save some time and money by being self taught and letting the spirit lead you

  • @mattb2700
    @mattb2700 2 місяці тому

    For most called Pastors, seminary is not needed.

  • @anonymousanomaly9538
    @anonymousanomaly9538 5 років тому +6

    Somebody called by God does not need seminary to fill his head with man’s intellectual interpretation of scripture. The Holy Spirit works in those who seek. I say quite lining the pockets of these schools. God has promised to equip us and that’s just what He did with the early church without formal education. Either we believe His Word or we don’t.

  • @trustdapower6878
    @trustdapower6878 5 років тому +1


  • @ShueperDan
    @ShueperDan 5 років тому +2

    Who else had to look away because you got distracted trying to find the ball with the most spokes??
    Btw:it was the gray one, it had 7

    • @celinamilian
      @celinamilian 4 роки тому

      Really, some where day dreaming when the Lord was speaking at the Mount

  • @jeprodigalson792
    @jeprodigalson792 Рік тому

    The Holy Spirit can equip a young boy to preach and teach better than any elder. Understanding is enlarged by the holy spirit not our own works.
    So many senior with big heads and in error today leading people into fairy tailed pride and lies.

  • @Hopeof7suns
    @Hopeof7suns 5 років тому +2

    U never know John !!!! U might see 100

  • @jamessheffield4173
    @jamessheffield4173 3 роки тому +1

    I guess fishermen and tax collectors are unqualified?

  • @JosephsCoat
    @JosephsCoat 3 роки тому

    He should 1, adopt postmillennialism and 2, then pursue seminary.

  • @blackr0se
    @blackr0se Рік тому

    pray to God... HE and HE only will let you know what you should do. STOP listening to these youtube pastors advise. Did paul ask his friends what he should do? Think of any christian leader.... did he or she ask or confirm with another human or did they listen to GOD to what HE wanted them to do.

  • @urielmesenja1040
    @urielmesenja1040 5 років тому

    Pastors aren't going to the gang banger's, the addicts and the whores like I am teaching Gods love.Do i make mistakes? definitely.....does Gods infinite love for His creation outshine any mistake I can make in the moment, you better believe it.With that said I still dedicate all my time to studying scripture and speaking with Him to learn and be prepared.I need to be standing strong in Christ to resist temptation in these dark places myself or its for nothing and my words are as vapor.

  • @kathleenwharton2139
    @kathleenwharton2139 5 років тому

    The Only Words of God in the Bible are easy to understand and we can all read them ourselves..But if you are going to preach bible babble..what difference what does it make if it is educated babble or not..it is Not Gods Words.

    • @HearGodsWord
      @HearGodsWord 5 років тому +1

      If they were easy to understand why do you state so many false things in your comments and why are there 1,000's of different churches out there?

  • @kathleenwharton2139
    @kathleenwharton2139 5 років тому

    Anybody can Regurgitate ideas from the bible..why bother with seminary?

  • @kathleenwharton2139
    @kathleenwharton2139 5 років тому

    +Marty Blackham..the Only thing I have stated..is that the Only Words or Truth in the bible is Gods Words. Gods commandments Given to Moses in the OT and Jesus commandments Given by HIM Personally in Matthew 5 6 7. The rest of the bible is men's commentary and that is precisely Why there are so many churches who disagree..because you are all following men's opinions..instead of staying with what God HIMSELF..Said. If you "churches" all Stayed with Jesus..As you Should..you would Agree. You are following bible babble on..instead of following Jesus. It you who are amiss. Jesus corrected the Pharisees for doing this too. Jesus continually told them to stop "teaching for doctrine the commandments of men." you are doing the same thing. Piper is up their teaching the doctrines of Paul. He is NOT Teaching Jesus. Jesus will say He does not know him..he is the blind leading the blind and a Fool and his foundation is built on sand. For Heavens Sake..if You are going to say you believe in Jesus..the least you could Do..is Read what HE said!