Master Class ESCP Europe : Raphaëlle Laubie & Philippe Gabilliet

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • CEO's studio ESCP Europe
    "Could you explain the rationale behind some of your professional key moves?
    I was certainly driven,
    Driven by Passion
    Steve Jobs constantly encouraged his teams to entertain passion and to follow their heart. It was his own way of functioning during his life. The outcomes are conclusive. Passion is key, it drives reason, does stimulate people and impulses action proceedings. Without passion people lack the energy that fuels their actions, they lose their assurance of being on right track, their desire to never give up…
    Web 2.0 technologies offered collaborative tools that allowed realtime collective innovation. I wanted to be part of the game, helping virtual communities and innovations among these virtual spaces to blossom. I’m not talking about socials networks that are primarily organized around people rather than around interests. Virtual communities are driven by members’ shared goals or interests.
    I was convinced that openness could win in a connected world with massive amounts of connected brains. Everybody with shared goals can then contribute to innovation, and build on each other’s ideas..."