Kopala Studienku - Slovakian folk song

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024
  • Kopala studienku is a Slovak folk song whose melody has served as the basis for Slovakia's national anthem, "Nad Tatrou sa blýska".
    23-year-old Janko Matúška wrote the lyrics of "Nad Tatrou sa blýska" in January and February 1844. The tune came from the folk song "Kopala studienku" (English: "She was digging a well") suggested to him by his fellow student Jozef Podhradský, a future religious and Pan-Slavic activist and gymnasial teacher and a similar Hungarian folk song, "Azt mondják, nem adnak engem galambomnak" (English: "They say, they won't let me marry my love"). Shortly afterwards, Matúška and about two dozen other students left their prestigious Lutheran lyceum of Pressburg (preparatory high school and college) in protest over the removal of Ľudovít Štúr from his teaching position by the Lutheran Church under pressure from the authorities. The territory of present-day Slovakia was part of the Kingdom of Hungary within the Austrian Empire then, and the officials objected to his Slovak nationalism.
    "Lightning over the Tatras" was written during the weeks when the students were agitated about the repeated denials of their and others' appeals to the school board to reverse Štúr's dismissal. About a dozen of the defecting students transferred to the Lutheran gymnasium of Levoča.When one of the students, the 18-year-old budding journalist and writer Viliam Pauliny-Tóth, wrote down the oldest known record of the poem in his school notebook in 1844, he gave it the title of Prešporskí Slováci, budúci Levočania (Pressburg Slovaks, Future Levočians), which reflected the motivation of its origin.
    The journey from Pressburg (present-day Bratislava) to Levoča took the students past the High Tatras, Slovakia's and the then Kingdom of Hungary's highest, imposing, and symbolic mountain range. A storm above the mountains is a key theme in the poem.
    Kopala studienku, pozerala do nej - 2x
    Či je tak hlboká (jako/ake) je široká, skočila by do nej,
    hej skočila by do nej.
    A (na/pri) tej studienke napájala páva - 2x
    Spytuje sa šuhaj, spytuje sa šuhaj,
    kotroho som pána, hej kotroho som pána.
    Nespytuj sa šuhaj bo ja sama neznam -2x
    Príď na večer do nás, príď na večer do nás,
    materi sa doznaš, hej materi sa doznaš.
    • Nad Tatrou sa blýska (...
    • Nad Tatrou sa blýska (...
    • Nad Tatrou sa blýska (...
    • Kopala studienku