In less than 60,000 km I've had two times the gearbox fully exchanged. The battery failed 3 times either. The roof mechanic failed 4 times. The brake disc mounting screws fell out of the discs because they are not of a good quality and not serviced by default. The pyrotechnical sticks exploded on a low intensity side impact that damaged little else. Lucky me I had extended warranty, That 200k car would have cost me 100k just to maintain otherwise. But it was under repair and maintenance for 3-4 months every year. So I really can not recommend a Ferrari for anyone who wants great value. The only upside is that it is quite durable in economic value, it is still worth a lot after 5 years.
It’s Clark Kent’s Batmobile.
In less than 60,000 km I've had two times the gearbox fully exchanged. The battery failed 3 times either. The roof mechanic failed 4 times. The brake disc mounting screws fell out of the discs because they are not of a good quality and not serviced by default. The pyrotechnical sticks exploded on a low intensity side impact that damaged little else.
Lucky me I had extended warranty, That 200k car would have cost me 100k just to maintain otherwise.
But it was under repair and maintenance for 3-4 months every year.
So I really can not recommend a Ferrari for anyone who wants great value.
The only upside is that it is quite durable in economic value, it is still worth a lot after 5 years.
Nobli Ferrari yafro Bondi folfo badroe.🎊