I agree. Mark Meadows, Gym Jordon, Kevin McCarthy, Moscow Mitch, Raphael Cruz, Josh Hawley, MTG,Lindsay Graham, Mike Pence and more. Let's work to getting that happening!!
Why can't people in these departments just be transparent, honest and open? Is it because their intentions are nefarious, and cannot be revealed publicly?
That's not nearly as bad as tRump's inner circle AND members of congress refusing to testify and like Flynn take the 5th. Or like MTG not being able to remember ANYTHING except when there was evidence, then she suddenly remembered. Pfft.
@a "it's also disgraceful how we've turned into a polar opposite government." the hell do you expect when one party wants to "fundamentally transform" the country...?
This country could use a lot more civility. SHe may be covering for minitrue, a horrible dystopian nightmare right out of orwell’s 1984, but an attempt at humanity however small is appreciated.
She’s claiming that their duty is to be transparent with the American people, however, she refuses to answer simple questions. This is what’s so frustrating about our system of governance.
It's a scam. Pass a law that all questions to a Senate or congressional committee regarding government departments shall be answered or there is a prison term.
It's actually not our system to blame. It is however the blame of the ones not holding corrupt politicians accountable. Liars are not meant to be elected.
Yeah, and they've probably already renamed the disinfo taskforce and are going full speed ahead in the Audubon Lane colluding with big tech. As usual, we're barely getting started, and they're already in China. 🤣
@@trhansen3244 I’m actually favoring Tim Scott of S Carolina as pres and Josh Hawley as vp. Trump is doing good on the sidelines as exampled by the primaries. Although Scott would be difficult to argue against, I’m certain attempts would be thrown out there but it’d look foolish and against all narratives of having boxes checked for candidates rather than substance
Pretty sad that the people that would hire someone to a disinformation board and SAY they didn’t know about the person’s disinformation on Twitter and such. Then she says that they want to rebuild trust but can’t be trusted to give simple answers
It's not sad, it's the way the government is rigged. The Republican clowns put on these shows to make it seem like they're doing something. Hawley is just farming votes for the next election. He can't do shit and won't do shit. Unelected bureaucrats rule this country. She is the one getting grilled here, but she and her ilk are the ones who are actually in charge of the show.
Every time I watch one of these committee hearings, I cannot believe that they let people sit there and swear an oath and then proceed to straight out LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Perhaps these career criminals need an incentive to answer questions honestly like with the threat of a bat to the head. It’s time to remove every single person who works for the government on every level and start over again with citizen review boards.
JOSH is a sensationalist politician YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAT, he is there to stir the pot...and look good doing it that is all. He going to get people to NOT TRUST THE GOVERNMENT...their own government in a period where we are BOMBARDED with lie across the media spectrum. This man does not give a shite as long as he is seen and get votes. AT ONE POINT your going to as yourself how did his line of questioning help anything...because it didnt. He didn't ask for statics of the departments work in being effective. He went no a rant to try and discredit them. REMEMBER JOSH HAWLY KNEW Trump lost the election along with MOST of the members of congress and still voted to decertify. AT ONE POINT you got to see him for who he is.
@@ElRey_Congo YOU need every one of the cents im giving out! Its sad the only thing you can do is insult because you hear his line of questioning. Q IS NOT REAL and fox new does opinion based news its not real facts its more entertainment than journalism.
And the government is just full of people like her, tens of thousands of them, who just can't wait to open up ever more bureaus, boards, offices, departments, put themselves in charge, and start controlling all the unimportant people's lives (that would be you and me) in ever more excruciating detail. "We've done so much but we still have so much more to do" is their battle cry.
These freaking three letter agencies in our federal government need to go along with the majority of our federal government at this point. These people have forgotten who they work for and I think it's time they were reminded
Vote libertarian then. Libertarian candidates have been promising and running on getting rid of agencies like the ATF. Imagine what a libertarian strong government would do to the rest of them. DEA what can you do that local law enforcement cant? Good bye. NSA? Absolutely worthless to have if you already have a homeland security agency. CiA needs massive budget cuts. The only time the cia needs money is if they want to cause chaos in china. Then thats ok because china is our enemy. Fbi can stay because we do need checks and balances. The fbi keeps local law in check so they dont get away with the crimes they constantly commit
It's exhausting just listening to someone who can spend so much energy in not answering any questions. I would like to know how much we are paying her to not now anything going on around her.
They need a shock collar like they use on dogs on these people and whine they start THIS shit LIGHT. THIM. UP if nothing else make a good video. DRAIN the. Swomp
These hearings have become a total joke. Witness after witness comes in and just says I don’t know, I don’t recall, I can’t remember and nothing ever happens. There is zero accountability.
Let’s be honest . Why liberals bother to marry is laughable . If you marry a lib just be prepared to have a dysfunctional marriage and lots of cheating
Did you notice how on the one hand side she seems almost desperately wanting to give totally correct answers about minor aspects of her work but on the other hand tries to dodge any of his questions concerning important things, regardless of how ridiculous her "answers" sound? Rather a fool than a villain, right Mrs. Homeland Bullshit Department ...?!😡
Mike Coffey Lying or providing misinformation under oath is a felony. All of these administration officials should be prosecuted as every one of them lies or refuses to provide truthful information to a committee of Congress. But of course Pelosi or Schumer couldn't be bothered with the truth as neither of them care what the truth is or isn't. Unfortunately they are the two who have the authority to insure prosecution for perjury.
Hawley is a beast. He is asking the questions that we need asked. He knows that he won’t get a straight answer but he also knows that when someone dances around questions, we, the public, will know that they can’t be trusted and that they are not acting with our interests in mind.
John C. The entire Democrats have morphed into a dangerous deeply corrupted illegitimate party. They are living on lies, propaganda, media bias, vote buying, corrupt deals and smoke and mirrors.
First of all because this committee is not a court of law and there really is no hard evidence of what this witness knows and does not know - is the answer to your question. The only way to extract that information from her would be to threaten, cajole, torture her and I believe all of that is justly unconstitutional and criminal in and of themselves. Locks on your doors and your cars and your locker at the health club truly only keep out the honest - the non-criminal minded people. Anyone who wants in bad enough can get in at almost any time and take your things. The questions (under a near meaningless oath) are like the locks on your things. There really is no legal nor practical way to get willful liars to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
@@slowery43 It has been around for decades however, it's scale and severity has increased exponentially since the day TFG came down the escalator and announced his bid to run for president.
The republicans are just as bad. They put on these shows to make it seem like they're doing something. Hawley is just farming votes for the next election. He can't do shit and won't do shit. Unelected bureaucrats rule this country, not the clowns in the senate. She is getting grilled, but she's the one in charge.
None of these people ever get in trouble for lying and being corrupt weasels, while normal working folks get thrown in the gulag to rot in prison for years. So sick and tired of these bread and circus shows where no one in DC is held accountable.
I'd say to the contrary,....BECAUSE of her views and tweets, I'd bet she was deemed Overwhelmingly qualified!!! As we ALL know, this admin. SELECTS its members SOLELY by virtue and Woke qualifications !!!!
Why is it in her peabrain, internal discussions within an agency that we all pay for are not for public consumption? Unless we're talking about actual classified material, which this is not, she doesn't get to make that call.
pt6guy Well, if Pelosi and Schumer are not going to hold her accountable there is virtually nothing more that Josh Halley can do except to expose her lies, disinformation, and coverup. Unfortunately it is up to the Speaker of the House or Senate Majority Leader to approve charges for Perjury.
She has NO right to withhold information from we the people. It is our info and no employee should be able to withhold info from our senate, our congress, or we the people individually. She should be fired immediately
Their major in higher education is “word salad”, “how to use many words to reveal nothing”, and how to “evade questions” She has no experience and apparently is aware of nothing- what exactly does this woman Do for her paycheck?
It is very refreshing to see someone such as Josh Hawley do such a great job questioning these people who cannot give a clear answer to his questions because they are trying to obviously hide and mislead with their answers.
I LOVE watching Hawley question these liberals - it is always a masterclass of how to stop the BS spewing from their lips. I love how she tried to butter him up before he started grilling her and it got her nowhere with his line of questioning
scott daughtry - I hear you man. I would be terrified as a subversive being put on the hot seat by Hawley! I bet that sneaky girl had to rush to the toilet as her time drew close! Too funny; serves her right.
I really have an issue with how staffers at any level, in any government agency, now feel completely free to refuse to answer questions directed to them by members of congress. Seems like anyone in our government can now do what they feel like with no real fear of consequences. Something needs to change.
They don't answer because they don't have to answer they know nothing will happen to them and Hawley and all Republicans are in bed with the democrats.
If anyone in Congress started seeing these behaviors as treasonous and trying these people for the treasons they commit, it would stop! I believe we should start with the Big Guy!
I am really impressed by Josh Hawley.His clarity of purpose and clear questions are understandable. He elicits good information from those being questioned even under hostile conditions and manages to do all of that with a respectful tone and with dignity on both sides. I really wish more senators had his abilities to create cogent conversations. I would really appreciate more of his style of conduct in these committee members at these meetings!
@@sirrobinofloxley7156 Wow, you really are an imbecile, huh Robin of Oxley? lol No wonder why red states have the worst schools. You slugs couldn't even keep schools open past three days a week in Kansas, remember that? Why do you think they've elected a Democrat as governor TWICE in that state that you'd think would be red?! You're an embarrassment to the country, grow up you ignorant, media-swilling thumbsucker. Slugs like you nobody needs.
I admire Hawley's interrogation technique. Crisp, pointed questions. These bureaucrats need to be monitored. Their dissimulation needs to be exposed and punished.
I don't understand how people under oath to congress when asked dodge, evade , beat around the bush & refuse to answer questions. There must be a school where this is taught . Apparently congress has bark but no teeth . It is frustrating as it can be for a common citizen to see this useless proceedings . However, I salute Sen Hawley for trying and and pray that he and men like him continue to fight the good fight for all real Americans who love Freedom .
Yes there is a class where they teach how to lie and be dishonest to the American people. It's called Democrat party 101. You CANNOT have any integrity and be a leader in today's Democrat party. That is why I salute the politicians who leave the party. Somewhere deep inside there soul a voice tells them to leave. And for those who do not............ Evil. And to the people who refuse to see how evil the party has become and continue to vote for them........ FOOLS!
@@josezavala2309 No, they are responbile to us…but they try undermining the procedures set up to keep them in check…this not yet an authoritarian govt but will become one if people don’t wake up.
The lawyers uncovering this corruption have to prove what they are hiding. Remember those who are uncovered or whistle blowered are also lawyers, so they have ways of hiding their shenanigans.
At this point, a refusal to answer a question during any hearing while under oath should result in instant termination as well as being ineligible for any job federal or state again
If government employees are testifying under oath before the Senate how can they get away with not answering questions. I don’t care what party you are this is unacceptable. Otherwise this is just a show.
In answer to your question: People in government and other kinds of "bureaucracies" become a special breed. They learn their cultural ropes of survival (including alliances, and proper presentation of self ) and this woman is a common type. Career bureaucrats often behave by a defensive calculus which is s'deemed devious by " normal" people. I retired from a major bureaucracy ... and it was sometime painful to look in the mirror. Kumbayha
If they lie or don't answer questions they need to go to jail. Period. They are under oath! Perjury is a punishable offense. Treason is as well. Stop wasting money on expensive congressional hearings that don't fix anything or hold those responsible for misdoings accountable. The average American can't pull this mess! Start doing your jobs and stop the theatrics!
I like the way Josh Hawley does not allow hostile witnesses to take control of the Q A session. The instant she tried to evade his questions he reined her in and forced her to answer directly to his questions. He never really got answers he would have liked but he at least succeeded in revealing her character and IMHO her disloyalty to the US Constitution. Clearly she is loyal only to DHS and her peers and supervisors there.
Exactly. She was protecting them by not naming names. She knows if she blurted out a name, the retribution will be waiting on the next conference call.
The refusal of an administrative underling to comply with oversight from the United States Senate by denying answers as to her and her departments official activities is wholly undemocratic, despotic, and unacceptable. This person must be fired and prosecuted, and this department must be thoroughly restructured to ensure that such insubordinance will never occur again.
If it has webbed feet like a coup, if it quacks like a coup.. Its usually a coup attempt.. Stuff like this has to be carefully investigated to find the clever bastards who are pulling the strings..
When a conservative person of congress asks difficult and direct questions the game becomes "run out the clock!" It is absurd that we, as citizens of a democratic republic, don't demand that ALL OUR REPRESENTATIVES seek truth and transparency and demand whatever rule changes are required to force these witnesses to answer truthfully and directly or be held in contempt. But, that will probably never occur.
@@bobothree that is a interesting tactical move on their part , although the pause appears that “ they “ are backing down. Don’t bet on it, it’s a momentary diversion . I am waiting for the “ official “investigation that will name ( blame) the perpetrators of the guidestones. My guess is those pesky white supremacists are the target.
I can’t believe the lack of respect for our congressman by an elected employees of the federal government. Why can’t she answer a question with a yes or no? What does she have to hide? These appointed officials have way too much power and you can tell that they don’t give a damn about our elected officials, people that were elected by the citizens, not appointed like she is. Not just her either, so many sidestep, lie, deny, it’s disgusting.
@@silverforest4682 None of those 3 letter agencies are Constitutionally mandated bodies of our "government". They're not legislative, judicial, or executive, legitimately, because they are not " OF the people", "BY the people", and apparently, FOR the people". Our government authorities are to be selected BY VOTES, BY THE PEOPLE. Therefore, they do not have to be accountable and run a rogue operation, usurping authority OVER THE PEOPLE. The SUPPOSED "oversight" that the legislative body is charged with having over them, is a JOKE, AND MOCKERY OF OUR CONSTITUTION. That's why they don't answer questions, and they act corruptly, with NO REAL CONSEQUENCES, USURPING OUR AUTHORITY OVER ALL MATTERS THEY'RE ENGAGED IN.
It is just amazing how someone in a government position refuses to answer a question honestly and straight forward. Which can only mean there is a underlying untruthful reason for avoiding the question.
Amazing, We the People, who put them in office, seem to think we need to be lied to. The utter verbal gymnastics they spew to evade a straight question, is incredible.
The fact they thought this was a good idea to create this “working group” beholden to no one, shows how far extreme their political ideologies have become.
Probably by accident, but they did name it correctly. They were going to shovel out disinformation by the bucket loads with a straight face to counter the truth. Just like Moronkas says "Senator, the border IS secure and I am doing an excellent job, and if I may, I am proud to be a loyal toady and happy to polish Joe Biden's shoes with my tongue".
Failing to give direct answers to congress should result in automatic dismissal.
Absolutely right only government can get by with this B S.
I could not agree more with that reply .
@imj tapcir Well LYIING for that. Refusing to answer should be pay stops until you do.
and no back pay if you start answering questions.
I agree. Mark Meadows, Gym Jordon, Kevin McCarthy, Moscow Mitch, Raphael Cruz, Josh Hawley, MTG,Lindsay Graham, Mike Pence and more. Let's work to getting that happening!!
@@tomcochran6616 That's because government only answers to government.
Why can't people in these departments just be transparent, honest and open? Is it because their intentions are nefarious, and cannot be revealed publicly?
If you are trying to oppress a people, you don't want them to know about it until it is too late to stop it.
Because if they do... they know their "swamp career" is over, and they might even end up as a "violent crime victim" along the Potomac River
Because if they do... they know their "swamp career" is over, and they might even end up as a "violent crime victim" along the Potomac River
How amazing that under oath they can avoid answering the questions!
They are giant worms so they're good at it
They get coached on how to answer or not answer. It's disgraceful.
@a that's why they want questions answered so they can solve a problem.
That's not nearly as bad as tRump's inner circle AND members of congress refusing to testify and like Flynn take the 5th. Or like MTG not being able to remember ANYTHING except when there was evidence, then she suddenly remembered. Pfft.
@a "it's also disgraceful how we've turned into a polar opposite government."
the hell do you expect when one party wants to "fundamentally transform" the country...?
I love how she tries to butter him up at the start then he proceeds to tear her apart.
Hawley nice guy. I would have said not to go back there bc you’re not welcome
I’m a Missourian and she not welcome here!
This country could use a lot more civility. SHe may be covering for minitrue, a horrible dystopian nightmare right out of orwell’s 1984, but an attempt at humanity however small is appreciated.
My God she's wearing a mop on her head!
Exactly! She tried to butter 🧈 that bread and glad he also didn't fall for her looks ✌️
She’s claiming that their duty is to be transparent with the American people, however, she refuses to answer simple questions. This is what’s so frustrating about our system of governance.
It's a scam. Pass a law that all questions to a Senate or congressional committee regarding government departments shall be answered or there is a prison term.
She's swimming with the sharks and trying not to splash around too much.
@@HeyHEY-fg9rp I agree 100%
It's actually not our system to blame.
It is however the blame of the ones not holding corrupt politicians accountable.
Liars are not meant to be elected.
She can't incriminate herself..
Those who partook in this venture had many promises made to them once the coup is complete..
She's definitely a disinformation expert...Specifically at Creating Disinformation! FJB❤️🇺🇲
She gave no information
Hey she is 50 right
Yeah, and they've probably already renamed the disinfo taskforce and are going full speed ahead in the Audubon Lane colluding with big tech. As usual, we're barely getting started, and they're already in China. 🤣
@@victorspanbauer8962 50 shades of shadow government!
@@PinkwithaP Noooit
If a citizen was under oath and refused to discuss something we’d be in jail
Damn skippy we'd be under the jail
It's in a sense perjury
Seems more and more like a shell game no interest in actually holding people accountable.
Only if you answered ANY question. You can't refuse after answering unless the rhino's are going along with the sham.
Remember this woman has the Biden's "Stamp of Approval".
Get them Josh! You got my vote for as long as you want it. From Rural Missouri.
Hawley shoots as straight as it comes, regardless of his politics. Good job, sir, for serving Missouri and the USA well!
Soon, he is going to be promoted to a TV show host.
161=8ugot 7r 8 5fullbspeedbahead
Except for that little thing when he incited a mob to overturn the US Govt.
And he can run a 7 minute mile .
He's completely corrupt and many call him a grifter.
Josh Hawley is a superstar!! Every level of this current administration deserves questions and push back.
Jh is good but needs to put more force to get the answers or be arested it will be a difrnt scope
How about this ticket in 2024? Hawley/Trump!
@@trhansen3244 I’m actually favoring Tim Scott of S Carolina as pres and Josh Hawley as vp. Trump is doing good on the sidelines as exampled by the primaries. Although Scott would be difficult to argue against, I’m certain attempts would be thrown out there but it’d look foolish and against all narratives of having boxes checked for candidates rather than substance
@@blairlechtenberg5498 Tim Scott? Not a chance as president.
Pretty sad that the people that would hire someone to a disinformation board and SAY they didn’t know about the person’s disinformation on Twitter and such. Then she says that they want to rebuild trust but can’t be trusted to give simple answers
Even employers hiring a subordinate view their social media
Good point.
It's not sad, it's the way the government is rigged. The Republican clowns put on these shows to make it seem like they're doing something. Hawley is just farming votes for the next election. He can't do shit and won't do shit. Unelected bureaucrats rule this country. She is the one getting grilled here, but she and her ilk are the ones who are actually in charge of the show.
No truer words have ever been spoken.
To stupid to have a honist closed hearing.
Abolish every three letter agency and put it to the states.
Don’t need them. Never did.
2nd Amen.
In my life those three letter agencies cost me several jobs.
hear hear!
Abolish FISA too. 100% unconstitutional.
Hawley does NOT play around..lol he’s cracking me up the way he lands those questions
Every time I watch one of these committee hearings, I cannot believe that they let people sit there and swear an oath and then proceed to straight out LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fitts 33
They do it through misdirection, obfuscation, or amnesia. The 3 attributes toward being a stellar federal manager.
Why wouldn't they? Every progressive democrat knows full well that they bear no repercussions for their crimes. Just ask Michael Sussman.
And not one is charged for lying. Unbelievable.
Perhaps these career criminals need an incentive to answer questions honestly like with the threat of a bat to the head. It’s time to remove every single person who works for the government on every level and start over again with citizen review boards.
holy crap, Josh Hawley is impressive. Very quick, logical, deliberate and intelligent. Nice to see we have a leader like that.
on god.
We need a law that when a public official testifies before Congress, they get a 1% pay cut for every question they don't answer.
How about 30 days in jail for every question they don't answer, that will add up real quick!
And when they go into the minus numbers they have to pay the government back for any past salary.
@SHOCKNUTZ Tar and feather them. LOOK, there is a 64th gender, chicken women.
That’s the best suggestion I have ever heard. I agree 1,000,000%
I can literally picture how this discussion of this “working group” went. Go get them all, Senator
JOSH is a sensationalist politician YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAT, he is there to stir the pot...and look good doing it that is all. He going to get people to NOT TRUST THE GOVERNMENT...their own government in a period where we are BOMBARDED with lie across the media spectrum. This man does not give a shite as long as he is seen and get votes. AT ONE POINT your going to as yourself how did his line of questioning help anything...because it didnt. He didn't ask for statics of the departments work in being effective. He went no a rant to try and discredit them. REMEMBER JOSH HAWLY KNEW Trump lost the election along with MOST of the members of congress and still voted to decertify. AT ONE POINT you got to see him for who he is.
@@My2CentsYall , keep your 2 cents… with inflation and all it’s worth more
This "group" needs to be arrested.
Deep state traitors
@@ElRey_Congo YOU need every one of the cents im giving out! Its sad the only thing you can do is insult because you hear his line of questioning. Q IS NOT REAL and fox new does opinion based news its not real facts its more entertainment than journalism.
Working group of anti-Americans
This is beyond belief. How come nothing happens to these people who obstruct the law?
Because they are all small fish..
@Joe 'cause they aren't Republicans.
@@craigellsworth3952 Cause? Your blue city public education is showing.
@@idontreadyourrepliesever8032 I should have said ain't. Do note I put an apostrophe before the c.
Because they are above the law.
Hold them accountable!!! Corrupt government officials need to go to prison
And the government is just full of people like her, tens of thousands of them, who just can't wait to open up ever more bureaus, boards, offices, departments, put themselves in charge, and start controlling all the unimportant people's lives (that would be you and me) in ever more excruciating detail. "We've done so much but we still have so much more to do" is their battle cry.
Welcome to communism.
Absolutely correct.
and we the people are paying these moron's salaries that are most often far greater than our own.
Well said. 🍻
You are completely correct!
These freaking three letter agencies in our federal government need to go along with the majority of our federal government at this point. These people have forgotten who they work for and I think it's time they were reminded
These ppl work for WEF.
Vote libertarian then. Libertarian candidates have been promising and running on getting rid of agencies like the ATF. Imagine what a libertarian strong government would do to the rest of them. DEA what can you do that local law enforcement cant? Good bye. NSA? Absolutely worthless to have if you already have a homeland security agency. CiA needs massive budget cuts. The only time the cia needs money is if they want to cause chaos in china. Then thats ok because china is our enemy. Fbi can stay because we do need checks and balances. The fbi keeps local law in check so they dont get away with the crimes they constantly commit
be quiet heres a stimulius check
@@MrRight1000 facts
ask your self y george soros is banned n other countries for fucking up the goverment but hes allowed m the us
It's exhausting just listening to someone who can spend so much energy in not answering any questions. I would like to know how much we are paying her to not now anything going on around her.
Every member of this administration is told to answer this way...in other words, "I WON'T TELL YOU SQUAT, BECAUSE I AM INVOLVED"...
A lot mire than you or I have ever been paid ror actually working !!!
she has been with dhs for years, she knows more that turd gobbler hawley thinks he knows the fking domestic terrorist hawley will be indicted
They need a shock collar like they use on dogs on these people and whine they start THIS shit LIGHT. THIM. UP if nothing else make a good video. DRAIN the. Swomp
These hearings have become a total joke. Witness after witness comes in and just says I don’t know, I don’t recall, I can’t remember and nothing ever happens. There is zero accountability.
Its called a woman. If u were ever married u would know.
@@Charless_Martel it's called being part of the SWAMP
That's how it is in socishitist cuntries!
At a minimum, the lack of knowledge is concerning since this group is supposed to keep us safe. It's an internal spy ring. They are traitors.
Couldn’t imagine being married to her and have her explain all the charges on our credit cards.
Let’s be honest . Why liberals bother to marry is laughable . If you marry a lib just be prepared to have a dysfunctional marriage and lots of cheating
Hahaha. Been down that road!
Thank you, Senator Hawley!!! Hold them accountable!!
The lady testifying is part of the Biden swamp. What’s more greasy, her hair or her political agenda?
Did you notice how on the one hand side she seems almost desperately wanting to give totally correct answers about minor aspects of her work but on the other hand tries to dodge any of his questions concerning important things, regardless of how ridiculous her "answers" sound?
Rather a fool than a villain, right Mrs. Homeland Bullshit Department ...?!😡
Now if he could hold his own accountable.
@@dallas7381 ?
Someone needs to hold him accountable.
Love this guy we need more of him running the show
Start throwing people in jail until they answer. Leave them in jail .
Mike Coffey
Lying or providing misinformation under oath is a felony. All of these administration officials should be prosecuted as every one of them lies or refuses to provide truthful information to a committee of Congress. But of course Pelosi or Schumer couldn't be bothered with the truth as neither of them care what the truth is or isn't. Unfortunately they are the two who have the authority to insure prosecution for perjury.
Remember.. Due Process.. Without the US Constitution, we are no better than the banana republic of Ukraine.
Just like the January 6 “ ushered in surrection ist’s “
Under oath! Answer the questions.
She should be jail
Love Hawley!
These ppl NEVER give straight answers
“The field of disinformation”
She actually said that out loud.
You're spot-on...
There is a field of disinformation and you're steeped in it, thumbsuckers.
Hawley is a beast. He is asking the questions that we need asked. He knows that he won’t get a straight answer but he also knows that when someone dances around questions, we, the public, will know that they can’t be trusted and that they are not acting with our interests in mind.
John C. The entire Democrats have morphed into a dangerous deeply corrupted illegitimate party. They are living on lies, propaganda, media bias, vote buying, corrupt deals and smoke and mirrors.
This is so crazy how can you be able to not answer all the questions they know something bad is going on!!
Why don't you ask the same question to the people who won't testify to the J6 committee. 😂😂😂
Speaking of nothing to hide...😆😆😆
First of all because this committee is not a court of law and there really is no hard evidence of what this witness knows and does not know - is the answer to your question.
The only way to extract that information from her would be to threaten, cajole, torture her and I believe all of that is justly unconstitutional and criminal in and of themselves.
Locks on your doors and your cars and your locker at the health club truly only keep out the honest - the non-criminal minded people. Anyone who wants in bad enough can get in at almost any time and take your things.
The questions (under a near meaningless oath) are like the locks on your things. There really is no legal nor practical way to get willful liars to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Something bad was going on that got Joe Biden elected in the first place. Now …you’re seeing all the fruits of a poisonous tree on display.
What's so crazy is that you think somehow this has not been the norm for many decades
@@slowery43 It has been around for decades however, it's scale and severity has increased exponentially since the day TFG came down the escalator and announced his bid to run for president.
Has this person take an oath?
In her position of authority she's in fact lying under oath. Which should be duly noted and dealt with accordingly.
Very surprising she confirmed her NAME ●
The more I listen to democrats the more I’m becoming a disinformation expert.
LOL thanks for the laugh, it's funny cause it's true
The republicans are just as bad. They put on these shows to make it seem like they're doing something. Hawley is just farming votes for the next election. He can't do shit and won't do shit. Unelected bureaucrats rule this country, not the clowns in the senate. She is getting grilled, but she's the one in charge.
Ha so true..
The misinforma
tion disinformation is just happen when she answers the "no answer"
direct !
LoL ... 💯 Percent correct ...
"It took months, months, to turn over these documents to this board. That is totally, totally irresponsible." And I agree!
Actually, they only got the documents through the Whistleblower. That's how he opened his questioning, by telling her that.
Was anyone fired? ----->>>> answer, No.
Irresponsible is not what he said.
still n o b o d y held accountable. shit needs to change.
@@charliewillis261 Democrats would already beholding a hearing and subpoena 50 people.
I love this man.
None of these people ever get in trouble for lying and being corrupt weasels, while normal working folks get thrown in the gulag to rot in prison for years. So sick and tired of these bread and circus shows where no one in DC is held accountable.
No one ever, never, never, ever goes to jail, at least permanently lose rights to a federal job.
We all are.
Homeland security hiring someone with prolific tweets and they don’t know? Wow. Some security lol
I'd say to the contrary,....BECAUSE of her views and tweets, I'd bet she was deemed Overwhelmingly qualified!!! As we ALL know, this admin. SELECTS its members SOLELY by virtue and Woke qualifications !!!!
They looked ...they just thought we wouldn't look
Amanda Gordon
Bolsheviks protect other Bolsheviks.
I about laughed myself out of my chair when she said " as transparent as possible "
So glad I saw this video, now I understand what "resting bitch face" is
Give em hell.
Why is it in her peabrain, internal discussions within an agency that we all pay for are not for public consumption? Unless we're talking about actual classified material, which this is not, she doesn't get to make that call.
National Security
@@macbeavers6938 is in JEOPARDY with a propaganda board.
Just look how the DISINFORMATION has put the justices lives in danger.
@@macbeavers6938 Nope. Not the Misinformation Board. We both know they didn't want the public to know about it because of the backlash.
Well, if Pelosi and Schumer are not going to hold her accountable there is virtually nothing more that Josh Halley can do except to expose her lies, disinformation, and coverup. Unfortunately it is up to the Speaker of the House or Senate Majority Leader to approve charges for Perjury.
@@pt6guy27 Good point PT.
So good that he challenges the establishment
But nothing happens. It is all a show.
I can't believe how much, they are "not aware" of.
Love it ! Love this man! True american how can i help!!!
She has NO right to withhold information from we the people. It is our info and no employee should be able to withhold info from our senate, our congress, or we the people individually. She should be fired immediately
Their major in higher education is “word salad”, “how to use many words to reveal nothing”, and how to “evade questions” She has no experience and apparently is aware of nothing- what exactly does this woman Do for her paycheck?
CHARGEABLE OFFENSE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She's a paid liar.
It is very refreshing to see someone such as Josh Hawley do such a great job questioning these people who cannot give a clear answer to his questions because they are trying to obviously hide and mislead with their answers.
He is a blessing!
These people all need to be indicted and prosecuted for sedition.
I LOVE watching Hawley question these liberals - it is always a masterclass of how to stop the BS spewing from their lips. I love how she tried to butter him up before he started grilling her and it got her nowhere with his line of questioning
She wasn't buttering him up, she was just trying to waste a portion of his time slot and of course Hawley is well aware.
scott daughtry - I hear you man. I would be terrified as a subversive being put on the hot seat by Hawley! I bet that sneaky girl had to rush to the toilet as her time drew close! Too funny; serves her right.
Hawley is becoming my favorite senator.
The Congress needs to defund people like her
She's lying...She has alot of practice at avoiding direct questions...great job of knowing nothing...Brandon best.
I really have an issue with how staffers at any level, in any government agency, now feel completely free to refuse to answer questions directed to them by members of congress. Seems like anyone in our government can now do what they feel like with no real fear of consequences. Something needs to change.
They don't answer because they don't have to answer they know nothing will happen to them and Hawley and all Republicans are in bed with the democrats.
When they don't have to answer questions oversight responsibility can't be done.
Trusted me these folks all have a number or target on their head currently. They need to be careful...
If anyone in Congress started seeing these behaviors as treasonous and trying these people for the treasons they commit, it would stop! I believe we should start with the Big Guy!
Why is everything with our government hidden from us?!? She can’t tell us who’s crazy idea this is, what a bunch of BS..
What's the point of this, nobody ever goes to jail...
“I was impressed with her expertise in disinformation” well said lady, well said.
Yeah you would only be impressed by such a thing if you had an interest in spreading disinformation.
I wouldn't call her a lady.
I am really impressed by Josh Hawley.His clarity of purpose and clear questions are understandable. He elicits good information from those being questioned even under hostile conditions and manages to do all of that with a respectful tone and with dignity on both sides. I really wish more senators had his abilities to create cogent conversations. I would really appreciate more of his style of conduct in these committee members at these meetings!
Wow, you're easily impressed. What hotbed of mediocrity are you from, Annie?
A rare breed these days indeed.
He is a model for anyone considering this kind of work.
Yes, I was thinking he should be, needs to be, required viewing for all US education curriculum attendees from ages 7 and above.
@@sirrobinofloxley7156 Wow, you really are an imbecile, huh Robin of Oxley? lol No wonder why red states have the worst schools. You slugs couldn't even keep schools open past three days a week in Kansas, remember that? Why do you think they've elected a Democrat as governor TWICE in that state that you'd think would be red?! You're an embarrassment to the country, grow up you ignorant, media-swilling thumbsucker. Slugs like you nobody needs.
She looked good! I would love some private Homeland Security discussions with her!
I admire Hawley's interrogation technique. Crisp, pointed questions. These bureaucrats need to be monitored. Their dissimulation needs to be exposed and punished.
Her expertise on pushing propaganda makes her perfect to decide what's true, just wow. This just shows they are pushing fascism
Yea bring back fascism and logic, the right kind .
@@Charless_Martel there's no such thing as the right fascism, every dictator in history used the same excuse. If that was sarcastic then ok ha
I’m so grateful for Josh for representing us here in Missiouri! He isn’t afraid to confront hard issues.
I don't understand how people under oath to congress when asked dodge, evade , beat around the bush & refuse to answer questions. There must be a school where this is taught . Apparently congress has bark but no teeth . It is frustrating as it can be for a common citizen to see this useless proceedings . However, I salute Sen Hawley for trying and and pray that he and men like him continue to fight the good fight for all real Americans who love Freedom .
Yes there is a class where they teach how to lie and be dishonest to the American people. It's called Democrat party 101. You CANNOT have any integrity and be a leader in today's Democrat party. That is why I salute the politicians who leave the party. Somewhere deep inside there soul a voice tells them to leave. And for those who do not............ Evil. And to the people who refuse to see how evil the party has become and continue to vote for them........ FOOLS!
Constitutional rights maybe? 😂
@@josezavala2309 No, they are responbile to us…but they try undermining the procedures set up to keep them in check…this not yet an authoritarian govt but will become one if people don’t wake up.
The lawyers uncovering this corruption have to prove what they are hiding. Remember those who are uncovered or whistle blowered are also lawyers, so they have ways of hiding their shenanigans.
At this point, a refusal to answer a question during any hearing while under oath should result in instant termination as well as being ineligible for any job federal or state again
Well, she’s scary. I have never seen such outright incompetence. They’re all crazy. God bless the USA 🇺🇸
A fake administration produces fake information
If government employees are testifying under oath before the Senate how can they get away with not answering questions. I don’t care what party you are this is unacceptable. Otherwise this is just a show.
In answer to your question: People in government and other kinds of "bureaucracies" become a special breed. They learn their cultural ropes of survival (including alliances, and proper presentation of self ) and this woman is a common type. Career bureaucrats often behave by a defensive calculus which is s'deemed devious by " normal" people. I retired from a major bureaucracy ... and it was sometime painful to look in the mirror.
It is a show. That's all it is.
thats all it is just a show
@Mike Yes a big expensive show that we smucks pay for. Nothing of practical use comes from any of this. America is toast....
If they lie or don't answer questions they need to go to jail. Period. They are under oath! Perjury is a punishable offense. Treason is as well. Stop wasting money on expensive congressional hearings that don't fix anything or hold those responsible for misdoings accountable. The average American can't pull this mess! Start doing your jobs and stop the theatrics!
These snakes cant answer any questions. Typical , lock them up
Word vomit....
NOTHING changes and the "woke" continue to gather strength.
I like the way Josh Hawley does not allow hostile witnesses to take control of the Q A session. The instant she tried to evade his questions he reined her in and forced her to answer directly to his questions. He never really got answers he would have liked but he at least succeeded in revealing her character and IMHO her disloyalty to the US Constitution. Clearly she is loyal only to DHS and her peers and supervisors there.
IS --- TREASON ---
CHARGE HER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Exactly. She was protecting them by not naming names. She knows if she blurted out a name, the retribution will be waiting on the next conference call.
😂😂😂.. .I noticed that too. Despicable
Notice how well that went for her😂😂😂😂😂
holy crap the corruption from many of these employees is outrageous.
She was a professional at disinformation she was disinforming people about all kinds of things total conflict of interest
The refusal of an administrative underling to comply with oversight from the United States Senate by denying answers as to her and her departments official activities is wholly undemocratic, despotic, and unacceptable. This person must be fired and prosecuted, and this department must be thoroughly restructured to ensure that such insubordinance will never occur again.
If it has webbed feet like a coup, if it quacks like a coup.. Its usually a coup attempt..
Stuff like this has to be carefully investigated to find the clever bastards who are pulling the strings..
When a conservative person of congress asks difficult and direct questions the game becomes "run out the clock!"
It is absurd that we, as citizens of a democratic republic, don't demand that ALL OUR REPRESENTATIVES seek truth and transparency and demand whatever rule changes are required to force these witnesses to answer truthfully and directly or be held in contempt.
But, that will probably never occur.
Thanks for holding her and everyone involved accountable!
Its getting to the point where everyone should be on lie detectors..when being questioned.
Some of these liars are such naturals, polygraph tests would not make much difference.
NEVER let the government have ANY governmental arm determine acceptable speech.
I'd like to see PRISON TERMS for all government agencies and officials if they refuse to answer simple questions like this lady
Starting with Hillary Clinton!
Bunch of kindergartners
I would too.. and dismissal from their employment... FIRE THEM!!!
Starting with Barrack Obama.
How do these clowns get into senior positions in our government?
hair color, gender, measurements
@@NE-Explorer just like that family guy meme
Kiss ass
Amazing she would reccomend someone she claimed to never research there past. Hell of a way to conduct business. Fire her
If it was a republican she would of known everything about them.
I think she knew and hoped nobody would look into her
Wow, really unbelievable. Thankfully a light has been shown on individuals like this.
Why did DHS disband the disinformation board and not defend it if it was an honest, constitutionally righteous department.
Apparently it was not "disbanded", it was "paused".
Only on "pause"!!!
Then why on pause for for the same reason?
@@bobothree that is a interesting tactical move on their part , although the pause appears that “ they “ are backing down.
Don’t bet on it, it’s a momentary diversion . I am waiting for the “ official “investigation that will name ( blame) the perpetrators of the guidestones.
My guess is those pesky white supremacists are the target.
Senator Hawley is such a G! Wish Washington state had someone like him
I can’t believe the lack of respect for our congressman by an elected employees of the federal government. Why can’t she answer a question with a yes or no? What does she have to hide? These appointed officials have way too much power and you can tell that they don’t give a damn about our elected officials, people that were elected by the citizens, not appointed like she is. Not just her either, so many sidestep, lie, deny, it’s disgusting.
These are UnElected persons, in unConstitutional agencies and committees.
@@johnnieblackburn3182 so, they are justvhired employs who have to do whst thry are told. The questions need to be directed to her boss.
@@silverforest4682 None of those 3 letter agencies are Constitutionally mandated bodies of our "government". They're not legislative, judicial, or executive, legitimately, because they are not " OF the people", "BY the people", and apparently, FOR the people".
Our government authorities are to be selected BY VOTES, BY THE PEOPLE. Therefore, they do not have to be accountable and run a rogue operation, usurping authority OVER THE PEOPLE.
The SUPPOSED "oversight" that the legislative body is charged with having over them, is a JOKE, AND MOCKERY OF OUR CONSTITUTION. That's why they don't answer questions, and they act corruptly, with NO REAL CONSEQUENCES, USURPING OUR AUTHORITY OVER ALL MATTERS THEY'RE ENGAGED IN.
This woman is a political appointee which explains her arrogance and disrespect for Senator Hawley.
because its a republican witch hunt.
There is only one reason someone can’t give an honest answer- Hawley is legit.
It is just amazing how someone in a government position refuses to answer a question honestly and straight forward. Which can only mean there is a underlying untruthful reason for avoiding the question.
I agree. If they thought the disinformation board was a great idea it seems like they would be proud to announce whose idea it was.
90 days in jail could possibly get them talking.
She had everything she said writing down. How is that possible.
This woman is a sad example of Government doublespeak and obfuscation
The minute you hear them say they are protecting.. we know that's so far from the truth, I'll go ahead and call it a LIE!
If they won't answer under oath or be forced to answer what's the point of even having the oath at all? When is this gonna change?
Amazing, We the People, who put them in office, seem to think we need to be lied to.
The utter verbal gymnastics they spew to evade a straight question, is incredible.
The fact they thought this was a good idea to create this “working group” beholden to no one, shows how far extreme their political ideologies have become.
It.shows that we are in the post American world. Completely changing the election system was the death knell.
Get ready for socialism
Having silly young women like this in charge of 'strategy, policy and plans' in Homeland Security may be the scariest thing I've ever seen.
Very accurate statement.
Agree 💯
We need this Senator in more states!
Yikes..Like the Ministry of Truth from Orwell's 1984. "Disinformation Board"?? What the heck?
Probably by accident, but they did name it correctly. They were going to shovel out disinformation by the bucket loads with a straight face to counter the truth. Just like Moronkas says "Senator, the border IS secure and I am doing an excellent job, and if I may, I am proud to be a loyal toady and happy to polish Joe Biden's shoes with my tongue".
That's EXACTLY what this is! STRAIGHT from the book! He was warning us!
Under oath. Perjury should be punishable and held in contempt. Lock them up for their lies.
Whoever attempted to put this board in place needs drumed out of their office and if and lose their retirement
And shot
Fauci, Gates, and the WEF as well.
Hell yessssss 🔥
She should be held in contempt.
Thank you Mr Hawley! 👍🏻🇺🇸