We looked forward to Friday as kids just to go to my grand parents. Allllll of our cousins would meet us their👍🏾🤸🏽♀️all you had to do at night was grab a blanket and find a place to sleep ANYWHERE 😂
Probably because grandma and grandpa are retired and can be home all day with him rather than him being left alone in a house for 8+ hours a day while moms at work.
I miss my black lab everyday he was my best friend I lost him years ago and every time I see a beautiful black lab I think of him more and I’ll be honest I’ll have tiers in my eyes thinking about him and all the good times we had he was an Angel on earth no doubt
I know you miss your special fur baby, but may I say if it’s been a few years, would you consider adopting from a rescue or shelter another fur baby to love and they can love you 🥰. If not another black Lab another doggie that needs you just as much as you need them! I am sorry about the loss of your beautiful pet but maybe they would want you to be happy again. And to bring some comfort and peace, your beloved is in heaven with Jesus with all of our pets running around and playing and not sad. ❤ I pray 🙏 for you to heal your heart and consider adopting and let another fur baby fill your life with happiness and you give them a loving home and life of love too ❤
Of course he does! Think of it this way.... if you are immersed in another language in a foreign country, you will eventually understand what's being said around you. I've seen video of an adopted dog that "never payed attention", until they realized the dog understood Spanish and could perfectly execute commands in his known language.
I have a yellow lab that reminds me so much of this sweet baby! We have to spell things around my house to not get a reaction from ours. Things like store, go, keys, car, etc. I’m pretty sure he’s starting to learn some of the spellings now too! Lol
My Doberman Great Dane mix, Disney, thought that she was my intellectual superior because she understood everything that I said and I was not as adept at "Dog" as she was at "English ".
An exes dad had a chocolate lab who's name was sully. He did this exact thing when her dad would tell him we were coming to visit. Lol, sully loved playing with my lil dude. Labs are big kids forever.
If you have to leave your beloved pet with someone while you go out of town, this is the reaction you want to get to make it a little easier on you. Wow they must be great dog grandparents!❤❤❤❤
My bernese does that too. Whenever I tell him to sit up from laying on the floor he flies up to me like a torpedo. It's not thaaaaat funny with his size 😂 not when I'm barely 5 foot "tall"
So many times i watched the dog videos..some people said husky were great dog, some said rotti is a cold as a fck now here you said it labrador.. So, for a guy like me where had never own a dog can you suggest me which one puppy is good for me to raise? I'm a music lover beside that btw😊😊❤
My son just put his lab down, after 13 awesome years with his very best friend!! Truly heartbreaking, however he had the most beautiful soul! Labs are the best dogs! You have such a sweet baby ! God bless you & your precious baby!
@ALICIA D 😢 we lost our 3 yro black lab on Feb 8th - I don't think I'll ever get over it, he was just the best boy - he developed Diabetes & we thought that he's was really going to make it and he just went down hill the vet told us there wasn't anything more (medically) 💔 that could be done. It doesn't make any of losing him any easier.
@@rumham7466 my dogs learned to count to 3. They learned what is one finger, two fingers, 3 fingers. 🦮🐕 ❤️ I wonder if there are dogs that can understand more.
People food is much better and healthier than dog food. What's wrong with giving a dog scraps? Whatever I cook to eat I also give to my dog and it has to be healthier and better for him than the best dog food you can buy.
@@JG_SmileSOBright Chicken and brown rice (well cooked) mixed together is mostly what I cook for my dog as well. I'll also usually chop up some kale, carrots or Swiss Chard to mix in with it. I end up eating it myself. I find it's much better than dog food 😃
What a sweet and beautiful pup. I had to put my boy down this past Good Friday, 10 years after I rescued him. I’m struggling every day. I miss him so much. 💔
Dogs know and understand a lot of English. I once told my dog to go tell Lady to hurry because everyone is waiting for her at the car. He ran upstairs and barked at my wife, then came running back.
Dogs also know how to spell. When I would tell my dog, it is time for a b-a-t-h, she would run and hide. They know the Vet's office, grocery store, and friends' homes.
@@ellenringer5236 😂 my dog can spell w-a-l-k. All I have to say is “W” or “dubba”, “wanna go for a ..” without finishing. Lol that’s the best way to get her to turn her head for pics too 😅
@@danipandaxo exactly my experience with my dobermans; we resorted to spelling when talking in front of the dog; but soon they learned how to spell also! it was unbelievable! so i told my husband we shd learn sign language, but unfortunately the dog wd b looking at us the WHOLE time we wd b trying to use sign language, and then learn that too!!
This is just the cutest thing I've ever seen. I can see the excitement in his face and his body. And when he saw grandma, oh my gosh his excitement could not be contained. Thank you for this video ❤
What a sweetheart! He reminds me so much of my dog when he would get excited to visit my Mother. The two were crazy about each other. When she passed and I took him with me to the house to clean up, he went from room to room looking for her. It was so sad. He truly misses her like the family does.
In a way it's a blessing. The dog probably doesn't even know she is dead.😢 Its not like the dog saw the dead body, so at least it doesn't have the pain of seeing a lifeless body.
What an adorable boy you have, so handsome and so smart, I’m sure he is spoiled to bits on those visits the look of pure joy and excitement on his wee face says it all! 🥰🏴🇬🇧
the way he crosschecked his collor was amazing.. how well he was trained.. but deep down he knows the moment he is with his grand parents he is going to be a spoiled brat.. coz grand parents always spoil you with their pure love.. he is going to enjoy the weekend there and he is damn sure abt it.. Lovely dog.. god bless..
My hearts melts when I see a black lab 🤗 We had faraway friends over for lunch yesterday, they brought their black lab with them and we played football with the dog for hours. Such a well behaved and loving pup. I miss him already.
This lab is not only so well-loved but also so well-trained!! You can tell he is young but his ability to listen and focus on Mom even though he is SO stimulated is a testament to his great temperament and the dedication his Mom and only family members have for his well being (which training is a HUGE part of)🎉
That's how we all felt when we knew we were going to Grandpa's and Grandma's house. ❤ He is soooo smart and a good listener.
We looked forward to Friday as kids just to go to my grand parents. Allllll of our cousins would meet us their👍🏾🤸🏽♀️all you had to do at night was grab a blanket and find a place to sleep ANYWHERE 😂
I couldn't tell mine apart they both had moustaches...
@@hotpotat0esI could, but my grandma sounded like my grandpa 😭😭😭
@@MmmYumYum. I used to call them the tom seleck twins
I feel like that with my girlfriend's grandma. My grandma's not so much...
I have a black lab and he loves nanny and grandad!
He is more human than most of us.
You need to find more humans.😢
I've always said that dogs are better people than humans are.
Speak for yourself doggo.
So you're saying we're doggies? Woof woof 🐕
@@existenceisrelative you really need to find a new community
The dog has spoken... he wants to live with Grandma and Grandpa.
No doubt. He loves gpa and gma. She is the actual babysitter.
Right 😂
And dare I say he deserves to.
Probably because grandma and grandpa are retired and can be home all day with him rather than him being left alone in a house for 8+ hours a day while moms at work.
Such a well sophisticated gentleman!!! 😍
What an adorable guy!! 🥰
What a distinguished gentleman, look at the way he is sitting......
He must be an English Labrador!
@@aMuenchGrinch Ugh as a British person shut tf up! Sick of pathetic Americans saying bs like that when u don't know anything bout us
Black is Beautiful
Labradors are extremely intelligent and really understand a lot more than we think.
How do you know? I mean, how do you know what WE think?
I had a yellow that mastered DOORKNOBS.
every word
I think they're intelligent so what's your point
I had a lab that was able to achieve cold fusion, so you're right
He knows he's gonna be getting spoiled with those good treats.
Exactly my thinking here 😂
@@GunslingerAlGilead they are DEFINITELY slipping him table scraps lol he is too excited 😂😭
@@BEva-lc7tx true 😂
yes, word!
@@BEva-lc7tx rite food!
I love the way dogs get so excited when they're going to go visit their extended Human family
Or to go to the park or doggy day care or just a walk… 😅 I love it too.
My Labs get excited when they are going.
@@GinoDiNardo the excitement takes up their whole body lol its like this big emotion that they can barely contain🥹the cutest thing to see
I love how he sat up 😅
His eyes so innocent
And his teeth sticking out at the end makes him look like he's smiling😂
A Labrador’s eyes are soulful and kind ❤
He's a Sweetheart 😘
His sweat so sour
He looks exactly like my Raven
Better behaved then any kid. Hysterical he checked his collar.
😅 ikr!
So cute! That little check was definitely adorable. He's a very smart boy who's been given a ton of training by a very caring owner!!
Wow assuming? Some kids are actually well behaved
i saw that too
why do you people hate children so much? I honestly don't understand.
What an adorable intelligent dog.
I miss my black lab everyday he was my best friend I lost him years ago and every time I see a beautiful black lab I think of him more and I’ll be honest I’ll have tiers in my eyes thinking about him and all the good times we had he was an Angel on earth no doubt
I know you miss your special fur baby, but may I say if it’s been a few years, would you consider adopting from a rescue or shelter another fur baby to love and they can love you 🥰. If not another black Lab another doggie that needs you just as much as you need them! I am sorry about the loss of your beautiful pet but maybe they would want you to be happy again. And to bring some comfort and peace, your beloved is in heaven with Jesus with all of our pets running around and playing and not sad. ❤ I pray 🙏 for you to heal your heart and consider adopting and let another fur baby fill your life with happiness and you give them a loving home and life of love too ❤
I am convinced that doggies know our language.(not just commands) 😂😂 What a smart fur baby! ❤
Of course he does! Think of it this way.... if you are immersed in another language in a foreign country, you will eventually understand what's being said around you. I've seen video of an adopted dog that "never payed attention", until they realized the dog understood Spanish and could perfectly execute commands in his known language.
Errr, no they don’t.
I have a yellow lab that reminds me so much of this sweet baby! We have to spell things around my house to not get a reaction from ours. Things like store, go, keys, car, etc. I’m pretty sure he’s starting to learn some of the spellings now too! Lol
They don't know our language but can learn words if we teach them.
My Doberman Great Dane mix, Disney, thought that she was my intellectual superior because she understood everything that I said and I was not as adept at "Dog" as she was at "English ".
I like it when she says you have your collar on, he takes a quick look to see if he has it on. So cute.
My hearted melted when he checked for his collar 😊❤
@ yeah that was very sweet of him.
The way he checked for his collar was so pure
I caught that too😢
He tried to check his collar was in fact on him. He's adorable. Love you Sully.
An exes dad had a chocolate lab who's name was sully. He did this exact thing when her dad would tell him we were coming to visit. Lol, sully loved playing with my lil dude. Labs are big kids forever.
He really loves his grandparents!
I love his expression when he’s trying to pay attention. What a lovely dog.
That look cracks me up! 😂❤
He oozes with intelligence. 😂
He's a cool mf!
Tooooo pure 😩 😩 😩
Grandma and grandpa be giving those special treats!! 😂
Ooooh, he's so handsome! 😭
If you have to leave your beloved pet with someone while you go out of town, this is the reaction you want to get to make it a little easier on you. Wow they must be great dog grandparents!❤❤❤❤
I have some that don't really want to go home. We're more fun than home.
I have a camp where I leave my Lab.
Once she realizes where she's going, the joygasm ensues
@@R005t3rjoygasm... That's fabulous!
I like when you said about his collar he checked to make sure his collar was on! 😂 He's like yup ✔️ hi ho hi ho off to Grandma and Grandpa's I go😂🥰💞
He totally did! What a smart doggo.
I just noticed that after my third time watching it. He totally checked to see if his collar was on.!😂
That was adorable and so smart!!
Yes 😂💓
Dogs know when the don't have their collar on. Mine will beg for me to put it back on after a bath.
The weekend at the grandparents’ is always a good time.
"oh, ok that was new"💀💀
The way he sat up. In this case he jumped up to her.
The accidental head clash, less new to me
@@lizcollinson2692 😂😂
Puppies, I find, know how to start moving towards you, but don’t think so much of stopping once they get there.
My bernese does that too. Whenever I tell him to sit up from laying on the floor he flies up to me like a torpedo. It's not thaaaaat funny with his size 😂 not when I'm barely 5 foot "tall"
I love how he turns around to check to see if he has his collar on!! 2 CUTE!! He certainly a happy boy!!
I got that to..doggie smarter than many humans
Went back to check, you're right😂😅
Labradors are truly the best breed. Had them all my life.
I love them sooo much. 💚
So many times i watched the dog videos..some people said husky were great dog, some said rotti is a cold as a fck now here you said it labrador.. So, for a guy like me where had never own a dog can you suggest me which one puppy is good for me to raise? I'm a music lover beside that btw😊😊❤
I had a labrador-rottweiler mix and she was the most intelligent and loyal dog I've ever seen
golden retriever
They are one of the more friendly breeds of dog
How can anyone not love labs ❤❤❤
Labs, Goldens, and Shepherds, and the combos of them all, are the greatest, goofiest, and most loyal of the canines!
My doggies love going to grandma’s house too.
Such an adorable grand pup
I think I know why, grandparents always spoil their grandbabies, I think he get extra treats at his grandparents
Grandma spilled a whole bag of treats the first time we brought the boys over. The boys love grandma's house.
He gets to make a complete mess at grandmas 😂
All of the rules are right out of the window with the first rug slide into their house 😂🤣. Adorable.
My son just put his lab down, after 13 awesome years with his very best friend!! Truly heartbreaking, however he had the most beautiful soul! Labs are the best dogs! You have such a sweet baby ! God bless you & your precious baby!
@ALICIA D 😢 we lost our 3 yro black lab on Feb 8th - I don't think I'll ever get over it, he was just the best boy - he developed Diabetes & we thought that he's was really going to make it and he just went down hill the vet told us there wasn't anything more (medically) 💔 that could be done. It doesn't make any of losing him any easier.
Putting down a "DOG" aka: BEST FRIEND is something you ever forget... but that's just 1 day. Your MEMORIES are sooo greater! 🐾❤🐾
My Lab is 13 this year. I love her EVERYDAY ❤😢
@@georgiapeach3109 May I suggest you put your LOVED ONE in your PROFILE... then ALL OF US GET TO SEE YOUR LAB TOO.
Actually, I'm suggesting it to everyone 🐶😊!
They are just like human kids excited to ho to grandparents so sweet❤❤❤
Right! Haha. And dogs actually do have the same intellect as a 3 year old human child.
@@rumham7466 my dogs learned to count to 3. They learned what is one finger, two fingers, 3 fingers. 🦮🐕 ❤️ I wonder if there are dogs that can understand more.
Hahaha beautiful. He looked for his collar. Such a smart fella.
Who don't love going to grandma and grandpa's house? All the love and food you can want! Grandkids are the best thing about having kids.
So so smart!!!! And he’s gotta be the cutest boy ever!!❤❤
Doggie is very smart and he loves his Grandma and Grandpa 😊🐶❤️🙏
Everyone loves grandma and grandpa! I bet they give him table scraps lol ❤
People food is much better and healthier than dog food.
What's wrong with giving a dog scraps?
Whatever I cook to eat I also give to my dog and it has to be healthier and better for him than the best dog food you can buy.
@@capecodder04 don’t think JD was implying there was anything wrong with that lol
@@capecodder04 oh I completely agree! Our family dog got a plate of food whenever we ate! No spices, but the same meal. Bobby loved chicken & rice 🥰
@@DCrypt1 thank you sweetie 😘
Chicken and brown rice (well cooked) mixed together is mostly what I cook for my dog as well.
I'll also usually chop up some kale, carrots or Swiss Chard to mix in with it.
I end up eating it myself.
I find it's much better than dog food 😃
Somebody really loves their grandma and grandpa.❤❤❤❤
When he looked down on himself when you said “collar “ . As if he was checking if it was on.
I love when she said the word "collar" that he turned his head trying to look at it. ❤
When she says collar he’s trying to turn his to make sure he has it on,this is the cutest dog clips I’ve ever seen 👍😘🤗🥰
What a sweet and beautiful pup. I had to put my boy down this past Good Friday, 10 years after I rescued him. I’m struggling every day. I miss him so much. 💔
That's a super sweet beautiful doggie and I am sure grandpa and grandma love him a lot 💝🐾💝
He even tried to even take a look if he had his collar on! That's amazing!😊
Pretty smart dog
I noticed that too heh
@@red2977 same
That is so precious. The pup actually behaves like a toddler, theyd get excited and really focus their attention and listen to you every word.
Dogs know and understand a lot of English. I once told my dog to go tell Lady to hurry because everyone is waiting for her at the car. He ran upstairs and barked at my wife, then came running back.
That's why I don't talk down to dogs or try to confuse them. I'm honest and speak simply to them because I respect them.
Dogs also know how to spell. When I would tell my dog, it is time for a b-a-t-h, she would run and hide. They know the Vet's office, grocery store, and friends' homes.
@@ellenringer5236 😂 my dog can spell w-a-l-k. All I have to say is “W” or “dubba”, “wanna go for a ..” without finishing. Lol that’s the best way to get her to turn her head for pics too 😅
My dog understands Dutch😮
@@danipandaxo exactly my experience with my dobermans; we resorted to spelling when talking in front of the dog; but soon they learned how to spell also! it was unbelievable! so i told my husband we shd learn sign language, but unfortunately the dog wd b looking at us the WHOLE time we wd b trying to use sign language, and then learn that too!!
Portuguese here. I really love Labrador's! :-)
That is such a pretty, well mannered, good boy. ❤
The dog was ready with the handshake before mom even finished her sentence. Smart AND adorable!
That's a big deal for dogs to give paw to strangers.
These labs, so smart yet so goofy. How can it be? Our chocolate lab girl amazes me everyday!
He actually looked down to make sure he had his collar on. 😂
Labs r so smart
What a beautiful sweet dog!
Got to love labs!!! Best dogs ever!!!
I believe animals recognize our language. Such a sweet boy
This is just the cutest thing I've ever seen. I can see the excitement in his face and his body. And when he saw grandma, oh my gosh his excitement could not be contained. Thank you for this video ❤
I miss my black lab everyday I miss you jonsey I love you
It doesn't get more wholesome!!!
Him checking for his collar lol, what a sweetheart!
He’s a good boy a very good boy
That is the sweetest reaction to go see grandma and grandpa
Dogs are so special, a gift from the heavens, mine are my kids.
😂 you must be one very sad person to think that. Dogs are filthy food obsessed home wrecking stink beasts.
are your kid dogs?
Are ur kids ur gift from the heavens ?
Yes doggies are innocent and pure love ❤
Nobody asked you
Dogs are the cutest creatures in the world 😅😅😅
Your lab looks EXACTLY like my boy Shadow. Face, weight, excitement, everything!
Oh boy, they give me lots of treats!
The goodest good boy! ❤
Seriously, happy dogs are the greatest gifts in life
Labs are great dogs. They are so smart and affectionate.
OMG I want him! 🫶🏼
He even checked his collar when she mentioned the collar. So cute.
Such a gentleman! So sweet! ❤❤❤❤
Love his granny
His teeth and the look when she says are you ready to go? Awww🥰😊😁
Nana's, treats, food, & love!
What a smart dog!
OMGOSH!! When she said we’ve got your collar on, he actually checked!! I’m in love with this beautiful boy.
What a sweetheart! He reminds me so much of my dog when he would get excited to visit my Mother. The two were crazy about each other. When she passed and I took him with me to the house to clean up, he went from room to room looking for her. It was so sad. He truly misses her like the family does.
Sorry for your loss and for the doggie ♥️
I'm sorry for the loss of your mom. Sounds like a sweet pup
In a way it's a blessing. The dog probably doesn't even know she is dead.😢 Its not like the dog saw the dead body, so at least it doesn't have the pain of seeing a lifeless body.
@@nomadswanderer8393, ❤❤❤
He must really love grandma
Such a good boy! I adore the excitement and utter enthusiasm to go see Gram and Gramps! It's obvious he loves them so much!
That baby knows the drill ❤️🐾🐾🐾❤️
Why this dog is so adorable !? 🥰
Look at his face, almost humanlike. His eyes are so expressive. Such shiny coat. I love this dog❤
They are, you can tell he absolutely adores her ❤
For a second I thought you said expensive
He's actually smiling!!! 😂😂😂
Grandparents are born to make wishes come true..🎉❤
On my side of the family....im the one that helps make my son's wishes and dreams come true because my parent don't interact with my son much!!
@Marie Halsey ....too bad but it's their loss. He has his mother & that's what matters most to a child...🙂
@@karrinwilley8079 thank you
I love him ❤
he is so flippin cute and understood everything you said, what a doll!😊❣️
Good boy. You can see how much he is loved
Oh my goodness....he is so smart and adorable 💙😁
Rockstar should see this and do a voice over. Sooo cute! ❤️
Yes! I clicked thinking this might be one of his
Definitely! He his so amazing & funny🎉🎉❤❤
He checked to make sure he had his collar on. He's adorable. What a smart boy
There is a reason that Labradors are Americas favorite dog. Absolutely the most agreeable, friendly dog.
I know, I have two❤
What an adorable boy you have, so handsome and so smart, I’m sure he is spoiled to bits on those visits the look of pure joy and excitement on his wee face says it all! 🥰🏴🇬🇧
You could really see his intense look and understanding you. That’s crazy sweet!!
the way he crosschecked his collor was amazing.. how well he was trained.. but deep down he knows the moment he is with his grand parents he is going to be a spoiled brat.. coz grand parents always spoil you with their pure love.. he is going to enjoy the weekend there and he is damn sure abt it.. Lovely dog.. god bless..
How he's checking his collar is so adorable! What a smart guy ❤
My hearts melts when I see a black lab 🤗
We had faraway friends over for lunch yesterday, they brought their black lab with them and we played football with the dog for hours. Such a well behaved and loving pup. I miss him already.
Beautiful voice of the owner.
Sully is so, so happy to see the grandparents. Such a lovely, shiny black lab.
This lab is not only so well-loved but also so well-trained!! You can tell he is young but his ability to listen and focus on Mom even though he is SO stimulated is a testament to his great temperament and the dedication his Mom and only family members have for his well being (which training is a HUGE part of)🎉
So cute and very intelligent
Aww 🥰 He’s a cutie ❤ 🐾
What a beauty! 😍
What sweet Angel ❤️🐶❤️👏👏👏
Lol, he’s sooooo happy to go to grandma and grandpas. It’s adorable