Jacob Lee - Conscience (Music Video)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 2,6 тис.

  • @jacobleeofficial
    @jacobleeofficial  5 років тому +2122

    Do you want to hear unreleased songs before everyone else, chat with me in a private discord, & receive 20% off my merch for life?
    Join my community now: bit.ly/lowlylandclub 🌹

    • @anibas685
      @anibas685 5 років тому +11

      Jacob Lee you deserve it and more ✌️

    • @shykyl3949
      @shykyl3949 5 років тому +12

      First time listening to your music. It's woken me up and got my creativity flowing:) you have touch so many people it seems like, I want to do the same! Beautiful life we all live:)

    • @theswitchcontroller9062
      @theswitchcontroller9062 5 років тому +3

      It's 2 days even better dude

    • @irenehalam7752
      @irenehalam7752 5 років тому +4

      Your music is very soothing...

    • @actuallyfiora
      @actuallyfiora 5 років тому +3

      i just love your songs and im listening to it since ehhhh, idk its been a long time :D

  • @jacobleeofficial
    @jacobleeofficial  5 років тому +963

    The long awaited is finally here...
    I shall visit you upon the premiere. I can't wait to chat with you all 💐
    @jacobleemusic x

    • @lolipuch8220
      @lolipuch8220 5 років тому +3

      It will be an amazing and stunning music video, I can imagine it ... 🌌🌌🌌💫💫💫

    • @jacobleeofficial
      @jacobleeofficial  5 років тому +9

      Thank you@@lolipuch8220

    • @shahadrizq7770
      @shahadrizq7770 5 років тому

      I’m excited!! 💗💗💗

    • @lucianoviana8521
      @lucianoviana8521 5 років тому

      i wating \o/

    • @valeriy_pikiner
      @valeriy_pikiner 5 років тому

      I listen to you recently. I really like your work :)
      Very soulful)

  • @yonttelydominguez6226
    @yonttelydominguez6226 5 років тому +442

    We don't deserve you man. You're out of this world. You being recommended by Spotify to me was the best thing that ever happened to me. You've literally changed me.

    • @bendemare5270
      @bendemare5270 5 років тому +1

      Really? How?

    • @antonycamilleri1197
      @antonycamilleri1197 5 років тому +8

      there's a kind heart you have , nice too see a polite , appreciative happy being , blessings on your journey

    • @yonttelydominguez6226
      @yonttelydominguez6226 5 років тому +4

      @@antonycamilleri1197 omg thanks for your words! It truly means a lot to hear that.

    • @yonttelydominguez6226
      @yonttelydominguez6226 5 років тому +9

      @@bendemare5270 he thought me, through his music, how to appreciate little things, and how deep emotions can really be. Like with the song Reality and Breadcrums, those have been the more impactful to me. And with I Belong to You i doscovered a new viewpoint of longing for a significant one.

    • @antonycamilleri1197
      @antonycamilleri1197 5 років тому +5

      @@yonttelydominguez6226 your so welcome brother , I wish you and your family enjoy the beauty of beautiful world , may you be blessed with wisdom , trust and know something's only occur once , like the time we have with our parents , siblings , friends , children and lovers
      blessings to you

  • @Lambooo2391
    @Lambooo2391 2 роки тому +57

    Jacob your music is a gift from God. Has helped me in my most joyful and darkest times. I personally thank you.

  • @Druid896
    @Druid896 3 місяці тому +4

    "If you could just elaborate, I'll follow"
    This sums up all my frustrations. Sometimes, I get close to quitting, and on days like this, I very nearly do. Alexander the great said that "more battles are lost through loss of hope than loss of blood." Somehow, I always just keep waking up tomorrow, continuing my search for higher consciousness. One day, I will break through, and I know I will. My sufferings now are to add to my journey and give me a contrast, which makes the light all the more sweeter. I don't know what God is, but I seek his healing hands. This is the heroes journey. Love is unconditional. We are all angels incarnated, we just forgot it.

  • @abnayr8440
    @abnayr8440 5 років тому +447

    The lyrics are so deeply spiritual. Cant stop listening to it

  • @deroueslyna2693
    @deroueslyna2693 5 років тому +303

    Anyone else getting Jesus vibes every time you listen to Jacob? I seriously can't sleep unless I put his music on ❤️❤️

    • @123fireblaze
      @123fireblaze 5 років тому +15

      If jesus sang, it'd definitely be the voice of jacob lee

    • @gabrielly9224
      @gabrielly9224 5 років тому +13

      dude i feel jesus in many songs he sings

    • @Loveispatient_2024
      @Loveispatient_2024 5 років тому +2

      Jesus Yeshuah wasnt a white male, the hollywood jsus cesare borgia was created to create the image of the antichrist. It would be good for believers to actually read the book they worship.. Revelations 1 Jesus is described as a man with WOOLY hair and dark skin like burned in a oven

    • @healthseries8149
      @healthseries8149 5 років тому +9

      me too..i feel this song is about Christ

    • @Heather13351
      @Heather13351 5 років тому +11

      @@Loveispatient_2024 actually you're half wrong. It is revelations 14-16 which says, "the hair on his head was white like wool, white as snow, and his eyes we're like blazing fire, his FEET were like BRONZE GLOWING in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters. In his right hand he held seven stars, and coming outout of his mouth was a sharp double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance." However, he was originally Jewish and from Israel, so yes, he would have a tan or "browned complexion". Nonetheless, yes, it would be great for believers to actually read, understand, and follow the bible.

  • @sugarrush9010
    @sugarrush9010 5 років тому +884

    Let me become what I want
    You won't believe what I ponder
    I saw the world through a notch
    Somewhere within I uncovered
    Everything that I once was
    Dwelling beyond my subconscious
    I saw myself as a god
    That's when I realised I wasn't
    When I asked how you colour the sky
    And you told me I already knew
    When I asked could I see through your eyes
    And you told me I already do
    Oh then why do I feel like a fool
    Tell me there's a path to take
    Where I'll know
    I will get another day
    If you could just elaborate
    I'll follow
    Cause I don't know if I'm awake
    Let me become what I'm not
    I don't decide what I ponder
    I saw the Earth as it was
    The moment I fell to its aura
    There I erased all my thoughts
    Teaching myself to discover
    Everything I thought I lost
    Hiding right where I left off
    When I asked how you colour the sky
    And you told me I already knew
    When I asked you to see through my eyes
    And you told me you already do
    Oh then why do I feel like a fool
    Tell me there's a path to take
    Where I'll know
    Everything will be okay
    If you could just elaborate
    I'll follow
    Cause I don't know if I'm awake
    I'm unsure if I should ask
    But I question everything that I see
    I venture into my past
    Reliasing that it's in front of me
    I sit with hands in my lap
    Piecing together these memories
    I left you where I began
    Knowing that I'm what you used to be

  • @valyada19
    @valyada19 5 років тому +276

    Its not only that he looks like the Jesus we know, but he also is spiritual and has conscience and presence. His songs have Universal vibe in them. Very nice to see a guy my age being so spiritual, kind-hearted, and powerfull. Such a good voice, so brightened and free of any spiritual limits

    • @binarydupizza6781
      @binarydupizza6781 3 роки тому +1

      Cesare Borgia not Jesus. 👀

    • @Jake-pt8cv
      @Jake-pt8cv 2 роки тому


    • @OGStarlightKY
      @OGStarlightKY Рік тому

      If you read Revelations 1:14-15 you would know that Jesus is a false image. It’s Cesare Borgia painted as The Messiah. Any image of Christ that predated the Renaissance was always painted as a black man with an Afro.

    • @immahana6854
      @immahana6854 Рік тому +1

      Am I the Only One who feels the spite of these two men replying to your comment just because you praised Jacob lee or someone else sees that!!😮

  • @ColetteCostello
    @ColetteCostello 3 місяці тому +2

    Jacob, my name is Colette from Dublin, Ireland. I came across your music at a time in my life when I really needed it. Thank you so much. You now have a fan for life ! Take care and have a great life with your family !!!Thank you again !!!! 2024 !!!! ❤

  • @anjalikathomas45
    @anjalikathomas45 5 років тому +548

    0% nudity, 100% talent!!! Simply amazing!!

    • @nia3926
      @nia3926 5 років тому +5

      You are !! :)

    • @SuSuuRbinA
      @SuSuuRbinA 5 років тому +3

      And is left handed... 😍❤️

  • @thunderbirdice
    @thunderbirdice 5 років тому +154

    How can 3 people already not like this?
    They probably have not found their inner peace.

    • @kristofferhansenholst918
      @kristofferhansenholst918 5 років тому +1

      agreed! Don't understand how people don't adore this song!

    • @anisasopiah9958
      @anisasopiah9958 5 років тому +1

      They probably are drinking

    • @christopherjackson7359
      @christopherjackson7359 5 років тому +3

      Most havent just look at the world.
      I am also sure some late nights you question what you have found

    • @PriscillaSol1993
      @PriscillaSol1993 5 років тому

      To be fair, everyone has a different taste. :)
      I love his music but it's no must to love every single song someone makes.

  • @milo_thatch_incarnate
    @milo_thatch_incarnate 5 років тому +137

    God, Jacob, I don’t know if you’ll ever see this but I want you to know that your words and your art make my life so much more beautiful. The world needs more artists like you, who put into *words* the deepest thoughts, fears, and cravings of the human heart. God bless you, Jacob Lee.

  • @peppedf2792
    @peppedf2792 5 років тому +107

    Since I discovered Jacob, I cannot live without his songs.
    Pure talent. Looking forward to see you in London.

  • @halii5duh170
    @halii5duh170 Рік тому +7

    It's Christmas Eve 2023, and tonight is the very first time ii have heard this particular tune/song/melody/memory... brought me to tears... cannot even begin to express or explain how this described my last 4 years...n though it's beautiful it hurts my heart because ii miss my 3 sons so badly but bc of circumstances and this journey I'm on I've been separated from them for the past 3 and tomorrow 4 Christmas's... Happy holidays and Merry Christmas to UU all, treasure the moments, for the hour draws near that those moments will be distant memories sooner than a wink between..

  • @RogueNeighShun
    @RogueNeighShun 5 років тому +36

    You've perfectly expressed what the awakening process is like. The song evolves as the soul does and it's beautiful. Thank you so much, Jacob Lee.

    • @LukeS95
      @LukeS95 9 місяців тому +1

      Exactly what I experience with this song as well!

  • @antonycamilleri1197
    @antonycamilleri1197 5 років тому +49

    this song connected too my heart , awakened my soul , wishing you a happy , creative journey , blessings to you all

  • @itsme6038
    @itsme6038 5 років тому +78

    Beautiful lyrics... beautiful music video..💚💚💚 am excited for more..

  • @fadwaahmed1634
    @fadwaahmed1634 3 роки тому +9

    This song is just so authentic
    It touches a deep place in my heart .. Reminds me of a time i felt so deeply grateful and loved .. Makes want to pray

  • @daleseepersad230
    @daleseepersad230 4 роки тому +15

    He pulled my essence straight out of me with these lyrics... You've graced me with light once again. .. Beautiful!!

  • @BLewis-ks8zu
    @BLewis-ks8zu 5 років тому +24

    I feel like I have to watch this over and over to really get all the layers of meaning in this. It's really quite beautiful and poetic and has so much depth. LOVE.

  • @ramonbelgi
    @ramonbelgi 5 років тому +21

    Long hair, nature can’t go wrong with that. Bless these visuals tho.

  • @tanyapierce5726
    @tanyapierce5726 3 роки тому +9

    "When I asked how you colored the sky and you told me I already knew. When I asked you to see through my eyes and you told me I already do." Artistry at Soul 🌬🎨 🎙🎸🎶 You're taking my breathe away.

  • @sephirothdomain1
    @sephirothdomain1 3 роки тому +8

    He's like a modern day Jesus and this is his ministry to us

  • @TheSunnyTrails
    @TheSunnyTrails 4 роки тому +3

    This is the questions the go through my head. The way I feel. My relationships with my parents. Being young as a toddler discovering with world before my innocence was stripped from me from media and adults. Back when the earth was beautiful and it just was

  • @beatwolf9988
    @beatwolf9988 5 років тому +15

    You’re my favorite singer jacob, I listen to your songs when i feel alone and it makes me feel better. Never stop singing

  • @queencanislupusofthewolfpa2247
    @queencanislupusofthewolfpa2247 5 років тому +146

    Let me be who I am without judgement. I am who I am. Everyone has their own life experience no matter how close we may become to each other. Live your life as you see it. The Greatest thing you can do is let go of anyone or anything that does not serve your life experience. I believe in letting others live their lives without judging. There's but one who really judges ALL. Leave me alone to live my human experience because I am aware of the individual right to be who we are. I don't want to share my Soul with just anyone only the one that can understand, love and respect me for who I am without hidden plans or agendas. Someone that can hold my heart and not destroy it. They say there are many paths to God for me one of them is just Being existing inside of who I am. It's just "knowing" When you Branch out to find yourself you were always there inside of you. It's hard to comprehend when there is so much focus on the outside looking at the world. The song explains how the singer seems to be confused about who he is. I understand this, as for my own understanding when he says: I ask how you painted the sky and so on. My understanding is as long as we are still flesh many things will not be seen. Our stay here is temporary no matter how many years we live on Earth our body still dies. But my true existence is Spirit from God who knows every single thing there is to know. When we are transformed back to our original self everything is clear how God did everything that had to do with this world, man and everything beyond because we are like Him again. Knowing all things and understanding it. So for those who confess to being a god they believe by faith until God gives them the right now clarity to understand some things. "I am a god" the Bible says we are gods we are Spirits . I can see now in this flesh some Spiritual things as God gives me the ability but not everything. All things will be revealed in completion as we are transformed back to our original selves. The Bible speaks of this as well. Live your own life and be happy because no matter how close you get to someone you will find that at the end of your search and your life "IT IS JUST STILL YOU WHAT IS INSIDE THE BODY" (Spirit) at the end of it allllllll. Peace

    • @rekikamente1268
      @rekikamente1268 3 роки тому +6

      There is only one way to God and that’s Jesus once you let him in your heart then that’s when you know yourself truly you will find your identity in Christ in him your are a princess cuz when you let him change you and let him inside of your heart then you become God’s child I’m a princess yes I have doubts yes I am unsure of things yes I have insecurities but In the eyes of God those things don’t matter he loves with no reason he loves us in our widest “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”John 3:16 you might think you’re a good person until God judges you righteously. Think of it this way a person invited you to a wedding party and to attend he/she gave you a wedding card so you can show that to get in or as a visa to go to another country. It’s the same with God, He invited us to his glory and he gave us his only begotten son so he can die in our place and become our invitation card when we pray we pray in the name of Jesus we do what’s glory’s God in the name of Jesus then we know that we are saved and we are a citizen of heaven when we truly love Jesus we hate what he hates and we love what he loves he hates sin so should we but as a human being we fall short don’t worry Jesus died for you so don’t go trough challenges alone he hates it when you just fall and don’t wanna get up/ or keep sinning willfully 🙏🏾❤️Jesus loves you

    • @alanabrams7693
      @alanabrams7693 3 роки тому +4

      Not religious anymore but I always let people go their path. I am nobody to judge anybody, all we can do is strive to be a little better each day.

    • @ErickRodriguez-sb6gj
      @ErickRodriguez-sb6gj 3 роки тому +1

      Beautiful 🙏🙏🙏

    • @margaretk-jerczynska2320
      @margaretk-jerczynska2320 3 роки тому


    • @samstephens8792
      @samstephens8792 2 роки тому

      Brother if you're a true believe and a follower of Christ you would know there is no end to it all.

  • @fundipatiwe828
    @fundipatiwe828 5 років тому +27

    Your voice brings me so much joy and comfort. So much love from, South Africa ❤

  • @claudiagheres1692
    @claudiagheres1692 Рік тому +2

    Every song I listen to makes me shudder. Any! You're not from this world! You come from another dimension. Otherwise built inside! !I don't know. You have two hearts, many souls are in you Extraordinary ! !️ !️Every part of your body has a soul... Your eyes, one soul, your mouth another soul, your hands another soul, your hair has another soul.... And so on! !️ And more hearts beat with you. Hence the intensity and depth of your artistic acts! My life and thoughts have changed, deeper and philosophical, since your art came to me! !!️LOVE YOU ❤️ INFINITE‼️

  • @adjailialoua8859
    @adjailialoua8859 5 років тому +9

    Idk but I feel so lucky, unique and special to be among the few who listen and appreciate him!! His music is literally beyond words

  • @shahabanwar6280
    @shahabanwar6280 4 роки тому +26

    Woah. This is honestly a lot of effort put in this song. Music, lyrics, and visuals.
    Loved it.

  • @TheStarPriestessTarot
    @TheStarPriestessTarot 5 років тому +17

    YOU ARE A STARSEED! Thank you for your MAGIC ENERGY 💫

    • @jacobleeofficial
      @jacobleeofficial  5 років тому +5

      Ana Robertson Thank you Ana ❤️

    • @TheStarPriestessTarot
      @TheStarPriestessTarot 5 років тому +3

      Jacob Lee You Welcome! You make me connect with my future Twin Flame. I’m a psychic , medium and healer. You are SPECIAL! Thanks again for your TALENT AND VOICE 🦋

    • @Morganebanks95
      @Morganebanks95 4 роки тому +1

      @@TheStarPriestessTarot i get the same feeling

  • @amyrosth
    @amyrosth 5 років тому +244

    he kinda looks like jesus in that field and idk if it's intentional but I'm digging it

    • @jacobleeofficial
      @jacobleeofficial  5 років тому +58

      uhh human Not intentional, though I’ll take it 😅

    • @amyrosth
      @amyrosth 5 років тому +5

      @@jacobleeofficial bahahah omg,, by the way,, this song is so beautiful,, a masterpiece,, so hype to hear new stuff from you 💖 good job,, a new favourite 👏😍

    • @noonobaid7530
      @noonobaid7530 5 років тому

      uhh human that's what ifelt too

    • @noonobaid7530
      @noonobaid7530 5 років тому +2

      Jacob Lee I really love ur songs and how deep it's you really look like Jesus and am Muslim saying so 😂

    • @BabygalG
      @BabygalG 5 років тому +3

      Oh you have seen Jesus before 😏

  • @anakintsugipoetry
    @anakintsugipoetry 3 роки тому +1

    ALL your songs ARE HIGHER MESSAGES, Messanger.
    Real ones are like you: genuinely beautiful.

  • @Lucyzynha
    @Lucyzynha 7 місяців тому +6

    Como é possível cada música do Jacob aparecer no momento certo com a resposta que preciso? Isso tem acontecido dia após dia e não parece ser acaso, mas ação divina. Jacob, obrigada por suas músicas, você é um anjo ❤🇧🇷

  • @lorimaeder1245
    @lorimaeder1245 5 років тому +6

    You made me feel whole again. You are amazing and I love to listen to your voice. Love to you.♥️

  • @heyjesse934
    @heyjesse934 5 років тому +15

    Too be going through my spiritual journey that has now tooken its place and has been continuously defining me to mold me into, well, ME!....THIS SONG IS BEYOND AMAZING AND HAS ME FEELING ALIVE!!!!!!! You are a beautiful soul sir! And quite handsome might I add! Favorite song and "Ghost"❤❤❤❤🥰

  • @pupibear2246
    @pupibear2246 5 років тому +5

    The lyrics.. 😍 i love the scene in the forest, the library and the maze. Feels like a whole another world.

  • @susanjohnson3265
    @susanjohnson3265 Рік тому +1

    They have been my staple for now 36 years now. And I take them 2 times a day every 12 hours. God bless brother.

  • @wolfcraft45707
    @wolfcraft45707 3 роки тому +8

    To everyone that discovered this song, I congratulate you, because you found real treasure.

  • @misterla9683
    @misterla9683 5 років тому +575

    you probably wont read this Jacob, but if you keep making songs like this and ghost I might be cured of depression soon.
    Thank you doesnt describe what I want to say to you.

    • @perciol9371
      @perciol9371 5 років тому +2

      Mr. Never Wrong yes this song and Ghost

    • @12katrinapaulson90
      @12katrinapaulson90 5 років тому +5

      Same, ghost is one of my favourites!!

    • @demmynotlovotanotmoore2127
      @demmynotlovotanotmoore2127 5 років тому +2

      Mr. Never Wrong what about demons

    • @kalias7129
      @kalias7129 5 років тому +25

      You got a like from Jacob, so he did read your comment. One more reason to rejoice, brother. Keep fighting, you'll win! God bless you!

    • @lyricalgypsy
      @lyricalgypsy 4 роки тому

      Thank you for saying this.

  • @ItsRainingPetals
    @ItsRainingPetals 5 років тому +86

    Min: 3:49 [Jacob looks into camera, fully knows the consequences of his eyes.]
    Me: [A mere peasant in this world with no knowledge of just how much a man's piercing gaze can do. Gets soul snatched from my body. Explodes. Proceeds to listen to song as if I hadn't already heard it a hundred times, singing the lyrics like they are tattooed into my brain.] What is life?
    And I'm going to hear it a thousand times more. Don't you worry about that.
    Jacob you are a blessing to the music industry ❤❤🌷

    • @peterpanic9282
      @peterpanic9282 5 років тому +1

      gaemyanny btw it’s 3:48 but still true what you said :))

  • @rathore3371
    @rathore3371 3 роки тому +9

    Your voice is so mystically, magically divine✨& all the words ✨ omg ✨you touched that part of the brain i didn't knew existed within me✨✨

  • @anakintsugipoetry
    @anakintsugipoetry 3 роки тому +1

    You are: AWAKEN.
    And ... some days it is a mess, others amazement and gratitude.

  • @saratonin1818
    @saratonin1818 Рік тому +5

    One of my favorite songs of yours. I love all of them, but this one just hits me so hard in my soul. Thank you for sharing your talent with us, Jacob. You are so loved and adored.

  • @AshikaPradhan
    @AshikaPradhan 5 років тому +9

    UA-cam finally recommended something that is beyond word. So powerful.

  • @DankMemer42013
    @DankMemer42013 Рік тому +12

    It’s like god brought me to you to show me what pure spiritual energy is and it’s bringing me out of this darkness. Thank you Jacob.

  • @namiaorn
    @namiaorn 5 років тому +7

    ❤️when I heard your song, my heart always melts. Thanks for all songs , especially this song i can feel what you want the world to feel from your song ,,

  • @cindyharr2670
    @cindyharr2670 4 роки тому +3

    Gods gifted talent .... delivering brilliant message of our soul 💝😇

  • @Light-n-love
    @Light-n-love 5 років тому +1

    The Path is Strait from the heart to everyone else's heart

  • @elainedarkin6358
    @elainedarkin6358 5 років тому +6

    Just as the sky is blue and the grass is green, trusting your journey is your success. 💕 Love it!

  • @rebekahdailey5200
    @rebekahdailey5200 5 років тому +4

    The most amazing voice I've ever encountered, I am awake but lost without my love in my life.

  • @njengakamau2762
    @njengakamau2762 4 роки тому +6

    Totally relatable... Heart felt... deeply spiritual... thank you for the song

  • @sharonelizabeth4416
    @sharonelizabeth4416 5 років тому +18

    I started following you because a friend gave me a recommendation....now I can't stop listening to your music...this should be my next ringtone💞💞💞I heart you..and thank you

  • @laisalbuquerque2651
    @laisalbuquerque2651 5 років тому +1

    When I hear your songs, I feel floating, I love your voice, And your songs are pure poems, Beautiful as a star in the darkness, But a star cannot shine alone, As you said: The world is not big enough to live alone.
    thanks Jacob Lee for making me live again.😊🌹

  • @iceawayan7898
    @iceawayan7898 5 років тому +7

    Thank you Jacob Lee, your music saves me!! ❤❤ I hope to see you real soon. Lots of love and respect from the Philippines.

  • @spiritualistess6059
    @spiritualistess6059 4 роки тому +4

    I AM IN LOVE! Jacob you sing my Soul! 🙌

  • @angelnesbitt5127
    @angelnesbitt5127 3 роки тому +2

    I have to say, this song touched me deeply, it reminds me of my relationship with God, how it started and how its come to grow. Thank you so much for this 💖

  • @KoliaVeeOfficial
    @KoliaVeeOfficial 10 днів тому

    I swear his music always touches my soul!!!! When I’m alone I blast his music and just listen and feel. ❤❤❤❤

  • @lanashowler5906
    @lanashowler5906 Рік тому

    Jacobs a rare soul... A healer... There are many who walk among the rest.... He flipped that switch and turned his pain into power..... Amd now uses it for goodness through his music ..... When words and actions fail ... Music speaks to the deepest parts of our soul..... Us who have been lucky enough to find him..... Will never leave ..... What an absolute gift he has..... I wish him all the hapoiness in this cold cruel world. ... He gives us just a glimps of what real beauty is through his music .. Thankyou Jacob xxx ❤😊

  • @thorn4564
    @thorn4564 5 років тому +3

    It's artist like you, who find a way to help people grow and evolve with words and stories, that are needed. I've been questioning myself, and honestly just needed to hear this to get me back on track.

  • @malebonilla3600
    @malebonilla3600 5 років тому +5

    While I hearted you, took a breath and think about my purpose. Hear you is like to travel inside my thoughts and feelings 🔥💖

  • @7DaysOfSmiles
    @7DaysOfSmiles 5 років тому +7

    Thank you! Everything about this is beautiful... including you! It's my go to song when I feel I need healing.

  • @SweetBuLivingLife
    @SweetBuLivingLife 5 років тому +1

    1st time hearing this song...Oh My...I have chills in my soul. Thank you for this wonderful song. Such inner power coming through...WOW!!!

  • @tina879
    @tina879 5 років тому

    Thank you for being you 💚🌱💚 Thank you for making Art from your beautiful Heart 💚🌱💚 Thank you for hearing again & again you singing my story to...... making me bupple up & releasing 💚🌱💚

  • @MsLeeria
    @MsLeeria 5 років тому +51

    Ohhh!! Already turned my reminder on. Been waiting for this. 😍

  • @kristinas23
    @kristinas23 5 років тому +42

    My heart melted that was soo beautiful 😍😍 this was definitely worth waiting for 💝
    Wow I just realized you’re left handed!!!

  • @erikamardomingo9635
    @erikamardomingo9635 5 років тому +8

    I can’t undestand WHY you are so underrated. I love your music and videos so freaking much ❤️ I wish some day everyone can see what a great artist you are

  • @laurenelizabeth2592
    @laurenelizabeth2592 5 років тому +1

    This is everything. I have never heard someone else express the exploration of becoming conscious this way. My heart is so happy!

  • @yesyliasari7402
    @yesyliasari7402 24 дні тому

    all your songs are very full, deeply touching, the soul in the songs is strong, and whatever it is, it really comforts me in situations that are not going well, amen.❤

  • @chrissims5579
    @chrissims5579 5 років тому +66

    Absolutely epic. Keep it up! This album is going to be a beautiful journey! 🙏✊

  • @krishnacommunications4882
    @krishnacommunications4882 5 років тому +23

    There's something unique in this artist 👌👌

    • @lanafel
      @lanafel 3 роки тому +1

      He looks like Jesus ❤️

    • @krishnacommunications4882
      @krishnacommunications4882 3 роки тому +1

      @@lanafel Agree 😆😆

    • @lebuggo01
      @lebuggo01 3 роки тому +2

      He is so-- spiritual. His words are able to reach past my barriers and talk with me somewhere deep. It's so artistic, I really love his music!! XD I know its a bit cheesy but- I'm in a cheesy mood XP

  • @KuroiHato69
    @KuroiHato69 5 років тому +14

    This song hits me in places that I never knew existed. I keep welling up in tears when I listen to it.

  • @VeronicamArellano
    @VeronicamArellano 5 місяців тому

    Keep shining wow people love you they all can related with your beautiful songs be bless always. I enjoy them as well

  • @thepuretribe888
    @thepuretribe888 5 років тому

    WOW!! My heart is racing and I am full of wonder and Joy! Jacob Lee You look like me favorite person in history, Jesus! Your music has blessed me beyond measure! May God bless you Mightily!

  • @anahis.8596
    @anahis.8596 5 років тому +4

    I swear his music videos are always so amazing and his music is so storytelling and beautiful.

  • @alwaysfaithfully6
    @alwaysfaithfully6 Рік тому +3


  • @yorky3072
    @yorky3072 5 років тому +4

    His looking. It's just amazing, what a beautiful hair.... I love it, he's practically my favorite artist at this point 😍😍😍

  • @yolandieterblanche1347
    @yolandieterblanche1347 4 роки тому +1

    I discovered this song about a month ago, absolutely beautiful. Thank you Jacob Lee for this amazing song.🌷🌺

  • @greciagarciapereyra57
    @greciagarciapereyra57 7 місяців тому

    I love this Song! 💯 Yes, our Soul has the answers. Gods Guidance is what lets us see how beautiful and complete we are with Gods love.

  • @byun4839
    @byun4839 5 років тому +19

    Llego tarde:(
    Jacob es increíble, es de verdad increíble, me encanta demasiado 😍

  • @Adom35
    @Adom35 3 роки тому +2

    Two years down the line and it feels new listening to this beautiful song .
    Love the lyrics so much very deep.

  • @debjitpanday5074
    @debjitpanday5074 5 років тому +7

    Song is just speechless 🖤🖤💝
    And the lyrics are just hitting my heart like bullets 🔥🔥🔥

  • @Deepfriedartz_OFFICAL
    @Deepfriedartz_OFFICAL 3 роки тому

    This is so divine . Thank u Jacob & for ur service. Helps alot. I love u brother.

  • @Alabasterbox
    @Alabasterbox 4 роки тому

    God has his hands in your soul and hes carressing you to flow in your ministry. The most passionate music i think ive ever heard. God bless you brother

  • @alexandranastasa575
    @alexandranastasa575 5 років тому +9

    Love and support from Romania!!! It will be 3 am here but it's worth the waiting!!!

  • @chriswidmer9934
    @chriswidmer9934 3 роки тому +10

    One of the best lyricist of this generation. Deep. ❤️❤️❤️

  • @emilianorris1715
    @emilianorris1715 5 років тому +7

    This song is so beautiful and the video makes it so much more emotional! I can't express how much I love this song!!

  • @duamachal3506
    @duamachal3506 5 років тому

    When I saw your first pic on UA-cam suggested videos.. I was thinking that maybe it is something about Jesus... because really I want to say that for everyone maybe your first look as Jesus... Jacob Sir... I started to listen you before some days.. and it's your song I belong to you.... really this song is out of the world... it calms n cleans me... the beauty of your soul is seeing in your voice n on your Face... there is a purity n transparency in your eyes.... now I'm in your fans list... whenever I use to listen you I feel so much blessed... You are a blessed person.... May God bless you with a long n healthy life... more blessings n more love for you... 😇

  • @clementjoseph6238
    @clementjoseph6238 4 роки тому +1

    Indeed you're a philosophic messager and your lyrics are divine. More grace to you my dear.

  • @crystala2326
    @crystala2326 5 років тому +4

    I love your music. Thank you for bringing me peace!

  • @shammahelola2585
    @shammahelola2585 4 роки тому +6

    Forever grateful for your voice and music. Thank you for sharing such art.

  • @bichngocpham421
    @bichngocpham421 5 років тому +4

    Never disappoint with your meaningful lyrics and the way you deliver emotions through your song! You are so talented, keep going and I will support you unconditionally ❤

  • @debrabennett9586
    @debrabennett9586 5 місяців тому

    This song is amzimg so touching and makes me have the feel goods i absolutely love all of your music thank you so.much you truely are a gift from God

  • @kimmyneske4086
    @kimmyneske4086 25 днів тому


  • @MAL049
    @MAL049 5 років тому +151


    •  5 років тому +2

      Dora • ♥️

    • @nicolyvieira2939
      @nicolyvieira2939 5 років тому +2

      Ai mulher tô aqui

    • @nicolyvieira2939
      @nicolyvieira2939 5 років тому +5

      Q homem maravilhoso meu deuuus

    • @jacobleeofficial
      @jacobleeofficial  5 років тому +19


    •  5 років тому +2


  • @blue-hu7cq
    @blue-hu7cq 5 років тому +4

    your music is amazing!
    the lyrics, the melody are beyond reality
    Ive found you in march 2019 but I already know that you will be one of my favorite artists

  • @Buluteyll
    @Buluteyll 5 років тому +6

    this song is should listen in the rain.. beautiful

  • @lyricalgypsy
    @lyricalgypsy 4 роки тому +2

    Lyrically, and musically, this song is one of the best I've ever heard or felt.
    It exudes your beautiful, creative, and mysterious Scorpio soul.
    Stay true to yourself.
    Own it.

  • @TheRedFox117
    @TheRedFox117 3 роки тому +2

    breathtaking, because You break us all