HOI4 - USA Guide - Mils VS Civs and a lot more

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024


  • @Nexsyana
    @Nexsyana 6 місяців тому +11

    Oh boy, seems like I might have to write a guide by myself. Expect an essay length comment.
    First we will start with exercises:
    -You should always do one army exercise, there is no reason not to, you enter the war in 1941.
    Get one army unit, convert to National Guard and endlessly exercise em until the end of 1939.
    -You should always be exercising your navy, you are going to need a lot of navy XP.
    -Combine your entire airforce and exercise it in the beginning, you are going to need XP to design your starting Fighters, CV Fighters, CV Navs, Navs and potentially H. Fighters.
    For the Congress decisions, you are going to click "Medium Lobbying Effort" and never touch it ever again.
    The only exception is 16th of August where you will do "Pay Farm Subsidies", this will literally manipulate the seeded RNG of the elections to guarantee your majority.
    Don't touch the decisions anymore.
    For construction, you will build infrastructure in EVERY CORE STATE, starting with Texas and California. Yes, every state. Don't build civs, don't build mils. I will explain why later.
    Your focus path is going to be:
    -Continue the New Deal
    -Agriculture Adjustment Act
    -Neutrality Act
    -War Department
    -Selective Training Act
    -Wait 20 days
    -Fair Labor Standards Act
    -Arsenal of Democracy
    -The Giant Wakes
    -One of the research slot focuses
    -Wait 20 days
    -Federal Housing Act
    -Second research slot focus
    ==(From here you can do any path, but I will show you the one I like doing)
    -Military Construction
    -USACE Projects (This will give you 50 air xp for you to assign the "Independent Air Force" air spirit, which will allow you to assign your Air Reform genius for 50pp)
    -Support Rock Island
    -Tank Experiments
    -Two Ocean Navy Act (10 dockyards is a lot)
    -Air War Plans
    -Air Support
    -CAS Effort
    This is by far the fastest way to get rid of Isolation and Great Depression, I will explain why we do that later.
    Your Political Power use will be in this order:
    -First 150pp go to Silent Workhorse
    -Next 100pp go to Chief of Army
    -Next 100pp go to Improved Worker Conditions
    -Next 200pp go to Give refuge to Italian and German Scientists
    -Improve Relations with China when faction forms
    -Next 100pp go Attache to China
    -Next 150pp go to Partial Mobilization
    ==(From here you can do it any way you like, but I will show you how I like doing it)
    -Next 150pp go to Financial Expert
    -Next 150pp go to War Industrialist
    -Next 150pp go to Export Focus when needed
    Silent Workhorse will allow us to actually gain political power when we actually need it
    Early Chief of Army will allow you to be competitive with army XP even though you don't do volunteers.
    Improved worker Conditions will bump you to 100% stab before the war
    Give refuge is just overall really good for research speed, but I don't like the stab hit they give, so I do worker conditions first
    Attache and Partial Mobilization are self-explanatory
    XP Expenditure:
    -Army: Your first 35 xp will go towards "Relief of Command", increasing total XP gain, the rest of our XP will go towards adding infantry to National Guard until we run out of slots, this will maximize our XP gain
    -Navy: Your first 35 xp will go towards "Naval Reform", increasing total XP gain, the rest of our XP will go towards research, making designs and maxing out our Navy and Marine doctrine before the start of the war
    -Air: Your first xp will go towards making proper designs for us to start producing and building efficiency. The next 50 will go towards "Independent Air Force" so we can get extremely discounted advisors. Make sure to switch to "Air Crew Surveys" before getting doctrines.
    Economy and other notes:
    My biggest gripe with the "usual" USA mindset is maximizing production. You don't need to do that, what are you going to produce early game?
    1936 infantry equipment?
    Tier 1 artillery?
    Shitty tanks?
    You don't need to optimise for production if everything you can produce is crap, you need to prepare an amazing economic base for when you do actually get the good equipment to be able to produce it.
    Max out your infrastructure, then proceed to build only mils, stop at around late 1939 early 1940 to prepare Forts/Naval Forts/Supply Hubs/Ports/Infrastructure for the pacific as needed. Don't forget to build Naval Dockyards based on what kind of navy game you will be playing. With Arsenal of Democracy and Two Ocean Navy act you end up with 38 naval dockyards, it's up to you to figure out how many you need in total.
    Having the infrastructure base will not only allow you to actually have the resources needed for your massive production, but also build said production in the first place. Early mils are a waste of civs, not only are they more expensive, they also don't help you in the long run.
    Edit: If you have any questions, I will gladly answer them.
    If you doubt my methods, test them out first
    (Your friendly neighborhood USA enjoyer)

    • @JDothan
      @JDothan 2 місяці тому


      @UHUDSAVASINITERKEDENOKCU 2 місяці тому +1

      It's one of the best detailed information about USA thanks. Which doctrines do you choose?(Air army navy) and what's your tank designs and what's your troops?

    • @Nexsyana
      @Nexsyana 2 місяці тому +1

      My doctrines are usually MW LR, Trade Interdiction and Strategic Destruction
      Tanks I use are Medium Chassis, Medium Gun 2(unlocked from AT research which you can rush with your two arty bonuses). Turn them into Tank Destroyers and use Chrysler as a MIO.
      As for units, 36width pure marine for island hopping. 7/7 mech and med. TD for my tank divisions, 16 width pure infantry, 16 width pure mech for defence and 36width pure amtrac for d-day. Obviously if you want you can make amphi medium tanks using your TDs, same design, just make them amphi and convert.

      @UHUDSAVASINITERKEDENOKCU 2 місяці тому +1

      @@Nexsyana Thanks for the information. I only didn't get why MW LR? Instead of RR? Isn't that right path are better or do I miss something? Left gives a little bit more org but isn't breakthrough better?

    • @Nexsyana
      @Nexsyana 2 місяці тому +1

      Very simple, MW R only buffs tanks, not armour variants, and I use TDs

  • @Patriot3791
    @Patriot3791 6 місяців тому +17

    Once you’re off of undisturbed isolation and you begin ramping up mils and dockyards, running out of building slots becomes an issue. Even with rushing the research for extra building slots. Knowing this, I’ve found it beneficial to build more infrastructure than you normally would. Especially on the resource areas. I don’t have spreadsheets to prove how much more beneficial it is. My multiplayer games seem to run long as well. I also like to keep the rubber tech up to date, just in case Japan is able to take the rubber in SE Asia.

    • @hyggegaming
      @hyggegaming  6 місяців тому +4

      In most MP games i would say rubber-tech is really important, as you say, if Japan takes the rubber, someone else needs to step in. Its almost impossible to count on resources since everything depends on what you are building, and in MP, what your allies are building as well because of the trade.
      I wouldnt cover the entire US with infra, but if you build up 3-4 more provinces early i don’t think the impact to military production will be that big.

    • @danielgloyd4529
      @danielgloyd4529 5 місяців тому +1

      I don't play MP, so I can't speak on the strategies used there. I do play the USA a lot just to screw around for fun because they are so OP. Building up infra on resources indirectly gives you more civs from having more resources to trade or by using fewer civs for trades later. Eventually, everyone in the world wants steel and aluminum.
      The USA starts with so many Civs that it's senseless to build more. It's better to try to get off of isolationism and great depression as fast as possible to get your civs out of consumer goods. I always built up my infra in the large states and resource areas for the first year and a half. Then I build whatever I want mils or dockyards for whatever type of run I am doing. If I am doing one of the alt history paths, I build up synthetics for rubber so I don't need to worry about trading with the Allies or conquering Malaya or Indonesia.
      I don't have any equations or anything, and relying on the AI for trade is a bit RNG from game to game. But this method seems like the most efficient from my experience.

  • @JDothan
    @JDothan 2 місяці тому +3

    Since you run out of building slots it is more efficient to build infra since you KNOW you’re gonna fill it with factories at some point (not to mention the huge debuffs)

    • @hyggegaming
      @hyggegaming  2 місяці тому

      Thats a hard one actually, because you will get a return on the investment, but it comes later which means that you get less actuall output

  • @The_Hussar
    @The_Hussar 6 місяців тому +3

    I also like to build infra in Oregon since you could get chromium after taking the 1941 Excavation tech.
    I also like to build naval base in Guam and max out railways to San Diego. This improves the supply on the Pacific islands and helps you when you invade Japan. Naval bases also have higher capacity for repair. After the elections in 1936 you get the infra construction bonus anyway. And then I go for dockyards since ships take longer to build and refitting most part of the navy takes a lot of time.
    Very interesting video, I would definitely give the factory conversion a try. Cheers!

    • @hyggegaming
      @hyggegaming  6 місяців тому +1

      Thanks for the comment!
      The cromium infra sounds legit, i always keep resources out of the equation, because everyone builds different things which greatly impact what you need or not.
      You probably already do this but upgrading railways to Philadelphia is a really cheap way to get more supplies. A lvl 10 Naval Base in Washington is more expensive but gives you the possibility to ship a lot directly from your capital easying the burden of your railways.
      Cheers, TheRealBoppus

    • @The_Hussar
      @The_Hussar 6 місяців тому +1

      @@hyggegaming Thanks for the reply! I used to build this short railway between Washington and Philly but I would try upgrading the naval base at the capital. I have done the same with Japan but I didn't see drastic improvement. Cheers!

  • @cudedog
    @cudedog 6 місяців тому +6

    I like maxing Texas infrastructure first because you start running out of fuel when exercising the fleet at the beginning of the game.

    • @hyggegaming
      @hyggegaming  6 місяців тому +2

      Thats a good idea if you want early navy xp quick, if you really want to maximize production output you can train a part of the fleet unil its texas turn for infra. But that might be a little bit to much min-maxing, easy to forget to train the rest later on :)

    • @CubeInspector
      @CubeInspector 6 місяців тому

      I only come close to running out initially because of all the convoys bringing your army back to the mainland. Once a few start getting back and your navy consolidates to one place you shouldn't run into any issues.
      I uograde the infra mostly bc of all the building slots you get

  • @CubeInspector
    @CubeInspector 6 місяців тому +1

    I only build 5 civs so i can start my intel agency without too much if a drain. I dont really see the point in building any others

  • @arankoka
    @arankoka 6 місяців тому +1

    "military output" thinking might be wrong.
    the stuff u produce 1936 is worth less than stuff of 1940. Exceptions are trucks, accessories, transport planes, .. .
    so, 2 new factories 1940 going into fighter 3 are worth more than 1 old factory switching from fighter 2 to fighter 3.
    yes, old factory has produced more fighters over the years, but they r shitty.

    • @hyggegaming
      @hyggegaming  5 місяців тому

      Im pretty sure i adress this somewhere in there, but there are two things to this. The point you made compared to having a lot of equipment when you need it. If you are going to war 1940, i rather have 1 factory that has build 3 years of less good equipment than 1 month buildning new one. But thats why output/day togheter with total output is so important, to make your own plans. As France i rather have 20 extra military factories in 1936 than 200 in september 1939, because if i meet a competent opponent, they wont have time to produce anyting to put in the field anyways :)

  • @nox5555
    @nox5555 3 місяці тому

    Wrong... you build Infra in coastal states and Dockyards.
    Japan cant win if the US builds Dockyards because they just dont have the Factories to build docks and mills.
    If they build docks they will have a bad time against the minors and if they build Mills they will be stuck on their island.
    The Us Navy is also a game changer in the Med and will win back africa as long as the rock stay british.

  • @Stouzough
    @Stouzough 6 місяців тому +2

    Great findings. Lot of food for thoughts. Would love to see the same work for France.

    • @hyggegaming
      @hyggegaming  6 місяців тому +1

      Good to see you again Stouzough! We will see what the future has to offer :)

  • @berserker4940
    @berserker4940 6 місяців тому +3


    • @hyggegaming
      @hyggegaming  6 місяців тому

      Thanks and nice to see you again! :)