Bondi Effects makes some of the best overdrives, no question. The Del Mar has been my go to Overdrive since the first iteration! I love it for leads and more saturated / compressed chords. The sick as really shines as lower to mid gain with lots of chime imo. Can’t go wrong with either. Great demo!
i love the tone of del mar perfect for rhythm and solos...specially if using it in worship
Bondi Effects makes some of the best overdrives, no question. The Del Mar has been my go to Overdrive since the first iteration! I love it for leads and more saturated / compressed chords. The sick as really shines as lower to mid gain with lots of chime imo. Can’t go wrong with either. Great demo!
Dude, awesome work. Thank you for sharing.
Great demo!
Dude, your Tyler is to die for.
Thorough comparison tyvm
Del Mar!
nice review, still can't hear: what's the sound difference between them ?
Had both before, and both are good but for different purpose. For my case I ended up with having the Sick As longer, as I love playing rhythm with it.
Del Mar MK2.😍
Mk3 vs Del Mar mkii?
Sick as 🔥
Hot the DEL Mar love your JamesTyler ALOT.