  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @JoacimBoive
    @JoacimBoive 4 роки тому +13

    Would be interesting to see what your tires look like after a session. Meaning your tire wear. Also would be great if you could share the data for a couple of laps. I would like some data to analyze for myself and compare your graphs.

    • @SylvainGuintoli
      @SylvainGuintoli  4 роки тому +15

      Hi, tire wear was uniform and looking good after the day in Mallory.
      You can compare your GPS datas with my laps in Mallory, Donington, Cadwell and Oulton on www.serious-racing.com + watch my onboard laps 😎👍🏻

    • @anidiotinaracingcar
      @anidiotinaracingcar 4 роки тому

      I'd also be curious to know if the better suspension has a positive effect on tire wear

  • @tricky9795
    @tricky9795 4 роки тому +28

    Sylvain is the king for a brand that wants to be even closer to its customers.

  • @tomdolby46
    @tomdolby46 4 роки тому +42

    Video length: 15 minutes 57 seconds.
    Uploaded: 43 seconds ago.
    Likes: 5.
    They know it's good.

  • @luckyoleary9626
    @luckyoleary9626 4 роки тому +86

    New rider: "I need more power! Give me the exhaust, power commander, dyno tune - ALL ZE POWER!"
    Experienced rider. "Let's just sort the suspension..."

    • @deadslow201
      @deadslow201 4 роки тому +4

      ...and then flash&tune the ecu sw/maps, to get smooth usable power out or engine.

    • @spikerobinson5692
      @spikerobinson5692 4 роки тому +2

      ...suspension technician “let’s just do the front first”

    • @williamoakes664
      @williamoakes664 4 роки тому +3

      Spike Robinson sort one thing at once 👌🏻

    • @daveo9844
      @daveo9844 4 роки тому +4

      Forget power. Lose weight (bike and rider 😂)

    • @liruizhu2146
      @liruizhu2146 3 роки тому +1

      I sort just suspension, just because I can’t afford modifying engine. Haha

  • @danielhone7567
    @danielhone7567 4 роки тому +38

    Less than 3 seconds off the outright lap record on a road bike?! Damn impressive.

    • @lovethisstuff9327
      @lovethisstuff9327 4 роки тому +8

      For sure, that's why he's a wsbk champ huh?!

    • @hukebein92
      @hukebein92 7 місяців тому

      He knows how to drive , if I would go there with the same motorbike I would embarrass myself😂

    • @YouCantSawSawdust
      @YouCantSawSawdust 20 днів тому +1

      Yeah, but I'm guessing that outright lap record was probably set by a British motorcycle racer, so the bar would have been set pretty low.

  • @casefarley5744
    @casefarley5744 4 роки тому +6

    You found 1.6s a lap (and cut the gap to the record by 35%) for ~3500 pounds. That is HUGE value for money when chasing tenths. Looking forward to what you can find on some race tires in good weather. Great video.

  • @ianm432
    @ianm432 4 роки тому +11

    This is great! It's all the top level secrets in the how and why but without actually giving away secrets to your racing competition because it's a standard road bike.
    Quickly becoming one of the best channels on YT!

  • @jaimeberrones3247
    @jaimeberrones3247 4 роки тому +11

    Silvayn a Yoshimura its a must please

  • @34aib
    @34aib 4 роки тому +1

    These videos are just brilliant for all us novice track day punters! Information is easy to understand . Genius rider and communicator. Love it Sylvain!

  • @jamesfisher1827
    @jamesfisher1827 4 роки тому +2

    Fascinating to watch, the speed curve on the data map looked smoother with the Ohlins set up. Visible gains. 👍

  • @NofreedomofspeechonYouTube
    @NofreedomofspeechonYouTube 4 роки тому +1

    Thanks your videos are very useful. I wish you good luck for this chanel . You are really helping many riders who dreams about being in MotoGP but they can't . You are really a great teacher as well.

  • @iamtherealzombie
    @iamtherealzombie 4 роки тому +4

    Your videos keep getting better and better, better video quality (from what I could see, definitely when you and Andy were speaking towards the end), better audio quality, some nice editing tricks (really slick how you brought the component prices/stats in and out).
    Thanks so much for sharing with us!

  • @greyanaroth
    @greyanaroth 4 роки тому +1

    I really like how deep you go into the riding dynamics and break it down so well. Great great teaching! It's a rare skill, teaching effectively. Take a bow.

  • @Drinkyoghurt
    @Drinkyoghurt 4 роки тому +1

    Many riders underestimate the difference good suspension and brakes can make. I've had many supersport bikes which were sprung too light with shitty oil/valves. Ever had the feeling of the forks bottoming out and you feel like you're on cobblestones? Ever brake hard and have the rear tire bounce around? Ever feel wobbly in a corner? Yeah, all that's suspension and could be fixed for less than $500 on the cheap. It will improve your laptimes and street riding experience more than any engine upgrade would. Brakes are the same deal. I have Brembo Monoblocs on my bike and they're incredible. Steel lines and a good Radial master brake cylinder make a world of difference.
    With my 90HP Hypermotard I was outlapping guys on 160hp+ bikes because I could go later on the brakes, hold more speed in corners and get out quicker.

  • @AdrianSinner97
    @AdrianSinner97 4 роки тому +10

    Great inspiration and such a great benefit for all of us, the amateurs - when a world champ goes vlogging about our all time 'why' and 'how to'.

  • @waggywagstaff
    @waggywagstaff 4 роки тому +14

    This man is an absolute Boss...!

  • @leewatkeys9065
    @leewatkeys9065 4 роки тому +2

    What fantastic detail for us mere mortals. Great series Sylvain 👍🏻

  • @kirkallen4314
    @kirkallen4314 4 роки тому +19

    Makes me want to buy the GSXR

    • @Thomas-us4wq
      @Thomas-us4wq 4 роки тому +2

      Go for it.. :) The Variable Valve Timing engine on these bikes are also very sweet... Simply sublime..

    • @williamoakes664
      @williamoakes664 4 роки тому +2

      It’s certainly a good advert 💪🏻👍🏼....just love my k5 too much to warrant a swap

    • @garrygarry3371
      @garrygarry3371 4 роки тому +2

      Just got a 2015 gsxr 1000 the thing is nuts!!!!

  • @motorcyclemedicine9007
    @motorcyclemedicine9007 8 місяців тому +1

    Really useful information Sylvain..I'm actually moving away from gen 1 BMW to GSXR 1000 2019 Onwards so will likely use your setup as a base for super stock spec club racing..please could you tell me what gearing or more importantly swingarm length best suited the British race tracks..did you run with the standard length on 118 or 120 chain ? Good luck with the new chapter on the BMW..As a big team, so far so good 👍🏻👍🏻

  • @glennforsyth3539
    @glennforsyth3539 4 роки тому +2

    yeah, i've just fitted an Ohlins shock to my old RSV MILLE, reavalved the forks new springs and yeah the confidence it gives throgh the turns is impressive, nice to see a pro has the same conclusions

  • @V.D.22
    @V.D.22 4 роки тому

    The best Ohlins commercial! Great video! Thanks!

  • @steveoliver177
    @steveoliver177 4 роки тому

    Very instructional. I’ve always wondered about the real difference Ohlins can make. Now we know. Keep up the great work Sylvain.

  • @ChadOHara98
    @ChadOHara98 4 роки тому +1

    Thanks for the great information! Some of the adjustments you made I had never heard of before, like how the fork oil level affects the bottom of stroke feel. I always learn something new when you’re around 🤘🏼

  • @peterday3253
    @peterday3253 4 роки тому

    Clear communication. Great video. Thanks to all that contributed.

  • @walterlawlor8007
    @walterlawlor8007 4 роки тому

    Sylvain, I always figured you for a good guy, and I was right! Thanks for these videos. Super enjoying them and this series.

  • @kikobruni
    @kikobruni 4 роки тому

    Amazing video!!!
    Very nice to see the improvement the Ohllins parts have produced!!!
    Thanks a lot for making this video and for sharing with us!!!
    Have a good one!!!

  • @SimonCole
    @SimonCole 4 роки тому +8

    Absolutely fascinating video, The data from the GoPro is amazing. 3 seconds off the outright lap time on road tyres and stock exhaust is amazing, surely thats the next to go? Ohh and you had your mirrors sticking out!

  • @jamesgray541
    @jamesgray541 4 роки тому +4

    This is such an amazing series , brilliant ! 👍

  • @SeeliLeck3r
    @SeeliLeck3r 4 роки тому +1

    What a sick content ! Thanks Sylvain for all you're doing here. By far, you own the most interesting bike specialised UA-cam channel 🙂 Had the chance to meet you at the 2016 EICMA. You talked with me for few minutes (in French ! 😉), I felt blessed, as you were very humble and nice. Keep the good work 🙂

  • @ninjarider7
    @ninjarider7 4 роки тому

    Thanks a bunch for the break down of the suspension upgrade. As usual your explanations are clear and extremely helpful.

  • @calikid7116
    @calikid7116 Рік тому

    I got full Ohlins on my K6 1000 best handling bike I have ridden and I been riding over 10 years. Got the full cartridge kit, damper, and shock, and ride on Pirellis

  • @joaoalexandrino6220
    @joaoalexandrino6220 4 роки тому

    And this guys, is how you do marketing! Great video Sylvain

  • @Bornie205
    @Bornie205 4 роки тому +3

    Very informative, thanks Sylvain. Just shows making the suspension ‘harder’ isnt the optimum even on track.

  • @MoSpoTV
    @MoSpoTV 4 роки тому

    Great video and comparison, very interesting for me as a GSXR 1000 R rider on the race track. I had some problems adjusting the stock front forks as they bottomed out on the brakes no matter what I changed. Rider weight 75kg wirhout riding gear. First thing I did was changing the springs to 10,5s which already helped but not sollen the problem, even wirh compressiom almost closed. Then I raised the front from stock 16mm length over the upper clamp to 7mm, so I raised the front 9mm to remove some load from the front wheel. Again better stability on the brakes, a bit worse handling while turning but still okay and it still bottomed out. Tried 25 and 30mm rider sag (wirh warm oil), but it did not solve the problem. In that time I also installed a new rear shock with adjustible length and turned it from 313 to 318mm for handling purpose and it gave me better handling and rear grip while not making the front feel worse under braking. I sent the forks to a suspension tuner for a revalve but still the same problem. Now I bought the Öhlins FGRT 224 forks wirh a paar of 10s and 11s springs for this bike and hope I can set them up correctly to finally solve this problems. What would your suggestion be wirh the stock forks in this situation because even changing the braking style to slowly touch the front brake and them increasing whe pressure did not help. One possibility would have been 11s springs or Mode fork oil but I think in terms of sag and some handling situations that might have caused some other problems or what do you think? Another idea was that the rear shocks rebound might have forced the to forks to collapse quicker and I had the feeling that the rear was pushing the bike from the back due the increased rear grip from the shock. Lap times are always about the middle of the fastest group and tires were Dunlops D213 120/70 and 200/60 both in MS2. Had many people who just raised their shoulders because nothing worked and they had no Mode ideas. What would you try first in such a situation? Currently I think I will start with completly stock geometry with the new fgrt forks and see how they and the rest of the bike handle at about 80-90% speed and the do one step after the other. Sorry for these many questions...thank xou in advance and greetings from germany! Stay safe and healthy!

  • @speedsupply3295
    @speedsupply3295 4 роки тому +1

    Massively underrated. His potential is too good. He needs more viewers count at least. ❤️👍🏻

  • @VeeFour
    @VeeFour 4 роки тому +6

    Excellent, I'm really enjoying your videos Sylvain. You have a very enthusiastic and engaging style, that would be perfect for BT Sport or Eurosport once you decide that your professional riding days are behind you 👍👍

  • @andybowen1981
    @andybowen1981 4 роки тому

    Fast becoming a great UA-cam channel. Tribute to Sylvain for investing his time and energy into illustrating to us mere mortals an insight into his technical experience and riding skill in a way that's genuinely interesting, understandable and above all fun.

  • @sanakpal8036
    @sanakpal8036 4 роки тому +2

    Best channel on YT.

  • @Zipcode69
    @Zipcode69 4 роки тому

    Great quality video again as usual. Really enjoying the journey you're taking on the new GSXR1000R.

  • @Jimmy_Jim_Jim_1234
    @Jimmy_Jim_Jim_1234 4 роки тому +4

    I bought a 675R for a trackday bike due to the Ohlins. Happy with my decision.

    • @sk2283
      @sk2283 4 роки тому

      I had one for track days, brilliant bike, it’s a giant killer 👍

    • @xpayleskill
      @xpayleskill 4 роки тому

      The problem with that kind of suspensions, if you aren't able to set them up well they can be a disaster. The OEM is not has good when the setup is great, but easier to setup

  • @philamguambomb
    @philamguambomb 3 роки тому

    Thank you for your honest and humble videos and reviews. Just the fact you are a MotoGP/Pro rider making videos for us fans makes you more credible. You are the best moto youtuber out there. If you ever come to Southern California let me know! Will support you best way possible and show you around!👍🙏

  • @jgsimons
    @jgsimons 4 роки тому

    Great channel! The level of detail and explanations to provide understanding are tremendous.

  • @sambetton5922
    @sambetton5922 4 роки тому

    Sylva in just awesome keep up the good work. Loving data analysis after track for an enthusiast like myself who is obsessed with bikes and racing this ticks all the boxeses 👍👍👍

  • @johnb4445
    @johnb4445 4 роки тому

    Wish I looked that fast going into the hairpin, cracking video Sylvain, very informative including going into the data

  • @turkishexpress
    @turkishexpress 4 роки тому +4

    Awesome stuff. When you replace the tires, I'd like to see this comparison again. And for giggles, you should break the lap record for that track. You know you can lol

    • @V.D.22
      @V.D.22 4 роки тому

      without a proper SBK bike, it is impossible.

  • @cecilwilson5442
    @cecilwilson5442 4 роки тому

    Not only a quick racer but a very good with machine set up and an awesome development role,, just subscribed to the channel and very glad I did,, thank you for the video awesome viewing from Northern Ireland greatly appreciated, ☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️

  • @TheConan996
    @TheConan996 2 роки тому

    2013 gsxr1000, I went ohlins nix cartridges and same rear shock ohlins ttx gp. Same setup that won Australian superbike championship that year- no complaints , front forks flush rear ride height on shock 2mm to stop tank slappers - need to playground with compression on forks as a little bit harsh for our West Australian roads but cheaper and faster than a Ducati with these mods cheers Tim

  • @one-of-us9939
    @one-of-us9939 4 роки тому

    I very much appreciate your video!👍
    I am also blessed to ride a 2018 Aprilia RSV4 RF LE with wings which wears Ohlins front and rear. IMHO they make me a better rider... and that is what I'm here for, not just lap times.

  • @astramorikes224
    @astramorikes224 4 роки тому

    Great content as always! Thank you for sharing Sylvain!

  • @birgerlootens4064
    @birgerlootens4064 4 роки тому

    Amazing video Sylvain! Thanks, keep up the good work!

  • @findingneutral426
    @findingneutral426 4 роки тому

    Production is awesome mate. Good stuff

  • @lordnibs758
    @lordnibs758 4 роки тому

    Another mega video! Top work fella

  • @MaciusSzwed
    @MaciusSzwed Рік тому

    I only trust and buy ÖHLINS! Best damping in the world for both bikes and cars, was at their HQ in Upplands Väsby 2 decades ago, amazing factory, saw the Motogp bikes. So conclusion is that FKR front cartridge and TTX rear is the way to go! Merci

  • @vetonr192
    @vetonr192 4 роки тому

    Nice set-up and nice suits you have

  • @papamichailang
    @papamichailang 2 роки тому

    awesome info, imagine having a comparison with average debate change exhaust and PCV vs suspension change

  • @kawi704racing
    @kawi704racing 4 роки тому

    I did enjoy it, and you are great at explaining the intricacies of bike performance. I think it would be great to hear stories of your time in WSBK or throughout you incredible career...all the best.

    • @SylvainGuintoli
      @SylvainGuintoli  4 роки тому

      next time in one of my live chats, ask me what you want to know about WSBK 👍🏼

  • @anidiotinaracingcar
    @anidiotinaracingcar 4 роки тому +1

    I hope Suzuki will offer good electronic suspensions on their next gixer...just because I'd like to watch you testing them

  • @6arethevan5
    @6arethevan5 4 роки тому

    Thanks again, really enjoying and learning from your posts 🏍️😁👍

  • @markt8707
    @markt8707 4 роки тому

    Just want to say thank you for these videos they're very informative. 👍

  • @euskafreez
    @euskafreez 4 роки тому

    That was awesome … as usual ! Now you need to give your Session the full Öhlins treatment 😉.

  • @metakmoto
    @metakmoto 4 роки тому

    Amazing video! A lot of work went into making this. Thanks for showing us the differences in what suspension can do for the bike. Keep up the the great work 😁👍👍

  • @themorganator
    @themorganator 4 роки тому

    brilliant video Sylvain! Just needs some onboard footage, but thanks for the great content!

  • @joeyvarden2002
    @joeyvarden2002 4 роки тому +1

    Keep this coming Sylvain, your videos are amazing, I want to have a bike sometime ( I’m looking at the Kawasaki Ninja 125 or the Suzuki GSXR 125), your videos educate me so well done 👍👍

  • @jameshirai8936
    @jameshirai8936 Рік тому

    Very cool and informative vid, TY! I’m curious what kind-brand of GPS data acquisition system you’re using?

  • @freelancerider100
    @freelancerider100 2 роки тому

    I have finally got my showa forks tuned to a liking.... After a rebuild with springs and valves. The big down side of the bff forks is the upper bushing is too narrow

  • @chrisa1965
    @chrisa1965 4 роки тому +4

    Yeah. Thanks for this video and the others, Sylvain. Swear by Ohlins. My first set of Ohlins were on a K6. TTX shock but not R&T forks though, just Ohlins fork internals. Made a massive difference (MH Racing over in Wiltshire).
    Question: would you go further and reduce wheel weight with carbon or forged aluminium or would that upset the balance?

    • @SylvainGuintoli
      @SylvainGuintoli  4 роки тому +9

      That would be a very interesting test 💡👍🏻

    • @glennforsyth3539
      @glennforsyth3539 4 роки тому +2

      i just bought and fitted OZ wheels to my RSV mille and i can vouch for the massive difference it will make, all positive turn faster the feel in turns is impressive, i ended up with a 5 kg weight diffence, thats major on any thing that rotates, a little fettling with settings but not a lot

  • @Twinpot1962
    @Twinpot1962 4 роки тому

    Awesome videos, great to watch......please keep them going 👍

  • @theestate12
    @theestate12 4 роки тому

    Terrific videos. I would like a video on how teams change the rear wheel so fast. Takes me a lot longer sorting the sensors and getting the chain tension correct.
    Ride on.

    • @SylvainGuintoli
      @SylvainGuintoli  4 роки тому

      Racing Teams have special systems to change the wheels quick. Best ones is in EWC, Team Suzuki-Yoshimura at the Suzuka 8H can change both wheels + refuel in 12 secondes 🔥

  • @ashrayhebbar5885
    @ashrayhebbar5885 4 роки тому

    Extremely informative and useful content!

  • @unemployedducatista9997
    @unemployedducatista9997 4 роки тому

    Merci Sylvain for this great video.
    Just a caveat for the viewers who might be tempted to throw their money away:
    **** The Ohlins forks and shock do not come with the Ohlins technician. ***
    Adjust-ability is the main benefits of this hardware and without the help of a knowledgeable person you might end up with a setup worse than stock.
    Next video: Sylvain installs carbon wheels on his GSX-R and breaks the lap record!

  • @liruizhu2146
    @liruizhu2146 3 роки тому

    Good presentation for Ohlins. Take my money.

  • @gixxerflier1
    @gixxerflier1 4 роки тому +5

    Really glad I paid $3k more for the R model- mostly for the upgraded suspension. FFS could have got the base model and bought O front and rear for barely more. Not a good promotion for Suzuki.

    • @flamintasty
      @flamintasty 2 роки тому +1

      Why? You probably wouldn’t get near the limits of the OEM suspension, let alone get any further benefits from Ohlins.

    • @NvTwist
      @NvTwist Рік тому

      @@flamintasty for someone that doesn’t have one video of themselves doing ANYTHING ya sure do talk a-lot of trash… those who can’t post nothing but 💩

  • @Starfield6824
    @Starfield6824 4 роки тому

    Looks like your on the right track!
    You've figured out one part of my design from 2015!
    Can you figure out the other 35x changes to get her working to win a Championship?
    You have the suspension settings wrong but your on the correct path

  • @35goaltender
    @35goaltender 4 роки тому

    It would also have been interesting to see how the stock suspension with the swingarm pivot in the race mode would have impacted lap times. With the steeper swingarm angle there should be less squat accelerating out of turns.

  • @ENTK87
    @ENTK87 4 роки тому

    11:55 I'd spend much money too, on a set of Ohlins rather than paying for a Windows 10 license !!! :P :P Thumbs up for your GSXR series of videos.
    Great basic setup information sharing for someone who wants to figure out what every setting does and go on improving his laptimes.
    Stay safe, thumbs up again! :)

  • @rimfire2642
    @rimfire2642 3 роки тому +1

    So what this video says to me, and rightfully so is, if you're a RACER, and you're looking for that last 1.6 seconds it might be worth spending $3500 on Ohlins suspension upgrades. Oh, and if you have your own Ohlins technician on hand and a day or two of private access to a road course. At that point, is when you really need Ohlins suspension. Otherwise, for the vast vast vast majority of riders, even track riders, the OE suspension is perfectly fine and just something as simple as better tires, tuning the OE suspension, is really all that's needed.

  • @alastairb8597
    @alastairb8597 3 місяці тому

    I appreciate it won't be up there with the Ohlins, but what did you think of the Showa kit on the R ?

  • @vikonwheels2016
    @vikonwheels2016 2 роки тому

    Hi Sylvain- is technology similar between the stock front suspension showa bff and the onlins… ? Thanks in advance - your content is very helpful

  • @SteveBrigden
    @SteveBrigden 4 роки тому +2

    Fascinating as always. Would love to get the chance to ride a bike equipped with this level of suspension (have Maxton on my race bike). That GPS analysis - was that all derived from your GoPro and uploaded to serious-racing? If so, I’ve got to get myself a GoPro now that the season is starting again!! Merci Sylvain 👌

    • @SylvainGuintoli
      @SylvainGuintoli  4 роки тому +2

      Yes, this is GoPro GPS data, you can upload it in serious-racing or RaceChronoPro

  • @josefsmolka4442
    @josefsmolka4442 3 роки тому

    Hello Sylvain, which software you are using for data analysis in this video please? Thank you for your answer.

  • @vignessh
    @vignessh 4 роки тому

    Fantastic video and analysis Sylvain. Thank you for taking the time to do a detailed analysis and proving that stock bikes these days are so good out of the factory.
    Q: How would you rate the tyre wear with this setup vs stock? Any difference?

  • @TheDrJayD
    @TheDrJayD 4 роки тому +1

    What is the software you are using For the analysis Sylvain?

  • @3142857
    @3142857 4 роки тому

    Great video, can you test next time with some really sticky tyres. I used to think that the first thing would be to get the best tyres possible for track days but those types of tyres wear down fast and are quite costly. It makes more sense to upgrade the suspension first as it is not a consumable like rubber. 3k for Ohlins, that's around 10/11 sets of tyres.

  • @paulcreevey9168
    @paulcreevey9168 4 роки тому

    Class Sylvan. Thank you👍

  • @rustycrane6810
    @rustycrane6810 3 роки тому

    Hi Champ
    Brilliant 🍺
    You Mentioned rear shock length, is that on the bench or installed with weight?
    Fork length would also be great .

  • @legolator
    @legolator 4 роки тому +1

    Notification squad. Gonna enjoy watching this in my hammock. 😀👍

  • @manojthapa9456
    @manojthapa9456 4 роки тому +1

    love your videos.

  • @kayratosun2235
    @kayratosun2235 3 роки тому

    Sylvain, nice informative video in the impact of suspension upgrades.
    When I inquired about the the FKR-100 kit (FKR 118) with Ohlins in Sweden for my GSXR-1000R 2020 the advise was that the kit was not suitable for 2017 GSXR1000-R BFF fork. So I am a bit confused. Did you have something special made using the FKR system? Can you share Ohlins UK contact information so I could clarify. The website for Ohlins UK that I found does not list the GSXR-1000R model in their drop down menu either ...

  • @krittinteerasawasdi4333
    @krittinteerasawasdi4333 4 роки тому

    Wow!! The channel intro.

  • @ianmajor8227
    @ianmajor8227 4 роки тому +1

    Fantastic as always, thank you. I replaced my standard suspension with Ohlins FGRT forks and a TTX GP shock. It would be great to see how you feel my current settings could be improved. Investing in great suspension is one thing, finding that balance and extracting their full potential is another.

  • @dizzicz
    @dizzicz 4 роки тому

    How I can like more than once? Now seriously, your videos are from different motorcycle planet.

  • @-DC-
    @-DC- 4 роки тому

    Fantastic content 👍

  • @bigd4856
    @bigd4856 4 роки тому

    Got TTX rear and damper but I resorting the forks so far. Looked for FKR 100 but no see.
    Would like to not spend another 2k though. And at $2200 y not just get new forks fir $2500🤷‍♂️
    Wana try to set up current fork though

  • @raulfabiano
    @raulfabiano 4 роки тому

    Awesome video man!!! I have a question, what’s this program that you use to analyze your data?? Thank you so much for this content!!

  • @andybautista1970
    @andybautista1970 4 роки тому

    Great videos, question. Is there a way to disconnect the gsxr1000r abs just for the track and easily connect it back for the street? Thanks

  • @travyzf2880
    @travyzf2880 3 роки тому

    Learning heaps, your a fucking Legend.
    Thanks Sylv.

  • @Runyamouth
    @Runyamouth 4 роки тому +1

    Great vid once again! One question Sylvain.. what gps unit do you use on track?

    • @SylvainGuintoli
      @SylvainGuintoli  4 роки тому +5

      This datas were recorded with the integrated GPS from my GoPro Hero7 black
      Then I used the RaceTechnology software to read the datas.

  • @lovethisstuff9327
    @lovethisstuff9327 4 роки тому

    Hi Sylvain,
    Can you please do a steering damper set up vid? I realised this has more impact on set-up than i thought when i chased my tail trying to solve a big rear end shake i was getting on fast corners bumps and finally found my damper was too hard thus same effect as holding onto bars too hard.
    Thanks if you can 👍

    • @SylvainGuintoli
      @SylvainGuintoli  4 роки тому +1

      Steering damper setup is very much down to rider preference and also depends on the bike. For reference I ended the Öhlins test 6 clicks from fully closed (out of 16). I would advise to experience during your day on track, try to close or open in small steps depending on your feeling until you find the right balance.

  • @mlipinsk
    @mlipinsk 2 роки тому

    Hello Sylvain. I Bought my GSX-R 1000 L7 (standard model) because it's fully for track days use, and thinking about complete Ohlins suspension change. So it did not make sense to invest into R model when I want different suspension anyway. So thanks for this video, its great. But before suspension change, I'm also thinking what I can do with standard one. Last time on Brno/Brunn race track, I feel I have not enough rear grip exiting corners compare to other riders on similar lap times. I gain a time on brakes and in corners, but struggling on exits. Even with Metzeler Racetec Slick K1 rubber, I cannot accelerate like other bikes, and bike pushes me very wide, and I feel rear movements. Do you or anyone else have any recommendation for standard (non R) model track day setup, especially rear shock? Will try to make it a bit harder and see a difference, but its always easier to have good solid recommendation and start from it, than make all changes itself one by one. There is plenty of recommendations for R model on BFF forks, but not for standard BPF model. PS: Good luck in Suzuka 8h :-) SERT because of Suzuki + Yart because of Karel Hanika are my horses there.

  • @giannadionisi9709
    @giannadionisi9709 2 роки тому +1

    Hello Sylvain, I would like to know if you still consider the best solution to raise the front bike oh the gsxr1000 2017. Thanks

    • @SylvainGuintoli
      @SylvainGuintoli  2 роки тому

      For track use yes. I raised mine from standard position by 10 to 12mm.

    • @giannadionisi9709
      @giannadionisi9709 2 роки тому

      Thank you so much. I will do!

    • @SylvainGuintoli
      @SylvainGuintoli  2 роки тому

      @@giannadionisi9709 Also I would highly recommend to fit a racing steering damper for the track (I use the Ohlins one)

    • @giannadionisi9709
      @giannadionisi9709 2 роки тому +1

      @@SylvainGuintoli thanks, you are very kind. A last thing. I ride in Misano and Vallelunga with 200/55 tire and 16-45 trasmission. do you think that's right?

    • @SylvainGuintoli
      @SylvainGuintoli  2 роки тому

      @@giannadionisi9709 yes