Zeus sees literally any living creature walking around, minding its own business Zeus: *"THERE ARE NO WORDS ON GODS GREEN EARTH THAT CAN DESCRIBE HOW SPECTACULAR ERECT I AM!"*
I wish gamology would explain to the people reacting what the game is about. I wanna see their reaction to Adam and Eve being the first Humans and how the Mythologies are the "ones that came before"
Yeah it would be nice if they got like a quick debrief of what they are about to see. I’ve noticed it with other videos where alot of experts react go in blind and dont really understand what a game is about and misinterpreted some aspects.
In gamology’s defense it wouldn’t be a genuine reaction if they did tell them stuff. Yea it would clear things up but their reaction wouldn’t be 100% so it’s give and take.
@@ryankirkpatrick3771 perhaps because the one on the right is influenced by its excited identity and does not take into account the ancient culture or the laws that were in force at that time, against such a free identity, if they had had to talk about ``some of quest`` the two would have quarreled
Loved this video. I just wish they showed the “fake Minotaur” of Leiandros to contrast with the one shown in this video. Would have been fun to see their reaction.
@@jdenton1337 I understand the point of why he says that it is fake, it is a minotaur created by the ISU, the precursor race, the same one that has created all the artifacts of all the conflicts that the assassins and templars have had, that is why he says that it is fake because the minotaur is not a literal minotaur from greek mythology
Gamology, you know this means we want them to basically react to every assassins creed game if possible lol. Its nice to see historians react and give there opinion on one of the best history games franchise there is
Maybe a little bit downhill after the ezio saga, or the one who simulate him in animus (i can't remember his name, it's been so long after my last gameplay)
Fun fact: The mythological creatures from AC Odyssey are in fact, abominations created by Project Olympus, an attempt from the Isu ( aka Those Who Came Before ) to harness and control the evolutive properties of the Apples of Eden.
Yes, they're basically here to create game hype, more than historical accuracy at anything. It would have been more interesting to have them react to the settings, the places, the political/historical figures etc. Everyone knows that the boss fights, weapons and armors in AC games are not accurate, they've never been and the devs never pretended they were.
Being an avid fan of Classic Civilizations, I absolutely LOVED this react. Both of them have a really great chemistry and understand the mythology aspect and the fact that it's just a game. From the little details to the full on historical details and myths, it was amazing! If any of them know about Egyptian Mythology and Ancient Egypt a reaction to AC Origins would be neat!
Main Errors : The Λ was not adopted and standartised to every spartan shield till the Peloponnesean war . The spartans didnt call their city Lakedaimonia but the whole region of Sparta from the area of Lakonia , the city was called Sparta by them and the rest of the world . Thermopylae is located near the North Evoian Bay (and at that time compared to now it was even nearer which is why the path was narrow and used by the Spartans in the first place , so what you see is a sea where the Persians land their ships , not a river/lake . The army of Xerxes in Thermopylae was not 1 million(thats an exaggerated myth) but 180000-300000 . Ephialtes was not deformed nor a spartan but from the land of Malis , a region in the borders of Thessaly at the time . Also not a single comment was made for the vambraces that everyone seems to wear in the game . Are we sure that these guys are historians and didnt just saw 300 and said yes now I am qualified to spread my knowledge to the world??
well spoke brother .also they didnt comment about how Leonidas throw his shield on the the battle of Thermopolis intro and how important is the shield on the the greek warfare. no Greek threw his shield unless he dies they also critisized very like mocking Herodotus writing. The father of history... Maybe i didnt understand correctly what he said about him amazons werent greek women were scythians originaly tribes that contact with hellenic world and some of them hellenized and had greek names by settle on greek populated areas like Anatolia, Pontus , Thrace , Lesbos island the guy that said he played the game said that the first civilazation artifacts are form the early bronze age people... yeah sure historian...
Probably a little late, but they also talked about the incorrect version of Medusa’s story. In the correct story, Medusa was always a gorgon, and was eventually killed by Perseus. The version where Athena turned Medusa into a gorgon is a version written by (I forgot his name) to spite Greece because he was kicked out, so he wrote stories insulting the Greek Gods
I remember getting most of my history lessons from playing the old Assassin's Creed games. It's great to see that historians are finally doing their reactions about it 😂
Love seeing these two talk about everything, the history, scenery and accuracy of some things in Assassin's Creed, would love to see that with the other games Edit: wish they had shown the Steropes boss fight right after would've been funny
If I'm remembering correctly, I'm pretty sure when Leonidas went to the Oracle he was actually told something along the lines that in order for Greece to be free (or to achieve victory) a King had to die or something similar along those lines.
According to Herodotus yes, Because I’m the Spartan oligarchy there were two kings, one as head of government while the other could act as general in war, meaning if one was lucky enough to have a warriors death then the political vaccum they left wouldn’t be so dire
I expected a Skallagrim-level meltdown at the lack of phalanxes and Leonidas literally throwing his shield away, breaking formation, and performing wu-shu spear dancing against his foes. These two clearly had other concerns. :-P
Love these react videos, just wish they showed more of the actual history and characters involved in the peloponnesian war to see the experts reactions (for example King Archidamus, Brasidas, Alkibiades, Perikles, etc). But it's still a pretty great video! ;)
For being historians these guys can actually piece together the mythological stuff from the ac games really good! Especially that one guy assuming the pieces of Eden came from an earlier civilization! Great vid 👏
Just realized that guy played the game too 😂😅 still, great job explaining things to the other guy who wasn’t as informed, especially the cultists and stuff
Appreciate this new perspective with historians and mythology experts! They seem really dark on the actual details/context of the scenes they watch, but still, lots of cool insight! Also as a request, PLEASE bring back some martial artists to take a look at Sifu! The game drops on February 8th. We don't get many games primarily focused on martial arts, and I'd love to see Gemma, Noah, or RJ check it out!
"Was there a river in Thermopylae?" The battle took place on a narrow coastal path in Thermopylae called "The Hot Gates", so no, there wasn't a river, it was the Mediterranean sea. Something you would expect a historian reviewing a game that takes place in ancient Greece to know.
greek here actually we greeks have a lot of similarities in the looks and traditions from the middle east because we lived there for almost 2000 years we are more similar to them than the europeans
One thing I would like to point out in the cinematic for the battle of Thermopylae, during the part when Leonidas gets overwhelmed by the Persians, the arrows would not penetrate his chest armor so cleanly, it would take a lot more than that
2:42 I wish they would’ve let the historians watch the whole scene for context first so that they would get that the cultists were making the Pythia say out of pocket stuff
The Spartans didn't have Lambdas on their shields in 480 BC. This practice originated with the Perioikoi in the 420s BC and was subsequently copied by the Homoioi. Ephialtes being a deformed Spartan exile is purely a creation of the graphic novel and film 300.
Okay, though fictional, I want to explain something about the First Civilization, which in some other games is known as the Precursor Civilizations. They were a race of god-like beings that were on this planet before any of us, and was the most advanced civilization of all time, including even inventing laser shields. Unfortunately, the fall came when the sun screwed up their inventions basically, and a lot of the cryptic warnings was about a similar event happening again. Adam and Eve, if you go by what was said in the Assassin's Creed 2, were slaves essentially to this civilization..something like that, may have to look that one up again. But yeah..wish they'd do a game specifically on them, but the games just get so vague about them, and that's all we have..
Some points for anyone wandering: Thermopylae was actually at the coast of the Greek world so the "river" was actually the gulf of Malis. The Greco-Persian wars didn't entirly set up for the peloponessian wars. A common mistake is the misunderstanding between the first and second Peloponnesian wars whcih sandwiched the Greco-Persian wars. There was actually a peace treaty that was signed between the Peloponnesian states and the attik area within at the beginning of the Greco-Persian wars. Ephialtes wasn't kicked out of Sparta. This is another misconception that stems from the movie 300. He was a local man from trachis (where the persians set up camp). Everything else from the mythology parts seemed right but these are just things i randomly picked up
This game is absolutely fantastic! Amazing story and characters and I love how they weave the Isu stuff into Alexios’ story during the Peloponesian war. Having some parts with Leonidas was super cool too!
There is a river at Thermopylae, but what irks me as a geologist & geographer is the entire scene is fantastical. The landscape is a lot less rough and you actually have a stretch of farmland decently wide sandwiched between marshy coast and smooth hills.
2:25 About Masks in Sparta; Masks hung in temples, like the temple of Artemis Orthia were there to remind young Spartans of the ugliness of failure and was a life-long duty to avoid. These Cultist masks remind me of that.
Great reaction I loved this! A great idea would be historians react to Hades, absolutely love everything about Hades. Although it might be kinda difficult on what to show the historians exactly.
I stumbled upon this video because I looked at the preview and wondered aloud, "what the hell is Jay from Red Letter Media doing on this vid talking about history and video games" lol. BUT...luckily, this video ended up super interesting and now I have subbed! :D
Pretty sure the entire Athena (or Minerva as Ovid wrote) punishing Medusa with her being turned into a monster is written down by Ovid and thus more part of Roman mythology than Greek.
Im a big fan if norse mythology and northern European history and Valhalla and how they treat the era and the people theyre portraying, its obvious that countless hours went into research and it was forced into the game everywhere it could be. ive been researching this stuff for almost 20 years on my own just enjoying learning about it and I'm learning new things from this game lol
The cultists in the game are predecessors to the templars in the other games, in this game their called the cult of kosmos and there goal is to cause chaos and they control the Pythias, which is why she told Leonidas to let Persia invade Greece.
This game has several different stories to follow. There is one with the war. There's one where you meet Xerxes brother (DLC). There's the mythical aspect to it. There's the family part of it. In the political part of it, Alkibiades , Aristophanes, Brasidas, even Herodotos and Sokrates (and so many more)... I wish you guys had concentrated on that storyline with it LOL. There's A LOT going on.
Isn't the quote from the cave "and the cyclops dashed the men's skulls against the rock like puppies..."? I remember being a child and thinking, dam, that's cool ;)
I'm at around 230 hours, spent around 180 on my first playthrough getting the good ending, and now on my second trying to be as much of an a**hole as I can so I can get the worst ending. Been wanting to chill in the Discovery Tour and learn all about ancient Greece, but always got distracted by the game itself.
Yes, accuracy in a video game about two secret orders fighting down through the ages for the fate of the world using ancient, highly advanced technology from a lost civilization… there’s good accuracy and there’s pointless accuracy, which do you think this series applies too?
Cool video. I wish they would’ve showed them Herodotus around where they were showing the combat. I would love to see this on all of the games. I think Unity did the best job
"They made her really ugly, of course they did"... uhm... they made her look evil and dangerous but they didn't make her ugly. I really liked that part of the design because you can still see the beautiful woman she was before but it also undeniably communicates the monster she is now.
The minotaur was THE HARDEST BOSS FIGHT in all of AC history, it took me 2 days of banging my keyboard to bring this monster down, last time I was that frustrated, I was fighting a level 1 boss in DARKSOULS 3!
Some inside baseball: Ubisoft not only took pains to bring a bunch of the history to this game, but they also hired many Greek v/o and PCAP performers to do the voices and performances of the characters. They continue this trend in Valhalla by hiring Scandanavian actors. Good eggs over there at Ubisoft.
Finally getting historians to react to AC but you choose the most fantasy one lol. I’m not complaining but I was hoping for Unity honestly since I’m biased towards it.
I never actually the knew the Cyclops in the game were actual cyclops in mythology, so when he listed off Argos and Steropes after Brontes was surprising
The first civilization were called "The Isu", they had advanced tech also they had a sense of time a bit like Casandra from Greek mythology where she had the ability to predict the future. However, while having advanced physiology, they lacked empathy and prone to making evil decisions. There were some who were good and corrupted. I will not go into detail so as yo not spoil it for anyone.
The cultists were part of the order of the ancients. the easiest way to describe them were the precursors to the templars many years later which have been portrayed in the assassins creed lore since the start. The rest of the game while set around the Peloponnesian war brought Greek mythology to life under the idea that, in this instance, Alexios or Kassandra are demigods. The came from a lineage that dates back to people who were known as the Isu. They were this ancient yet highly advanced species that lived several millennia before the most ancient human civilizations during what's know as the eponymous era. They created the pieces of Eden which played a part in mythology of many ancient cultures and were sought after by the assassin brotherhood and the templar order/order of the ancients spanning across millennia. on the assassins creed fandom page, it talks about the Isu and who they were and it goes into detail on AC odyssey and how that ties into the assassins creed timeline and the interplay between Greek mythology and assassins creed lore.
Actually no,the cult of Kosmos was born by the time Hermes and Pythagoras met(Before that,they were called the cult of Hermes before they divided).Order of ancients was founded way earlier in 14th BC by Pharaoh Smenkhkare in Ancient Egypt.And the templar order was founded by Cain in 12th century.
@@Harfizz True, i was getting my groups mixed up a little. Yes the cults were not part of the order of the ancients. They wanted to wipe out the bloodline of King Leonidas and take control of greece. It was the Order of the Ancients who were the precursors to the knights templars established during the eighteenth dynasty egypt. ya my bad, i just had some of my wording and groups mixed up a little and totally forgot that the cults were not part of the order of the anceints. it did originally get a little confusing because your dealing with 2 seperate lineages of croups at the same time and can its a little tricky to not overlap them.
Dude, i’m new to the channel but damn I love these vids. Thanks to all the experts. If you ever want any of the Batman Arkham games done, and you need a meat headed, 90’s child dork i’m your guy.
I'm a historian so I'm forever critical with everything (life in general) but I've been a gamer longer sooo! Lol i appreciate the AC series (AC1 - Revelations, Odyssey and Origins)
3:30 if i remember, there is the Sperch(k)ios between Lamia and Termopylae. And Xerxes ruled a empire with more freedom for its inhabitants than the greeks had at the time, i always thought it was unfortunate to learn about the story from the greek point of view but not the Persian one ; thanks to historians and archaeologists its possible .
``return with the shield or on it``, the shield was called a hoplon, hence the name Hoplite, no soldier would have thrown it away, it would have been a shame a sacrilege
No Pythias gave unsolicited answers, no Pythias had the power to condemn people to death, those children were Leonidas' grandchildren, do you think the Spartans would not have noticed that it was a lie formulated for revenge? two healthy children sacrificed for the good of Sparta ? historically it is absurd, the Spartans were not fools
I was hoping you'd show them the actually historically accurate stuff. I don't need experts to go "yup the Minotaur was a myth and not real." Let them discuss the day to day life of the background of the game.
There is a lot of the war in the game you just chose the four mythological beasts you fight to react to. Also the reason he's taking parts of the beasts is because the mythological beasts are explained as being precursor/isu constructs designed to protect artifacts with great power (it's all part of the assassin's creed lore as the the isu are an ancient race with advanced technology that went extinct but were viewed as gods to early humans)
Disappointed that most of what they were given to react to was mythological monsters when there are SO many real world people and locations in this game I’d love to have seen them talk about.
Should see if you have them see the Assassins Creed from the first game. There’s a lot of historical figures and places in the original triad with their companion games. Not to mention Black flag with pirate history and lore.
My favorite thing about Greek mythology is that like 70% of stories start with Zeus being too horny for his own good
For real lol
Dammit Zeus, keep it in your tunic!
Zeus sees literally any living creature walking around, minding its own business
It’s true anything with a hole Zeus with smash
then there is his jealous wife smh
I wish gamology would explain to the people reacting what the game is about. I wanna see their reaction to Adam and Eve being the first Humans and how the Mythologies are the "ones that came before"
Same, but it's also cool seeing them figure it out for themselves and piecing it together
Yeah it would be nice if they got like a quick debrief of what they are about to see. I’ve noticed it with other videos where alot of experts react go in blind and dont really understand what a game is about and misinterpreted some aspects.
Fortunately the historian on the right said he's played the game so he has that insight
In gamology’s defense it wouldn’t be a genuine reaction if they did tell them stuff. Yea it would clear things up but their reaction wouldn’t be 100% so it’s give and take.
I wish they show them more of the real thing like, Alkibiates, Brasidas,sokrates and other acurate character than the mythologic creatures
Not exciting enough for a clickbait video, also guy on the left refused to listen to the context from the one on the right
@@ryankirkpatrick3771 perhaps because the one on the right is influenced by its excited identity and does not take into account the ancient culture or the laws that were in force at that time, against such a free identity, if they had had to talk about ``some of quest`` the two would have quarreled
Loved this video. I just wish they showed the “fake Minotaur” of Leiandros to contrast with the one shown in this video. Would have been fun to see their reaction.
And the "Grand Mino-tour" too!
Fake? You're mistaken, that was 100% definitely a mighty Minotaur!
@@jdenton1337 cate for some minotaur hoof juice? Only 200 drachmae!
@@jdenton1337 I understand the point of why he says that it is fake, it is a minotaur created by the ISU, the precursor race, the same one that has created all the artifacts of all the conflicts that the assassins and templars have had, that is why he says that it is fake because the minotaur is not a literal minotaur from greek mythology
Gamology, you know this means we want them to basically react to every assassins creed game if possible lol. Its nice to see historians react and give there opinion on one of the best history games franchise there is
Maybe a little bit downhill after the ezio saga, or the one who simulate him in animus (i can't remember his name, it's been so long after my last gameplay)
@@TheTheMyth Desmonds arc
It would be nice to make them react to Unity’s French Revolution or Syndicate’s Victorian Era.
Maybe different historians, don't know if their expertise is strictly ancient Greek or if it's more than just that.
No thats a waste of time
Fun fact: The mythological creatures from AC Odyssey are in fact, abominations created by Project Olympus, an attempt from the Isu ( aka Those Who Came Before ) to harness and control the evolutive properties of the Apples of Eden.
Yes, they're basically here to create game hype, more than historical accuracy at anything. It would have been more interesting to have them react to the settings, the places, the political/historical figures etc. Everyone knows that the boss fights, weapons and armors in AC games are not accurate, they've never been and the devs never pretended they were.
About Pythia - yeah, in this game she is basically cultists' puppet, so she is telling everyone what they want her too tell
It's awesome to finally see historians reacting to Assassin's Creed 😄✌
@@will360yt i think he was making a jab at them
As a semi historian myself I can only agree 😀 All I need now is historians and more sword fight masters reacting to Kingdome Come Deliverance 😀
There are other historians reacted to other Assassin's Creed before. You should check those as well.
That's not assassin's creed
@@BrightHero_Ultimato kinda is, kinda isn't lmao.
Being an avid fan of Classic Civilizations, I absolutely LOVED this react. Both of them have a really great chemistry and understand the mythology aspect and the fact that it's just a game. From the little details to the full on historical details and myths, it was amazing! If any of them know about Egyptian Mythology and Ancient Egypt a reaction to AC Origins would be neat!
I wish they showed more of the historical figures like Herodotus
I'm glad that these guys are back to react to Ancient Greek history and Mythology. I hope they do a part two.
Main Errors : The Λ was not adopted and standartised to every spartan shield till the Peloponnesean war .
The spartans didnt call their city Lakedaimonia but the whole region of Sparta from the area of Lakonia , the city was called Sparta by them and the rest of the world .
Thermopylae is located near the North Evoian Bay (and at that time compared to now it was even nearer which is why the path was narrow and used by the Spartans in the first place , so what you see is a sea where the Persians land their ships , not a river/lake .
The army of Xerxes in Thermopylae was not 1 million(thats an exaggerated myth) but 180000-300000 .
Ephialtes was not deformed nor a spartan but from the land of Malis , a region in the borders of Thessaly at the time .
Also not a single comment was made for the vambraces that everyone seems to wear in the game .
Are we sure that these guys are historians and didnt just saw 300 and said yes now I am qualified to spread my knowledge to the world??
well spoke brother .also they didnt comment about how Leonidas throw his shield on the the battle of Thermopolis intro and how important is the shield on the the greek warfare. no Greek threw his shield unless he dies
they also critisized very like mocking Herodotus writing. The father of history... Maybe i didnt understand correctly what he said about him
amazons werent greek women were scythians originaly tribes that contact with hellenic world and some of them hellenized and had greek names by settle on greek populated areas like Anatolia, Pontus , Thrace , Lesbos island
the guy that said he played the game said that the first civilazation artifacts are form the early bronze age people... yeah sure historian...
@@alekoschill9486 😎
Probably a little late, but they also talked about the incorrect version of Medusa’s story. In the correct story, Medusa was always a gorgon, and was eventually killed by Perseus. The version where Athena turned Medusa into a gorgon is a version written by (I forgot his name) to spite Greece because he was kicked out, so he wrote stories insulting the Greek Gods
I remember getting most of my history lessons from playing the old Assassin's Creed games. It's great to see that historians are finally doing their reactions about it 😂
I love these two historians. Bring 'em back for more!
Im half Greek and half Sicilian and these movies and games about us make me feel so badass lmao
Not the sacrificing kids part lmao
They bounce off each other so well
Love to see these guys in more videos!
Love seeing these two talk about everything, the history, scenery and accuracy of some things in Assassin's Creed, would love to see that with the other games
Edit: wish they had shown the Steropes boss fight right after would've been funny
two super cool high school teachers lol
If I'm remembering correctly, I'm pretty sure when Leonidas went to the Oracle he was actually told something along the lines that in order for Greece to be free (or to achieve victory) a King had to die or something similar along those lines.
According to Herodotus yes,
Because I’m the Spartan oligarchy there were two kings, one as head of government while the other could act as general in war, meaning if one was lucky enough to have a warriors death then the political vaccum they left wouldn’t be so dire
@@A-G-A-G Ooohhh, for some reason I thought there were three kings. Not sure where I picked up that notion but I appreciate the history tidbit.
12:55 if only they showed them the historical figures/places. That would've been more entertaining to see their reaction.
I expected a Skallagrim-level meltdown at the lack of phalanxes and Leonidas literally throwing his shield away, breaking formation, and performing wu-shu spear dancing against his foes. These two clearly had other concerns. :-P
I think they held that because at the end of the day it is a video game and would be unorthodox to do in an Assassin's creed game no less.
Love these react videos, just wish they showed more of the actual history and characters involved in the peloponnesian war to see the experts reactions (for example King Archidamus, Brasidas, Alkibiades, Perikles, etc). But it's still a pretty great video! ;)
For being historians these guys can actually piece together the mythological stuff from the ac games really good! Especially that one guy assuming the pieces of Eden came from an earlier civilization! Great vid 👏
Just realized that guy played the game too 😂😅 still, great job explaining things to the other guy who wasn’t as informed, especially the cultists and stuff
Majority of locations in this game did exist in real life. There's a history mode that lets you explore everywhere in greece and learn about it.
Appreciate this new perspective with historians and mythology experts! They seem really dark on the actual details/context of the scenes they watch, but still, lots of cool insight!
Also as a request, PLEASE bring back some martial artists to take a look at Sifu! The game drops on February 8th. We don't get many games primarily focused on martial arts, and I'd love to see Gemma, Noah, or RJ check it out!
This is actually pretty awesome seeing historians looking into these historical games. I’d love to see more of this!
"Was there a river in Thermopylae?" The battle took place on a narrow coastal path in Thermopylae called "The Hot Gates", so no, there wasn't a river, it was the Mediterranean sea. Something you would expect a historian reviewing a game that takes place in ancient Greece to know.
I think you'll find that sea is the Aegean Sea actually.
Confidently incorrect
greek here actually we greeks have a lot of similarities in the looks and traditions from the middle east because we lived there for almost 2000 years we are more similar to them than the europeans
These two were fantastic! Hope to see them do other Assassin's Creed games too!
One thing I would like to point out in the cinematic for the battle of Thermopylae, during the part when Leonidas gets overwhelmed by the Persians, the arrows would not penetrate his chest armor so cleanly, it would take a lot more than that
Those guys look like they would be great to have around. If I ever got someone like them, they would be in my top 10 friends list from day 1.
There’s so much historical elements missing from this video. There’s literally famous figures like Socrates they could’ve reacted to.
2:42 I wish they would’ve let the historians watch the whole scene for context first so that they would get that the cultists were making the Pythia say out of pocket stuff
they should show them the representation of the city of Athenas, it's the most magnificent city i've ever seen in a game.
The Spartans didn't have Lambdas on their shields in 480 BC. This practice originated with the Perioikoi in the 420s BC and was subsequently copied by the Homoioi.
Ephialtes being a deformed Spartan exile is purely a creation of the graphic novel and film 300.
What did they have on their shields instead at the time?
@@altechelghanforever9906 Individual family crests, mythological monsters, etc, same any other polis' hoplites.
@@Nomad416 True
Okay, though fictional, I want to explain something about the First Civilization, which in some other games is known as the Precursor Civilizations. They were a race of god-like beings that were on this planet before any of us, and was the most advanced civilization of all time, including even inventing laser shields. Unfortunately, the fall came when the sun screwed up their inventions basically, and a lot of the cryptic warnings was about a similar event happening again. Adam and Eve, if you go by what was said in the Assassin's Creed 2, were slaves essentially to this civilization..something like that, may have to look that one up again. But yeah..wish they'd do a game specifically on them, but the games just get so vague about them, and that's all we have..
Some points for anyone wandering: Thermopylae was actually at the coast of the Greek world so the "river" was actually the gulf of Malis. The Greco-Persian wars didn't entirly set up for the peloponessian wars. A common mistake is the misunderstanding between the first and second Peloponnesian wars whcih sandwiched the Greco-Persian wars. There was actually a peace treaty that was signed between the Peloponnesian states and the attik area within at the beginning of the Greco-Persian wars. Ephialtes wasn't kicked out of Sparta. This is another misconception that stems from the movie 300. He was a local man from trachis (where the persians set up camp). Everything else from the mythology parts seemed right but these are just things i randomly picked up
Man, that was so much fun seeing two Greek mythology/history nerds just chillin' and chattin' about stuff that largely went over our heads.
The way these 2 play off each other is gold. Sign me up for a semester
Lolol I can NOT believe you guys put them through doing that ad read in the beginning 🤦🏼♀️
that was super cool! maybe also reactions on the DLC content for this or other AC games with historians, i would love it all!
This game is absolutely fantastic! Amazing story and characters and I love how they weave the Isu stuff into Alexios’ story during the Peloponesian war. Having some parts with Leonidas was super cool too!
There is a river at Thermopylae, but what irks me as a geologist & geographer is the entire scene is fantastical. The landscape is a lot less rough and you actually have a stretch of farmland decently wide sandwiched between marshy coast and smooth hills.
Anyone else notice how the middle school teacher is more knowledgable of the game lol It was satisfying hearing him know the game so accurately :)
Mythical stuff aside I love these games for how historically accurate they try to be.
Emphasis on the word try.
Yes a mercenary would never use a shield.
@@ibrahimbinimran4320 why
@Winged One I thought it was obvious I was being sarcastic(this is my alt BTW cause I forgot the other accounts login)
2:25 About Masks in Sparta; Masks hung in temples, like the temple of Artemis Orthia were there to remind young Spartans of the ugliness of failure and was a life-long duty to avoid. These Cultist masks remind me of that.
Great reaction I loved this! A great idea would be historians react to Hades, absolutely love everything about Hades. Although it might be kinda difficult on what to show the historians exactly.
yeah they mentioned the furies, would be fun - not sure what to show either
I love odyssey because it full of history but not limited to reality. Greek mythology is so interesting and odyssey sparked that interest in me.
Love these guys! Hope there are more coming!
I stumbled upon this video because I looked at the preview and wondered aloud, "what the hell is Jay from Red Letter Media doing on this vid talking about history and video games" lol.
BUT...luckily, this video ended up super interesting and now I have subbed! :D
History and mythology are two of the reasons why I love the Assassins Creed series.
Wow these extra details about the spartan war blows me away
These experts are cool
Pretty sure the entire Athena (or Minerva as Ovid wrote) punishing Medusa with her being turned into a monster is written down by Ovid and thus more part of Roman mythology than Greek.
Im a big fan if norse mythology and northern European history and Valhalla and how they treat the era and the people theyre portraying, its obvious that countless hours went into research and it was forced into the game everywhere it could be. ive been researching this stuff for almost 20 years on my own just enjoying learning about it and I'm learning new things from this game lol
The cultists in the game are predecessors to the templars in the other games, in this game their called the cult of kosmos and there goal is to cause chaos and they control the Pythias, which is why she told Leonidas to let Persia invade Greece.
This game has several different stories to follow. There is one with the war. There's one where you meet Xerxes brother (DLC). There's the mythical aspect to it. There's the family part of it. In the political part of it, Alkibiades , Aristophanes, Brasidas, even Herodotos and Sokrates (and so many more)... I wish you guys had concentrated on that storyline with it LOL. There's A LOT going on.
Isn't the quote from the cave "and the cyclops dashed the men's skulls against the rock like puppies..."?
I remember being a child and thinking, dam, that's cool ;)
And people say learning about history is boring. This is amazing! (Them mentioning history, I know the game isn’t true to history.)
in fact this game is a pack of historical lies
perfect timing.
i just have over 109 hours playing this game.
i still haven't completed the game yet.
Good luck, I had 250 hours and didn't even do the Atlantis dlc, I couldn't take any more and quit without starting it. True story.
I'm at around 230 hours, spent around 180 on my first playthrough getting the good ending, and now on my second trying to be as much of an a**hole as I can so I can get the worst ending. Been wanting to chill in the Discovery Tour and learn all about ancient Greece, but always got distracted by the game itself.
Never attended the history yet always has been top of my class in history, because of this game.
I'm sorry for you but this game tells so many historical falsehoods, in Greece you would be the last of the class
Would be cool to see historians react to the AC games that actually cared about historical accuracy
Yes, accuracy in a video game about two secret orders fighting down through the ages for the fate of the world using ancient, highly advanced technology from a lost civilization… there’s good accuracy and there’s pointless accuracy, which do you think this series applies too?
yes especially from the cultural point of view of the time, but I bet they don't, otherwise ubisoft will have to throw the game in the trash
Cool video. I wish they would’ve showed them Herodotus around where they were showing the combat. I would love to see this on all of the games. I think Unity did the best job
I like that they said "is there going to be steropes and argos" there are actually those two cyclops in the game
This has to be a series of them reacting to every AC, please!
"They made her really ugly, of course they did"... uhm... they made her look evil and dangerous but they didn't make her ugly. I really liked that part of the design because you can still see the beautiful woman she was before but it also undeniably communicates the monster she is now.
I would have liked if they had showed the different scenography (markets, sculptures, ports, palaces)
The minotaur was THE HARDEST BOSS FIGHT in all of AC history, it took me 2 days of banging my keyboard to bring this monster down, last time I was that frustrated, I was fighting a level 1 boss in DARKSOULS 3!
I took out Minotaur on my first try, that farty Erymanthian Boar gave me a time for my money.
Keep doing these one's guys, great job 👌🔥
Some inside baseball: Ubisoft not only took pains to bring a bunch of the history to this game, but they also hired many Greek v/o and PCAP performers to do the voices and performances of the characters. They continue this trend in Valhalla by hiring Scandanavian actors. Good eggs over there at Ubisoft.
9:57 in assassins creed there was a civilization before humanity that were basically gods and the artifact are incredibly powerful
Finally getting historians to react to AC but you choose the most fantasy one lol. I’m not complaining but I was hoping for Unity honestly since I’m biased towards it.
Asking teachers to promote video game content to young people and also say “having fun while learning” is incredibly short sighted
like learning historical lies from a video game
Hearing them geek out about history is so fucking relatable honestly
The info on the alternate channels reminded me of an SNL skit. It was awesome. 😂
I never actually the knew the Cyclops in the game were actual cyclops in mythology, so when he listed off Argos and Steropes after Brontes was surprising
Being that Kassandra is the cannon protagonist of the game, i wonder what they think of the story arc where she competes in the Olympics....
exactly but if they talk about her, they will have to explain 90% of the bullshit told in the game and their propaganda agenda does not allow it
I’d love to see an ex prisoner react to prisons/prison scenes in video games
The first civilization were called "The Isu", they had advanced tech also they had a sense of time a bit like Casandra from Greek mythology where she had the ability to predict the future. However, while having advanced physiology, they lacked empathy and prone to making evil decisions. There were some who were good and corrupted. I will not go into detail so as yo not spoil it for anyone.
The cultists were part of the order of the ancients. the easiest way to describe them were the precursors to the templars many years later which have been portrayed in the assassins creed lore since the start. The rest of the game while set around the Peloponnesian war brought Greek mythology to life under the idea that, in this instance, Alexios or Kassandra are demigods. The came from a lineage that dates back to people who were known as the Isu. They were this ancient yet highly advanced species that lived several millennia before the most ancient human civilizations during what's know as the eponymous era. They created the pieces of Eden which played a part in mythology of many ancient cultures and were sought after by the assassin brotherhood and the templar order/order of the ancients spanning across millennia. on the assassins creed fandom page, it talks about the Isu and who they were and it goes into detail on AC odyssey and how that ties into the assassins creed timeline and the interplay between Greek mythology and assassins creed lore.
Actually no,the cult of Kosmos was born by the time Hermes and Pythagoras met(Before that,they were called the cult of Hermes before they divided).Order of ancients was founded way earlier in 14th BC by Pharaoh Smenkhkare in Ancient Egypt.And the templar order was founded by Cain in 12th century.
@@Harfizz True, i was getting my groups mixed up a little. Yes the cults were not part of the order of the ancients. They wanted to wipe out the bloodline of King Leonidas and take control of greece. It was the Order of the Ancients who were the precursors to the knights templars established during the eighteenth dynasty egypt. ya my bad, i just had some of my wording and groups mixed up a little and totally forgot that the cults were not part of the order of the anceints. it did originally get a little confusing because your dealing with 2 seperate lineages of croups at the same time and can its a little tricky to not overlap them.
These guys are awesome !!! Maybe ORIGINS or the older assassins creeds.
Next one: Kim Jong Un reacts to Fallout
2:33 yes there was a river near Thermopylae called sperxeios
Dude, i’m new to the channel but damn I love these vids. Thanks to all the experts. If you ever want any of the Batman Arkham games done, and you need a meat headed, 90’s child dork i’m your guy.
5:37 "...after that Xerxes went home..."
Xerxes: My job here is done. Peace biatch.
I'm a historian so I'm forever critical with everything (life in general) but I've been a gamer longer sooo! Lol i appreciate the AC series (AC1 - Revelations, Odyssey and Origins)
3:30 if i remember, there is the Sperch(k)ios between Lamia and Termopylae.
And Xerxes ruled a empire with more freedom for its inhabitants than the greeks had at the time, i always thought it was unfortunate to learn about the story from the greek point of view but not the Persian one ; thanks to historians and archaeologists its possible .
Idk why but Medusa was always such an interesting greek mythology character to me her lore was interesting
I wish they would have commented on Leonidas throwing his shield because a Spartan would never do that.
``return with the shield or on it``, the shield was called a hoplon, hence the name Hoplite, no soldier would have thrown it away, it would have been a shame a sacrilege
Kyle’s rolling eyes in the thumbnail is hilarious
Play it with all dlc, especially the Atlantis part and you will understand how those mythological monsters fit In with games storyline.
My cousin got to do the principal photography for the project when he worked at Ubisoft. Pretty much predicted this would come out
“Do we get arges and steropes as well” they actually did add them later lol
Literally waited years for you guys to do this 1. Plz do AC origins
2:31 The pythia actually confesses later in the gam that she was forced to say all those words and did not mean any of it
No Pythias gave unsolicited answers, no Pythias had the power to condemn people to death, those children were Leonidas' grandchildren, do you think the Spartans would not have noticed that it was a lie formulated for revenge? two healthy children sacrificed for the good of Sparta ? historically it is absurd, the Spartans were not fools
5:27 I'm sure there was a fight over Leonidas' dead body during battle. Historians never mentioned that
I was hoping you'd show them the actually historically accurate stuff. I don't need experts to go "yup the Minotaur was a myth and not real." Let them discuss the day to day life of the background of the game.
arguing about real life would nullify the whole game
There is a lot of the war in the game you just chose the four mythological beasts you fight to react to. Also the reason he's taking parts of the beasts is because the mythological beasts are explained as being precursor/isu constructs designed to protect artifacts with great power (it's all part of the assassin's creed lore as the the isu are an ancient race with advanced technology that went extinct but were viewed as gods to early humans)
Disappointed that most of what they were given to react to was mythological monsters when there are SO many real world people and locations in this game I’d love to have seen them talk about.
Should see if you have them see the Assassins Creed from the first game. There’s a lot of historical figures and places in the original triad with their companion games. Not to mention Black flag with pirate history and lore.
Didn't know two high-school teachers now count as "historians". Would've been more interesting asking PhDs on the topic
it would have been interesting to invite a Greek historian and a Greek archaeologist, they would have put everything back in its rightful place
“They got the shields right”… yeah, and it’s so painful that you can’t use them 😆😆