Do you realize that banks, not credit card companies, set the interest rates and collect the revenue from them. The card companies only collect from the fees merchants pay for providing their services.
@@mitchellgunther757 They are one and the same! Banks pay the credit card issuers to use their networks and rob us! Credit cards are just a store front for the banks that steal from us...I agree with you!
These are 100% commission based business where holders pay a fee of some kind and the merchants are charged by a % of the proceeds. There marketing is based on increasing the gap of the spreads!! You buy more, they become more rich. Basically both sides get paid for the convenience. There are other payment options available as well but REACH is the primary KEY in this business.
Even if you have good credit the interest rate is well over 20%. They are criminals!
Do you realize that banks, not credit card companies, set the interest rates and collect the revenue from them. The card companies only collect from the fees merchants pay for providing their services.
@@mitchellgunther757 They are one and the same! Banks pay the credit card issuers to use their networks and rob us! Credit cards are just a store front for the banks that steal from us...I agree with you!
These are 100% commission based business where holders pay a fee of some kind and the merchants are charged by a % of the proceeds. There marketing is based on increasing the gap of the spreads!! You buy more, they become more rich. Basically both sides get paid for the convenience. There are other payment options available as well but REACH is the primary KEY in this business.
Hopefully these greedy clowns don't get the same treatment as that poor healthcare ceo.
Let’s see what Congress does to help the people!! So far nothing
They never have their paperwork. Ya right
Evil crooks...
Interest charged by them at one time was loan sharking
Anyone who uses a plastic card is very stupid
50% profit, wow.
It's Insane!!!