How ENFPs Defy Their Stereotype...

  • Опубліковано 16 жов 2024


  • @mariram7593
    @mariram7593 3 роки тому +353

    I'm an INTP and ENFPs are one of my favourite types. They make great friends to have fun with, but it's not just that: they're very deep human beings with whom you can talk about your darkest secrets, your dreams and anything else that comes in your mind. They'll never judge you and will always make you feel comfortable with how you are.
    They can also be quite sarcastic, but when you need to talk about a serious topic, they'll be there to discuss about it from a logical point of view. They hate having to assist to social injustices, they aim to change to world. They're usually philantropic, so they'll try to see the best in every human being; but if you're wrong on something, they'll call you out.
    ENFPs can also be really shy and insecure of themselves and, despite of their being extrovert stereotype, their mind is always full of thoughts and interacting with other people makes them consume more energy than you'd expect; this is why, at the end of the day, they need some time alone to process their thoughts, or they'd get overwhelmed by them.
    I really admire (and envy) ENFPs for being social, empathic yet intelligent creatures; so to all ENFPs: never stop being yourself (your REAL self, despite of any stereotype) and making the world a better place 🌻

    • @sweetdashing5050
      @sweetdashing5050 3 роки тому +25

      i'm so touched

    • @mariram7593
      @mariram7593 3 роки тому +8

      @@sweetdashing5050 aww :)

    • @139G20
      @139G20 2 роки тому +14

      Reading this first thing in the morning 🥺❤️ Thank u but know that us ENFPs also adore INTPs, please never stop being yourself too 🎈🧸 Imo, feeling envy/insecure mean that some potential, something we *already* have in ourselves are triggered. They are urging to come out in their own way. So if anyone here ever felt insecure know that you already have what you are truly jealous of, they are triggered to come out ✨

    • @meesh612
      @meesh612 2 роки тому +10

      WOW!!! Your understanding of us is spot on…your ENFP friends are so lucky to have YOU as a friend!!

    • @CazzLacman
      @CazzLacman 2 роки тому +5

      enfp here!! im in aw !! ty for this 💗💗💗

  • @ellier2018
    @ellier2018 3 роки тому +180

    Thank you for your last sentence “enfps are great with individuals, but with groups or societies, not so much”. This really resonated because I am a very social person but I hate group dynamics

  • @abbiepancakeeater52
    @abbiepancakeeater52 2 роки тому +32

    "If you're an ENFP, and this video stimulated you to go on a thousand tangents simultaneously..."
    well you got that right lmao

  • @atthecore4560
    @atthecore4560 3 роки тому +79

    Before I knew what MBTI is; I always found my ENFP brother to be rather logical.
    -an ENTJ

  • @MissRoxyful
    @MissRoxyful 3 роки тому +118

    People who have never worked with me are often surprised I’ve risen so high in my career, primarily my engineer friends (INTJ, INTP, INFJ). Bitch lol. I’m bubbly, happy, love people, and I get shit done. I sit in the boardroom because I don’t care for power, I’ve just gained influence because people trust my ethics and judgement.

    • @bebelmatson
      @bebelmatson 3 роки тому +26

      I feel like this is common for enfps, we might not intend to “succeed” in our careers in a power-thirsty manner, but end up doing it anyway as a result of our good work, creativity and ethics.

    • @Jonesy3461
      @Jonesy3461 3 роки тому +15

      Yesss I love this comment. As a fellow ENFP, It's so great to see other ENFPs killing it in the workplace. Kudos to you MissRoxyful and thank you for being a great inspiration to others. :D

    • @Musician837
      @Musician837 2 роки тому +5

      Yeah, it's about being the cool boss and being respected by those that work for you bc you've earned it, not forced it out of them.

    • @ENFPerspectives
      @ENFPerspectives 2 роки тому +3


  • @CaveyMoth
    @CaveyMoth 3 роки тому +209

    The ENFPs I work with are really good at getting things done. They are go-getters who don't want to be controlled. But at the same time, they don't seem to want to break the rules, the norms. They want to be individualistic, but don't want to recreate the universe in their form. This surprises me, because as an INTP, I like to tear things apart; To break the rules.

    • @sunshineandrain869
      @sunshineandrain869 3 роки тому +20

      You’re a rule-breaker too? I find that I stick to the rules I agree with. But if I don’t agree with it, I will go out of my way to break it. Even if it’s just in small ways that only I notice. I’m an INFP also.

    • @CaveyMoth
      @CaveyMoth 3 роки тому +12

      @@sunshineandrain869 Rules do have a purpose, as long as they aren't too rigid. I do what I can to make things flow more smoothly. It feels to me that a lot of rules have been made just to benefit the systematic thinking of types like the ISTJs. Something probably went wrong that they didn't predict, so the only way they saw to prevent it was to enact some kind of new obligatory rule. A rule that will be forgotten eventually...because the occurrence was a one-off situation.

    • @bcriceroni6553
      @bcriceroni6553 3 роки тому +11

      yeah, it's more that we dislike rules that are pointless, overly restrictive, or redundant. we trust our instincts so we find any rules that conflict that encumbering. I don't mind following rules as long as it lets me do things the most efficient way I could find

    • @Hypie582
      @Hypie582 3 роки тому +5

      This is because we have Tert Te

    • @imfacejacked6046
      @imfacejacked6046 3 роки тому +11

      As an ENFP the best way to tell ENFPs and INFPs apart is by this point INFPs will take things further

  • @Megan_Fiorilla
    @Megan_Fiorilla 3 роки тому +251

    ENFP very outgoing but also need alone time to possess. I used to get called fake a lot by my sisters as they didn't understand different settings bring out different sides of personality as apposed to being fake. Honestly don't know how to be anyone other then myself regardless of how all over the place it may appear to others. I think this gives us greater understanding of complexity and understanding others that with a genuine love of people makes it easy to befriend the outcast and unique individual. The down side is some of these are genuinely off beat and you can also attract some weird ones or creeps.. As you get older and go through more you gain a little wisdom to Balence this out. I would call us adventures, explorer's typs perhaps. Willing to dare to tread where others will not and repot back.

    • @ladyfoxwf1075
      @ladyfoxwf1075 3 роки тому +6

      Yeah people think I'm fake alot too haha

    • @MelanieHooks
      @MelanieHooks 3 роки тому +7

      "Willing to tread where others will not and report back" 🤗 The best description of us yet!! -Fellow ENFP (and heck yeah re processing time SO required! I started taking that time in the 1st grade! Had to chill alone for at least 30 minutes before I could play w my poor younger sister who had been waiting all day)

    • @flapjackalopis711
      @flapjackalopis711 3 роки тому +7

      100% agree, I think being this way allows us to form genuine connections with both the generally quiet introverted types, and the outgoing extroverted types.

    • @hakalaka2183
      @hakalaka2183 3 роки тому +4

      It's funny because sometimes I think I'm being fake. I act differently with different people... sometimes I crawl into a shell or I'm dancing with a spoon. You really can't tell ....and sometimes I look dumb but actually am not. And also I reflect the personalities I interact with for example if I'm with a funny or extroverted person, I am out of control. But if I'm with a more intellectual person I suddenly change and find that person's topic interesting and listen to what they have to say.
      Bruh what am I 🥲

    • @nobodynowhere21
      @nobodynowhere21 2 роки тому +5

      My ISFJ ex-husband called me "fake" when I was just doing my thing, just exploring different aspects of myself. What's sad is he would say this often when I was most comfortable and therefore willing to let other sides out, which used to really hit my self esteem. Especially if they're sensors (or just basic), it's safe to ignore them in this regard.

  • @NFSMAN50
    @NFSMAN50 3 роки тому +101

    I always test as ENFP on the test, and this is very true. People used to give me a hard time and pick on me, and some called me stupid, dumb, innocent, naive, odd and pure. I always felt more reserved and odd all my life. Agreed, im not a dumb rainbow loving person. I can get stuff done when it's the time too.

    • @lovewho
      @lovewho  3 роки тому +31

      It's great that you're able to see through those things. So many people end up believing other people's (inaccurate) opinions of them and it can become sadly self-fulfilling ~ Nathan

  • @TheEmber221
    @TheEmber221 3 роки тому +41

    INTJ here who played my first D&D campaign as an ENFP rogue. (Got into his character, took the test "as him".) It's very interesting to see a lot of the things I did that made me think I was playing him wrong are actually just things that ENFPs do against their stereotype. This video boosted my self-esteem in my acting skills. Now if only I could perfect a few more extravert acts, my plans for world domination would finally fall into place.

  • @amna0alhawaj
    @amna0alhawaj 3 роки тому +67

    ENFPs are masters of chaos, they wield the weapons of language and command the power of creation.
    They charm like no other, and manipulate systems for breakfast. They lead with bravery and follow with care. They are highly sexual, highly motivated, and enjoy the shit out of life. I love them.

  • @pearlsb45wine
    @pearlsb45wine 3 роки тому +36

    To have no order but a system in it - that is very ENFP 🖤

  • @Zevven
    @Zevven 3 роки тому +166

    I honestly have no idea why ENFPs are considered dumb , they are chaotic , but usually both creative and smart + healthy ones are also super kind and when they develop Te , they also become really productive.
    P.S. I've seen more INFPs being completely out of touch. No offense to healthy INFPs.

    • @Multitudes_
      @Multitudes_ 3 роки тому +18

      Honestly, most if not all feeling types are considered dumb by some people simply because of the false equivalency some people (generally thinkers) make between being a thinking type and being intelligent or adept with logic.
      And don't worry, we INFPs get more than our share of 'dumb' and 'out of touch' stereotyping as well.

    • @Hypie582
      @Hypie582 3 роки тому +6

      @cece jb don't take that as offense though, you guys are really cool and unique, I honestly wish I was an INFP lol

    • @Hypie582
      @Hypie582 3 роки тому +2

      @cece jb lol np and thanks too

    • @qidicet7516
      @qidicet7516 3 роки тому

      Being INP sucks

    • @nobodynowhere21
      @nobodynowhere21 2 роки тому +6

      It's just the stereotype of feelers exist at the expense of logic, which for most types is pretty true. ENFP's have Fi/Te in the mid-stack, but our Te is in the same attitude of our dominant fuction, so we can be relentlessly logical esp. if nobody's feels are in the way. Anyway, being super strong in both feeling and thinking is probably one of the best "perks" of being the type. I think of us as the stegosaurus of personality types: friendly, affiliative, peaceful, grass eating animals who love to be a part of a little herd, but we have no trouble stepping into the line of fire to defend ourselves (or whatever our Fi values) with the sharp, pointy end of Te. Honestly, we're pretty scary when pissed.

  • @ulysspike9278
    @ulysspike9278 3 роки тому +186

    One of the most impressive people I've ever met is a very mature ENFP. By far the best boss I've ever had. Work with him felt like entertainment and leisure, although the ship he ran was extremely focused and efficient. Not only a master of his craft, but also great with people, both individuals and groups. Knows when to push, when to pull, when to wait. Tailors his responses to every situation and person with exquisite sensitivity, at the same time being 100% grounded in his own authentic self and focused on the goal. Moral backbone of steel, which makes people around him trust him. Delicately nurtures the best in every individual. I can honestly say I'm a better man because I've had the chance to observe him up close. Barely anyone knows that he's calling the shots or that he even exists - a mark of a great leader. Comes across as an introvert. Great sense of humor. Retired early. Lives on very little, below the poverty line, some would say. Spends his time helping people, mostly by being a stellar example of an uncompromising, moral man.
    But then there are countless of whining, compromising, unbalanced, hardened, selfish, confused, out of touch, obnoxious ENFPs out there, living their little lives in fear instead of love, distracted from distraction by distraction... Breaks my heart to see them like that, because I know what's their potential.
    - INTJ

    • @pinkpills
      @pinkpills 3 роки тому +24

      so interesting to see this analysis of ENFPs through your lens you articulate yourself in a very INTJ manner -enfp

    • @nigelharvey640
      @nigelharvey640 3 роки тому +19

      I want to be like that so bad. I just doubt myself a lot. I know I’ll get there though, one step at a time. Thank you for putting that image back in my mind

    • @bambangkusuma9296
      @bambangkusuma9296 3 роки тому +1

      Grounded is sensing?
      From:enneagram type 5

    • @marioshu6129
      @marioshu6129 3 роки тому +1

      I had an ENFP boss who is all of the opposite. :(

    • @howisgamora_
      @howisgamora_ 2 роки тому +4

      as a 16 year old enfp I would LOVE to meet this man so he can guide me 💀I need to know how he found that balance

  • @genevievecarinerobert3478
    @genevievecarinerobert3478 3 роки тому +52

    My partner is an ENFP. We've been together for 13 years, and friends for even longer. Because he doesn't feel the need to verbalize his thoughts, I'm still now discovering just how brilliant his mind is. I've had to discover his opinions, core values, preferences and interests drop by drop over the years. He's such an amazing guy, but it's all buried treasure. You won't even know it's there unless you dig for it!

    • @Musician837
      @Musician837 2 роки тому +4

      A quiet ENFP who doesn't verbalize thoughts... Sus

  • @miichii6667
    @miichii6667 3 роки тому +223

    Enfps are my favorite types, usually have high EQ and IQ . How can u not adore them

    • @Jonesy3461
      @Jonesy3461 3 роки тому +48

      Omg as an ENFP having a self-identity crisis, I really needed to hear this, thank you so much you beautiful soul 😊❤️

    • @miichii6667
      @miichii6667 3 роки тому +12

      @@Jonesy3461 I'm glad I was able to make u feel better ! Just know u will get through this and will find urself eventually, afterall u are the person who has control over yourself eventhough sometimes it doesn't seems like it .

    • @fictionfix6508
      @fictionfix6508 3 роки тому +2

      Intelligence isnt related to any personality type specifically

    • @hidinginyourcloset
      @hidinginyourcloset 3 роки тому

      Aww thank you! 💝

    • @dansparkles7600
      @dansparkles7600 3 роки тому +15

      They can be very flakey tho in the sense that that sometimes they seem just uninterested or disracted, like they get really interested but then get really bored just as fast

  • @bebelmuniz
    @bebelmuniz 2 роки тому +23

    As an ENFP I feel like sometimes I let people confused about who I am. Some of my friends will say I'm very extrovert and some will say I am very introvert. Some believe I am a very happy person and some that I am actually a sad clown.

  • @ghifariasoka8272
    @ghifariasoka8272 3 роки тому +87

    I have a friend who I'm convinced is an ENFP, and she makes very good use of her Te. ENFPS with developed Te + Ne are powerhouses

    • @hatterene39347
      @hatterene39347 3 роки тому +17

      EXFP's with developed Te can sometimes look like EXTJ's. I thought my uncle was an ESTJ for the longest time but he is just and ENFP with developed Te 💀.

    • @ghifariasoka8272
      @ghifariasoka8272 3 роки тому +8

      @@hatterene39347 Same. My ENFP friend have some stereotypical traits but once she finally gets into a project, the Ne-Te combo kicks in

  • @therapymeditation
    @therapymeditation 2 роки тому +40

    I’m an INFJ blessed with an ENFP son. It’s amazing how intelligent, philosophical, and yet fun-loving he is! He lets his goofy side out with people he knows well. To have so much of both deep feeling and intelligence in one mind is impressive and inspiring. I think this type above all others has the potential to live life at its fullest.

    • @Bornagainagain749
      @Bornagainagain749 Рік тому

      No one cares that you are infj/enfp/ahhhhhhhh

    • @BreezeofBliss
      @BreezeofBliss Рік тому +2

      My INFJ sis has an ENFP son. She finds him so infuriating as he's quite adept in verbal judo a "No" is never a no as he can come up w/ a 100 ways why he should be allowed to do as how he wants things.

  • @TforTren
    @TforTren 3 роки тому +27

    ExxPs: I wont know until I try
    IxxJs: I wont try until I know

    • @YouilAushana
      @YouilAushana 2 роки тому +3

      I am an IxxJ, this was pretty accurate. I am definitely more experienced than the average. Everything has become predictable and boring to me. Especially, ExxP folks. "I could but I'll be just fine without". Is how this situation looks to me.

  • @sunshineandrain869
    @sunshineandrain869 3 роки тому +148

    One of my best friends is an ENFP and I’m an INFP, so we think alike. She’s the only person I can talk to about absolutely anything. I love her zany charm also. I never know what she’s going to do. Also, I like that description of Te. It explains a lot, since I have Te in my 4th slot.

    • @lee.bythesea
      @lee.bythesea 3 роки тому +6

      This is me and my sister, but I'm the ENFP :)

    • @timefortee
      @timefortee 3 роки тому +1

      @@lee.bythesea Your username is like a fairytale character

    • @senseh47
      @senseh47 3 роки тому +6

      Zany charm, zany humor 🤪 that’s true, thanks from an ENPF! Lol

    • @lee.bythesea
      @lee.bythesea 3 роки тому +1

      @@timefortee Oh thanks, one of my friends calls me a forest nymph :)
      It's a reference to Owl City, one of my favorite music artists

    • @herlittledove
      @herlittledove 3 роки тому +4

      ENFPs have the same traites, just with a different dominant focus

  • @PowerRedBullTypology
    @PowerRedBullTypology 3 роки тому +65

    Escaping from a stereotype. This should make high Fi users like ENFP's happy :P

  • @antonmicheal7663
    @antonmicheal7663 3 роки тому +107

    I love this guy

  • @cathyhart3946
    @cathyhart3946 3 роки тому +15

    Thank you for this! My daughter is an ENFP and I find the internet depictions of the type to be stereotypically airheaded and hyper. Your description was spot on for my daughter and other ENFP's I know.

  • @YourNickIsTaken
    @YourNickIsTaken 3 роки тому +41

    As an INTP I am love with all the ENFP's out there. You give me so much power and joy for just being there and share what is in you mind. You are all brilliant and you are capable and you pull the creativity out of me any time. You are wizards for me!

    • @chickadddee
      @chickadddee 3 роки тому +1


    • @sad_doggo2504
      @sad_doggo2504 3 роки тому +3

      Same. I've found my soulmate in an ENFP and I love how he's able to distract me from my worries, make me feel understood and swap ideas with me whenever I'm trying to puzzle something out. It's really saying something, because I'm not that interested in relationships, but I really can't imagine life without him now.

  • @emna7797
    @emna7797 2 роки тому +15

    The last point concerning the extraversion style is so on point. In fact I did not understand why I can do so well getting along with people on an individual level, a natural ease and confidence just makes it so easy. Yet when in large group settings, I am more retrieved and introverted, requiring more time to process the dynamics, then I understood how that is due to my mirroring technique, it's practically impossible to mirror more 20 people or so at once, but we shouldn't need to. I guess the maturing process for us (E/Ps) is to accept that we cannot get along (perfectly) with everyone, expressing ourselves authentically is more important than that pleasing need, and the maturing part is about applying that belief in real lige situations.

  • @sylvia470
    @sylvia470 3 роки тому +48

    I don't see why you people treat ENFP unfairly. I see my bestfriend as one of the wisest women I've met, and it's coming from an INTP. I noticed that I might be intelligent, but she is the wise one. I like how we both use intuition but in other ways ;)

    • @chickadddee
      @chickadddee 3 роки тому +2

      That's beautiful.

    • @simperorbubba_link8441
      @simperorbubba_link8441 3 роки тому +5

      Maybe they jealous
      Or maybe they are only prone to seeing the downsides, as a lot of people are prone to

  • @TestaRosssa_
    @TestaRosssa_ 2 роки тому +26

    One of the few channels that I've come across that make me feel dignified, seen, and understood. Thanks so much, Nathan! 🥰

    • @lovewho
      @lovewho  2 роки тому +6

      I'm glad to hear that, thank you for this message ~ Nathan

  • @luisacalsavara1524
    @luisacalsavara1524 3 роки тому +16

    Love the video! I'm an ENFP and were raised by a very healthy and kind ESTJ father, which boosted my Te in a very profound way. Today I study medicine abroad, speak 5 and a half languages and consider myself to have quite a curious philosophical mind. I have personally a rough time balancing my intense emotions and my rational side, often get on Si grips in which I get very very anxious and become a fearful perfectionist, but overall I really do love individuals and intend to become a psychiatrist in order to help them and get to understand them by understanding how human minds work. Also, what motivates me to learn languages is to get to know people and their cultures and peculiarities that can't be translated. What I wanna say is: ENFPs, with a little of Te and Si development, we can put our crazy dreams into reality ❤

  • @asimplecadence
    @asimplecadence 3 роки тому +53

    Ok, but the accuracy. Well done. I felt seen. ^_^
    We do like people. However, it can take a lot of energy out of us to "perform," the way people except us to, or fight against the grain when people try to force us to play a particular role. Makes us feel used. Need to take a break from interacting with others for a while.

    • @PowerRedBullTypology
      @PowerRedBullTypology 3 роки тому +4

      How do people "expect" you to perform? Have you not created that expectation yourself?

    • @asimplecadence
      @asimplecadence 3 роки тому +13

      @@PowerRedBullTypology Scenarios like this tend to happen with those that haven't interacted with an ENFP before. They interact with us once or twice when we shine/are at our best and the expectation moving forward is that we will always act like that and always be that way.

    • @sofiebonaparte7831
      @sofiebonaparte7831 3 роки тому +6

      Omg this is so accurate. I get so exhausted from constantly putting in a mask and pretending to be someone else that I’m not to uphold other people’s expectations of me. It’s very draining.

    • @lee.bythesea
      @lee.bythesea 3 роки тому +3

      @@sofiebonaparte7831 *this*

    • @YourNickIsTaken
      @YourNickIsTaken 3 роки тому +3

      To play the role s ociety and workplace wants from me - it drains me too and I am far from the ENFP. I think it is unhealthy and most ppl who does.not have the dark triad, it is extremley draining too.
      Check out the big 5 model, and study the neurotism part.

  • @kailanGoreng
    @kailanGoreng 3 роки тому +140

    me: i laugh at just about anything.
    guy: you're not serious enough.
    me: as a matter of fact, i think i am too serious and should chill out a bit more.
    guy: what do you mean? you literally cannot stay serious for long.
    me: *smiles thinking "you do not know me, bro."
    days later at work...
    me: *working like a total workaholic*
    guy: *does work slowly*
    me: get moving! we need this to be done in one hour! we don't have time! do you want me to take over?!
    guy: whoa! calm down.
    later after work....
    guy: you really do need to chill out a bit more.
    me: not at work, i can't. Just be more efficient, i cant always do your job for you. if so, you would need to give me a part of your pay.
    guy: you definitely need to chill...
    me: i told you so...

    • @ANGEL-eh6pd
      @ANGEL-eh6pd 3 роки тому +16

      Thats exactly me. Hurry up just get it done. " Stop talking about it and do it"! I get more done than everyone when I have too. There's a time and place for everything.

    • @kailanGoreng
      @kailanGoreng 3 роки тому +6

      @@ANGEL-eh6pd i am paid to do my job. i signed the contract, i agreed to engage and that is exactly what i will do. do not hinder me. i am not paid enough to deal with bull's crap. as i can see clearly the consequences of my acts, i strive to avoid a negative outcome and constantly in the quest to be more efficient. nothing drives me more crazy than an inefficient person or tools or logistics! if it can be done better, faster and smoother, i will find the way to make it so. so don't get in my way when im at it. but out side of work, i am a goof ball, i party hard, i play hard, and i laze hard. you're either in it or out! but like you say, everything has it's time and place. and how i wish everyone just innately respect that.

    • @ANGEL-eh6pd
      @ANGEL-eh6pd 3 роки тому +4

      @@kailanGorengThat's the mindset I have possessed my entire life also. Show me what to do, and I'll do it. Funny

    • @ANGEL-eh6pd
      @ANGEL-eh6pd 3 роки тому +1

      You must do the Free WORLD WIDE INTELLEGENCE TEST on the web. I scored 100 percent on social awarness and management, and 90 percent on self awarness and management. I was blown away, because i am clearly not very logically minded compared to most people. I'm ENFP and not INTP. However, I always find an easier way of doing things faster with more accuracy,

    • @ifa358
      @ifa358 2 роки тому

      I can relatee :”))

  • @leb9797
    @leb9797 3 роки тому +16

    I'm an infp and my mom is an enfp. She and I have a lot of fun throwing ideas around to see which "stick" she is a lover of people and a champion of their thoughts and ideas, especially anyone who might be deemed an underdog. We understand each other truly

  • @VarshaManoj
    @VarshaManoj 2 роки тому +9

    Loved the quote by George Carlin. As an ENFP I can highly relate to that. I feel drained in a group. I can feel myself pulling into a shell and going quieter. I often get asked if I am ok during such situations.

  • @samianja
    @samianja 3 роки тому +31

    U're a complete genius, it's absolutely incredible

  • @stellabella3490
    @stellabella3490 3 роки тому +27

    This is so damn accurate.
    I am an ENFP-T and i can articulate my feelings pretty well, but what you are describing in this video is phenomenal.
    I couldve never expressed this side of me that well!
    Thank you for this i truly enjoyed it.
    Your videos in general are super cool and youre very well-spoken.

    • @hatterene39347
      @hatterene39347 3 роки тому +7

      The "T-" that you speak of does not exist MBTI wise, and it is a part of OCEAN dichotomy. It's simply a measurement of confidence and has NOTHING to do with cognitive functions. 16 personalities isnt an accuarte website, or a good place to get your information from. They've mistyped so many people.

    • @fwk927
      @fwk927 3 роки тому +1

      @@hatterene39347 where/what site do you recommend using to accurately find out what personality type you are?

  • @andytheindividual3862
    @andytheindividual3862 3 роки тому +17

    Dated an enfp for 3 years. (Infp) it's amazing how different, yet similar we were. She would have boundless energy, I would not. I felt like I had the foresight and she had the adventurous spirit. Enfps are truly special.

  • @ceilinh6004
    @ceilinh6004 3 роки тому +14

    I'm 99% sure that my daughter is an ENFP. She's chaotic, for sure, but also sharp as a tack. She's overflowing with charisma, and has never met a stranger, but has trouble with large/noisy groups of people.

    • @BrianZuma
      @BrianZuma 3 роки тому +1

      As one myself I would say it’s not always a problem with large groups but i at least feel I’m tryna understand these new ppl all at the same time before I input myself in the conversations. Sometimes I can be outgoing form the jump other times I feel I should wait

  • @mirmarq429
    @mirmarq429 3 роки тому +6

    Almost everyone I know has tested multiple times as ENFP. And with each of them, I wasn't expecting it. They all seem so different.
    But I believe it. And that prevents me from stereotyping any particular type. Because at the end of the day, humans gonna human. Either I get along with them as equals, I study them as test subjects, or I cower before them as gods who actually had motivation and got their shit together.

  • @lebabies
    @lebabies 2 роки тому +3

    ENFP, superbly logical. People sometimes mistake me for an NT, but then they have a personal conversation with me and change their mind. I’ve never understood the idea that we are goofy or flaky. Unreliable, yes. That’s different.

  • @flapjackalopis711
    @flapjackalopis711 3 роки тому +6

    This whole video was so accurate but wow the bit about being introverted with groups of people hit hard.
    I’ve read different reasons why we could be this way, but in my opinion I think it has to do with gauging peoples authentic self. When I’m with an individual it’s easier to unlock the other person’s authentic self and form a true connection. However when I meet a group I feel like it’s harder to gauge who is being their true self and open to making a connection and who is just being influenced by the other people of the group and the dynamic and trying to perform. Because of the lack of authenticity that can be found in groups (not always!!) it can make us be more cautious and less social.
    That being said, it’s always a great time the times I can just tell when a whole group is being authentic and open to connections and that intuition means I will naturally be more extroverted

  • @noms3434
    @noms3434 3 роки тому +7

    okay this video makes me feel less doubtful about myself

    • @lovewho
      @lovewho  3 роки тому +6

      Well then this video is a success in my mind! ~ Nathan

  • @yahsgirl5264
    @yahsgirl5264 3 роки тому +7

    Thanks, I always appreciate it when the stereotypical view of ENFPs is given some truth light 😊. Great video.

  • @gailkoeslag9885
    @gailkoeslag9885 Рік тому +1

    My husband is an ENFP and you really help me understand why he hates peoples and loves them at the same time. I live the ball and tube analogy. It fits!

  • @bean5087
    @bean5087 3 роки тому +7

    we.... experiment... we are mad scientists

  • @ellier2018
    @ellier2018 3 роки тому +3

    Lol “here’s the discord with all the introverts” hahaha he knows we adopt introverts lol

  • @Channel29andHalf
    @Channel29andHalf 3 роки тому +10

    Finally the much needed enfp ego boost!!!

  • @DevilDawes
    @DevilDawes 3 роки тому +6

    I've seen plenty of MBTI videos before (including yours) and I always find them interesting, but this... This is it. You really got me here.
    I mean, as an ENFP I always kind of relate to what you say when you describe an ENFP, but this video is far more accurate than the other I have ever seen !
    I've already embodied the citations and almost said the exact same phrases before.
    So for all of this,
    Thank you.

  • @carlybelliveau4775
    @carlybelliveau4775 3 роки тому +11

    Every time i watch these videos i get pulled back and forth between thinking I’m INFP vs ENFP and how my neurodivergence is muddling up my own self awareness/identity 🤯 I always get INFP on personality tests but I vibe with ENFP hard as well

    • @lovewho
      @lovewho  3 роки тому +10

      They're definitely tricky to tell apart since ENFPs can be pretty socially introverted at times! ~ Nathan

    • @Hallelujur
      @Hallelujur 3 роки тому +3

      Perhaps it could help to look up how both types behave in childhood. That helped me a lot! For a while I also thought I was an INFP, but then I found out that I am most definitely an ENFP.

    • @carlybelliveau4775
      @carlybelliveau4775 3 роки тому +1

      @@Hallelujur I’ll have to look into that, I was quite different as a kid. It also doesn’t help that I have ADD and am most likely some kinda bi-polar too 🥲

  • @VVanDraven
    @VVanDraven 3 роки тому +17

    I haven't known many enfp's especially not irl. But I like them generally.

    • @notjohn2672
      @notjohn2672 3 роки тому +5

      you have, they just don't stay long enough for you to realize

    • @VVanDraven
      @VVanDraven 3 роки тому +2

      @@notjohn2672 Maybe, maybe not. I'm not very social so I don't meet new people in general very much.

    • @suhani551
      @suhani551 2 роки тому

      @@notjohn2672 That's right!! I don't understand why we leave so soon lmao

  • @ozgebaran9788
    @ozgebaran9788 3 роки тому +3

    I was always academically gifted. Maybe it's because Ne is good at absorbing information. I think we also use Ni-Ti a lot when needed. People get shocked sometimes when I tell them which school I go to etc. Because when I meet a new person they think I'm shallow. That's only because I try to be sincere with people. I can be really bubbly, too but mostly I'm reserved. It may has to do with anxiety. My friends think I'm an introvert whilst I insist on being an extrovert. There's nothing in this world I want more than meeting new people. Lastly people think I'm naive because having ideals are seen naive in this world. I'd rather be naive to be honest.

    • @ozgebaran9788
      @ozgebaran9788 3 роки тому

      @@gka811 It feels good to not be alone in this world

  • @meganm4877
    @meganm4877 3 роки тому +5

    The creativity you bring to each version of 'like and subscribe' gives me warm fuzzies
    Also this thumbnail is stunning

    • @lovewho
      @lovewho  3 роки тому +4

      Really glad that you like the thumbnails. Often I try to make the thumbnails 'artistic' in order to offset the fact that I'm usually wearing the same outfit and have the same background in the videos! ~ Nathan

    • @meganm4877
      @meganm4877 3 роки тому +2

      @@lovewho LMAO that is as good a reason as any to make something artistic. Yes, a lot of the thumbnails remind me of your IG art style. I'm definitely a fan : )

  • @ANGEL-eh6pd
    @ANGEL-eh6pd 3 роки тому +4

    Hahahahaha. ADHD ENFP. Thank God my 28 yr. old son is INTP, he corrects my grammer. Lol

  • @Chigger
    @Chigger 3 роки тому +1

    I usually have the best ideas when I'm barely thinking at all, but I can seriously latch onto those weird ideas and mold them into something actually good or interesting.

  • @lee.bythesea
    @lee.bythesea 3 роки тому +6

    dang he always finds the best quotes

  • @laxnx3080
    @laxnx3080 3 роки тому +18

    Now where the ENTP episode at tho lmao...My ego been wanting to be stroked

  • @ambercharr307
    @ambercharr307 2 роки тому +2

    Ugh, if I'm in a group of people and recognise one toxic person that recognises me recognizing them then boom, I'm genuinely happy to dance in the corner (by myself) for a while and then leave the premesis.
    One on one is where we all shine in my opinion, it just takes one person to share a bit of vulnerability, ask the right questions and then intentionally LISTEN

  • @shiregirl2001
    @shiregirl2001 3 роки тому +2

    Appreciate the video - I think I've moved further away from the common stereotypes of an ENFP as I've matured, and your video makes sense. I really like the Carlin quote. I do love people and despise groupthink!

  • @lilyluna4155
    @lilyluna4155 3 роки тому +17

    awesome explanation of the Ne Te dynamic, thank you! will show this my boyfriend. his tests came out enfp but i typed him esfp because i see high se. but now i am very confused. (also he has ADD)
    also the chaotic aspect in exxp is quite interesting, since one of my closest friends is entp and the other one is enfp. one alone can be calm, especially the enfp is very thoughtful about his feelings and his life. but both together hype eachother up and it gets super chaotic and overwhelming for me little intp. despite the fact that i also have Ne.... so i am confused now... ?! is there a difference because they explore new possibilities first and then evaluate what they found with their fi / ti, but i anlyse the situation and think about what i want and then afterwards search for possibilities, so i never go into this chaotic ne state bc i think first?

    • @nigelharvey640
      @nigelharvey640 3 роки тому +2

      Personally I (ENFP) only know what I want “in motion.” Like i need to put myself in a pickle before Im sure i don’t want to be in that kind of pickle and vice versa. Usually what I should do comes moment by moment. The decision is often a conglomeration of past experiences and patterns Im noticing as i do something impulsive.
      Recently I’ve found that as the “scale” of what I want to do increases Im forced to be more reflective and thoughtful about what and how exactly I want to go through something. This is remarkably frustrating when I’m first planning something as I want nothing more than to just start and retry when it didn’t work out the way I’d prefer like a video game.
      when I’m calm it’s usually because I have a set of “motions” that I’ve come to reliably expect enjoyment from. Like I’m still chaotic but it’s so refined and explored that I look very calm. Really the patterns of a particular problem are so understood that I’ve found the most smooth yet fun way to do it for me

    • @somewhatblankpaper1423
      @somewhatblankpaper1423 3 роки тому +1

      I'm a young INTP, but I might share similar experiences as your bf (feel aimless). So, my answer your question based on my understanding:
      There is at least one difference:
      -In the case that a person has imagined some fixed goal(s), the person has already narrowed the range of possibilities down to those that he/she feels/imagines... would achieve the goal(s).
      -In the case that a person has not imagined any fixed goal(s), the person hasn't narrowed down the range of possibilities to anything in particular; so, there are many more (maybe countless) to explore, but the exploration can be chaotic at the same time.
      Here, a fixed goal is a goal that mentally forces you to accomplish it.

  • @katievanstraten4678
    @katievanstraten4678 Рік тому +1

    I feel so seen! You have such a knack for breaking down each type in a way that feels so deeply observant. Thanks for the care you put into your assessments!
    Signed, an ENFP 😄

    • @lovewho
      @lovewho  Рік тому

      This is really great to hear. Thank you for this comment! ~ Nathan

  • @meredith18352
    @meredith18352 3 роки тому +5

    My sister is an ENFP and as she it getting older she is definitely getting more introverted. She is very giving to charities if they involve animals and generally thinks people suck. She did try to tell me that she thinks she is now an INFP which is my type but she has always had way more charisma than me, people just like her but it takes them some time to warm up to me. High Fi still makes this type crusaders for their causes.

    • @spring7643
      @spring7643 3 роки тому +1

      Check out the blog post "each function at various levels of the jungian hierarchy" it's the best mbti thing I have found

  • @chickadddee
    @chickadddee 3 роки тому +1

    Nathan I appreciate this video so much. Absolutely spot on. True I am much more balanced now that I'm older, have renovated homes, planned trips, and organized curriculum and taught for years, but still hate groups. In fact I joined discord and then almost immediately switched it off. Sigh. I think what I yearn for is to go deep with anyone I connect with, but then in a group I feel pulled in too many directions. Anyway thanks for the petals you tossed onto the enfp footpath. Makes the daily stroll all the sweeter 🤗

  • @risbryn
    @risbryn 3 роки тому +5

    We ENFPs never need a solid plan, we just need to see the lay of the land because we know we have the experience and creativity to wing it and it'll work. Following a predetermined plan is pointless for a lot of us because we make it up along the way and follow whatever is logical at the time. We don't have a routine, we have a system, and it works every time.

    • @BrianZuma
      @BrianZuma 3 роки тому +1

      Yup and I’d say ppl afterwards use our methods if they do become very effective adaptable and it becomes the new norm others use that being said this process I feel takes a long ass time to come to life

  • @Hallelujur
    @Hallelujur 3 роки тому +2

    It feels good to be understood. Thank you so much for making this! 🙏🏽💕

  • @orderforjess9299
    @orderforjess9299 Рік тому +2

    I love being an ENFP.

  • @im_gunna_stab_myself
    @im_gunna_stab_myself Рік тому +1

    I’m an ENFP and when you were talking about the ti+te thinking I just went “ Ti plus Te. Tittie. Tittie? 😂😂”

  • @MelanieHooks
    @MelanieHooks 3 роки тому +3

    Man, do you see us 🤓 There's a reason my best work partners (and frequent objects of lust) are INTJs. We both love getting shit done, plus we can make them laugh and they make us feel grounded. I do appreciate the public validation of course, Nathan; thank you! But if the ultimate analyst comes to me when he needs the best person on the job, I honestly couldn't give two craps about what a meme or skit assumes about me. We're the A team, my peeps. There's a reason all those cute boys were cheating off us back in the day. -- ENFP

  • @areebr6888
    @areebr6888 3 роки тому +4

    I'm probably enfp n i love groups of people with a common purpose, as long as the ppl have a tight knit, more than 'friendly' relationship
    Probs why things like Harry Potter and the Nights Watch in GoT are so appealing to me :)

  • @marirandall8559
    @marirandall8559 2 роки тому +3

    Te = "Work smarter, not harder"

  • @AnnikaJoy
    @AnnikaJoy 3 роки тому +3

    I just wanna say… I found your channel today and subscribed and I’m soooo happy that you mentioned Frank James in your last video, I’ve been a Frisky Pony for years now 😊

    • @LilacSnowBun
      @LilacSnowBun 3 роки тому +1

      Frank James has me pretty afraid of ESTJs at this point. 😂 Jk kinda. 🌷

    • @AnnikaJoy
      @AnnikaJoy 3 роки тому +1

      @@LilacSnowBun yeahhh… some of that stereotyping is annoying lol… can be accurate though. I mean don’t worry though I won’t bite 😂🤦🏻‍♀️

    • @LilacSnowBun
      @LilacSnowBun 3 роки тому +1

      @@AnnikaJoy Frank James also taught me all ESTJs have a nemesis named Timmy. ☺️ -intj

    • @AnnikaJoy
      @AnnikaJoy 3 роки тому +2

      @@LilacSnowBun hehe yesss 😈😂

  • @HAKUNAmaKINGkong
    @HAKUNAmaKINGkong 3 роки тому +6

    can we talk about how pretty the Thumbnail is ?

  • @onjelbercier
    @onjelbercier Рік тому

    I feel like this is the only video that described what it's like being an ENFP perfectly!

  • @BreezeofBliss
    @BreezeofBliss Рік тому

    I really think the range seen within the ENFP group is the level of equanimity and balance within the person due to maturity as well as the level of stress at a specific instance. I thought I was an anomaly being an organized ENFP but then chaos reigns my life, my apartment, my desk when I'm going through severe stress. After observing myself through my rebellious period, my corporate slave period, and all other periods from one end of the spectrum to the opposite end, I really think that ENFPs are capable of displaying a wide range of behaviours depending on their internal / mental states.

  • @webkelpie
    @webkelpie 3 роки тому +3

    Hats. armbands and a, (growing), list of people to visit at 3am - 😆 (but unfortunately often true)

  • @yushaa
    @yushaa 3 роки тому

    I feel like this channel understands enfps the best. Especially this video. Subscribed!

  • @バーナードチェルシー
    @バーナードチェルシー 3 роки тому +3

    This is one of the videos I've been waiting for!!! You have a real talent for making most other MBTI content on UA-cam look like utter crap.

  • @taaayooos
    @taaayooos 2 місяці тому

    Much love man, keep shining

  • @rachelrichey8567
    @rachelrichey8567 3 роки тому +2

    I (ENTP) now manage an ENFP, who was my friend before. As a friend, I adored him. As an employee, he's exhausting. I don't understand his emotional reactivity nor the way he makes decisions. The logic seems missing for me, and it's definitely not strategic in nature. My Fe often has me feeling empathy for how difficult it must be to be so reactive to eternal stimuli.

    • @BrianZuma
      @BrianZuma 3 роки тому +1

      I’m a ENFP just would say watch out as a co worker sounds might be getting lazy butttt this is From your prospective so id say let them show you why they do stuff it’s rly a patience game. I know for simple tasks it can be annoying for ppl to see us try and do things differently/wrong but I’ve noticed we are commonly the ones to figure out the new best way that replaces current conventional methods. Not always works out some things don’t actually need change or might not be ready for it but it definitely takes time to do something like that so that’s why there’s always a mess.

  • @Winter_B12
    @Winter_B12 2 роки тому +2

    "Over... the course of an hour"
    So trruuuee
    Couldn't agree more
    It's at 3:10

  • @wouldntyouliketoknowweathe19
    @wouldntyouliketoknowweathe19 3 роки тому +2

    Hello an INTJ with a crush on a fucking personality type here-

  • @kathleenherrmann436
    @kathleenherrmann436 3 роки тому

    I'm ENFP-a but definitely can be all kinds of things in an hour as you described 😅. However, I hold back/reason through things if I sense my expression will be harmful to others....I'm sure it's no surprise then that I often confuse myself as an INFP. I was raised by an INFJ therapist and I'm sure that was my greatest asset growing up to develop the calm and measured part of myself. Ha but then again I married an INTP which sure shook things up a bit, but he really is a wonderful man and has taught me much. Thanks for the videos Nathan! Really enjoying them

  • @bryannathanael1782
    @bryannathanael1782 2 роки тому

    Totally agree! Well personally I couldn't relate with the last part because I relate with the stereotypical ENFP being a social butterfly. I am an ENFP 7w8, Sanguine-Choleric, and I don't really that much alone time. I love socializing almost all the time, but well, close-minded and judgmental people can be a bit draining. But I suppose it also happens for everyone. xD

  • @brianwong5055
    @brianwong5055 3 роки тому +2

    hey Nathan, can you do a video explaining the 8 cognitive functions and what they are while giving out concrete examples to differentiate them? To me, you're the best in explaining things. -from an intp

  • @DeborahG1982
    @DeborahG1982 2 роки тому

    Yeah you're not kidding about ENFP and INFP being hard to tell apart. I spent the last 3 years thinking I was INFP and only just realised ENFP makes tons more sense. We neeed recharge time more than any other extrovert I think.

  • @salsabilsalah9746
    @salsabilsalah9746 11 місяців тому

    When I see your videos, I was like " Omg, how do you know..?!" 😅😂

  • @Thilosophocl3s
    @Thilosophocl3s Рік тому

    Te, deductive logic. Ti, inductive logic

  • @cameronheron8551
    @cameronheron8551 5 місяців тому

    As an ENPF I have always believed that emotions are logical and not opposite to truth, they are just a truth that only an individual truly knows and if someone doesn't understand their emotions, they can still only be understood by that person who needs to investigate. Think of a brain surgeon and a rocket scientist. Both are professions take up by smart people, both could even try and learn a bit about the other's craft. But they can swap because it takes a life time of dedication to be good at those professions. It also takes a life time of experience to be who you are now and I will never be able to know that or you know me. The route to true empathy lies in accepting that we can never walk a mile in someone elses shoes, however that doesn't mean you both don't walk and if you both walk why can't you choose to walk side by side.
    We need to stop questioning why someone is feeling something or comparing and judging if they should feel that way. A feeling is a truth, what causes this feeling is up for debate but if someone is sad or frightened or outraged that emotion is real and if you were feeling that emotion, you'd not want it to be challenged. As a people I feel we need to separate our opinions of an idea from the emotions of ourselves and others.
    Fun fact, 2% of the world are gingers, and 2% are autistic. This doesn't mean that all gingers are autistic and all autistic people are ginger. The only common factor is the shared number, however there can exist a person with both traits.
    Similarly, if you are outraged because a situation occurred, this means that your outrage is a fact and the situation occurring is a fact but it doesn't make the situation outrageous. The only common factor is you, however there can exist certain situations which are universally outrageous.

  • @debs4143
    @debs4143 2 роки тому

    I literally always say that I love going out and being with my friends intimately but I don’t often like big groups, crazy.

    • @Anonymous_Anon882
      @Anonymous_Anon882 Рік тому

      Well, ENxPs are supposed to be the most introverted of the extroverts (which in many ways they are) so I’m not surprised you don’t tend to like big groups that much. ENFP stereotypes are garbage.

  • @lemonjoyce3018
    @lemonjoyce3018 3 роки тому

    Thanks for this video, I recently discovered the importance of functions so having a clear view of them helps

    • @spring7643
      @spring7643 3 роки тому

      Check out the blog post "each function at various levels of the jungian hierarchy" it's awesome

    • @lemonjoyce3018
      @lemonjoyce3018 3 роки тому

      @@spring7643 thanksss

  • @Elle-ht3km
    @Elle-ht3km 2 роки тому

    I love the host's voice, it's great for you tube, good job!

  • @pundi2524
    @pundi2524 Рік тому

    I've been told I'm bad at explaining stuff, unfocused on one topic and asked where I get all my energy from..
    XD I just told them that I'm good at explaining but its just they find it hard to understand what I mean. Also pretty well focus it just happened I realized that I can add more information that's relatable to the situation at hand and how can I not be excited I found out really cool stuff and I just want to share with _everyone_ 😆

  • @ylfaranerlendsdottir388
    @ylfaranerlendsdottir388 3 роки тому

    Get out of my head you!! - ENFP

  • @RavenStrawman
    @RavenStrawman 3 роки тому

    Nathan reminding my Si to subscribe to his channel but my Fi already did a long time ago because I love this channel 😌😂

  • @jennifermayo8293
    @jennifermayo8293 2 роки тому +2

    Get out of my head! 😂

  • @danahashhash3616
    @danahashhash3616 2 роки тому +1

    "Experiencing something divergent is preferable to going deeper into the known" Yes! love, a Chaos Monkey..sorry, ENFP :)

  • @sirinee05
    @sirinee05 Рік тому

    Because of the first point I don't agree with people saying enfp aren't good at solving problems, or aren't smart. Because when they're interested, they're extremely good at it.

  • @chickadddee
    @chickadddee 3 роки тому +2

    Amazing comments on this video! 🌼🌸🌼🌸🌼🌸🌼

  • @MrMischMasch1
    @MrMischMasch1 3 роки тому +2

    3/5 not enough tangents

  • @davidfreeman3083
    @davidfreeman3083 2 місяці тому

    I actually don't really know who started saying that we ENFPs are the most (or at least the 'more') introverted of extraverts, as an ENFP I literally don't see any 'introversion' left in me sometimes. Although I do see a little bit why (especially in societies/communities that are seen as more 'collectivist' as opposed to 'individualist'), as mentioned in the last 'stereotype' (which is kind of true) we are not very good at 'fitting into' any specific 'groups'. (To some extent we never identify with a specific group more than ourselves, probably due to 'preferring' FI but not really having 'FE'.) However, what I found out is that a lot of times I can still interact very well & enjoy my time with groups of people, conditioned on that those 'groups' are open-minded to getting to know people who 'aren't' and 'won't' be 'part of them (their group)'. Which is unfortunately not guaranteed but not completely absent either.
    Here's an example of how things work (and an occasion where I feel I'm 'beyond 100% extraverted'): I'm Chinese ethnically & from China, but while I lived in NYC (which obviously is an American city, I was there for school/work), the plurality of the people I hang out with/events I go to are Polish/Eastern European related. And no, I didn't get to know them from school/work or any 'weird' family connections. In fact many of them have completely different lifestyles as me as well. (I was a student & now I work a classic 9-5 in a corporation, while many of them are contractors, freelancers, small business owners, etc.) I just went to 'their places' all the time & at one point they all got to know me.

  • @jtwright4095
    @jtwright4095 2 роки тому

    "People are Planets" me, ENFP

  • @skilltes037
    @skilltes037 Рік тому

    Funny I was trying to figure out if I was an enfp or infp. After this video I definitely feel I am enfp

  • @mushroomfog2509
    @mushroomfog2509 3 роки тому +1

    Me an INTJ with developed Te seeing the start of the video
    ENFP, Illogical
    A g r e e