Great review ... I bought the XA10 in 2011 & still continues to served me well ... it's good to compare with a later model such as the XA20 which shows control functions are obviously better located ... the touch screen can be a bit tedious at times ... interesting to note the comments here are leaning more toward the XA10 for quality of picture ... I had shown a professional film maker my full set up & he was so impressed with the broadcast quality & mic abilities he went out & bought 3 of them for his company along with wide angle lenses & associated accessories etc ... I had also created my own cigarette lighter charging system which runs off a larger 12v car or motorcycle battery which ended the hassles of relying on the camera battery if in a stationary position on a tripod such as filming car or bike racing for long periods of time as an example ... I use a Center Power Tech 12V 4.5AH battery (CP1245) (made In China) in a bum bag or shoulder bag whilst walking around events which lasts for hours ... I might add this battery is a freak as I've had it some many years longer than the camera & continues to function like new ... when not in use I do charge it on its own trickle charger every couple of months ... it would have to be 15 years old now that I think about it ... I use the Rode NTG-2 microphone for on board camera function & also hand held interviewing & also a Sennheiser lapel mic wireless system which work well together. Hope this little bit of info helps make a purchase decision easier ...
Thanks! Yes, they are interchangeable, but they have a specific bayonet lock. If they are lost and you can't replace it by an original lens hood you may use a photo camera lens hood. The filter diameter is 58mm.
+Big Ass Studio The outdoor shots were made in auto-mode (AWB - Automatic White Balance), but some of the candlelight shots (at 7:21) had a fixed white balance setting.
Bedankt, Günter! Das hast du fein beobachtet. Auch auf der Originaldatei vor dem YT-Upload ist das zu erkennen. Vermutlich liegt es nicht an den unterschiedlichen Objektiven, sondern in der kamerainternen Bildaufarbeitung, wie auch die meisten digitalen Spiegelreflexkameras von Canon die Bilder stark schärfen, zu sehen hier an der feinen Rasterung von schräg im Bild verlaufenden Linien. Auch beim Vergleich der Infrarotaufnahmen fällt die stärkere Kontrastierung von Hell-Dunkel-Unterschieden auf.
Ein sehr interessanter Test. Ich glaube, das Bild der XA10 ist etwas schärfer ( 5:21 ), als der XA20 ( 5:24 ) oder täuscht dies? Außerdem sieht man auch in Deinem Test sehr gut, dass die Farben der XA 10 natürlicher wirken. Bezüglich elektronischer Windfilter hatte ich die Erfahrung gemacht, dass diese nie etwas richtiges bringen. Es hilft gegen Windgeräusche schlussendlich nur ein ordentliches externes Mikrofon mit Fell.
Wieder ein fantastisch gemachter Vergleich von dir. Ich denke das die Kameras sich nicht viel nehmen. Der Ton mit dem eingebauten Micro scheint bei der XA 10 etwas kräftiger zu sein.Super ist das Infrarot, was ja in beiden eingebaut ist. Als Fazit würde ich sagen, es sind beides super Kameras und der Preis sollte entscheiden. l.G. und einen schönen Tag! Andreas
I want a camera to make a short film that i would like to enter into a festival. How would this camera show up on a big screen? (I want a high quality camera that fits in my budget)
Fantástico video Lars! Eu fico de boca aberta a ver e a ler todas as informações. Quando eu quiser comprar uma nova máquina, tenho de rever primeiro este seu video. Não há dúvida de que gosta mesmo de fotografia! É um perito no assunto! Achei este video o máximo!!! Parabéns e obrigada por todas as informações.
Ja, so ist es. Schade dass diese G30 nicht IR hat. Ich habe noch nicht wirklich viel Unterschied gesehen in wass ich hier mit IR benutze und Canon, Habe eine DCR-SR75 und HDR-XR200 mit IR Lampe HVL-HIRL, und eigentlich denke ich das diese DCR noch das deutlichste Bild (auch im vergleich mit dem CX740VE + diese IR Lampe, welche kaputt gegangen ist, und nicht zu reparieren bei Sony).
The candle shots showed that the XA20 has very bad lens flare. It's very difficult to make a 20X zoom without compromising quality, especially for such a low-priced camcorder. The other thing that's noticeable is that the XA20 (and XA10) has a very small sensor - the dynamic range is very limited as you can see from the blown-out highlights on some of the buildings and lack of shadow detail in some of the garden shorts as well as the very deep depth of field where practically everything is in focus. Unfortunately, even though the XA20 has many good features, the lens and small sensor prevent the XA20 from producing video quality that has a professional "look".
***** Hi Bryan, I am not pnartg, but I will answer anyhow - it really depends on WHAT you want to do with the camera if the price range is already set. Of course a bigger image sensor gives you better, more cinema-like looking images. But the workflow is completely different using a system photo camera instead of a camcorder. Plus, normally you have to spend some extra money if you want to use good microphones on a DSLR/system camera - they don't provide XLR sockets! For quick documentary shots a camcorder in this price range of the XA20 will always satisfy you more. But if you have more time for camera settings, and you work in a studio-like environment, you don't need a motor zoom and the direct sound is not so important, go for a system camera like the GH4!
***** If you were a wedding filmer I would recommend the AG-AC90 because it is bigger and therefore more impressive to the clients than the XA20. ;-) But for handheld shots it's more complicated because it is not big enough to put it on the shoulder, and the menus of the Panasonic camcorder seem to be rather cluttered to me (maybe that's because I'm used to Canon menus). And the most important point is that the size image sensors of the AG-AC90 is 1/4.1" (compared to the 1/2.84" sensor of the XA20). There is not a big difference, only that the Panasonic has three of them and the image is a bit sharper. Compared to the 1 1/3" sensor of the GH4 the camcorder sensors are too small! But the sensor of the EOS t5i is even bigger and better for a cinematic look (I have a t4i and I don't like it for filming). For taking pictures it is great, but for filming you need a rig or at least a tripod because of the ergnonomics of a photo camera. You find bigger sensors in the Sony NEX system as well, but they are photo cameras or rather expensive. So I think, there is still not the ideal camcorder on the market that combines the advantages of both systems...
What a stupid advice: buy a certain camera because it´s more impressive to the clients. ¡I want the best camara, the smallest the better, not the biggest because it´s supposed to be more impresive to people that don´t know anything about cameras!
+Alex Curioso how right you are! never buy to impress unless it means that your product is better! not the gear! a colleague of mine has 2 xa 20's and it's what he has been using for 3 years now and he is very happy with the results and his clients are ecstatic just this summer he purchased an hg 30 for concealed placement especially for weddings, i also shoot with the xa 20 best investment i ever made to date
Hi Lars, ich denke das der Test mit externen Mikro, nicht notwendig ist. Denke die Ergebnisse wären gleich ausgefallen. Deine Schlaf-aufnahmen habe ich mal nach gemacht. Allerdings am Tag. Ist ja wirklich interessant zu sehen, wie man sich im Schlaf bewegt. Das fast alle Kamera Hersteller in allen Preisklassen , fast identische Modele anbieten, ist mir auch aufgefallen.Deshalb sind solche Vergleiche, wie du sie gemacht hast, sehr nützlich. Schönen Tag! Andreas
+erikgeeee I use both of them frequently, they are both good workhorses, but none of them is "the one and only" perfect camera. :-) The FDR-AX33 is a nice camera with an outstanding image stabilization system (the best on the market so far), but if you consider to film seriously in 4k, I would say that the FDR-AX100 is more interesting...
Die Bildschärfe der XA20 dagegen wirkt weicher und natürlicher (was man von ihren Farbdarstellung leider nicht behaupten kann). Man kann allerdings im Menü unter "Bild-Effekte" auf einer Skala von -2 bis +2 in ganzen Schritten die Schärfe (sowie Helligkeit, Kontrast und Sättigung) einstellen - das habe ich aber noch nicht ausgetestet. Du hast ganz Recht mit deiner Anmerkung zu den elektronischen Windfiltern, zum Testen wollte ich aber nicht noch ein externes Mikro mit mir herumschleppen. :-)
Hey, do a test with human faces, and see that XA20 is a little much better. Do a test on a very bright day to see how the exposure is compensated. I have XA10 and in a very bright day i have a big problem....underexposure...if i use AE Shift and turn down the exposure, the shadow areas looks so dark...this is a BIG problem. I guess that to solve this, i have to buy a polarizator circular filter.
Luis Lema Hola soy de Ecuador me podrias ayudar, yo quiero comprarla pero me dicen que solo la puedo comprar por internet y es bajo pedido la canon (XA20), aca no llegan todavia ninguna de esas filmadoras y me gustaria ser el primero en tenerla me puedes ayudar gracias y disculpa por la molestia.
Luis Lema Hola Luis, pues ni idea, no trabajo para Canon y tampoco conozco su distribición ahí en Suramérica. ¿Ni siquiera en Quito o en Guayaquil hay tiendas que la venden? Acabo de echar una mirada a las páginas de Canon en América Latina y parece que las ofertas son distintas de las que hacen aquí en Europa. Lo que sí ofrecen es el camcorder Vixia HF G20 que aquí se llama Legria HF G20, es prácticamente la misma cámara como la XA10, solamente sin el mango con los enchufes XLR y sin infrarrojo (claro, el objetivo sólo tiene un 10x zoom, pero su calidad es superior al objetivo 20x zoom de la XA20/Legria HF G25).
Moire patterns are pretty bad on both cameras. It's especially quite noticeable as you look at the rails on the bridge at sunset. Even their high end, video-capable DSLR's have this issue.
Valter Pinho2 "Hey, do a test with human faces, and see that XA20 is a little much better. Do a test on a very bright day to see how the exposure is compensated. I have XA10 and in a very bright day i have a big problem....underexposure...if i use AE Shift and turn down the exposure, the shadow areas looks so dark...this is a BIG problem. I guess that to solve this, i have to buy a polarizator circular filter." The XA20 has ND filters built in so no need to purchase extra! it also has many manual settings in which you can adjust to customize the look that you would like your video to have... I've owed the XA20 for over a year now and i am very happy with the results!
Iam seriously thinking about getting a XA20 yet youre making me think that the XA10 is better when it comes to colors... Except that the XA20 performs better at night
xa10 has better image in daytime almost all video is cleaner and the xa20 looks more filtered. the xa 20 seems a bit better for sunsets or night videos or a bit better in low light but in daytime i would use the xa10 because of sharpness. But you did not do any quick action test comparing the two cameras. DO a test where you swipe from side to side to see the difference between the two. THis is where the xa20 might stand out. Not everyone records slowly and a lot of times action video is what is used to film action sports etc.... THanks for the tests.
Ha, gutes Video, aber: jetzt weiss ich noch nicht wass ich kaufen soll :-) Ich hatte immer Sony mit infrarot, und jetzt hat XA10 un XA20 von Canon das auch. Es ist schwer für mich zu wählen.
Vor eine Monat habe ich diese Lampe zurückgeschickt wo ich es gekauft habe, und man wollte es reparieren. Heute sind diese nicht mehr im Verkauf, darum habe ich auf eBay gesehen und noch in Frankreich (durch eBay Deutschland) 2 neue bekommen :-)
А мне XA20 по душе. этой статейкой как-то вдохновилась. Но покупала в обычном магазине, а не интернет! (привычнее сразу видеть что покупаешь и проверить комплектацию на месте)
I like more Xa10. much clear picture!
Yes. XA10 superior.
Great review ... I bought the XA10 in 2011 & still continues to served me well ... it's good to compare with a later model such as the XA20 which shows control functions are obviously better located ... the touch screen can be a bit tedious at times ... interesting to note the comments here are leaning more toward the XA10 for quality of picture ... I had shown a professional film maker my full set up & he was so impressed with the broadcast quality & mic abilities he went out & bought 3 of them for his company along with wide angle lenses & associated accessories etc ...
I had also created my own cigarette lighter charging system which runs off a larger 12v car or motorcycle battery which ended the hassles of relying on the camera battery if in a stationary position on a tripod such as filming car or bike racing for long periods of time as an example ...
I use a Center Power Tech 12V 4.5AH battery (CP1245) (made In China) in a bum bag or shoulder bag whilst walking around events which lasts for hours ... I might add this battery is a freak as I've had it some many years longer than the camera & continues to function like new ... when not in use I do charge it on its own trickle charger every couple of months ... it would have to be 15 years old now that I think about it ...
I use the Rode NTG-2 microphone for on board camera function & also hand held interviewing & also a Sennheiser lapel mic wireless system which work well together.
Hope this little bit of info helps make a purchase decision easier ...
Bravo! Great test! If you remember, are the lens hoods in these cameras interchangeable?
Thanks! Yes, they are interchangeable, but they have a specific bayonet lock. If they are lost and you can't replace it by an original lens hood you may use a photo camera lens hood. The filter diameter is 58mm.
I think the colour on the xa10 is a little better, have you used any custom settings for colour?
+Big Ass Studio
The outdoor shots were made in auto-mode (AWB - Automatic White Balance), but some of the candlelight shots (at 7:21) had a fixed white balance setting.
Bedankt, Günter! Das hast du fein beobachtet. Auch auf der Originaldatei vor dem YT-Upload ist das zu erkennen. Vermutlich liegt es nicht an den unterschiedlichen Objektiven, sondern in der kamerainternen Bildaufarbeitung, wie auch die meisten digitalen Spiegelreflexkameras von Canon die Bilder stark schärfen, zu sehen hier an der feinen Rasterung von schräg im Bild verlaufenden Linien. Auch beim Vergleich der Infrarotaufnahmen fällt die stärkere Kontrastierung von Hell-Dunkel-Unterschieden auf.
Hello! Thank You for the video! Now i'm thinking, what should i buy?
What is the marc of the microphone please
The microphone seen at 1:23 is a Beyerdynamic MCE 86 S II.
No la e conseguido yo vivo en Ecuador y para acá todavía no llegan esos equipos
Ein sehr interessanter Test.
Ich glaube, das Bild der XA10 ist etwas schärfer ( 5:21 ), als der XA20 ( 5:24 ) oder täuscht dies? Außerdem sieht man auch in Deinem Test sehr gut, dass die Farben der XA 10 natürlicher wirken.
Bezüglich elektronischer Windfilter hatte ich die Erfahrung gemacht, dass diese nie etwas richtiges bringen. Es hilft gegen Windgeräusche schlussendlich nur ein ordentliches externes Mikrofon mit Fell.
Thanks for your video - This is exactly what I was looking for to help make a decision between two great cameras
Wieder ein fantastisch gemachter Vergleich von dir. Ich denke das die Kameras sich nicht viel nehmen. Der Ton mit dem eingebauten Micro scheint bei der XA 10 etwas kräftiger zu sein.Super ist das Infrarot, was ja in beiden eingebaut ist. Als Fazit würde ich sagen, es sind beides super Kameras und der Preis sollte entscheiden. l.G. und einen schönen Tag! Andreas
very fine !! what sort of external microphone did you use with it ?
I want a camera to make a short film that i would like to enter into a festival. How would this camera show up on a big screen? (I want a high quality camera that fits in my budget)
Fantástico video Lars! Eu fico de boca aberta a ver e a ler todas as informações. Quando eu quiser comprar uma nova máquina, tenho de rever primeiro este seu video. Não há dúvida de que gosta mesmo de fotografia! É um perito no assunto! Achei este video o máximo!!! Parabéns e obrigada por todas as informações.
Ja, so ist es. Schade dass diese G30 nicht IR hat. Ich habe noch nicht wirklich viel Unterschied gesehen in wass ich hier mit IR benutze und Canon, Habe eine DCR-SR75 und HDR-XR200 mit IR Lampe HVL-HIRL, und eigentlich denke ich das diese DCR noch das deutlichste Bild (auch im vergleich mit dem CX740VE + diese IR Lampe, welche kaputt gegangen ist, und nicht zu reparieren bei Sony).
And XA10 has wind filter, nice job!
The candle shots showed that the XA20 has very bad lens flare. It's very difficult to make a 20X zoom without compromising quality, especially for such a low-priced camcorder.
The other thing that's noticeable is that the XA20 (and XA10) has a very small sensor - the dynamic range is very limited as you can see from the blown-out highlights on some of the buildings and lack of shadow detail in some of the garden shorts as well as the very deep depth of field where practically everything is in focus. Unfortunately, even though the XA20 has many good features, the lens and small sensor prevent the XA20 from producing video quality that has a professional "look".
Hi Bryan, I am not pnartg, but I will answer anyhow - it really depends on WHAT you want to do with the camera if the price range is already set. Of course a bigger image sensor gives you better, more cinema-like looking images. But the workflow is completely different using a system photo camera instead of a camcorder. Plus, normally you have to spend some extra money if you want to use good microphones on a DSLR/system camera - they don't provide XLR sockets! For quick documentary shots a camcorder in this price range of the XA20 will always satisfy you more. But if you have more time for camera settings, and you work in a studio-like environment, you don't need a motor zoom and the direct sound is not so important, go for a system camera like the GH4!
If you were a wedding filmer I would recommend the AG-AC90 because it is bigger and therefore more impressive to the clients than the XA20. ;-) But for handheld shots it's more complicated because it is not big enough to put it on the shoulder, and the menus of the Panasonic camcorder seem to be rather cluttered to me (maybe that's because I'm used to Canon menus). And the most important point is that the size image sensors of the AG-AC90 is 1/4.1" (compared to the 1/2.84" sensor of the XA20). There is not a big difference, only that the Panasonic has three of them and the image is a bit sharper. Compared to the 1 1/3" sensor of the GH4 the camcorder sensors are too small! But the sensor of the EOS t5i is even bigger and better for a cinematic look (I have a t4i and I don't like it for filming). For taking pictures it is great, but for filming you need a rig or at least a tripod because of the ergnonomics of a photo camera. You find bigger sensors in the Sony NEX system as well, but they are photo cameras or rather expensive. So I think, there is still not the ideal camcorder on the market that combines the advantages of both systems...
What a stupid advice: buy a certain camera because it´s more impressive to the clients. ¡I want the best camara, the smallest the better, not the biggest because it´s supposed to be more impresive to people that don´t know anything about cameras!
+Alex Curioso how right you are! never buy to impress unless it means that your product is better! not the gear! a colleague of mine has 2 xa 20's and it's what he has been using for 3 years now and he is very happy with the results and his clients are ecstatic just this summer he purchased an hg 30 for concealed placement especially for weddings, i also shoot with the xa 20 best investment i ever made to date
XA10 has the better of the two image sharpness.
And ergonomic
They have night vision?
Yes, they provide an infrared setting and a small infrared lamp in the top handle.
Bela análise! Parabéns.
The colours of the XA10 is convincingly better than XA20
Hi Lars, ich denke das der Test mit externen Mikro, nicht notwendig ist. Denke die Ergebnisse wären gleich ausgefallen. Deine Schlaf-aufnahmen habe ich mal nach gemacht. Allerdings am Tag. Ist ja wirklich interessant zu sehen, wie man sich im Schlaf bewegt. Das fast alle Kamera Hersteller in allen Preisklassen , fast identische Modele anbieten, ist mir auch aufgefallen.Deshalb sind solche Vergleiche, wie du sie gemacht hast, sehr nützlich. Schönen Tag! Andreas
thanks... now i don't know which one to get... Dx
For indoor tasks I'd recommend the XA10, for sportive events or for plane spotting the XA20 is the better choice. :-)
forsure. thank you! do you own one of the two?
what's your opinion on the ax33?
I use both of them frequently, they are both good workhorses, but none of them is "the one and only" perfect camera. :-)
The FDR-AX33 is a nice camera with an outstanding image stabilization system (the best on the market so far), but if you consider to film seriously in 4k, I would say that the FDR-AX100 is more interesting...
sounds good. pretty much what seems to be the top two than right?. not including the ax20. but thanks again for your time and help bud.
Die Bildschärfe der XA20 dagegen wirkt weicher und natürlicher (was man von ihren Farbdarstellung leider nicht behaupten kann). Man kann allerdings im Menü unter "Bild-Effekte" auf einer Skala von -2 bis +2 in ganzen Schritten die Schärfe (sowie Helligkeit, Kontrast und Sättigung) einstellen - das habe ich aber noch nicht ausgetestet.
Du hast ganz Recht mit deiner Anmerkung zu den elektronischen Windfiltern, zum Testen wollte ich aber nicht noch ein externes Mikro mit mir herumschleppen. :-)
what about battery life ?
kev kas
After more than two years of use, they are still good.
Ja das ist auch genau so mit den Sony camcorders, darum habe ich diese Lampe auch dabei gekauft damals.
Hey, do a test with human faces, and see that XA20 is a little much better. Do a test on a very bright day to see how the exposure is compensated. I have XA10 and in a very bright day i have a big problem....underexposure...if i use AE Shift and turn down the exposure, the shadow areas looks so dark...this is a BIG problem. I guess that to solve this, i have to buy a polarizator circular filter.
I can do still video with DSLR show me what it can really do???
DSLRs look like they have a glossy filter over them though. Also, they are very impractical for video.
Es la que quiero gracias
Luis Lema Hola soy de Ecuador me podrias ayudar, yo quiero comprarla pero me dicen que solo la puedo comprar por internet y es bajo pedido la canon (XA20), aca no llegan todavia ninguna de esas filmadoras y me gustaria ser el primero en tenerla me puedes ayudar gracias y disculpa por la molestia.
Luis Lema
Hola Luis, pues ni idea, no trabajo para Canon y tampoco conozco su distribición ahí en Suramérica. ¿Ni siquiera en Quito o en Guayaquil hay tiendas que la venden? Acabo de echar una mirada a las páginas de Canon en América Latina y parece que las ofertas son distintas de las que hacen aquí en Europa. Lo que sí ofrecen es el camcorder Vixia HF G20 que aquí se llama Legria HF G20, es prácticamente la misma cámara como la XA10, solamente sin el mango con los enchufes XLR y sin infrarrojo (claro, el objetivo sólo tiene un 10x zoom, pero su calidad es superior al objetivo 20x zoom de la XA20/Legria HF G25).
Gracias amigo por las recomendaciones y te felicito exelente tutorial
¡No hay de qué!
Disculpa me podrias ayudar con algun vendedor de filmadoras en todo el pais, gracias y disculpa la molestia.
Moire patterns are pretty bad on both cameras. It's especially quite noticeable as you look at the rails on the bridge at sunset. Even their high end, video-capable DSLR's have this issue.
Dan Hitchman
That is due to the bigger image sensors of DSLRs...
Valter Pinho2
"Hey, do a test with human faces, and see that XA20 is a little much better. Do a test on a very bright day to see how the exposure is compensated. I have XA10 and in a very bright day i have a big problem....underexposure...if i use AE Shift and turn down the exposure, the shadow areas looks so dark...this is a BIG problem. I guess that to solve this, i have to buy a polarizator circular filter."
The XA20 has ND filters built in so no need to purchase extra! it also has many manual settings in which you can adjust to customize the look that you would like your video to have... I've owed the XA20 for over a year now and i am very happy with the results!
Great video comparison. Thank you
thanks fro your great job
Thank you!!
Iam seriously thinking about getting a XA20 yet youre making me think that the XA10 is better when it comes to colors... Except that the XA20 performs better at night
xa10 has better image in daytime almost all video is cleaner and the xa20 looks more filtered. the xa 20 seems a bit better for sunsets or night videos or a bit better in low light but in daytime i would use the xa10 because of sharpness. But you did not do any quick action test comparing the two cameras. DO a test where you swipe from side to side to see the difference between the two. THis is where the xa20 might stand out. Not everyone records slowly and a lot of times action video is what is used to film action sports etc.... THanks for the tests.
I was standing right there in Dusseldorf Germany
XA10 look like better.
Xa10 is better!!! Clearer pic and colors. Specially sunset.
Great job!!! Thanks so much and keep going!!!! :)
Thanks a lot!!! :-)
Ha, gutes Video, aber: jetzt weiss ich noch nicht wass ich kaufen soll :-) Ich hatte immer Sony mit infrarot, und jetzt hat XA10 un XA20 von Canon das auch. Es ist schwer für mich zu wählen.
Vor eine Monat habe ich diese Lampe zurückgeschickt wo ich es gekauft habe, und man wollte es reparieren. Heute sind diese nicht mehr im Verkauf, darum habe ich auf eBay gesehen und noch in Frankreich (durch eBay Deutschland) 2 neue bekommen :-)
Thank you!!
Very useful, thanks
А мне XA20 по душе. этой статейкой как-то вдохновилась. Но покупала в обычном магазине, а не интернет! (привычнее сразу видеть что покупаешь и проверить комплектацию на месте)
Sehr interessantes Video, mein lieber Freund Lars! ***** Beautiful!
Ich liebe es
Haben Sie einen schönen Tag!
Dein Freund Olga :)
Thank you!
How does an xa 10 compare with today's Sony A6000? Someone is offering me his XA10 at the same price as Sony.
Das ist super! :-)
That yacked.
Thank you!