Why Kingdom Hearts Matters

  • Опубліковано 6 січ 2023
  • Kingdom Hearts is the first game I have memory of ever playing. This game and this series is so important to me as a person and in many ways I wouldn't be who I am without it. With this video, I hope to share why. I hope that by watching it, you'll come to share the love I have for Kingdom Hearts.
    Game footage is all from World of Longplays.
    Thanks to Regular Pat for the creation of the Wayfinder Project, a tool which is amazing for Kingdom Hearts fans and creators to find specific clips and moments from the series.
    Thanks for watching!
    I'm on twitter: / justbilfo
  • Розваги


  • @KyleLyre13
    @KyleLyre13 Рік тому +293

    I remember, back when KH3 came out, my girlfriend at the time was baffled that I took scheduled time off of work for the first time to power through the story in three days. And all I could tell her was "they were my childhood friends".

    • @Ryan-Bell
      @Ryan-Bell Рік тому +8


    • @thewiseyounglad2699
      @thewiseyounglad2699 Рік тому +10

      I kicked my parents out of the living room so I could play it on the flat-screen over the weekend.

    • @ReelsandRoses
      @ReelsandRoses Рік тому +11

      I wanted to take PTO but my cousin's wedding was earlier that month and I didn't know if I could do 2 PTOs in the same month. Luckily there was a huge snowstorm a couple days after release and I got a snow day.

    • @BloodrootBane
      @BloodrootBane 11 місяців тому +2

      LMAO HUH?

    • @johnszymanski247
      @johnszymanski247 10 місяців тому +2

      I’m sorry what?

  • @TheHuntersKnife
    @TheHuntersKnife Рік тому +293

    Opening essay made me tear up, so many memories attached to this and this hit way to close to home.

    • @freddymeisner
      @freddymeisner Рік тому +2

      Same here

    • @xoderota
      @xoderota Рік тому +3

      same. Funny thing is I don't even have childhood memories of KH, just nostalgic ones

    • @TheHeavieKiwie
      @TheHeavieKiwie Рік тому +1

      It's great actually I agree. Just wasn't relatable.

    • @TheHeavieKiwie
      @TheHeavieKiwie Рік тому +2

      After watching the video, I know what it means now. Truly there was more to it. Didn't thought I'd end up finding it relatable.

    • @RikkuPhD
      @RikkuPhD Рік тому +4

      Same, I actually felt like my brother was speaking about our childhood (but I was the older sister, and replace horseback riding with basketball or ballet). I had tears rolling and was not expecting it.

  • @mintman325
    @mintman325 Рік тому +455

    I remember going over to my friend’s house after school. Meeting his grandfather, a coin collector, and then after an hour of talking with him about coins, I went up to play Kingdom Hearts. I still collect coins, I still play Kingdom Hearts. I begged my parents to buy me a ps2 and they did, when Kingdom Hearts II came out I couldn’t beat Demyx in Hollow Bastion, my friend did. I still have that save data. I played all other games, hearing rumors of a final mix version, not knowing what it was. After years I went to the same GameStop to pick up Kingdom Hearts III. I saw friends that night who I hadn’t seen in 7 years we picked up where we left off. I put in Kingdom Hearts III in my PS4 and I cried. I spent the weekend playing it. I was alone in my house, which hardly ever happens. I beat the game. I thought I would be ok, but the second Don’t Think Twice started playing I fell to my knees and cried. It was something I didn’t know I needed, a moment of intimacy just me and a cathartic experience with a game I loved.

    • @KaijuOfTheOpera
      @KaijuOfTheOpera Рік тому

      Sounds like you need therapy lol

    • @Atlas92936
      @Atlas92936 Рік тому +6

      Woah…this put me through a trip. Thank you for the comment.

    • @jjs8426
      @jjs8426 Рік тому +1


    • @thelastfinale805
      @thelastfinale805 Рік тому +2

      This is beautiful

    • @ruganzureggie385
      @ruganzureggie385 Рік тому +1

      Unfortunately in my opinion kh3 was poor in comparison to its two main predecessors

  • @georgelarie
    @georgelarie Рік тому +69

    I love the subversion of the chosen one trope the first game has. It's something I don't often see in media. One of my favorite lines from the series comes from Dream Drop Distance where Sora is being plagued by the villains telling him he was never supposed to be a hero the keyblade never chose him and he simply responds with "I know it didn't choose me. But I'm glad to play a small part in something much bigger!"

    • @Poopymancer
      @Poopymancer Рік тому +6

      damn yah that shit hits. that kinda subversion is what we need, fuck the strongman stories that we're plagued with, it was definitely good for my development to have a character like sora to learn from. Yes we can't all be great heros that save the world and do it all by ourselves, human history isnt just strongmen doin everything, if we want to build anything meaningful it will be done by us all playing a small part in something bigger through the power of friendship yehaw

  • @chedderman101
    @chedderman101 Рік тому +154

    These games helped me through my depression (clinical) and PTSD from almost dying in 4th grade.
    I was always had existential dread after that. And I remember my older cousin finishing KH1, and I cried along with everyone in my family watching the ending, I had played KH2 and Days and I remember when Xion was forgotten and didn’t exist anymore. I felt so seen but I still felt like I was destined to be forgotten and to be eventually forgotten by everyone.
    I remember watching Playthroughs of KH3 and when Xion was starting to be remembered by Axel, and when she came back.
    BROOOOO I legit cried. So hard.
    Because I was at a time in my life where I genuinely believed I wouldn’t be forgotten and that I DO exist and that I have family and friends that genuinely care and love me. Took months of intense therapy to get there but man.
    Having Xion come back was like this wound in my heart automatically stopped hurting and helped me heal even more.
    Sounds like a lot but
    I freakin love this series man…

    • @TheHeavieKiwie
      @TheHeavieKiwie Рік тому +4

      Hmmm... whoa I read the comment a few time and now I get it. We used to hold this game pretty close back in the days huh?

    • @Nathaivel
      @Nathaivel Рік тому +1

      Commenting here to say I was a fan before you were huge. Writing quality is wild!

    • @treeross
      @treeross 19 днів тому

      No-one better to eat ice cream with than those three.

  • @pastelnightmares
    @pastelnightmares Рік тому +295

    I got Kingdom Hearts in October 2002. I was 8 years old. We had just moved into a new house after my parents had reunited from a nasty divorce. My dad and I went to Best Buy one night to look for a new microwave and he ended up letting me get this game that I’d been wanting for months. I’d seen every commercial for it on Disney channel and I was SO excited to finally be holding it in my hands. I had hardly any furniture in my room at the time - just my bed and my TV on the floor. I ran inside, overwhelmingly excited, turned on my PS2 and saw what was the most beautiful opening to any game or movie I’d ever seen before. Simple and Clean filled me with these big, huge, unexplainable feelings that still stick with me to this day. My friend Sarah (who was 3 years older than me) started playing it every weekend with me when she would come over. Like your older sister - she was much better at it than I was and I loved watching her play because of it. My room felt like its own little world when it was just the two of us on the edge of my bed flying through Neverland until 1 in the morning.
    After a long winter and my ninth birthday had passed, my parents were back to fighting. Big fights that no 9 year old should be subjected to. My mom would leave for days on end without saying why. My dad’s work would force him to go out of town on a weekly basis. It was just me and a fridge full of frozen dinners to tide me over until one of my parents came back. I was an only child doing the very best I could to keep myself afloat. Things were dark to say the least and I was having to grow up at an alarming rate. But the one, single thing that kept my inner child alive during this time was this silly little RPG that I loved so much. Even in an empty house on those nights when I really didn’t want to be alone, I still had Sora and Neverland. I still had those weekends with Sarah to look forward to. Things were far from ideal but I mean it wholeheartedly when I say this game saved me. It was my biggest source of comfort during some of the hardest times and I’ll always be so thankful I had it.
    Somehow, I’m turning 29 this year and I’m still getting to watch new trailers come out for it. It’s followed me for almost my entire life and I still very much feel like that weird 8 year old girl jumping up and down at Best Buy when I see those trailers. We might have had different experiences but the intro to this video hit me like a ton of bricks because I completely understand that nostalgia you described. Every word you said was so true. I recently got a Kingdom Key tattoo as a tribute to the spikey-haired boy who made me laugh when I didn’t think I could. This game will always mean so much to me and I’m so glad that it’s had the same lasting impact on others.
    This video was wonderful to watch 🤍

    • @andrewerath5585
      @andrewerath5585 Рік тому +9

      Love to hear the impact Kingdom Hearts has had on people. It's my favorite game series of all time

    • @ENDtredecim
      @ENDtredecim Рік тому +2

      I can relate to this in a different way, where you had that friend, I had my kid sis that I was helping to raise. My old man was an alcoholic and the fights would get pretty bad. Being in the room alone with me, my sis and the game that we bonded over til this day was a huge reason why I got thru those scary moments and was able to distract her from having to witness or experience how bad those times could be. We still share KH merch and news with each other still.

  • @exsanguinateds
    @exsanguinateds Рік тому +16

    I clicked on this video to fall asleep to; I didn’t expect to start crying. My mind is swarmed with the realization I wasn’t the only one who thought of this game as a sort of “way point for memories.” That’s such a good way to put it. One of many. I can’t believe there are people who understand? Just. This world is so big. I was always so isolated. But it feels good to know I wasn’t actually alone, at least in some ways.

  • @alphamaris
    @alphamaris Рік тому +15

    As someone who grew up hiding under the protection of my imagination, the Kingdom Heart series defined my childhood. Two decades later, I'm a mom, I've lost people I loved, and yet I still revert to Kingdom Hearts as an emotional sanctuary. There, I am safe, I am worry-free - I am back to being the 13 year old child hiding in her room playing a game.
    Thank you for this video. It captures a lot of how I feel about the series. It's irrational, but that's OK. And I am glad that many others also shared this beautiful attachment to something that isn't just a game - it is a story, a place, a time, a life.

  • @Intelligent_Individual
    @Intelligent_Individual Рік тому +47

    I got into kingdom hearts through 358/2 days. It hit me when I was 7 and going through a ton of trauma. I connected with roxas when he laughed and ate ice cream after having to be told what a friend was or even at the conclusion of the game. I felt like that game was made for me. It took me five years to beat but I can still remember bawling my eyes out as a 12 year old when I could see the trajectory of the story in those final 7 days. In so many ways kingdom hearts has shaped me, even into my adult life and how I treat others.

  • @BladeOfLight16
    @BladeOfLight16 Рік тому +70

    There's a third option to Donald's line about happy faces: Donald genuinely doesn't want Sora to be overcome with grief. Not only would that be bad for Donald and Goofy and their goals; it would hinder Sora's ability to pursue his own dreams and goals.

    • @jakeking3859
      @jakeking3859 Рік тому +21

      I always read it like that, too. Like Donald saw he was unhappy and thought it best to encourage him. Donald is portrayed as more callous and brutal than Goofy in the games, where Goofy is more compassionate, if a little aloof, but he still has people he genuinely cares about, and seems able to, in certain circumstances, put his own goals aside in favour of helping someone else feel better.

    • @MrAnonymouselol
      @MrAnonymouselol Рік тому +12

      Yeah I always saw donald as a sweet character with tantrums

    • @handsoaphandsoap
      @handsoaphandsoap 8 місяців тому +2

      I also think he genuinely just didn’t wanna hang out with a gloomy teen lol

  • @TheColt4521
    @TheColt4521 Рік тому +55

    I def cried. My sister was 2 years older than me, I was 6 and it was brand new. Only brand new game I ever got when I was younger come to think of it. I was making a big deal out of it I was probably gonna find a way to buy it myself. Believe it or not though, I was beating bosses for my older sister so she could progress the story lol. My sister is gone now. I miss her dearly. My memories of our childhood makes me sob but this was bittersweet and made me smile quite a lot. I really wanted to thank you for this. It has meant a lot to me.

  • @TBlev215
    @TBlev215 Рік тому +20

    If my friend at the time hadn’t brought this game over and played it on my TV, I never would have played it myself, and I shudder to think how different I would be because of that. I even used Hayner’s line about “it’s not about how often we see each other, but how often we think about each other” at my grandfather’s funeral.

  • @KeyofTime15
    @KeyofTime15 Рік тому +204

    Always love these kinds of long nostalgia filled videos

    • @qrowing
      @qrowing Рік тому +2

      i also
      but i hate having to turn the volume way up because the person is whispering

    • @caifabe8050
      @caifabe8050 Рік тому

      same. love this kind of shit. another one of my formative childhood gaming series/experiences was Gran Turismo and i haven't seen anyone really do anything quite like this on those games. to be fair, there's no story or narrative in GT, just car go fast on track, but Gran Turismo being a formative gaming experience for me, definitely left me with an emotional impact almost as great, if not just as great, as the emotional impact i got from Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy X as a kid.
      to this day i still replay KH1, KH2, FFX, and GT2 at LEAST once every year

  • @rcf483
    @rcf483 Рік тому +22

    Sora is my role model because of how wonderful of a person he is. He's always optimistic but logical about it. He has hope for the future even if it is a challenge. He's willing to go through so much pain and tragedy, even willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good. Kingdom Hearts in a way molded me when I didn't have any self identity at young age. It made me who I am today and all the lessons it taught me I still live by.

  • @mikaelnguyen88
    @mikaelnguyen88 Рік тому +53

    5 minutes in and I can already relate with you nearly 100%. This series has played the biggest part in my imagination and childhood happiness. So happy to hear others feel the same way.

  • @RiskOfRayne
    @RiskOfRayne Рік тому +9

    that opening monologue made me cry genuine tears. for some reason it made me face the fact that I'm an adult now and I won't ever have fun like I did when I was a kid playing this game.

  • @AnishVoraProductions
    @AnishVoraProductions Рік тому +36

    I’ve only begun to watch, but your opening narration genuinely brought tears of joy to my eyes.

  • @TheOnlyLeel
    @TheOnlyLeel Рік тому +7

    This series is easily the most important cornerstone in my hill of scattered memories. I was too young to have experienced the first game through my own merit, and my family was broke so we didn’t get a gaming system until we got a Wii. I come from a broken home, and never really had a strong relationship with my father, and with him living on the other side of the country it wasn’t something that was easily worked on. One year however, me and my younger brother were surprised with a trip to go visit our dad. I don’t remember much from this trip but there is one thing my lil 10 year old ass would never forget. We were visiting one of our uncles and his son had this really cool sword that looked like a big ass key. He told me it was his keyblade, and said he wanted to show me a video. At this time kh2 had probably been out 5 years, and so he loaded up this video on UA-cam called “Roxas doesn’t like waffles” in which Roxas beats the fuck out of the computer in simulated twilight town because it was playing the do you like waffles song. The design of the character was so interrupted to me, and for hours after this he explained to me the story of Kingdom hearts. Later on that day we went to the pool and pretended we were keyblade wielders. As soon as I got home I begged and begged for a ps3, but without my knowledge we had had a ps2 in the garage from my moms last relationship. In that box with that console was a copy of the first Kindgom Hearts. It was magical, as if my hopes and dreams had manifested themselves before me. I played the fuck out of that game. Then I played the second one, and by the time I was 11 I had played every game that had come out with DDD being the first entry that I got to play on launch. For a while after DDD though I mainly interacted with these games through videos and fan theories patiently awaiting the 3rd main line entry, but with no one to share my love for the game with I resigned it to this secret part of me.
    That was of course until I entered high school. Going into high school I was pretty insufferable, typical class clown “gifted” burnout type. I had decided to take French as my language class, assuming that much like it’d been in the past I’d probably be one of if not the only black kid in my class. As people came in at first I was correct. Until something crazy happened. Now I myself am a very tall guy, but entering the room was another black dude of equal if not taller height, and even worse. He. Was. Funny. It was like an assault on my pride I tell you, for about 4 weeks of class me and this guy loathed each other, always attempting to one up each other, but occasionally seeing the beauty in our humor as a unit. Well one fateful day during this class, we were put into groups. My group was of course with my new found rival, or so I thought as this interaction would change my life forever. I sat down next to him and sat my phone face down on the table, out of the blue I hear this dude who up until now I’ve had no real reason to be friendly with asks me “YOOOOOOO IS THAT A SORA PHONE CASE” and indeed it was. I just remember being as awe struck as I was when I’d first discovered the series. That same very day as soon as school was over me and this dude who up until this day had been someone I disliked went to his house, and in a chair entirely too small for the size of us 2 we sat and we played through the entirety of the first game. That guy is my best friend to this day, and all because we shared the love for a dumb ass game about friendship and the fragility of childhood. It’s more than just a game though, it’s a story. One that reaches far wider than its source material, as every connection that’s been made because of this game is the story of kingdom hearts. It is a story of shared experiences, and one that’d I’d give anything to experience for the first time again.
    I love these games, I love these characters but more than anything I love the impact that this series, this idea has had on my life. Thank you Nomura, no matter how crazy your stories may be you’ve done something that is literally my dream. You allowed kids to dream, to question, to grow. I hope that someday I can write something that does half of what you’ve done for me, that I can give some form of hope to the next generation of dreamers.

  • @galinaleovna8571
    @galinaleovna8571 Рік тому +24

    i absolutely sobbed to the first 5 minutes of this. it was everything i’ve been trying to put into words that i never could

  • @EndLess009
    @EndLess009 Рік тому +11

    I was 10 when I was given Kingdom Hearts as a Birthday gift. Ever since that day, Kingdom Hearts has and will always have a special place in my own heart.
    In a way, Im holding Sora’s heart in mine, the same way he held Vens heart.

    • @gman1857
      @gman1857 8 місяців тому +1

      i think all of us early childhood players who really love kingdom hearts are doing this to an extent

  • @TopTwom
    @TopTwom Рік тому +31

    I share every nostalgiac sentiment with you. While for me it wasn't Apple Cider, or an older sister... the significance of these memories is the same. Kingdom Hearts is intrinsically tied to my history as a person.
    Kingdom Hearts is such a pillar of my formative years that I will think of it on my death bed. Theres almost no point in objectivity when it comes to this series for me for that reason. I just don't care about it as a 'product'
    Its easy to find videos laughing at Kingdom Hearts, and its also easy to find long-form videos praising it. But to find one that feels so much like it came from my own mind as you discuss mortality and existentialism was a real treat. Thank you for this video.

  • @cybersamurai2049
    @cybersamurai2049 Рік тому +15

    Kingdom hearts is a special series and it will always be in everyone's hearts

  • @JackAsGaeilge
    @JackAsGaeilge Рік тому +96

    Nice video. I played Kingdom Hearts the Christmas it came out and am now 34 years old and have a 5 year old son.
    He and I have been playing the series together since last year, and just finished Birth by Sleep last weekend.
    I never played Kingdom Hearts 3 because I didn't have a playstation when it came out. I will be playing it with my son soon.
    It's not just nostalgia. These games are special.

    • @SebiBubble
      @SebiBubble Рік тому +3

      Get a PS5 already so you guys are ready when KH4 hits!

    • @Dragonk116
      @Dragonk116 Рік тому

      You can get it on PC too.

    • @SebiBubble
      @SebiBubble Рік тому +1

      @@Dragonk116 I thought it was gonna be console exclusive on release tbh

    • @Dragonk116
      @Dragonk116 Рік тому +3

      @@SebiBubble Moving forward I think they realize how dumb It was to have all these games spread out on multiple devices at one time like if you don't have a Gameboy advance back then then you're not going to experience to play chain of memories.... or if you didn't have a PSP tough luck playing birth by sleep.... So now any future releases for kingdom hearts will be on playstation, Xbox and PC.... We already seen them do this with the more recent one melody of memory.

  • @xMEECHx-mt4id
    @xMEECHx-mt4id Рік тому +27

    damn dude. I had no idea what I expected when I clicked on this video but 3 and a half mins in and im crying my eyes out lmao. this is literally word for word my life, except in 2002 I was 5 not 6, and it was my older female cousin instead of my older sister who showed me this game (I was the older brother who showed kingdom hearts to my younger sister though). and everything you said about memories ... just damn. it rings soooo intensely true for me and my life too.

  • @BoldandBrash12
    @BoldandBrash12 Рік тому +7

    The most impactful game series of my entire life. This video was fantastic. Described the magic behind it so well. I’m glad I found the kingdom hearts niche online. I’m glad I’m not alone

  • @ZeranZeran
    @ZeranZeran Рік тому +10

    I haven't even watched the full video, but the opening put a tear in my eye.
    You're a beautiful writer, man. Kingdom Hearts sparked an inspiration for Design, Architecture, Theme Park design! - and my favorite - Music. I learned Piano because of Kingdom Hearts, and that changed my life in so many ways for the better. This series is a part of me too, and always will be. I can't wait to come back and watch this again, because I can already tell I'm going to like this.
    Beautiful words. You just nailed it.

  • @blitz3658
    @blitz3658 Рік тому +16

    easily one of the most underrated video essays i've seen yet. i really love the opening section of it, as some of those words left an impact on me and really made me think about what kingdom hearts really means to me, and what impact it has made on my life. it makes me think about the specific memories i can recall because of kingdom hearts, like not being able to beat riku-ansem and taking turns with my sister. or begging my mom to let us leave the ps2 on, since we couldn't save our data and turn it off because we had no memory card. growing up with this game is an experience i wouldn't trade for anything really. all of the games are so special to me in each way, all having their own specific memories tied to them. and sure, maybe it could've been any other game that could've caused these memories as well but im really glad it was kingdom hearts.

  • @Alex_Barbosa
    @Alex_Barbosa Рік тому +4

    Not even 10 minutes in and I'm so glad you talked about the title screen. You see so little of it while your playing the game but it has such a profound effect just looking at it and hearing it. It's weirdly an emotional experience in itself even outside of the game and story loop.

  • @auqua6477
    @auqua6477 Рік тому +8

    I did not grow up playing Kingdom Hearts but I related to the feelings. Though for me I have such feelings about Sly Cooper and World of Warcraft. My brother and me played trough the Sly Cooper series together and I still have major nostalgia for that series.

    • @amber..desandro
      @amber..desandro Рік тому +2

      me and brother grew up playing this, and like you, we also played sly cooper. i sat down last week and loaded it up on the ps2 and i felt like that kid sitting on my brothers bed playing it for the first time. i get so disappointed when no one’s ever heard of it supposedly. loved those games. same with spyro and crash games. even the old digimon game

    • @gman1857
      @gman1857 5 місяців тому

      sly cooper was a fantastic series and I really miss it to be honest

  • @wheresmyveggie
    @wheresmyveggie Рік тому +2

    this in its entirety, is beautiful. thank you for taking the time to make this.

  • @DianaHernandez-cm5po
    @DianaHernandez-cm5po Рік тому +7

    This video made me cry, and it made me call my older brother to tell him how much I love him, ask him if he remembers me being by his side while he played kingdom hearts, final fantasy and metal gear solid 3. I told him how much it means to me, those quiets moments. He said he remembers and treasures these times too, before our relationship got messy. He said it meant a lot to him too. Thank you, for bareing your heart with us, thank you for making both me and my brother remember ❤️

  • @zaperzero
    @zaperzero Рік тому +3

    Those first minutes saw right through me. I try to not think about the way the mind let's go. That I can't even remember my parents faces and i saw them just months ago. And i can't remember a blink of my childhood...but i remember kingdom hearts. Being stuck on destiny island. Thank you for this video.

  • @sophloulou8499
    @sophloulou8499 Рік тому +7

    Kingdom hearts for me was a life changing event. I entered a community, made life long friends and met my current girlfriend. Kingdom hearts made me realise I was not alone, I was never alone and even if I was I never had to be alone again.

  • @freddygarcia987
    @freddygarcia987 Рік тому +4

    Personally for me this was my favorite series and now I found it to be a bonding experience with my son. The series is flawed but the experience is so special that I haven’t ever gotten from any other series.

    • @SuperMoviemaster21
      @SuperMoviemaster21 Рік тому +1

      Game or not? Because that’s pretty much how I feel! :-)

  • @Vats144
    @Vats144 Рік тому +5

    I can’t thank you enough for perfectly encapsulating the nostalgia and the effect that this game had on me and on my childhood through your opening essay. It brought tears to my eyes ❤. It’s so amazing to know that I wasn’t alone in this and in reading through the comments found dozens of others that loved the game in the same way I do. Thanks again 🥹

  • @TomPlugge
    @TomPlugge Рік тому +5

    This is the best video I've seen in a very long time and maybe even the best ever. Really well made and well said, thanks for this masterpiece.

  • @thetophat5332
    @thetophat5332 Рік тому +2

    The fact that so many can relate to this, whether the fine details sink or not or if the general ideas still hit home, is incredible. It's a testament to not only the misunderstood beauty of Kingdom Hearts but also a testament to your writing skills as a creative mind. I won't lie, I may have shed a tear or two. Thank you for putting the time into making this. I can relate to feeling like memories are becoming a blur and having to come back to the game from an early age as I'm sure many others can too. It can be cheesey sure, but Kingdom Hearts did it's job in connecting the hearts of many.

  • @MinishMae
    @MinishMae Рік тому +4

    Your intro was something really special, and it really hit home with me!
    I was introduced to Kingdom Hearts through my dad when I was around 5-6. He had told me about a game where a kid goes on adventures with Disney characters and I was in awe. I remember I'd always have him replay the part where Sora is turned into a Heartless or the ending fights, just because they were some of the parts I loved the most. It's not a shocker that Hollow Bastion ended up becoming my favorite world asjfkskfh
    My dad doesn't really care about Kingdom Hearts anymore, and I know when I was flipping out about Sora being in Smash, he couldn't care less, but I don't think he realizes how much of an impact him and this game have on me. It's gonna be hard for me to return to this game when he passes because the first game reminds me so much of him. Either way, the first Kingdom Hearts is one of my favorite games and it'll always hold a special place in my heart ❤

  • @thatdonparkerVODS
    @thatdonparkerVODS Рік тому +6

    Oof. I had to stop myself after the Deep Jungle/hot apple cider part.
    I was 4-5 years old when we rented Zelda II from a mom and pop video store. The air in the store was dense with cigarette smoke. We got a cherry Slush Puppy along with Zelda II for the weekend.
    Stale cigarette smoke, cherry slush puppies, Zelda II = Deep Jungle/hot apple cider

  • @dallasthebassrassler3621
    @dallasthebassrassler3621 Рік тому +3

    Putting into words and film what many of us have thought, and sometimes long forgotten. Thank you very much for this piece.

  • @nabe4320
    @nabe4320 Рік тому +2

    You've definitely touched my heart, no homo. Love that analogy with the 1993 dark green toyota camry, I definitely relate with my grandma's ol gray PT cruiser. You got real soul

  • @tyreliverson7841
    @tyreliverson7841 Рік тому +1

    I watched my older sister play this game when I was a young child, hearing you say the same reminded me of her and those memories. Thank you for that, I haven’t seen her in 15 years and I don’t think about her as much as I should

  • @shikikarsten5522
    @shikikarsten5522 Рік тому +1

    Kingdom Hearts has always been a dear topic to thing about for me since years
    I didn't play the games till I was 12 but have known the story long since
    The themes and messages of its story I have though about many many times and I still learn new things every few years
    When I think back to why I love it so much, I think back to the lonely nights under the stars
    Walking along the fields while nobody else was awake filled my mind with so many thoughts
    And Kingdom Hearts was always a joy to think about
    I will always love this series because it reminds of all the joy and inspiration it gave me when I was walking down a lonely path in a silent night as just a little child that had so much left to experience

  • @meghan8540
    @meghan8540 Рік тому +3

    you put how much this series has impacted my life into words so well, thank you

  • @maxiepar
    @maxiepar Рік тому

    this is an important video and ive been rewatching the last part about your experience with your family and sister over and over again. its just so human and important than like any other video about kingdom hearts . thank you for posting this

  • @TheRenzokuken
    @TheRenzokuken Рік тому +1

    You kept bringing up the connections you have with your memories and the people you care about. THAT is the central theme of this series - connections. I was also well shaped by this series as a kid. I remember renting it from Blockbuster and playing it when my parents would fight. I remember staying up at night on camp outs with my Boy Scout troop and talking with my friends about it, people I haven’t talked to in too long. I remember meeting my dear friend Jace in college and immediately bonding because we have the same KH2 wall scroll. I remember wanting an Oathkeeper and Oblivion tattoo so badly because it symbolized my best friend and the girl I loved only to find out they were dating. These games are about connections.
    You set out to show why Kingdom Hearts matters. My friend, I really do think you succeeded.

  • @ToVacheaNealy
    @ToVacheaNealy Рік тому +1

    This video was wonderful and I really hope you do the rest of the series. How personal it was and the themes you mentioned made me think about my own childhood and my mow memories and connections. It was a very kingdom hearts feeling. So thank you.

  • @chelsea3125
    @chelsea3125 Рік тому

    This was extremely beautiful and so well put. Thank you for sharing your personal experience and doing it so eloquently.

  • @velvetkiss8014
    @velvetkiss8014 10 місяців тому +1

    I grew up playing this series.
    I remember playing kingdom hearts a lot since i struggled socially.
    And seeing sora making friends and understanding the things all the characters go trough.
    It gave me the illusion i could know people too.
    You say that after playing 3 you where hit with dread, i experienced that too. Struggled for the longest time shaking that feeling loose.
    I can however never shake this series. It just been that much part of my life.
    Thanks for this video.

  • @willjapheth23789
    @willjapheth23789 Рік тому +5

    The duality of kingdom hearts is pretty striking, even as a kid.

  • @joell21
    @joell21 Рік тому

    Great video dude! You hit the nostalgia in me with that opening monologue

  • @SkottyWatchesVidya
    @SkottyWatchesVidya 6 місяців тому

    This is so beautiful and heartfelt. The love and complexity permeate the entirety of the video. Thank you.

  • @ChrisPTenders
    @ChrisPTenders Рік тому +3

    The first minute of this video already had me grinning with nostalgic joy. That breakdown of Destiny Islands is so good, I love the detail you go into with how strategically this game merged Disney with their JRPG universe. I loved this whole video. KH1 is in my top 3 games of all time. Thank you for making this.

  • @codiferous
    @codiferous 11 місяців тому +2

    Christ that intro went deep. Hits way too close to home for me! Great video. I came into this because KH was a profound experience for me, not unlike yourself, and I was curious to see your pros and cons list or whatever surface-level review you had. I was utterly unprepared for the joy and sorrow and emotional depth of this video. Genuinely, thank you for making this. Excellent content, mate. Genuinely one of the most enjoyable videos I've seen on this site. I see this is your most recent video, but I subbed and look forward to anything like this you come out with in the future! Keep up the good work!

  • @garrettcoates3571
    @garrettcoates3571 Рік тому +1

    This video is beautiful, it is obvious the effort put into carefully crafting your script that shows how important the game and story of Kingdom Hearts means to you and made me genuinely enjoy and appreciate the game more than when I recently played it. Thank you for the wonderful work and I hope to see more like this.

  • @crazedvegetable
    @crazedvegetable Рік тому +1

    Dude that description in the beginning is literally my perspective of my experience when it first came our when I was 6 as well, but instead of an older sister I was the older one playing it with cousins. Awesome video man

  • @setantagaming7284
    @setantagaming7284 Рік тому +1

    This was so lovely to listen to. I’m glad you found the space to write this. It captures feelings that I share and some I don’t. But it also captures a beautiful moment from the life of a stranger.

  • @adam_ricci
    @adam_ricci Рік тому +2

    My brother and I both made our biggest bonds growing up because of kingdom hearts and Megaman battle network so this hit straight to the heart. I remember being a little kid getting to that final cutscene and crying because of how sad i was for sora. Phenomenal essay

  • @eh9888
    @eh9888 Рік тому

    This was an amazing video. I would love to see you make more videos about kingdom hearts. The opening section alone had me hooked on this video

  • @JellyWraith
    @JellyWraith Рік тому +1

    This was a beautiful video, my friend. I can still remember when a childhood friend first brought it over, and I watched him play it. There's just something special about KH. In a way, it's like raw, unprocessed, unfiltered childhood and imagination condensed into a game. I would almost say that it's a franchise that wrestles with tragic concepts with a childlike perspective and surprising depth. It's so zany but so comfortable being what it is that it can be extremely surreal, and it makes you want to get lost in its world with Sora.

    • @SuperMoviemaster21
      @SuperMoviemaster21 Рік тому +2

      The way you describe it here is exactly what I look for in literally EVERY franchise,Game, movie, book, TV show etc. and even literally everything else in my life for that matter, for that is what truly makes me me :-)

  • @completelyclevername
    @completelyclevername Рік тому +4

    man i had this playing while i was working on some art [fan art for kh if you'd believe it] and i had to take a break bc it made me tear up and i couldn't see my screen very well. some of my earliest memories are of watching my older brother play kh2 [i didn't realize that sora and roxas were different characters, i just thought the main character swapped clothes at some point].
    i beat kh2 for the first time when i was 8, and i remember my older brother would take over for the riku parts bc the pressure freaked me out. after that it became tradition to beat it every year during the last week of summer break. which i did until i graduated last year. middle school was some of the worst years of my life, but i wanted to see what would happen in kh3, so i'm still here. [my older brother pulled me out of school early on jan. 29, 2018, and we cried when the game booted up] i wear roxas' necklace and have every day since my older brother got it for me back in 2016. the other promise still makes me sob. i don't think i would exist as i am without the franchise, as silly as that might be to say.
    this was real pretty and i'm thankful that you made it

  • @HasegawaRayven
    @HasegawaRayven Рік тому +1

    As a first: This video was beautiful.
    As to your question about our own video game experiences, I don't remember exactly how old I was when I first played through Okami, the Zelda-like with a Wolf using a calligraphy brush as the main character, but it continues to hold the distinction of being the only game that has made me openly sob with emotion. The ending is so impactful to me that to this day, even though it's one of my favorite songs, I can't listen to 'The Sun Rises' without getting misty eyed over it. It's a rare track that I have to save for moments when I really need the catharsis, because I can't let that sensation, that emotion, fade away.
    I also had a similar event in my youth with my father pulling out my game systems when I was away, trying to play some of my games, and dismissing them out of hand in general, and Kingdom Hearts in specific, because KH "Went on for an hour before anything like gameplay happened."

  • @monkeydude3121
    @monkeydude3121 Рік тому +1

    When my brother died in 2004 I played on his save, he was right before Olympus colosseum. I miss my older brother and this game reminds me of him

    @ERTLPFM Рік тому +2

    I feel the same way about this game as you do, its almost like i'm listening to myself at times, the way you talked about your memories, your approach to the popular opinion of the game, I really appreciate the way you told this

  • @DavidFenne
    @DavidFenne Рік тому

    Just wanted to say I watched the whole thing to the end and sobbed. Thank you for such a personal and nostalgic video

  • @NitsuaKasai
    @NitsuaKasai Рік тому

    Amazing video! So many emotions and what a unique way to explain the series the way I think it was intended “personally” how it effected you. I sympathize with every topic you brought up here and cried as I remembered my own experiences through hearing you retell yours. Kingdom Hearts has been with us, all of us and will hold that special place for the themes and lessons that it taught us. Thank you for an amazing video and something I will have to show to the next friend I wanna get into Kingdom Hearts! May your Heart be Your Guiding Key! 🗝

  • @randompotatur3081
    @randompotatur3081 10 місяців тому

    This video made me feel just so emotional, I really don’t know how else to explain it. I was playing through some totk when I put the video on thinking it would be nice background noise. But I really couldn’t find myself listening to it passionately the further I got into it. There were points in this video where I genuinely paused the game and just payed down to listen to do what I can’t when it comes to this whole franchise, you expressed a genuine and unfiltered bond with this game. I felt more and more as got through this video like I was going to cry, though every time I payed attention to that I realized I was smiling throughout it all. This video did more than make me feel happy, or nostalgic, or sad, or cathartic. I felt understood when I watched this, you made me safe knowing the connection I have with this game is shared with what are essentially strangers somewhere in the world, and you have assured me that that connection will not fade no matter what I live through. Thank you so much, genuinely.

  • @TheCakeling
    @TheCakeling Рік тому +1

    I love long form content like this. Makes me think about why I love things such as Kingdom Hearts as much as I do. This series, alongside Pokémon, is my formative years. It’s one of the reasons I am who I am today and the memories of this game are so strong and deeply ingrained into my being that I couldn’t imagine life without it. Thank you for posting this video

  • @FreakinSweet1987
    @FreakinSweet1987 Рік тому +1

    I distinctly remember the night I rented Kingdom Hearts from Blockbuster for the first time. It was a school night and I didn't get to play it long before having to go to bed. I woke up early that morning and played as much as I could before school. It was all I could think about until I got home and played through it entirely over the weekend. I had no idea this little Disney crossover game would spawn a lifelong love that's stayed with me to this day.

  • @Rose-SunG524
    @Rose-SunG524 Рік тому

    My god??? This vid made me break down & cry so many times, I love it 😭 Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts & feelings & memories of KH! I related to a lot of it. Many times a friend would hang out & pop up a memory of the 2 of us playing KH & I just won't remember it fully (if at all), but I'm glad that memory still exists & happened. KH is just a really special series that has a lot more thought into the design of the levels & story than people can see on the surface. I'm so glad you mentioned why the Disney worlds are important, even if they don't matter to explain in summary past "Sora went here for X reason", they aren't just filler. They're a reflection of the theme of the game & what's to come after they're all gone through. You understood what KH is all about more than a lot of the active fanbase, & I really appreciate the time & effort you put into writing it all & sharing your experience with us!

  • @Voiddogg
    @Voiddogg Рік тому +1

    there's too many words in my head to properly get my thoughts out, but I relate to all of this on such a deeply personal level that if it were for anything but kingdom hearts I'd be a little unnerved, thank you for this hour and a half of deep but kind introspection, both into your own thoughts, and the things you said making me think more about myself and how i processed this series as a child and as an adult. It's like a part of me is back where it belongs now, and I thank you for that.

  • @sharkgamez505
    @sharkgamez505 Рік тому +1

    I unfortunately wasn't here when I was a child but got the series from a friend who loved it in 2021 around my 18th birthday. Even though I was a "grown man" we my parents called me I didn't feel like it and KH1 made me feel something I wanted to feel, it made me feel like a kid again and lose worry that I had in me. My senior year of highschool was stressful as all hell and Kingdom Hearts was my escape from reality to calm down and keep my depression from overloading. When I started college and got slammed with assignments and failing grades and the thoughts of my father thinking I'm a failure I would play Kingdom Hearts. Its a game series I'm always going to hold close to me because of how it comforted me just a few months ago keeping me from commiting suicide on multiple occasions because I was failing and thought I wasn't good enough. I failed my first semester of college and now it's the start of the second semester thankfully I didn't lose finical aid but most importantly I'm here. Kingdom Hearts was a major reason as to why I'm here if it wasn't for it being there comforting me when I was to afraid to discuss my grades with my father and when my best friend was busy with his own life. Then being belittled and talked down upon by my mother (who lives in another state) Kingdom Hearts was there for me when I truly needed it.

  • @naomimccarthy7788
    @naomimccarthy7788 Рік тому +1

    Your narration of this game justifies how much it has captured and haunted me. Thank you for your work and honor.

  • @egglethorp9028
    @egglethorp9028 Рік тому +1

    my earliest memories of the game are of my brother playing kingdom hearts 2, our uncle had given him his playstation and this game along with it. I fondly remember him skateboarding through twilight town and I have distinct memories of him fighting cerberus. These games hold a special place in my heart but not only that it reminds me of the bond I have with my brother. I didnt play the games myself until years later, but i found myself deeply impacted by its message and moved by it's themes of friendship and love. I would do anything to play these games for the first time again. More than anything, id do anything to go back to watching my older brother skateboard through twilight town.

  • @lolxmew6114
    @lolxmew6114 Рік тому

    Man! That intro hit so hard..the analogy of sorts journey through chain of memories never resonated with me until now..how we slowly forget about the things that used to matter so much...so simple and clean

  • @kriegswasejibst587
    @kriegswasejibst587 Рік тому +1

    I cried and i laughed in this video. You got me pretty hard and I wanna thank you very much to be so honest and thaughtfull with your words. I can't imagin how hard it was to find those words. This is the perfect video to tell anybody what I love at Kingdom Hearts. May your heart be your guiding key

  • @arixmas325
    @arixmas325 Рік тому

    This game series means so much to me. I remember my cousins would play it a lot when we were little and when I got older I saw the 1.5 remix in a gamestop and decided to pick it up cuz I wanted to experience it for myself and not from second hand nostalgia. Best decision of my life ngl. Your intro was relatable cuz this game did indeed help me discover my love for writing and drawing. This game got me through highschool and helped me through some of the hardest times in my life. The characters and story are so dear to my heart. I honestly dont know who I'd be if I had never played this game.

  • @Numba003
    @Numba003 Рік тому +1

    This video was very emotionally stirring. I too love Kingdom Hearts, and it fits into the story of my life in a very special place. I remember playing it with my big brother all through the years. We still talk about KH whenever new games or info about them comes out, even though he lives a few hours away now. I've just recently been making my wife watch the game with me for the first time in her life. I hope she likes it too. Thank you so much for this.
    God be with you out there everybody. ✝️ :)

  • @Poopymancer
    @Poopymancer Рік тому

    i havent seen any of your vids before, but in this one vid you were so vulnerable i could connect to your experience with this game so strongly and also remember my own experience with it. wanted to say right off the bat that your moms experience with the hippos screaming at the cartoon dog made me go from silently watching the vid to actually boisterously laughing at the top of my lungs that was so fuckin funny cx
    I think i first got kh cause me and my older brother rented it from blockbuster? i remember being stuck on destiny islands for quite a while, we might have rented it a few times before we actually owned the game. I did a lot of watching my brother play the game and later watched my step siblings play, they got past destiny islands way before me and i think thats what pushed me to get further in the game.
    The friendship themes to me for a lot of my childhood i thought were corny like a lot of disney stuff is, but as an adult i started to really embrace that power of friendship, and i think soras journey and his embracing of the power of friendship really was formative to me without me fully realizing it.
    On another quirky note, me and my brother grew up as a jehovahs witness til i was 10, so there was an added odd experience to our playthroughs of kingdom hearts 1 and 2, where when we got to the halloween town worlds, we had to get our step siblings to playthrough those parts for us cause we were supposed to avoid anything holiday related lol. so when we grew up and replayed the games as teenagers we had whole new worlds for us to explore haha.
    i came back and replayed kh1 and 2 multiple times in my teens and young adulthood when i was really depressed, they are so comforting, so familiar, and soras unabashed authentic cringe-pilled friendship-pilled way of being was always very refreshing.
    i remember being stuck in wonderland for soooo long playing the first game and replaying it, always got so confused in there but still enjoyed the quirkyness of getting big and small and rotating the room etc. even tho i got frustrated and had to put the game down for days at a time til i eventually found my way. im pretty sure i also yelled at the game during the tarzan platforming parts but it was less memorable cause i wasnt wondering aimlessly in that world i at least knew what i was supposed to do even if it was frustrating.
    hollow bastion really is absolutely beautiful, and i didnt remember how beautiful the plot developement was there til i watched this vid. you literally get through the first part with the power of friendship, beast fighting enemies to help you through the level, genius. also i did tear up when you talked about the climax where donald and goofy step in and save you from riku even though you arent the keyblade wielder anymore.
    thanks for pourin your heart out for this vid and sharin your experiences with the game and how your childhood memories are so connected with the game, i think im gonna have to go do another replay before i can really summon those memories for myself, but i know those connections are there. most of them on recollection at the moment are more connected to me replaying them while depressed as a late teen, i gotta really dig to get to the older memories.

  • @Azel1600
    @Azel1600 Рік тому

    2 minutes in and I’m already choked up with memories. Great video!

  • @cadragonboy
    @cadragonboy Рік тому

    I honestly teared up multiple times while watching this. Thank you for making this.

  • @KirbySonicTeam
    @KirbySonicTeam Рік тому +20

    This video was a joy! The vibe was off the charts, thank you so much for sharing your experience. That context is what makes art special.
    As for certain topics in video I have two points.
    1. I always interpret Donald telling Sora to smile as being a genuine moment from him. Obviously he wants sora to focus, but the way he laughs makes me feel like he really think a part of him did feel bad this kid was so upset.
    As for the Disney worlds. THANK YOU for laying out their importance so bluntly. I’ve felt insane about this for years because I always grew up knowing episodic storytelling was just as valuable and important as sequential. I just of course never had the words to describe it.
    I’ve actually made two videos on the subject on my channel: “How Kingdom Hearts 1 Uses Disney and Final Fantasy” and “What I love about Kingdom Hearts 2 is…”
    I’d love for you to check them out and give your thoughts if they sound interesting to you. Either way you’ve earned a subscriber. Take care man

  • @suupermaan17
    @suupermaan17 Рік тому +1

    im about 5 minutes in and i already have feels and fully understand yours. my brother and i fought often as kids but both loved this game. watching him play was one of the only times we got along. and when we got older we pulled all nighters, him trying to finish all the games on proud/critical, collect and craft all the things. it wasnt until my 20s that i finally finished the games on my own. i was able to finally beat them on beginner after years, now im replaying them on proud and critical just like my brother, getting my ass kicked just the same lol. i got a tattoo of the logo many years ago as a secret little homage to my brother. the game series will always make me think of him. my husband helped me get back into video games after some depressive years and when we got engaged we planned matching tattoos featuring our favorite video games, his zelda, mine kingdom hearts. Its a shadow heartless hugging a heart container from skyward sword. we were both in really dark places when we started dating and i felt emotionless and heartless back then. but we healed and grew together and itll be 10 years since then in just a few weeks. he reminds me of the quote from axel's death "he made me feel like i had a heart." ive always said im just a fan of things, im not a fanatic even if i have multiple tattoos of kingdom hearts i cant tell you every aspect of the story or all the characters but this game has been entertwined in my life in a way i couldn't imagine. theres still more kingdom hearts tattoos i wanna get, and i cant wait to see what else they come out with

    • @nineinchthread
      @nineinchthread Рік тому

      Kingdom hearts series also has an emotional pull on me too especially kingdom hearts 2

  • @murkmire5945
    @murkmire5945 Рік тому

    I needed to hear this. Thank you for making this video. Expression is something that moves me deeply, and this video reminded me of that. Again, thank you.

  • @BearBoyJW
    @BearBoyJW 9 місяців тому

    Glad I made to the end of this video while working. It's always nice hearing someone else's take on Kingdom hearts and what it means to them over the years.
    It's such special series that, sure, has it's flaws - but it's hard to say there's anything else out there in gaming like it. As the years go on it continues to get crazier and crazier. But just because it's crazy, doesn't mean that it's bad. It's really exciting seeing what each new game brings to the table and I'm very excited to see where Kingdom hearts 4 takes us.

  • @ABoredYoutuber
    @ABoredYoutuber Рік тому

    Phenomenal video! Videos like this remind me why, no matter what I play, Kingdom Hearts will always be my favorite video game franchise of all time! The way you worded how KH1 ended made me realize the parallels between it and the KH3 ending, so thanks and very well done video.

  • @vhs1894
    @vhs1894 Рік тому

    This video was a joy to watch. Thank you for sharing your feelings about a game that is also incredibly important to me.

  • @JustMichaelOfficial
    @JustMichaelOfficial Рік тому

    Beautiful take man. You really captured what keeps us fans coming back to this game series (sometimes despite it's own best efforts).

  • @EternalKHFan0
    @EternalKHFan0 Рік тому +1

    32:26 Essentially, in-universe reason(according to Jiminy's Journal) is that Squall started to call himself Leon, because of shame him not being able prevent his world being taken over by Heartless... Though considering this was 9 years ago before events of _KHI,_ I'm not sure there was something he could have done.
    Out-universe reason I believe was because Nomura Tetsuya wanted to keep Squall as a surprise.
    42:05-43:12 Fun fact: in the manga adaptation of _Kingdom Hearts,_ Gummi Ship _does_ in fact literally run on happy faces.
    1:07:35-1:07:40 You can still use Magic, though, so that's something.

  • @julionieves6618
    @julionieves6618 10 місяців тому

    I cried a little while watching this video because of how much it hit home for me. Keep making videos!

  • @BigBahss
    @BigBahss Рік тому

    This is THE BEST Kingdom Hearts 1 retrospective/analysis video, hands down. Thank you for making this, thank you so much.

  • @RiftRipper
    @RiftRipper Рік тому +1

    Fascinating reflection on Kingdom Hearts as you experienced it and how it influenced you. Thank you for sharing your story.

  • @xzentrick
    @xzentrick Рік тому

    Amazing video. Thanks for sharing your story. It was a truly captivating watch.

  • @AnferneeMyers
    @AnferneeMyers Рік тому +1

    Thank you so much for making this video. I know it doesn't matter to anyone but, videos like these are so important to me. I intend to make a Kingdom Hearts feature film, one day, and experiences like this are so valuable to understanding how fans, outside of myself, feel about the franchise. I've loved finding out what is valuable and important to you about the series. Your video is very well written, and I'd love more like these from you!

  • @CapnCook420
    @CapnCook420 Рік тому +1

    I'm not one to comment on many videos, much like a lot of other videos that pop into my recomended, I planned to watch, feel my own type of way about it, and move on. However, I'm not even 10 minutes in and I can't help but stop to tell you, simply, fucking well done. That intro brought back more memories of my life, Kingdom Hearts, and waves of nostalgia that not even playing the game again does for me anymore. I've played this game as a child, as a teenager, as an "adult" (what I considered myself at that time I guess) as a whole person, and many time in between. This game is linked to the best times in my life. As well as the abosolute worst. I don't think I'd be who I was without it, without the message, music and the convuluted story, I wouldn't be "me". Even if thats too much to take in from a kids game, I don't care. I love it so much.

  • @joelstoecklin2418
    @joelstoecklin2418 Рік тому

    Wow that intro was so emotionalllllll ♥ I loved hearing your thoughts on this game and i cant wait to see what youll come up with next!
    For me my first game i have strong memories of playing is Megaman X (: i think im a little bit older than you are!

  • @ryanhartigan5573
    @ryanhartigan5573 Рік тому +1

    I still remember the entire scene of me, 6 years old, walking into blockbuster to buy KH2. I remember the aisle, the look of the store, the case outlining being red because it was listed under PS2’s greatest hits. God I miss it.

  • @autumn2ashes211
    @autumn2ashes211 Рік тому

    Dude this video was amazing. I know you said you might not do more KH videos but dude if you do I’d definitely watch haha.

  • @iamgawd6969
    @iamgawd6969 Рік тому

    Thank you for the best intro to any video I have ever seen

  • @lunathecreator8519
    @lunathecreator8519 Рік тому +1

    I never wanted this video to end.
    It felt like someone understood me, saw me, for the first time in.. Well as long as i can remember. Thank you