@@usathorner609 I mean it’s a comedy sketch and it isn’t real(I think it’s hilarious)but imagine someone doing this in real life. This would be extremely insulting especially now with the woke culture. How can you say you don’t see anything insulting about what she’s doing?
@@jillian5582 Woke culture does not get to dictate what is insulting and what isn't. If that's your meter, then get ready to walk on eggshells forever because one day everything will be insulting according to wokism.
They all are filmed seperately. The shots are then cut together. Which means she didn't necessarily say it the second he laughed. Maybe she didn't say anything.
@@DFlemmingWhy would we, we would never get to use it? We dont get tourists (apart form London/Scotland) and most of us can't afford to travel abroad. Even if I could it would be for two weeks.
Grace Carol I remember the first time I watched the Alan Partridge 'pierced my foot on a spaaaaike' bit I was sitting in a college library and I had to close it, I couldn't stop laughing/crying. 😂
As a Hungarian, I feel personally attacked and singled out for not being made fun of! Btw, her rationale for being able to translate into seven different languages being that she did a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) in her gap year is imperviable logic.
I have watched this so many times and I still laugh every time like it’s the first time. Catherine is brilliant and the other actors deserve an award for not busting out laughing!
Same here. Never gets old and wondered how many takes it took but if you watch carefully I think there is a Stan in on both ends. Who could sit there facing her and not burst out laughing? She's a comical genius.😂😂😂😂
The guy portraying the representative from the African country was about to at the end. When she said "this is not my sandwich," you can see him smile and about to laugh, but he pulls it back.
No Lucy Hunt, it WAS making fun of all the different races but as it still wasn't racist as it was all in the name of comedy rather than personal attacks.
The joke behind this character is that she isn’t aware that she doesn’t really have the skills she claims to have. So it makes sense that she would look proud of her efforts. 😛
I continue to watch this, it never fails to make me laugh. Such a comic genius is Catherine. Together with her act with Derek Mincing, classic comedy. Long may it last
@@0megacron Some words and phrases have no equivalent in any language other than English. For example, a German would still say "Coca Cola" because there is no alternative .
Oh my.. I'm Filipino, target of "racial jokes" and I've never laughed this hard. I died. Why do people have to be more sensitive and easily offended when life is getting better and we're understanding each other's culture more and more..
Part of the reason is because life is getting better. People need to have a cause, so when life is mostly pretty good, they invent something to be offended about so they can have a cause.
@@dannnsss8034 people mock my cantonese accent a lot (that's the accent Tate uses for the Asian lady). It's light and fun. Sometimes we exaggerate the accent too :D (Oh, and yes, the Filipino accent is easy to imitate. Their Fs sound like Ps, and it has a nice rhythmic staccato to it. But then again, I only know a few tagalog words)
One of the funniest things I've ever seen. Absolutely brilliant! The self-control of the participants is superhuman. I could never have kept a straight face.
The editing in this is so underrated. The fact that the camera doesn’t pan over the Asian lady but you already know what’s coming. And then at the end it just smash cuts to the guy at the end 😭😭
It's very strange she decided to do a pseudoFrench that includes lots of HHH sounds, that French doesn't really have (except rarely, when people dwell on "Oui" which can go a bit ouihhhh-y), yet it still evokes some Frenchness, coupled with the nasalised sounds
Leto Which England English is smug and affectatious? R.P? Scouse? Cockney?Brummie? Geordie? West Country? Yorkshire? Lancashire? Essex? Bristolian? They cant all sound alike - your comment is smug and utterly incorrect - not too mention incredibly arrogant
***** They don't sound all alike. Doesn't mean that they don't have commonalities. You haven't explained why it would be utterly incorrect but that's alright you probably also believe that stereotypes are automatically utterly incorrect. That way of thinking is very common in the Anglosphere.
Sakura no Ai gabrielsff Basically she originally wanted to say 'this is not my suitcase' but they thought it would be too racist so it was replaced for sandwich. As in like terrorism I think.
heatherup95 Me too. I haven't laughed that hard in years. If you think about it, 'sandwich' is so much more surreal, and therefore funnier, then 'suitcase.'
Sakura no Ai It's something you might find in a foreign-language phrasebook, along with "Which way is the Eiffel Tower?", "I have lost my wallet", "There is no soap in my bathroom", etc.
@@Shendue posh the northerners are. Southern are more working class. So as the country grew into an actual country (and not just states), you had to "act" your words out in the streets of Naples or Rome say, rather than the tranquil scene of Florence where education and mercantlism grew (along the river you see that led to more countries with differing languages other than latin (old italian) and italian (which back in the day of the black/white gilfs was a minority language). More wealthy you are, the less you articulate I guess? I guess you could say the same with cockney and west london accents.
I'm of Indian origin and that bit made me laugh the most. It's so stupid the way racist Brits used to say "Bud bud ding ding Two Ninety Nine" to mock Indian shopkeepers. The best thing we did as immigrants was to have a laugh at ourselves, realising Brits might make fun of Indians but they'll never turn town a curry and a beer on a Saturday night and just move on".
ramdux Well absolutely, the British way is to laugh at everyone else and ourselves too! I think political correctness is hurting, not hindering race relations as allowing us all to make fun of each other will HELP us bond - it's just what we do in this country! Of course you'll always have people who are making jokes with the intention of hurting someone but I think for most of us Brits it's just that - a joke!
ZERO chance. It's gone. Even the title of this video is incorrect, it isn't 'offensive'. Making fun of something isn't offensive just because it appertains to a nationality or race. This is the point missed by so many, and why comedy is dead, now. And even if some find it offensive, it doesn't actually make it offensive...only to those people. If I make a joke about paedophilla to a room of 100 people, and 99 of them are offended, it's still not offensive. If it isn't universal then it cannot be. I regularly exercise what I have to (on here) call the 'N' word. It is offensive to some black people, but not all, clearly, as many of them use it. So it cannot be an 'offensive' word. I should point out that I only use the word when talking about the word itself, I don't use it as a term of abuse.
We will. Some on UA-cam already are. This kind of stuff runs in cycles. In ten years this sort of humour will be mainstream again and there's nothing the thought police can do to stop it.
I'm a Spanish speaking person, but I also speak English and Italian. This is definitely hilarious. I think that stereotypes about languages' sounds is a core topic here. No one can deny that some people tend to believe that a language Must sound this or that way - (perhaps they do), but this video definitely expresses that view
I have stomach ache from watching this.I loved Catherine Tate as soon she came out in the early days.I knew I had found a very special comic/actor and told so many people have you heard of Catherine Tate?Quite a few mates hadn't.She then blew up & wasn't surprised.She's so hilarious
Probably because they're not English educated and they most likely don't understand it. By the way, do you know how our parents named us? They throw a tin can down the stairs. Except for me, my dad named me after the sounds of a moaning hooker.
I'm Chinese and, with a bit more accuracy in the pronunciation, Catherine actually isn't far off! Kidding. Can't say that we don't sound like that to non-Mandarin speakers sometimes.
The idea of the African "translation" is that in many case African dialects are mixed with English to make up for lack of equivalent words. So sometimes an African speaking a dialect will all of a sudden start speaking English because there is no word in the African dialect to express it (i.e., sandwich)... and vice versa. Also... you may begin speaking English and then switch to a dialect so that you can express the humor better.
it was also probably inspired by the fast show 'channel 9' sketchs.... Oh, eh? Welcome! Ha-ha! Wilkommen, bon soir - oh, and howdy-doody! Eh? Ton ceremonios audi speciale von musica, telli-welli, filme e campaigne militarios! He-he-he-he-he-he! Hethethethetheth, hethethethetheth, Chrith Waddle.
Modern Irish is the same. Occasionally an Irish word will be created for a new English word but more often than not the speaker will just use the English word as absolutely every Irish speaker is also fluent in English.
It's not really a feature unique to Africa. That's how all languages work. It's called loanwords. Examples in English include deja vu, armada, asprin etc.
@@tomasroma2333 It's not unique, but the difference is that in many African languages, there is no substitute at all for English idea, so you go back and forth. French words like "deja vu" are used (albeit improperly) in English despite there being English words you can use as a substitute, but it would be wordy.
So perfect, and yet, if it were done today, she would be forced to apologise to someone seventy times, and offer to end her career, in order that we can ‘heal’. 🤮
Every time I watch this video it makes me laugh a lots. She is a genius performer and she literally catches the essence of individual language Wonderful!
Back when people weren’t being snowflakes and laughed about anything. Now days people will say it’s racist and offensive lol i miss when these types of jokes were normal xD for me these jokes are normal ofc and for many others I know too but so many people in this world now are soooo sensitive and crybaby about a joke, come on have a laugh
@@steveblundell7766yeh but you can laugh at what you want, its whether people find the joke funny that is key. I dont see how this would be cancelled now, have you seen Citizen Khan? It uses similar stereotypes
As a Dane, I found the "Swedish" the most amusing. However, the Swedish Cook in The Muppet Show is still number 1. We need more of this in this world of pathetic and utter disgusting PC culture. Way more. Bring it on, baby!
People just say this is offensive to sound woke. They laugh behind closed doors. Really this is fine, they just over police this kinda thing because they can’t solve the real problems so easily.
When I think how popular cards against humanity is right now, its hypocritical how people find one thing ok but not something else. I'd agree, people want to appear woke until they're behind closed doors
It can still be made today. It is all about intent. Catherine Tate's intention was to show how stupid her character is. It is self-deprecating humour. If the intention is to make the ethnicities look inferior, that's when it becomes problematic. Clearly not the case here.
@@jackriver1999 Not being rude but I think you have majorly overlooked the point of the skit. It’s clearly to take the piss out of how other nations languages sound, that’s what the Brit’s humors like. It’s not about being inferior it’s just about having a laugh at how other languages sound!
@@ExploringWithin Yes, but "Helen Marsh" character in this sketch behaves deludedly in other scenarios, too. I'm laughing at her stupidity and her smug look of self-satisfaction as much as anything. I guess people are taking it differently 🤷♀
I wonder how many times they had to shoot this scene. It's impossible to stay serious.
I thought of this too! I'm close to laugh my head off everytime I see this video! :-D
Ralu Kara o
You can see them all trying not to
Northern English sounds just like the farmer in Shaun the sheep
Until they were happy, I'm assuming 😉
You can tell the last guy was trying not to laugh. xD
Bad Wolf Entertainment yet the Chinese lady gave the most hate filled look! Perhaps that's how she stopped laughing.
Catherine nearly lost it a couple of times also.
Eyes of the last personn were laughing,
I love the look of self-confidence and pride on her face after she insults each one.
I don't see any insult in it
@@usathorner609 I mean it’s a comedy sketch and it isn’t real(I think it’s hilarious)but imagine someone doing this in real life. This would be extremely insulting especially now with the woke culture. How can you say you don’t see anything insulting about what she’s doing?
@@jillian5582 she was just translating. you've really got to admire her language proficiency
@@jillian5582 Woke culture does not get to dictate what is insulting and what isn't. If that's your meter, then get ready to walk on eggshells forever because one day everything will be insulting according to wokism.
@@jillian5582 I don't see anything insulting, its amazing she can translate into so many languages, we should admire her not get offended
As Spanish speaker I got every single word she said and how refined it was!
It took me a few views to realize that she was making fun of the lisp used by Spaniards, not the Spainish language. Truly hysterical
I totally agree and cececececece
❤ jajajaaja good for you
As an Italian I can confirm her translation was impeccable!
What does she say? 😃
There are a few distinct words in there.
@@redsquirrel1086 i heard "ma che dici ?" Which means "what are you saying?"
she said:
"ndeeee, maronn onnei la manìci, e la lanoma...noo ehh. E cosa ta dici, va Luigi"
My Italian is extremely limited but I think she was ordering a Big Mac, Medium Fries and a Strawberry Milkshake.
I'm from Africa and I approve this translation. We will hire this woman as our international affairs translator.
I know exactly who can do the sign language interpretation...
Which continent in Africa?
I thought africa was a continent.
Ungabunga sandwich
I can never not laugh at the way her posture, face, tone, everything instantly transforms for the Italian transformation.
So true
What kills me is like even if she were speaking Italian she is obviously not translating what that man said hahahaha
“This is not my sandwich!" - That really spoke to me.
What was that a reference to?
@@dangerislander I've always wanted to know that too
@@dangerislanderapparently it was something that was at their lunch break and she just added it.
@@dangerislanderI’ve been curious for a decade now myself. Not British, so figured it was a Brit inside joke.
@@lynbob1872if true that’s pretty funny, and an inside inside joke!
As an Italian, the Italian impression is impeccable and indistinguishable from the real language
She sounded like Captain Bertorelli.
ua-cam.com/video/Lp_Q1LEWwY8/v-deo.html part 2
WHADDA mistake to make-a!@@daddystu7046
Besides it’s the hand gestures that hold the true meaning.
What did she say?
The African guy looked like he was about to laugh after she said 'this is not my sandwich'
They all are filmed seperately. The shots are then cut together. Which means she didn't necessarily say it the second he laughed. Maybe she didn't say anything.
I bet the "this is not my sandwich" had not been in previous takes, so it caught him by surprise.
At the beginning he had a look of "I know what b.s. is going on and you ain't slick" lol 😅
I saw him laughing in his eyes...
@@RobertoLorenzPianist Typically they would shoot the whole segment from one perspective and then from the other
As a British person i can 100% confirm that this is how we translate.
You have given us, Americans, the English language, Shakespeare, the Magna Carta and now this... Thanks!
@@Jefff72 And you still can't speak the English language properly.
Perhaps the English need to learn some languages!! I doubt they will. Buy hilarious sketch!
@@DFlemmingWhy would we, we would never get to use it? We dont get tourists (apart form London/Scotland) and most of us can't afford to travel abroad. Even if I could it would be for two weeks.
ua-cam.com/video/Lp_Q1LEWwY8/v-deo.html part 2
Absolutely brilliant!🤣. The last man struggled to contain his laughter. Appreciation to the actors for keeping a straight face.
l am spanish, and l laughed so loudly with the spanish man...jajaja..Catherine Tate..l love you!! You make me happy .
Me too
ICO TAXI 20 ur dad
ICO TAXI 20 then you have no respect for you or your country
Mark Hulse, you are a stupid mong with no sense of humour.
I'm french... same :D
As a swede, I can say this was really gördi. 👍
This deserved more love
isn't this how swedes in the south say those in the north speak?
@@jimmydigital Don't know. Never heard of that. Most southerners enjoy how northerners speak though.
@@spashia7028 So you're a northerner, then?
@@Elgsdyr I'm a southerner.
"This is not my sandwich!" Kills me every time. 😂
Me too 😂😂
What is the reference?
@@notinterested8452 Not your sandwich
I didn't get this joke. What is it about?
@@notinterested8452 cannibal
I love how she maintains her posture, the smile and professional outlook 😅. I never get tired of this clip.
100% agree. 😂
This video is clearly not meant to be watched in a library :)
Grace Carol 😂😂😂
Grace Carol did you find out the bad way? :D
Grace Carol I remember the first time I watched the Alan Partridge 'pierced my foot on a spaaaaike' bit I was sitting in a college library and I had to close it, I couldn't stop laughing/crying. 😂
Was it a dare or something? No headphones but speakers?
Believe me......this is still more accurate than 'Google Translate'!!!!! ;-)
Lmfaoooooooooo! Spot on 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Actually, Google Translate handles the Scandinavian languages remarkably well. But that's about it.
Barry Allen yes
actually google translate is half decent now
Average Adam
I'm Indian and I found this hilarious, Catherine Tate kicks ass
The Chinese one cracks me up each time.... many years ago I was on a bus and burst out laughing just from the memory of it. I was on my own!
I have done that before just thinking of a scene in Me myself and Irene. Laughed out loud
@@PaulJacobs1970 was it the cottonmouth?
She looked much more Korean than Chinese
@@truth.speaker probably was
@@truth.speaker lmao not even... Anyway the actress is of Chinese background, and it also sounded Chinese
Possibly the funniest comedy sketch ever! Can't stop laughing 😂
Comedy genius!
+jpa6791 I actually had to take a 10 minute break after watching this. hilarious!
I couldn't agree more! I've watched it dozens of times and it never gets any less funny!
I cannot remember laughing so uncontrollably for ages!! So very funny. Comic genius!
Your threshold for humor is right there on the floor level, where thresholds are usually located.
Rowan Atkinson would've done this much, much better.
"Bunngoo bunghoo bungo this not my sandwich " even the African guy was dying to laugh !!!
I am Swedish and I approve of this. Hurdy, burdy, gurdy!
Samma här =), approved! Same goes for Swedish chef.
If only she were to say _Sju sjösjuka sjömän sköttes av sju sköna sjuksköterskor_ , she would've nailed it.
As a dane I can confirm you all sound like that 🤣
Rod flod med glode
@@carolynolsen132 that's us!!!
As a Hungarian, I feel personally attacked and singled out for not being made fun of!
Btw, her rationale for being able to translate into seven different languages being that she did a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) in her gap year is imperviable logic.
_"mek mek mek mek"_ 😉
@@Philip-0 😂
Been done.
Thank you!
This is what the UK should have done for brexit talks, might have had more joy...
Vibha Thakur stupidest question I've ever seen
@Vibha Thakur You do understand that this can be done with all the languages in the EU, right?
If Nigel Farage was the negotiator lol
You've got that the wrong way round - this is EXACTLY how it went !
Yes but how do you do an impersonation of the english language
This was the funniest thing ever, and as an Indian- not offended by the Indian bit at all. Was hilarious!!
Exactly mate the joke is on her ignorance not of your great country.
But it wasn't relatable though
Andrew: Are you from Goa?
@@pauljordan4452 nope. Same language, different coastal town ;-)
When the TARDIS's translator malfunctions.
Bahaha, best comment
It's because she forgot how the translate works...
Chazbc yes... it goes horrendously racist and doesn't realize that it's not the 1960s any more
Dragon Ball fighter Channel i know i'm only joking
Chazbc Lol
As a Chinese person, I was thoroughly impressed by her mastery of Mandarin! Such proper tones and perfect enunciation✨
//edit: sarcasm😭
That‘s stereotypical Cantonese
ua-cam.com/video/Lp_Q1LEWwY8/v-deo.html part 2
@@MasterBait1wrong, Cantonese is deeper and sounds less flat, more rounded.
I loved the ambassador’s look of dread and humour
This has been a fave of mine for years and it still holds up. I like how she takes a self-impressed pause between each "language". HAHA. :D
VideoMenu lol me too, it's her triumphant face that cracks me up
Yeah... 😂
yeah, well observed. my favorite tate moment was miming on doctor who 'it's me!'
I hope it is still a favourite,8 years later..
I have watched this so many times and I still laugh every time like it’s the first time. Catherine is brilliant and the other actors deserve an award for not busting out laughing!
Hi how're you doing?
I heard they had to keep re shooting because the Chinese lady couldn't stop laughing
Same here. Never gets old and wondered how many takes it took but if you watch carefully I think there is a Stan in on both ends. Who could sit there facing her and not burst out laughing? She's a comical genius.😂😂😂😂
I haven't seen it 5 years and it popped up in my list... and I'm in TEARS with laughter. OMG.
The guy portraying the representative from the African country was about to at the end. When she said "this is not my sandwich," you can see him smile and about to laugh, but he pulls it back.
Those claiming this is racist - grow a sense of humour. lol Every culture had a go! lol
+Matthew Lee True. The joke is on Helen Marsh.
this is pure fun, nothing to do with racism
Matthew Lee every culture didnt had a go. she had a go at every...well not every... but she had a go at them.😁😁😁😁
EXACTLY - it also shows how ignorant most English speaking westerners are of other languages. (Myself - an American - included.)
No Lucy Hunt, it WAS making fun of all the different races but as it still wasn't racist as it was all in the name of comedy rather than personal attacks.
What gets me every time is how proud she looks at end of her "translations" 😂
Like she is honored to have done the work. LMAO
The joke behind this character is that she isn’t aware that she doesn’t really have the skills she claims to have.
So it makes sense that she would look proud of her efforts. 😛
As a fluent speaker of Swedish (And Norwegian) she's really close, just forgot 2 more Gurdy's
gerdie gerdie gerdie gerdie gerdie gerdie ....................gerdie
emma gallagher hurdy gurdy ja?
emma gallagher that was hilarious. I live in Sweden and I found it pretty accurate 😂
I believe it's spelt "gördi", not "gerdie"...
@@petercdowney I believe it's: ua-cam.com/video/86Us-k5n8Vw/v-deo.html
Is that how they speak
The italian part is just HILARIOUS. As an Italian myself I can say that she is PERFECT HAHAHA
She should be working at the United Nations as Universal Translator. Such talent should not be overlooked!
... and get the language allowance paid for each official UN language! 😂😂😂😂😂
i love how she moves on to the next person like shes actually doing something proper
I continue to watch this, it never fails to make me laugh. Such a comic genius is Catherine. Together with her act with Derek Mincing, classic comedy. Long may it last
A 'comic genius', you say. God help us.
Derek Faye. His "close friend" is called Leonard Mincing. Sorry for being a pedant.
A Brit to remember....
Part 2
I'm Nigerian and I found this HIGHLY hilarious, bonga wongo wongo. DIS is NOT MY SANDWICH. and thethethethethethe lol.
What does it mean to say this is not my sandwich?
@@laracroft8547 It's apparently a joke about how non-English speakers sometimes insert a random English phrase into their conversation.
@@0megacron Some words and phrases have no equivalent in any language other than English. For example, a German would still say "Coca Cola" because there is no alternative .
@@thewomble1509 Except, outside of Europe, everyone says Coke. No one says Coca Cola.
@@0megacron Like all those Danish TV shows, The Killing, Borgen, etc, so funny when they do this.
As a French I can confirm this is a rare instance of a perfect translation by and english. Magnifique!
Oh my.. I'm Filipino, target of "racial jokes" and I've never laughed this hard. I died. Why do people have to be more sensitive and easily offended when life is getting better and we're understanding each other's culture more and more..
Part of the reason is because life is getting better. People need to have a cause, so when life is mostly pretty good, they invent something to be offended about so they can have a cause.
Filipinos accents are mocked? Never heard of it. Unless you've been a target I don't think you should be taking others to basically "get over it"
Ok, here's your cookie.
and eachothers languages as can be clearly seen in this video.
@@dannnsss8034 people mock my cantonese accent a lot (that's the accent Tate uses for the Asian lady). It's light and fun. Sometimes we exaggerate the accent too :D (Oh, and yes, the Filipino accent is easy to imitate. Their Fs sound like Ps, and it has a nice rhythmic staccato to it. But then again, I only know a few tagalog words)
One of the funniest things I've ever seen. Absolutely brilliant! The self-control of the participants is superhuman. I could never have kept a straight face.
I believe the last African gentleman took over 20 takes to get it right because he couldn’t keep a straight face!l
My favourite part was "Awww bud bud bud bud bud" XD
Soren Delaney what language was that tho?))
Indian, I think haha
@kat ales Most likely her attempt at Hindi 😂😂
I loved the way she like slowly rolled her eyes
The editing in this is so underrated. The fact that the camera doesn’t pan over the Asian lady but you already know what’s coming. And then at the end it just smash cuts to the guy at the end 😭😭
Must have been so difficult for everyone involved to keep a straight face!
IKR that what my teacher said when we watched this in class
Apparently they had to film it several times because the Chinese lady kept laughing!
The French one always destroys me
Dick Piano i'm french😂😂😂
John Hillman Oui?😂😂
The Italian one for me.
Me too
It's very strange she decided to do a pseudoFrench that includes lots of HHH sounds, that French doesn't really have (except rarely, when people dwell on "Oui" which can go a bit ouihhhh-y), yet it still evokes some Frenchness, coupled with the nasalised sounds
I wonder what English sounds like to someone who doesn't speak it.
Monty Rosenthal American english is chewing gum and cocky, dismissive. England english is smug and affectatious.
Monty Rosenthal The British version sounds like Chinese which is all right.
Leto Which England English is smug and affectatious? R.P? Scouse? Cockney?Brummie? Geordie? West Country? Yorkshire? Lancashire? Essex? Bristolian? They cant all sound alike - your comment is smug and utterly incorrect - not too mention incredibly arrogant
I have not even found the word 'affectatious' in my dictionary and I'm Russian.
***** They don't sound all alike. Doesn't mean that they don't have commonalities. You haven't explained why it would be utterly incorrect but that's alright you probably also believe that stereotypes are automatically utterly incorrect. That way of thinking is very common in the Anglosphere.
I am absolutely in love with this skit. How brilliant she is!😍 incredibly talented
I loved this way too much!!! We need this kind of humor to return.
Its weird. Like im still stuck in trying to figure why she says she could speak all those language when she clearly couldnt
Not in todays woke culture, its such a shame
@@jeronthetube well, some of us "woke" people actually find this funny. Would be nice to more of this.
I meant see more of this.
@@dimitrius-r5scommentschann556 I know what you mean
I love Catherine Tate...she is so freaking hilarious. Great actress as well.
It's incredible how she manages to learn als those different languages! Such an impressive woman! 👍💪
Two pearls that are often overlooked: 1 Did a TEFL in my gap year, 😂 and 2 international profiteering 😂
Ah well, at least the African guy got a good-natured smirk out of it.
Possibly, because he's English and has a sense of humour. x
@@graceygrumble how any of them managed to keep a straight face is beyond me ..let alone the African guy
@@colinclarke4285 Hello Colin and thank-you; you've brought me back to a funny place. I'd LOVE to see the outtakes on this one!
People don't get our humour that's why it's the best
I am from Kenya and that's exactly how I complain about the wrong sandwich
Getting the right sandwich is extremely important.
'this is not my sandwich' killed me xD
to be honest I didn't really get "this is not my sandwich" part, could you explain it to me ? :)
and that was the one part i didn't get...
Sakura no Ai gabrielsff Basically she originally wanted to say 'this is not my suitcase' but they thought it would be too racist so it was replaced for sandwich. As in like terrorism I think.
heatherup95 Me too. I haven't laughed that hard in years. If you think about it, 'sandwich' is so much more surreal, and therefore funnier, then 'suitcase.'
Sakura no Ai It's something you might find in a foreign-language phrasebook, along with "Which way is the Eiffel Tower?", "I have lost my wallet", "There is no soap in my bathroom", etc.
No matter how many times I see this skit, I always fall out of my chair laughing.
"This is not my sandwich" LOOOOOOL
- - i laughed hard at that but y was it used
The original line was going to be "this is not my suitcase" but they cut that out which was a good idea to be fair XD
@@Vodano how do you know?
@@Angelotube5000 I have the DVD and they mention it in 'Behind The Scenes' if I remember correctly.
I live in Italy...she totally nailed the Italian!! BAHAHAHA!!
Must be in southern Italy. Northern italians sound kinda different.
@@Shendue posh the northerners are. Southern are more working class.
So as the country grew into an actual country (and not just states), you had to "act" your words out in the streets of Naples or Rome say, rather than the tranquil scene of Florence where education and mercantlism grew (along the river you see that led to more countries with differing languages other than latin (old italian) and italian (which back in the day of the black/white gilfs was a minority language).
More wealthy you are, the less you articulate I guess? I guess you could say the same with cockney and west london accents.
1:35 HINDI
You're a saint
I have watched this hundreds of times and still fall of my chair laughing.
Woah bud bud bud bud bud. Woah bud bud bud bud bud bud
best bit life's too serious laugh at the world
+Liambrownpiano productions hey Liam!
That bit killed me.
I'm of Indian origin and that bit made me laugh the most. It's so stupid the way racist Brits used to say "Bud bud ding ding Two Ninety Nine" to mock Indian shopkeepers. The best thing we did as immigrants was to have a laugh at ourselves, realising Brits might make fun of Indians but they'll never turn town a curry and a beer on a Saturday night and just move on".
ramdux Well absolutely, the British way is to laugh at everyone else and ourselves too! I think political correctness is hurting, not hindering race relations as allowing us all to make fun of each other will HELP us bond - it's just what we do in this country! Of course you'll always have people who are making jokes with the intention of hurting someone but I think for most of us Brits it's just that - a joke!
this is not my sandwich!
Jamie Bettison lol
Because they keep getting his order wrong ?
Oh, if only we could get back to this kind of comedy being widely accepted! Brilliant!
ZERO chance. It's gone. Even the title of this video is incorrect, it isn't 'offensive'. Making fun of something isn't offensive just because it appertains to a nationality or race. This is the point missed by so many, and why comedy is dead, now. And even if some find it offensive, it doesn't actually make it offensive...only to those people. If I make a joke about paedophilla to a room of 100 people, and 99 of them are offended, it's still not offensive. If it isn't universal then it cannot be. I regularly exercise what I have to (on here) call the 'N' word. It is offensive to some black people, but not all, clearly, as many of them use it. So it cannot be an 'offensive' word. I should point out that I only use the word when talking about the word itself, I don't use it as a term of abuse.
Sadly, we don't make fun of ourselves anymore.
We will. Some on UA-cam already are. This kind of stuff runs in cycles. In ten years this sort of humour will be mainstream again and there's nothing the thought police can do to stop it.
I wonder how many takes this took. No way they all kept straight faces throughout this skit 🤣
They had to do a lot as the Chinese women kept laughing
The Spanish got me but by the time she's into the African guy, I was breathless. C'mon, the actor himself was about to laugh.
I'm spanish, and that one killed me, didn't expect that x'D, but for me the "swedish" is the best one!!
gurdy gurdy gurdy gurdy gurdy.......gurdy....
She is so damned talented. Love her.
I'm a Spanish speaking person, but I also speak English and Italian. This is definitely hilarious. I think that stereotypes about languages' sounds is a core topic here. No one can deny that some people tend to believe that a language Must sound this or that way - (perhaps they do), but this video definitely expresses that view
I so so wish there was a blooper reel for this. Satire at it's belly aching best.
Oh my gosh yes that would be amayyyzing..... could it be any more funnier 😂
I have stomach ache from watching this.I loved Catherine Tate as soon she came out in the early days.I knew I had found a very special comic/actor and told so many people have you heard of Catherine Tate?Quite a few mates hadn't.She then blew up & wasn't surprised.She's so hilarious
As an Italian I have to make a complaint, she forgot to say Mamma Mia. Except from that all well, all good.
and poopada puppada
My Colombian friends totally agreed with the Spanish translation. :-)
As an Asian myself, I find the Japanese/Chinese (whatever that lady was) part hilarious!
Rodrigo Silva I'd really like to know whether it's Mandarin or Cantonese.
I think it's a mix of both. (I'm a Cantonese speaker)
I think she was trying to do chinese but the lady looked japanese which makes it evdn funnier
She got the idea of intonation right.
I am learning Italian... that Italy one killed me XD
it's gibberish
EEeeee, ma no , ma noooo :))))
Flibbertigibbet6 what an idiot. This was a *comedy sketch*
Flibbertigibbet6 She said "You're a fucking idiot"
@@krussell1608 Really? :D :D :D
Even after so many years this still gets me rolling on the floor 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I'm Asian and i found this fucking... HILARIOUS!!
everybody knows that asians doesn't have sense of humour. and soul.
Probably because they're not English educated and they most likely don't understand it.
By the way, do you know how our parents named us? They throw a tin can down the stairs. Except for me, my dad named me after the sounds of a moaning hooker.
OMG. ABSOLUTELY HYSTERICAL. I'm definitely going to save this for when I need a good belly laugh 😆 😅.
I'm Chinese and, with a bit more accuracy in the pronunciation, Catherine actually isn't far off! Kidding. Can't say that we don't sound like that to non-Mandarin speakers sometimes.
… it is maybe supposed to be Cantonese. 😅
As an Indian I found this hilarious! Pure gold! Can't imagine something like this to be made nowadays. The ultra woke have gone ultra mad
Well said
Surely that would be still possible in the UK, I mean Jimmy Carr and Frankie Boyle still exist. Probably not in the USA.
Ultra woke lol. Most people find that sketch funny, even people who are what you deem as "woke."
What are you talking about ?
I'm radically "woke" and I loved this skit back then , still love it in 2024.You're complaining for no reason.
Funny how she looks like River Song in this.
More like Donna Noble. Just kidding, I see it too.
Tived Nagol Lol
At first glance, I thought the last victim was Karl Malone.
Could you even try to imagine excellent comedy like this being allowed on the TV these days. There'd be meltdown.
I have laughed so much at this video! Rock on Catherine Tate :)
The idea of the African "translation" is that in many case African dialects are mixed with English to make up for lack of equivalent words. So sometimes an African speaking a dialect will all of a sudden start speaking English because there is no word in the African dialect to express it (i.e., sandwich)... and vice versa. Also... you may begin speaking English and then switch to a dialect so that you can express the humor better.
Thanks for the explaination! I didn't get it at all.
it was also probably inspired by the fast show 'channel 9' sketchs....
Oh, eh? Welcome! Ha-ha! Wilkommen, bon soir - oh, and howdy-doody!
Eh? Ton ceremonios audi speciale von musica, telli-welli, filme e
campaigne militarios! He-he-he-he-he-he!
Hethethethetheth, hethethethetheth, Chrith Waddle.
Modern Irish is the same. Occasionally an Irish word will be created for a new English word but more often than not the speaker will just use the English word as absolutely every Irish speaker is also fluent in English.
It's not really a feature unique to Africa. That's how all languages work. It's called loanwords. Examples in English include deja vu, armada, asprin etc.
@@tomasroma2333 It's not unique, but the difference is that in many African languages, there is no substitute at all for English idea, so you go back and forth. French words like "deja vu" are used (albeit improperly) in English despite there being English words you can use as a substitute, but it would be wordy.
So perfect, and yet, if it were done today, she would be forced to apologise to someone seventy times, and offer to end her career, in order that we can ‘heal’. 🤮
Where you prefer hurting. Got it.
Lmao at 'heal'
@@StarWarsMoments If you’re hurt by that, water vapour would probably kill you.
Every time I watch this video it makes me laugh a lots. She is a genius performer and she literally catches the essence of individual language Wonderful!
Love it! Never gets old. Don't get comedy like this anymore.
Bongo bongo bongo bongo... This is not my sandwich. Lmao
This is brilliant
We need more of this, to laugh at our cultural differences!
100%! Only proud fools cannot laugh at themselves.
One of the best skits ever. I never get tired of this one.
Between this sketch & Catherine Tate's "Shocked Northern Couple" sketches, they pull me out of any funky mood & make me laugh so loud!!
I wonder how she would do German.
Nein! Nein! Mein! Mein!
I know the German word for prostitute is Fitznicentite 😂
Retardday1 just been to see her live tour and she did this scene with german in it!
sorry to dissappint you, it isnt
Could you imagine this being brought out today 😂 I miss old comedy
Back when you could laugh
Back when people weren’t being snowflakes and laughed about anything. Now days people will say it’s racist and offensive lol i miss when these types of jokes were normal xD for me these jokes are normal ofc and for many others I know too but so many people in this world now are soooo sensitive and crybaby about a joke, come on have a laugh
This is not suitable for children but it annoys me that adults think they can tell other adults what they can and can't laugh at
This was 2006 feels like yesterday. This would have a melt down on twitter now and she would be cancelled. How sad.
@@steveblundell7766yeh but you can laugh at what you want, its whether people find the joke funny that is key. I dont see how this would be cancelled now, have you seen Citizen Khan? It uses similar stereotypes
The Italian impression was absolutely perfect. 🤣
“Well I can do that” with an audacity of confidence. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
She doesn't even know what 7 languages! But still "well I can do that" 😁
As a Dane, I found the "Swedish" the most amusing. However, the Swedish Cook in The Muppet Show is still number 1.
We need more of this in this world of pathetic and utter disgusting PC culture. Way more. Bring it on, baby!
Would've been lovely if they also had a dane and a german in the room.
The Swedish Chef really speaks Oslo Norwegian.
Shame humor like this has died nowadays because everything is ‘offensive’.
People just say this is offensive to sound woke. They laugh behind closed doors. Really this is fine, they just over police this kinda thing because they can’t solve the real problems so easily.
When I think how popular cards against humanity is right now, its hypocritical how people find one thing ok but not something else. I'd agree, people want to appear woke until they're behind closed doors
It can still be made today. It is all about intent. Catherine Tate's intention was to show how stupid her character is. It is self-deprecating humour. If the intention is to make the ethnicities look inferior, that's when it becomes problematic. Clearly not the case here.
@@jackriver1999 Not being rude but I think you have majorly overlooked the point of the skit. It’s clearly to take the piss out of how other nations languages sound, that’s what the Brit’s humors like. It’s not about being inferior it’s just about having a laugh at how other languages sound!
@@ExploringWithin Yes, but "Helen Marsh" character in this sketch behaves deludedly in other scenarios, too. I'm laughing at her stupidity and her smug look of self-satisfaction as much as anything. I guess people are taking it differently 🤷♀
Hahahaaaaa 😂😂😂😂😂 absolute genius..!! Actually in tears!! How all of them managed to keep a straight face is beyond me 😂😂😂
This is just as accurate as google translate