Is that because the greenwash people want all buildings to be aaa rated with triple glazing, at least 200mm of insulation and powered by co2 friendly fairy dust. lol
and the brass neck to come from belfast to try and protect heritage meanwhile Everytown and city around it is a health a safety hazard what a service place is held together with plywood shop fronts
You never want bad HED! In my experience and I believe that of many, many people. They do so much more harm to beautiful historic buildings when they get involved. For all of the reasons you mentioned. The idea of a department that's responsible for ensuring historic buildings survive is a good thing, but the way they go about it has the opposite affect a lot of the time. I don't know anyone who would ever dream of buying a listed building because of the issues they can face. The best way to save those buildings is to work WITH you, not against you. To appreciate that you are at least preventing the building from being lost. In the meantime just double check with a competent solicitor that you are within your rights to knock it down. Because sadly it may come to that.
Get a private property sign and get your local council member involved and the local community you need support to fight these people im sure the locals will love that you repairing the church
My bets the land stealing neighbor as they are closer and have more to loose. Get rid of it before it gets listed sounds like the best plan !! Maybe reuse the stone and slate for the new building. Just make sure its ok to flatten it as you don't want to be force to rebuild. Be careful that you don't leave any halogen work lights on they could easily fall over and start a fire.
I know someone whose house wasn't listed because the previous owner NEVER answered the door and wouldn't talk to the inspectors. All the houses around became listed. Another friend bought an old barn, and in fixing the roof the bat inspectors got involved, and held up the work for a year or so, during which time there were 6 bat inspections, costing tens of thousands in total. I think they were using the bat inspections as an excuse to fund their own department. The neighbours who bought their barn at the same time, just knocked it down and started again, before the bat inspectors got involved. Even though there were no bats, my friends still had to make the roof and building 'bat friendly'. Some other friends have a property with old historic gates that are deteriorating. The council got involved and said that if they did anything it had to be done in a certain ridiculously prohibitive way. The gates still are untouched now, and still deteriorating. A few years prior to this, the council knocked down all the previous historic associated buildings! The gates are the only thing left from all that history.
I would knock it down before it gets listed. They will cost you a fortune if they stick their beaks in. I love heritage buildings, but respect you are a business man and need to keep costs down
That’s barbaric. I love old buildings and keeping them as beautiful as they were, but maybe I would speed up the works before they listed. If it’s only on the watch list I guess they cannot do much to prevent to doing jobs. They scared your boys, because they probably know that he doesn’t know what rights you have. Talk with your lawyer and even see advocate groups. Not only heritage people have lobbyists!
That’s not wise either. We lived with my husband in a grade II listed building. He started the refurbishment before we met. He is a kind of person who doesn’t give a flipping flamingo about rules. He stripped off everything inside (not the windows and doors looking outside, but everything else. He even made some landscaping as we both disabled and he wanted off street parking… when he decided to sell many’s times buyers stepped back, because of the lack of permissions and didn’t go through solicitors. End up he sold with a loss, despite that the refurbishment was „sympathetic“, but didn’t keep the original features, layout and used historically appropriate materials. I guess you a have a nice neighbour 🙃
@ yea my dad’s boss was running a business .But even his boss knew how to get round all that legally. he was very a shroud man he even became a councillor in the local council and even a justice of peace he had contacts everywhere in the country. Really is a case of what you know and who you know years later my boss kept getting planning turned down to build a new factory my dad did a few calls for me soon afterwards it passed to employ 300 workers it recently sold to a firm called terex but everything from building to employment had to be done legally eps in later years.
@ Yeah, the key is know your rights and know those who are in the position of decision. Although probably there are corruption involved, which is good for some in short term, but even for those is bad on the long term. With corruption the whole country getting poorer and people can easily fall from grace.
Worked on a lot of heritage buildings , depends on the listing type what you can do, if its not listed simply dont list it,and again if its not listed the cannot stop any repairs
I had a listed Victorian flat (terrace), that was a lowish grade listing, can't remember which one, so it depends on the grade, or how important they think it is. In our case they were ok. Bangor blues required as original and hex period chimney pots (not original), gutters in aluminium and painted. The used to provide a grant, and listing was prestigious back in the 90s, but gradually that all disappeared. I won't stop you selling, and will add value. Just see what they want and keep them under pressure to agree/decide on new materials.
All the way from Iowa, United States, I really enjoyed your video with how you explained your view on things, along with the sarcasm and smart a$$ery!! I'm now a subscriber.
If the boys from Belfast in their offices stop the work, call in the McGinley's and Joices to set up camp for a year or two. the locals will be so glad to see you build two houses, they might even mix the lime mortar. better again the McDonough's : ) plenty of room their to strip down motor vehicles
And I'll loan you a horse box load of cobs to add to the McGinley's and Joyce's aesthetic🤣. One week of a halting site and you'll have no neighbour objections when your application goes to planning!
The boundary fence, maybe someone rang them causing trouble? Maybe HED will give you a Grant towards costs of renovation? Shame if the JCB hit it, happened with a lot of seafront buildings in Portstewart (allegedly) and now brand new apartments built in replacement.
BigAl sit on it the times are changing another 2 months they won’t have a leg to stand on, they have all lost their control and it’s all about fear and control.
There used to be grants available for listed buildings. Don't know whether that is still the case. The slates on the roof look ok, the problem is that the nails holding them on are corroded causing the slates to slip, it's called nail sickness, you may be eligible for a grant to strip and reslate using the existing slates.
Alan my home in Cheltenham was Listed and I got Cable Broadband installed. Two Council workers and a photographer directed the Cable installer where he was permitted to drill one single hole.
Do not let them list it, our farm house was listed against our wishes and now we cant repair it or make improvements to it. There is a large mill beside me as well that was listed and the owners are not allowed to repair it unless it is done by a specially trained builder who restores old buildings, the long and short of it is the mill has fell into dis repair and the roof on it is 70% gone. Listing buildings has had the opposite effects the HED was hoping for
I was going to buy a church in Philly in the US, they are cheaper than other types of buildings, but I read on reddit that you can't make changes to historical buildings like some churches so I bought a warehouse.
Heritage grants ? 😊 im in Australia not sure how it works over there in your country and tell your worker’s and delivery people not talk to anyone if you have neighbour's in this situation a friendly conversation could be the person thats callled
Hi there I'm Scottish & my daughter just purchased a church up here in Scotland a "massive " church which is listed but left abandoned & left to decay & rot for yrs ,we didn't want to change anything outside of the property & wished to keep it's natural beauty & we only wanted to start working on the faces of the building cleaning the brick & fixing the cracks & the lime mortar & fix any roof leaking a result of by being left abandoned & not maintained ,so we enquired about steam cleaning the building 1st by professionally approved specialists those who actually clean heritage buildings & we then sent the usual request to the local council & heritage only to be told "NO" ...& If we wanted to clean it we where to do this by hand with a little scrubbing brush & soapy water 😂...As I said the church is absolutely massive, so this idea of doing it by hand would take us at least another 200 yrs to complete ffs 😂 So in other words these idiot's that make these decisions whilst sitting behind their little desks & " supposedly care" for the heritage buildings live in a fantasy land & probably have never even washed a dish with soapy water never mind a massive building , their definitely not helping the building by watching it decay by not allowing the people who invest in it to carry out the work needed to restore it to it's former beauty ....Since then we've found it difficult to even require permission to put a sign up on the actual grounds to advertise our business with all funds made being put back into the churches preservation? ,they seem to enjoy throwing a spanner into the works at every opportunity & it pisses me off as they dont or won't offer any help or understanding in maintaining or preservation of the building, so what's the actual point in their jobs ? 🤔 ...Don't let them list your building!
In England, there are actually quite a few benefits to having a building listed. Listed buildings don't need to meet all the stringent energy performance requirements which are making it impossible to rent out heritage buildings that aren't listed. Yes, the extra bureaucracy is really annoying, adds costs and is time consuming. However, I find using heritage materials and techniques isn't just more pleasing, but right for the building and sometimes cheaper. If you keep the building for any length of time, doing it right always saves money in the long term.
had heratige, structual engineer on site. wall is colapsing SE, needs a steel under it. HS no must be tdhe same, SE you need to sign a waver. HS why. SE so if it comes down on somebody you accept responsibility. Steel went in ,no more problems. had a letter from Heratage ingland saying what a great job we had done, in keeping the biulding original
If it's not listed then just crack on, let them take you to court which they won't because if it's not listed or doesn't have a preservation order on it then they don't have a leg to stand on.
Sounds like someone has been in contact to tip them off that work has started rather than letting it just rot. Hmmm. Wonder who ? In 1980s Scotland (not so much now), buildings like this that had to have major and expensive work done then mysteriously burned down to clear the site which then got redeveloped.
Im new to your channel but what iv seen so far... ist bloody brilliant 👏 👍🏻... green cheese.... neighbours .. but is the same here in Aberdeen Scotland 😂.. stay safe 🏴
1)Who let them on the property? 2)How much did you charge them to enter your property £1000 per hour that's your rate 3)You need 4 signs up around your property explaining your rules extra 4) just like the government you also have rules so they have to adhere to them 5) the government is a corporation And you didn't sign an agreement with them so you're not bound by there law Why are you asking someone for permission to build your own property You're a free man Look into the sovereign root it will bring you down a rabbit hole but will open your eyes to how much you being controlled and people just except it people from all over the country are starting to wake up and are fighting back 🙏🙏
The land and building is in your name no mortgage you can do as you wish with your property.there is a bylaw that allows you to maintain and upgrade due to energy efficiency . No stone left unturned
I fully support retaining our heritage buildings but the current system we have is not fit for purpose. The system is meant to be be there to help developers ensure historical landmarks are preserved but its got so much red tape that nobody wants to or can afford to touch it. the end result, they are left to rot and ruin.
Assuming you have not made a mistake about it being listed, this is terrible. I suspect that you need to down tools, get a clarification from these guys as to why they are interfering with a non-listed building, get clarification as to what they plan to control, and if this all sounds like it will add zero value to the property, then put it back on the market. Mind you, I've heard of something similar going on on Anglesey where some bloke could not get the council off his back on his development. He sold the property and the buyer was allegedly a friend of a councillor and all of a sudden all the red tape disappeared.
We had to deal with them as well, the best way is to be as nice as possible and work with them, look at other properties in the area that have had the work done that you want done and use that as an example to get what you want,
Now from one bigal to another bigal honestly used to get called that in work even though I'm 5.8 I've discovered in my 58 years that good or bad head is down to experience 👀😁😜
Can attest that my local lot don't know the difference between 'Durham Beach Sand', and what blows up from my local beach. There's an environment trust that makes sure you don't take any from the beach itself, but if it blows up a private road, you can 'clear up'.
Not ideal, but before any listing maybe just pull out the doors and windows and replace with PVC, normally you only do that after messy work but might be better working around it. Roof wise, you have some quality slates and at least 50% should be salvaged, so you probably want a close match to those slates anyway. Unless they get silly with any listing, it's doubt that they will try to protect internal features, but if there's any rotted timbers maybe just pull them out earlier as a precaution. I think those neighbours have made a call to the council officers, happy to let a property fall down, but not happy to see it return to use without having it on their terms.
Buying a building always comes with risks, especially with old buildings. Heritage of buildings are important to keep its cultural integrity. How did you buy it and what advice did your lawyer give you, did you have a surveyor done? Once you’ve done the work the building value will increase to reflect the work done and if you don’t follow their recommendations then the house will be impossible to sell because the new owners will be liable for the work you didn’t have permission to do. A lawyer will advise their clients not to buy. Find a good heritage advisor so that you can bring the building back to life, it will be beautiful. ❤
@ Buildings don’t need to be classed as listed to still be under a conservation list. If I was him I’d go back to my lawyer and find out what went wrong. Because these governments agencies just don’t come around for nothing.
Two things. Firstly, no doubt a curtain twitcher has called the council about a "new build" in there area. This has likely resulted in Al getting the sudden visit. 2/ Ideally keeping the building as is, with it's rustic charm, and maintaining it for future generations is the main goal. But because a nosey neighbour has interfered, the council may be fearful Al may make radical changes to the building, not in keeping with the area. Listening to Al, he sounds like he wants to maintain the building's character and do right to the building.. No need for the council involvement. Al just has to convince HED he's not going to do anything radical with the building..
@ ah true, didn’t think about neighbours. Still now they’ve made their presence be interesting to see how it works out for him. He sounds passionate about the building and I’m sure it will all work out for him, once he’s over the initial intrusion.
I would be preemptive with the building control. Have all your plans to keep the original structure drawn up so that it is already dealt with. As the building isn't listed, you need to ensure that is also highlighted in drswings, but that also means that the building will have conform to modern energy regs. Windows shouldn't be a problem as who knows what the original windows looked like, but keep them contemporary to the building. As far as I can tell, Northern Ireland doesn't care for old buildings. I've worked here long enough to see beautiful buildings destroyed for new build estates.
Let's put this in perspective and look on the positive side. It's a church ( or a deconsecrated church) , so you will need change of use anyway. But you got it very cheaply, much less than the cost of the very cheapest site. HED can't stop you doing immediate repairs to stop water ingress and stop the decay of your building. HED can't just drive out from Belfast and say they are going to list your building. They've had plenty of time to list the building, and they failed to do so before it was deconsecrated. Unfortunately, you can't just put a digger through it without planning consent. If you do so, that could turn into a nightmare, where you would likely be made to rebuild it stone for stone. The rebuild cost would be huge. Think stone masons, lime mortar, no modern materials,,,, a bloody nightmare. What would I do? I'd make the building water tight, get an architect who has managed to get planning on similar projects. I'd get my planning in asap,,,,, and I'd be one step ahead of HED. NI is a village so you can't keep anything a secret. There's always some NIMBY who wants to interfere. But F**k them, for they are not paying your bills.
@@ingridbrowne6083 yes you are right. It is a church hall. I read the title "I recently bought an old church,,,,,,," and was listening to the video when I was working, so didn't see the images! However, all my comments still stand. The building will need planning permission and change of use. That also applies to demolishing any building too! It is highly unlikely the church hall or anything within the feu will be subject to listing. In NI back in 1977 buildings were surveyed and those subject to Listed Building Status were given listed categories. Consecrated land and buildings are recognised legal terms in local and national government planning.
Government are service corporations. Tell them to get on their bikes. Law is the Ten Commandments. Do no harm if you have bought that building that makes it your property and it’s up to you what you do with it. They have no right to tell you to do anything. They are in desperate need to know the difference between the law which is higher everytime against legal. Because legal only applies to corporations
I think one of your new neighbours snitched on you. Anyway I and some experience in England with the local council, planning department etc. I realised they know absolutely nothing about their own field. English solicitors: even worse, they are useless. (For the record: after 4 years it looks like I am winning, mostly because I found a legal help who is not English, but he actually knows the legislation.)
Unless you are totally in love with the place... I would wish you would just leave it... like the last owners... and let it fall to rack and ruin and when it's too far gone to be restored put in for permission for a caravan park... (I know... I couldn't do it either, and nor could you,) but - they deserve a car park, or a gravel patch with a couple of recycling bins for their trouble... let them slap a preservation order on that!
200 years doesnt seem that historical to me. Get a solicitor, remove all implied right of access maybe? Wonder what listing grade they want to give it, its important. Maybe check through the sale stuff to find out if the heritage peeps tried to force it on the previous owner and he didnt mention it? I have heard in the UK that you can leave a building to rot legally and when it becomes unsafe you can pull it down, but that might not happen in your life time. Crazy stuff and I wish you luck, keep us informed.
Looks like the cost, and length of time for the project just went up or multiplied ,by several times , we have the most entitled _leaches_ people in the United States that are exactly the same way .Much to my dismay One of my houses just became a historic site in out town 🥵Its not about protecting historic buildings its about control ...
Usual bullshit from heritage and planners,,there are so many empty properties that are falling apart it ridiculous when honest good men can save them making them habitable,,makes you sick
I hope not, its not listed and your reasoning is sound. Dont get defense, reason is still useful and if not , overthrow. These type pushing on the regulations actually are against preservation. I like these old old fix ups , they dont trust anybody, you want to put it to use. They can just buy it if they can get grants to supply it with expensive materials. Nothing like a cheap skate government who has only controls (coersion) ,and can't make money even with all that privilege.
I used to work for the Ulster Architectural Heritage society. I was surprised that building itself wasn't listed. It seems your 50000 grand bargain wasn't such a bargain after all. Maybe the people you bought it off knew more about the potential restrictions than they let on. We renovated a lot of old buildings across Ulster. If it is listed there will be restrictions on what you can do with your building. I understand your frustrations but regulations are required to prevent turning the N.Ireland into a third world country.
What does potential restrictions mean? There was either restrictions in place at the time he bought it or not. Potential restrictions, problems people wish to put in your way because they do not like that you have the building.
Thanks for a great video. Can the BAD head people list a property willy nilly? Are you a Catholic in a protestant area? Britain has gone bonkers. I would sell it or demolish it but will not let the neighbors get their hands on the land.
I'm from the government, I'm here to help ! - words that make my blood run cold, best of luck to you. your gonna need it.
@@wotnoturbo too true it felt the same for me
So many people sat in offices ensuring these building are not repurposed .
Is that because the greenwash people want all buildings to be aaa rated with triple glazing, at least 200mm of insulation and powered by co2 friendly fairy dust. lol
Sounds like a nightmare. This is the reason most of these old buildings end up getting left to rot. They are not protecting any heritage.
Better to rot than have a abomination for us and future generations
and the brass neck to come from belfast to try and protect heritage meanwhile Everytown and city around it is a health a safety hazard what a service place is held together with plywood shop fronts
You never want bad HED!
In my experience and I believe that of many, many people. They do so much more harm to beautiful historic buildings when they get involved. For all of the reasons you mentioned. The idea of a department that's responsible for ensuring historic buildings survive is a good thing, but the way they go about it has the opposite affect a lot of the time. I don't know anyone who would ever dream of buying a listed building because of the issues they can face.
The best way to save those buildings is to work WITH you, not against you. To appreciate that you are at least preventing the building from being lost.
In the meantime just double check with a competent solicitor that you are within your rights to knock it down. Because sadly it may come to that.
That stonework is really impressive. Great video. Thanks.
Your welcome craig please stay in touch with my channel sir need to keep building this channel
Get a private property sign and get your local council member involved and the local community you need support to fight these people im sure the locals will love that you repairing the church
My bets the land stealing neighbor as they are closer and have more to loose. Get rid of it before it gets listed sounds like the best plan !! Maybe reuse the stone and slate for the new building. Just make sure its ok to flatten it as you don't want to be force to rebuild. Be careful that you don't leave any halogen work lights on they could easily fall over and start a fire.
It's not listed, he's within his rights, no demolition order needed.
I know someone whose house wasn't listed because the previous owner NEVER answered the door and wouldn't talk to the inspectors. All the houses around became listed. Another friend bought an old barn, and in fixing the roof the bat inspectors got involved, and held up the work for a year or so, during which time there were 6 bat inspections, costing tens of thousands in total. I think they were using the bat inspections as an excuse to fund their own department. The neighbours who bought their barn at the same time, just knocked it down and started again, before the bat inspectors got involved. Even though there were no bats, my friends still had to make the roof and building 'bat friendly'. Some other friends have a property with old historic gates that are deteriorating. The council got involved and said that if they did anything it had to be done in a certain ridiculously prohibitive way. The gates still are untouched now, and still deteriorating. A few years prior to this, the council knocked down all the previous historic associated buildings! The gates are the only thing left from all that history.
that sounds like a complete night mare
I would knock it down before it gets listed. They will cost you a fortune if they stick their beaks in. I love heritage buildings, but respect you are a business man and need to keep costs down
That’s barbaric. I love old buildings and keeping them as beautiful as they were, but maybe I would speed up the works before they listed. If it’s only on the watch list I guess they cannot do much to prevent to doing jobs. They scared your boys, because they probably know that he doesn’t know what rights you have. Talk with your lawyer and even see advocate groups. Not only heritage people have lobbyists!
You're the very reason government agencies like this exist.
my dads boss he advised my dad to keep government out of your business regardless what it is,
Yea i tend to agree the government constantly encroach on our lives im kinda tired of it
Sounds like a cash cow for the powers that be!
That’s not wise either. We lived with my husband in a grade II listed building. He started the refurbishment before we met. He is a kind of person who doesn’t give a flipping flamingo about rules. He stripped off everything inside (not the windows and doors looking outside, but everything else. He even made some landscaping as we both disabled and he wanted off street parking… when he decided to sell many’s times buyers stepped back, because of the lack of permissions and didn’t go through solicitors. End up he sold with a loss, despite that the refurbishment was „sympathetic“, but didn’t keep the original features, layout and used historically appropriate materials.
I guess you a have a nice neighbour 🙃
@ yea my dad’s boss was running a business .But even his boss knew how to get round all that legally. he was very a shroud man he even became a councillor in the local council and even a justice of peace he had contacts everywhere in the country. Really is a case of what you know and who you know years later my boss kept getting planning turned down to build a new factory my dad did a few calls for me soon afterwards it passed to employ 300 workers it recently sold to a firm called terex but everything from building to employment had to be done legally eps in later years.
@ Yeah, the key is know your rights and know those who are in the position of decision. Although probably there are corruption involved, which is good for some in short term, but even for those is bad on the long term. With corruption the whole country getting poorer and people can easily fall from grace.
Worked on a lot of heritage buildings , depends on the listing type what you can do, if its not listed simply dont list it,and again if its not listed the cannot stop any repairs
In england, it would mysteriously catch fire.
I had a listed Victorian flat (terrace), that was a lowish grade listing, can't remember which one, so it depends on the grade, or how important they think it is. In our case they were ok. Bangor blues required as original and hex period chimney pots (not original), gutters in aluminium and painted. The used to provide a grant, and listing was prestigious back in the 90s, but gradually that all disappeared. I won't stop you selling, and will add value. Just see what they want and keep them under pressure to agree/decide on new materials.
Thanks tony will take that under consideration on the next videos
All the way from Iowa, United States, I really enjoyed your video with how you explained your view on things, along with the sarcasm and smart a$$ery!! I'm now a subscriber.
Awesome! Thank you!
Peter Kay Lives On.....Love You Buddy We Need More Like You
If the boys from Belfast in their offices stop the work, call in the McGinley's and Joices to set up camp for a year or two. the locals will be so glad to see you build two houses, they might even mix the lime mortar. better again the McDonough's : ) plenty of room their to strip down motor vehicles
And I'll loan you a horse box load of cobs to add to the McGinley's and Joyce's aesthetic🤣. One week of a halting site and you'll have no neighbour objections when your application goes to planning!
The boundary fence, maybe someone rang them causing trouble? Maybe HED will give you a Grant towards costs of renovation? Shame if the JCB hit it, happened with a lot of seafront buildings in Portstewart (allegedly) and now brand new apartments built in replacement.
Where were HED when the property was sitting for years with a hole in the roof
- spending six years watching a roof with a hole in it 😂
I agree i just couldnt understand how they came to me first day i believe it was curtain twitcher
BigAl sit on it the times are changing another 2 months they won’t have a leg to stand on, they have all lost their control and it’s all about fear and control.
There used to be grants available for listed buildings.
Don't know whether that is still the case.
The slates on the roof look ok, the problem is that the nails holding them on are corroded causing the slates to slip, it's called nail sickness, you may be eligible for a grant to strip and reslate using the existing slates.
I have seen on YT that copper nails are the longest lasting nails for slates, maybe these are a good option?
Tell them they can list the building for £50,000 ... when they own it.
Alan my home in Cheltenham was Listed and I got Cable Broadband installed. Two Council workers and a photographer directed the Cable installer where he was permitted to drill one single hole.
That's great, keep the value in the property for future generations
Do not let them list it, our farm house was listed against our wishes and now we cant repair it or make improvements to it. There is a large mill beside me as well that was listed and the owners are not allowed to repair it unless it is done by a specially trained builder who restores old buildings, the long and short of it is the mill has fell into dis repair and the roof on it is 70% gone. Listing buildings has had the opposite effects the HED was hoping for
They more or less said i have no cboice
@@BigAl-Castle same with me, even i appealed it, they basically said were listing it whether you like it or not
I was going to buy a church in Philly in the US, they are cheaper than other types of buildings, but I read on reddit that you can't make changes to historical buildings like some churches so I bought a warehouse.
Watch list with a new build one side and a phone mast on the other ,where was HED when they applied to build?
Heritage grants ? 😊 im in Australia not sure how it works over there in your country and tell your worker’s and delivery people not talk to anyone if you have neighbour's in this situation a friendly conversation could be the person thats callled
Someone has Touted on you mate 😡😡 Prob the Bowler Hat squad next door 🎩
Hi there I'm Scottish & my daughter just purchased a church up here in Scotland a "massive " church which is listed but left abandoned & left to decay & rot for yrs ,we didn't want to change anything outside of the property & wished to keep it's natural beauty & we only wanted to start working on the faces of the building cleaning the brick & fixing the cracks & the lime mortar & fix any roof leaking a result of by being left abandoned & not maintained ,so we enquired about steam cleaning the building 1st by professionally approved specialists those who actually clean heritage buildings & we then sent the usual request to the local council & heritage only to be told "NO" ...& If we wanted to clean it we where to do this by hand with a little scrubbing brush & soapy water 😂...As I said the church is absolutely massive, so this idea of doing it by hand would take us at least another 200 yrs to complete ffs 😂 So in other words these idiot's that make these decisions whilst sitting behind their little desks & " supposedly care" for the heritage buildings live in a fantasy land & probably have never even washed a dish with soapy water never mind a massive building , their definitely not helping the building by watching it decay by not allowing the people who invest in it to carry out the work needed to restore it to it's former beauty ....Since then we've found it difficult to even require permission to put a sign up on the actual grounds to advertise our business with all funds made being put back into the churches preservation? ,they seem to enjoy throwing a spanner into the works at every opportunity & it pisses me off as they dont or won't offer any help or understanding in maintaining or preservation of the building, so what's the actual point in their jobs ? 🤔 ...Don't let them list your building!
England and Northern Ireland where planning approval is always no. Unless it’s a backyard extension then maybe.
Yes paul i tend to agree
In England, there are actually quite a few benefits to having a building listed. Listed buildings don't need to meet all the stringent energy performance requirements which are making it impossible to rent out heritage buildings that aren't listed. Yes, the extra bureaucracy is really annoying, adds costs and is time consuming. However, I find using heritage materials and techniques isn't just more pleasing, but right for the building and sometimes cheaper. If you keep the building for any length of time, doing it right always saves money in the long term.
Another advantage of being listed is it will restrict what your neighbours can do as their properties make up the 'setting of a listed building'.
Think this is the reason for the sudden visit.
Trying to keep the building as is in keeping with the surrounding area..
Curtain twitcher no doubt.
had heratige, structual engineer on site. wall is colapsing SE, needs a steel under it. HS no must be tdhe same, SE you need to sign a waver. HS why. SE so if it comes down on somebody you accept responsibility.
Steel went in ,no more problems.
had a letter from Heratage ingland saying what a great job we had done, in keeping the biulding original
If it's not listed then just crack on, let them take you to court which they won't because if it's not listed or doesn't have a preservation order on it then they don't have a leg to stand on.
"A certain place in Botswana" 😂😂😂
Cheers from Canada 🇨🇦
I think our sensibilities can cope with the word 'arse' 🤪
Lol thanks
sounds like you have a good neigbour
Oh brilliant neighbour
Sounds like someone has been in contact to tip them off that work has started rather than letting it just rot. Hmmm. Wonder who ? In 1980s Scotland (not so much now), buildings like this that had to have major and expensive work done then mysteriously burned down to clear the site which then got redeveloped.
Im new to your channel but what iv seen so far... ist bloody brilliant 👏 👍🏻... green cheese.... neighbours
.. but is the same here in Aberdeen Scotland 😂.. stay safe 🏴
im a heritage joiner in northern ireland and deal with hed quite a lot they can be hard work
1)Who let them on the property?
2)How much did you charge them to enter your property £1000 per hour that's your rate
3)You need 4 signs up around your property explaining your rules extra
4) just like the government you also have rules so they have to adhere to them
5) the government is a corporation
And you didn't sign an agreement with them so you're not bound by there law
Why are you asking someone for permission to build your own property
You're a free man
Look into the sovereign root it will bring you down a rabbit hole but will open your eyes to how much you being controlled and people just except it people from all over the country are starting to wake up and are fighting back
The land and building is in your name no mortgage you can do as you wish with your property.there is a bylaw that allows you to maintain and upgrade due to energy efficiency . No stone left unturned
I fully support retaining our heritage buildings but the current system we have is not fit for purpose. The system is meant to be be there to help developers ensure historical landmarks are preserved but its got so much red tape that nobody wants to or can afford to touch it. the end result, they are left to rot and ruin.
Isn’t the picture taking invalid without the specific agreement of owner?
Also if it ain't listed yet change the windows doors etc no 1 can stop you doing that , as long as it doesn't need planning
Assuming you have not made a mistake about it being listed, this is terrible. I suspect that you need to down tools, get a clarification from these guys as to why they are interfering with a non-listed building, get clarification as to what they plan to control, and if this all sounds like it will add zero value to the property, then put it back on the market. Mind you, I've heard of something similar going on on Anglesey where some bloke could not get the council off his back on his development. He sold the property and the buyer was allegedly a friend of a councillor and all of a sudden all the red tape disappeared.
Subbed. I like your style 😊
We had to deal with them as well, the best way is to be as nice as possible and work with them, look at other properties in the area that have had the work done that you want done and use that as an example to get what you want,
Thanks for the tips!
None of us can understand the loss of heritage from well meaning folk over the last 200 years.
Now from one bigal to another bigal honestly used to get called that in work even though I'm 5.8 I've discovered in my 58 years that good or bad head is down to experience 👀😁😜
If they make you buy 'Botswana' sand, and you know a local source....
Can attest that my local lot don't know the difference between 'Durham Beach Sand', and what blows up from my local beach.
There's an environment trust that makes sure you don't take any from the beach itself, but if it blows up a private road, you can 'clear up'.
Who knew my renovation plans would require a passport? Maybe I'll just start a sand-importing business on the side!
Not ideal, but before any listing maybe just pull out the doors and windows and replace with PVC, normally you only do that after messy work but might be better working around it.
Roof wise, you have some quality slates and at least 50% should be salvaged, so you probably want a close match to those slates anyway.
Unless they get silly with any listing, it's doubt that they will try to protect internal features, but if there's any rotted timbers maybe just pull them out earlier as a precaution.
I think those neighbours have made a call to the council officers, happy to let a property fall down, but not happy to see it return to use without having it on their terms.
You got my sub...Glory Glory
HED have done nothing to save this building, so they can feck off and let someone who cares bring the property to life again, keep up the good work.
Knock down and rebuild it
Thanks for the suggestion! It's definitely something to think about as I navigate this situation.
Why didn't He'd buy the church and fix the roof and gutters if they wanted to preserve it?
Buying a building always comes with risks, especially with old buildings. Heritage of buildings are important to keep its cultural integrity.
How did you buy it and what advice did your lawyer give you, did you have a surveyor done?
Once you’ve done the work the building value will increase to reflect the work done and if you don’t follow their recommendations then the house will be impossible to sell because the new owners will be liable for the work you didn’t have permission to do. A lawyer will advise their clients not to buy.
Find a good heritage advisor so that you can bring the building back to life, it will be beautiful. ❤
the building is not listed in any way, yet! He clearly knew it was not listed, what more can his solicitor do.
@ Buildings don’t need to be classed as listed to still be under a conservation list. If I was him I’d go back to my lawyer and find out what went wrong. Because these governments agencies just don’t come around for nothing.
Two things.
Firstly, no doubt a curtain twitcher has called the council about a "new build" in there area.
This has likely resulted in Al getting the sudden visit.
Ideally keeping the building as is, with it's rustic charm, and maintaining it for future generations is the main goal.
But because a nosey neighbour has interfered, the council may be fearful Al may make radical changes to the building, not in keeping with the area.
Listening to Al, he sounds like he wants to maintain the building's character and do right to the building..
No need for the council involvement.
Al just has to convince HED he's not going to do anything radical with the building..
@ ah true, didn’t think about neighbours. Still now they’ve made their presence be interesting to see how it works out for him. He sounds passionate about the building and I’m sure it will all work out for him, once he’s over the initial intrusion.
How did the storm go, that could be a bargaining tool with from the council!
Update video coming soon regarding this...
Stay tuned!
I would be preemptive with the building control. Have all your plans to keep the original structure drawn up so that it is already dealt with. As the building isn't listed, you need to ensure that is also highlighted in drswings, but that also means that the building will have conform to modern energy regs.
Windows shouldn't be a problem as who knows what the original windows looked like, but keep them contemporary to the building.
As far as I can tell, Northern Ireland doesn't care for old buildings. I've worked here long enough to see beautiful buildings destroyed for new build estates.
Hold to your horses BigAl
Let's put this in perspective and look on the positive side. It's a church ( or a deconsecrated church) , so you will need change of use anyway. But you got it very cheaply, much less than the cost of the very cheapest site. HED can't stop you doing immediate repairs to stop water ingress and stop the decay of your building. HED can't just drive out from Belfast and say they are going to list your building. They've had plenty of time to list the building, and they failed to do so before it was deconsecrated. Unfortunately, you can't just put a digger through it without planning consent. If you do so, that could turn into a nightmare, where you would likely be made to rebuild it stone for stone. The rebuild cost would be huge. Think stone masons, lime mortar, no modern materials,,,, a bloody nightmare.
What would I do? I'd make the building water tight, get an architect who has managed to get planning on similar projects. I'd get my planning in asap,,,,, and I'd be one step ahead of HED.
NI is a village so you can't keep anything a secret. There's always some NIMBY who wants to interfere. But F**k them, for they are not paying your bills.
Total respect lesley thanks
It's a church hall is it not? Not the same as a church and I doubt it is a consecrated if that is even a legal term?
@@ingridbrowne6083 yes you are right. It is a church hall. I read the title "I recently bought an old church,,,,,,," and was listening to the video when I was working, so didn't see the images! However, all my comments still stand. The building will need planning permission and change of use. That also applies to demolishing any building too! It is highly unlikely the church hall or anything within the feu will be subject to listing. In NI back in 1977 buildings were surveyed and those subject to Listed Building Status were given listed categories. Consecrated land and buildings are recognised legal terms in local and national government planning.
Government are service corporations. Tell them to get on their bikes. Law is the Ten Commandments. Do no harm if you have bought that building that makes it your property and it’s up to you what you do with it. They have no right to tell you to do anything. They are in desperate need to know the difference between the law which is higher everytime against legal. Because legal only applies to corporations
I agree that the regs are stupid and they would rather see it rot and fall down
Good luck the bgrs just want your money
I think one of your new neighbours snitched on you. Anyway I and some experience in England with the local council, planning department etc. I realised they know absolutely nothing about their own field. English solicitors: even worse, they are useless. (For the record: after 4 years it looks like I am winning, mostly because I found a legal help who is not English, but he actually knows the legislation.)
they will cause you so much pain if they wont let go.... sell it they are a nightmare
If the building isnt listed surely they have no say in what you do. Back in the day government departments got shut down all the time.
I have just subscribed..🙋🏼♀️
It not that the visitors can turn churches in to mosque this is just the start the guvrmint have a lot to answer for😡
the start 😂😂😂
" we are from the government and we are here to help...... "
So if you ....OWN TGE PROPERTY.
Permission? For what? Because of laws to protect the building
If you was Afghani Dave I'm sure the ngo's will let you do anything you want😂😂
If LA had a proper building code And the inspector s to enforce, very little would have burned.😢
Set up your "Trust".
Unless you are totally in love with the place... I would wish you would just leave it... like the last owners... and let it fall to rack and ruin and when it's too far gone to be restored put in for permission for a caravan park... (I know... I couldn't do it either, and nor could you,) but - they deserve a car park, or a gravel patch with a couple of recycling bins for their trouble... let them slap a preservation order on that!
Repairs are simple its just like for like lime on lime etc
I just joined…somehow what you’re saying is “a familiar cry….hmmmm!)
200 years doesnt seem that historical to me. Get a solicitor, remove all implied right of access maybe? Wonder what listing grade they want to give it, its important. Maybe check through the sale stuff to find out if the heritage peeps tried to force it on the previous owner and he didnt mention it? I have heard in the UK that you can leave a building to rot legally and when it becomes unsafe you can pull it down, but that might not happen in your life time. Crazy stuff and I wish you luck, keep us informed.
thats a great idea
I was expecting a bunch of jokes about head but nope not what I expected
lol i know, im doing a new vid soon, ill remember to make more smart assed jokes
Just foumd your channel. Keep going subscribed.
Start asking for renovation funding they will soon back off they list it, and they are funding it its someone local
must not want you there
There a bloody nightmare.
Tell them you are going to rent it to illegal immigrants and they will let you do what you want and pay for it
Great video like always AL
Just don’t engage with them worst thing to do is talk to them as soon as they start sniffing round be hard to contact .
Wouldn’t want to live anywhere near that mast 🤷♂️👍
If they want to list it they should of brought it
Looks like the cost, and length of time for the project just went up or multiplied ,by several times , we have the most entitled _leaches_ people in the United States that are exactly the same way .Much to my dismay One of my houses just became a historic site in out town 🥵Its not about protecting historic buildings its about control ...
Back to living in cardboard boxes!😂
Just put the building up for sale these people will bankrupt you let it Rott
Probably doesn’t have it. Opportunity to remove the slate, felt and reinstall rather than pin in. I’m sure those nails have rusted through!
Had a notion to put animals in it..
Farm building ???
Usual bullshit from heritage and planners,,there are so many empty properties that are falling apart it ridiculous when honest good men can save them making them habitable,,makes you sick
Probably a Karen in that white house who always wants to stick their nose in others people's business.
I hope not, its not listed and your reasoning is sound. Dont get defense, reason is still useful and if not , overthrow.
These type pushing on the regulations actually are against preservation.
I like these old old fix ups , they dont trust anybody, you want to put it to use. They can just buy it if they can get grants to supply it with expensive materials. Nothing like a cheap skate government who has only controls (coersion) ,and can't make money even with all that privilege.
probably want to turn it into a mosque lol
just tall them you are doing it up to house immigrants 🤣
@@kevinraines4318 probably would be accepted
But if it had been purchased by the islamic community for a mosque that would of been alright
Smeghead !!!
I used to work for the Ulster Architectural Heritage society.
I was surprised that building itself wasn't listed.
It seems your 50000 grand bargain wasn't such a bargain after all.
Maybe the people you bought it off knew more about the potential restrictions than they let on.
We renovated a lot of old buildings across Ulster.
If it is listed there will be restrictions on what you can do with your building.
I understand your frustrations but regulations are required to prevent turning the N.Ireland into a third world country.
It is in fact now a third world country being invaded by third world people
Thanks so much i think if i wanted to i could sell the property really quickly for double that
What does potential restrictions mean? There was either restrictions in place at the time he bought it or not. Potential restrictions, problems people wish to put in your way because they do not like that you have the building.
Thanks for a great video. Can the BAD head people list a property willy nilly?
Are you a Catholic in a protestant area?
Britain has gone bonkers. I would sell it or demolish it but will not let the neighbors get their hands on the land.