In den modernen, konstitutionellen Monarchien gibt es schon lange keine "Gottbegnadeten" mehr. Auch haben Monarchen auch keinerlei Macht- sondern fast ausschließlich Repräsentationsbefugnisse. Bei völliger Unfähigkeit wurden Monarchen zu allen Zeiten auch schon mal abgesetzt und durch Brüder, Söhne, Cousins etc. ersetzt worden. Ergo stellt sich deine Frage so nicht mehr ...
This is in front of the Theatinerkirche (church of the Theatine religious order) in Munich.. After the Bavarian hymn, they sing the Imperial Austrian hymn (and previously Imperial Holy Roman Empire hymn, composed by Franz Josef Haydn, and now used by Germany after the Austrian republic dropped this great hymn!) "Gott erhalte, Gott erschuetze" Habsburg and Austria!
@FRAGIORGIO1 yes. i understand that this is not a state funeral/tribute in germany. what i mean is that due to the fact that the austrian kaiserhymne has an identical melody with the german national anthem (of course with different lyrics), some may find it quite interesting to hear the kaiserhymne (which sounds just like the national anthem but with different words sung) in german soil.
Da kann ich dir nicht ganz zustimmen. Die Melodie, die wir heute im Lied der Deutschen singen wurde von Joseph Haydn für die österreichisch/ heilig römischen Kaiser geschrieben. Von wurde sie von 1797 bis 1918 in Österreich verwendet. Bei unseren Nachbarn ist die Hymne immernoch als Volkshymne bekannt und stillisiert den Stolz der Österreicher auf ihr Kaisertum. - Klugscheißer Ende :-D PS: Die Meldodie der deutschen Kaiserhymne ist die der heutigen englischen!
@EvanC0912 Note that this is the funeral of Otto von Habsburg for his family in particular, although others are invited and interested. The head of the Bavarian government was here as an invited person since he was well known to Archduke Otto who was a citizen of Bavaria and Germany also and had represented Germany in the European parliament for 20 years. The people sing the "Kaiserhymne" because it is NOT an official funjeral, but a Habsburg family funeral, but there is respect for Bayern.
Wenn man richtig zuhört und aufpasst, finden sie, dass die Melodien der Kaiserhymne und des Lieds der Deutschen ein bisschen unterschiedlich sind. Hier im Video hören Sie die Melodie für die Nationalhymne Deutschlands statt die Kaiserhymne. Die beiden sind doch herrlich schön.
Gott erhalte unser Kaiser was written for the Austrian emperor by Hayden, bagged by Germany. The Prussian national anthem was sung to God, save the King(Queen), and used in many countries. nobody knows who authored the music, but some say John Bull.
This is not quite correct. The anthem was composed for Emperor Franz in his role as Roman German Emperor and continued to be used as the Austrian Imperial Anthem after the downfall of the Holy Roman Empire
@elijahhee Because they were in Bavaria, and Archduke Dr Otto von Habsburg-Lorraine represented Germany in the European Parliament out of Bavaria for 20 years and probably to honor the governor (or whatever title he bears) of Bavaria who was present.
@19StZ83 Pardon, ich meinte die Zweite Republik Österreich, die wurde 1945 gegründet und 1955 souverän, also maximal 16 bzw. 6 Jahre...Keine Jahrzehnte.
@57carling Österreich wurde 1918/19 Republik. Bis 1961 sind das mehr als 40 Jahre. Über 4 Jahrzehnte Verbannung finde ich schon ausgesprochen heftig. Das sind ja schon biblische Zeiträume (40 Jahre in der Wüste, etc.).
@EvanC0912 Again, this is NOT a German official funeral, even though there are German officials present as persons well-known to Archduke Otto and because he was also a Bavarian German as well as Austrian, Hungarian, and Croatian. (He should have been Czech citizen as well as Slovenian).
@ffrk1986 RESPEKT! So spricht einer, der in alten Traditionen auch was Gutes und Gültiges erkannt hat. Meinen Respekt hast du. In Bern, wo ich lebe, würden dir Kumpels sagen: "Bisch e geile Siech". ^^^Das ist grösstes Kompliment in BernSlang.
@EvanC0912 Yes, indeed, and as I said, it was the Imperial anthem for the Holy Roman Empire of the German People for 12 years also, so there is history behind that.
@FRAGIORGIO1 well. germany was actually a swarm of small and some greater kingdoms here and there. there were many kings, grand dukes and other royals before they united and formed a greater reich. they also eventually abandoned monarchies to evolve to a republic
Herr Baron von Muenchhausen: Actually, like Germany's neighbors: Danmark, Nederland, Belgie, Sverige, Norge, Luxembourg, and United Kingdom --all Very Democratic thank you!
@stakas46 It is difficult to say Kaiser Wilhelm II led Germany into WW I, because he had solidarity with Austria-Hungary in its dispute with Serbia, but then the Russians declared their solidarity with Serbia and started mobilizing. As Russia and France were members of the Entente, the Kaiser was nervous about both powers jumping on Germany, which was between the two. As history turned out, first France (1919) and later Russia (USSR, 1945) stripped away vast parts of Germany.
@Timrath Did you know that Wilhelm II dismissed Bismarck because the Kaiser wanted to improve the conditions of workers and Bismarck was opposed? He promoted culture and the arts, and built up the Reichsmarine, but he was apparently imprudent and let Marshal Hindenburg and General Ludendorff have too much influence in the latter half of WW I. There were some fine Hohenzollerns: Friedrich. Wilhelm I and III and Frederick the Great, Wilhelm I and Frederick III, & Prinz Georg Friedrich.
@elijahhee I agree particularly because the European Union must be, as DeGaulle saw it, a Europe of Homelands (patries or Vaterlaende) true to their identies as well as respectful of their different histories and cultures, although there is much that is shared. Greetings to you, friend.
History has bound the two ethnic-linguistic groups together. They do not belong to their northern and southern neighbors. They belong together in mutual respect and comprehension.
@EvanC0912 Yes, as I said, it was briefly the hymn of the Holy Roman Empire of the German People and the Germans were intelligent enough to appreciate it, while the republicans of Austria threw out this masterpiece as well as the historic monarchy. What has been of Austria since then?
Austria was in a delicate situation after WWII. The Soviets agreed to withdraw in 1955 if Austria would remain neutral. They would not have permitted a restoration of the monarchy.
If one studies the history of the Hapsburg family you will see they had a wolf by the ears for 400 years. In 1485 the family controlled austria minus salzburg, sloveni, trieste, and some swiss and sw german pieces. then charles inherited the spanish possesions, the kingdoms of bohemia (+silesia) and hungary in 1526. The junior branch got the european possessions except spain and in italy in 1555. From then on it was a full-time effort to hold together lands of hsitorical memory which had lost their native dynasties (the last king of bohemia and hungary was killed at the battle of Mohacs in 1526 fighting the turks). For 160 years the Hapsburgs were enbroiled in German affairs and fighting the turks. Finally after the failure of the turks to take vienna in 1683 the Haspburgs when on the offensive to recover Hungary and Translyvania and the Banat. In 1772 after the first partition of poland they got southern poland and westerna Ukraine. Finally they were given Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1878 having lost 90% of Sliesian to Prussia in 1742. Each of the former kingdoms and pieces of kingdoms had their own laws, traditions and historical consciousness. Attempts to centralize the monarchy from 1780 to 1867 failed.growing nationalisms int he 19th century and the awakening of the Slavic populations of Slovenia, Ukraine, Slovakia, Serbia, the Italians and finally the German speakers whose power waned from the 1880s. Add to this Hungarians attmepts to magyarize the population of Hungary and ethnic strife it's a wonder the Imperial-royal army fought to the very end and the Hapsburgs didn't throw in the towel. The ruling family to try to cool matters down guaranteeds the absolute individual and ethnic equality which the Hungarians set out to scuttle. It was a good try. Otto von Hapsburg got revenge by plotting the opening of the Austrian-Hungarian border in 1989 which lead to the collapse of East Germany and Honneker's saying, "that a hapsburg piut the nail in my coffin." hehehe
@19StZ83 Über Herrn Habsburgs Rolle kann man sicher streiten, auch über seine politischen Ansichten. Fakt ist, dass Österreich Republik ist. Das mit jahrzehntelangem nicht Betretenlassen stimmt auch nicht ganz. Herr Habsburg hat ab 1961 Österreich betreten können. Und wann wurde die Republik gegründet? Also keine jahrzehntelange Sache....
KuK, etc, etc ! Même si François-Joseph et Charles ne furent pas couronnés à Prague (ce qui fut sans aucun doute une très grave erreur de leur part), il n'en reste pas moins vrai que l'expression "Empereur et Roi" résume l'ensemble de la titulature.
Welchem "Kaiser" wird da gehuldigt? Bei allem Respekt, Otto Habsburg war nie ein Kaiser. Und was soll der Aufwand in München UND in Wien, Wien hätte voll und ganz für die Monarchisten gereicht.
@stakas46 Perhaps it would be prudent to call the future democratic monarch of Germany Koenig (King) instead of Kaiser (Emperor) to avoid some of the psychological effect. King Georg Friedrich I of Germany: it sounds good to me. Long live the Federal Kingdom of Germany (Bundesreich)!
@EvanC0912 European integration is a very good priority, but it must be as a Europe of the Fatherlands, as DeGaulle so wisely suggested. The countries have distinct histories (although intertwined), distinct cultures, and distinct languages. A monarchy is a very clear way of proclaiming a nation's distinctness within a confederation-type union with many common goals. I do not like the imposition of certain rules that many countries may no agree with, such as homosexual "marriage"
@EvanC0912 It would be good to reestablish the German Empire under the Hohenzollerns as a democratic constitutional monarchy with the monarch as Head of State instead of some former poliltico as President. The Head of State is supposed to represent the historical and cultural unity of the country, and how can a member of a political party do that? Many people will say, "Oh he's from that @#$%# party". Monarchs are non-political.
@Timrath keep your mouth shut, if you have no clue, the father of wilhelm II was anything else than incompetent or megalomanic and lots before him were neither
ThisIsCertainlyNotMyNameSoDontEvenBotherReadingThisTextItsProbablyWorkingOnYourNervesRightNow Wo ist das Problem? Wenn Du es nicht verstehst, dann benütze einen Übersetzer, und wenn Du damit ein Problemm hast, dann hast Du eben ein Problem damit. Ist aber Dein Problem, und nicht meines. Comprende?
Ein prägendes Ereignis in München, in meinem Leben, welches ich niemals vergessen werde.
Requiescat in pacem 🕯
Übertreiben Sie es nicht.
Möge seine königliche Hoheit in Frieden ruhen, und beim Herrgott Seelig sein. Grüße aus Deutschland und danke für das Hochladen.
Otto was really a best man on earth. Thanks to all and thank you OTTO ! God save the KING !
Es wird bald wieder unsere Monarchie blühen! Es lebe die heilge Herrscherfamilie Habsburg (Ein Ungar(?)
Bald ist wann (ungefähr)?
Das schönste ist Herr Seehofer. Sein Gesicht sagt deutlich: Ich würde ja gern mitsingen, aber ich kann den Text nicht.
Même dans ces malheureuses circonstances, quel plaisir d'entendre à la suite l'hymne royal bavarois et l'hymne impérial !
Innig bleibt mit Habsburgs Throne Österreichs Geschick vereint!
R.I.P Otto - feiner Mann!
Eine gut geführte Monarchie hat durch aus positive Seiten
aber wie wird man einen nicht so guten Monarchen wieder los, es gab ja genug
für Unfähige, obwohl durch Gottesgnadentum befähigt
In den modernen, konstitutionellen Monarchien gibt es schon lange keine "Gottbegnadeten" mehr. Auch haben Monarchen auch keinerlei Macht- sondern fast ausschließlich Repräsentationsbefugnisse. Bei völliger Unfähigkeit wurden Monarchen zu allen Zeiten auch schon mal abgesetzt und durch Brüder, Söhne, Cousins etc. ersetzt worden. Ergo stellt sich deine Frage so nicht mehr ...
God bless the Habsburgs
Condolences from Bulgaria !
This is in front of the Theatinerkirche (church of the Theatine religious order) in Munich.. After the Bavarian hymn, they sing the Imperial Austrian hymn (and previously Imperial Holy Roman Empire hymn, composed by Franz Josef Haydn, and now used by Germany after the Austrian republic dropped this great hymn!) "Gott erhalte, Gott erschuetze" Habsburg and Austria!
@FRAGIORGIO1 yes. i understand that this is not a state funeral/tribute in germany. what i mean is that due to the fact that the austrian kaiserhymne has an identical melody with the german national anthem (of course with different lyrics), some may find it quite interesting to hear the kaiserhymne (which sounds just like the national anthem but with different words sung) in german soil.
Liebe Kommentatorin, man unterbricht wofür auch immer keine Hymne.
+MrMay94 Und erst Recht nicht beim Deutschlandlied.
Da kann ich dir nicht ganz zustimmen. Die Melodie, die wir heute im Lied der Deutschen singen wurde von Joseph Haydn für die österreichisch/ heilig römischen Kaiser geschrieben.
Von wurde sie von 1797 bis 1918 in Österreich verwendet.
Bei unseren Nachbarn ist die Hymne immernoch als Volkshymne bekannt und stillisiert den Stolz der Österreicher auf ihr Kaisertum.
- Klugscheißer Ende :-D
PS: Die Meldodie der deutschen Kaiserhymne ist die der heutigen englischen!
Die deutsche "Kaiserhymmne" wurde, bevor sie als diese gehandelt wurde, schon von den Briten verwendet, und wird bis heute von ihnen verwendet.
Schon der Kaiser des 1. deutschen Reiches hatte den deutschen Kaisertitel und dieser war römisch-deutsch mit den Reichsinsignien in Wien.
Dies ist durchaus wahr und ich habe es noch nicht in Betracht gezogen!
@EvanC0912 Note that this is the funeral of Otto von Habsburg for his family in particular, although others are invited and interested. The head of the Bavarian government was here as an invited person since he was well known to Archduke Otto who was a citizen of Bavaria and Germany also and had represented Germany in the European parliament for 20 years. The people sing the "Kaiserhymne" because it is NOT an official funjeral, but a Habsburg family funeral, but there is respect for Bayern.
Danke Bayern!
Ein Östererreicher.
Deutschland! Bayern ist nur ein untergeordnete Gebietskörperschaft innerhalb Deutschlands.
Wenn man richtig zuhört und aufpasst, finden sie, dass die Melodien der Kaiserhymne und des Lieds der Deutschen ein bisschen unterschiedlich sind. Hier im Video hören Sie die Melodie für die Nationalhymne Deutschlands statt die Kaiserhymne. Die beiden sind doch herrlich schön.
Ich finds schön das der Seehofer gekommen ist.
Gott erhalte unser Kaiser was written for the Austrian emperor by Hayden, bagged by Germany. The Prussian national anthem was sung to God, save the King(Queen), and used in many countries. nobody knows who authored the music, but some say John Bull.
This is not quite correct. The anthem was composed for Emperor Franz in his role as Roman German Emperor and continued to be used as the Austrian Imperial Anthem after the downfall of the Holy Roman Empire
@FRAGIORGIO1 umm. this is in bavaria, germany. it might be interesting for bavarians to sing the national anthem with different lyrics.
@elijahhee Because they were in Bavaria, and Archduke Dr Otto von Habsburg-Lorraine represented Germany in the European Parliament out of Bavaria for 20 years and probably to honor the governor (or whatever title he bears) of Bavaria who was present.
@19StZ83 Pardon, ich meinte die Zweite Republik Österreich, die wurde 1945 gegründet und 1955 souverän, also maximal 16 bzw. 6 Jahre...Keine Jahrzehnte.
@57carling Österreich wurde 1918/19 Republik. Bis 1961 sind das mehr als 40 Jahre. Über 4 Jahrzehnte Verbannung finde ich schon ausgesprochen heftig. Das sind ja schon biblische Zeiträume (40 Jahre in der Wüste, etc.).
@EvanC0912 Again, this is NOT a German official funeral, even though there are German officials present as persons well-known to Archduke Otto and because he was also a Bavarian German as well as Austrian, Hungarian, and Croatian. (He should have been Czech citizen as well as Slovenian).
One of the last great men of Europe.
Warum sollte Seehofer als bayerischer Ministerpräsident die österreichische Kaiserhymne können?
RESPEKT! So spricht einer, der in alten Traditionen auch was Gutes und Gültiges erkannt hat. Meinen Respekt hast du. In Bern, wo ich lebe, würden dir Kumpels sagen: "Bisch e geile Siech". ^^^Das ist grösstes Kompliment in BernSlang.
unser kaiser möge in frieden ruhen
What's the anthem/lament in the beggining?
ElekhtroLT The Anthem of Bavaria
er starb in Pöcking/Starnberger See und der Sarg wanderte halt über München nach Wien
May I know why was the Bavarian national anthem played first?
@EvanC0912 May Germany continue to evolve into a constitutional democratic monarchy with restored boundaries as is just. Regards.
Danzig, East Prussia, West Prussia, and Konigsberg must be returned to the Reich. We will allow Denmark keep Schleswig-Holstein for the time being.
I agree. Then there is the matter of Elsass Lothringen...
@EvanC0912 Yes, indeed, and as I said, it was the Imperial anthem for the Holy Roman Empire of the German People for 12 years also, so there is history behind that.
je suis completement dàccord.La republique ne sera jamais le bonheur des peuples.Vive la Monarchie!
Vive Charles II, Empereur et Roi !
¿Que himno es el primero? ¿Alguien sabe la letra?
Es el himno de baviera bayernhymne
@FRAGIORGIO1 well. germany was actually a swarm of small and some greater kingdoms here and there. there were many kings, grand dukes and other royals before they united and formed a greater reich. they also eventually abandoned monarchies to evolve to a republic
Was ist die erste Hymne?
schon ein paar jahre her aber das ist die bayernhymne ;)
anyone tell me this song name
The Austrian Kaiserhymn Gott erhalte Gott beschütze
Herr Baron von Muenchhausen: Actually, like Germany's neighbors: Danmark, Nederland, Belgie, Sverige, Norge, Luxembourg, and United Kingdom --all Very Democratic thank you!
@stakas46 It is difficult to say Kaiser Wilhelm II led Germany into WW I, because he had solidarity with Austria-Hungary in its dispute with Serbia, but then the Russians declared their solidarity with Serbia and started mobilizing. As Russia and France were members of the Entente, the Kaiser was nervous about both powers jumping on Germany, which was between the two. As history turned out, first France (1919) and later Russia (USSR, 1945) stripped away vast parts of Germany.
@FRAGIORGIO1 it's okay. now germany uses this great melody
@Timrath Did you know that Wilhelm II dismissed Bismarck because the Kaiser wanted to improve the conditions of workers and Bismarck was opposed? He promoted culture and the arts, and built up the Reichsmarine, but he was apparently imprudent and let Marshal Hindenburg and General Ludendorff have too much influence in the latter half of WW I. There were some fine Hohenzollerns: Friedrich. Wilhelm I and III and Frederick the Great, Wilhelm I and Frederick III, & Prinz Georg Friedrich.
@FRAGIORGIO1 Greetings from Malaysia. I also wish to see the return of the Monarchy in Germany :-)
@EvanC0912 I see what you mean. My regards.
@elijahhee I agree particularly because the European Union must be, as DeGaulle saw it, a Europe of Homelands (patries or Vaterlaende) true to their identies as well as respectful of their different histories and cultures, although there is much that is shared. Greetings to you, friend.
History has bound the two ethnic-linguistic groups together. They do not belong to their northern and southern neighbors. They belong together in mutual respect and comprehension.
Seehofer sieht aus, als würde er gern mitsingen, hätte aber den Text vergessen.
@ffrk1986 Und der Erzherzog Otto war auch Kronprinz!
Liebe Europa
@EvanC0912 Yes, as I said, it was briefly the hymn of the Holy Roman Empire of the German People and the Germans were intelligent enough to appreciate it, while the republicans of Austria threw out this masterpiece as well as the historic monarchy. What has been of Austria since then?
Austria was in a delicate situation after WWII. The Soviets agreed to withdraw in 1955 if Austria would remain neutral. They would not have permitted a restoration of the monarchy.
die Bayernhymne + die Kaiserhymne = die Bayernhymne + die deutsche Nationalhymne. sehr interessant!
You really want to tell me, that belgium is a nation?
J'ai vu de mon vivant la chute de l'empire rouge, et j'espère la restauration des monarchies de l'Europe. A bas la république !
yes they are, well, actually two nations
@grafvondritten ES EL HIMNO DE BAVIERA.
If one studies the history of the Hapsburg family you will see they had a wolf by the ears for 400 years. In 1485 the family controlled austria minus salzburg, sloveni, trieste, and some swiss and sw german pieces. then charles inherited the spanish possesions, the kingdoms of bohemia (+silesia) and hungary in 1526. The junior branch got the european possessions except spain and in italy in 1555. From then on it was a full-time effort to hold together lands of hsitorical memory which had lost their native dynasties (the last king of bohemia and hungary was killed at the battle of Mohacs in 1526 fighting the turks). For 160 years the Hapsburgs were enbroiled in German affairs and fighting the turks. Finally after the failure of the turks to take vienna in 1683 the Haspburgs when on the offensive to recover Hungary and Translyvania and the Banat. In 1772 after the first partition of poland they got southern poland and westerna Ukraine. Finally they were given Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1878 having lost 90% of Sliesian to Prussia in 1742. Each of the former kingdoms and pieces of kingdoms had their own laws, traditions and historical consciousness. Attempts to centralize the monarchy from 1780 to 1867 failed.growing nationalisms int he 19th century and the awakening of the Slavic populations of Slovenia, Ukraine, Slovakia, Serbia, the Italians and finally the German speakers whose power waned from the 1880s. Add to this Hungarians attmepts to magyarize the population of Hungary and ethnic strife it's a wonder the Imperial-royal army fought to the very end and the Hapsburgs didn't throw in the towel. The ruling family to try to cool matters down guaranteeds the absolute individual and ethnic equality which the Hungarians set out to scuttle. It was a good try. Otto von Hapsburg got revenge by plotting the opening of the Austrian-Hungarian border in 1989 which lead to the collapse of East Germany and Honneker's saying, "that a hapsburg piut the nail in my coffin." hehehe
@19StZ83 Über Herrn Habsburgs Rolle kann man sicher streiten, auch über seine politischen Ansichten.
Fakt ist, dass Österreich Republik ist. Das mit jahrzehntelangem nicht Betretenlassen stimmt auch nicht ganz. Herr Habsburg hat ab 1961 Österreich betreten können. Und wann wurde die Republik gegründet? Also keine jahrzehntelange Sache....
Verzeihen! "Gott erhalte, Gott beschuetze".
@aaALEeeXD Ja es ist die Bayernhymne
et Roi Charles IV de Bohême !
Actually wallonia is france and flanders belongs to the neatherlands..
Und der Seehofer singt nicht mal mit...traurig...
Hoch Habsburg
ich auch, musste einfach sein!!!
und vor allem vorher den text lernen, das ist ja grausam
KuK, etc, etc ! Même si François-Joseph et Charles ne furent pas couronnés à Prague (ce qui fut sans aucun doute une très grave erreur de leur part), il n'en reste pas moins vrai que l'expression "Empereur et Roi" résume l'ensemble de la titulature.
Two ethnic-linguistic groups, not nations.
@FRAGIORGIO1 umm. i dont think it's easy. and anyway the european integration is their top priority though.
Welchem "Kaiser" wird da gehuldigt? Bei allem Respekt, Otto Habsburg war nie ein Kaiser. Und was soll der Aufwand in München UND in Wien, Wien hätte voll und ganz für die Monarchisten gereicht.
@stakas46 Perhaps it would be prudent to call the future democratic monarch of Germany Koenig (King) instead of Kaiser (Emperor) to avoid some of the psychological effect. King Georg Friedrich I of Germany: it sounds good to me. Long live the Federal Kingdom of Germany (Bundesreich)!
How about the Fourth Reich?
@EvanC0912 European integration is a very good priority, but it must be as a Europe of the Fatherlands, as DeGaulle so wisely suggested. The countries have distinct histories (although intertwined), distinct cultures, and distinct languages. A monarchy is a very clear way of proclaiming a nation's distinctness within a confederation-type union with many common goals. I do not like the imposition of certain rules that many countries may no agree with, such as homosexual "marriage"
@ceasar70alexander at leaste of the old and better europe now comes the times of recklessness in europe
@EvanC0912 It would be good to reestablish the German Empire under the Hohenzollerns as a democratic constitutional monarchy with the monarch as Head of State instead of some former poliltico as President. The Head of State is supposed to represent the historical and cultural unity of the country, and how can a member of a political party do that? Many people will say, "Oh he's from that @#$%# party". Monarchs are non-political.
Tony Blair would be glad to take the job if there is an opening.
@AVKnecht lern mal geschichte....
@Timrath keep your mouth shut, if you have no clue, the father of wilhelm II was anything else than incompetent or megalomanic and lots before him were neither
Oesterreich waere wesentlich besser dran heute als Monarchie, als mit der Witzrepublik!
Vive la République! Vive la démocratie!
Explains why you're writing in French..
Wo ist das Problem? Wenn Du es nicht verstehst, dann benütze einen Übersetzer, und wenn Du damit ein Problemm hast, dann hast Du eben ein Problem damit. Ist aber Dein Problem, und nicht meines.
Didn't know Google Translate had a UA-cam account
Interessiert mich einen großten Tinef.
Death to the Austrian Republic !!!
Long live the Habsburg Monarchy and the true Austrian Empire !!!!