Time stamps for me: Shooting Arc: 1. Elbow up to eyebrows - 2:25 2. Drop shooting - 3:20 3. Drop shot 3 whilst moving foward - 4:35 Shooting Pockets: 4. Shooting pockets - 5:44 5. Practice shots with shooting pockets and elbow - 6:10 6. Loaded back hand shots slow to pocket and then fast - 7:45 7. Pass off backboard and jumpshot - 8:45 Separation moves: 8. Lunge stop - 10:45 9. Nudge to pull up - 13:25 10. Pull back shot can be between the legs, behind the back, or crossover - 13:55
Part 1 Range 1:58 Arc (form shooting up close) 3:06 Drop shooting (add hips and legs) 4:35 Drop shooting w/ jump forward Part 2 Release speed 5:58 Turbo from the pocket 7:21 Tight to the body, slow to turbo 8:30 Loaded off the pass Part 3 Separation moves 10:26 Same-foot step-back Bump-off • 12:20 Prep • 12:36 Full move Behind pull-back • 14:19 var. 1 • 14:41 var. 2
According to an analysis of Steph Curry's shooting mechanics, the optimal setpoint is actually fairly low and his shot could be optimized using a lower set point. Citations: Raj-Prasad, Rayal & Joseph, Jacob & Jin, Brian & Chen, Yan. (2016). Dynamic Analysis and Optimization of Steph Curry's 3-point shot. 10.13140/RG.2.2.35452.13445.
Alioune Badara J. Ba overheard shot like Lebron or Durant or even kawhi or just pull up from a higher angle i know a lot of 6’8+ guys who go to the same academy that shoot overheard but are surprisingly consistent Iam a 5’6 14 year old so my shot is more to my face and lower body to generate more power but with your size and hand size you probably don’t need to generate that type of power
Hi, I'm 6'2 and I think I have a good shot but it wasn't always like this, even when I got the right form I would struggle to shot, sometimes it happens again if I don't warmup, but my advice is just practice, I would practice 1 to 2 hours a day to get a better jumper I did this for 2 years only now I'm feeling consistent, so even tho you have this wingspan and those hands you can shot if you take sometime every day, just look at kawhi he is a decent shooter and he has one of the biggest hands and wingspans in the League for his position, so just practice feel your shot and change it if you feel like it
You earned a sub im 14 and 6’1 but i can shoot threes in the paint 2s and drives i love being able to Make threes and shh the coach to were he/she doesn’t say don’t shoot those shots bc i would be making them this helps me because i also Workout and have great lower and upper strength i had lower strength ever since 5grade so thank you for the support im definitely watching more videos
So ummm I have a question about hand placement and how your supposed to be while you are in the air shooting so is it best to keep your legs spread while shooting or together plss reply. Because that would be rlly helpful.
Omg thank you so much you help me a lot already I never use to know why they are so good at shooting I didn't know the elbow had to be above your eye brow
I have the flick part down for my right, but my left hand can’t stay still, idk what to do about it, it just kinda like flicks too like my right idk why, how can I get it to stay still?
Shotmechanics said that it is bad if you put your hand on the back of the ball and rather put in on top or at the side of the ball before shooting, what’s your take on that coach?
I have trouble shooting properly with a good rotation now that I've gotten stronger and am used to shooting the old way. What do I do? Help would be much appreciated
My problem is my hands are growing bigger and I’m getting stronger so the placement of my hand on the ball when I’m shooting is messed up what should I do?
If your hands are that big that you can’t shoot then don’t focus on your jump shot and maybe focus on your driving game. Many NBA players do that including, Giannis, Ben Simmons, etc.
Great stuff. Very good explanation, perfekt. The shot drills are amazing. And the seperation moves away from your defender as well very effective. Try to use them all the next time in practise. Thanks a lot! After searching a long time you bring it to the important aspects. Brillant.
I don't think it would be good to copy his game unless your like 6'10 he dont really have a skill set beside his yuro step everything else is just his genetics
I am really worried about my shooting elbow that comes out when i shoot. My form looks exactly like drew’s but I don’t know if i should change it my coach has been saying that i should try to keep my elbow in
Coach Drew explains that an elbow out normally occurs when u are 10 toes to the rim. It shouldn't be a big problem. If u have your feet turned, it's another problem. At the end of the day, your elbow is there to create power for your shot, your release and hand placement (that platform when u reach your setpoint) is what will ultimately decide how accurate you will be. Hope it helped.
When I first started I got 54 seconds I tried 1 week later and got 50 second 2 weeks later I got 45 seconds and the last week I got 32 seconds That’s some progress!
@@averyywhite - Got ya. Make sure you're subbed with notifications turned on -- we are dropping shooting videos every day next week starting this Sunday. - Joe @ TeamEGT
Hi, regards from Mexico. This kind of training is for women too? Because I have been able to observe that woman shoot differently. Can you make a video for woman exclusively? pleaseee
I feel as if most girls are able to play like boys so instead of limiting your self to how girls dribble and how girls shoot and all that other stuff try to do the same things boys do including the physical part of the game tajen when u think about every other girl in the court playing like a girl which is nothing wrong with and your playing like a full out boy because of the things u work on trust me I’m not a girl but I’m pretty sure doing things boys do instead of doing things girls do u will be wayyyy ahead of the others because or game is different so just do what he is teaching us in this video and use it that’s if u are a boy or a girl. Good luck😃
I have just come to terms that I will never be able to score lmao I can dribble and play defense really well but scoring yeah nope lmao I just flat out can't do it my ass misses layups some times 😂😂😂 I mean I can't score consistently being athletic guy who can dribble and pass extremely well is great but basically not being able to score fucked me in middle school so I never bothered to try out in highschool but then again my middle school team had ppl that played favorite that got to start so yeah
Not in this format. We're gearing up for the EGT "shooting week" next week and we wanted to re-release our best shooting videos along with new shooting content. - Joe @ TeamEGT
This is terrible shooting form. The b-ball doesn’t need any more momentum. Don’t your shot. Aim for the back of the rim and keep relaxed shoulders and your wrist lock in your shooting pocket.
Time stamps for me:
Shooting Arc:
1. Elbow up to eyebrows - 2:25
2. Drop shooting - 3:20
3. Drop shot 3 whilst moving foward - 4:35
Shooting Pockets:
4. Shooting pockets - 5:44
5. Practice shots with shooting pockets and elbow - 6:10
6. Loaded back hand shots slow to pocket and then fast - 7:45
7. Pass off backboard and jumpshot - 8:45
Separation moves:
8. Lunge stop - 10:45
9. Nudge to pull up - 13:25
10. Pull back shot can be between the legs, behind the back, or crossover - 13:55
Part 1 Range
1:58 Arc (form shooting up close)
3:06 Drop shooting (add hips and legs)
4:35 Drop shooting w/ jump forward
Part 2 Release speed
5:58 Turbo from the pocket
7:21 Tight to the body, slow to turbo
8:30 Loaded off the pass
Part 3 Separation moves
10:26 Same-foot step-back
• 12:20 Prep
• 12:36 Full move
Behind pull-back
• 14:19 var. 1
• 14:41 var. 2
Drew is def the best trainer I've seen.
Wish you were around when I was growing up, excellent video.
Thank you imma get in the gym and try this
You're welcome. Let us know how it works for you.
- Joe @ TeamEGT
Ok I’m trying to be the best player I can be
Hey I’m already getting results from this after watching this I was in the gym for about an hour and my shot is getting better thank you
Finally now I know how to fix my catapult
I’m just starting to become more efficient with my shot now I just need some moves to help me get more open looks
Thanks a lot coach, especially the 2nd episode is key for me, because I struggle to keep my set point consistent
im a pro basketball player in Vietnam, this video is helping me a lot to get my shooting form better and my EF much better
Glad to hear it and keep us updated on the improvements in your shot. #EGTFAMILY
@@DeepGameBasketball thanks how i get you help
According to an analysis of Steph Curry's shooting mechanics, the optimal setpoint is actually fairly low and his shot could be optimized using a lower set point.
Raj-Prasad, Rayal & Joseph, Jacob & Jin, Brian & Chen, Yan. (2016). Dynamic Analysis and Optimization of Steph Curry's 3-point shot. 10.13140/RG.2.2.35452.13445.
This was very helpful I am subscribing for sure
Thanks for information will definitely try it
It is very cool. I shoul work on this drills, hope i'll become better 😅
that last workout is great
I have a lot of trouble shooting because of my frame im 6'7 but got a 7 3 wingspan and huge hands
Advice pls
Alioune Badara J. Ba overheard shot like Lebron or Durant or even kawhi or just pull up from a higher angle i know a lot of 6’8+ guys who go to the same academy that shoot overheard but are surprisingly consistent Iam a 5’6 14 year old so my shot is more to my face and lower body to generate more power but with your size and hand size you probably don’t need to generate that type of power
Just dunk the ball
Hi, I'm 6'2 and I think I have a good shot but it wasn't always like this, even when I got the right form I would struggle to shot, sometimes it happens again if I don't warmup, but my advice is just practice, I would practice 1 to 2 hours a day to get a better jumper I did this for 2 years only now I'm feeling consistent, so even tho you have this wingspan and those hands you can shot if you take sometime every day, just look at kawhi he is a decent shooter and he has one of the biggest hands and wingspans in the League for his position, so just practice feel your shot and change it if you feel like it
Just because you taller don't mean you physically can't shoot lol. Your height has nothing to do with it, its just you
You earned a sub im 14 and 6’1 but i can shoot threes in the paint 2s and drives i love being able to Make threes and shh the coach to were he/she doesn’t say don’t shoot those shots bc i would be making them this helps me because i also Workout and have great lower and upper strength i had lower strength ever since 5grade so thank you for the support im definitely watching more videos
I love how he supports the kids
When I shot around I always have a different jumpshot and I over think it
Me toooo
Same for me but I’m getting better at it. Break your shot down and break bad habits. Practice shooting with one hand close to the rim everyday.
So ummm I have a question about hand placement and how your supposed to be while you are in the air shooting so is it best to keep your legs spread while shooting or together plss reply. Because that would be rlly helpful.
Shoot with a high arc with cause your ball to fall short
Thanks man this helps cuz I'm new at basketball
Thankyou coach drew
Omg thank you so much you help me a lot already I never use to know why they are so good at shooting I didn't know the elbow had to be above your eye brow
So if you don't stop your dribble (hand under the ball) you can take as many steps as you want? Is that ok?
No, hand only on top of the ball
Kawhi does this
@@akiliamazing9254 yeah so as long as you're continuing your dribble
Thanks bro
Sewon Lee usually u can get away with 2-3 before most refs with call it a travel
Thanks for the tips ! Je vous regarde depuis la France 🇫🇷
Thank you
You're welcome. Thanks for watching.
- Joe @ TeamEGT
Should I have an index release or 2 finger release
It all matters on preference and what ur comfortable with
That’s up to you. Personally I like to feel the ball roll off my middle finger.
I never could shoot but at 42 I'm willing to try this method and these tips
Let us know how it goes, man.
- Joe @ TeamEGT
This helped so much🔥
Great to hear. What was your main problem with shooting?
- Joe @ TeamEGT
I was slowing down my shot like but I got it now
@@jecalbryant1019 - Nice. Happy to help.
- Joe @ TeamEGT
Thanks coach 🏀
I have the flick part down for my right, but my left hand can’t stay still, idk what to do about it, it just kinda like flicks too like my right idk why, how can I get it to stay still?
Shotmechanics said that it is bad if you put your hand on the back of the ball and rather put in on top or at the side of the ball before shooting, what’s your take on that coach?
my ring finger throws off my shot cause it makes the ball go to the side anyway i can fix that?
Cut off ur ring finget
Part 2 he messes up the pocket and the set point! Come on Coach!
Reps on the 3 drills for range?
I have trouble shooting properly with a good rotation now that I've gotten stronger and am used to shooting the old way. What do I do? Help would be much appreciated
Arjun Shivakumar have the ball test on your fingers and not your palm
@@Lucas-cf9mi Thanks man
Hi Coach, I don't see your dip usually. Is this doesn't matter?
Definitely ready to try this tomorrow morning
My problem is my hands are growing bigger and I’m getting stronger so the placement of my hand on the ball when I’m shooting is messed up what should I do?
If your hands are that big that you can’t shoot then don’t focus on your jump shot and maybe focus on your driving game. Many NBA players do that including, Giannis, Ben Simmons, etc.
@@Nikkoxr your hands arent getting to big to shoot.. eben kawhi can shoot well. You just need to get used to it.
Rocksmo I’m not saying u can’t shoot with big hands I’m saying it makes it harder to shoot with big hands
Egt, Can you give me a discount on coach KP's programs
I can easily shoot like an nba player
Ben Simmons...
Been Simmons can shoot
i don’t have any upper body strength and i’m 6-6 and 16
I am 12 and shoot like a pro from logo
idk what it is
@@REALMONEYCHASER22 ummm... Like... Team's logo at the center
Be Ro no you don’t
On my first try I made it thanks
Do you guys think it's possible to make it to the nba from the UK
SawceNextDoor anyone can make it from anywhere my guy✊
Just now saw this and im at my local court rn
Great stuff. Very good explanation, perfekt. The shot drills are amazing. And the seperation moves away from your defender as well very effective. Try to use them all the next time in practise. Thanks a lot! After searching a long time you bring it to the important aspects. Brillant.
Thank you, thorsten for your thoughtful response and nice words. We truly hope our videos help you and your game.
- Joe @ TeamEGT
I probably make 2 shots for every 40 or so when open not in game but in solo practice
@@EdrianneMarDelin but I still attempt like 3 3s every game and put myself up as a spot up shooter
@@EdrianneMarDelin idk probably something with my wrist and elbow
Could you make a video on how to play like Giannis antetokounmpo and his moves
Thank you
I don't think it would be good to copy his game unless your like 6'10 he dont really have a skill set beside his yuro step everything else is just his genetics
is the Complete Shooting Program a one time payment?
- Joe @ TeamEGT
I am really worried about my shooting elbow that comes out when i shoot. My form looks exactly like drew’s but I don’t know if i should change it my coach has been saying that i should try to keep my elbow in
Are you a decent, average, good, or great shooter with your current form?
- Joe @ TeamEGT
Coach Drew explains that an elbow out normally occurs when u are 10 toes to the rim. It shouldn't be a big problem. If u have your feet turned, it's another problem. At the end of the day, your elbow is there to create power for your shot, your release and hand placement (that platform when u reach your setpoint) is what will ultimately decide how accurate you will be. Hope it helped.
How do you increase your accuracy in basketball?
By developing great fundamentals and being obsessively consistent with your shot.
- Joe @ TeamEGT
Um do you train in Houston tx
15:08 why is it a travel?
I'm 11 and I already have 3pt range but I want to increase my range.
When I first started I got 54 seconds I tried 1 week later and got 50 second 2 weeks later I got 45 seconds and the last week I got 32 seconds
That’s some progress!
How make high %fadeways
luka natelauri Practice them
They aren’t high percentage that’s why people don’t shoot them. Other than that just practice.
All caps is something.
- Joe @ TeamEGT
I really wasn't trying to use all caps but I started that way so I left it
@@averyywhite - Got ya. Make sure you're subbed with notifications turned on -- we are dropping shooting videos every day next week starting this Sunday.
- Joe @ TeamEGT
Hi, regards from Mexico. This kind of training is for women too? Because I have been able to observe that woman shoot differently. Can you make a video for woman exclusively? pleaseee
I feel as if most girls are able to play like boys so instead of limiting your self to how girls dribble and how girls shoot and all that other stuff try to do the same things boys do including the physical part of the game tajen when u think about every other girl in the court playing like a girl which is nothing wrong with and your playing like a full out boy because of the things u work on trust me I’m not a girl but I’m pretty sure doing things boys do instead of doing things girls do u will be wayyyy ahead of the others because or game is different so just do what he is teaching us in this video and use it that’s if u are a boy or a girl. Good luck😃
good luck with this since shooting is the same for guys and girls, this vid should defo help you out
I have just come to terms that I will never be able to score lmao I can dribble and play defense really well but scoring yeah nope lmao I just flat out can't do it my ass misses layups some times 😂😂😂 I mean I can't score consistently being athletic guy who can dribble and pass extremely well is great but basically not being able to score fucked me in middle school so I never bothered to try out in highschool but then again my middle school team had ppl that played favorite that got to start so yeah
Ray Cornett I’m in the same route but I want to be a great scorer so any advice
Andrew Evans practice and confidence
Yo sup jamarcus russell
This is a reupload, isnt it?
Not in this format. We're gearing up for the EGT "shooting week" next week and we wanted to re-release our best shooting videos along with new shooting content.
- Joe @ TeamEGT
@@DeepGameBasketball what finger should I release that ball off
@@LuckyLuca2 larry bird released with his middle finger
bastante piñata el video
Expected Deuce's pop but ok
What is that?
- Joe @ TeamEGT
@@DeepGameBasketball Bradley Beal son name is Deuce
@@lebronsstephdad4437 - ahhh. I didn't know his boy's name. Thanks for the info.
- Joe @ TeamEGT
Chicken wing form. We don’t want the chicken wing drew
This is terrible shooting form. The b-ball doesn’t need any more momentum. Don’t your shot. Aim for the back of the rim and keep relaxed shoulders and your wrist lock in your shooting pocket.
9 ways to shoot an nba player would've been better.
Your release point is not the shot pocket that’s your set point coach. You should know better than that.