I believe the actual difference between Imperial I and Imperial II Star Destroyers was that the model for the Imperial Star Destroyer from A New Hope was accidentally destroyed after the movie so they had to build a whole new model for Empire Strikes Back and it ended up with some slight differences. Not sure of the validity of this information though.
Eric Langlois No, with the expanded budget for the Empire Strikes Back they built a new 8 foot (imperial 2) model. The 3 foot (imperial 1) was still used as background/forced perspective ships and can be seen at 3:01 and 3:20.
This, this is what explains 99% of "mistakes", or slight changes in movies... Many Lore-nerd: "Why this character had this on a different color, and this that way, and that on the wrong side, it must have a lor reason!" Me: "The studio fucked up, end of story."
Eric Langlois A trainee modelmaker at ILM accidentally spilled his double frappacino on it one day and stained the upper hull It leaked into the fibre optics and the whole model was ruined They had to replace the upper section but abandoned that idea when Lucas saw it and went berserk He ordered a New giant pizza slice floaty ship to be constructed
3:05 Fun fact: The Star Destroyer getting blown up in the background is the "Devastator", Vader's former command ship, the same SD that appeared in Rogue One, and in the first scene of ANH Sad to see it didn't get much recognition
If this is true, it would make sense symbolically for both of Vader's flagships to immediately face destruction in the scene right after Vader himself is destroyed by Anakin.
Actually there is another way to tell Imperial 1 and 2s apart visualy. The Heavy Turbolaser turrets mounted in rows eside the superstructure are different. The Imperial 1 has dual turrets while the Imperial 2 has octuple turrets. Both types can be seen in Battlefornt 2 (2017) for example. Most the ISDs i nthat game have the octuple turrets, however Admiral Versio's flagship has the dual turrets.
As I believe Eck mentioned in a previous video, the ISD Imperator line is very versatile and could be fitted with an array of different equipment based on captain's preference or mission requirements. While most famously fitted with the highly destructive octuplet barbette turbilasers, some Imperators were also know to make excellent use of heavy ion cannon batteries instead, which is what I believe the dual turrets are, as seen in Rogue One.
The Imperial Star Destroyers had many... many flaws. I often wish that more focus was put on the carrier focused variants. That would've solved at least some of the flaws of the Tarkin Doctrine.
The Victory-class has a special place in my heart. I like how the wings add to the silhouette and how they are the plucky smaller cousin of the ISD. Now, I may be getting senile, but I remember a time when ISDs were not atmosphere-capable, meaning that Victories were the sole means of close surface carrier support, adding to their niche of the small, versatile star destroyer.
There actually is a way to tell the ISD I and II apart aside from the sensor tower. And that is the engines. The ISD I's all had 3 large flaps in the main engines where as the II's lacked these.
Thank you for doing this video on the Star Destroyers. I saw ANH back in 1977 and I love this design of the Imperial I. I'm glad Rogue 1 also used the correct versions of the SD's as well.
Imperial II Star Destroyer was pretty poorly designed. While it was good at doing orbital bombardment and ship to ship combat, it was very fragile when forced to take starfighters. By my calculations, less turbolasers and more point-defence laser cannons, and a bit more carrying capacity would significantly increase its' potential against Rebel Alliance's fleet.
Didn't the Empire technicaly build and use Nebulon B's? Those where exelent Anti-starfighter vessals. Alot of wich was stolen by the rebel alliance. Sad how we never see the empire use those ships. :/
The Imperial 1 Studio models sensor tower was modified to look like an imperial 2, you can still tell which is which in ESB and ROTJ by the main guns, the quad turbolasers in the trench and the tabs on the engine bells.
The thing at the top is not the "bridge." it's some kind of sensor array. The command bridge can be seen at 1:05, if you look closely. It sits in the center of the tower, as seen by its recognizable triangular windows. It's also seen in Return of the Jedi on the superstar destroyer.
Not sure if this is official but another difference between the IDS I's and II's is that the II's main battery are made up of those 8-cannon turbolasers (Which you see in SWBF2 and the TIE Fighter short film that Eck always uses), while the I's just have 2 cannon turbolasers, which you can see pretty clearly in Rouge One.
Personally out of all the Star destroyers, the Venator class was the best and most robust. Those ships could take a hit, and compared to their imperial siblings, I’ve always found them to look far more sleep and industrial compared to the later models. Plus, it’s interesting that the Venator is the only mainline class we see with dual bridge configurations.
I can watch the scene of Vader's Imperial I coming out of hyperspace and the Rebel transport smashing into it over and over and over. That is simply a perfect scene to showcase how much of an "immovable object" that the ship is.
You should use the format from the perfect fleet episode to build a fleet from multiple sci-fi universes (Star Wars, Star Trek, Mass Effect, Halo, BSG, etc.)
Great video you missed a few ships: List: Onager class star destroyer which is also a super weapon. Sovereign class super star destroyer. Titan class which a over twice the size of the imperial star destroyer. Legator class dreadnought/star destroyer. Mandatory 3 class star destroyer. Warhammer class star destroyer which a larger version of the imperial class. Predator class star destroyer. Annihilator class dreadnought/star destroyer.
3:38 I think eventually that design became the Praetor 1 Battlecruiser which first showed up in an old Star Wars comic back in the day. The Tector class looks like a Imperial Star Destroyer 1 with no hangars
The Imperial 1 has 3 turrets in front of the box structure under the bridge. The imperial 2 has a large box that does something or other. The imperial 1 also has a visible difference in the front now armor. Pause at: 1:25: OG Imperial 1 with 3 bumps, less armor 2:40: Imperial 2 with 1 bump, more armor. 3:01: Upgraded Imperial 1 with 3 bumps, less armor. Edit: The Imp.1 has a U-shaped secondary hangar(1:10) but the Imp.2 has a square one.(0:52) Edit 2: The Tektor at 3:04 clearly shows the 3- gun setup of the 1.
The difference between the Imperial I and the Imperial II is that the latter makes you piss yourself more. Also, you can distinguish Imp. Is from Imp. IIs in the later 2 OT films by the lack of octuple barbette turbolaser turrets on Imp. Is.
Something funny about the model, is that the two sides if superstructure are not even close being the same. One side have hanger doors on it and the other have turret mount and windows from other model kits.
Harrowers are like 3000+ years older than Imperial Star Destroyers, so I don't see how even 3 of them would win. Technology does actually advance in the universe and I assume shields/turbolasers and hull composition would be much more advanced for an imperial star destroyer. An imperial star destroyer is also twice as long as a Harrower.
The harrowers would have fighter superiority, combined firepower, so they could move into places that would split up the turbo laser fire for the imperial star destroyer
So long as the harrower could briefly survive taking some hits it could get in positions where only a few turbo lasers can hit. Remember 1 harrower has 36 turbo lasers so 3 would have greater firepower of a ISD
You may be right, but like I said before, there hasn't really been any data regarding how turbolaser and shield technology advanced over those 3000 years. What if the imperial star destroyer's turbolasers were strong enough to breach and destroy a single Harrower class's shields and hull in a single barrage? And what if the harrower's turbolasers had but a miniscule effect on the star destroyer's shield?
In the real World a Battlecruiser is Basically a lightly Armoured Battleship Built for speed,It has the same firepower as a Battleship But less armor and a larger Engine and longer hull
video request (if you haven't done so already) about what turbo lasers, laser cannon batteries and ion cannons can do from the lowest to the highest firepower setting. all i remember is that turbo lasers can go from accurately targeting and hitting most ground vehicles to reducing the surface of a planet to molten rock.
The difference between the Victory I and II -class Star Destroyers is actually fairly significant and easy to recognize once you know what to look for. The Victory I had port and starboard concussion missile batteries inside "wings" that opened and closed like S-foils. The Victory II removed these missile batteries entirely, extending the hull in place of the wings and using the space for additional turbolaser and ion cannon power.
As a decades long fan of Star Wars, my understanding is that the Mark1 star destroyer was 1 mile long and was designed mostly for patrol/police work and was used mostly for inta-solar system enforcement duties and to hunt down and capture smugglers and such. To maintain an imperial presence and to control space traffic and remind the populace that the empire was in control. These were the first class built and were built in great numbers because of the need to exert control after the empire took absolute control over the old republic. The Mark2 star destroyers were 2 miles long and were the first galaxy spanning front line battle ships with heavier weapons and a larger fighter contingent. They were designed to go toe-to-toe with with battleships kept by any system that maintained their own military ships and for planetary assault. If Mark 1 ships were in a combat group, they usually were at the fringes to make certain that smaller ships or damaged ships that managed to fight past the Mark 2 and up ships did not escape. I know they have changed things around over the years but that is what the original books said when describing these two classes of ships.
Hey eck, always love the videos. So I got a dumb realization for you... When I was younger I always thought the term star destroyer was used because it sounded evil or something. It wasn't till I was almost 30 that it clicked that a destroyer is a class of warship, and of course they're star ships, sooo therefore star destroyer. It may seem obvious but I had just always been confused why the rebels and both republics would use something broadly classified as star destroyers
Another difference that is hard to tell in most cases between ISD I AND ISD II, is the ISD I has quad turbolasers along the sides, the ISD II is has octuple turbolasers
For your next VS video, or whenever is good for you. I think you should do a UNSC Autumn-class Heavy Cruiser, VS the Battlestar Galactica. I think the similarity in technology between the two franchises' factions would create a very interesting fight.
There are other ways to tell the ISDI and ISDII apart. The turbolaser turret lines near the back have different turbolasers, the trenches have additional big guns on one of them, and the hangar has visible tractor beam projectors on one of them. However, I'm not sure which is which on anything but that first point.
Imperial 1 and 2 are very different, you can notice by the shape of the bridge's tower or the less amount of elements in the trenches and the sides of the towers of the first mentioned
the First Order came up with their own variant of Star Destroyer "the Resurgent-class Battlecruiser", which solves a lot of the Empire's mistakes, Thrawn
Thanks, I was wondering what was the difference between an Imperial and a Victory since the Victory is mentioned in the Tarkin novel, now I know why he compared size of the Victory to the Venator, again THX
Another difference between the two Imperial Star Destroyers is that Imperial 1s have 3 frontal canons just in front of the structure and it also has two radar dish type things on the two front corners of the main hanger.
5:00 this picture shows what looks like Fractalsponge's Interdictor, since that is just a Mon Mothma SD with interdiction spheres, I would assume it is also 1600 meters like the Imperator
note: there were 2 executor class super star destroyers the Executor and Ravager. The Executor was ofc destroyed at the battle of Endor while the Ravager ended up in Jakku's graveyard of giants
ISD1 and ISD2 can always always ALWAYS be told apart by the superstructure. Even when the bridge tower is changed and the three main engines (ISD1s have three "vanes" on each thrust bell) are altered and the turbolasers are retrofitted, the superstructure will distinguish the two.
Its more realistic to assume the same class of ship would have slightly different design features. A real world example would be railroad locomotives, although a particular model is made by the factory, each railroad custom orders different features that make them different even though its the same model specs between the others. Also newer models of the same locomotive has updated features but still not considered a different model. Its interesting working for a railroad and riding the same locomotive but also seeing different variations of it, no one model has standard features for all. I think when mass producing large machinery its impossible to conform to exact design specs especially since parts are made in house and the time it takes to make, updates are usually added after seeing older models field tested like the antenna array for example
I'm sure I saw somewhere that before Vader got his Tie X1 he used to operate an Eta Starfighter (in black and grey colouring) out of a repainted Venator class Star Destroyer. & I think they used to run V-wings out of them too in the early days of the Empire there must be a heck of a lot of Legacy Old Republic stuff that some of which as it was repaired and refitted would also get it's livery changed.. Heck the Venators are pretty darn good ships to keep anyway what with their ability to land and the ability to eject a cloud of Starfighters very quickly they make great pocket carriers - and isn't there versions with an idiotic number of heavy weapons in the bays instead of fighters. They seem just well "Useful" especially on the outer rim against Pirates and for general patrol tasks.. heck perhaps they are still around and doing just that - they are just not in the stories we see as that isn't their role. I like the idea of Imperial livery version of the Arc-170's still being in service too. But as I said they seem practical ships to keep using. ( Just don;t throw them at bigger things in a fleet battle that they'd be ill suited for against anything much heavier). Oh and when ever I watch these sort of videos i'm always shocked how lightly armed Imperial Star Destroyers are - they look big enough to have 200 guns on them not the tiny numbers they have especially the relative lack of point defence weapons is loony. Also close your hanger bays people - seriously - every idiot with a proton Torpedo is going to shoot at the open bays 1st.
Obviously this mess was created when ILM updated the ISD filming model building a larger more detailed one. (the original Devastator model was actually smaller than the Corellian Corvette Tantive IV however i renember something about one of the Star Destroyers seen in TESB had a Imperial-I hull with a Imperial-II tower .. like if they reused ANH filming model and repainted and moded the tower to fit with the new model
Other visual cues to llok for aside from sensor tower... Imperial I has 3 dorsal spine mounted turrets, 2 quad barreled turrets (1 per trench side), 2 ventral turrets, and large dual barrel (3) and single barrel (1) on each side of the command tower. Imperial IIs have none of those but instead have 4 large eight barrel turrets on each side of the command tower.
I believe the actual difference between Imperial I and Imperial II Star Destroyers was that the model for the Imperial Star Destroyer from A New Hope was accidentally destroyed after the movie so they had to build a whole new model for Empire Strikes Back and it ended up with some slight differences. Not sure of the validity of this information though.
Eric Langlois
No, with the expanded budget for the Empire Strikes Back they built a new 8 foot (imperial 2) model. The 3 foot (imperial 1) was still used as background/forced perspective ships and can be seen at 3:01 and 3:20.
This, this is what explains 99% of "mistakes", or slight changes in movies...
Many Lore-nerd: "Why this character had this on a different color, and this that way, and that on the wrong side, it must have a lor reason!"
Me: "The studio fucked up, end of story."
Both models appeared in Empire Strikes back, and maybe in Jedi too. The Imperial 1 was 91 cm by 59 cm, and the Imperial 2 was 259 cm by 144 cm.
Eric Langlois A trainee modelmaker at ILM accidentally spilled his double frappacino on it one day and stained the upper hull
It leaked into the fibre optics and the whole model was ruined
They had to replace the upper section but abandoned that idea when Lucas saw it and went berserk
He ordered a New giant pizza slice floaty ship to be constructed
@@MellowCorn-xs8bn I can't see imperial 1 on your timings
3:05 Fun fact: The Star Destroyer getting blown up in the background is the "Devastator", Vader's former command ship, the same SD that appeared in Rogue One, and in the first scene of ANH
Sad to see it didn't get much recognition
Cite your sources
@@anotherHelldiver Idk a SW lore channel mentioned it in one of its videos ages ago
@@anotherHelldiver Wiki says true.
If this is true, it would make sense symbolically for both of Vader's flagships to immediately face destruction in the scene right after Vader himself is destroyed by Anakin.
Actually there is another way to tell Imperial 1 and 2s apart visualy. The Heavy Turbolaser turrets mounted in rows eside the superstructure are different. The Imperial 1 has dual turrets while the Imperial 2 has octuple turrets.
Both types can be seen in Battlefornt 2 (2017) for example. Most the ISDs i nthat game have the octuple turrets, however Admiral Versio's flagship has the dual turrets.
In the last mission of the main campaign you can get a VERY close look at the guns on Admiral Versio's ISD.
Admiral Versio's ship actually switches between the two die to bad editing/continuity on EA's part.
Yeah i figured that might be the case. My gues is that in the fighter section it uses the same default ISD model as all the others.
ISD1 has quad turrets.
As I believe Eck mentioned in a previous video, the ISD Imperator line is very versatile and could be fitted with an array of different equipment based on captain's preference or mission requirements. While most famously fitted with the highly destructive octuplet barbette turbilasers, some Imperators were also know to make excellent use of heavy ion cannon batteries instead, which is what I believe the dual turrets are, as seen in Rogue One.
Yes! Also Chiss Claw Tie vs Tie Defender.
James Snider id say defender
I reckon Clawcraft. They were extremely fast and manoeuvrable, with decent firepower and shields
The Defender outguns the Clawcraft however and has heavier armour, while still retaining outstanding manouverability
Which clawcraft?
The Imperial Star Destroyers had many... many flaws. I often wish that more focus was put on the carrier focused variants. That would've solved at least some of the flaws of the Tarkin Doctrine.
Grand Admiral Thrawn that's why you should have joined the outer republic
Grand Admiral Thrawn you're not canon.
One Piece isn't rebels canon?
@One Piece Thrawn not canon? Ohh you...deluded laser brain!!!
The Victory-class has a special place in my heart. I like how the wings add to the silhouette and how they are the plucky smaller cousin of the ISD.
Now, I may be getting senile, but I remember a time when ISDs were not atmosphere-capable, meaning that Victories were the sole means of close surface carrier support, adding to their niche of the small, versatile star destroyer.
Merry Christmas and happy life day echarts ladder
iron fett galactic bounty hunter happy life day
iron fett galactic bounty hunter wanna make a benta steak? Just take some benta meat and blue milk
Am i the only one who screams "octuple barbette turbolaser" the whole time?
No, no you wheren't. I noticed that to.
Nope... I'm with you
@@339Jackscarify what
Replicators vs a Unified Star Wars universe (94th try now, *_I._** WILL NEEEEEEVER EEEEEVER GIVE UP!!!)*
Blacklight Virus vs The Flood (76th try now, *I WILL NEEEEEEVER EEEEEEVER GIVE UP EITHER!!!)*
Good luck
Harrower Class Dreadnought VS Venator Class Star Destroyer
Around 100th try! I forgot how many times!
Count the exact amount of times like an absolute savage like me 😤
neever eever.
There actually is a way to tell the ISD I and II apart aside from the sensor tower. And that is the engines. The ISD I's all had 3 large flaps in the main engines where as the II's lacked these.
God. The amount of love and detailing that the people making the first Star Wars film put into those ships is astonishing.
Wookies (Star Wars) vs Brutes (Halo)
He already did that
Heres a link: ua-cam.com/video/v3KR2hqHAlU/v-deo.html
wookies like hands down
Lord Anubis thanks.
Wookies v. Hunters(halo)
Fractal Sponge has wonderful models of most of these Star Destroyers.
Thank you for doing this video on the Star Destroyers. I saw ANH back in 1977 and I love this design of the Imperial I. I'm glad Rogue 1 also used the correct versions of the SD's as well.
Imperial II Star Destroyer was pretty poorly designed. While it was good at doing orbital bombardment and ship to ship combat, it was very fragile when forced to take starfighters. By my calculations, less turbolasers and more point-defence laser cannons, and a bit more carrying capacity would significantly increase its' potential against Rebel Alliance's fleet.
Super Tactical Droid I think additions of anti fighter weaponry would have saved the empire from destruction
Didn't the Empire technicaly build and use Nebulon B's? Those where exelent Anti-starfighter vessals. Alot of wich was stolen by the rebel alliance.
Sad how we never see the empire use those ships. :/
Tactical droid, your programming is faulty. Laser, not Lazer, I suggest you get an update
Admiral Trench I'll do it right away. Thank you.
No problem. With your superior tactical knowledge do you think 3 Harrowers could destroy a Imperial star destroyer
His intro song is called "HOME - Resonance"
-Merry Christmas- Happy Life Day to you too Eckhart
The Imperial 1 Studio models sensor tower was modified to look like an imperial 2, you can still tell which is which in ESB and ROTJ by the main guns, the quad turbolasers in the trench and the tabs on the engine bells.
It got used mostly for forced perspective shots in ESB and ROTJ.
Just got the notification
Spaceman Logan I got it right now... I Subbed yesterday...
The thing at the top is not the "bridge." it's some kind of sensor array. The command bridge can be seen at 1:05, if you look closely. It sits in the center of the tower, as seen by its recognizable triangular windows. It's also seen in Return of the Jedi on the superstar destroyer.
As always, love your vids and keep up the good work man
Have a merry Christmas eckhart
Merry Christmas eckhart
Not sure if this is official but another difference between the IDS I's and II's is that the II's main battery are made up of those 8-cannon turbolasers (Which you see in SWBF2 and the TIE Fighter short film that Eck always uses), while the I's just have 2 cannon turbolasers, which you can see pretty clearly in Rouge One.
I just discovered your channel and I'm absolutely loving it you got a new sub!
Man I love the Venator class! It's so freaking good looking!
Damn I love Imperial Ship designs!
P.s. Great video and explanation!
150 Super Star Destroyers (star wars) vs Harvester Mothership (Independence Day: Resurgence)
Oh dear lord. XD
thrown an eclipse in there for good measure.
Sentient beings will almost always win against Hiveminds
Ghost Not sure about that. Hiveminds act selfless and in perfect teamwork.
楽 楽 hive minds lack the flexibility and multitasking ability of cooperating individual minds
3 or 4 viscount star defenders vs the supremacy mega sd
Darth Revan Viscounts win
+Der Katalysator I agree
EckhartsLadder here ya go. One eclipse class star dreadnaught vs the supremacy
Mike7998 Eclipse
Mike7998 Mate, Eclipse rekts any ship in Star Wars
Chimaera + thrawn's fleet in the end of rebels season 3(thrawn's ISD 2) Vs The Pride of the core (mandator 2)
Personally out of all the Star destroyers, the Venator class was the best and most robust. Those ships could take a hit, and compared to their imperial siblings, I’ve always found them to look far more sleep and industrial compared to the later models. Plus, it’s interesting that the Venator is the only mainline class we see with dual bridge configurations.
Good video!!! Merry Christmas and happy New year to everyone
I can watch the scene of Vader's Imperial I coming out of hyperspace and the Rebel transport smashing into it over and over and over. That is simply a perfect scene to showcase how much of an "immovable object" that the ship is.
Love your videos there so enjoyable. Hope you have a Happy Christmas too!!!
Merry Christmas and for the emperor!
Great video on by far my favourite ship
The Sarcastic Raptor which one?
I would say the Imperial ISD 2 or the standard Super star destroyer such as the Executor :)
You should use the format from the perfect fleet episode to build a fleet from multiple sci-fi universes (Star Wars, Star Trek, Mass Effect, Halo, BSG, etc.)
Merry Christmas my dude :)
Great video you missed a few ships:
Onager class star destroyer which is also a super weapon.
Sovereign class super star destroyer.
Titan class which a over twice the size of the imperial star destroyer.
Legator class dreadnought/star destroyer.
Mandatory 3 class star destroyer.
Warhammer class star destroyer which a larger version of the imperial class.
Predator class star destroyer.
Annihilator class dreadnought/star destroyer.
Thanks Eck!
Happy Holidays!
3:38 I think eventually that design became the Praetor 1 Battlecruiser which first showed up in an old Star Wars comic back in the day.
The Tector class looks like a Imperial Star Destroyer 1 with no hangars
I think the Venator certainly counts as an Imperial Star Destroyer, even if it was phased out quickly.
Merry Christmas, Eck!
The Imperial 1 has 3 turrets in front of the box structure under the bridge.
The imperial 2 has a large box that does something or other.
The imperial 1 also has a visible difference in the front now armor.
Pause at:
1:25: OG Imperial 1 with 3 bumps, less armor
2:40: Imperial 2 with 1 bump, more armor.
3:01: Upgraded Imperial 1 with 3 bumps, less armor.
Edit: The Imp.1 has a U-shaped secondary hangar(1:10) but the Imp.2 has a square one.(0:52)
Edit 2: The Tektor at 3:04 clearly shows the 3- gun setup of the 1.
The CIS Fleet at the Battle of Coruscant vs The Covenant Fleet at High Charity
Merry Sithmas and a happy Naboo year!
The difference between the Imperial I and the Imperial II is that the latter makes you piss yourself more.
Also, you can distinguish Imp. Is from Imp. IIs in the later 2 OT films by the lack of octuple barbette turbolaser turrets on Imp. Is.
You should really think about getting a discord soon!! 🤗
Something funny about the model, is that the two sides if superstructure are not even close being the same. One side have hanger doors on it and the other have turret mount and windows from other model kits.
Behemoth Battlecruiser vs Venator Star Destroyer
Genestealer vs Flood Pure form vs Hydralisk vs Necromorph Brute vs Typhon Nightmare
Thank you for doing this video and great video.
E-Wing (Star Wars) vs Valkyrie class Orca variant(Star Trek)
2 Harrower Dreadnaught vs Imperial Star Destroyer
Kenneth Kates three harrowers might be more fair
Harrowers are like 3000+ years older than Imperial Star Destroyers, so I don't see how even 3 of them would win. Technology does actually advance in the universe and I assume shields/turbolasers and hull composition would be much more advanced for an imperial star destroyer. An imperial star destroyer is also twice as long as a Harrower.
The harrowers would have fighter superiority, combined firepower, so they could move into places that would split up the turbo laser fire for the imperial star destroyer
So long as the harrower could briefly survive taking some hits it could get in positions where only a few turbo lasers can hit. Remember 1 harrower has 36 turbo lasers so 3 would have greater firepower of a ISD
You may be right, but like I said before, there hasn't really been any data regarding how turbolaser and shield technology advanced over those 3000 years. What if the imperial star destroyer's turbolasers were strong enough to breach and destroy a single Harrower class's shields and hull in a single barrage? And what if the harrower's turbolasers had but a miniscule effect on the star destroyer's shield?
Thunderbolt Starfury from Babylon 5 vs the Sabre from Halo Reach. Earth Alliance from Babylon 5 vs the UNSC from Halo.
I would point out that Venator would also count as an Imperial Star Destroyer since the Empire still used those after forming.
Militia Pilot (Titanfall 2) vs Spartan-IV (Halo 5)
In the real World a Battlecruiser is Basically a lightly Armoured Battleship Built for speed,It has the same firepower as a Battleship But less armor and a larger Engine and longer hull
Take a shot every time Eck says Star Destroyer.
Can Reach or Coruscant survive a Zerg invasion
+Kenneth Kates I'm going to say no considering nobody there even including the Spartans can handle _that_ many Zerg
Kenneth Kates Nah
Kenneth Kates no, but the WH40K Imperium of man can :P
video request (if you haven't done so already) about what turbo lasers, laser cannon batteries and ion cannons can do from the lowest to the highest firepower setting. all i remember is that turbo lasers can go from accurately targeting and hitting most ground vehicles to reducing the surface of a planet to molten rock.
Intro song is Resonance by Home if anyone is curious
interesting that a canon SD came about as a result of a filming error. Resourceful.
This makes me really want to see someone animate a battle between the Galactic Empire's navy and the Imperial Navy of the Imperium of Man.
Merry Christmas to you to
Battlecruisers are between heavy cruiser and battleship. Its got basicly the guns of a battleship, but lack the armor, it makes up for that in speed
The difference between the Victory I and II -class Star Destroyers is actually fairly significant and easy to recognize once you know what to look for. The Victory I had port and starboard concussion missile batteries inside "wings" that opened and closed like S-foils. The Victory II removed these missile batteries entirely, extending the hull in place of the wings and using the space for additional turbolaser and ion cannon power.
Arquientens class light cruiser covenant light cruiser (300 m)
You should do a top 10 most valuable sw planets
As a decades long fan of Star Wars, my understanding is that the Mark1 star destroyer was 1 mile long and was designed mostly for patrol/police work and was used mostly for inta-solar system enforcement duties and to hunt down and capture smugglers and such. To maintain an imperial presence and to control space traffic and remind the populace that the empire was in control. These were the first class built and were built in great numbers because of the need to exert control after the empire took absolute control over the old republic.
The Mark2 star destroyers were 2 miles long and were the first galaxy spanning front line battle ships with heavier weapons and a larger fighter contingent. They were designed to go toe-to-toe with with battleships kept by any system that maintained their own military ships and for planetary assault. If Mark 1 ships were in a combat group, they usually were at the fringes to make certain that smaller ships or damaged ships that managed to fight past the Mark 2 and up ships did not escape.
I know they have changed things around over the years but that is what the original books said when describing these two classes of ships.
You missed it by 2 days for me but, it doesn’t matter! Merry Christmas!
Hey eck, always love the videos. So I got a dumb realization for you... When I was younger I always thought the term star destroyer was used because it sounded evil or something. It wasn't till I was almost 30 that it clicked that a destroyer is a class of warship, and of course they're star ships, sooo therefore star destroyer. It may seem obvious but I had just always been confused why the rebels and both republics would use something broadly classified as star destroyers
+chris johnson to be fair I think it's a bit of both
Could we have a video on the legacy era ships, as in either new republic era or the times of Cade Skywalker? A video on each would be amazing
A. All types of UNSC ships
B. All types of Covenant ships
Another difference that is hard to tell in most cases between ISD I AND ISD II, is the ISD I has quad turbolasers along the sides, the ISD II is has octuple turbolasers
Rip Carrie Fisher
The Imperial Class just looks so cool. Despite its design flaws
For your next VS video, or whenever is good for you. I think you should do a UNSC Autumn-class Heavy Cruiser, VS the Battlestar Galactica. I think the similarity in technology between the two franchises' factions would create a very interesting fight.
There are other ways to tell the ISDI and ISDII apart. The turbolaser turret lines near the back have different turbolasers, the trenches have additional big guns on one of them, and the hangar has visible tractor beam projectors on one of them. However, I'm not sure which is which on anything but that first point.
Imperial 1 and 2 are very different, you can notice by the shape of the bridge's tower or the less amount of elements in the trenches and the sides of the towers of the first mentioned
the First Order came up with their own variant of Star Destroyer "the Resurgent-class Battlecruiser", which solves a lot of the Empire's mistakes, Thrawn
Thanks, I was wondering what was the difference between an Imperial and a Victory since the Victory is mentioned in the Tarkin novel, now I know why he compared size of the Victory to the Venator, again THX
Mandator 4 vs bellator dreadnought
Happy light day
Another difference between the two Imperial Star Destroyers is that Imperial 1s have 3 frontal canons just in front of the structure and it also has two radar dish type things on the two front corners of the main hanger.
every type of tie ships is an idea for a future video
5:00 this picture shows what looks like Fractalsponge's Interdictor,
since that is just a Mon Mothma SD with interdiction spheres, I would assume it is also 1600 meters like the Imperator
note: there were 2 executor class super star destroyers the Executor and Ravager. The Executor was ofc destroyed at the battle of Endor while the Ravager ended up in Jakku's graveyard of giants
I assume that a video with the republic will arrive soon.
By the way, Matrix machines meet the CIS.
That would be interesting.
ISD1 and ISD2 can always always ALWAYS be told apart by the superstructure. Even when the bridge tower is changed and the three main engines (ISD1s have three "vanes" on each thrust bell) are altered and the turbolasers are retrofitted, the superstructure will distinguish the two.
Merry Christmas to all of you!
what about the Vengeance class SSD (presuming class name), e.g. the one used by Jerec from Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight?
Its more realistic to assume the same class of ship would have slightly different design features. A real world example would be railroad locomotives, although a particular model is made by the factory, each railroad custom orders different features that make them different even though its the same model specs between the others. Also newer models of the same locomotive has updated features but still not considered a different model. Its interesting working for a railroad and riding the same locomotive but also seeing different variations of it, no one model has standard features for all. I think when mass producing large machinery its impossible to conform to exact design specs especially since parts are made in house and the time it takes to make, updates are usually added after seeing older models field tested like the antenna array for example
Merry Christmas, Eckhart. Could your next versus video be an AAT (Trade Federation) vs. Type 26 Wraith (Halo)?
I'm sure I saw somewhere that before Vader got his Tie X1 he used to operate an Eta Starfighter (in black and grey colouring) out of a repainted Venator class Star Destroyer. & I think they used to run V-wings out of them too in the early days of the Empire there must be a heck of a lot of Legacy Old Republic stuff that some of which as it was repaired and refitted would also get it's livery changed.. Heck the Venators are pretty darn good ships to keep anyway what with their ability to land and the ability to eject a cloud of Starfighters very quickly they make great pocket carriers - and isn't there versions with an idiotic number of heavy weapons in the bays instead of fighters. They seem just well "Useful" especially on the outer rim against Pirates and for general patrol tasks.. heck perhaps they are still around and doing just that - they are just not in the stories we see as that isn't their role.
I like the idea of Imperial livery version of the Arc-170's still being in service too. But as I said they seem practical ships to keep using. ( Just don;t throw them at bigger things in a fleet battle that they'd be ill suited for against anything much heavier).
Oh and when ever I watch these sort of videos i'm always shocked how lightly armed Imperial Star Destroyers are - they look big enough to have 200 guns on them not the tiny numbers they have especially the relative lack of point defence weapons is loony.
Also close your hanger bays people - seriously - every idiot with a proton Torpedo is going to shoot at the open bays 1st.
Video idea. The force vs. Biotics from mass effect
Obviously this mess was created when ILM updated the ISD filming model building a larger more detailed one. (the original Devastator model was actually smaller than the Corellian Corvette Tantive IV
however i renember something about one of the Star Destroyers seen in TESB had a Imperial-I hull with a Imperial-II tower .. like if they reused ANH filming model and repainted and moded the tower to fit with the new model
merry christmas
may the dark side be with you :3
Tectors, interdictor star destroyers and Praters are my favorite imp ships
Other visual cues to llok for aside from sensor tower...
Imperial I has 3 dorsal spine mounted turrets, 2 quad barreled turrets (1 per trench side), 2 ventral turrets, and large dual barrel (3) and single barrel (1) on each side of the command tower. Imperial IIs have none of those but instead have 4 large eight barrel turrets on each side of the command tower.