New Dinosaurs, New Mechanics & More! | The Isle Evrima 2024

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024


  • @VelocciYT
    @VelocciYT  7 місяців тому +50

    Are you excited for the isle 2024?

    • @victorcaval
      @victorcaval 7 місяців тому +1

      Cant wait tp get new dinos, gateway is really fun, lots of paths and little secrets, hope maia or dible come out soon they will be great

    • @RandomMackem0069
      @RandomMackem0069 7 місяців тому +3

      Hope they fix the AI so they dotm spawn in high population zones

    • @jimbobisaballer
      @jimbobisaballer 7 місяців тому

      If dibble trike and rex come out and deino is capable of killing a stego without being 2 shot yes @VelocciYT

    • @jimbobisaballer
      @jimbobisaballer 7 місяців тому

      @VelocciYT dominus caeli has some animations now

    • @Milky1348
      @Milky1348 7 місяців тому


  • @ElusiveLion741
    @ElusiveLion741 7 місяців тому +36

    This info comes from Dondi's streams:
    Dondi isn't satisfied with Troodon's venom mechanic, it will be getting some work done to improve it.
    Stego was shown on stream to have a new attack to reach opponents taller than it. That's at least part of it's kit adjustment.
    As for deino, while we haven't seen anything on what its kit adjustment is, the best speculation is that it might be the vertical lunge that keeps being mentioned in passing.

    • @Bleghspread
      @Bleghspread 7 місяців тому +6

      Wonder if they will crank up deino´s biteforce too. I somehow can´t really see it having only 500 force on bite. Deino should be on the same level as Rex if not even stronger. Stego´s tail swing is 1250 iirc and trike is gonna get even stronger headbutt I guess. Either the apex carnivores will have some special powerfull attacks or much higher dmg output than deino and that just seems silly to me. Deino is balanced for the current roster now and is heavily relying on grab mechanic but once the spino and other stronger aquatics like sucho and cherry come to the game, deino can expect some real bullying :D

    • @kenshinhimura9387
      @kenshinhimura9387 7 місяців тому +4

      Deino was supposed to get vertical lunge over 2 years ago but these incompetent devs do not have the skill to put that in the game

    • @ElusiveLion741
      @ElusiveLion741 7 місяців тому +2

      @@kenshinhimura9387 They don't give release dates so just because deino didn't get it sooner that doesn't mean he'll never get it, unless the devs specifically say that. They already gave deino a horizontal lunge so they already have the code and ability to do a vertical lunge, it's probably not that much different function wise.

    • @skyblue2708
      @skyblue2708 7 місяців тому +1

      @@Bleghspread Yeah people cry that the Deino is OP but it's legit the weakest dinosaur in the game mechanically. Sure they can one shot a decent amount of things, but that doesn't make them OP when they rely on people making mistakes to even get that shot in the first place. Deinos are so easy to avoid, I can't even count on 1 hand how many times I've died to a deino as another species, because it has never happened. Deinos definitely need some sort of rework because their existence is lonely as fuck right now, it's the most boring playable in the game. Of course adding other aquatics will help but I fear what you say will be the case, they will just end up getting bullied because they are unwieldly and slow and rely too heavily on the drowning mechanic. Either new aquatics will just out pace them and never have to even worry, or they will be much stronger.

  • @nerfworthy112
    @nerfworthy112 7 місяців тому +48

    I love Troodon and it's my favorite playable on Evrima. That said, it is difficult to play it effectively, especially after the pounce nerf. You have to hit dinos from the side, and can't pounce from jumping on the head or the tail anymore. That seriously raised the skill floor AND cap on Troodon, but gave nothing in return for the massive nerf. I do hope there is a rework coming.

    • @Rain_lights
      @Rain_lights 7 місяців тому +6

      I don't know if they can fix troodon for me properly, it's main problems are related to the hitboxes and lag that just end your dino in a fingersnap in a way that feels very unsatisfying.

    • @lumanianilin1198
      @lumanianilin1198 7 місяців тому +5

      Troodons should 100% be able to pounce to heads and tails.

    • @stryfegamingonline7583
      @stryfegamingonline7583 7 місяців тому +5

      Troodon struggled with lag before the pounce nerf. Now with prey running and turning about its nearly impossible :(

    • @berosar
      @berosar 7 місяців тому +2

      i already dont want to play it cause it struggles to even look over the grass. Just annoying camera angle.

  • @troller9838
    @troller9838 7 місяців тому +33

    They should add apexes to official servers, but have a cap on how many can be played at once to prevent half the server turning into rexes or trike etc. Now you might be like "what if someone played rex the previous day and tried to logon to continue their dino but the apex cap is reached?" Well I'd put a slot system, where you have a character slot for an apex and 1 for a non-apex. And when you logon the game asks which one you want to continue/start playing, but if Apex cap is reached you can only pick the non-apex slot.
    Speaking of caps, the player cap needs to be raised from 100 to 200 or 250, that would make gateway feel more alive, you can go ages without seeing another player if you don't hang out in the hotspots, like the northeast/east plains for example.
    Southwest access and south plains basically never have anyone there. I think it's because their biomes are a too samey, why go there when half the rest of the island looks basically the same? I think southwest access should be transformed into a redwood forest and south plains (plus south west corner) turned into some kind of arid/savanna type area, this would make the area more unique, maybe even force certain dinosaurs to have to spawn around these areas, probably do this for new playables and not current ones though or people might get angry if they can't spawn their dinos where they can now (could add extra spawns to existing dinos though).

    • @magnarcreed3801
      @magnarcreed3801 7 місяців тому +2

      I work 12hr shifts and have maybe an hour of downtime. If I cannot have freedom to play what dino I want Imma throw hands.

    • @stresslessmeditation8039
      @stresslessmeditation8039 7 місяців тому

      Honestly then why play the game if I am not allowed to play what I want XD

    • @WarRapt0r
      @WarRapt0r 7 місяців тому +1

      put this comment in the official server so the devs can see it.

    • @skyblue2708
      @skyblue2708 7 місяців тому

      Or, just make playing the non apexes just as appealing as playing the apexes. People are drawn to apexes because they are interesting and powerful, same reason so many people play Deinos despite having some of the most boring gameplay in the game right now. If there were a lot more other interesting dinosaurs (and they are definitely getting there) there will just naturally be more variety.
      Putting limitations on what people can and can't play is just annoying, though I do think they should have a slot system, so you can have multiple dinosaurs on the same server. Just not for locking apexes behind it. Just that alone will increase the variety because then people won't be forced to only ever play the 1 dinosaur. There have been so many times I wanted to switch to something else to play with a friend or something but then I have to find a server I don't have a dinosaur on or whatever, it's irritating.

    • @Jascosaurus
      @Jascosaurus 7 місяців тому +1

      This might also inspire players to kill the apexes in order to take its spot

  • @ProteinDevourer
    @ProteinDevourer 7 місяців тому +23

    I don’t understand the point of having unpopular Dino’s first, making us wait for the actual Dino’s everyone wants to play

    • @Corcovatuz
      @Corcovatuz 7 місяців тому +3

      Cuz rex and trike are overrated.

    • @DinoMan4004
      @DinoMan4004 7 місяців тому +7

      @@Corcovatuzthat doesn’t matter there popular and would bring players hell there’s plenty of others that aren’t those two that they could have focused on the would have been better for the game atm like Allo and the other popular non apex payable’s but they keep focusing on new ones that some people have never heard of

    • @lumanianilin1198
      @lumanianilin1198 7 місяців тому +3

      @@DinoMan4004 Watch the Oviraptor being played even less than Dryo xd

    • @spikelee5716
      @spikelee5716 7 місяців тому

      Devs are pricks who dont work and need to keep milking the game in order to have something to eat.

  • @All-TimersCondensedBoxing
    @All-TimersCondensedBoxing 7 місяців тому +22

    Enjoy this type of content a lot. Some of us depend on you YT guys for our Isle news. Thanks for sharing!!

  • @Spyro2292
    @Spyro2292 7 місяців тому +10

    Troodon needs better venom, I still remember we were once hunting a stego (successfully I might add) up until he found a particularly large tree to wedge himself into.. and then just sat there, we couldn't approach him because it was impossible to get to him at that point without being skewered. However with real venom? That would have worked in our favor as he would have slowly grown weaker. Venom should be about patience, infect them as much as possible then just ensure they cannot rest to recover for a gradual kill.

    • @armand5962
      @armand5962 6 місяців тому

      better venom? smells like cheese...
      but i do agree it needs a creative system. with penalties and reward for both predator and prey.

  • @MrTickles445
    @MrTickles445 7 місяців тому +21

    Still no clue why they are working on apex’s if they won’t even be available on officials because the devs are too lazy to balance them. Like if they’re so “OP” then why not finish with all the mid-large creatures first

    • @Bleghspread
      @Bleghspread 7 місяців тому +3

      I would not even say it is about balancing. It is about 50% of the server population being rexes and the other one being trikes. Which in case of apexes never really wears off. And once it becomes selfsustained (ppl claiming they cant be anything else since everyone is apex) officials will be offcially done :D. I have tried to play on servers with population control and it is massive overhaul for the game as a whole in fact. Apexes can work really well there without that much of an issue + even data the devs need to collect for tweaking and setting path for other playables are much more useful if provided this way.

    • @MrTickles445
      @MrTickles445 7 місяців тому +2

      @@Bleghspread Do you REALLY think everyone is gonna wanna grow something for 7 hours? Jesus man people play mid-tiers more than anything, just look how excited everyone got about herrera. A casual player new to the game will try to grow a Rex, die within the first 2 hours and probably rage quit and play something like Utah

    • @Bleghspread
      @Bleghspread 7 місяців тому +1

      @@MrTickles445 You can start growing dinos across all servers. One rex here, another there. Resistant players will find their way like always.. Casuals are playing small, easy to grow critts all the time so that is not a problem.

    • @berosar
      @berosar 7 місяців тому

      @@Bleghspread Yeah but there is no guarantee your dino will still be there when you log back in. Growing a big dino and than the game bugging and just deleting your saved dino really dissuades me from growing them.

  • @salomonofhungary5593
    @salomonofhungary5593 7 місяців тому +27

    Chances are Baryonyx (the secret Dino that they’ve mentioned) is coming at some point relatively soon, I’d assume either with Diabloceratops or Maiasaura

    • @hebavdusbdd9277
      @hebavdusbdd9277 7 місяців тому +1

      where they mentioned "sercret Dino"

    • @formalpotato5874
      @formalpotato5874 7 місяців тому +1

      I think it will go with diablo. I’m just dying for allosaurus and nobody has mentioned it in years. It would be a perfect competitor for cerato and possibly give tenanto and stego something to fear. Stego definitely should not be Apex, as mid teirs like allo thrive off of them in real life. If anyone knows anything about the progression of allo please tell me

    • @tsc6912
      @tsc6912 7 місяців тому +1

      I miss playing Allo, Cera isn't super strong and Carno is meh

    • @FelidaeEnjoyer
      @FelidaeEnjoyer 7 місяців тому

      @@formalpotato5874 If you watch mrbeardtvs' theory on the secret dino, you'll see that very high chances are it'll be coming in the second living roadmap, and he only guessed for five dinos per timeline. Expect it in early-mid 2025, along with the generation B memes that will soon flood youtube shorts, unless it is the secret dino but I want swamp boy

    • @FelidaeEnjoyer
      @FelidaeEnjoyer 7 місяців тому

      @lordfarquaad1195 Theory opinion or fact? Gimme da sauce at least

  • @Spiritprime91
    @Spiritprime91 7 місяців тому +12

    If Stego is getting removed and being classed as an apex, shouldn't deinosuchus also be treated the same way? Since then nothing would be able to kill it except another deinosuchus. Without stegosaurus around to control the population of deinos, there would be an explosion of people just playing them, creating an inbalance.

    • @colecampbell1906
      @colecampbell1906 7 місяців тому +2

      Honestly I don't see why they exclude apex's anyways. They should have them all included, then the apex's can keep each other in check. If anything just raise the growth time or make it more difficult to keep them alive, there will naturally be less full grown one's around then. Or put some kind of a cap where there can only be a few.
      Also, although the smaller dino's couldn't take them in a 1v1, they could likely be a threat to them with say 5v1. So idk but personally I think it'd be best to just have everything available. Or maybe if they want have different servers with different options available. Maybe only 1 herb apex and 1 carni apex per different servers.

    • @asquri5959
      @asquri5959 7 місяців тому +2

      I MEAN to be fair, Deinosuchus has always been practically limited to the water.

    • @Konna42
      @Konna42 5 місяців тому

      @@asquri5959 also, deinos biggest threat is another deino, only dino that truly has to fear the same species

  • @DrAppleCrispies
    @DrAppleCrispies 7 місяців тому +3

    So far i notice the Isle has less dinos than lets sy TotT but The Isle does a superb job with attack animations and i hope they keep trying to make them better because they are so good looking!

  • @RandomMackem0069
    @RandomMackem0069 7 місяців тому +15

    Stegos already overpowered, making it an apex is just a bullet to the face for unofficial players

    • @Ehopisca
      @Ehopisca 7 місяців тому +9

      What i fear is how the devs will bring the Allo to the game. If Allos hunted Stegos you can imagine hell at any hot spot in gateway

    • @ArthorMorgan-f3w
      @ArthorMorgan-f3w 7 місяців тому

      Yea they will buff stego and make it the strongest in the game when in reality almost everything could I hit it especially the deino could rip its head off without even trying they are going to make it to where not even a rex can kill it because as it is It can 1 shot something that weights 2 tons when they add an apex to fight deino they should make stego like 3 tons and do like 500 damage like it would do but no they are going to make stego unkillable

    • @RandomMackem0069
      @RandomMackem0069 7 місяців тому

      @@ArthorMorgan-f3w they should buff deino so it can kill stegos

    • @FelidaeEnjoyer
      @FelidaeEnjoyer 7 місяців тому +1

      ​@@RandomMackem0069 NUH UH, they should nerf stego in preparation for allo. Right now it's probably overpowered since it's the only large (not apex) tier in the game right now, nothing to balance it off of besides deino, and deinos an apex yet is STILL wrecked by adult stegs

    • @RandomMackem0069
      @RandomMackem0069 7 місяців тому

      @@FelidaeEnjoyer which is why they need to either buff drink or nerf stego, cause deino should not be losing to a stego

  • @Puco.Illustrations
    @Puco.Illustrations 7 місяців тому +25

    Honestly i think they should put new dinos on hold and focus making the foundation of the game better and fix the bugs that been in the game for yeeeaars and balancing the current dinos... cuz right now the game is at its lowest (in my oppinion) Not sure why all those problems been ignored all this time

    • @MrRyan6262
      @MrRyan6262 7 місяців тому

      I think they should get the rest of the dinos they announced done and released. (I think apexes will be important for stopping people congregating in only one area) and then after those they should refine what they have since it will be a nicely sized roster for people to play. Then they should take a year or two balancing and move on to new dinos after the refinement is complete.

  • @KizanTM
    @KizanTM 7 місяців тому +12

    Just wanna point out that the Herrera is already out @ 0:46

    • @VelocciYT
      @VelocciYT  7 місяців тому +6

      Whoops, yea that was likely an edit / recording error

  • @noddarkwolf
    @noddarkwolf 7 місяців тому +5

    Dibbles sparing isnt just other dibbles its other ceratopians of simular size so dibble can spare with subadult trikes or smaller dibbles could spare with avaceratops

    • @FelidaeEnjoyer
      @FelidaeEnjoyer 7 місяців тому

      One day I wanna see a sub dibble or ava try against an adult stego, and just get auto-grappled as soon as both sides agree, so it's like a kitten with it's mother😅

  • @flashgordon6510
    @flashgordon6510 7 місяців тому +132

    I don't understand the logic behind not having Rex and Trike on official servers. For "balance"? They're on Legacy and there aren't really any problems. Rex is strong but slow, same with trike. I love The Isle, but they seem to spend so much time on cute but useless dinos that nobody plays once the novelty has worn off, like dryo, hypsi, beipi, troo, and pretty much all the herbivores beyond stego and the occasional teno. They ruined my beloved ptera. I feel like the same thing will happen once humans are introduced -- everyone will try them at first, but then pretty soon, it'll be all dinos again. I don't see how humans can be effective unless you're playing in a fairly large group, and with only 100 people on a server, that seems unlikely. Just my thoughts...

    • @alunaticwithashotgun9840
      @alunaticwithashotgun9840 7 місяців тому +40

      Apexes are not a problem in Legacy because Legacy combat is hilariously bad, you can't just win a fight by getting behind someone in Evrima and that makes apexes an actual threat.
      Legacy apexes are nearly defenseless against smaller playables other than their higher hp which only makes it take longer tokill them instead of actually making it more difficult.

    • @shaxo5364
      @shaxo5364 7 місяців тому +24

      The point of rex and trike being only in community servers is that unlike officials, communities have active admins aswell as rules that'll prevent an unbalanced rex or trike to do whatever they want
      Not to mention that admins on communities would have the ability to remove any dinosaur they want, something that most likely won't happen on official since official don't have active admins to remove rex or trike if they were unwanted
      It also helps for the fact that there's plenty of people who play on the official and since official don't have rules nor active admins, it'll be a total mess if rex or trike come out unbalanced, which is very likely concidering the current roster is small to mid size aswell as the fact that even devs themselves said that they can never truly balance an apex
      Best thing would be, if your weaker than it, your faster and if your slower, your stronger
      And keep in mind that legacy dinos that come from legacy to evrima come also very differently to how they were back in legacy, granted few small exceptions
      So rex and trike would most likely not only play but feel different aswell, which is yet unknown how it'll play out so it best to take it with caution at first

    • @wizardoflolz5626
      @wizardoflolz5626 7 місяців тому +4

      because its so hillarously broken and stupid a 21-25% growth stego can solo a pack of raptors if played right, been there done that. their current system makes 0 sense. Essentially the more weight you have the more you kill everything and cannot die....

    • @alunaticwithashotgun9840
      @alunaticwithashotgun9840 7 місяців тому +2

      @@wizardoflolz5626 Unless you come across someone who knows how to dodge attacks, making Stego nearly useless. I'm honestly surprised that thereare still people out there calling Evrima Stego OP, dude, most carnivores in the game can solo a fully grown Stego what else do you want ?

    • @bobsmith8405
      @bobsmith8405 7 місяців тому +4

      What's the point of adding them to the game if you can't even play as them properly?

  • @babudoge6211
    @babudoge6211 7 місяців тому +4

    I wonder if The Isle ever adds fully aquatics

  • @venanreviews
    @venanreviews 7 місяців тому +1

    I keep hearing deinosuchus will get some of the abilities from its concept art. Such as the bear trap clap to catch pteranodons that are hovering over the water above. Something that will enable them to thrive off food that isn't just at the perimeter of lakes/ponds. Albeit not a whole lot, since pteranodons are made of paper atm and fill almost nothing lol.

  • @Lycan550313
    @Lycan550313 7 місяців тому +2

    a climbing mechanic without the leap ability would flush out troodon well methinks.

  • @blueview5212
    @blueview5212 6 місяців тому +1

    Dinesuchus might be classed as an apex too

  • @jacobhilton8544
    @jacobhilton8544 7 місяців тому +7

    I want Allosaurus

    • @RandomMackem0069
      @RandomMackem0069 7 місяців тому +1


    • @FelidaeEnjoyer
      @FelidaeEnjoyer 7 місяців тому +1

      same, but stego nerf first since they (large tier) win against deino (apex tier)

  • @whoahanant
    @whoahanant 7 місяців тому +6

    So Deino will be the main "Apex" in official servers then considering Stego is joining Rex and Trike on unofficial servers and it really is the only thing that fought stegos reliably. That feels unbalanced in terms of the unofficial servers unless they release something else that actually is on par with it again.

    • @skyblue2708
      @skyblue2708 7 місяців тому

      Nothing can reliably fight a stego, only packs can take one down and the stego needs to be half brain dead and even then somebody is probably going to die to it. In terms of power and capability it is already unbalanced. The thing is, just like a Deino, the Stego is slow and avoidable which is where the balance kicks in, but unlike the Deino, the Stego can actively follow you anywhere on land, denying you the ability to eat and drink unless you really just hoof it to the other side of the map. The thing with Deinos is that they don't need to be fought... You can find safe drinking spots that a Deino can't even get to on this map, let alone deep enough to hide in. Deinos can't be out of the water longer than 10 minutes before they start to die, they are slow as shit out of the water (and comparatively, they are even slow as shit in the water), their stamina drains incredibly quickly trying to run on land which means they can barely get any distance in that 10 minutes, and realistically you can travel 5 minutes before you have to turn back and head to a known water source.
      In terms of balance, the Deino is already overly balanced and useless. Only people that have never really played one would think they are OP, I can tell you as a land dinosaur I have never died to a Deino, they are just that easy to avoid. Literally the only way to die to one is if you put yourself in its mouth, they rely on players being stupid and/or making mistakes and that is it. They can't hunt, they can't even really stalk because they are so slow, they can't set up bait because it's so obvious. The only thing that has to worry about Deinos is other Deinos.

    • @whoahanant
      @whoahanant 7 місяців тому

      @@skyblue2708 the countless deaths to Deinos would prove otherwise in like every Isle vid ever. Yes they were the only things to be able to fight stegos reliably, it only takes 2 deinos to bring down a stego if they weren't being dumb. Nothing else even comes close unless you're pretty much mega packing for the purpose of killing stegos.
      Not to mention what happens when they add any other semi aquatics. Are they just gonna be better than Deino or will Deino suck ass in comparison? Issue with water playables is that one alone is the Apex and water is rarely shared. It's an issue if Deino is going to be able to bully other aquatics out because it's the Apex unless they're planning on making any of the future aquatics 1v1 deinos.
      Also rather than tuning stego down or tuning anything else up they're just buffing it to Apex to get rid of it in official servers. It's all unbalanced.

    • @angerskarin9222
      @angerskarin9222 7 місяців тому

      @@whoahanant well the deino should be scary to open water dino, even to the spino, its a 8 tons monster with a bite force twice that of a rex, the deino we have now is pretty over nerfed.

  • @stoops417
    @stoops417 7 місяців тому +2

    There is no way that Apexes will indefinitely stay off of Official Servers, and no way that they will remove Stego's as suggested. I believe the Apex System will feature some way to unlock or earn an Apex spawn and they will be regulated in some way, but on Official Servers after the initial testing and release to Community Servers as they originally mentioned.

  • @Neptuiguru
    @Neptuiguru 7 місяців тому +2

    I don’t get how, stego, Rex, and trike won’t be in official when deino is and nothing can stand up to it, it wouldn’t be balanced at all then! D:

    • @skyblue2708
      @skyblue2708 7 місяців тому

      Because it's not really an Apex predator and nothing has to "stand up to it" because you never even need to put yourself near one and they can't actively hunt you on land. There are tonnes of safe drinking spots on this map that a deino either can't really get to, or can't hide in making them functionally useless. If you get killed by a deino, that is entirely your fault.

  • @YourAverageSpy955
    @YourAverageSpy955 7 місяців тому +2

    5:40 Glad Troodon isn't gonna be forgotten like Hypsi
    Troodon badly needs a rework, it gets trashed by everything except Ptera and Hypsi, even Juvies and Subadults can thrash them

    • @Corcovatuz
      @Corcovatuz 7 місяців тому

      Troodon never existed.

    • @Jessespresso
      @Jessespresso 7 місяців тому +1

      idk. I've been in a pack of 4-5 of us (which is a medium-small pack) and we took down a full grown carno relatively painlessly. I think people just don't understand how to play troodon. It's not meant to be played as a small group but large packs instead. They aren't meant to be taking down Apex's or anything much bigger than a cera. It makes sense they'd get one-shot because they're so small

    • @mohawk4759
      @mohawk4759 7 місяців тому

      @@Corcovatuzok and

  • @str8dazzed
    @str8dazzed 7 місяців тому +2

    The way offiical servers are runnings the past year I dont think they can handle a rex in it destroying all trees in its path lol. The lagg and fps in those servers are having a hard enough time as it is

  • @Snowyyy1006
    @Snowyyy1006 7 місяців тому

    So excited for dibble, will be fun sparring with my brothers and sisters when nested as it!

  • @convexted_.6265
    @convexted_.6265 7 місяців тому +1

    They should add a new flyer or the titanaboa as for the flyer they should add quetz which can like pick up baby’s or juvies

  • @Vitess7
    @Vitess7 7 місяців тому +1

    They were saying that Troodon will have some voice machanic it will copy other dinos voice

  • @OnePunchLox
    @OnePunchLox 7 місяців тому +3

    I want albertosaurus

  • @Digma2008
    @Digma2008 7 місяців тому

    You know, I really wonder if mutations will be something visual. As in, that you'll be able to see if a dinosaur has certain mutations. For example if a dinosaur has a nightvision mutation, it'll have bigger eyes compared to its counterparts. Or if it has a metabolism mutation it'll have a bigger belly. Or if it has a damage mutation, it'll have longer teeth, claws, spikes or horns (depending on the species and its attacks). That would be very cool to see. I'm waiting for my Herrerasaurus with webbed feet :)

    • @angerskarin9222
      @angerskarin9222 7 місяців тому

      I just hope some mutation can give a edge in battle, im tired of playing deino and because the other guy bite me first he auto win the fight every time.

  • @yamazakura_onna
    @yamazakura_onna 7 місяців тому +3

    Im dying to play diablo, it was such a good mid in Legacy

    • @-Clutch-
      @-Clutch- 7 місяців тому +2

      That will probably be my main until my sledgehammer boi comes in (Pachyrhinosaurus) although I can’t see that happening so soon, a few hundred years maybe but oh well I’m exited for this to

    • @Sedgehun
      @Sedgehun 7 місяців тому

      @@-Clutch- We already have Pachy on Evrima!

    • @-Clutch-
      @-Clutch- 7 місяців тому

      @@Sedgehun yesss but I need four legged pachy on steroids

  • @acay5722
    @acay5722 7 місяців тому +2

    I just want good Ai spawns (AI, especially fish, are practically non existant right now) and people using the Delta and the Swamps as new hotspot instead of that ugly lake...

    • @mohawk4759
      @mohawk4759 7 місяців тому

      ai are everywhere on official servers

  • @R3ar3ntry
    @R3ar3ntry 7 місяців тому

    Hey Velocci! keep up the good work! love seeing isle news since this is my fav game that you cover, for the troodon question, as a troodon main, it is frustrating to actually get a army of people to co-ordinate attacks, i am not a fan of the current stamina system (idk if anyone else is) but it really effected troodon, i like the use for work but i think the old stamina system is more fair, if it aint broke why fix it? sorta thing.
    I don't want troodon to be easier per say, i like challenging gameplay, but maybe make his hp a little higher so he isn't a 1 shot to everything.
    if the stamina isn't change then he's already a bit unplayable (please correct me if i'm wrong) as i've not had much time since gateway has been out to play my main, since i'm trying herrera and dilo

  • @SquirrelGamez
    @SquirrelGamez 7 місяців тому

    They add a what's essentially a spikier stego, but still no anky... :(

  • @animaltony428
    @animaltony428 7 місяців тому +9

    If you like the Isle Evrima

  • @DeadScot194
    @DeadScot194 7 місяців тому

    This game will be insane by the time they get to adding humans

  • @blu-_5442
    @blu-_5442 7 місяців тому

    Can’t wait for this year’s update

  • @formalpotato5874
    @formalpotato5874 7 місяців тому +1


  • @rexzilla4277
    @rexzilla4277 7 місяців тому +3

    I am curious if they plan to release this on consoles, because as much as i like PoT, it would be nice to see a different take on dino survival with a little better graphics and more dense foliage.

    • @AnAntarcticScotsman
      @AnAntarcticScotsman 7 місяців тому +3

      They stated that they want The Isle practically finished before console support as it slows down development time and they view It as a cheap cash grab or something like that.

    • @rexzilla4277
      @rexzilla4277 7 місяців тому +3

      @@AnAntarcticScotsman Ah, I can respect that. Rather than come out with a rushed port, have the main version perfected as much as possible before releasing it elsewhere. Actually not a bad strategy. Wish some devs took that logic so that their game doesn't turn into a mess at launch.

  • @NLance
    @NLance 7 місяців тому

    Wait... Isnt deinosuchus an apex? So, following the logic of the devs, shouldnt it be removed from officials as well? Well, once a smaller semi-aquatic predator is added, so waters stay relatively dangerous.

  • @skyblue2708
    @skyblue2708 7 місяців тому

    Troodon venom application is pretty annoying seeing as it needs to be in a quite large pack to really help survivability but also large packs without comms makes applying venom a massive chore. But even worse than that honestly is that you are so small that grass covers up most your god damn vision... It's just a real pain in the ass to play.

  • @xievisthedragon
    @xievisthedragon 7 місяців тому +1

    really wish they would make a semi aquatic, deinosuchus needs a counter. As a deino main, I am so bored 90% of the time.

  • @angerskarin9222
    @angerskarin9222 7 місяців тому

    deino need to be able to fight apex, or aleast try to grab and drag them, the deino have a higher bite force then rex, so it should do more damage.

  • @thenaberius6081
    @thenaberius6081 7 місяців тому

    I want ankylo and spino... thats all i need

  • @Ohio19919
    @Ohio19919 7 місяців тому

    love of good limit the amount of crocs in server at a time lol

  • @staticshock8361
    @staticshock8361 7 місяців тому +1

    Let's be honest, troodon is only viable when you have 6-10 others that understand the mechanic of the dinosaur and can implement group based attacks, on their own its just a nuisance who does less damage than an AI velociraptor lol

    • @v8hyp
      @v8hyp 7 місяців тому

      thats exactly how its supposed to be played…

    • @staticshock8361
      @staticshock8361 7 місяців тому

      @@v8hyp Yeah, thats a major waste of a dino making it rely on many of its own species. Ain't nobody playing as those

  • @aceisgreatatwarthunder
    @aceisgreatatwarthunder 7 місяців тому

    I reallllllyyy hope they add a baryonyx. Itll be my new main

  • @MomTheMommy
    @MomTheMommy 7 місяців тому +2

    They should have an actual tutorial by now

  • @thegamingbean953
    @thegamingbean953 7 місяців тому

    As soon as spino is added I'm pulling the fattest 180 and switching to evrima

  • @borjabadillo3765
    @borjabadillo3765 7 місяців тому +1

    We need this game in console

  • @MegaRex006
    @MegaRex006 7 місяців тому

    I really feel like they should update the Deino to an apex, because then the Stego would have a rival and it would fit the Deino better

    • @ArthorMorgan-f3w
      @ArthorMorgan-f3w 7 місяців тому +2

      My man I've played this game long enough to know that it will be a snowy day in hell before they buff deino if I was you I would just enjoy it how it is now because I can bet almost everything I have that the kit adjustment will somehow be a nerf

    • @MegaRex006
      @MegaRex006 7 місяців тому

      @@ArthorMorgan-f3w fair enough

  • @PiApproximate
    @PiApproximate 7 місяців тому

    why not Deno also moved to apex? it is bigger then steg, and unless your a FG steg or another FG Deno how do you fight it?

    • @angerskarin9222
      @angerskarin9222 7 місяців тому

      they are slow as snail, you dont fight them, you find safe water to drink that they cant move around in.

  • @TheGospelofKenneth
    @TheGospelofKenneth 7 місяців тому

    Alot of work is needed on the existing content in the game now. I dont understand the focus on new content when the current state of the game, new maps,servers, mechanics, current dinos all desperately need work.

  • @enkryptionx.x3216
    @enkryptionx.x3216 7 місяців тому

    Its crazy how we wait a year for 1 or 2 dinos to come out 😂

  • @screamingtoast4408
    @screamingtoast4408 7 місяців тому +1

    does anyone play this on a laptop? mine can’t run it anymore and i just bought it maybe a year ago just under 1,000. thought maybe i needed a different one.

    • @Azuria969
      @Azuria969 6 місяців тому

      dude what laptop??? what specs you have? gaming laptop can run this, common cant, but what the gpu and cpu? I have 3070 and i7 10700k, 16gb ram it runs beautifully with 100 average fps

  • @jameso7883
    @jameso7883 7 місяців тому

    when are they going to add the brachiosaurs? :(

  • @joannakedzior8882
    @joannakedzior8882 7 місяців тому +1

    troodon is rlly hard to play

  • @koopaslayer7598
    @koopaslayer7598 7 місяців тому

    I have a pc but wish this game would come to console still. My pc is getting old.

  • @motochris26ify
    @motochris26ify 5 місяців тому

    Am I the only one who feels the dinos should represent their real abilities & the balance should be handled by the science behind each dinosaur, thus giving the most realistically balanced ecosystem as possible?? The T-Rex was an apex predator in real life, it should be the same way in the game. Dunno. Just my two cents.

  • @Gnarwolf
    @Gnarwolf 7 місяців тому

    the Yeeaw of 2024 for the isle will be awesome

    • @skyblue2708
      @skyblue2708 7 місяців тому

      Phonetically it sounds more like "yur" not "yeeaw" (Yee-or)

  • @RemnantSoul
    @RemnantSoul 7 місяців тому +3

    The dino balancing in Evrima seems to be getting worse and worse.
    The Isle was already HEAVILY skewed towards Carnivores.
    But the Herbivore additions they have are equivalent to: "You're just here so other players can have fun and experience the real game."
    And by removing Stego they effectively are saying: We don't like Herbivores killing Carnivores so we're removing the only one that's actually dangerous.
    With Stego gone, the Herbivore roster is reduced to:
    Hypsy, Dryo, Teno, and technically Beipi?
    Meanwhile Carnivores are:
    Troodon, Omni, Carno, Cerato, Deino, Ptera, Dilo, Herra, and technically Galli.
    Like... 😒
    Also, they act like they aren't in control of Apex stats.
    Are the spirits of the Rex and Trike forcing the devs to make them?
    Cause it sounds like they don't actually want to add them.
    So they're making them then shoving the process of balancing off on the community.
    I'm calling it here...
    Eventually Community servers will come up with a majority accepted stat balance for Rex, Trike, and Stego and then the devs will magically add them to officials and they will just so happen to have stats that match the community builds.

    • @Cat_lord7
      @Cat_lord7 3 місяці тому

      You forgot to add pachy to the herb list

  • @fartoxman8789
    @fartoxman8789 7 місяців тому

    when is this update coming out if anyone knows

  • @Birandoo
    @Birandoo 7 місяців тому

    They should focus on making some of the existing dinos more fun and playable, especially the herbivores. Right now the diversity is bad and the feeling of an alive and interactive map is bad. Examples: Raise player cap to 200, give Dryo and Hipsi burrow etc.

  • @charlesthepleb
    @charlesthepleb 7 місяців тому

    Why are they making apexs non official, is deino not an apex???

  • @kaprosuchus
    @kaprosuchus 7 місяців тому

    what background music?

  • @aydemsadventure3752
    @aydemsadventure3752 7 місяців тому

    I really want Baryonix and Kentrosaurus

  • @Mendogology
    @Mendogology 7 місяців тому

    Give me the Sucho!

  • @mariomercado725
    @mariomercado725 7 місяців тому

    I’m confused, I thought the Rex is already playable on Official servers

    • @AselevID
      @AselevID 7 місяців тому

      on Legacy. EVRIMA is the updated game. Have to right click the Isle and change to it in your steam settings.

  • @berosar
    @berosar 7 місяців тому

    I dont understand why the stego would be removed from servers if they are going to tweak it. They can just keep it as it is, and do the tweaking seperately from the servers we play on. Braindead moment, just like the entire development.

  • @paullowe8437
    @paullowe8437 6 місяців тому

    one thing that makes me sad about the isle is how long it takes to get new dinosaurs into the game!!

    • @Cat_lord7
      @Cat_lord7 3 місяці тому

      Do you want the update to be good and every Dino to be fun and have unique mechanics or just like the isle legacy which is spamming m1

  • @EvilNecroid
    @EvilNecroid 7 місяців тому

    i just hope they get rid of cannibalism

    • @Cat_lord7
      @Cat_lord7 3 місяці тому

      That's impossible how are they going to do that it depends on who's playing

  • @silveraliengirl
    @silveraliengirl 7 місяців тому

    I tried playing the new dinos... but i starved like 10 times without finding any food... no other dinos seen either... can someone please tell me where the hell you can find easy food before starving??? 😂

  • @president5301
    @president5301 7 місяців тому +1

    WE NEED TREX ON THE OFFICAL SERVERS COME ON!!!!!. Just let 5 or 10 people max play Trex on 1 server so that not everybody plays trex. but like we are playing a dinosaur game but Trex is not gonna be in it??!?!??!?! weird asf

  • @blueview5212
    @blueview5212 6 місяців тому

    Please make it so we can smell other players nests

  • @tinobeou5652
    @tinobeou5652 7 місяців тому

    I like diablo ❤

  • @ob1983
    @ob1983 7 місяців тому

    Great video.... love watching the isle videos.... i dont play it since the new map as i can never find food, the rivers are empty and the darkness is just too much.. i wish there was food as i never lived longer than 60%..... i just quietly starved to death each time. Do you think they might change any of the this? Cheers 🥂

    • @zcoosa1648
      @zcoosa1648 5 місяців тому

      I would say it's better. Empty servers will be harder to find food. Seems as if you need multiple players in the area for AI to spawn

  • @blitz8425
    @blitz8425 5 місяців тому

    Still no Allosaurus? Kill me

  • @doctor_wise8770
    @doctor_wise8770 7 місяців тому

    Me want Dibble

  • @jross9553
    @jross9553 7 місяців тому

    I have a question when will Megalania be in this game

    • @matthewjarrell9953
      @matthewjarrell9953 7 місяців тому

      As of now, it doesn’t seem like it’s planned. It was never in the legacy version and more than likely won’t get added.

    • @frieza2013
      @frieza2013 7 місяців тому +5

      @@matthewjarrell9953but it’s already on the roadmap there is concept for it already Megalania now it probably won’t be out for a while but its still slated to come eventually.

    • @MrTickles445
      @MrTickles445 7 місяців тому +1

      It doesn’t even have a 3D model yet, let alone animations, it’s just a concept art so you’ll likely see it a while from now

    • @noddarkwolf
      @noddarkwolf 7 місяців тому

      planed but not in developement yet

    • @whoahanant
      @whoahanant 7 місяців тому

      It's only a concept art for now, nothing much has really been made in terms of it's development.

  • @JS-ps1tv
    @JS-ps1tv 7 місяців тому

    Adult dinos feel asthmatic with latest stamina changes. That is what is keeping me away atm.

  • @jaevoningram
    @jaevoningram 6 місяців тому

    I need my allo

  • @kirabastian
    @kirabastian 7 місяців тому

    still waiting for sandbox and graphics that look okay

    • @v8hyp
      @v8hyp 7 місяців тому +6

      evrima graphics arent bad at all ?

    • @trey740
      @trey740 7 місяців тому

      frrr 😭@@v8hyp

    • @Cat_lord7
      @Cat_lord7 3 місяці тому

      What do you mean graphics are already good

  • @SnarkyZazu
    @SnarkyZazu 7 місяців тому

    The potato is coming back?

  • @45bois
    @45bois 7 місяців тому

    It's good and bad stigo is leaving

  • @BGTRW
    @BGTRW 7 місяців тому

    I remember you v is me

  • @ani-ma-tion5326
    @ani-ma-tion5326 7 місяців тому +2

    I do NOT like unofficial servers so this sounds pretty lame. Official server picks will be boring. I’m not a fan of these updates, it seems like it’s getting worse.

    • @zcoosa1648
      @zcoosa1648 5 місяців тому

      It took me a while to get over legacy dinos not being in evrima. Evrima is still better but could be even better with a wider selection of medium to large sized carnivores

    • @Cat_lord7
      @Cat_lord7 3 місяці тому

      They are getting added just be patient

  • @Crawling3nmyskin
    @Crawling3nmyskin 7 місяців тому

    What’s the point of even developing the Rex and trike for evrima then… 😒 🤔 🤨

  • @richardheasley9087
    @richardheasley9087 7 місяців тому

    I like chicken

  • @spingebill8484
    @spingebill8484 7 місяців тому

    Yea troodon needs a rework cause it’s pretty useless rn

  • @andrewkhamo
    @andrewkhamo 7 місяців тому +2

    sooner or later evrima will destroy path of titans

    • @Corcovatuz
      @Corcovatuz 7 місяців тому +2

      I guess, though I think both will be successful

    • @mohawk4759
      @mohawk4759 7 місяців тому

      PoT was never a competitor

  • @domedsky
    @domedsky 4 місяці тому

    just give me allo

  • @edwardbilley5488
    @edwardbilley5488 7 місяців тому

    Path of titans rules

  • @Masterryman
    @Masterryman 7 місяців тому

    i Dont want new dinos until the servers are fixed.... i lost so many dinos to bugs in an blink of an eye....
    Its unreliable and you never know... you put your heart in your grp and bam youre gone... not to a fight.. No because you have a food bug or some other bug... And i dont talk about 30 min lost... i talk about 6 hours lost ....
    I do want fixes not more things.....

  • @johndoe-je2gi
    @johndoe-je2gi 7 місяців тому

    ovi raptor seems like a horrible addition no one nests in envirma whether it be official or unofficial servers so adding a dino that revolves around egg stealing seems dumb they should really fix the issues with nesting b4 adding this

  • @florian1054
    @florian1054 7 місяців тому

    These devs are leavin me speechless, very bad in decision making. Its going only downhill from now.

  • @104thironmike4
    @104thironmike4 7 місяців тому

    None of it matters, it will always be a buggy mess. Sunken cost fallacy all around.

  • @priveaccound8052
    @priveaccound8052 7 місяців тому

    When evirma came out, they showed alot secred dinos in the trailer.. none of them (almost) were released… this game will take 20 years to release all the dinos.. path of titans did it in a few months? The game are noe full with cheaters hackers bad fps and laggy servers… the game was so favo of mine bur since gateway its ruined..

    • @Cat_lord7
      @Cat_lord7 3 місяці тому

      Pot was in development before the release that's why it had a decent amount of dinos also lots of dinos have the same abilities (tail swipe) and some dinos are just the same but different model and different stats or something
      And pot doesn't add much dinos either it's like 1 or 2 new dinos in a year

  • @Crakinator
    @Crakinator 7 місяців тому +1

    Troodon is a trash dino rn lol

    • @Corcovatuz
      @Corcovatuz 7 місяців тому

      Troodon never existed

  • @zeka2308
    @zeka2308 7 місяців тому
