Beacuse as women I feel safety. Thats beceause Poland have ristrict imigracy politic. All people are welcome in Poland. It is no matter where you born or what is your skin tone/color but it is two conditions - you are not criminalist and you have to want work and not count on goverment help.
For me the Polish people is the most attractive part of living in Poland and most valuable asset of the country. In terms of geography I would prefer south-east of France ;). In terms of politics I would prefer the Swiss system with direct democracy, and staying outside of the EU. If I were into politics I would copy the Swiss state organisation and implemented it in Poland, especially in terms of judiciary system, education and tax law. Unfortunately I could not copy the geography of Provence-Alpes-Maritime ;). In terms of cuisine I would take more from Balkan, Greek and Arabic cuisines - but this already happens thanks to migrations.
We are an slightly insane country in the EU with deeply rooted sense of right and wrong, sound sense of patriotism and totally focused on being resourceful. And food, and girls and varied nature outdoors 😃. Move your ass this spring and or summer come and see it for yourself. It is like 6hours tops by car from wherever you are, by plane an hour (two with all the airport stuff). 👍
Zawsze kochałam Polskę, niezależnie od okoliczności. Przypomina mi się przepowiednia Ojca Klimuszki, ktory mówił, że Polacy będą wracać do Ojczyzny i że na uczelniach calego świata będzie wykladany jezyk polski, ze Polska będzie jaśnieć na mapie świata.
Warsaw is more green than gray. It's the greenest capital in Europe. However, it means that it gets gray in winter. Since he comes from California he must be accustomed to sunny days all year round. The Chopin concerts in Łazienki Park are twice every Sunday from May to September. They're free and performed by best pianists in the world because Warsaw is also home to the Warsaw Chopin Competition which is like Oscars for pianists. However, there are many many more open air concerts of all genres. Poles love music, and not only in summer. I.e. in January there's always the WOŚP concert.
If you want to learn more about rebuilding Warsaw (and its "newest oldtown"), check video "Rebuilding Warsaw: From the Ashes of WWII" of Megaprojects :)
To be fair, for an American 5h flight is like nothing 😅 and it doesn't surprise me either he refers to countries all over Europe as neighbours. Anyway, great video to watch, even I learned something new (which I hope is true), and a great reaction.
During COVID-19 time every company small or big was open online. The stationary shops were closed but everything was sold online. Back then, courier companies were earning millions.
20 lat temu był dramat ale faktycznie wszystko się rozwija i idzie w dobrym kierunku 👍 tylko żeby tych wojen nie było nikomu to nie jest potrzebne 🙄 pozdrawiam
Jaki dramat 20 lat temu? Jeździłeś wtedy po Polsce? Bo ja tak, włócząc się w najdalsze zakątki na motorze, i widziałem głównie bardzo już zaawansowane zmiany na lepsze. Lata 90. bardzo zmieniły Polskę i już w 2000 z dawnej szarzyzny i skutków kryzysu lat 80. (szczególnie w infrastrukturze) nic nie pozostało. Oczywiście były duże problemy (ale i dziś ich nie brakuje), jak wymuszana praca na czarno, oszustwa podatkowe, fatalny stosunek do pracowników w usługach i przemyśle. To, co wtedy było okropne to wysokie oficjalne bezrobocie (przy czym sporo osób pracowało na czarno) i bardzo niskie płace (z wyjątkiem płacy specjalistów i tzw. pracowników funkcyjnych). Niemniej mówić, ze 20 lat temu to był :dramat, to robic z siebie głupca. Dramat to był 30 lat temu, w 1994 i 1995, świeżo po sprywatyzowaniu i odchudzeniu z załóg wielkich zakładów przemysłowych i rozwiązaniu PGR-ów, i w samym środku kryzysu złych kredytów bankowych (przy czym to drugie rok później zażegnano, tworząc tak zdrowy system bankowy, że pomogło nam to przejść sucha stopa przez światowy kryzys finansowy w latach 2007-2008). A w 2004 mieliśmy już od ponad 8 nie tylko zdrowy, ale i supernowoczesny (cyfrowo) system bankowy, mnóstwo małych i średnich firm, wygraną walkę z tzw. urzędniczą korupcją, dostosowaliśmy funkcjonowanie kraju do norm europejskich i żyło się tu wygodnie, jeśli tylko ktoś się postarał.
caly swiat jest podzielony. Dostajesz za duzo informacji do glowy z roznych stron i gotuje ci sie mozg od tego co prowadzi do podzialow sporow klotni. Wystarczy sobie zyc swoim zyciem i miec w dupie to co sie dzieje do okola. Dzieje ci sie zle bo idioci sie ze soba spieraja? Watpie. Dalej robisz to co robiles i jedziesz dalej.@Rumcajs1-yy2tm
Ten oryginalny film brzmi jak reklama, same pozytywy. Jak we wszystkich krajach na całym świecie znajdą się tu i plusy i minusy, trzeba mieć tego świadomość. Oczywiście nie obca jest mi duma narodowa i miło słuchać pochwał 😉 Wielu ludziom wydaje się, że "wszędzie dobrze, gdzie nas nie ma", ja hołduję zasadzie "wszędzie dobrze, ale w domu (Ojczyźnie) najlepiej" 😊 Dbajmy o ten dom 🤍❤
The average earnings in Poland are three times lower than in Germany, the cost of living and products is twice as low as in Germany. In conclusion, you can save/buy more in Germany than in Poland despite the high costs in Germany, which are offset by the high wage.
Well, now(!) I like living in Poland because it's very safe country now. For old people, for women. Still there are dangerous and not interesting people, but only in special dark places in cities, like in every country, but generally now it is ok. Besides springs and summers in Poland are amazing, wonderfull. Weather is warm, even hot, rivers, trees, generally clean landscapes. Big minuses are autumns and winters. Darkness, rain, coldness... depression. I hate it.
12:34 Let's hope it will be in great place, because our eastern neighbors, especially the BIG one can ruin it for us anyday, and it sucks having it in mind 24/7😔😔
To be fair, many things he mentions are true for most of Europe when compared to the US, like better work life balance or higher food quality, as well as close proximity of many cool places. Europe is relatively small (if we exclude Russia and Alaska Europe is 2 times smaller than USA) and it's just agglomeration of many countries full of well preserved history. The thing is that in minds on many Americans Eastern Europe is this gray, mundane communistic dystopia, when in fact today there is no that much of a difference between countries like Poland or Czechia and Western Europe in term of quality of life.
Europe is (slightly) bigger than the US, and the European Russian part is with ca. 110 mio people (in difference to Alaska with a population of 732000) by far more populated than the rest of Russia in Asia. Also the US has many tiny states (not every state is big). If all of Europe was one country and every state in the US was an own country slowly starting to unite and speak about the US as a whole as common ground then we heard now how small the US states are compared to Europe. Keep also in mind that 80% of the US citizen live in the Eastern half (the right side) of the US and that the Northern half is of very low density (while Europe has more than twice the population). I say this because you have the wrong impression that there is just a 'tiny part' of Europe in focus and the rest is basically empty - while in reality thats rather true for the US. Europe has an Hotspot in and around Germany/Central Europe but still the differences are less extreme than in the US. Long story short: many perspectives have more something to do with a psychological/habitual focus (also due to the shape differences of the land mass) than the reality ....
@@publicminx Still, Europe is quite small. It's just slightly bigger than China. It's closer from western border of China to Polish-German border than to the easternmost point in China. Since most world maps are Europe centred we probably have an exaggerated view of Europe.
Taniej? XD Mieszkając w Niemczech I mając rzeczy po 50ct to jest różnica gdy w Polsce ta sama rzecz kosztuje 6zł np. Dla nas 50ct to jak 50 groszy tylko że zarobki są prawie 5x wyższe. W Niemczech dla mnie jest dużo taniej. Patrząc na polskie ceny na produktach np. w teddim dostaję depresji.
Keine Ahnung wer Dinge von minderwertiger Qualität wie Tedi braucht. Vielleicht zum Basteln ganz gut. Beim Gehalt auch ein bisschen die Realität verloren?😂 Kann Steuerklasse 5 empfehlen. Es ist eine Katastrophe mittlerweile, vor allem in den Großstädten. In ein paar Jahren, hat Polen den Westen überholt. Darum geht es auch in dem Video, nicht wo du Billigware aus China noch billiger kaufen kannst😂
EF English Proficiency Ranking 2023: Poland #13. Thats a really good place (its a global ranking - one could say that all countries among the first 20 are good/ok). Many former (political) Eastern Europe countries are catching up very well. In fact together with the smaller Southern like countries (Greece, Portugal etc.) all the Baltics and many of those 'Eastern' countries like Poland, Czech, Croatia evolved very well - while especially the bigger non-Germanic ones like Spain #35, Italy #35, Russia #41, France #43 are surpassed and/or developed much worse (as also everyone with multiuser online game or similar experiences knows). Thats also true for Latin America (which in general are very bad with foreign languages - much worse than the US/Canada). But also here the rather smaller ones are usually more adaptable than the big guys (like Brazil, Mexico
Don't forget that it was Polish cryptologists who broke the Enigma code in 1933 and passed on their knowledge to the French and British in 1939 before the start of the war. Previously, the British had absolutely no idea how to encode the Enigma, and the later work of the British was only a development and extension of the work of the Poles.
In American, most people don't know Weißbier, and have no idea what is radler or spatzi. Of the hundreds of types of German sausage, Americans only know bratwurst, but some regionals will also have колбаса. There are many people of Polish descent in my area of Wisconsin, and we still hear some Polish words or phrases around the town.
One should also not forget the big contribution of the EU to the development of Poland. I believe that this contrast becomes evident when comparing to countries such as Belarus and Ukraine.
When the American guy is kinda CEO in Poland then of course he loves it to live in Poland. But on employee side is not that colourful how you think. Polish engineers can be better and also are cheaper than Americans. Please not believe in beautiful films because I know from many my Polish friends that American companies like to using people to work hard and a lot and pay them maybe little bit more than minimum. This man find a great paradise for him to be sure.. Another thing is Poland is modern and a lot of places are renew and looks stunning but also expensive life, depend how much you earn and what part of country do you live. I really love Poland to visit and spend time with family and friends in nicest places for sure 🤍❤️ Greetings all! 😊
Well,many tests and comparisons of the first need products were made, and according to that, it looks Germany is often cheaper..Definitely when going to restaurants, prices are extremely high here now.
6:33 You're right. IMO Czech Rep. is most "westernized" or better to say "germanized" slavic country. Much more than Poland. Slovakia is somewhere between Poland and Czech.
@@chris.polandyou'd be surprised. We have basic programming lessons in primary schools. (idk is liceum primary or what is the equivalent of liceum in english😅). I also had super basic programming lessons in gimnasium, which is before liceum, even 20 years ago when computers were basically a new thing. Ahhh I remember having Nokia 3310, my first garbage PC and an internet connection which would take years to load this vid alone 😂. There is a reason why we have one of the best IT people in the world and demand for programmers in poland is insatiable for over a decade, we still need more and more.
Actually this is one thing Poland has in common with Germany - there always some concert of various even niche music somewhere. In small club, big hall, or festival. I live now in the Netherlands where - beside AWESOME festivals - it is very little of various music events. I think it is because of very high taxes and prices + tooooons of regulations here tho
Witam Chris! Lubię cię bardzo bo jesteś podobny fizycznie i mentalnie do mojego syna. Jesteś otwarty i tolerancyjny jak mój Syn Hubert, a gdybyś go zobaczył powiedział byś że to Twój sobowtór 😊❤
Everyone forgets that they looking for the prices in our country comparing them to the average salary in their country, for Poles with our average salary, these prices are not low at all unfortunately...
The video of the CEO is really limiting. As typical, a rich capitalistic westener presents to the world that Poland only has value because it is like the west but cheaper and hasn't yet been exploited by the west. Thank you for appreciating Poland and the Polish people Please learn to appreciate Poland for everything else that it is and not just that you have really intelligent cheap labour.
thats covered by over 90% of other videos. why do you only want single sides information about Poland? because you are bad with statistics (like most ppl with an anti capitalist impetus) ....
Hey mate, I am exactly against one sided views; that's why I made the comment. Poland has many great things, far beyond what is mentioned or even perceivable by the bloke in the video (nice restaurants, low prices, cheap educated people). But we humans only see that what they are looking for and that what we are familiar with. Poland is exception. That the country is how it is now despite that not too long ago, the country was obliterated, much of land was taken and people forced to migrate, many children like my grandfather were enslaved by the Nazis and then finally Communism. Then, despite never having the room to develop without being invaded by one of the neighbours / without communism, the Polish people arise from this all strong, intelligent and with strong cultural identity and people view them solely as cheap high quality labour. Cheers from Hamburg
Poland is not cheap for polish ppl. 600$ its over of half of income is justt a rent for more than 50% of pl ppl. Yeah, if You catch job in IT sector after few years - its low rent - but You need to keep in mind that general population that are not working in IT sector. We are tech spec. with a lot of ideas that can bring income to others, but still... polish is not cheap for regular person. E.g. polish mid. income is around 1100$ brutto - so if your rent is 600$ - 400$ left for taxes and food.
We love to live here because of the people and also we hate to live here because of the people :d Also i have been working in IT for last 10 years (i'm 33 now) Women in IT are mostly in human resources ;) Actually this looks like an advert ;d
The whole video sounds like a horrible and cynical advert to invite so- called 'investors' to come and exploit the country for their own gains and ruin Poland such that it falls to the level of where the west is now.
Masz temat na następny film: Niemcy vs Polska | Porównanie armii 2024 | You have good a topic for the next video: Germany vs Poland | Army Comparison 2024
as Yourself Do you really have the right to life as a German? especially after what your Prime Minister said today - thus betraying France and Great Britain. According to Scholz, the use of Taurus long-range cruise missiles requires the assistance and presence of German soldiers on Ukrainian territory. - Everyone who has ever dealt with this system knows this - he explained, A German politician revealed that this is what the British and French do with their systems supplied to Ukraine.
Yes, unless you graduated from a field that was not very fruitful, like Archeology... that's my mistake, but thanks to it I became a welder... Quite a necessary profession, especially with qualifications for gas and heat pipes. But the most important thing is programming. 24-year-olds earn PLN 17,000 each, and I, a fool, earn PLN 6000-7,000. Only I, at the age of 37, will soon be the oldest in the brigade because the rest are 60 years old. You don't become a welder after a course, you become a welder after at least a decade. The software may be faulty and cause losses, but it won't kill a person, and a welding error in the structure will. Instead of going on vacation, I go to work in Norway and Germany because there is a shortage of qualified welders. I understand that everyone prefers to be clean and nice, to work in front of a keyboard, but in 30 years you won't have heating, water or buildings, unless you bring people from third world countries... unless wages change. Trivial, but to be a good builder you also need a lot of knowledge, but even more practice. For comparison... you can train a great programmer in five years, but it takes 10 years to become a average construction worker.
He told only about bright side of Poland and IT industry, for insiders it's not so great. We as Poles constanlty comparing ourselves to countries from wetsern Europe and we still see how far behind we are in purchasing power. Yes, prices are lower than in the west, but income is much more lower here. Wages is big problem for majority of Poles.
Well, the flat info is very outdated, 1bedroom apartment costs minimum 1000usd this days. A small Doggy flat studio in a doggy part of Warsaw costs 600usd
I understand his satisfaction, but for a Pole who thinks in national terms, it is no pleasure that Poland is a paradise, but only for foreign companies. Polish companies are going bankrupt, Polish industry is practically non-existent, Polish farmers are not profitable to cultivate the land. Only large foreign corporations can find their place here. There is nothing wrong with foreign capital locating in our hospitable country, but it is happening while simultaneously destroying Polish industry and that is not good.
Germany officially legalized cannabis!! Maybe do a video about it, what are you thoughts on this topic? And why is your ruling coalition still getting this bunch of hate despite it's making dreams come true for millions of europeans from other countries??
WOW, the whole coalition thing is a biiiiiiigg topic, the problem is that the green party is ruling with the billionair party and they always have different opinions and somewhere in this coaliton is then also the workers party which the chancellor is from but nobody in Germany ever sees him.
@@chris.poland Wow it seems kinda complicated But I'm surprised The Left (Die Linke) isn't part of this coalition because here it Poland it is, and our FDP and Greens are kind of connected because they identify as one party Third Way, despite having slightly different names but same coloristic
that explain the general connectiosns pretty well, maybe its to basic for our conversation but we have to get the basics straight.
I'm curious, what does a big mac menu cost in poland 😂 Not that is perfect for price comparison, but in every country I have been I always took a look at the big mac menu prices 😂
@@chris.poland My impression on Poland being not cheap was based on property prices compared to some old eu countries. I grew up in communism and it was a shock to me when I recently realised that purchase of a summer apartment in some posh Mediterranean location is cheaper than in Warsaw.
The video seems hella inauthentic. He definitely got paid for that cuz there are so many negative sides about Poland he would have mentioned if it was an actual vlog
Chris, Polish people in their 50s and 60s speak English quite well. The 50-year-olds were at school when communism collapsed, and they started adult life in a country where knowing English made it much easier to start life (and in the 21st century they were 30-40 years old, and they were the ones who were responsible for the international expansion of the Polish economy). In turn, 60-year-olds built the strength of the Polish economy in the 1990s (300% GDP growth in 10 years) and, of course, later, and started their professional careers right after graduation, also in an environment where knowledge of English was a requirement if you wanted to take advantage of the enormous opportunities that were opening up at that time. Moreover, during the Polish People's Republic, English was compulsorily taught in secondary schools and colleges, and in many primary schools it was taught from the 6th grade. That is why Polish people in their 70s and 80s often speak English, although only some of them do it quite well. I am not talking about people who did not want to learn foreign languages because under communism they had no motivation to do so. Of course, young people today know English very well and widely, but neither they nor the current generation of 40 and 30-year-olds are the first to know English widely in Poland. 35 years since the fall of communism and the beginning of a very dynamic transformation is a long time, covering already 5 generations (counting every 10 years) or 3 generations (counting on the principle of grandfather-being -young -adult in 90s - teenage grandchild today), when it comes to professional activity immediately after finishing school, in completely new, dynamic circumstances. And as for Polish programmers/IT ppl and so on: they were also valued very much during communism. So much, that graduates of computer science or cybernetics at Polish universities in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s did not need to have their diplomas recognized in the USA, their diplomas were considered among the best in the world and they were very sought-after graduates. Moreover, Poles were among the first to build (in the world) modern computers, next to the Americans (in the second half of the 1950s), and Polish mathematics departments have been at the forefront of the world for as long as university rankings have existed). For example, the Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Warsaw is often in the top five of these rankings, it sometimes took first place. To be fair, I would like to add that IT specialists from Russia and Ukraine are also highly valued around the world, especially graduates of Moscow and Kiev universities, where the level of mathematics is also very high. There is even talk of a "Slavic school of IT", which involves a very in-depth, stubborn and creative approach to solving problems, among others, thanks to a very strong mathematical foundation. This is especially important in the case of challenges such as IT security, military, management of complex operations or the financial industry, where progress must be very fast and errors or omissions are very dangerous.
What the hell are you talking about? People in the 50 or 60 were taught Russian still. There was no option to learn English unless you wanted to study it at the university 🤦♀️ In my entire life in Poland I never met anyone who spoke English besides foreign students. In Germany my 80yo doctor speaks fluently English because she's from Western Germany
@alh6255 In People's Republic of Poland English was NOT compulsory neither in secondary schools nor in high schools. Even in universities English was compulsory only in some departments. Compulsory was Russian from 5th grade, and second foreign language (might be German, French, English - in technical schools German prevailed) from above 8th grade (above secondary school in US terms).
@@chris.poland my, I suppose, Young hommies, meant polish skyscraper climber, mr Banot, his movies are named by BNT - He is something else (I don't remember but I saw when He climbed highest building in germany few years ago I think - some bank building in Frankfurt?) I rekomend, its thrilling for me but I love it:)
BNT - kannst du BNT angucken wo er in Frankfurt Wolkenkratzer geklettert hat.Immer hin denk ich das in Deutschland liebt mann wohler als in Polen,aber in 10 Jahren wer weißt 😉
Chyba jednak lepiej by zamieszkań w Niemczech. Niemcy są dużo bogatsze i bezpieczniejsze na nich nikt tak łatwo nie napadnie. Może opowiedz coś lepiej o swoim pięknym kraju..
@@chris.poland No, but in Germany do and in Poland everybody (especially young people) talks about this, because it is a very popular topic in polish mainstream media.
Are theresome polish videos about this topic, where I can see the resonance, because I did an research video a time ago and spent so much time on it and it is one of my worst performing videos, therefore I want to see, if all the effort would be worth it 😊@@VULNERO29
So I did a quick search "legalizacja marihuany Niemcy" and most videos have only couple of hundred views, maybe I looked for the wrong words 😅@@VULNERO29
Nah you don't want to live in Poland😂 I don't think that earning 600€ in a full time job is attractive 😂🤣 I also live in Germany in a Bundesland's capital and we still have the greanest cities:p I've been in multiple polish cities and they are depressing. In Germany every apartment building is painted colorful, on every street we have trees or tiny roadside gardens so yeah the conclusion is clear to me😂
4:48 this dude is completely wrong I know personally at least 10 ppl with their own companies going through a market like a f tanks if it comes to ai llm or IT i n general... They are waaay upfront of most of the companies/ startups in Europe... We do not need more CEOs like this dude, really...
Tell me why you love to live in Poland! Powiedz mi, dlaczego kochasz mieszkać w Polsce!😊
Beacuse as women I feel safety. Thats beceause Poland have ristrict imigracy politic. All people are welcome in Poland. It is no matter where you born or what is your skin tone/color but it is two conditions - you are not criminalist and you have to want work and not count on goverment help.
Chopin Concert in Royal Baths Park you can see every Sunday in Summer (June-September)
For me the Polish people is the most attractive part of living in Poland and most valuable asset of the country. In terms of geography I would prefer south-east of France ;). In terms of politics I would prefer the Swiss system with direct democracy, and staying outside of the EU. If I were into politics I would copy the Swiss state organisation and implemented it in Poland, especially in terms of judiciary system, education and tax law. Unfortunately I could not copy the geography of Provence-Alpes-Maritime ;).
In terms of cuisine I would take more from Balkan, Greek and Arabic cuisines - but this already happens thanks to migrations.
bo tu się urodziłem i przyzwycziłem się do regionu, w którym mieszkam. podkreślę, że mieszkam w niskich karpatach
We are an slightly insane country in the EU with deeply rooted sense of right and wrong, sound sense of patriotism and totally focused on being resourceful. And food, and girls and varied nature outdoors 😃.
Move your ass this spring and or summer come and see it for yourself. It is like 6hours tops by car from wherever you are, by plane an hour (two with all the airport stuff). 👍
"Cudze chwalicie, swego nie znacie"
To chyba najlepsze zdanie które podsumowałoby to co sobie pomyślałem po oglądnięciu tego filmu
mowi i pisze sie PO OBEJRZENIU ,a nie ogladnieciu....;
@@georgek5546 :) Popieram:) jak można coś oglądnąć? Nie ma takiego słowa jak "oglądnięcie" w polskim słowniku !!
Zawsze kochałam Polskę, niezależnie od okoliczności. Przypomina mi się przepowiednia Ojca Klimuszki, ktory mówił, że Polacy będą wracać do Ojczyzny i że na uczelniach calego świata będzie wykladany jezyk polski, ze Polska będzie jaśnieć na mapie świata.
Warsaw is more green than gray. It's the greenest capital in Europe. However, it means that it gets gray in winter. Since he comes from California he must be accustomed to sunny days all year round. The Chopin concerts in Łazienki Park are twice every Sunday from May to September. They're free and performed by best pianists in the world because Warsaw is also home to the Warsaw Chopin Competition which is like Oscars for pianists. However, there are many many more open air concerts of all genres. Poles love music, and not only in summer. I.e. in January there's always the WOŚP concert.
No the architecture is just really ugly
@@afjo972 who are you to jugde? You never been there
@@afjo972 It depends what you like. I'm a huge fan of post-modernism, so to me it's one of the best cities.
@@sylwia1410 i agree, this style is ugly, but in a beautiful way.
If you want to learn more about rebuilding Warsaw (and its "newest oldtown"), check video "Rebuilding Warsaw: From the Ashes of WWII" of Megaprojects :)
To be fair, for an American 5h flight is like nothing 😅 and it doesn't surprise me either he refers to countries all over Europe as neighbours. Anyway, great video to watch, even I learned something new (which I hope is true), and a great reaction.
During COVID-19 time every company small or big was open online. The stationary shops were closed but everything was sold online. Back then, courier companies were earning millions.
20 lat temu był dramat ale faktycznie wszystko się rozwija i idzie w dobrym kierunku 👍 tylko żeby tych wojen nie było nikomu to nie jest potrzebne 🙄 pozdrawiam
Jaki dramat 20 lat temu? Jeździłeś wtedy po Polsce? Bo ja tak, włócząc się w najdalsze zakątki na motorze, i widziałem głównie bardzo już zaawansowane zmiany na lepsze. Lata 90. bardzo zmieniły Polskę i już w 2000 z dawnej szarzyzny i skutków kryzysu lat 80. (szczególnie w infrastrukturze) nic nie pozostało. Oczywiście były duże problemy (ale i dziś ich nie brakuje), jak wymuszana praca na czarno, oszustwa podatkowe, fatalny stosunek do pracowników w usługach i przemyśle. To, co wtedy było okropne to wysokie oficjalne bezrobocie (przy czym sporo osób pracowało na czarno) i bardzo niskie płace (z wyjątkiem płacy specjalistów i tzw. pracowników funkcyjnych). Niemniej mówić, ze 20 lat temu to był :dramat, to robic z siebie głupca. Dramat to był 30 lat temu, w 1994 i 1995, świeżo po sprywatyzowaniu i odchudzeniu z załóg wielkich zakładów przemysłowych i rozwiązaniu PGR-ów, i w samym środku kryzysu złych kredytów bankowych (przy czym to drugie rok później zażegnano, tworząc tak zdrowy system bankowy, że pomogło nam to przejść sucha stopa przez światowy kryzys finansowy w latach 2007-2008). A w 2004 mieliśmy już od ponad 8 nie tylko zdrowy, ale i supernowoczesny (cyfrowo) system bankowy, mnóstwo małych i średnich firm, wygraną walkę z tzw. urzędniczą korupcją, dostosowaliśmy funkcjonowanie kraju do norm europejskich i żyło się tu wygodnie, jeśli tylko ktoś się postarał.
@@alh6255 infrastrukturze czyli masz na myśli drogi? to polecam wyjechać poza miasto to zobaczysz te zaawansowane rozpadające się drogi :D
wojen już dla Polski nie będzie w najbliższym czasie, po tych wszystkich latach udało się utworzyć sojusz którego nikt nie odważy się zaatakować
@@denkigama5331 na całym świecie drogi są takie jak u nas, tego się nie widzi bo oni tego nie pokazują
caly swiat jest podzielony. Dostajesz za duzo informacji do glowy z roznych stron i gotuje ci sie mozg od tego co prowadzi do podzialow sporow klotni. Wystarczy sobie zyc swoim zyciem i miec w dupie to co sie dzieje do okola. Dzieje ci sie zle bo idioci sie ze soba spieraja? Watpie. Dalej robisz to co robiles i jedziesz dalej.@Rumcajs1-yy2tm
Ten oryginalny film brzmi jak reklama, same pozytywy. Jak we wszystkich krajach na całym świecie znajdą się tu i plusy i minusy, trzeba mieć tego świadomość. Oczywiście nie obca jest mi duma narodowa i miło słuchać pochwał 😉 Wielu ludziom wydaje się, że "wszędzie dobrze, gdzie nas nie ma", ja hołduję zasadzie "wszędzie dobrze, ale w domu (Ojczyźnie) najlepiej" 😊 Dbajmy o ten dom 🤍❤
The average earnings in Poland are three times lower than in Germany, the cost of living and products is twice as low as in Germany. In conclusion, you can save/buy more in Germany than in Poland despite the high costs in Germany, which are offset by the high wage.
Well, now(!) I like living in Poland because it's very safe country now. For old people, for women. Still there are dangerous and not interesting people, but only in special dark places in cities, like in every country, but generally now it is ok. Besides springs and summers in Poland are amazing, wonderfull. Weather is warm, even hot, rivers, trees, generally clean landscapes. Big minuses are autumns and winters. Darkness, rain, coldness... depression. I hate it.
No Chris chcesz lepiej poznać Polskę i Polaków.... to trzeba się nauczyć polskiego .
12:34 Let's hope it will be in great place, because our eastern neighbors, especially the BIG one can ruin it for us anyday, and it sucks having it in mind 24/7😔😔
Poland ❤❤❤
To be fair, many things he mentions are true for most of Europe when compared to the US, like better work life balance or higher food quality, as well as close proximity of many cool places. Europe is relatively small (if we exclude Russia and Alaska Europe is 2 times smaller than USA) and it's just agglomeration of many countries full of well preserved history.
The thing is that in minds on many Americans Eastern Europe is this gray, mundane communistic dystopia, when in fact today there is no that much of a difference between countries like Poland or Czechia and Western Europe in term of quality of life.
Europe is (slightly) bigger than the US, and the European Russian part is with ca. 110 mio people (in difference to Alaska with a population of 732000) by far more populated than the rest of Russia in Asia. Also the US has many tiny states (not every state is big). If all of Europe was one country and every state in the US was an own country slowly starting to unite and speak about the US as a whole as common ground then we heard now how small the US states are compared to Europe. Keep also in mind that 80% of the US citizen live in the Eastern half (the right side) of the US and that the Northern half is of very low density (while Europe has more than twice the population). I say this because you have the wrong impression that there is just a 'tiny part' of Europe in focus and the rest is basically empty - while in reality thats rather true for the US. Europe has an Hotspot in and around Germany/Central Europe but still the differences are less extreme than in the US. Long story short: many perspectives have more something to do with a psychological/habitual focus (also due to the shape differences of the land mass) than the reality ....
@@publicminx Still, Europe is quite small. It's just slightly bigger than China. It's closer from western border of China to Polish-German border than to the easternmost point in China. Since most world maps are Europe centred we probably have an exaggerated view of Europe.
The weather in Poland is probably the same as in Germany :) We invite you to Poland!
yes and I hate the German weather, after studying and if I am able to work remote I want to leave Germany as well😂
@@chris.poland :) the climate is changing
@@chris.poland i would say, that Polish winter is slightly colder than German
@@chris.polandCroatia seems like a nice place then
Chris, jesteś wspaniałym, miłym chłopakiem. Ciekawi mnie, skąd takie zafascynowanie Polską? Oczywiście to bardzo miłe.
Jak dla mnie w Polsce jest trochę taniej niż za granicą a poza tym nie przepadam za luksusami więc jest tu dla mnie idealnie👍
Wyjąłeś mi to z ust :)
Taniej? XD Mieszkając w Niemczech I mając rzeczy po 50ct to jest różnica gdy w Polsce ta sama rzecz kosztuje 6zł np. Dla nas 50ct to jak 50 groszy tylko że zarobki są prawie 5x wyższe. W Niemczech dla mnie jest dużo taniej. Patrząc na polskie ceny na produktach np. w teddim dostaję depresji.
Keine Ahnung wer Dinge von minderwertiger Qualität wie Tedi braucht. Vielleicht zum Basteln ganz gut. Beim Gehalt auch ein bisschen die Realität verloren?😂 Kann Steuerklasse 5 empfehlen. Es ist eine Katastrophe mittlerweile, vor allem in den Großstädten. In ein paar Jahren, hat Polen den Westen überholt. Darum geht es auch in dem Video, nicht wo du Billigware aus China noch billiger kaufen kannst😂
EF English Proficiency Ranking 2023: Poland #13. Thats a really good place (its a global ranking - one could say that all countries among the first 20 are good/ok). Many former (political) Eastern Europe countries are catching up very well. In fact together with the smaller Southern like countries (Greece, Portugal etc.) all the Baltics and many of those 'Eastern' countries like Poland, Czech, Croatia evolved very well - while especially the bigger non-Germanic ones like Spain #35, Italy #35, Russia #41, France #43 are surpassed and/or developed much worse (as also everyone with multiuser online game or similar experiences knows). Thats also true for Latin America (which in general are very bad with foreign languages - much worse than the US/Canada). But also here the rather smaller ones are usually more adaptable than the big guys (like Brazil, Mexico
Don't forget that it was Polish cryptologists who broke the Enigma code in 1933 and passed on their knowledge to the French and British in 1939 before the start of the war. Previously, the British had absolutely no idea how to encode the Enigma, and the later work of the British was only a development and extension of the work of the Poles.
In American, most people don't know Weißbier, and have no idea what is radler or spatzi. Of the hundreds of types of German sausage, Americans only know bratwurst, but some regionals will also have колбаса.
There are many people of Polish descent in my area of Wisconsin, and we still hear some Polish words or phrases around the town.
Was mich wundert, ist, warum Sie sich so sehr für Polen interessieren?😊
One should also not forget the big contribution of the EU to the development of Poland. I believe that this contrast becomes evident when comparing to countries such as Belarus and Ukraine.
7:36 I totally agree xD
The concerts he is talking about are free and open-air. There are of course other places to go and listen to music all year round.
When the American guy is kinda CEO in Poland then of course he loves it to live in Poland. But on employee side is not that colourful how you think. Polish engineers can be better and also are cheaper than Americans. Please not believe in beautiful films because I know from many my Polish friends that American companies like to using people to work hard and a lot and pay them maybe little bit more than minimum. This man find a great paradise for him to be sure..
Another thing is Poland is modern and a lot of places are renew and looks stunning but also expensive life, depend how much you earn and what part of country do you live.
I really love Poland to visit and spend time with family and friends in nicest places for sure 🤍❤️ Greetings all! 😊
Well,many tests and comparisons of the first need products were made, and according to that, it looks Germany is often cheaper..Definitely when going to restaurants, prices are extremely high here now.
I found a mistake! Poles starts learning English by a nursery school
Congratulations! I reward you with the mistake finder badge 🎖️ 😂
@@chris.poland Thank you your majesty, it's a great honor for me or... anything
6:33 You're right. IMO Czech Rep. is most "westernized" or better to say "germanized" slavic country. Much more than Poland. Slovakia is somewhere between Poland and Czech.
About tech industry and english, english is first programing language if you're not native :D
I wanted to mention this as well, but then I thought, how many of my viewers have really seen an programming language once 😂
@@chris.polandyou'd be surprised. We have basic programming lessons in primary schools. (idk is liceum primary or what is the equivalent of liceum in english😅). I also had super basic programming lessons in gimnasium, which is before liceum, even 20 years ago when computers were basically a new thing. Ahhh I remember having Nokia 3310, my first garbage PC and an internet connection which would take years to load this vid alone 😂. There is a reason why we have one of the best IT people in the world and demand for programmers in poland is insatiable for over a decade, we still need more and more.
12:00 lol I think by neighbors he means a whole Europe not just bordering countries 😂
Nice vid
Actually this is one thing Poland has in common with Germany - there always some concert of various even niche music somewhere. In small club, big hall, or festival. I live now in the Netherlands where - beside AWESOME festivals - it is very little of various music events. I think it is because of very high taxes and prices + tooooons of regulations here tho
Witam Chris! Lubię cię bardzo bo jesteś podobny fizycznie i mentalnie do mojego syna. Jesteś otwarty i tolerancyjny jak mój Syn Hubert, a gdybyś go zobaczył powiedział byś że to Twój sobowtór 😊❤
7:05 yes 😂 look at the number of migrants in Germany and France and then compare it to Poland 😂
very good video and very good reaction
When first Q&A?
Everyone forgets that they looking for the prices in our country comparing them to the average salary in their country, for Poles with our average salary, these prices are not low at all unfortunately...
The video of the CEO is really limiting. As typical, a rich capitalistic westener presents to the world that Poland only has value because it is like the west but cheaper and hasn't yet been exploited by the west.
Thank you for appreciating Poland and the Polish people Please learn to appreciate Poland for everything else that it is and not just that you have really intelligent cheap labour.
thats covered by over 90% of other videos. why do you only want single sides information about Poland? because you are bad with statistics (like most ppl with an anti capitalist impetus) ....
Hey mate, I am exactly against one sided views; that's why I made the comment. Poland has many great things, far beyond what is mentioned or even perceivable by the bloke in the video (nice restaurants, low prices, cheap educated people). But we humans only see that what they are looking for and that what we are familiar with.
Poland is exception. That the country is how it is now despite that not too long ago, the country was obliterated, much of land was taken and people forced to migrate, many children like my grandfather were enslaved by the Nazis and then finally Communism. Then, despite never having the room to develop without being invaded by one of the neighbours / without communism, the Polish people arise from this all strong, intelligent and with strong cultural identity and people view them solely as cheap high quality labour.
Cheers from Hamburg
Na koniec twojego filmu muszę stwierdzić że rorwijasz się i rozkręcasz coraz lepiej 😊życzę powodzenia 😅❤
Poland is not cheap for polish ppl. 600$ its over of half of income is justt a rent for more than 50% of pl ppl. Yeah, if You catch job in IT sector after few years - its low rent - but You need to keep in mind that general population that are not working in IT sector. We are tech spec. with a lot of ideas that can bring income to others, but still... polish is not cheap for regular person. E.g. polish mid. income is around 1100$ brutto - so if your rent is 600$ - 400$ left for taxes and food.
We love to live here because of the people and also we hate to live here because of the people :d
Also i have been working in IT for last 10 years (i'm 33 now)
Women in IT are mostly in human resources ;)
Actually this looks like an advert ;d
I think the older a team the less women in it. If you look at startups where a team is in their 20s there are quite many women there.
Chris, don't talk, just come and see 😀
Wiele osób przyjeżdżając tutaj stają się kimś ważniakami u siebie byli zerem nikim patrz moi ulubieńcy Ukraińcy 😊😅😂
"The CEO walk" lol
Its true right? 😂
It really is haha@@chris.poland
The whole video sounds like a horrible and cynical advert to invite so- called 'investors' to come and exploit the country for their own gains and ruin Poland such that it falls to the level of where the west is now.
Jak dobrze, że nie oglądałeś dziś 13 posterunku, tak mnie denerwuje. Zdecydowanie wole oglądać takie filmy.
California WAS the best part of America. If you do not believe check it out personally
It was.
Would you make video about studying in germany?
I dont study in Germany anymore but my master begins in April in Austria 😂
Do wideo chyba wyczerpano wszystkie najładniejsze nagrania z miast oraz sklepy, gdzie większość polaków nie chodzi robić zakupów.
Masz temat na następny film: Niemcy vs Polska | Porównanie armii 2024 | You have good a topic for the next video: Germany vs Poland | Army Comparison 2024
Poland nr1 👍
as Yourself
Do you really have the right to life as a German? especially after what your Prime Minister said today - thus betraying France and Great Britain.
According to Scholz, the use of Taurus long-range cruise missiles requires the assistance and presence of German soldiers on Ukrainian territory. - Everyone who has ever dealt with this system knows this - he explained,
A German politician revealed that this is what the British and French do with their systems supplied to Ukraine.
Yes, unless you graduated from a field that was not very fruitful, like Archeology... that's my mistake, but thanks to it I became a welder... Quite a necessary profession, especially with qualifications for gas and heat pipes. But the most important thing is programming. 24-year-olds earn PLN 17,000 each, and I, a fool, earn PLN 6000-7,000. Only I, at the age of 37, will soon be the oldest in the brigade because the rest are 60 years old. You don't become a welder after a course, you become a welder after at least a decade. The software may be faulty and cause losses, but it won't kill a person, and a welding error in the structure will. Instead of going on vacation, I go to work in Norway and Germany because there is a shortage of qualified welders. I understand that everyone prefers to be clean and nice, to work in front of a keyboard, but in 30 years you won't have heating, water or buildings, unless you bring people from third world countries... unless wages change. Trivial, but to be a good builder you also need a lot of knowledge, but even more practice. For comparison... you can train a great programmer in five years, but it takes 10 years to become a average construction worker.
He told only about bright side of Poland and IT industry, for insiders it's not so great. We as Poles constanlty comparing ourselves to countries from wetsern Europe and we still see how far behind we are in purchasing power. Yes, prices are lower than in the west, but income is much more lower here. Wages is big problem for majority of Poles.
Well, the flat info is very outdated, 1bedroom apartment costs minimum 1000usd this days. A small Doggy flat studio in a doggy part of Warsaw costs 600usd
12:10 what is a few thousand km to an american? xd
Hello my neighbor! How is it going?
Młody zacznij uczyć się języka polskiego 😊
Weź go nie strasz. Niech zacznie od czegoś bardziej lajtowego.
I understand his satisfaction, but for a Pole who thinks in national terms, it is no pleasure that Poland is a paradise, but only for foreign companies. Polish companies are going bankrupt, Polish industry is practically non-existent, Polish farmers are not profitable to cultivate the land. Only large foreign corporations can find their place here. There is nothing wrong with foreign capital locating in our hospitable country, but it is happening while simultaneously destroying Polish industry and that is not good.
That's simply not true.
Chcesz wiedzieć więcej, a nie rozumiesz polskiego to masz tu kanały na YT - Love my Poland, The First News,
Proszę zrób reakcję na serial "stuleci winnych" ,który opowiada o WWI, WWII i czasach Prl-u
"He's a CEO, of course he's vegan" 😂
let's go fellow vegans 💪🏻🥦
He talk only about Warsaw, not other place
Germany officially legalized cannabis!! Maybe do a video about it, what are you thoughts on this topic? And why is your ruling coalition still getting this bunch of hate despite it's making dreams come true for millions of europeans from other countries??
WOW, the whole coalition thing is a biiiiiiigg topic, the problem is that the green party is ruling with the billionair party and they always have different opinions and somewhere in this coaliton is then also the workers party which the chancellor is from but nobody in Germany ever sees him.
@@chris.poland Wow it seems kinda complicated
But I'm surprised The Left (Die Linke) isn't part of this coalition because here it Poland it is, and our FDP and Greens are kind of connected because they identify as one party Third Way, despite having slightly different names but same coloristic
that explain the general connectiosns pretty well, maybe its to basic for our conversation but we have to get the basics straight.
@@chris.poland Thank you surely I watch!
Have look History Hiking about WW
It’s no longer cheaper inPoland than in Germany :(. Unfortunately you still earn much less.
I'm curious, what does a big mac menu cost in poland 😂 Not that is perfect for price comparison, but in every country I have been I always took a look at the big mac menu prices 😂
@@chris.poland 33zl ~ 7.5eur - how much it stands in Germany? In Switzerland it’s almost 15chf so twice as much as in Poland.
@@chris.poland My impression on Poland being not cheap was based on property prices compared to some old eu countries. I grew up in communism and it was a shock to me when I recently realised that purchase of a summer apartment in some posh Mediterranean location is cheaper than in Warsaw.
10,99€ @@tomekg6629
1 year ago it was 8,99€ I think and the sadest thing is the Döner prices, our national dish 😭😭😭
The video seems hella inauthentic. He definitely got paid for that cuz there are so many negative sides about Poland he would have mentioned if it was an actual vlog
That is eactly what I said after the video, but if you look on the facts, thats still quite impressive :)
your reaction about TOST BREAD buhahah xD
Im gay but youre so cute I have to say that! 😅 Theres def something cute about Germans
Chris you have not been to Poland yet? WTF?
Chris, Polish people in their 50s and 60s speak English quite well. The 50-year-olds were at school when communism collapsed, and they started adult life in a country where knowing English made it much easier to start life (and in the 21st century they were 30-40 years old, and they were the ones who were responsible for the international expansion of the Polish economy). In turn, 60-year-olds built the strength of the Polish economy in the 1990s (300% GDP growth in 10 years) and, of course, later, and started their professional careers right after graduation, also in an environment where knowledge of English was a requirement if you wanted to take advantage of the enormous opportunities that were opening up at that time.
Moreover, during the Polish People's Republic, English was compulsorily taught in secondary schools and colleges, and in many primary schools it was taught from the 6th grade. That is why Polish people in their 70s and 80s often speak English, although only some of them do it quite well. I am not talking about people who did not want to learn foreign languages because under communism they had no motivation to do so. Of course, young people today know English very well and widely, but neither they nor the current generation of 40 and 30-year-olds are the first to know English widely in Poland. 35 years since the fall of communism and the beginning of a very dynamic transformation is a long time, covering already 5 generations (counting every 10 years) or 3 generations (counting on the principle of grandfather-being -young -adult in 90s - teenage grandchild today), when it comes to professional activity immediately after finishing school, in completely new, dynamic circumstances.
And as for Polish programmers/IT ppl and so on: they were also valued very much during communism. So much, that graduates of computer science or cybernetics at Polish universities in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s did not need to have their diplomas recognized in the USA, their diplomas were considered among the best in the world and they were very sought-after graduates. Moreover, Poles were among the first to build (in the world) modern computers, next to the Americans (in the second half of the 1950s), and Polish mathematics departments have been at the forefront of the world for as long as university rankings have existed). For example, the Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Warsaw is often in the top five of these rankings, it sometimes took first place. To be fair, I would like to add that IT specialists from Russia and Ukraine are also highly valued around the world, especially graduates of Moscow and Kiev universities, where the level of mathematics is also very high. There is even talk of a "Slavic school of IT", which involves a very in-depth, stubborn and creative approach to solving problems, among others, thanks to a very strong mathematical foundation.
This is especially important in the case of challenges such as IT security, military, management of complex operations or the financial industry, where progress must be very fast and errors or omissions are very dangerous.
What the hell are you talking about? People in the 50 or 60 were taught Russian still. There was no option to learn English unless you wanted to study it at the university 🤦♀️ In my entire life in Poland I never met anyone who spoke English besides foreign students. In Germany my 80yo doctor speaks fluently English because she's from Western Germany
@@wero1799People who are yo 50 now, were in high school (well, equivalent of) when Communist Block collapsed. And many of them learned English then.
@alh6255 In People's Republic of Poland English was NOT compulsory neither in secondary schools nor in high schools. Even in universities English was compulsory only in some departments. Compulsory was Russian from 5th grade, and second foreign language (might be German, French, English - in technical schools German prevailed) from above 8th grade (above secondary school in US terms).
LOL you don't want to live in Poland, trust me
California has gone completely woke!
California jest do dupa! 💯
co do cen żywności to pistacje macie w Niemczech tańsze
just et u know poland is in centre of europe not east ;)
Germany 🇩🇪🧠🦾
Next willa be difreant level
Yes, we are very good employees xD Thats exactly what this man mean.
I mean, he said it in nicer words, but that was the basic message 😂
Dobrze, że chociaż niektórzy coś kojarzą z sedna tego nawijania.
Obejrzyj wspinaczki BNT
What is the BNT?
Obejrzyj"BNT 418"
@@chris.poland my, I suppose, Young hommies, meant polish skyscraper climber, mr Banot, his movies are named by BNT - He is something else (I don't remember but I saw when He climbed highest building in germany few years ago I think - some bank building in Frankfurt?)
I rekomend, its thrilling for me but I love it:)
Patrzy w przód
hello greetings plis
Hey :)
2 minutes ago lol.
Poland is inexpensive only for Westerners.
BNT - kannst du BNT angucken wo er in Frankfurt Wolkenkratzer geklettert hat.Immer hin denk ich das in Deutschland liebt mann wohler als in Polen,aber in 10 Jahren wer weißt 😉
Can you react to the song „patointeligencja”? The subtitles are in English as well 😊
you don't :/
No. Most engineers. They are the weakest in English
Chyba jednak lepiej by zamieszkań w Niemczech. Niemcy są dużo bogatsze i bezpieczniejsze na nich nikt tak łatwo nie napadnie. Może opowiedz coś lepiej o swoim pięknym kraju..
If you want to take more young viewers, make film about legalize conopia 👉
is it legalized in Poland?
@@chris.poland No, but in Germany do and in Poland everybody (especially young people) talks about this, because it is a very popular topic in polish mainstream media.
Really, wow Germany is really big in Poland, Poland gets never mentioned in Germany, as if to our east would be a sea😂@@VULNERO29
Are theresome polish videos about this topic, where I can see the resonance, because I did an research video a time ago and spent so much time on it and it is one of my worst performing videos, therefore I want to see, if all the effort would be worth it 😊@@VULNERO29
So I did a quick search "legalizacja marihuany Niemcy" and most videos have only couple of hundred views, maybe I looked for the wrong words 😅@@VULNERO29
Ceny w Polsce są zbliżone do niemieckich a czasem nawet wyższe
Nah you don't want to live in Poland😂 I don't think that earning 600€ in a full time job is attractive 😂🤣 I also live in Germany in a Bundesland's capital and we still have the greanest cities:p I've been in multiple polish cities and they are depressing. In Germany every apartment building is painted colorful, on every street we have trees or tiny roadside gardens so yeah the conclusion is clear to me😂
4:48 this dude is completely wrong I know personally at least 10 ppl with their own companies going through a market like a f tanks if it comes to ai llm or IT i n general... They are waaay upfront of most of the companies/ startups in Europe... We do not need more CEOs like this dude, really...
do tego wrzuce jedno zdanie, Sa puktualni, a puktualnosc to, jest swiete przykazanie dla Polakow, pozdrawiam z Koeln i wszystkiego dobrego
Is video from about few years ago. 🤔
dzień dobry... nie wiem. po prostu komentarz...
A Supportcomment, thanks 😊 🇩🇪🤝🇵🇱