"Though he was invisible for 500 or so years, a curse of lonely proportions to be sure he is now visable due to the shifting moon pattern." Boom stupid player, eah, thing dealt with. Yes you can do pretty much anything... but I as DM reserve the right to keep the game on track and that permanently invisible crap does not work!
Aabria: I can’t believe I get to DM for Critical Role. Critical Role: Oh No Plateau, and Ash Hole, in the same episode. And the Crocodile flipper. And…
@@Regfife there was a necromancer who made a comment such as watch out for dead. Which everyone in the party replaced with being out your dead, as we were all familiar with the Monty python skit.
To be fair there's a chance it was either a low-level damaging spell, a harmless cantrip, or an illusory spell making the child think he was on fire. Either one of these cases would lead to the child, (whose hp must be lower than a level 2 Sorcerer's max :P ), being fine.
@@Heavenlyhounds96 ignoring of course that she took a small child and either lit them on fucking fire, or made them think that they were on fire, which is hideously brutal or dickishly cunning, depending.
"Okaay...you're permanently invisible...and you have been for FIVE. HUNDRED. YEARS...in consideration of this, I declare that your character has also acquired another trait." "Telepathy? Divination? True Sight?" "Dementia."
uncontrollable bowels since he no longer needs to go in a private place and sometimes some meaticks have been up his ass while trying to use urinals, perks of him being invisible
@@reiman1308 At the end of the Covenant Wars they were all given semi-immortality (won't die normaly but can be killed) after becoming demi-gods as a reward from a god of law.
When the guy who bullshit their 500 year old character into being permanently invisible and unnoticeable is only the second most annoying guy in party.
@@bthsr7113 the rogue probably did the LEAST amount of chaos. I mean, trying to con a bunch of kids out of their lunch money? That's completely in-character and would fit in in any campaign that takes place at a school. The druid set children on fire.
I literally had a campaign that I called “When the Paladin’s away the Cats will play.” Went through 3 paladins (3 separate players) and each time a Paladin couldn’t make it to a session the Catfolk characters did shenanigans. Like accidentally going to the plane of fire.
Sigilstone17 Paladin: “Don’t do anything stupid while I’m gone...” Fighter: “So what do you guys wanna do?” Rouge: I don’t know... let’s do something stupid!”
Engage plan MURDERHOBO. KEWL,look thru thier stuff quick, before the Paladin gets back ! 😉😯 These guys were like this when we found them !-roll bluff ck
At first I thought the monk wasn’t actually invisible, but he just annoyed everyone so much that they collectively decided to ignore him. I was disappointed when I found this wasn’t the case.
There's a facinating Twilight Zone episode about a "Mark of Banishment/ invisibility" that is placed on ' non- conforming offenders'. Those bearing the mark cannot be aknowledged as present or existing.. total social ostracization
Me as a GM: Sure, you're permanently invisible GM Notes: Character believes himself to be invisible, is not actually invisible, people just ignored him
And by intangible I mean. It flares up so bad he kind of doesn't exist at the time. Like he can't communicate. He can do recon, find things out, but oh dear. He's drifted off into another dimension so someone else will have to redo the job. Oh look a high level minotaur. Shadow Monk could solo him, but oh no, his illness has flared up after making his first blow, now the creature is pissed and he can't do anything but watch as the party now has to flee or be brutally slaughtered by a creature they could have otherwise tried to sneak past.
I would give him advantage on stealth+SOH checks but disavantage in everything thats related to people seeing him (intimidation, persuasion etc...). He's not invisible,He's just not noticeable or interesting AT ALL. Basically kuroko...
@@smartart6841 I believe even regular Samurai participated in a tradition called Crossroad Killing where they would test a new sword by killing a human opponent, usually a defenseless peasant traveling at night.
I know how you feel about that "Where the Wild Things Are" joke, I once made the mistake of calling a dagger "perfectly balanced" and two players responded in near perfect unison "as all things should be."
One my fellow dnd players and I freaked out when our DM mentioned someone leading us towards an Obelisk. We immediately were like "this is where we all die" and "lets not knock it over." Yeah.... it turns out it was used to open a door to a dungeon. Anyways after everything that followed THAT we all hate the person who sent us on that mission.
@@toddlafrance4521 "so..he shot himself...? Yep! 24 times in the chest and the back? Aha! before falling down the stares? Yup! and then died while trying to run away after having gotten shot..by himself and falling down the stairs...? How many times do I have to say yes Jeez!"
"Oh, look at that druid. She is so cute and adorable! We completely trust her." LITERALLY one minutes later: "OUr druid set one of the kids on fire." Well, that escalated quickly
I had players successfully pull this off... once. And only once. I actually had to dial back the bounty reward because it would have been way too much cash to give the players. I explained part of the reward money was swallowed up in taxes, fees and other bureaucratic BS, which they bought. :D
We're doing this in our current campaign, except that we're all innocent, got framed, and are now awaiting execution, unless the new player's warlock (who joined after the whole getting framed thing) manages to talk to the city's lord... Edit: oh i forgot to mention, the Lord was the one who actually commited the murder and framed us...
I did something like this in a pretty tricky way. They collected the reward 3 times by 3 different members, the villagers unaware they were connected. Then they needed to get through a mountain pass, but OOPS, look at that! It's been sealed! With no money to pay for security, the guards were dismissed and the decision to prevent anything else from coming through was made. They blew up the entrance! Time to go around! Doubling the hurt, I brought up I'd had a side quest tomb raid planned, but they exchanged the possibility of getting a magic weapon (which no one had yet) for plain raw coinage. There were no purchaseable weapons at the previous town or next two upcoming towns, either. They luckily only rolled two physical immune encounters before then, but both were the hardest fights of the campaign _since only one character out of five could do damage!_ Everyone else was just a glorified meat shield.
Invisibility thing aside, it does make some degree of sense that he could use his old character: - He'd still be around, as he doesn't age. - Given that he saved the multi-verse, it would also make sense that his job as an adventurer was done, and his skills became forgotten and abilities atrophied from disuse, so he could be lv1 again. - As for his things, easy, he misplaced them over the course of 500+ years.
I'd probably have the character pursue a different class. How fast the character picks things up is easily explained as 'well there is some carry over.' but needing to work up from first level is also covered by 'I never did this before.' So, dex focused fighter, rogue, what have you instead of Monk. Leave it open for the DM to whip out "Yeah, you either go back to the old ways or everyone of their deaths is on your hands." to prevent a TPK. (Come up with a handwave like 'Ki backlash' for why your back to normal stats from then on as needed.)
I feel like this campaign is gonna be a train wreck to some degree. You basically have one character-technically still a demigod if the last campaign holds up in this world, who gave their character an op feature; and another character that more or less became a psychopath, in the span of a few minutes. I'm honestly waiting to either hear that the samurai gets an alignment shift to Evil and/or the paladin just has enough of the samurai's antics that they decide to PK.
@@SporeTres I feel it's more chaotic evil, Neutral evil, you should at least have a plan other than solving every situation with threats of violence or graduate to Massive violence.
My options would've been A, If I denounce them as possible allies am I free of associative charges? B, I told them to stay put while I get this warrant shows Warrant so I am not guilty of THEIR actions, do as you please. C, everyone but the samurai; he's kookier than a worshiper of Ralishaz* *Deity of insanity.
I think it's actually a standard spell! (Either that or it's a Lord Flashheart reference - "Am I pleased to see you, or did I just put a canoe in my pocket?"
Character is so sneaky that he is permanently invisible. Could easily just stealth past the teachers. Instead starts knocking them out and breaking walls with a boat.
The player switched his character to Shredder? You should make a houserule: If you change your character during the session, you can only switch it to Chadwick Strongpants.
Honestly tho, changing to shredder isnt really a big deal since the samurai was alrdy basically a villain and the guy playing the baron probably didnt want to play a villain. Also nothing actually happened during the campaign so switch all you want.
Yeah! There's plenty of stories about paladins that behave closer to the samurai than to her, so it's refreshing to see Lawful Good played as intended.
I got a new group recently. They decided to try break into a church... a church that was open to the public... they were climbing on the roof and sneaking around in a public place for no reason... and tried to steal healing scrolls... which were free giveaways anyway from the church as most of the church was run by clerics anyway... Some new groups are just so excited to get to the action that they create crazy scenarios for the hell of it.
Question, did you explicitly note to them that it was freely open and available? One thing I've noticed with running games is its easy to assume something is a given, as a DM, but the players misinterpret because they're lacking sufficient context. For example, I once set up a scenario where the players had to head off a cult wanting to steal the body of a saint from the monument where it was interred. I had to explain to the party that, during the day, the monument was open to the public so they were free to poke around and set up their surveillance because they weren't going inside.
The real question is Is the fighter still sitting in that tower paralyzed to this day unable to do anything but think about his life and the choices that led him up to this point
It would be cool if the whole campaign turned into a manhunt where all the players are trying to track down the samurai as he makes his moves in secret slowly making more erratic decisions leaving a trail of chaos in each town he visits as the bounty constantly increases. It seems all the character motivation is there (from what I've seen). The paladin wants justice and the thief wants money. not sure what the other 3 want but hey I'm just thinking out loud here. edit: Spelling
I mean, it would also allow the Samurai to continue to control his own character. There would still be an overarching story and villain... but the Samurai would be like a side thing that would add to it.
Yeah, seems like a great way to take the campaign. The Samurai slowly starts to acquire greater and greater power while on the run and hits up even more towns for quick cash. Then, as he starts to become infamous and acquire a gang, he prepares to make a stand against his old comrades. It is at this point that the big bad approaches the samurai with an offer: become my underling and I'll give you the power to have your revenge. It is at this point that his lair becomes a no man's land, filled with explosives, firing lines, formations, and more, as the samurai waits in the throne room as some type of underling to the big bad as a season finale to a campaign before a break.
@@somerandomdude5638 , that's definitely the way to take it if the campaign takes a more humorous and light direction. The DM will have to gauge what to do based on the feelings of the group. Regardless, this is an excellent plot thread that can go in a number of fun directions.
If the Samurai Player got another character, the Samurai can always come back as a foe of the party. Just reaching new levels of derangement whenever they meet him again.
I mean from what i understand of the events, Will just had a very bad first time with Ttrpgs and so didn't like them, but it obviously grew on him after he got into dnd
Ben: Alright, their going to get into this school and get out. Nice, simple, and all around fool proof. Samurai: I'ma 'bout to end this man's whole DMing Career.
7:17 reminds me of a moment from my Curse of Strahd campaign. Our party had just met Stella, a teenage girl who was cursed into thinking she was a cat. Our druid was crawling around on the floor meowing back at her and our monk was waving a dead frog on a stick. The rogue was just awkwardly standing there with Stella’s mother, Fiona, and said that they didn’t really know the rest of the party that well when Fiona asked what was wrong with the druid and monk.
I was expecting the "fire the gun upwards" fiasco to lead to the DM saying "this school is multiple stories high, you just shot a random kid on the 2nd floor"
I had a similar? Situation where I was doing a "just about anything goes" campaign for laughs... And one of my players, on the first session that his character gets introduced... decided it was a good idea to shoot a police officer. Not one that was attacking the party, literally a police officer asking a party member some questions. His shots almost hit the party, and struck two police officers, about 30ft from the police station. A firefight ensued where the police officers chased him around town until he eventually died. The rest of the party either ran or hid. It was a shitshow. Just to add the icing on the cake, the character was a demonic version of Po from the teletubbies...
ironically enough that sounds like how samurai acted during the crazy Japanese civil war era lols "listen mate you cant get that sweet loot or promotions if you dont keep stacking enemy heads"
This is why as a DM I require ALL characters be finished and turned into me BEFORE the first session. And all mechanical stats, powers, effects, etc be cleared before being written into backstories. LOL
Mad Hatters in jeans Oh well one-shots are a totally different beast. Most of my players don’t wanna even make characters for them, preferring pre-gens. I was obviously referring to campaigns...and the fact my players have destroyed my trust 😂
"I guess you could say-" "Don't you dare!" "We're looking for-" "DON'T YOU DARE!" "Where the Wild Things are?!" You mean. . . You DIDN'T intend this from the beginning? . . . That's weird.
I agree with you, Micolino9878. Ben should have seen this coming. As soon as I heard him say the “Wild Things”, my brain immediately went to that book.
I think it's an issue where as DMs when we are working on a campaign we tend to pull from our subconscious far more often than we should, NOT FREAKING REMEMBERING HOW THAT BASTARD IS, about dragging existing crap up that already exist! Yes I might have a problem with this from time to time.... I might have also started cursing my subconscious and calling it "that bastard" for doing so. I may have recreated the brothers from boondock saints as two NPC halfling brothers seeking revenge against the local gangs, late night hoping to clean up their city from the bigger gang heads. One of them even carried like two hundred feet of rope. I fucking did the rope gag and still didn't register till my wife called it out. W: "That's the MacManus bros from Boondock Saints" M: "no, I just thought these two up a week ago prepping for this session" W: yes, yes it is and the one even has a shit load of rope he tried to push on the rest of the group" M:*sweating* "no I swear" W:***glare*** M: "gods damn it I did it again didn't I?"
@@TheKidnappedOne Hey, the Boondock Saints are just telling the truth about rope. I've made sure my D&D characters have had plenty of rope years before the movie came out. It is one of the staples of good adventuring.
@@CCaseyTnT Nope. They only used dead bodies. Still amazes me on why people keep believing this. You've got. Free. Workers. There is literally no advantage in killing peasants that have to create income for you. Even the dumbest barbarian got this. But yea, some still were huge pricks, just like some european knights. Very dishonourabru dispray.
You should read up on samurai history. Not even close to the most dishonorable things a samurai can do (without losing title). I mean at least he didn't just murder a student casually just to test his iaijitsu skills.
also, not sure if it was intentional on Ben's part, but: "What dou you mean 'you lost the mourneblade'?" "What do you mean 'you're permanently invisible'?"
You know, the permanently invisible shadow monk, feels like a good training description for teaching new DMs when they should recognize it’s time to say “no” to their players.
@@Teixas666 tbh i doubt Will used the invisibility at all,i think he just made it to: 1:mess with Ben (and i mean,fair,Ben is questionable at times) And/or 2:just do it bc he thought it was cool
"I am different. I've gone through a lot of character development. I'm wearing a hat now!" Not gonna lie, that line got me an 80% on an essay. Thank you Puffin.
The thought of a session where the characters are filling out paperwork is immensely hilarious to me. 🤣 "I get the forms and begin filling them out." "Roll a Survival check, please." "Uhhh ... 4." "You don't have a pen."
That Samurai is clearly Chaotic Evil! Party killing, murder-hoboing, and school shooting! Rewriting him into an enemy would be the only way to keep the character involved.
yep, as a disturbance to other party members and story in general, in my game he would immediately have a hit on his head. I would probably get the rest of the party to hunt him down and kill him for the money. He shouldn't even be mad seeing that he is playing an evil character in a party of HEROs.
@Joeseph Moore Michelle. In an earlier video, the same character archetype and model is used as michelle, and their player has the same model and name as his brother.
@@xxxdumbwordstupidnumberxxx4844 He might just be saying 'gotcha' as in 'I now get what you mean' Though I don't know if this is just a fun jab or what-not, since I find it hard to understand sarcasm on the internet.
My response to the "permanently invisible" claim: "You _were,_ but you aren't any more. As you think on the miracle of the end of your permanent stealth you realize that somehow, overnight, you lost levels gained in your previous campaign and are now the same level as the rest of the party; congrats, if you need to adjust your stats to match the rest of the party do so now."
I absolutely love that the "permanently invisible" character decides the only way for them to break into the boarding school, is by knocking out teachers & students w/a boat, that they then use to breakthrough a wall! That's pure gold & something I would totally do 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 That & my Shifter Rogue would also totally pretend to be a student that cons kids out of their money 😉😋
My guess is the only reason he let Will get away with it is because Puffin knows Will doesn't know just how much he can abuse invisibility as a mechanic, instead of just a fun roleplay feature/gag.
@@WaveShock007 my own DM.EXE has crashed moment happened just a while ago. It was a kind of cross-over event that wasn't intended to happen, but essentially I had two games running in the same timeline in the same world: a 'normal' game, and a gangsters themed one. The gangsters had captured a business partner to one of the PCs in the 'normal' game, and were holding him hostage in a Forcecage. Two characters from the main game squared off in a cavern deep underground against two characters from the gangsters game, and eventually it looked like the main characters would win. And then the bard of whispers said: "I cast Earthquake!" *DM.EXE has crashed!* It ultimately resulted in our main characters surviving, though, because it only collapsed part of the cavern and the main characters were smart enough to stand near the forcecage and use it to shield themselves from some of the rock fall, while the gangsters...well...weren't so lucky.
Atleast you have one player that isnt a total murder hobo. I'd have dm'd it that the samurai got gunned down and I'd have just down right said no to that permanent invisibility bs
so wait, you had a party with what i'm assuming at this point was a chaotic evil samurai, and a lawful good paladin? and you did'nt think to check their sheets before hand??? also, when the player said his character was permanently invisible, i'm surprised you did'nt just say his character is insane now from 500 years of loneliness.
Naw, I'm betting you that Samurai player wrote anything other than 'evil' in their alignment. Heck, it's probably at least Lawful Neutral. Just because it's on the sheet doesn't mean the player is going to play it.
My solution to BS from players like "I'm permanently invisible!" is killing them in BS ways. Like, "a stray arrow crits you in the eye!". Perfectly balanced and all that.
My favorite line: "A hat does not count as character development!!! ...It does in anime...but not here..."
(rian johnson and David Benioff take notes furiously)
*Robert E.O. Speedwagon liked this post*
for me It was "wait I know I can make this work for them"
But Final Fantasy 8, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turttles are just fine. Nope, no bias here.
Sounds like a thinly veiled jab at Speedwagon
I would have just said "His character thinks he is invisible, but he is just really annoying so people ignore him."
Perfect 😎👍🏻
I would say due to his invisibility, he cant hurt people they dont seem to acknowledge his presence when he whacks them with a sail boat
Indeed, invisibility is one of those details that tends to disrupt plot lines severely, so should have prior GM approval.
Vashy434 it would have been hilarious if the GM would have decided this, but only told every player but the one playing the character.
"Though he was invisible for 500 or so years, a curse of lonely proportions to be sure he is now visable due to the shifting moon pattern."
Boom stupid player, eah, thing dealt with. Yes you can do pretty much anything... but I as DM reserve the right to keep the game on track and that permanently invisible crap does not work!
Will’s development from “I’m not going to play” to “I’ve been invisible for 500 years” is incredible
lmao will went through more character development then his character 🎩
That’s character development
Will gave up and embraced 'the Sadness'
@@matthewweng8483holy crap somebody said it.
More likely will realized how much fun he could have effing with his brother in game.
So...he's still alive. That means there's at least one person who can still tell the story of how they got the name "The Turtle F*ckers"
Who? Are you talking about the Turtle Friends?
They are all alive. They dont age.
@@Banksran the marvelous turtle fu&*ers!
Why didnt mischelle use cocaine,didnt he learn that cocaine solves everything.
"I was too busy handling the child hostage negotiation to pay attention."
The upside to a trainwreck like this is beautiful sentences like that one.
GreatFox42 Hostage negotiation is cool but have you took your joy today?
Best I've gotten to say is "No, you cannot punch the Death Star to death." to a player.
can i hear that story
GreatFox42 Well I’m pretty sure someone in a Star Wars game flew up to the Death Star and asked if he could punch it to death
I'm sure bu t I was hoping there was a reason a player would ask that.
"I have no one to blame but myself for this" - Every DM that has ever lived.
I felt that. It usually comes after two sesions of a "sure, why not?"
Yeah my dm felt like that when he walked right into a Monty python bring out your dead joke.
Aabria: I can’t believe I get to DM for Critical Role.
Critical Role: Oh No Plateau, and Ash Hole, in the same episode. And the Crocodile flipper. And…
@@cosmoniums5990 How did they pull THAT off?
@@Regfife there was a necromancer who made a comment such as watch out for dead. Which everyone in the party replaced with being out your dead, as we were all familiar with the Monty python skit.
Paladin: Ok idiots! Not you Druid, you're a sweetheart and we all love you.
Druid: I set a child on fire!
With a smile so adorable you pat them on the head and tell them good job. ^-^
@@C0medySeniorz *Sweetheart
She's sweet, not sweaty.
To be fair there's a chance it was either a low-level damaging spell, a harmless cantrip, or an illusory spell making the child think he was on fire.
Either one of these cases would lead to the child, (whose hp must be lower than a level 2 Sorcerer's max :P ), being fine.
@@Heavenlyhounds96 ignoring of course that she took a small child and either lit them on fucking fire, or made them think that they were on fire, which is hideously brutal or dickishly cunning, depending.
"Okaay...you're permanently invisible...and you have been for FIVE. HUNDRED. YEARS...in consideration of this, I declare that your character has also acquired another trait."
"Telepathy? Divination? True Sight?"
uncontrollable bowels since he no longer needs to go in a private place and sometimes some meaticks have been up his ass while trying to use urinals, perks of him being invisible
He should've told him that his character was now permanently blind (since his retinas were now invisible too). =)
James Anthony that sounds like an actually interesting character if played right
@@jamesanthony8438 uh- I... Uhh... wow, gg.
@@jamesanthony8438 brilliant idea.
Permanently invisible
Still takes out teachers so they don't see him
I would have said no to the idea all together. Also, how did the Monk survive for that long?
@@reiman1308 At the end of the Covenant Wars they were all given semi-immortality (won't die normaly but can be killed) after becoming demi-gods as a reward from a god of law.
My guess is that Will just wanted invisibility for flavor instead of using it for practical uses.
but that means he can blame it on the haunted boat.
When the guy who bullshit their 500 year old character into being permanently invisible and unnoticeable is only the second most annoying guy in party.
Yea, he also happend to be his Brother, and he did bulid this character to be useless since thats what he wanted to play
He quite specifically didn't want to play
3 most annoying with the rogue trying to con the kids and the law enforcement system.
@@bthsr7113 the rogue probably did the LEAST amount of chaos.
I mean, trying to con a bunch of kids out of their lunch money? That's completely in-character and would fit in in any campaign that takes place at a school.
The druid set children on fire.
@@MasterCookies Out of curiosity, how do you know that? Were you a player in the campaign?
"Sweet, the paladin left. Time to do what we do best!" - PF's group, everytime
EVERY TIME I turn around the party does just that!
I literally had a campaign that I called “When the Paladin’s away the Cats will play.” Went through 3 paladins (3 separate players) and each time a Paladin couldn’t make it to a session the Catfolk characters did shenanigans. Like accidentally going to the plane of fire.
@@ZoeKitten84 That sounds amazing
Paladin: “Don’t do anything stupid while I’m gone...”
Fighter: “So what do you guys wanna do?”
Rouge: I don’t know... let’s do something stupid!”
Engage plan MURDERHOBO. KEWL,look thru thier stuff quick, before the Paladin gets back ! 😉😯 These guys were like this when we found them !-roll bluff ck
The story is only strengthened when you realize that Mi-Chel is Ben's brother.
Where is Mi-Chel?
@@zulaikaali4101 shadow monk
@@zulaikaali4101 eyyy the character development is so real, u didn't recognize him xD
he probably did that on purpose to annoy his little brother
I get the feeling that the whole “permanently invisible” thing is payback for the Chadwick Strongpants incident.
At first I thought the monk wasn’t actually invisible, but he just annoyed everyone so much that they collectively decided to ignore him.
I was disappointed when I found this wasn’t the case.
Too be fair when he used stealth he just knocked people out so we haven't disproven it.
What if he isn't invisble? Maybe he was so annoying, reality just made him a non-entity to all who look at him directly.
There's a facinating Twilight Zone episode about a "Mark of Banishment/ invisibility" that is placed on ' non- conforming offenders'. Those bearing the mark cannot be aknowledged as present or existing.. total social ostracization
Permanently invisible, by the way.
Me: *grabs lighter* yeah, can I see your sheet for a minute?
Me as a GM: Sure, you're permanently invisible
GM Notes: Character believes himself to be invisible, is not actually invisible, people just ignored him
Permanently invisible to the point of being completely intangible as a curse. Flares up at the worse of times.
Trogdor strikes again.
And by intangible I mean. It flares up so bad he kind of doesn't exist at the time. Like he can't communicate. He can do recon, find things out, but oh dear. He's drifted off into another dimension so someone else will have to redo the job.
Oh look a high level minotaur. Shadow Monk could solo him, but oh no, his illness has flared up after making his first blow, now the creature is pissed and he can't do anything but watch as the party now has to flee or be brutally slaughtered by a creature they could have otherwise tried to sneak past.
I would give him advantage on stealth+SOH checks but disavantage in everything thats related to people seeing him (intimidation, persuasion etc...).
He's not invisible,He's just not noticeable or interesting AT ALL.
Basically kuroko...
Mom: Are we going to see you for dinner?
DM: Sorry, I can't. I'm trying to handle a child hostage situation.
Now I'm picturing the mom having the same worried look that Ben draws for his characters
"A hat doesn't count as character development, it does in anime but not here!"
Still better character development than Jaime Lannister.
@@jesseward4115 sad part is that is completely true.
@@jesseward4115 Are we going by the books, the tv show or both?
@@artofthepossible7329 I'm only on book 2 so TV show.
@@jesseward4115 Read further.
"A hat does not count as character development, it does in anime"
Speedwagon: *tips his flying, checkered and bowl hats*
Lord Hypnocat that’s also a spinning hat blade
@@idoitonastick8689 He is.
Lord Hypnocat Luffy just has a flashback about his hat and that is just good enough character development
DWPF Horsemen to be fair, it’s a very important hat.
I love when a samurai, a notably honourable person gets played like a crazed murderer, it really keeps you on you’re toes
I mean samurai werent really....thaaaat honerable, irl atleast
@@belgianfootball4529 Depends on the era, but yea, it tended to depend on who they were dealing with.
Ronin werent very honorable. More like thieves
@@belgianfootball4529 you
@@smartart6841 I believe even regular Samurai participated in a tradition called Crossroad Killing where they would test a new sword by killing a human opponent, usually a defenseless peasant traveling at night.
I know how you feel about that "Where the Wild Things Are" joke, I once made the mistake of calling a dagger "perfectly balanced" and two players responded in near perfect unison "as all things should be."
One my fellow dnd players and I freaked out when our DM mentioned someone leading us towards an Obelisk. We immediately were like "this is where we all die" and "lets not knock it over." Yeah.... it turns out it was used to open a door to a dungeon. Anyways after everything that followed THAT we all hate the person who sent us on that mission.
what did it cost?
DtM982 you can’t tell me the wild things joke was unintentional
Explain the "Where The Wild things Are" joke to me please, I don't get it
@@Telsion Seems to be a children's book and a movie adaptation of said book. *shrug*
"Modern-esque D&D campaign quickly develops into a school shooting"
@@toddlafrance4521 they were trained to descalate the situation bruh!
@@toddlafrance4521 The samurai was white, duh
@@toddlafrance4521 it would have escalated wildly, also plot or rolls?
@@toddlafrance4521 European officers instead of American ones
@@toddlafrance4521 "so..he shot himself...? Yep! 24 times in the chest and the back? Aha! before falling down the stares? Yup! and then died while trying to run away after having gotten shot..by himself and falling down the stairs...? How many times do I have to say yes Jeez!"
"Dont worry guys I've got an idea!"
"So anyways I started blasting"
Here's a reply bcs you deserved it after 8 months
Milovan Strikovic Here's a reply because I'm unoriginal and want to start a month long chain
Did Ben know he had several makeshift explosives?
Leave the likes at 666 just because this line fits in.
"She's so cute"... She looks like she skinned an Ewok. Adorable. Bring her along.
Those things deserve it
XD yesss
Of course, she has the skin of one so she can hunt the delicacy much more efficiently.
Those things don't blink!
All the more reason to trust her!
Samurai: "Great, you're here! Now you can get me out!"
Paladin: "Yeah, I'm getting you out! Out of that cell and into the guillotine!"
A paladin, being Lawful, would insist on a proper trial before the beheading. After the proper sentencing he might volunteer to perform the execution.
@@hanelyp1 p
"Oh, look at that druid. She is so cute and adorable! We completely trust her."
LITERALLY one minutes later:
"OUr druid set one of the kids on fire."
Well, that escalated quickly
I like to think she killed and skinned that bear she's wearing herself.
Vibe check
@@wikinfei ye its really weird for *MANY REASONS*
Michelle: is invisible
also Michelle: uses a giant foldable boat to beat everyone (including a wall) into submission
Silver Chicken Do YOU want a giant foldable boat? Well join the memeulous army
Remember, Michele is the same guy who burried the mournblade on a park
@@pedrowag868 fair point
Pedro Wag That child who dag it up is now dead though...Unless it grants him immortality
Wait, is the giant spider immortal too?
Or did he have to watch his best friend die a slow death?
Ahh the old "get a bounty placed on a pc, turn them in for the reward, and break them back out of prison" scheme. *Works* *every* *time*
I had players successfully pull this off... once. And only once. I actually had to dial back the bounty reward because it would have been way too much cash to give the players. I explained part of the reward money was swallowed up in taxes, fees and other bureaucratic BS, which they bought. :D
We're doing this in our current campaign, except that we're all innocent, got framed, and are now awaiting execution, unless the new player's warlock (who joined after the whole getting framed thing) manages to talk to the city's lord...
Edit: oh i forgot to mention, the Lord was the one who actually commited the murder and framed us...
Welcome to the good the bad and the ugly
I did something like this in a pretty tricky way. They collected the reward 3 times by 3 different members, the villagers unaware they were connected.
Then they needed to get through a mountain pass, but OOPS, look at that! It's been sealed! With no money to pay for security, the guards were dismissed and the decision to prevent anything else from coming through was made. They blew up the entrance!
Time to go around!
Doubling the hurt, I brought up I'd had a side quest tomb raid planned, but they exchanged the possibility of getting a magic weapon (which no one had yet) for plain raw coinage. There were no purchaseable weapons at the previous town or next two upcoming towns, either.
They luckily only rolled two physical immune encounters before then, but both were the hardest fights of the campaign _since only one character out of five could do damage!_
Everyone else was just a glorified meat shield.
Pretty much the story of Dragonheart.
Invisibility thing aside, it does make some degree of sense that he could use his old character:
- He'd still be around, as he doesn't age.
- Given that he saved the multi-verse, it would also make sense that his job as an adventurer was done, and his skills became forgotten and abilities atrophied from disuse, so he could be lv1 again.
- As for his things, easy, he misplaced them over the course of 500+ years.
I'd probably have the character pursue a different class. How fast the character picks things up is easily explained as 'well there is some carry over.' but needing to work up from first level is also covered by 'I never did this before.' So, dex focused fighter, rogue, what have you instead of Monk. Leave it open for the DM to whip out "Yeah, you either go back to the old ways or everyone of their deaths is on your hands." to prevent a TPK. (Come up with a handwave like 'Ki backlash' for why your back to normal stats from then on as needed.)
He managed to lose the legendary mourne blade / infinity sword, so why not meager possessions over the course of 500 years of insanity.
What happened to bity
@@the_Miles_crew_fun He buried it in a playground and some kids took it
@Douglas Bonbeck Who says it can't be both?
Okay I love how the invisible peep is the one who feels the need to knock people out and destroy the wall, as opposed to just walking inside...
Old habits die hard.
I didn’t even think about that xD
His name is michel
*Somewhere in the background*
"I warned you"
underrated comment
Something bad will happen today!
why did I laugh so hard at this?
Amazing joke
That rare moment when your dungeon music gets to be Pumped Up Kicks.
EROS M speaking of Pumped up Kicks there's a medeval version of it ua-cam.com/video/Kl40J5YMmcI/v-deo.html
@@tikalthewhimsicott2736 Saw it recently actually lol. Not half bad.
5:40 "He then whips out his pistol-"
**Pumped Up Kicks starts playing in the background**
*I'm in danger*
*m o m c o m e p i c k m e u p i m s c a r e d*
*Everybody gangsta till the dude with a gun draws first blood.*
Travis got a quick hand
You could have made it so he wasn't really invisible, just everyone was ignoring him.
That probably was the case..
why would he need to knock out people, with a boat, if he was invisible??
@@linkadoodle9568 why wouldn't he if he knew the group could see him so he was unsure so he was being cautious
I love you
@@MazorKuziaki wait what? I'm lost
"A society broken down into predator and prey." You know, Puffin should count himself lucky that Beastars hadn't come out yet.
Zombie is not an option
an assault on a boarding school
this is like prime D&D happening here
"Raid to see is recon is needed" the motto of an old group of mine.
At least the security guards weren't the ones knocking the stuffing out of the kids this time.
I feel like this campaign is gonna be a train wreck to some degree. You basically have one character-technically still a demigod if the last campaign holds up in this world, who gave their character an op feature; and another character that more or less became a psychopath, in the span of a few minutes. I'm honestly waiting to either hear that the samurai gets an alignment shift to Evil and/or the paladin just has enough of the samurai's antics that they decide to PK.
Shit, I would have TPK this group IRL so they wont do this to another GM.
Yeah its the same universe he has AN EPIC BOON AND 2 FINISHED CAMPIGNS OF XP
@@Deathwindgames Probably reset the level.
Shift? SHIFT? If the Samurai started off as anything but neutral evil I am disappointed in the player.
@@SporeTres I feel it's more chaotic evil, Neutral evil, you should at least have a plan other than solving every situation with threats of violence or graduate to Massive violence.
This really hits different with the newly uncovered Asiago lore. I’m starting to think the flame-roasted children were intentional…
"Are these companions of yours?"
My response would have been:
My options would've been
A, If I denounce them as possible allies am I free of associative charges?
B, I told them to stay put while I get this warrant shows Warrant so I am not guilty of THEIR actions, do as you please.
C, everyone but the samurai; he's kookier than a worshiper of Ralishaz*
*Deity of insanity.
My response: Never seen these people before in my life!
WAIT WAIT WAIT We need to talk about this "massive foldable boat"
I think it's actually a standard spell!
(Either that or it's a Lord Flashheart reference - "Am I pleased to see you, or did I just put a canoe in my pocket?"
@@tommcewan7936 Its a magical item.
Character is so sneaky that he is permanently invisible. Could easily just stealth past the teachers. Instead starts knocking them out and breaking walls with a boat.
@@tommcewan7936 Ho-ho! Hello, Queenie!
The foldable boat is like a boat that you fold. I've seen pictures. It's technacly a magic item, but it looks entirely mechanical.
I love how the invisible one is the only one who doesn't take the sneaky route
The player switched his character to Shredder?
You should make a houserule: If you change your character during the session, you can only switch it to Chadwick Strongpants.
Too op abserd
Honestly tho, changing to shredder isnt really a big deal since the samurai was alrdy basically a villain and the guy playing the baron probably didnt want to play a villain. Also nothing actually happened during the campaign so switch all you want.
@@madhatten00 It was not the samurai who switched his class, but another character who did not want to be associated with him.
@@schwarzerritter5724 oh well that makes sense too. The samurai derailed everything too much
But if he made that rule everyone would fight for the honor of being the greatest hero who ever lived
"I shouldn't trust someone offering magical support mid-battle.....buuuuuut you ARE incredibly adorable, so we can still be friends."
The same rules as if you get hit on at a dive bar.... or anywhere.....
She actually behaves as a paladin, and the best one on UA-cam so far.
"Actually behaves like a Paladin" is the stupidest thing I've read all day.
Yeah! There's plenty of stories about paladins that behave closer to the samurai than to her, so it's refreshing to see Lawful Good played as intended.
I got a new group recently. They decided to try break into a church... a church that was open to the public... they were climbing on the roof and sneaking around in a public place for no reason... and tried to steal healing scrolls... which were free giveaways anyway from the church as most of the church was run by clerics anyway...
Some new groups are just so excited to get to the action that they create crazy scenarios for the hell of it.
I just imagined them as a group of very mad goblins.
That reminds me of the spongebob episode where they "steal" a bloon on free Ballon day.
@@bestaround3323 I was just thinking about that scene!
I'd love it if there was just one guy who just went in, got the thing, and left before anyone else could finish their convoluted plan.
Question, did you explicitly note to them that it was freely open and available? One thing I've noticed with running games is its easy to assume something is a given, as a DM, but the players misinterpret because they're lacking sufficient context.
For example, I once set up a scenario where the players had to head off a cult wanting to steal the body of a saint from the monument where it was interred. I had to explain to the party that, during the day, the monument was open to the public so they were free to poke around and set up their surveillance because they weren't going inside.
The real question is
Is the fighter still sitting in that tower paralyzed to this day unable to do anything but think about his life and the choices that led him up to this point
Why did you tell this to us now I will ha e nightmares about him
This is just a JoJo reference with a disguise on
That would be a great Big Bad
@@river8803 havent seen jojo but this campain is probably just a bunch of jojo references in a trenchcoat
"Don't worry! I know just the thing that will defuse this situation!"
"Oh. Great. What did. You have. In mind?"
More like terrorist threat
It would be cool if the whole campaign turned into a manhunt where all the players are trying to track down the samurai as he makes his moves in secret slowly making more erratic decisions leaving a trail of chaos in each town he visits as the bounty constantly increases. It seems all the character motivation is there (from what I've seen). The paladin wants justice and the thief wants money. not sure what the other 3 want but hey I'm just thinking out loud here.
edit: Spelling
Samurai slowly but surely develops to become the BBEG?
I mean, it would also allow the Samurai to continue to control his own character. There would still be an overarching story and villain... but the Samurai would be like a side thing that would add to it.
Yeah, seems like a great way to take the campaign. The Samurai slowly starts to acquire greater and greater power while on the run and hits up even more towns for quick cash. Then, as he starts to become infamous and acquire a gang, he prepares to make a stand against his old comrades. It is at this point that the big bad approaches the samurai with an offer: become my underling and I'll give you the power to have your revenge. It is at this point that his lair becomes a no man's land, filled with explosives, firing lines, formations, and more, as the samurai waits in the throne room as some type of underling to the big bad as a season finale to a campaign before a break.
While that does sound pretty cool I would like to see the Rouge's plan of capturing him and setting him just they can keep getting to bounty money.
@@somerandomdude5638 , that's definitely the way to take it if the campaign takes a more humorous and light direction. The DM will have to gauge what to do based on the feelings of the group. Regardless, this is an excellent plot thread that can go in a number of fun directions.
The player of that samurai must not realize that "defuse" is not a synonym for "escalate."
Do you really think the Samurai knows what synonym means?
@@toddlafrance4521 Probably thinks it's something you put on donuts.
well,it could have worked...if it wasn't for the fail.
Yeah, you can't defuse an explosive by blowing it up, Therefore, neither can you defuse a school shooting by blowing it up.
@@dicerson9976 well,i mean, if it explodes, is there a fuse left? i'd call that defused.
"She's so cute! I completely trust her."
Me, who's watched later videos in this series: "You... probably shouldn't."
After a couple more videos this needs to be upgraded to "DEFINITELY" shouldn't.
The Samurai uses a gun and did not commit seppuku after failing?
legolvr1997 rome II reference?
@@DanielPembrink nope Shogun 2
legolvr1997 darn it
Not sure why your brain would sent you to ancient Rome when hearing a total war reference combined with samurai...
1000 years dishonor!
Why would a permanently invisible person need to knock out anyone, with a boat no less?
And that's a sentence I never thought I'd have to write.
Need to? No. Want to. Hell yeah. :)
@ why do i have the disturbing impression that you are speaking from experience...?
You get used to it
Guard: "Are these companions of yours?"
Paladin; "Never seen them before in my life." *slowly backs away*
If the Samurai Player got another character, the Samurai can always come back as a foe of the party.
Just reaching new levels of derangement whenever they meet him again.
I'm honestly surprised that Ben didn't mention this person's new character showing up.
That samurai just sounds like a very toxic character to have in the party.
Or player.
Makes for really funny stories like this one though, cant complain!
I didn’t find his antics funny. It felt more like he was doing his best to ruin a game setting he didn’t want to play
@@Stonezorz I would rather have funny stories spring up organically than have a violent, fool hardy instigator.
Stonezorz I’ve played with people like him, it may be fun to hear about but it’s seriously annoying to play with them.
Did anyone else notice that the person who made Michelle is Will, his brother who doesn't like playing rping games? Just pointing it out.
I mean from what i understand of the events, Will just had a very bad first time with Ttrpgs and so didn't like them, but it obviously grew on him after he got into dnd
Ben - "A hat does not count as character development!"
Smithers - "...But he's got a new hat!"
Ben: Alright, their going to get into this school and get out. Nice, simple, and all around fool proof.
Samurai: I'ma 'bout to end this man's whole DMing Career.
>is sword wielding samurai
>pulls out guns and grenades in battle
The Last Helghast Commando Guns are nice and have you took your joy?
3:57 in awe at this character design. Absolute cinnamon roll.
This seems more like Puffin's therapy session video then anything.
>enters school with intent to do bad stuff
>man pulls gun in school
Hey I've seen this one before!
7:17 reminds me of a moment from my Curse of Strahd campaign. Our party had just met Stella, a teenage girl who was cursed into thinking she was a cat. Our druid was crawling around on the floor meowing back at her and our monk was waving a dead frog on a stick. The rogue was just awkwardly standing there with Stella’s mother, Fiona, and said that they didn’t really know the rest of the party that well when Fiona asked what was wrong with the druid and monk.
That character art for the Druid was pretty dang good,can’t lie
I was expecting the "fire the gun upwards" fiasco to lead to the DM saying "this school is multiple stories high, you just shot a random kid on the 2nd floor"
I had a similar? Situation where I was doing a "just about anything goes" campaign for laughs...
And one of my players, on the first session that his character gets introduced... decided it was a good idea to shoot a police officer.
Not one that was attacking the party, literally a police officer asking a party member some questions.
His shots almost hit the party, and struck two police officers, about 30ft from the police station. A firefight ensued where the police officers chased him around town until he eventually died. The rest of the party either ran or hid. It was a shitshow.
Just to add the icing on the cake, the character was a demonic version of Po from the teletubbies...
My only regret in life is not being a part of that campaign
The first red flag for me would probably be the fact that this guy was RPing as a demonic Teletubbie.
Omg, the samurai is a freaking murder hobo.
The worst kind of player
A murder hobo is reasonably tolerable. This is a psycho hobo; that is not tolerable.
ironically enough that sounds like how samurai acted during the crazy Japanese civil war era lols "listen mate you cant get that sweet loot or promotions if you dont keep stacking enemy heads"
Just gonna leave this here ua-cam.com/video/VAMHqDdpR-0/v-deo.html
I can only imagine what kind of terror someone playing a Ninja WOULD be then...
“So I guess you could say”
“Don’t you dare!”
“We’re trying to find where the Wild Things Are!”
Me: on the floor laughing in tears
Donovan Blake
His face in that moment was mine, every time I make a pun.
I need a captain. T_T
@@AvidgamerZ captain Morgan?
Can someone explain this one? I don't get it.
This tends to be the problem with naming NPC's as well and any location or organisation.. dodging all pop-references
lemme guess... Shredder was the same player as Mobile suit gundam wing?
Im guessing the Samurai was the Fighter they left paralyzed in the tower?
Next he'll be a T-800 Terminator/ warforged Titan !
Paladin was Asreal the sorcerer?
@@sampeng1 wrong guess,nice try tho.
@@sampeng1No, that was the thief
This is why as a DM I require ALL characters be finished and turned into me BEFORE the first session. And all mechanical stats, powers, effects, etc be cleared before being written into backstories. LOL
Mad Hatters in jeans Oh well one-shots are a totally different beast. Most of my players don’t wanna even make characters for them, preferring pre-gens. I was obviously referring to campaigns...and the fact my players have destroyed my trust 😂
“I guess we’re trying to find where the wild things are!”
I don't get it. Explain please?
Jürgen Hans
It’s a joke in the video :p
@@deamon6681 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Where_the_Wild_Things_Are
I know it's a joke in the video, I just didn't get the joke, but you seem to have
He is referencing a children's pictue book from 1963? No wonder I've never heared of it.
That Samurai *LOST IT* whatever marbles he had before, he lost them during this story
"I guess you could say-"
"Don't you dare!"
"We're looking for-"
"Where the Wild Things are?!"
You mean. . . You DIDN'T intend this from the beginning? . . . That's weird.
I agree with you, Micolino9878. Ben should have seen this coming. As soon as I heard him say the “Wild Things”, my brain immediately went to that book.
He has had this done before, where he creates things that have existed before, but he didn’t think about that beforehand.
I think it's an issue where as DMs when we are working on a campaign we tend to pull from our subconscious far more often than we should, NOT FREAKING REMEMBERING HOW THAT BASTARD IS, about dragging existing crap up that already exist!
Yes I might have a problem with this from time to time....
I might have also started cursing my subconscious and calling it "that bastard" for doing so.
I may have recreated the brothers from boondock saints as two NPC halfling brothers seeking revenge against the local gangs, late night hoping to clean up their city from the bigger gang heads. One of them even carried like two hundred feet of rope. I fucking did the rope gag and still didn't register till my wife called it out.
W: "That's the MacManus bros from Boondock Saints"
M: "no, I just thought these two up a week ago prepping for this session"
W: yes, yes it is and the one even has a shit load of rope he tried to push on the rest of the group"
M:*sweating* "no I swear"
M: "gods damn it I did it again didn't I?"
@@TheKidnappedOne Hey, the Boondock Saints are just telling the truth about rope. I've made sure my D&D characters have had plenty of rope years before the movie came out. It is one of the staples of good adventuring.
Micolino9878 We can find the wild things but I need YOU to join the memeulous army
PF: "I have no one to blame but myself for this"
As a DM, I feel that. On so many levels.
3:25 that would have been a perfect moment for a RWBY reference:
_"Whats that?!"
-"Its my blade! it´s also a gun...
I just say Jaune and Neopolitan
"Permanently invisible" ... Sounds like your brother watches your videos
I bet after the campaign ends his character will find a cure for his invisibility
I thought his brother was really made up. Maybe he has a sister named Michelle who's husband's name is Billiam Dichard.
That Is The Most Dishonorable Samurai Ever!
They're all like that when their body cameras are turned off.
Back in the day Samurai we famoas for testing out any knew blade they recieved on common villagers. Murder hobo comes with the territory
@@CCaseyTnT Nope. They only used dead bodies. Still amazes me on why people keep believing this. You've got. Free. Workers. There is literally no advantage in killing peasants that have to create income for you. Even the dumbest barbarian got this.
But yea, some still were huge pricks, just like some european knights. Very dishonourabru dispray.
You should read up on samurai history. Not even close to the most dishonorable things a samurai can do (without losing title). I mean at least he didn't just murder a student casually just to test his iaijitsu skills.
I know how to defuse this situation!
Oh good! How so?
Are you aware of what defuse actually means?
Yeah! Ya know? Like how defusing a bomb means to blow it up, right?
Sure, you remove the fuse. That's the pin thingy, right?
@@348joey Pahaha
Well, you need a fuse in play to defuse something right?
dingo doodle and puffin forest ne
w content same day woo woo getting my nerd fix now if jessjackdraw and zee bashew post ill be set.
And The Mighty Dungeon.
Zee bashew did post
Eternall newbie
So much D&D in one day, is it christmas?
Gotta get my animated d&d fix
2:43 That is the best “I just made a terrible joke and I’m proud of it” face I’ve ever seen.
paladin: "we're gonna do this legal"
samurai: "heh noooooo"
Wait, wasn't this the same monk that got hocked up on shrooms and lost the Mournblade in the playground sandbox?
I believe so
It was a retorical question but thank you for answering, lol.
also, not sure if it was intentional on Ben's part, but:
"What dou you mean 'you lost the mourneblade'?"
"What do you mean 'you're permanently invisible'?"
"Wait I know how I can fuse this situation!"
"Don't you mean diffu- OH N-"
"Everybody drop your weapons! :)"
Edit: She's soo kyoot! :3 3:56
*Ancap escalation meme escalates*
You know, the permanently invisible shadow monk, feels like a good training description for teaching new DMs when they should recognize it’s time to say “no” to their players.
I feel like the samurai is the same genius paladin who in the blackmarket episode decided to defuse the situation by attacking the secret police.
There was that same moment of '...I have a feeling your 'great idea' involves stabbing.'
To be fair, the paladin was put in a rough situation.
The samurai...
*sighs super-hard*
Literally no one:
Michelle: *Takes out people with foldable boat*
begs the question fo why did the PERMANENTLY INVISIBLE character even had the need to resort to violence ot break in
@@Teixas666 tbh i doubt Will used the invisibility at all,i think he just made it to:
1:mess with Ben (and i mean,fair,Ben is questionable at times)
And/or 2:just do it bc he thought it was cool
Wait as a monk aren’t fists better
"I am different. I've gone through a lot of character development. I'm wearing a hat now!"
Not gonna lie, that line got me an 80% on an essay. Thank you Puffin.
Should've named this episode "The time my group accidentally started a school shooting!"
...on second thought the title's fine.
I would've called it "Samurai Shenanigans."
I think you mean school shooting/bomb threat
Sounds like an isekai
Just a normal day in America
We need like a wikia for the puffin forrest mythos. It's getting hard to keep track XD
puffinforest.fandom.com/wiki/Puffin_forest_Wiki It currently has no pages but I guess people can edit it
And herein we find the origins of the cannibalistic chaos druid
First Dingo Doodles uploads part 8 of Sips' story, and now Puffin has another D&D Tale?!
This has been a good day.
2:46 sums it up; "I have no one to blame but myself for this".
The thought of a session where the characters are filling out paperwork is immensely hilarious to me. 🤣
"I get the forms and begin filling them out."
"Roll a Survival check, please."
"Uhhh ... 4."
"You don't have a pen."
Other party member: “Uh, I rolled a 1…”
GM: “You literally die of boredom. Here’s a new character sheet.”
It’s a school there are probably pens in one of the classes
That Samurai is clearly Chaotic Evil! Party killing, murder-hoboing, and school shooting! Rewriting him into an enemy would be the only way to keep the character involved.
Or has a way too low Intelligence score.
Even a dog learns not to eat out of the trash with some persuasion. If this guy is 'too stupid' then that's just an excuse.
Honestly, I would say Chaotic Stupid with very low intelligence. Very, very low.
common viewer *Chaotic Stupid
yep, as a disturbance to other party members and story in general, in my game he would immediately have a hit on his head. I would probably get the rest of the party to hunt him down and kill him for the money. He shouldn't even be mad seeing that he is playing an evil character in a party of HEROs.
At least your brother is playing D&D with you. This is the best intro by far!!!! Awesome video, Puffin. :)
@Joeseph Moore Michelle. In an earlier video, the same character archetype and model is used as michelle, and their player has the same model and name as his brother.
@Joeseph Moore No. Just no. You can't just put gotcha on something to say it was a disguised joke. Just stop. For your own sake.
@@xxxdumbwordstupidnumberxxx4844 He might just be saying 'gotcha' as in 'I now get what you mean'
Though I don't know if this is just a fun jab or what-not, since I find it hard to understand sarcasm on the internet.
@@flynn659 Yeah, but the way he said it doesn't help.
@@xxxdumbwordstupidnumberxxx4844 in what universe do you live in where "gotcha" isn't "I now understand what you mean". Fucking hell.
My response to the "permanently invisible" claim: "You _were,_ but you aren't any more. As you think on the miracle of the end of your permanent stealth you realize that somehow, overnight, you lost levels gained in your previous campaign and are now the same level as the rest of the party; congrats, if you need to adjust your stats to match the rest of the party do so now."
I absolutely love that the "permanently invisible" character decides the only way for them to break into the boarding school, is by knocking out teachers & students w/a boat, that they then use to breakthrough a wall! That's pure gold & something I would totally do 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
That & my Shifter Rogue would also totally pretend to be a student that cons kids out of their money 😉😋
My guess is the only reason he let Will get away with it is because Puffin knows Will doesn't know just how much he can abuse invisibility as a mechanic, instead of just a fun roleplay feature/gag.
I think puffin allowed it because wills his brother
@@Kereea that doesn't sound that far-feched tbh
"A hat does not count as character development!...It does in anime, but not here."
Robert E.O. Speedwagon: *Surprised Pikachu face*
Even Speedwagon had actual growth
@@WaveShock007 my own DM.EXE has crashed moment happened just a while ago. It was a kind of cross-over event that wasn't intended to happen, but essentially I had two games running in the same timeline in the same world: a 'normal' game, and a gangsters themed one. The gangsters had captured a business partner to one of the PCs in the 'normal' game, and were holding him hostage in a Forcecage. Two characters from the main game squared off in a cavern deep underground against two characters from the gangsters game, and eventually it looked like the main characters would win.
And then the bard of whispers said: "I cast Earthquake!"
*DM.EXE has crashed!*
It ultimately resulted in our main characters surviving, though, because it only collapsed part of the cavern and the main characters were smart enough to stand near the forcecage and use it to shield themselves from some of the rock fall, while the gangsters...well...weren't so lucky.
Atleast you have one player that isnt a total murder hobo.
I'd have dm'd it that the samurai got gunned down and I'd have just down right said no to that permanent invisibility bs
Same here.
To be fair invisibility dude is played by his brother who he's just glad is playing Table Top rps given the hell he went through to make it occur.
@@danielleasewala2225 adding to that. Wouldn't be surprised if the brother had blackmail material. He might have the baby pictures.
so wait, you had a party with what i'm assuming at this point was a chaotic evil samurai, and a lawful good paladin? and you did'nt think to check their sheets before hand???
also, when the player said his character was permanently invisible, i'm surprised you did'nt just say his character is insane now from 500 years of loneliness.
I in fact know odd couples what did work, so it isn't issue by itself.
Naw, I'm betting you that Samurai player wrote anything other than 'evil' in their alignment. Heck, it's probably at least Lawful Neutral. Just because it's on the sheet doesn't mean the player is going to play it.
@@ArawnNox Chaotic Neutral. It's the classic "That Guy" alignment.
My solution to BS from players like "I'm permanently invisible!" is killing them in BS ways. Like, "a stray arrow crits you in the eye!". Perfectly balanced and all that.
Feels like if he does something like that people call him a bad DM in the comments, lmao
"Id become so stealthy and sneaky that nobody could see me!"
Literally every monk and thief past level six...
"I have no one to blame but myself for this." When you leave yourself wide open to a super obvious joke.
or 'How to break your DM'
That is the extra part of the title that should exist.