It can be weird... I live in China and when you walk through a shopping mall it's a very weird experience. EVERY model for EVERY shop advertisement is a white person of European ancestry.
I agree completely with the fella in the ninja turtles shirt. If you ask these ladies in east Asia "are you trying to look white?" They will say "of course not. I want to look beautiful." But if you ask them "define the look that is beautiful." They will describe the features that they see on Caucasian Hollywood actresses. In other words, "beautiful" is defined by what they see on Hollywood actresses and the Hollywood actresses that they say are "beautiful" are the Caucasian ones. So if you cut out the political correctness and be direct and blunt, yes they're trying to look white because white is the standard of beauty in this world at this time for women.
Wtf you talking about?? Have you ever watched k dramas or kpop? S koreans are naturally white for Pete's sake! They have way better skin tone than the Caucasians themselves
And men too. White people are the standard of beauty because white people have economical power. This will be true until other races have the same economical power. And it is happening to South Korea. The rise of K-pop as a standard of beauty is directly related to the rise of the South Korean economy.
Just being real here. I am an Asian who wanted to be white. When I was a kid, I hated my Asian looks, constantly worrying about my skin being too dark and my eyes being too small or "squinty." I wanted to have super pale skin; golden hair; huge, round, bright blue eyes; to be impossibly skinny; and to have the same proportions as a Barbie doll. I wanted to be white, but I was and am and will forever be Filipino. I developed this type of thinking mostly due to whitewashed media. It seemed like all the shows I watched always followed a racist rule: characterizing the blue-eyed, blond, white girls as the pretty protagonists and the other races as lame secondary characters or token minorities. Somehow, I got the impression that whiteness equaled beauty. This ideal has been reinforced by whitewashing and the blatant advertising of whiteners. So I'm an Asian who wanted to be white. Not all Asians do, and many don't. But I know that I did.
you're not alone in wishing you looked differently. EVERY GIRL does that to themselves. Tall girls want to be short; short girls hate being thought of as "cute." Girls with curly hair spend their lives with a straight iron, etc. I could go on & on. Bottom line, us women are taught to hate ourselves. while the ugliest of guys thinks he's a stud. I learned a long time ago to straighten my back & tell the haters I'm fine just the way I am... especially when the naysayer is myself
+Alexa Gozar interesting because I'm white and i think asian girls are very pretty, maybe because i like dark hair and fair skin... not a fetish or sterotype i just have always liked asian women along with red heacds and petite girls.. simply a preference not a weird fetish.
+Steven Nutz Talk about injustice. Asians like white features > white people on the media get blamed. White people like Asian features > they have to worry about it being considered a weird fetish.
+mysticonthehill sorry, maybe I was overgeneralizing, but most girls obsess over their looks way more than 95% of guys do. But then, I do live in the American South, where every Bubba has enough swagger & arrogance to believe the world revolves around him & him alone. Especially the ugly, stupid ones. Which is something I can't stand & probably why I'm still single
Foreal? So? We are talking about eastern Asians we don’t care about you guys so no need to go everywhere saying how you have double eyelids plus some Asians have double eyelids as well.
I never understand parents who say "we can't change the way the world is so just go along with the program". it's so damaging to children and such a self fulfilling prophecy.
TRUMP WON .__. Well we just have the Epicanthic fold, asians have normal eyes like most people but they just have this skin fold of the upper eyelid and it covers the inner corner of our eyes thats why we have these types of eyes- *Dont assume that im not asian but excuse me i am Filipino and 1/4 Japanese*
+TRUMP WON No duh, Majority of Asian people actually have a medium size eyes with double eyelid. Go to Mainland China and Japan, traveling. Natural Asian feature = medium eye size with youthful appearance.
Beauty trends take the best from each ethnicity. Most Asian woman don't want to give up their slender frames, but they want the rounder eyes commonly found in non Asian women. I think most people wouldn't want to wake up as another race, but they do want the most attractive parts of other races
I don't know about this video. Asian girls wanting "pale" skin goes way back. Parasols are in ancient paintings. But, mostly it meant that the girl did not have to work in the fields. This signified wealth and soon became a beauty standard. This all happened centuries before most Chinese (and other countries) even knew about the existence of white people, let alone actually having met one of them. As far as "double eyelids" versus single eyelids is concerned, I am not sure if one Westerner out of one hundred would even know what you are talking about. So, if that is something that is "white" from Hollywood movies, I guess you may have a point. However, if 75% of Asians already have this trait it could just as easily be trying to conform to the majority of Asians themselves.
Anime is right. I remember my first Final Fantasy game thinking the women looked neither Asian nor Caucasian and that it must have been a marketing decision selling to both. But, I think the male Asian celebrities are going for that look too.
Everyone's natural facial features are almost always the most beautiful. Plastic surgery should only be done in rare cases, such as medical problems etc.
guys... please stop assuming all of the kpop stars got cosmetic surgery. A lot of common folk who CAN get cosmetic surgery try to look like S.Korean stars because they find them beautiful. Also it is a requirement for Miss Korea contestants to not have had any cosmetic surgery ever done (has to be natural beauty).
As for wanting to look "white" I think Dan is more right that it's kind of a hybrid resulting in an anime-ish standard. In general you look kinder and more awake with larger eyes, and look skinner with a pointier chin. Good skin is a standard now because it makes you look youthful and like you guys were saying, beautiful people tend to get treated better on a first time basis. I personally prefer the current Asian beauty standards to Western beauty standards for myself. Putting surgery aside, the make up scene is crazy! You can transform into anyone with make up, it's amazing!
Nobody consciously says, I want to be white, but most of our behavior comes out of our sub conscious, which has been indoctrinated by white/Eurocentric ideals for centuries. For a black example, there are men who say they only want a black wife, but when they find a wife, she's so pale that you have to look twice to make sure that she's actually black. Skin bleaching, nasal "refinement", WEAVES, everyone on this planet is turning themselves inside out to reach a warped illusion of success. Mental imperialism no joke. MIKE, I love the way you rep for your people, never stop doing that!!! We are all beautiful , but you always have to show love for the home team first!!
I'm Asian myself and the beauty standard in Asia is actually having a dolly look. That beauty standard is coming from Japan. Pale skin, big anime eyes (there for the circle lenses), and the high bridged nose. People really have to stop thinking that Western people are superior and that we look up to them as if they are gods. And the pale skin actually started with high social standards, as in rich and poor. I don't really think it has anything to do with looking Westernized. Every society has different beauty standards. I mean Europeans prefer a dark tan and curves. But no one else judges them for wanting to look like a different race. Western media loves to push the point that "Asian women want to look white." And that's all they love to emphasize, when it's a lot more than that.
jup the paleness as a sign of wealth is also the source of the term "blue blooded" because pale people have veins that look blue and that are really visible and the people that didnt needa work and go out had paler skin.
소년단방탄 sorry but in Europe people don't necessarily want a tan or curves at all I live in Germany and everyone just likes them saves the way they are and if you're talking about Americans please don't I hate them so does Europe because they betrayed us
I know in european history pale was considered more beautiful because it showed that you were royalty and didnt have to work outside. I also know that in japanese history the Giesha was traditionally extremely white and that symbolized beauty as well. I dont think neither of those things exist today as any kind of standards of beauty. In fact I think tan is now the new pale lol Which sucks for me because I am extremely pale. Although as far as features go I am not sure why some people feel the need for surgery. Could it be from western influence like hollywood or maybe the fact that many asian animation characters have western features? Maybe it is just one of those implausible goals to go after to achieve whatever mainstream culture dictates as "beauty". That is a shame because I think people should be unique and as natural as possible.
I think it is very sad when each culture is not satisfied with how they are created. Each culture has its beauty and I think it does an injustice when there isn't the differences. That's part of the charm with each culture. We don't want to look all the same.
When I was younger, I used to try to look white (not gonna deny it) but I've grown out of it since. The reason was because I always felt so out of place; kids in my class (I live in the UK) always used to tease me because of my monolids, or the shape of my nose. As a result, I always felt quite alienated and like I was always been stared at in public. So yes, I did try to make myself look white to fit in. I've realised that's kinda stupid now though, can't change who I am, and it doesn't bother me at all anymore!
Actually most Asians have big and round eyes. Here in Southern China, round eyes, double-eyelid are everywhere, while single eyelid is not so usual. But I think some people with single eyelid look more mysterious and special.
Supposedly anime characters look the way they do because of Asian beauty ideals, and not the other way around. Btw, happy to hear eastern Asians confirming K-pop artists look the same, because some people have implied that it's a racist statement because westerners see all eastern Asians as the same.
Well, I can only speak for Japan. First of all, I feel plastic surgery is not as socially acceptable in Japan than it is S. Korea. I've heard about double-lid surgery and nose jobs (not so much the V surgery), but I personally don't know anyone who's done it in my entire life. Do asians want to look white? I don't think so. Yes, double-lid surgery make your eyes look more pronounced, but doesn't everyone want that? What's the point of using eyeliners and mascaras? Exactly. About the nose job, I don't think they want a bigger nose, they again want it to look more pronounced, and maybe wanna get to wear those sunglasses without them falling on you. As for the skin colour, there is a word Akita beauty. It is about women from northern part of Japan who have fairer skin and were traditionally considered beautiful. I don't think it has anything to do with white people.
sunnieface double eyelids are present in every race and so are tall noses (usually not in Asians but found in all other races and are not exclusive to whites), if just wanting lighter skin makes people think Asians wanna be white, I wonder what race whites are trying to be when they try to get large lips and dark tan skin which is most definitely not found in whites.
I couldn't agree more with you! As a white person who grew up in Asia and currently lives in South Korea, I can not help noticing that current East Asian standards of beauty seem extremely difficult to achieve. At the same time I love how ordinary (I mean, not TV stars) Asians really look like in the real life and I find Asian women very beautiful by their nature just as much as any other girls of any race who are healthy and have a harmony in their body and facial features. And the most beautiful women in the world - in my opinion - are definitely those from traditional Chinese paintings you were talking about!
no ma'am. As a korean guy i agree with them. We prefer white than other colored ,including even asians. and we wanna be look like caucasian. I guess people you met may not tell you about it because it's little bit controversial. As you mentioned 'not TV stars' that means lots of TV producers well aware of their's desire of appearance.
I used to know an asian girls who self-hated so much that they ask to be dominated and degraded for their Asiatic looks; Asians just need to accept who they are as people
People are not trying to look white.. and not all south korean celebrities that have done plastic surgeries... back in the 90s when surgery wasnt that popular or possible yet, there was celebrities that already have big eye and pointy nose with out getting the work done.. the standard of beauty is the same everywhere...asians with bigger looking eyes and pointy nose are just attractive Asians. Just like some white ppl that look slightly like asians that are more attractive than others..that is why ppl are getting surgeries.. to look good. period...when your pretty, whereever you go.. ur still pretty. thats a fact :o
Part of it is also social, more than racial. Darker skin is akin to working outdoors and physical labor (farmer, delivery man), which typically do not pay as much as those who work indoors (business man, doctor). Thus, some people who work outdoors get a tan and get associated with being poor. It is a subtle sociological thought ingrained in some people's minds.
Saying Asians who have work done are trying to look white is like saying white people who go to tanning salons or to the beach are trying to look black.
I think that it's not 'looking caucasian' at all. For people wanting double eyelids, I was always under the impression that it was double eyelids made your eyes look bigger, which tends to make you look younger and cuter. Kind of similar to how a lot of girls buy circle lenses to make their eyes look bigger and cuter.
one of my previous (elderly) employers told me that i was more attractive than most other chinese people because my face isn't flat. although intended to be a compliment, i couldn't help but feel a bit iffy about it :/ with a very round face, uneven monolids (one eye is bigger than the other), a wide nose and a very undefined jawline, i'd say my face is rather flat, and i felt that her comment was a bit offensive to chinese people. i consider myself to be average looking, but i've long accepted some of my facial features that many others probably consider conventionally unattractive. both double eyelids and monolids are attractive features. a flatter, wider nose bridge can look just as good as a taller nose (it just makes wearing glasses more annoying xD). we all need to embrace our distinctive features, regardless of what our ethnic backgrounds are.
I find that the current social construct has lead many to have personal insecurities with their looks in east Asia. The group think in east Asia also plays a major role in thoughts regarding standards in beauty. One example would be South Korea as it is the plastic surgery capital of Asia. This standard is exemplified in many celebrities which is not particular to just Korea of course. On other hand, there are many Koreans who have never had plastic surgery and don't plan on it. Now, it is one's prerogative to have surgery for whatever reason it may be. In my opinion, I think it's detrimental to any group of people who are beginning to dislike their own facial characteristics or beauty, which is a part of who they are and what makes us all different from each other. Lastly, thank you for the video along with how you all embrace inner beauty and contentment in the outer.
I agree that the idea of beauty is heavily influenced by popular culture. Hollywood being the heaviest hitter in pop culture and white people being in the most represented in visual media, the standard for white beauty is going to have the biggest influence.
Actually estimated of 50% of Asians are born with double eyelids. It is the East Asians: Chinese, Japanese, and Korean that double-eyelids are more rarer. Japanese and Korean about 80% are born with single eyelids. That's why there are so many double eyelid surgery in Korea; other reason, their eyes are very small than Japanese eyes. Where Chinese it's about 50/ 50%. Source From eye MD. If you take Indian's billion population alone, 99% of of them have double eyelids. So 50% natural double-eyelids is right according to what I read from a legit source. And what I observed living in 🇺🇸.
Here in the Philippines, being "mestiza or mestizo" (western looking) is glorified because of the Philippines' colonial past. If you look caucasian, people think that you are rich and beautiful. Clearly, inferiority complex plays a huge part.
Mestizos aren't western looking. The only western looking people are Blondes or Redheads. Light Skinned Native Americans are seen as the same as the dark Natives.
the thing I think these guys are missing here is that Western does not equal White. a perfect example is in the United States and the rest of the Americas there are white, black, American Indians, and a mixture of those groups. to equate Western with European is excluding a huge portion of westerners who do not fall into the category of European or European American.
Aaron Kolatch lol I’m sure whites are not the only ones with the double eyelid and even some Asians have the double eyelid so why is the double eyelid only associated with whiteness?
actually i read an article and some bbc videos that said most beauty standards around the world is more descriptive of aliens. and that as time has passed, people have described alienated features as more beautiful. even european/white ppl see that long narrow faces with bigger eyes is attractive. those features are common among many cultures for some reason as the ideal beauty. and when they hypothesized the future beauty standards it looked freakish. ppl should read up on those articles to get a better idea of beauty standards in general. I think what dan was saying about "wanting to look like anime" was a really close idea.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I enjoyed your topic. Deep down personal beauty comes from within and self confidence. People say Abraham Lincoln could not be elected today because of how he looked and imagine what a shame that would have been. People who believe plastic surgery will change their lives are just shallow and misguided we should concentrate on who we are as people.
I don't know why you would use shallow and misguided in the same sentence. Being shallow is a result of being misguided. It's easy to find a problem with a type of society when you haven't been living in it your whole life. People are just human.
FYI, rhino(ceros) the animal comes from the greek ρινόκερος where ρίνα is the nose and κέρας the horn,, so it means "animal with horn-nose" so yes, the word rhino in rhinoplastic and rhonoceros is the same :)
I am a MUA and hooded eyelids are the most common eye shape among all races, so not typical Asian. It all depends on how much skin that is covering the fold. Also it is all about geographic and ethnic differences. I am Filipino so SEA, and unless you are mixed with white or Chinese, you usually have larger eyes, ''dark skinned'' etc. Close to equator, tropical equals more sun, so more tan, northerners, less sun so fair. Also add food and genes in the equation. It is easy to differentiate a Filipino, Thai, Indonesian/Malay, Indian or Pakistani from Han Chinese, Korean or Japanese. Then you can't forget about the middle East, or Eurasians like Kazakhs, but also Mongols and Tibetan and Siberian peoples. BUT we all come in different skin tones and variations regardless of where in Asia we are all from. Asia is so diverse in basically everything. The glory of being continent I guess. Also traditional and modern beauty ideals based on both culture and influences from the outside world has a lot to say as well. I don't think Asians that get surgery look white at all. I have a high nose, I have double eyelids. I wear color contacts, and I am also a hairdresser so I used o dye my hair. I still didn't look white nor was taken as one. Also it has to do with history and countries that was colonized and ruled by nations like the French, the British, Spain and the US. Countries that was under these are morel likely to be whitewashed into thinking white is the key to success, a better life etc. because it was whipped and forced into us through assimilation by our white enslavers, and rulers. Our colonial heritage I might add.
I support dan's comment that it isnt like asians try to look white, they are aiming at a new look that wasnt there before, its true big eyes are consider to be more beautiful but there are already east asians with huge natural eyes ( almond shape ones) ... In my personal experience living in a regular chinese city, i hear more negative comments about western looks than good ones
As a part-Asian woman living in the states, I have to say I find the whole plastic surgery craze in Korea a bit heartbreaking. I personally wish I looked more Asian. Grass is always greener I guess? Regardless, I hope people can learn to embrace what they have and their own beauty :)
I love asians as how they are ❤ brown olive skin, cute eyes, small nose, nice lips, everything of asians really beautiful. PLEASE DON'T CHANGE YOUR NATURAL ASIAN BEAUTY 😭💔
its funny that i never noticed folders, or lack of it on asian people eyes. when i first listened to "double eyelid" i was like is that! i had to research on it and now im able to notice...actually only asians can naturally notice that! o.O amazing
Sara BlewUnicorn cuz Asians have double eyelids and single eyelids. To be literal whites have single eyelids but they have a strong brow bone that makes the eyes fold in which creates the appearance of a double eyelid. Whereas Asians usually have low brow bones so it is truly single or double
Nope. Not all are trying to look white. It's just because they compare themselves with other races and they felt like this kind of nose is better, this kind of eyes is better, this kind of lips is better. Because they looked at so many Hollywood movies and some Chinese movies, they then compare and feel like they "need" to fix their faces. My family doesnt really favour white people but they see white-bright skin = beauty, even if you were born really unflattering, if you have a bright-white skin, you are beautiful. Im not insulting but I hope you get what I mean. No matter what you look like, if you are bright white skin, you are beautiful. If you are tan, damn you are UGLY! like a straight UGLY and they think you are ugly because you look like the "low-class" tan asians (naturally-born tan asians). Higher nose = beautiful because flat nose = ugly for them as well. As for lips, they feel that thin lips look smoother, softer and cuter. I have a rather full lips and my mom thinks I should not use red lipstick (because red lipstick gives you a big effect lips).
They are not common, that's why they also compare with them. Tall nose is definitely look more defined than nose that are flat. Double eye lid makes your eyes look brighter sharper and bigger and of course you can easily look more beautiful with those eye shadow make up. Those people with no lids tend to find it difficult to get the eye shadow make they wish. That's why, again, they compare.
Lena V tall noses and deep set eyes are found in all races besides the Asian race so why would that be exclusively associated with white people? Ps, double eyelids are complete different from deep set eyes, the Asian double eyelid is very different then the double eyelid a person with deep set eyes has. In fact, a person with deep set eyes doesn’t even have a double eyelid at all , his brow bone just creates the illusion of one. An Asian person has the fold literally on his or her eyelid so that would be a true double eyelid.
i think you should specify saying north east asian, because south east asian is different, plus buddha is indian and his eyes are close because hes meditating thats why the eyes is slanted in those statu
I’m the minority of the chinese stereotypes. I have a narrower longer nose, narrow heart shaped face, with double eyelids, and bigger overall eyes. It’s sad to hear young girls feeling the need to reconstruct their faces to fit this “ideal” look. Though I don’t judge them. It’s their lives. The way I see it, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. I honestly think that western media influences many cultures into think that a certain look is superior to another. I live in the United States, so I’m surrounded by it all the time. I think that some places where people live, they’re just not used to seeing these advertisements, or are fascinated by someone who looks so different from what they see in their daily lives. This then makes it more appealing.
I think it's possibly caused by a freer flow of information, images, and criticism. You could think of it as the democratization of "beauty". People held up by television, youtube/internet posts are typically responded to by a vast sea of people who can (and frequently do) comment on outward appearance positively or negatively. When people do that, it's very very easy for insecure people to take away that they're not attractive enough, and are driven to go find ways to augment their appearance.
I can only speak for Chinese as I do not know about other asians. I have heard/read so many of the common during my time in the US. I think there is a lot of misconception in the west (the US) in general. I am 62, lived in HK for 20 years and 40 years in US. My ancesters are from the northern China. Skin Color - Historically, Chinese are ranked by educational level, not by wealth. Educated and/ wealthier Chinese women are not allowed to be outdoor. At least for those who was born in late 1800 to 1900 - my grandmother's generation, that was true. This type of restriction would make them very light skin. Only Chinese women from the farmer's class or those who lived on boats would have darker skin as they would be exposed to the sun. As skin color is determined by dominant genes, it carries to the next generation. So skin color represent which class level an individual belongs to. It has nothing to do with wanting to look western or white. There is also a Chinese saying that being lighter skin helped hind facial flaws making them less noticeable. So being light skin is desirable for generations, except for those who went abroad (to the western world - US, Australia, Canada, Europe.) Facial Features - Traditional/historical Asian Beauty has eyes described as phoenix eyes, i.e. the slanted eyes, with face shape in an oval or pumpkin seed with relatively higher nose bridge. Phoenix eyes are not single eye lid, but what we called faked double lid nowadays, i.e. When the eyes are closed, it showed the double lid. When opened, it showed a very narrow double fold with the end tilted up. These are northern Chinese' eyes features. In the South of China, beauties have almond shaped eye and double eyelids are common, but southerner tends to have flatter and wider nose. Southerner are also shorter and more petite than northerner. The earlier settlers or workers brought to the US are from the Southern part of China. This is why the "Almond shaped eye" was used to describe Chinese. Historically, Chinese women from different provinces have different distinguishing features, height and body shape. These all changed because of communism when all the educated and wealthier people were put to work in the farms and mine, and those from the farm and poor were put to administrative, military and government organization, so those from the mainland China are now all mixed. Those who fled to other countries were actually the ones who maintained the features of the past. Balances in all features with lighter skin are important traditionally for face reading to evaluate if a woman is suitable for marriage. Strong/protruding cheek bone and protruding forehead are considered bad features. So looking like westerner has never been the desire of Chinese women in my era (50's to now). It was only a coincident that the desirable light skin, higher nose bridge, the egg/pumpkin seed shaped face, double eye lids sound like western feature. However, if it is the western look is what was desired, those who went through plastic surgery would have sunken double lid. As for the nose job, the Korean nose job did use the western feature as it protrudes from the center of the brow, not the Chinese type which protrudes at the eye level.
I think whatever we see on a regular basis becomes more familiar and more attractive to us. That's where the expression "it grows on you" comes from. Even inanimate objects such as cars that were ugly to me started to look better the more I saw them. So, as technology continues to "shrink" the world, and people around the world have more exposure to different people and cultures, they begin to identify more with the physical traits of people of that race or culture to which they have more and more exposure. i.e. physical features typically identified as more western will gain more acceptance and popularity in the east and vice versa. On the subject of plastic surgery, my Chinese girlfriend recently had cosmetic surgery. She had hers done in Shenzhen, and I think they did a good job. In her case, she did not want to look white. But she did want some facial features that are identified as more typically western features. She had her eyes done to make them bigger, and she also had her face shaved to narrow her chin. The result is a bit more of an anime look, as Dan describes. She also does her makeup to make her skin appear more white just because she feels it is more attractive than her natural skin tone. (I disagree) It gives her more self confidence, so I'm happy for her in that respect. So, I think that this is a phenomenon that we are going to see more and more. People around the world will continue to be exposed to people of other races, cultures, and colors and will see a person of another race with a feature they feel is attractive, and they will have to have it. Just like any other component of a person's appearance, I also believe that certain physical features will become stylish, or in vogue, for a time and then lose popularity in favor of another. Today light colored skin is in, tomorrow darker skin color may be considered more attractive. I also believe that as technology gives people more and more options to change their appearance , or even their gender, (that's probably another video) they will feel more and more free to pick and choose the physical features they want.
When I look at Korean beauty standards (particularly female) I really see an emulation of mixed race white/Asian girls. All Hapa females I have met look like they could be Korean/Japanese models.
there are studies that show that the common plastic surgery procedures that take place in southeast asia today wouldnt have a little while back because westerners influence (particularly white) changed their beauty standards. The "beauty standard" the most common one is usually full of traditinally "white" or "european" or "western" features. ive seen quite a few articles. im not gonna say im 100% tru. take what i say with a grain of salt. but im pretty sure that westernization in countrys really did cause this change in beauty standards in southeast asia today.
so as a white person i do believe. white washing, hollywood, anything western thats spread across the world now.. has caused a change in the asian beauty standards. i blame whitewashing.
I think asian women are SO gorgeous, I've always had a crush for that kind of beauty, and I know guys who think the same. Those features those surgeries are trying to change is exactly what makes it special.
hmm I wouldn't say wanting to have big eyes is a white thing because a lot of white people and small eyes and some some Asian especially south East Asian people have massive eyes... big eyes just look cuter to everyone
i think that an universal characteristic of attractiveness is the lack of extreme facial features. that's why a lot of individuals of different ethnic backgrounds seek plastic surgery or other treatment to remove traits that seem particular to their ethnic background.
So basically what you’re saying is that any facial feature(s) outside of the typical Anglo features are considered “extreme”. There goes your subconscious preference to the Anglo beauty standard.
I have seen a few adverts in China that are for skin whitening products. So I would have to say that there does appear to be a trend for Asians to be more white where Westerners want to be more tanned.
LilySUBS I didn't say anything about wanting to be caucasian. I was just pointing out that caucasians want to look tanned just as much as asians want to look white (not caucasian). I do know the basis behind wanting to look white.
I think when Dan said these women are trying for a hybrid he's spot on. Two decades ago when I married a woman from Shanghai the inevitable discussion of children came up at a family dinner. They were discussing how the children of a mixed couple would look and all seemed pleased. A synopsis of the discussion would be that the most beautiful children would be a mix of Asian and Caucasian. They did mention that the most beautiful mix in their opinion was Chinese and French but, as they added, I would do just fine. My point is that it is entirely likely that this hybridization of Asian beauty is not a new phenomenon and may have started with the blending of east and west over a long period. I know it seemed to be an old and accepted concept 20 years ago to these families. Today though you guys are talking about people who are trying to sculpt this blend onto themselves. Don't do that.
NOOO! I'm black and I don't believe Asians try to look white. I feel like there way of dressing is more cutesy while white women is more stern and grown. I prefer the natural asian features, I think their flat noises look very beautiful with their face, and I personally love their exotic eyes. To me I think people try to look like the majority. Because asians are one of the ONLY people that have their exotic face, they tend to feel like they need to blend in with the rest of the world. Like black people, because most of the world has straight hair, we try to have straight hair to blend in. I think people sometimes, don't want to stand out too much. (of course I can't speak to everyone, because everyone is different) but I know it can get frustrating when people make fun of the eyes, like other races sometimes make fun of our kinky hair. SO I understand that need to look united,
These dudes got some nerve saying US is going towards a different directions. WRONG! In US, the standard of beauty is still fit and thin, the whole plus size model stuff is just a farce, it's like some Americans just gave in to the overweight scheme because they can't (failed) to change themselves to the "Ideal me." Just surf any US based clothing store website online you can see most models are still those fit and thin type.
It's a historical problem tracking back to more than 2600 years ago (in '诗经') when there were quite a lot poems saying like '手如柔荑,肤如凝脂' to describe pretty girls ;)
Are you kidding? Look for old paintings of the heroes of Three Kingdoms, they're depicted with eyelid folds because it's a traditional trait of beauty.
I think it's because Asian got tanned and darker easily when work outside , so white/fair skin looked more clean because it's like cleaner than dark things and it means they don't work menial/harder job that requires too much time outside, in my culture, as long as you look clean then it's good, for surgery, I think it's because we had the technology to make it happen and it did make some people looked more beautiful, because it affordable and simple surgery doesn't really harms so many people want to do it
I remember when I was a child, my aunt and I came across this picture of Mary-Kate and Ashley as kids. My aunt said, look how beautiful they are with their blonde hair and blue eyes! So to a degree, I think asians are fascinated by the exotic features of caucasians and want blue/green eyes and light colour hair
When will people stop thinking Asian beauty standards = wanting to look white? That's not it. I wish uneducated people would stop pushing this idea and inflating egos further. I can't count the amount of times white people have told me "they love blonde and blue eyes over there, I'm so exotic to them lol." Not everything revolves around that. Eurocentric standards of beauty have been pushed almost everywhere in the world where beauty is paid attention to. But when they want double eyelids, it's not "European" eyes, it's Asian double lids. Asians also can have high nose bridges, oval faces and pale skin naturally. These features are not exclusive to the West or white people. If you look at old pictures and paintings, you'll see what was considered beautiful has evolved greatly, but things like pale skin and all that still remain. The beauty standard gets harder to match up to as time goes on it seems, but it means more money for makeup companies, surgeons, dermatologists, clothing labels. I can say I've met some native East-Asians that do admire European looks, but their own personal tastes still stayed within the Asian beauty standard. But this was a decent discussion - this isn't directed towards anyone in the video, just my opinion. Like Dan said, this is mostly applicable to those who were born and raised in Asia or have had such influences in their home. I will say though that beauty standards are brutal in East-Asia and often difficult to obtain.
Am I the only one who noticed that right after she said only 15% have double eyelid,she then said she's part of the 75% who don't. Ummm what about the other 10% do they like not have eyes?
Dan "Actually the poop is upside down, due to the hole in the toilet" Mike "It depends in the form it has because if not it swils up" Most philosophical talk ever.😅😅😅😅
I think that the skin tone thing is from China's culture. While people who was working in the fields got darker skin. And the wealthy people could stay inside away of the sun. It has naturally become more popular to look like those wealthy people.
back at the beginning of the 1900s it was more attractive to be fair skinned because only people of status could stay inside and not work the fields. This changes in the middle of the last century when the middle class was able to vacation and lounging around outside instead of stuck in a factory became a sign of status
What does lighter skin have to do with Western? I don't think they are related. Different areas have different ideas of beauty. I don't think Asians are trying to mimic the West or anything like that. I think the West's influence is overestimated in this case.
100 years ago in China, western women were still not considered attractive. They used to say that western women looked more masculine, because they were taller and because of their face features. I believe this has changed after western culture started to be more seen in China, probably with movies... In the 20's Chinese women were already using the short bob hairstyle, like Coco Chanel.
If I'm not wrong, the typical tradition in China fell with the last emperor... I could be wrong about it though... But I do think after him China started to "modernize", the elders were still holding the traditions, but the young loved the changes.
Big eyes in females is particularly wanted because it makes them look youthful, innocent (or honest), and cute. As people age; eyes proportionally get smaller, so they seem older. Big eyes, mean young, and fertile. Big eye proportion are found in babies and that's what people find appealing. Just checkout cartoons, and a majority of famous cartoon characters do have the appealing large eyes. Bugs Bunny sound familiar? In general, big eyes are a desirable trait in females. Same with small nose, small mouth, and narrower jaw, small chin all are secondary sex characteristics of estrogen.
I think we're being a bit too fair, we should be harsh and honest about this. East Asia, especially South Korea, has a bad problem with worshiping white people. In South Korea in particular, the appearance of white people is the goal. Stronger facial features, bigger noses, pronounced jaw lines, etc. Not to mention the obsession with dying your hair any color but black there, mostly red or blonde. Have you ever seen K Pop idol album covers? Their skin is always white as snow and they could almost be mistooken for white people. I don't think nearly everyone thinks this way but it's a growing issue and it's sad to see a people with such a rich culture and history preferring someone else's standards of beauty.
Desired paleness has NOTHING to do with race. It is all about class. Wealthy people tend to stay inside whereas poor people, traditionally, worked outdoors which tanned their skin. Pale skin was equated with wealth and class.
Ja Seo I never said a single time that every person who does these things has the intentions of looking white. It's not every person. Let me make it more clear and specific. - Dye your hair RED or BLONDE, commonly natural by white people (also Arabs, but mostly white people) - Skin whitening - Surgery to make the eyes wider and facial features stronger, rather than natural and softer Korean features If what you're doing is simply because you want to, then that's that. But to see lots of East Asians, especially Koreans, don't try and look more Western is naive. Especially because so many people acknowledge it except them. happy3patsy Yes, I know that.
Ja Seo So to get the full picture, you think that East Asia has absolutely no sign of *anyone* trying to look Western or that the beauty standard of East Asia being the Western look? Please don't be naive.
Thought the history of Japan, the more White your skin is, the more beautiful you are considered and you look more wealthy. Japanese people have always wanted to have super white skin.
Actually V-shape is from Fan Bingbing, oval shape face and pale skin is traditional beauty. Nowadays anime characters make a big impact on young generation's perspective.
I feel like I need to ask where did Yi get the 15% stats from. As a Singaporean Chinese, I think most of our ancestors migrated from the southern parts of China to Southeast Asia a few hundred years ago, and I would say 70% of my fellow Chinese I meet on the streets all have double eyelids. It's so uncommon to see someone with single eyelids that it'd be a feature we use to describe someone (e.g. "That tall girl with single eyelids", you wouldnt hear someone describing the same thing of a girl with double eyelids). I'm pretty sure this is also the same for Malaysian Chinese (and possibly Indonesian Chinese too).
This answered a lot of my questions of why Asians look different than westerners! But seriously thank the lord for the beautiful faces we all have already been given! Top listed things i never knew: Matching Asian haircuts at some point! "Single" eyelids or "unpronounced" face in general (people said "flat" face and "Almond" eyes, but i didn't understand what that meant!) the hybridness of Anime faces! And that's about it.
Western globalization/colonization enforces whiteness. It's rather sickening. Even skin brightening and whitening in southeast asia is a big thing. And anime characters over the years are created to look more racially ambiguous because of western influence as well.
About the rhino issue, I DO find it weird that you use the greek words in medical terminology! In ancient greek nose is called "ris" and its conjugation is "rin" (yes we conjugate nouns and adjectives). It must be very frustrating for non Greeks! lol
I agree in every culture some have an attitude that beautiful people get success easier. But that can have it's own problem. The perception that beautiful people, especially women, can't be smart. I also agree there are some trying to question our standards of beauty in the west. We've had decades of seeing botched surgeries, eating disorders, etc because of unattainable beauty standards. IDK if I'm right, but I wonder how much WW2 and the Korean War played when Western beauty standards really began to influence Eastern Asia. You talked a little about how pop culture influences ideas. But what I think plays the biggest role, worldwide, is media. Look at movies, TV magazines, social medias. I think media plays on our insecurities to get us to buy their products and services..but that's just my opinion :)
15 percent of people have double eyelids? That sounds strange. Most Chinese people I know have double eyelids. Maybe monolids are common in Northern China?
I wished they talked about the role of colonization in the image of beauty? But, I also feel like the miss the biggest growing phenomenon in Asia, specifically in South Korea: skin bleaching.
actually ancient chinese paintings of "beautiful women" all have tall noses and pale skin. its been that way forever. the only thing is the eyes, chinese people these days all want big eyes, but back then, it wasn't a big deal. And i wouldn't say they want to look western. western is not just a prudent nose, but a prudent everything. Chinese people still favor a rather flat looking face
I personally hate the idea of plastic surgery, and I wish people would think harder before getting it done because it's permanent, and I just think it's dumb to want to get rid of your natural looks, unless you were born with something wrong with your face. I think South Korean media needs to stop pushing this plastic surgery stuff. They can easily have their models wear makeup, which is better because it's temporary.I just don't get why these buisnesses in South Korea would want these women go under the blade to look like a fake doll, it's just doesn't look right. I think most guys would agree that we tend to like how a girl naturally looks, rather than hiding it. With that said, it's not just South Korea that does this stuff, and a lot of different Asians go to South Korea in order to get plastic surgery, due to cheaper prices. But still, South Korea is just giving themselves a bad reputation. I've heard many people say stuff like "Korean girls are ugly compared to other Asians, that's why they need plastic surgery", which I know isn't true because I've seen some naturally beautiful ones in America. The truth is just that plastic surgery can be a deciding factor on whether or not you can get a job in South Korea, which is sad. Bottom line is, people should be proud of how they look.
+MobbinMic I agree with the idea of finding different methods before getting PS. I have always wonder the effects after you marry and have children one day (IF). The offspring won't look like you. It makes me think if you're unsatisfied and unhappy with your looks; what about your offspring? What if he or she looks exactly like you before PS- will you have mix emotions or introduce plastic surgery when they are young? What happen to self-confidence? How would the child view? I do believe it changes the dynamic and view of beauty as generation passes. I don't know, but its basically opening a can of worms.
Ana Carolina North Koreans get surgery too, it’s one of the few things that dictator actually allows because he says that the job of a woman is to look pretty.
It can be weird... I live in China and when you walk through a shopping mall it's a very weird experience. EVERY model for EVERY shop advertisement is a white person of European ancestry.
nubemuffin because those come from Euro although they are made in China ,it's OK whatever the model looks like ,no one care about it
That's only in China though were its only white modals
You are wrong! Chinese ancestry was from Middle East about 4000 years ago.
these advertisement were want to tell that event outsiders are like this product, why not you
Because it is the commercial standard....
I agree completely with the fella in the ninja turtles shirt.
If you ask these ladies in east Asia "are you trying to look white?" They will say "of course not. I want to look beautiful."
But if you ask them "define the look that is beautiful." They will describe the features that they see on Caucasian Hollywood actresses.
In other words, "beautiful" is defined by what they see on Hollywood actresses and the Hollywood actresses that they say are "beautiful" are the Caucasian ones.
So if you cut out the political correctness and be direct and blunt, yes they're trying to look white because white is the standard of beauty in this world at this time for women.
Wtf you talking about?? Have you ever watched k dramas or kpop? S koreans are naturally white for Pete's sake! They have way better skin tone than the Caucasians themselves
And men too. White people are the standard of beauty because white people have economical power. This will be true until other races have the same economical power. And it is happening to South Korea. The rise of K-pop as a standard of beauty is directly related to the rise of the South Korean economy.
Just being real here. I am an Asian who wanted to be white.
When I was a kid, I hated my Asian looks, constantly worrying about my skin being too dark and my eyes being too small or "squinty." I wanted to have super pale skin; golden hair; huge, round, bright blue eyes; to be impossibly skinny; and to have the same proportions as a Barbie doll. I wanted to be white, but I was and am and will forever be Filipino.
I developed this type of thinking mostly due to whitewashed media. It seemed like all the shows I watched always followed a racist rule: characterizing the blue-eyed, blond, white girls as the pretty protagonists and the other races as lame secondary characters or token minorities.
Somehow, I got the impression that whiteness equaled beauty. This ideal has been reinforced by whitewashing and the blatant advertising of whiteners.
So I'm an Asian who wanted to be white.
Not all Asians do, and many don't.
But I know that I did.
you're not alone in wishing you looked differently. EVERY GIRL does that to themselves. Tall girls want to be short; short girls hate being thought of as "cute." Girls with curly hair spend their lives with a straight iron, etc. I could go on & on. Bottom line, us women are taught to hate ourselves. while the ugliest of guys thinks he's a stud. I learned a long time ago to straighten my back & tell the haters I'm fine just the way I am... especially when the naysayer is myself
+Alexa Gozar interesting because I'm white and i think asian girls are very pretty, maybe because i like dark hair and fair skin... not a fetish or sterotype i just have always liked asian women along with red heacds and petite girls.. simply a preference not a weird fetish.
+Steven Nutz Talk about injustice. Asians like white features > white people on the media get blamed.
White people like Asian features > they have to worry about it being considered a weird fetish.
+Tracie Chakraborty Every guy considered a stud? Not close to true and cruel to the many men picked upon based on their looks.
+mysticonthehill sorry, maybe I was overgeneralizing, but most girls obsess over their looks way more than 95% of guys do. But then, I do live in the American South, where every Bubba has enough swagger & arrogance to believe the world revolves around him & him alone. Especially the ugly, stupid ones. Which is something I can't stand & probably why I'm still single
a lot of non asian people think that asian single eyelid and eye shape is beautiful! it's sad people feel the need to change the way the look. :)
I am filipino i have a bigger eye and a double eyelids most of the filipino have a double eyelids :)
Foreal? So? We are talking about eastern Asians we don’t care about you guys so no need to go everywhere saying how you have double eyelids plus some Asians have double eyelids as well.
@@foreal1518 same
@@aokosakano3037 filipinos are asians bro
Exactly, Beautiful eyes. I just do not get it.
I never understand parents who say "we can't change the way the world is so just go along with the program". it's so damaging to children and such a self fulfilling prophecy.
Marry Yi and change the channel to Triple Chen.
But Chinese Wogen usually keep their Maiden Name!
+pavotrouge maybe two and half chen
Isn't Two husbands and one wife illegal?
I wish they called Double Chin, lol
Natural Asian features are Beautiful!
TRUMP WON .__. Well we just have the Epicanthic fold, asians have normal eyes like most people but they just have this skin fold of the upper eyelid and it covers the inner corner of our eyes thats why we have these types of eyes- *Dont assume that im not asian but excuse me i am Filipino and 1/4 Japanese*
TRUMP WON I'm gonna break that wall
No duh, Majority of Asian people actually have a medium size eyes with double eyelid. Go to Mainland China and Japan, traveling. Natural Asian feature = medium eye size with youthful appearance.
Thats just a stereotype many Asians have different shaped eyes. Also slanted eyes look fine imo
+TRUMP WON that's your damn opinion. having slanted eyes is considered a beautiful feature in some parts of the world. be open-minded
Beauty trends take the best from each ethnicity. Most Asian woman don't want to give up their slender frames, but they want the rounder eyes commonly found in non Asian women. I think most people wouldn't want to wake up as another race, but they do want the most attractive parts of other races
I agree
The Asian that have a single eyelids are Korea China and Japan, I am a Filipino and all of us have a double eyelids.
I don't know about this video. Asian girls wanting "pale" skin goes way back. Parasols are in ancient paintings. But, mostly it meant that the girl did not have to work in the fields. This signified wealth and soon became a beauty standard. This all happened centuries before most Chinese (and other countries) even knew about the existence of white people, let alone actually having met one of them.
As far as "double eyelids" versus single eyelids is concerned, I am not sure if one Westerner out of one hundred would even know what you are talking about. So, if that is something that is "white" from Hollywood movies, I guess you may have a point. However, if 75% of Asians already have this trait it could just as easily be trying to conform to the majority of Asians themselves.
Anime is right. I remember my first Final Fantasy game thinking the women looked neither Asian nor Caucasian and that it must have been a marketing decision selling to both. But, I think the male Asian celebrities are going for that look too.
Everyone's natural facial features are almost always the most beautiful. Plastic surgery should only be done in rare cases, such as medical problems etc.
+Dylan A. Kent I agree we should be working towards a world were people are content with themselves no matter their appearance.
Oh really? You'd find and marry an african woman from Zimbabwe?
Not really, I find a lot of people who get plastic surgery to be more beautiful.
@@adanester359 true
Stop virtual signaling
guys... please stop assuming all of the kpop stars got cosmetic surgery. A lot of common folk who CAN get cosmetic surgery try to look like S.Korean stars because they find them beautiful. Also it is a requirement for Miss Korea contestants to not have had any cosmetic surgery ever done (has to be natural beauty).
As for wanting to look "white" I think Dan is more right that it's kind of a hybrid resulting in an anime-ish standard. In general you look kinder and more awake with larger eyes, and look skinner with a pointier chin. Good skin is a standard now because it makes you look youthful and like you guys were saying, beautiful people tend to get treated better on a first time basis.
I personally prefer the current Asian beauty standards to Western beauty standards for myself. Putting surgery aside, the make up scene is crazy! You can transform into anyone with make up, it's amazing!
Nobody consciously says, I want to be white, but most of our behavior comes out of our sub conscious, which has been indoctrinated by white/Eurocentric ideals for centuries. For a black example, there are men who say they only want a black wife, but when they find a wife, she's so pale that you have to look twice to make sure that she's actually black. Skin bleaching, nasal "refinement", WEAVES, everyone on this planet is turning themselves inside out to reach a warped illusion of success. Mental imperialism no joke. MIKE, I love the way you rep for your people, never stop doing that!!! We are all beautiful , but you always have to show love for the home team first!!
Centuries? Hahaha europeans only started to influence the east alittle over a century ago
Wtf. As always it is the fault of white people 😂🤷🏼♂️.
If u hate urself go on but let us live in peace. Like wtf.
I'm Asian myself and the beauty standard in Asia is actually having a dolly look. That beauty standard is coming from Japan. Pale skin, big anime eyes (there for the circle lenses), and the high bridged nose. People really have to stop thinking that Western people are superior and that we look up to them as if they are gods. And the pale skin actually started with high social standards, as in rich and poor. I don't really think it has anything to do with looking Westernized. Every society has different beauty standards. I mean Europeans prefer a dark tan and curves. But no one else judges them for wanting to look like a different race. Western media loves to push the point that "Asian women want to look white." And that's all they love to emphasize, when it's a lot more than that.
jup the paleness as a sign of wealth is also the source of the term "blue blooded" because pale people have veins that look blue and that are really visible and the people that didnt needa work and go out had paler skin.
소년단방탄 it's seems like korea to me
소년단방탄 sorry but in Europe people don't necessarily want a tan or curves at all I live in Germany and everyone just likes them saves the way they are and if you're talking about Americans please don't I hate them so does Europe because they betrayed us
Florian Schmidt swedes , Brits , Danes etc are obsessed with tanning and getting fake breasts 😂
I know in european history pale was considered more beautiful because it showed that you were royalty and didnt have to work outside. I also know that in japanese history the Giesha was traditionally extremely white and that symbolized beauty as well. I dont think neither of those things exist today as any kind of standards of beauty. In fact I think tan is now the new pale lol Which sucks for me because I am extremely pale. Although as far as features go I am not sure why some people feel the need for surgery. Could it be from western influence like hollywood or maybe the fact that many asian animation characters have western features? Maybe it is just one of those implausible goals to go after to achieve whatever mainstream culture dictates as "beauty". That is a shame because I think people should be unique and as natural as possible.
I think it is very sad when each culture is not satisfied with how they are created. Each culture has its beauty and I think it does an injustice when there isn't the differences. That's part of the charm with each culture. We don't want to look all the same.
When I was younger, I used to try to look white (not gonna deny it) but I've grown out of it since. The reason was because I always felt so out of place; kids in my class (I live in the UK) always used to tease me because of my monolids, or the shape of my nose. As a result, I always felt quite alienated and like I was always been stared at in public. So yes, I did try to make myself look white to fit in. I've realised that's kinda stupid now though, can't change who I am, and it doesn't bother me at all anymore!
Whats wrong with asian eyes. I'm attracted to asians no matter what they are. I'm black by the way.
Actually most Asians have big and round eyes. Here in Southern China, round eyes, double-eyelid are everywhere, while single eyelid is not so usual. But I think some people with single eyelid look more mysterious and special.
It's a culture thing. The "yellow fever" of americans is a social construct the same way eastern asian's "anime-look" infatuation is for them.
Why does other races want to steal our women :'(
Supposedly anime characters look the way they do because of Asian beauty ideals, and not the other way around.
Btw, happy to hear eastern Asians confirming K-pop artists look the same, because some people have implied that it's a racist statement because westerners see all eastern Asians as the same.
Well, I can only speak for Japan. First of all, I feel plastic surgery is not as socially acceptable in Japan than it is S. Korea. I've heard about double-lid surgery and nose jobs (not so much the V surgery), but I personally don't know anyone who's done it in my entire life.
Do asians want to look white? I don't think so. Yes, double-lid surgery make your eyes look more pronounced, but doesn't everyone want that? What's the point of using eyeliners and mascaras? Exactly. About the nose job, I don't think they want a bigger nose, they again want it to look more pronounced, and maybe wanna get to wear those sunglasses without them falling on you.
As for the skin colour, there is a word Akita beauty. It is about women from northern part of Japan who have fairer skin and were traditionally considered beautiful. I don't think it has anything to do with white people.
sunnieface double eyelids are present in every race and so are tall noses (usually not in Asians but found in all other races and are not exclusive to whites), if just wanting lighter skin makes people think Asians wanna be white, I wonder what race whites are trying to be when they try to get large lips and dark tan skin which is most definitely not found in whites.
I think people shouldn't change themselves to fit a standart people should just love themselves for who they are
may be kill themselves and rebirth as celebrity because life is hard :p
I couldn't agree more with you! As a white person who grew up in Asia and currently lives in South Korea, I can not help noticing that current East Asian standards of beauty seem extremely difficult to achieve. At the same time I love how ordinary (I mean, not TV stars) Asians really look like in the real life and I find Asian women very beautiful by their nature just as much as any other girls of any race who are healthy and have a harmony in their body and facial features. And the most beautiful women in the world - in my opinion - are definitely those from traditional Chinese paintings you were talking about!
no ma'am. As a korean guy i agree with them. We prefer white than other colored ,including even asians. and we wanna be look like caucasian. I guess people you met may not tell you about it because it's little bit controversial. As you mentioned 'not TV stars' that means lots of TV producers well aware of their's desire of appearance.
I used to know an asian girls who self-hated so much that they ask to be dominated and degraded for their Asiatic looks; Asians just need to accept who they are as people
People are not trying to look white.. and not all south korean celebrities that have done plastic surgeries... back in the 90s when surgery wasnt that popular or possible yet, there was celebrities that already have big eye and pointy nose with out getting the work done.. the standard of beauty is the same everywhere...asians with bigger looking eyes and pointy nose are just attractive Asians. Just like some white ppl that look slightly like asians that are more attractive than others..that is why ppl are getting surgeries.. to look good. period...when your pretty, whereever you go.. ur still pretty. thats a fact :o
I've never said this about an Asian guy, but the guy on the right looks kinda like Jackie Chan
Part of it is also social, more than racial. Darker skin is akin to working outdoors and physical labor (farmer, delivery man), which typically do not pay as much as those who work indoors (business man, doctor). Thus, some people who work outdoors get a tan and get associated with being poor. It is a subtle sociological thought ingrained in some people's minds.
Saying Asians who have work done are trying to look white is like saying white people who go to tanning salons or to the beach are trying to look black.
I think that it's not 'looking caucasian' at all. For people wanting double eyelids, I was always under the impression that it was double eyelids made your eyes look bigger, which tends to make you look younger and cuter. Kind of similar to how a lot of girls buy circle lenses to make their eyes look bigger and cuter.
Idk if you are Asian or not but what you said its spot on.
+Ryuzaki L I totally agree!
one of my previous (elderly) employers told me that i was more attractive than most other chinese people because my face isn't flat. although intended to be a compliment, i couldn't help but feel a bit iffy about it :/ with a very round face, uneven monolids (one eye is bigger than the other), a wide nose and a very undefined jawline, i'd say my face is rather flat, and i felt that her comment was a bit offensive to chinese people. i consider myself to be average looking, but i've long accepted some of my facial features that many others probably consider conventionally unattractive. both double eyelids and monolids are attractive features. a flatter, wider nose bridge can look just as good as a taller nose (it just makes wearing glasses more annoying xD). we all need to embrace our distinctive features, regardless of what our ethnic backgrounds are.
ReiKoko but some Asians don’t have flat faces or noses
I'm so distracted by the poop pillow lol . Spent the entire video trying to figure out if it was poop or soft serve ice cream =)
I find that the current social construct has lead many to have personal insecurities with their looks in east Asia. The group think in east Asia also plays a major role in thoughts regarding standards in beauty. One example would be South Korea as it is the plastic surgery capital of Asia. This standard is exemplified in many celebrities which is not particular to just Korea of course. On other hand, there are many Koreans who have never had plastic surgery and don't plan on it. Now, it is one's prerogative to have surgery for whatever reason it may be. In my opinion, I think it's detrimental to any group of people who are beginning to dislike their own facial characteristics or beauty, which is a part of who they are and what makes us all different from each other. Lastly, thank you for the video along with how you all embrace inner beauty and contentment in the outer.
Yi doesn't have to improve ANYTHING! I thought she was the prettiest on OTGW, and here too...Cheers girl! Great seeing you guys again!
Man, back in the Tang dynasty, "western" used to mean Central Asia and India.
Journey to the West reference, anyone?
I agree that the idea of beauty is heavily influenced by popular culture. Hollywood being the heaviest hitter in pop culture and white people being in the most represented in visual media, the standard for white beauty is going to have the biggest influence.
A lot of these comments are really sad.... I'm black and I wouldn't want to be anything else black is beautiful
15% + 75% = 90% , what about the other 10%? They dont have eyes? loll ololo
+书书 shushu lot of them did double eye lid surgery
I was looking for this comment ahah I realized that too.
Actually estimated of 50% of Asians are born with double eyelids. It is the East Asians: Chinese, Japanese, and Korean that double-eyelids are more rarer. Japanese and Korean about 80% are born with single eyelids. That's why there are so many double eyelid surgery in Korea; other reason, their eyes are very small than Japanese eyes. Where Chinese it's about 50/ 50%. Source From eye MD.
If you take Indian's billion population alone, 99% of of them have double eyelids.
So 50% natural double-eyelids is right according to what I read from a legit source. And what I observed living in 🇺🇸.
Here in the Philippines, being "mestiza or mestizo" (western looking) is glorified because of the Philippines' colonial past. If you look caucasian, people think that you are rich and beautiful. Clearly, inferiority complex plays a huge part.
Mestizos aren't western looking. The only western looking people are Blondes or Redheads. Light Skinned Native Americans are seen as the same as the dark Natives.
the thing I think these guys are missing here is that Western does not equal White. a perfect example is in the United States and the rest of the Americas there are white, black, American Indians, and a mixture of those groups. to equate Western with European is excluding a huge portion of westerners who do not fall into the category of European or European American.
Aaron Kolatch lol I’m sure whites are not the only ones with the double eyelid and even some Asians have the double eyelid so why is the double eyelid only associated with whiteness?
The continent Europe is west of Asia. They’re talking about western as in Europe. Not just the US
actually i read an article and some bbc videos that said most beauty standards around the world is more descriptive of aliens. and that as time has passed, people have described alienated features as more beautiful. even european/white ppl see that long narrow faces with bigger eyes is attractive. those features are common among many cultures for some reason as the ideal beauty. and when they hypothesized the future beauty standards it looked freakish. ppl should read up on those articles to get a better idea of beauty standards in general. I think what dan was saying about "wanting to look like anime" was a really close idea.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I enjoyed your topic. Deep down personal beauty comes from within and self confidence. People say Abraham Lincoln could not be elected today because of how he looked and imagine what a shame that would have been. People who believe plastic surgery will change their lives are just shallow and misguided we should concentrate on who we are as people.
+Pamela Batchelor I agree.
they will get more attention if it went wrong or just extreme. but do you want that attention?
I don't know why you would use shallow and misguided in the same sentence. Being shallow is a result of being misguided. It's easy to find a problem with a type of society when you haven't been living in it your whole life. People are just human.
@@aimeesaunders1880 true
Stop virtue signaling
FYI, rhino(ceros) the animal comes from the greek ρινόκερος where ρίνα is the nose and κέρας the horn,, so it means "animal with horn-nose" so yes, the word rhino in rhinoplastic and rhonoceros is the same :)
I am a MUA and hooded eyelids are the most common eye shape among all races, so not typical Asian. It all depends on how much skin that is covering the fold. Also it is all about geographic and ethnic differences. I am Filipino so SEA, and unless you are mixed with white or Chinese, you usually have larger eyes, ''dark skinned'' etc. Close to equator, tropical equals more sun, so more tan, northerners, less sun so fair. Also add food and genes in the equation. It is easy to differentiate a Filipino, Thai, Indonesian/Malay, Indian or Pakistani from Han Chinese, Korean or Japanese. Then you can't forget about the middle East, or Eurasians like Kazakhs, but also Mongols and Tibetan and Siberian peoples. BUT we all come in different skin tones and variations regardless of where in Asia we are all from. Asia is so diverse in basically everything. The glory of being continent I guess. Also traditional and modern beauty ideals based on both culture and influences from the outside world has a lot to say as well. I don't think Asians that get surgery look white at all. I have a high nose, I have double eyelids. I wear color contacts, and I am also a hairdresser so I used o dye my hair. I still didn't look white nor was taken as one. Also it has to do with history and countries that was colonized and ruled by nations like the French, the British, Spain and the US. Countries that was under these are morel likely to be whitewashed into thinking white is the key to success, a better life etc. because it was whipped and forced into us through assimilation by our white enslavers, and rulers. Our colonial heritage I might add.
I support dan's comment that it isnt like asians try to look white, they are aiming at a new look that wasnt there before, its true big eyes are consider to be more beautiful but there are already east asians with huge natural eyes ( almond shape ones) ... In my personal experience living in a regular chinese city, i hear more negative comments about western looks than good ones
As a part-Asian woman living in the states, I have to say I find the whole plastic surgery craze in Korea a bit heartbreaking. I personally wish I looked more Asian. Grass is always greener I guess? Regardless, I hope people can learn to embrace what they have and their own beauty :)
Sarah asians don’t wanna be white, get you facts straight.
I love asians as how they are ❤ brown olive skin, cute eyes, small nose, nice lips, everything of asians really beautiful. PLEASE DON'T CHANGE YOUR NATURAL ASIAN BEAUTY 😭💔
we arent even brown most of us are white skinned
"brown olive" lol, Asians ain't reptiloides.
To those who claims asians are white compare these three asians on the couch to Betty white. Is it the same ? I don't think so
I fear where the world is headed.
its funny that i never noticed folders, or lack of it on asian people eyes. when i first listened to "double eyelid" i was like is that! i had to research on it and now im able to notice...actually only asians can naturally notice that! o.O amazing
Sara BlewUnicorn cuz Asians have double eyelids and single eyelids. To be literal whites have single eyelids but they have a strong brow bone that makes the eyes fold in which creates the appearance of a double eyelid. Whereas Asians usually have low brow bones so it is truly single or double
I have a double eyelid on one of my eyes,but the other eye doesn't. Lol
Nope. Not all are trying to look white. It's just because they compare themselves with other races and they felt like this kind of nose is better, this kind of eyes is better, this kind of lips is better. Because they looked at so many Hollywood movies and some Chinese movies, they then compare and feel like they "need" to fix their faces.
My family doesnt really favour white people but they see white-bright skin = beauty, even if you were born really unflattering, if you have a bright-white skin, you are beautiful. Im not insulting but I hope you get what I mean. No matter what you look like, if you are bright white skin, you are beautiful. If you are tan, damn you are UGLY! like a straight UGLY and they think you are ugly because you look like the "low-class" tan asians (naturally-born tan asians). Higher nose = beautiful because flat nose = ugly for them as well. As for lips, they feel that thin lips look smoother, softer and cuter. I have a rather full lips and my mom thinks I should not use red lipstick (because red lipstick gives you a big effect lips).
They are not common, that's why they also compare with them. Tall nose is definitely look more defined than nose that are flat. Double eye lid makes your eyes look brighter sharper and bigger and of course you can easily look more beautiful with those eye shadow make up. Those people with no lids tend to find it difficult to get the eye shadow make they wish. That's why, again, they compare.
Lena V tall noses and deep set eyes are found in all races besides the Asian race so why would that be exclusively associated with white people? Ps, double eyelids are complete different from deep set eyes, the Asian double eyelid is very different then the double eyelid a person with deep set eyes has. In fact, a person with deep set eyes doesn’t even have a double eyelid at all , his brow bone just creates the illusion of one. An Asian person has the fold literally on his or her eyelid so that would be a true double eyelid.
i think you should specify saying north east asian, because south east asian is different, plus buddha is indian and his eyes are close because hes meditating thats why the eyes is slanted in those statu
I’m the minority of the chinese stereotypes. I have a narrower longer nose, narrow heart shaped face, with double eyelids, and bigger overall eyes. It’s sad to hear young girls feeling the need to reconstruct their faces to fit this “ideal” look. Though I don’t judge them. It’s their lives.
The way I see it, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. I honestly think that western media influences many cultures into think that a certain look is superior to another. I live in the United States, so I’m surrounded by it all the time. I think that some places where people live, they’re just not used to seeing these advertisements, or are fascinated by someone who looks so different from what they see in their daily lives. This then makes it more appealing.
Or it could be the opposite, where it’s overly advertised and people feel the need to achieve this same look in order to fit into society.
everyone should be proud of who they are... everyone is beautiful lol
15% + 75% = 90%
She just had a brain Fart..
I'm not interested in the statistics of this topic, but if you are going to quote them then you might as well link the source.
scrolling down till I heard that😂😁😁
I think it's possibly caused by a freer flow of information, images, and criticism. You could think of it as the democratization of "beauty". People held up by television, youtube/internet posts are typically responded to by a vast sea of people who can (and frequently do) comment on outward appearance positively or negatively. When people do that, it's very very easy for insecure people to take away that they're not attractive enough, and are driven to go find ways to augment their appearance.
I can only speak for Chinese as I do not know about other asians. I have heard/read so many of the common during my time in the US. I think there is a lot of misconception in the west (the US) in general. I am 62, lived in HK for 20 years and 40 years in US. My ancesters are from the northern China.
Skin Color - Historically, Chinese are ranked by educational level, not
by wealth. Educated and/ wealthier Chinese women are not allowed to be
outdoor. At least for those who was born in late 1800 to 1900 - my
grandmother's generation, that was true. This type of restriction would
make them very light skin. Only Chinese women from the farmer's class
or those who lived on boats would have darker skin as they would be
exposed to the sun. As skin color is determined by dominant genes, it carries to the next generation. So skin color represent which class level an
individual belongs to. It has nothing to do with wanting to look
western or white. There is also a Chinese saying that being lighter skin helped
hind facial flaws making them less noticeable. So being light skin is desirable for generations, except for those who went abroad (to the western world - US, Australia, Canada, Europe.)
Facial Features - Traditional/historical Asian Beauty has eyes described as phoenix eyes, i.e. the slanted eyes, with face shape in an oval or pumpkin seed with relatively higher nose bridge. Phoenix eyes are not single eye lid, but what we called faked double lid nowadays, i.e. When the eyes are closed, it showed the double lid. When opened, it showed a very narrow double fold with the end tilted up. These are northern Chinese' eyes features.
In the South of China, beauties have almond shaped eye and double eyelids are common, but southerner tends to have flatter and wider nose. Southerner are also shorter and more petite than northerner. The earlier settlers or workers brought to the US are from the Southern part of China. This is why the "Almond shaped eye" was used to describe Chinese.
Historically, Chinese women from different provinces have different distinguishing features, height and body shape. These all changed because of communism when all the educated and wealthier people were put to work in the farms and mine, and those from the farm and poor were put to administrative, military and government organization, so those from the mainland China are now all mixed. Those who fled to other countries were actually the ones who maintained the features of the past.
Balances in all features with lighter skin are important traditionally for face reading to evaluate if a woman is suitable for marriage. Strong/protruding cheek bone and protruding forehead are considered bad features. So looking like westerner has never been the desire of Chinese women in my era (50's to now). It was only a coincident that the desirable light skin, higher nose bridge, the egg/pumpkin seed shaped face, double eye lids sound like western feature. However, if it is the western look is what was desired, those who went through plastic surgery would have sunken double lid. As for the nose job, the Korean nose job did use the western feature as it protrudes from the center of the brow, not the Chinese type which protrudes at the eye level.
I think whatever we see on a regular basis becomes more familiar and more attractive to us. That's where the expression "it grows on you" comes from. Even inanimate objects such as cars that were ugly to me started to look better the more I saw them.
So, as technology continues to "shrink" the world, and people around the world have more exposure to different people and cultures, they begin to identify more with the physical traits of people of that race or culture to which they have more and more exposure. i.e. physical features typically identified as more western will gain more acceptance and popularity in the east and vice versa.
On the subject of plastic surgery, my Chinese girlfriend recently had cosmetic surgery. She had hers done in Shenzhen, and I think they did a good job. In her case, she did not want to look white. But she did want some facial features that are identified as more typically western features. She had her eyes done to make them bigger, and she also had her face shaved to narrow her chin. The result is a bit more of an anime look, as Dan describes. She also does her makeup to make her skin appear more white just because she feels it is more attractive than her natural skin tone. (I disagree) It gives her more self confidence, so I'm happy for her in that respect.
So, I think that this is a phenomenon that we are going to see more and more. People around the world will continue to be exposed to people of other races, cultures, and colors and will see a person of another race with a feature they feel is attractive, and they will have to have it. Just like any other component of a person's appearance, I also believe that certain physical features will become stylish, or in vogue, for a time and then lose popularity in favor of another. Today light colored skin is in, tomorrow darker skin color may be considered more attractive. I also believe that as technology gives people more and more options to change their appearance , or even their gender, (that's probably another video) they will feel more and more free to pick and choose the physical features they want.
When I look at Korean beauty standards (particularly female) I really see an emulation of mixed race white/Asian girls. All Hapa females I have met look like they could be Korean/Japanese models.
Mike Chen = Jackie Chan
guy on the right is Jackie Chan
Lol he actually looks a bit like him.
Sedativ dus racist
there are studies that show that the common plastic surgery procedures that take place in southeast asia today wouldnt have a little while back because westerners influence (particularly white) changed their beauty standards. The "beauty standard" the most common one is usually full of traditinally "white" or "european" or "western" features. ive seen quite a few articles. im not gonna say im 100% tru. take what i say with a grain of salt. but im pretty sure that westernization in countrys really did cause this change in beauty standards in southeast asia today.
so as a white person i do believe. white washing, hollywood, anything western thats spread across the world now.. has caused a change in the asian beauty standards. i blame whitewashing.
I think asian women are SO gorgeous, I've always had a crush for that kind of beauty, and I know guys who think the same. Those features those surgeries are trying to change is exactly what makes it special.
It's been part of our culture thousand years ago
having double eyelid surgery has also been a part of your culture for thousands of years?
hmm I wouldn't say wanting to have big eyes is a white thing because a lot of white people and small eyes and some some Asian especially south East Asian people have massive eyes... big eyes just look cuter to everyone
*have small eyes
I guess I'm in that 15% category...Just be yourself. Be confident. Don't change your physical appearance for anyone.
i think that an universal characteristic of attractiveness is the lack of extreme facial features. that's why a lot of individuals of different ethnic backgrounds seek plastic surgery or other treatment to remove traits that seem particular to their ethnic background.
So basically what you’re saying is that any facial feature(s) outside of the typical Anglo features are considered “extreme”. There goes your subconscious preference to the Anglo beauty standard.
I have seen a few adverts in China that are for skin whitening products. So I would have to say that there does appear to be a trend for Asians to be more white where Westerners want to be more tanned.
LilySUBS I didn't say anything about wanting to be caucasian. I was just pointing out that caucasians want to look tanned just as much as asians want to look white (not caucasian). I do know the basis behind wanting to look white.
I think when Dan said these women are trying for a hybrid he's spot on. Two decades ago when I married a woman from Shanghai the inevitable discussion of children came up at a family dinner. They were discussing how the children of a mixed couple would look and all seemed pleased. A synopsis of the discussion would be that the most beautiful children would be a mix of Asian and Caucasian. They did mention that the most beautiful mix in their opinion was Chinese and French but, as they added, I would do just fine.
My point is that it is entirely likely that this hybridization of Asian beauty is not a new phenomenon and may have started with the blending of east and west over a long period. I know it seemed to be an old and accepted concept 20 years ago to these families. Today though you guys are talking about people who are trying to sculpt this blend onto themselves.
Don't do that.
NOOO! I'm black and I don't believe Asians try to look white. I feel like there way of dressing is more cutesy while white women is more stern and grown. I prefer the natural asian features, I think their flat noises look very beautiful with their face, and I personally love their exotic eyes. To me I think people try to look like the majority. Because asians are one of the ONLY people that have their exotic face, they tend to feel like they need to blend in with the rest of the world. Like black people, because most of the world has straight hair, we try to have straight hair to blend in. I think people sometimes, don't want to stand out too much. (of course I can't speak to everyone, because everyone is different) but I know it can get frustrating when people make fun of the eyes, like other races sometimes make fun of our kinky hair. SO I understand that need to look united,
These dudes got some nerve saying US is going towards a different directions. WRONG! In US, the standard of beauty is still fit and thin, the whole plus size model stuff is just a farce, it's like some Americans just gave in to the overweight scheme because they can't (failed) to change themselves to the "Ideal me." Just surf any US based clothing store website online you can see most models are still those fit and thin type.
Dude, were "going" towards different directions. We haven't gotten there yet...and at least we're trying, unlike most of the world😂😂😫😒
Asian features are the most beautiful in my opinion. :*
It's a historical problem tracking back to more than 2600 years ago (in '诗经') when there were quite a lot poems saying like '手如柔荑,肤如凝脂' to describe pretty girls ;)
which means girls who have skin like congealed fat and hands like white tender bud.
Are you kidding? Look for old paintings of the heroes of Three Kingdoms, they're depicted with eyelid folds because it's a traditional trait of beauty.
I respect Mike's perspective. You love your own people the most. That's understandable. I think my people are the most beautiful as well.
I think it's because Asian got tanned and darker easily when work outside ,
so white/fair skin looked more clean because it's like cleaner than dark things and it means they don't work menial/harder job that requires too much time outside,
in my culture, as long as you look clean then it's good,
for surgery, I think it's because we had the technology to make it happen and it did make some people looked more beautiful, because it affordable and simple surgery doesn't really harms so many people want to do it
I remember when I was a child, my aunt and I came across this picture of Mary-Kate and Ashley as kids. My aunt said, look how beautiful they are with their blonde hair and blue eyes! So to a degree, I think asians are fascinated by the exotic features of caucasians and want blue/green eyes and light colour hair
It's definitely the anime.
When will people stop thinking Asian beauty standards = wanting to look white? That's not it. I wish uneducated people would stop pushing this idea and inflating egos further. I can't count the amount of times white people have told me "they love blonde and blue eyes over there, I'm so exotic to them lol." Not everything revolves around that. Eurocentric standards of beauty have been pushed almost everywhere in the world where beauty is paid attention to. But when they want double eyelids, it's not "European" eyes, it's Asian double lids. Asians also can have high nose bridges, oval faces and pale skin naturally. These features are not exclusive to the West or white people. If you look at old pictures and paintings, you'll see what was considered beautiful has evolved greatly, but things like pale skin and all that still remain. The beauty standard gets harder to match up to as time goes on it seems, but it means more money for makeup companies, surgeons, dermatologists, clothing labels. I can say I've met some native East-Asians that do admire European looks, but their own personal tastes still stayed within the Asian beauty standard. But this was a decent discussion - this isn't directed towards anyone in the video, just my opinion. Like Dan said, this is mostly applicable to those who were born and raised in Asia or have had such influences in their home. I will say though that beauty standards are brutal in East-Asia and often difficult to obtain.
Am I the only one who noticed that right after she said only 15% have double eyelid,she then said she's part of the 75% who don't. Ummm what about the other 10% do they like not have eyes?
"I'm just the 75%," The math tho...
Dan "Actually the poop is upside down, due to the hole in the toilet"
Mike "It depends in the form it has because if not it swils up"
Most philosophical talk ever.😅😅😅😅
I think that the skin tone thing is from China's culture. While people who was working in the fields got darker skin. And the wealthy people could stay inside away of the sun. It has naturally become more popular to look like those wealthy people.
back at the beginning of the 1900s it was more attractive to be fair skinned because only people of status could stay inside and not work the fields. This changes in the middle of the last century when the middle class was able to vacation and lounging around outside instead of stuck in a factory became a sign of status
What does lighter skin have to do with Western? I don't think they are related. Different areas have different ideas of beauty. I don't think Asians are trying to mimic the West or anything like that. I think the West's influence is overestimated in this case.
100 years ago in China, western women were still not considered attractive. They used to say that western women looked more masculine, because they were taller and because of their face features. I believe this has changed after western culture started to be more seen in China, probably with movies... In the 20's Chinese women were already using the short bob hairstyle, like Coco Chanel.
If I'm not wrong, the typical tradition in China fell with the last emperor... I could be wrong about it though... But I do think after him China started to "modernize", the elders were still holding the traditions, but the young loved the changes.
Big eyes in females is particularly wanted because it makes them look youthful, innocent (or honest), and cute. As people age; eyes proportionally get smaller, so they seem older. Big eyes, mean young, and fertile.
Big eye proportion are found in babies and that's what people find appealing. Just checkout cartoons, and a majority of famous cartoon characters do have the appealing large eyes. Bugs Bunny sound familiar? In general, big eyes are a desirable trait in females. Same with small nose, small mouth, and narrower jaw, small chin all are secondary sex characteristics of estrogen.
I think we're being a bit too fair, we should be harsh and honest about this. East Asia, especially South Korea, has a bad problem with worshiping white people. In South Korea in particular, the appearance of white people is the goal. Stronger facial features, bigger noses, pronounced jaw lines, etc. Not to mention the obsession with dying your hair any color but black there, mostly red or blonde. Have you ever seen K Pop idol album covers? Their skin is always white as snow and they could almost be mistooken for white people. I don't think nearly everyone thinks this way but it's a growing issue and it's sad to see a people with such a rich culture and history preferring someone else's standards of beauty.
Tbh, I've never seen a person with natural pink / purple hair... And that's all I see in kpop. They look nothing like white people to me.
Desired paleness has NOTHING to do with race. It is all about class. Wealthy people tend to stay inside whereas poor people, traditionally, worked outdoors which tanned their skin. Pale skin was equated with wealth and class.
Ja Seo I never said a single time that every person who does these things has the intentions of looking white. It's not every person. Let me make it more clear and specific.
- Dye your hair RED or BLONDE, commonly natural by white people (also Arabs, but mostly white people)
- Skin whitening
- Surgery to make the eyes wider and facial features stronger, rather than natural and softer Korean features
If what you're doing is simply because you want to, then that's that. But to see lots of East Asians, especially Koreans, don't try and look more Western is naive. Especially because so many people acknowledge it except them.
happy3patsy Yes, I know that.
Ja Seo So to get the full picture, you think that East Asia has absolutely no sign of *anyone* trying to look Western or that the beauty standard of East Asia being the Western look? Please don't be naive.
+SilverAbsol White people must be obsessed with their own race to think it's all about them, like this.
Thought the history of Japan, the more White your skin is, the more beautiful you are considered and you look more wealthy. Japanese people have always wanted to have super white skin.
It applies to all East Asia and has absolutely nothing to do with west.
Actually V-shape is from Fan Bingbing, oval shape face and pale skin is traditional beauty. Nowadays anime characters make a big impact on young generation's perspective.
I feel like I need to ask where did Yi get the 15% stats from. As a Singaporean Chinese, I think most of our ancestors migrated from the southern parts of China to Southeast Asia a few hundred years ago, and I would say 70% of my fellow Chinese I meet on the streets all have double eyelids. It's so uncommon to see someone with single eyelids that it'd be a feature we use to describe someone (e.g. "That tall girl with single eyelids", you wouldnt hear someone describing the same thing of a girl with double eyelids). I'm pretty sure this is also the same for Malaysian Chinese (and possibly Indonesian Chinese too).
This answered a lot of my questions of why Asians look different than westerners!
But seriously thank the lord for the beautiful faces we all have already been given!
Top listed things i never knew:
Matching Asian haircuts at some point!
"Single" eyelids or "unpronounced" face in general (people said "flat" face and "Almond" eyes, but i didn't understand what that meant!)
the hybridness of Anime faces!
And that's about it.
Western globalization/colonization enforces whiteness. It's rather sickening.
Even skin brightening and whitening in southeast asia is a big thing.
And anime characters over the years are created to look more racially ambiguous because of western influence as well.
About the rhino issue, I DO find it weird that you use the greek words in medical terminology! In ancient greek nose is called "ris" and its conjugation is "rin" (yes we conjugate nouns and adjectives). It must be very frustrating for non Greeks! lol
I agree in every culture some have an attitude that beautiful people get success easier. But that can have it's own problem. The perception that beautiful people, especially women, can't be smart. I also agree there are some trying to question our standards of beauty in the west. We've had decades of seeing botched surgeries, eating disorders, etc because of unattainable beauty standards. IDK if I'm right, but I wonder how much WW2 and the Korean War played when Western beauty standards really began to influence Eastern Asia. You talked a little about how pop culture influences ideas. But what I think plays the biggest role, worldwide, is media. Look at movies, TV magazines, social medias. I think media plays on our insecurities to get us to buy their products and services..but that's just my opinion :)
Love it when you guys have couchtalk with Yi^^
its kool watching and hearing another perspective, im pro black
15 percent of people have double eyelids? That sounds strange. Most Chinese people I know have double eyelids. Maybe monolids are common in Northern China?
I wished they talked about the role of colonization in the image of beauty? But, I also feel like the miss the biggest growing phenomenon in Asia, specifically in South Korea: skin bleaching.
actually ancient chinese paintings of "beautiful women" all have tall noses and pale skin. its been that way forever. the only thing is the eyes, chinese people these days all want big eyes, but back then, it wasn't a big deal. And i wouldn't say they want to look western. western is not just a prudent nose, but a prudent everything. Chinese people still favor a rather flat looking face
I personally hate the idea of plastic surgery, and I wish people would think harder before getting it done because it's permanent, and I just think it's dumb to want to get rid of your natural looks, unless you were born with something wrong with your face. I think South Korean media needs to stop pushing this plastic surgery stuff. They can easily have their models wear makeup, which is better because it's temporary.I just don't get why these buisnesses in South Korea would want these women go under the blade to look like a fake doll, it's just doesn't look right. I think most guys would agree that we tend to like how a girl naturally looks, rather than hiding it. With that said, it's not just South Korea that does this stuff, and a lot of different Asians go to South Korea in order to get plastic surgery, due to cheaper prices. But still, South Korea is just giving themselves a bad reputation. I've heard many people say stuff like "Korean girls are ugly compared to other Asians, that's why they need plastic surgery", which I know isn't true because I've seen some naturally beautiful ones in America. The truth is just that plastic surgery can be a deciding factor on whether or not you can get a job in South Korea, which is sad. Bottom line is, people should be proud of how they look.
Am I the only one who thinks south Koreans get plastic surgery to look different (more advanced) from their neighbor, north Korea.
I agree with the idea of finding different methods before getting PS. I have always wonder the effects after you marry and have children one day (IF). The offspring won't look like you. It makes me think if you're unsatisfied and unhappy with your looks; what about your offspring? What if he or she looks exactly like you before PS- will you have mix emotions or introduce plastic surgery when they are young? What happen to self-confidence? How would the child view? I do believe it changes the dynamic and view of beauty as generation passes. I don't know, but its basically opening a can of worms.
Ana Carolina North Koreans get surgery too, it’s one of the few things that dictator actually allows because he says that the job of a woman is to look pretty.
Stop virtue signaling