Ninth Anniversary Show | Those Were The Days | Saturday, April 28th 1979

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    ‘We're observing our ninth ysar on the air and
    an afternoon of anniversary broadcasts from
    radio’s golden age will highlight our own
    birthday party:
    BILLION DOLLAR SHOW (82852 Ciips
    from the past and memories from Bob and
    Ray, Fred Ailen and others on a program
    celebrating the 30th anniversary of the first
    radio commercial (1}. Sustaining, NBC. {16:15;
    COMMAND PERFORMANCE {1946) The 4th
    Anniversary broadcast of the Armed Forces
    Radio variety show prepared exclusively for
    military personnel around the world. Bob
    Hope introduces dozens of performers and
    clips from past Command Performance pro-
    grams: Foy Willing and the Riders of the
    Purple Sage; Janet Blair; Edgar Bergen and
    Charlie McCarthy; G.I. Jill; Kav Kyser: Jerry
    Colonna; Linda Darneli; Mel Blanc; Fred
    MacMurray; King Sisters; Francis Langford.
    AFRS. (14:15; 14:20; 11:17: 17:25; 20:10;
    SARY (Nov., 1965) This was the first of all
    the radio retrospective {or nostalgia) shows
    broadeast following the Golden Age of Radio.
    Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy host a
    cavalcade of sounds from radio’s heyday in
    abservance of their lonotime sponsor’s cen.
    tennial. It was broadcast 35 an hour-ong sog
    ment of Moitor, NBC's snawor to radia ontar-
    tainment i the 19605, Excarps from the past
    fratre Maurice Chevalier, Ecais Cantor,
    Jimmy_Durante, Major Bowes, Rudy Vallee,
    Wi C. Fields, Rosalind Russel, Fred Allen, Mac
    viast, Alec Templston, Carole Lombard, Clarl
    Gsble, Don Amache, Mary Pickford, Charles
    Loughon, Jdock Oukie, Oden N, Eiiw
    Barrymore and of course Edgar, Charlie,
    Mortimer Snerd and Effie Kiinker. Chase andi
    Sanborn, NBC. (14:50; 12:13: 13:10; 13:06)
    And, thanks for listening, On Moy 5ih wo
    begin our 10th year on the sir with the ra-
    brosdcast of a complete brosdcast day from
    1930, A special presentation during Mav.
    National Rodio Month. Stick around, and
    don't touch that disil
    N 4
    A HOST OF STARS provided the
    ontertainment on the Chase and Sanborn 100th
    Anniversary Show in_1964. Bergen and
    McCarthy were at the NBC microphone on the
    1 rovival on radio of sounds from
    the goldon age. Shown with Edgar and Charlie
    are (clockwiso from top) Rudy Valieo, Eddie
    Cantor, Don Amechs, W. C. Fields, Dorothy
    “amour. The program will be heard on our
    THOSE WERE THE DAVS Gth Annissesary
    Show, Aprit 2811