DOUBT: Travis Dickinson Interview - The Becket Cook Show Ep. 144

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024


  • @BecketCook
    @BecketCook  10 місяців тому +3

    🚨ALERT!🚨 Please do not fall for scams. If someone replies to your comment pretending to be me and offers “prizes,” “gifts,” or “money,” please report them using the 3 little dots next to the reply. They usually mention contacting them through the apps “Telegram” or “WhatsApp.” Also, if a reply looks odd, please report it. We're all in this together.

    • @vancan3591
      @vancan3591 10 місяців тому

      Hi Becket, I love watching your videos. Do you have a PO Box #? I would like to send a check to support your ministry. I couldn’t find any one time support link on Patreon page.

    • @GinnyNorton-r6d
      @GinnyNorton-r6d 8 місяців тому

      The guest speaker is in the weeds of over-thinking without referring to scripture. I would not read his book.

  • @bethwarddesigns
    @bethwarddesigns 10 місяців тому +61

    I'm with Becket, I believe with certainty too. There is nothing in the Bible that I don't believe to be true. I'm too small to question God. His will is beyond my comprehension on some matters, but I know that all things will ultimately glorify Him. Great guest.

    • @BecketCook
      @BecketCook  10 місяців тому +3

      Thank you! God Bless

    • @johnharris7353
      @johnharris7353 10 місяців тому +3

      And I'm with you and Becket! Thank God I praise him he opened my eyes!

    • @SachelleCambria
      @SachelleCambria 8 місяців тому


    • @davidmyers5735
      @davidmyers5735 8 місяців тому

      Isiah 45:6-7. KJV,?

  • @7071.5cents
    @7071.5cents 10 місяців тому +6

    you have said you do not read the comments ...thats ok here at the 23:00 minute mark i must stop to say...Becket when you said the Spirit bears witness you are 100% correct
    what i am certain of is the word of God and his promises this we can be certain of when the individual is in Christ....its planted in the new nature, a devine nature, its faith being exercised....for me to doubt God is to be lacking knowledge and what does God say happens to us in this lack..."my people perish" 1.6 cents MERCI FRANCEE
    P.S.from here... i see and hear 100% humility what a comfort, yes he choose us we give him the Glory at the end of the day...BUT as one who has just begun again to hold onto the promises of God i must say seeing the promise is another thing here on this channel he who has started the work and will finish the work is witnessed a comfort i say MERCI

  • @Adam_A_Christian
    @Adam_A_Christian 10 місяців тому +2

    Looking forward to this, Becket. If you could get Douglas Murray on the show that would be awesome. I feel like the Lord is calling that man and may be able to use you to reach him, at least to plant a seed.
    God bless you 🙏♥️ and thank you for all you do for the Kingdom!

    • @carriepowell7342
      @carriepowell7342 10 місяців тому +1

      Cancer and a lot of other illnesses have deep roots in stress. When a mother is carrying a child, and she is under a lot of duress, sometimes it is transmitted to the unborn child. A merry heart doeth good like a medicine. No joy, no medicine. The lack of Godly merriment, leaves an open door for our children, unborn and born,Prov:17:22 ,A broken spirit, dries up our bones.i.e. affects us physically. Again many illnesses are affecting our lives, and the lives of our children, through Satan using our emotionally weakened state. Through, the blood of Jesus, we must and can resist him.

    • @Julia29853
      @Julia29853 10 місяців тому

      @@carriepowell7342what does that have to do with the comment you replied to, or this episode for that matter?

  • @loristraightimr6447
    @loristraightimr6447 10 місяців тому +37

    Agreed Becket - confidence through the Holy Spirit bearing witness. Sometimes we can overthink things, never coming to the knowledge of the truth!

    • @fishtail1129
      @fishtail1129 10 місяців тому

      That is the very definition of faith! We believe in what we do not yet see. If you only focus on the intellectual exercise of belief or certainty of course there will be holes; you are relying on your own understanding which is clouded by sin and human limitations.
      By faith we can absolutely be certain. His house of cards analogy would apply to someone without genuine faith who is relying on their own intellect in order to believe.

  • @RecalledtoLife
    @RecalledtoLife 10 місяців тому +6

    What did I just listen to? The "possibility that there are ways in which Christianity is false" sounds like a slippery slide right down into "possible" heresy. Dickinson quoting Paul in his letter to the Corinthians to support his "possibility philosophy" is so off the mark.

  • @candiclip
    @candiclip 10 місяців тому +39

    This is desperately needed for myself. I'm having the same questions he dealt with, right now. And I prayed last night God would bring me a video to help me. Very encouraged today that He's answered my prayers so quickly

    • @singmysong1167
      @singmysong1167 10 місяців тому +4

      Wow, what a blessing...for answers to your prayer so obvious!

  • @PennySmart
    @PennySmart 10 місяців тому +13

    Good for you, Becket! It's so rare that a host dares propound a different opinion from his guest, no matter what they say. Heb. 11:1

  • @fishtail1129
    @fishtail1129 10 місяців тому +5

    I’m certainly no philosopher but Travis seems to be getting too caught up in his own head. He seems to be missing the most important component- the power of the Holy Spirit. Asking questions and having some doubts is fine, God can handle our wrestling with these things. Just read the Psalms, or Jeremiah in Lamentations where he is so discouraged and despairing “yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope…”. He was absolutely certain despite everything he was experiencing and witnessing around him.
    The Spirit will guide us into all truth. He will give us the grace to have faith even when we don’t fully understand.

  • @lloyannehurd
    @lloyannehurd 10 місяців тому +12

    My questions were a bit different. I naturally was attracted to God and Jesus as a child. My parents were not. However, I was bullied by adults in the church my parents sent me to. Later, as an adult, I experienced the same thing again. In both cases they seemed to want to be ‘better’ than me when I actually wasn’t competing, I was just doing my best. Now I realize that their children were supposed to be better than me but they didn’t work as hard for the church and didn’t show their love of God the way I did. But I came from a less well off family.
    My question was “Why were Christians treating me this way?” The answer, I know now is that they were not Christians. They ruled over the church as if it was their private social club. Their children and I got along very well and that didn’t please them at all.

  • @therealdonnawagner
    @therealdonnawagner 10 місяців тому +6

    Interesting. While I do believe the Church needs to normalize Believers digging into difficult areas of our faith (and even having doubts) without condemnation, I disagree with the "certainty" aspect Mr.Dickinson espouses. Since the Lord regenerated me, I've had certainty that the Lord is the eternal, perfect God that holds all things together and Jesus is His Son that died for my sins, the Holy Spirit is the power of God that testifies to this truth and that no other religion/faith system is even remotely correct. That doesn't mean there haven't been truly tough questions along the way, one being "Why would the Lord bring someone so close to Christianity (surrounded by people sharing the full counsel of the Gospel) and create them to be such a genuinely loving/thoughtful person themselves towards others, yet bring them to their end still hating Him?" It was heartbreaking to know a person I truly cared for died hating the Lord, but it doesn't change my certainty that the Word contains the only truth that saves because that certainty (which includes confidence, to be sure) is rooted in knowing that the Lord's ways are higher than I could ever imagine and they are perfect. If that's what He determined to happen, I can be confident that there is a reason for it because I am certain that He is perfect in all ways. Maybe it's semantics and I'm overthinking what he said (it's happened before 😄), but it seems like a bigger deal than he's making it out to be to not have certainty through doubt when claiming to be a Believer. Otherwise, good interview! Thank you for sharing and blessings to you, brother. 😊

  • @roxanneroxanne7856
    @roxanneroxanne7856 10 місяців тому +6

    Thank you for this interview. I do notice some of the authors he quotes have planted seeds of doubt no different than Satan did with Eve. I am not saying don’t question. But I am saying scripture and God can stand up to all scrutiny. He is almost saying you come to believe while having doubts which can be sandy foundations. We need to be free to discuss and ask. As I said real digging into the veracity of scripture and God will always reveal He Is Creator, Saviour and Truth.

  • @babyruthswt2
    @babyruthswt2 10 місяців тому +4

    I agree with Beckett too that I’m fully convinced not just mentally but emotionally and spiritually of my identity as a saved child of God. … with humility and awareness that it is His saving work alone that I rely on. Even in my times of wrestling with God, it was with disappointment but not a lack of certainty in His Existence and His Word. I believe Sean McDowell calls it the gift of faith, and I realized it is a very special gift. I appreciate the guest’s grappling with doubt though because that is where someone very dear to me finds themselves caught… mostly certain but still struggling

  • @leannekirkman2888
    @leannekirkman2888 10 місяців тому +10

    Awesome discussion. You are so blessed to have the certainty that you do Becket. I have struggled a lot with doubt over the years. The Lord has worked a beautiful work in me and still does but it’s been hard at times. I related to so much put forward today. Thankyou!

  • @PennySmart
    @PennySmart 10 місяців тому +5

    Re "the risk of certainty": Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.Hebrews 11:1

  • @Truthisjustice2024
    @Truthisjustice2024 9 місяців тому +3

    Ps. Love you and bless you Becket ❤. We all need to learn how to stand up for our faith in Jesus Christ

  • @linak7155
    @linak7155 10 місяців тому +4

    If we had God the Father all figured out He'd be our equal rather than the Maker of all things seen and unseen. I like to ponder and question and seek answers but there comes a point when philosophizing can get in the way.
    "The LORD our God has secrets known to no one. We are not accountable for them, but we and our children are accountable forever for all that he has revealed to us, so that we may obey all the terms of these instructions"
    NLT Deu 29:29
    The longer I walk with Him the more I'm convinced He is above my imagination❤

  • @carriefinneran4192
    @carriefinneran4192 10 місяців тому +6

    So disagree with Travis on his interpretation of Corinthians 1:14. Paul was writing to Christians in Corinth, where he founded the community of Christians years earlier. He wrote because he was troubled by reports of dissention and doubts amongst the believers.
    In Verses 12-20 his argument is that if Christ did not rise from the dead, then their faith is futile and they are still in their sins. Verse 20 is his declaration that , “ But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead”. No doubt at all and never considered the possibility that He didn’t. Pulling out verse 14 completely loses the entire context of his writing.
    Surprised how Travis actually tried this line of reasoning. It seemed it was a knee jerk reaction to being challenged. And to use Paul as an example was astonishing. Paul?😆
    Great pushback Becket. 100%. I’m no P.H.D. or biblical scholar, but good grief.

    • @therealdonnawagner
      @therealdonnawagner 10 місяців тому +2

      Agreed! I thought the same thing when he said that. 😄

  • @PennySmart
    @PennySmart 10 місяців тому +4

    There is NO equivalence between the people protesting against Isr ael and for Ham as with hate, violence, threats and abuse AND the people demonstrating for Is rael against Ha mas in total dignity, peace, respect to the country they are demonstrating in. Shame on any Christian who can talk about these 2 groups as if they were the same on pretext of not wanting to be political!

  • @Joefest99
    @Joefest99 10 місяців тому +13

    Thank you for the work you’re doing Beckett! ❤️

    • @BecketCook
      @BecketCook  10 місяців тому +1

      Thank you! God Bless

  • @kellywright9791
    @kellywright9791 10 місяців тому +4

    I am really glad that you gave some gentle push back on the issue of certainty. Hebrews 11:1 says “Now faith is the certainty of things hoped for and proof of things not seen. (New American Standard Bible.) We, as believers, aren’t meant to understand everything God does or allows. His ways are not our ways, His thoughts not our thoughts.To think that somehow we are more compassionate or more caring towards injustice than God is the height of arrogance. We will always have questions. We won’t understand everything, BUT GOD is sovereign.

  • @mikebosler7516
    @mikebosler7516 10 місяців тому +4

    All of the Bible is true. Life is short. Eternity is forever. Repent and believe the gospel.

  • @DaisyandJesus116
    @DaisyandJesus116 10 місяців тому +12

    I always come back to your show and your interviews for encouragement or when I feel like my faith is running dry. Thank you for your ministry. I really needed this today.

    • @BecketCook
      @BecketCook  10 місяців тому +1

      Thank you! God Bless

    • @ybh8ful
      @ybh8ful 9 місяців тому


  • @janita512
    @janita512 10 місяців тому +3

    I kind of disagree with him on why God allows evil. I believe that there’s evil in the world now because we’re all born sinful because of the fall of Adam. That opened the door for evil. God in his mercy gave them free will and they used it to disobey his only commandment. Now, none of us are righteous UNLESS you put your faith in Jesus and what He did for us on the cross.

  • @junecleaver493
    @junecleaver493 10 місяців тому +3

    What i am hearing is why is there suffering? Why is there illness? Wars? We live in this very broken world. Where will i turn in times of great suffering?

  • @junecleaver493
    @junecleaver493 10 місяців тому +3

    Satan wants us to doubt, he takes that and runs with it. Simetimes, sir, much learning makes one mad.

  • @luisaaviles2904
    @luisaaviles2904 10 місяців тому +2

    Doubts can reach our human minds, but we have to pray and ask God to help us, because doubts can be a powerful weapon of the enemy of our souls, the devil.

  • @Martha77
    @Martha77 10 місяців тому +3

    Amen Becket!! 💯% certainty

  • @maryowen1722
    @maryowen1722 10 місяців тому +3

    The Power of the Resurrection- nothing compares to it and never will!!

  • @megalopolis2015
    @megalopolis2015 10 місяців тому +3

    I'm like Thomas in some ways every day. Whatever questions I have, I always take them to God. He is happy to infulge me yet again. :0)
    How else can we learn if we don't bring questions to our Father?

  • @Sakrysta
    @Sakrysta 9 місяців тому +2

    I understand what Dickinson is getting at when it comes to “certainty.” That word implies reliance on MY understanding, i.e. I’m certain because I’ve worked it out in my own mind and heart. Whereas the word I would use is “confidence,” which implies an object that inspires. I’m not certain in my own understanding, but I am absolutely confident in the power and character of God and the truth of His Word.

  • @kellyschroeder7437
    @kellyschroeder7437 10 місяців тому +4

    Great discussion. Thank God he has made us all different and no path to and in Christ is the same 💙💙👊👊✝️🙌🏻✝️🙌🏻✝️🙌🏻

  • @christinejackson963
    @christinejackson963 10 місяців тому +3

    I am so confused by this.I believe and there was maybe a feeling of some doubt dealing with something. The guest’s message to me is just is so confusing. What are you trying to say?Becket can you clarify what this guy is saying? I left this feeling he has no idea. He is bringing too many points to the table. He is talking too much and failed to put all of his points together in a cohesive way.Answer the question…Evil,riding a bicycle? IThe metaphor was ridiculous when Travis was comparing George Floyd, Israel, Travis’ heart is in the right place but your message is not getting across .Faith/ Doubt,okay,we get that. All he had to say is , “ Blind Faith is difficult “.Especially in this world. Thank you, Becket.❤️🙏

    • @cindydebenning1470
      @cindydebenning1470 9 місяців тому

      I was confused too about what this man Travis was saying. It seemed so vague.

  • @PyrPupMom
    @PyrPupMom 10 місяців тому +3

    God is so good! "A bruised reed He will not break, and smoking flax He will not quench."

  • @JaneHill-i7t
    @JaneHill-i7t 10 місяців тому +5

    Re doubt vs certainty - good on you, Beckett. You've got it right. Travis just needs to grow a bit more. Just because he's a teacher and he doesn't have all the answer, doesn't mean that the answers can't be found. You just have give yourself time and grow in God.

    • @leannekirkman2888
      @leannekirkman2888 10 місяців тому +5

      I think we all have different experiences with the Lord. We are all different in personality and situation etc. To say Travis or anyone who doubts is immature I think is a bit dismissive and not helpful. We are what we are by God’s grace alone. We all struggle at times.

  • @kapukamasamba7397
    @kapukamasamba7397 10 місяців тому +2

    We live in a fallen world and we are all sinners through Adam and so when children get cancer it’s because of our fallen nature

  • @truthwatch2858
    @truthwatch2858 10 місяців тому +3

    Shalom Blessings in Jesus ✝️🇮🇱

  • @keepitrealoriginal
    @keepitrealoriginal 10 місяців тому +3

    Calvinism = doubt
    It teaches a wicked god.
    Causes deconstruction
    100% fact
    I stand on Gods word.
    -Pamela Hogan
    -noname grandma

    • @Julia29853
      @Julia29853 10 місяців тому +1

      Absolutely agree Granma! Calvinism is heresy. We belonged to a Calvinist church and 2 of our kids’ faith was destroyed. Deep study of scripture shows that esp Romans 9 was completely lifted out of context. Paul was discussing why the Jews had refused to believe in Jesus, not why any person doesnt believe. Calvinism was taken directly from St. Augustine’s doctrines which had much gnosticism mixed in. Early church fathers considered predestination and election as gnostic heresies.

    • @keepitrealoriginal
      @keepitrealoriginal 10 місяців тому +1

      @@Julia29853 thank you as I feel alone warning how it literally destroys mind and soul.

    • @leenieledejo6849
      @leenieledejo6849 9 місяців тому

      ​@@keepitrealoriginalYou're not alone! Read the comments on Soteriology 101's channel (it's the channel of Leighton Flowers, ex Calvinist) or those comments in Idol Killer (Warren McGrew) channel.
      McGrew also has a testimony of his coming out of Calvinism on his UA-cam channel.
      I disagree when Leighton Flowers says that Calvinists are our "brothers and sisters in Christ". That's nonsense. I think he's trying to be too "nice" (nicer than Jesus and the Apostle Paul who didn't hesitate to call out the dangers of heresy?!)

    • @leenieledejo6849
      @leenieledejo6849 9 місяців тому

      ​@@Julia29853You are spot-on.
      Here is a quote from Calvin (below).
      No regenerate Christian (the only kind: John 1:12-13) would ever say this about a man. It's idolatry. Calvin was an idolater, Augustine was a pagan and anyone who follows them is hugely deceived.
      "Augustine is so wholly within me that if I wished to write a confession of my faith, I could do so with all fullness and satisfaction to myself out of his writings" (John Calvin)

  • @sharonbarren5472
    @sharonbarren5472 12 днів тому +1

    Becket, sir, thank you for not being luke warm about our God.

  • @ElizabethS519
    @ElizabethS519 10 місяців тому +4

    Becket I look forward to watching this video, as I always am to your new shows. I became aware of something today, that I did not know that I was hoping you might make a video about it. It seems that the divorce rate for lesbians is 75%, I was shocked to learn it was that high, and I would think it would be great to hear you, and maybe Rosaria discuss it. Thank you. As always, thank you for your channel and all the information you bring to us.

  • @carolinagranados987
    @carolinagranados987 10 місяців тому +4

    Hi Becket!

  • @maryowen1722
    @maryowen1722 10 місяців тому +3

    ❤ this discussion!!!! Jesus asked questions of followers and non-followers all the time; a day hardly passes when I’m in The Word that I don’t ask my LORD a question or two or more. It’s a natural part of my dialogue with Him. Not in a wavering sense, but maybe more like an asking of Him to reveal more and more and more of Him because I can’t get enough of Him🥰

  • @ybh8ful
    @ybh8ful 9 місяців тому +1

    some versions use the word 'certain' or 'certainty' in Hebrews 11:1... example: New American Standard Bible
    Now faith is the certainty of things hoped for, a proof of things not seen.

  • @haf256
    @haf256 10 місяців тому +1

    Hi Becket! Have you seen Jubilee’s video LGBT vs Ex-LGBT? Would love to hear your thoughts. God bless you 🙏🏼💓

  • @junecleaver493
    @junecleaver493 10 місяців тому +1

    I have a limited experience on this. Do Buddhists have certainty? Jews, those who believe Jesus has not yet come? Muslims? Why is this THE make or break question for Christians? Just wondering

  • @Truthisjustice2024
    @Truthisjustice2024 9 місяців тому +1

    Regarding the question of why is there evil, or why does God allow evil? The author answered Beckett's question with another question. The answer is that human beings had Free Will and have free will and they originally chose to rebel against God and his word and his loving commandments given to them for their own good. Evil still exists and is rampant because people still rebel against God andHhis word and choose to do evil.

  • @singmysong1167
    @singmysong1167 10 місяців тому +2

    There can be NO Christianity without the Divine Person and truth of Christ. It seems like for someone to doubt Christianity, they are essentially doubting if Christ did indeed come from heaven, live among us humans, died a horrible death on the cross for our rebellion and sin, AND rose from death again. And is sitting NOW, at this present time, interceding for us at the right hand of God the Father.

  • @maryowen1722
    @maryowen1722 10 місяців тому +1

    I find myself living in this almost “circus atmosphere” of Christianity right now, like Thomas in my discernment of what’s passing as faith in the church: if I can’t see & touch the very wounds of my Savior; the very basics of salvation through Christ, in what’s being preached or “declared” supernaturally, I’m NOT interested!!

  • @Diligent-dp7gi
    @Diligent-dp7gi 9 місяців тому +1


  • @rocksforjesus7938
    @rocksforjesus7938 10 місяців тому +2

    Great subject! Thank you!

    • @BecketCook
      @BecketCook  10 місяців тому +1

      Thank you! God Bless

  • @gastronomist
    @gastronomist 10 місяців тому +1

    There is no such thing as a good parent because all parents will allow their children to experience pain!

  • @scubaoctopus
    @scubaoctopus 9 місяців тому +1

    Awesome and we share that assurance!

  • @angelaroberts7122
    @angelaroberts7122 10 місяців тому +2

    Great discussion and timely as we see more and more people doubting. Thank you Becket! Blessings and peace to you.

    • @BecketCook
      @BecketCook  10 місяців тому +1

      Thank you! God Bless

  • @sreed7637
    @sreed7637 10 місяців тому +2

  • @etoiledemer7472
    @etoiledemer7472 9 місяців тому +2

    this was such a good & important dialogue, thank u so much both 🙏🙏

  • @TexasLyoness
    @TexasLyoness 10 місяців тому +2

    I too was saved later in life. I’ve never doubted my faith, but I know I doubted the serpent in the garden of Eden. I thought maybe something got lost in translation. Years later I came across Dr. Heiser going over that very thing and he said in fact it was not an actual serpent/snake and gave the full explanation of it with receipts.

    • @georgewagner7787
      @georgewagner7787 9 місяців тому


    • @TexasLyoness
      @TexasLyoness 9 місяців тому

      @@georgewagner7787 Slang for proof to backup what he said.

  • @jamesburns4702
    @jamesburns4702 10 місяців тому +1

    I just heard a great story about your time in New York with Rick Burgess and promise keepers! Keep up the good work!

    • @BecketCook
      @BecketCook  10 місяців тому

      Thank you! God Bless

  • @heatherkortenkaemper319
    @heatherkortenkaemper319 27 днів тому

    I agree with Becket, I had a road to Damascus moment as well. I don’t have all the answers, nor am I able to debate an atheist, but I believe with certainty.

  • @davidmyers5735
    @davidmyers5735 8 місяців тому

    Isiah 45:6-7. I am the LORD (tetragrammaton) YHWH, and there is none else. I form the light and create darkness:. I make peace and create Evil. I the LORD (Tetragrammaton YHWH) do all these thing. What do you say about this verse? King James Version.

  • @GinnyNorton-r6d
    @GinnyNorton-r6d 8 місяців тому

    "When we know God we do not cease to wonder, but we begin to be at home with wonders. Believe the promise of God's grace, and believing, you shall live in a new world which shall always be wonder-land to you. It is a happy thing to have such faith in God as to expect as certain that which mere human judgement is most unlikely." - Charles Spurgeon This makes me think of you Becket. After pretty much a lifetime of not really knowing my identity in Christ - I came home to knowing that I know that I know...recently. I've been a Christian since I was 22 and now I'm 67. I found my freedom in Christ through Dr. Neil Anderson and his book Bondage Breaker and by working The Steps to Freedom Christ. Who wants to wander in doubt - when you can live out of your freedom in Christ?! God bless you Becket Cook - I celebrate your testimony because everytime I hear it you remind me of how good God is and how He wants each and everyone to come to belief! Your shows are such a bright spot in my life - I see and hear Christ in you.

  • @nurgul_for_Jesus
    @nurgul_for_Jesus 10 місяців тому +2


  • @lauravela1281
    @lauravela1281 8 місяців тому

    I understand what the guest I’d saying .. I’m grateful for this video because this is what I tried to share with my friends but I didn’t know how to do it.. thank you guys and..God bless you with more and more knowledge wisdom and understanding in Jesus Christ name 👏🏽

  • @SachelleCambria
    @SachelleCambria 8 місяців тому

    Why do people feel like they need to know everything? We live in a fallen world and that’s why bad things happen. It’s okay to ask God certain questions but we ask questions we have no business asking.

  • @janeth3139
    @janeth3139 10 місяців тому +1

    Good interview

  • @Denise-yj3se
    @Denise-yj3se 7 місяців тому

    Great interview. Thank you!

  • @nickmartinez7674
    @nickmartinez7674 10 місяців тому +5

    It was a rare occasion but I was unemployed couldn't find a job in my field, facing financial ruin, and one day I screamed at the top of my lungs to heaven questioning why, because I was tithing, in ministry, helping people and trying to support friends who were down and out. Less than a year later I got a great job , paid my debts and was able to buy another condo. It's good to cry out to God. He really is there!

    • @linak7155
      @linak7155 10 місяців тому +4

      This week, We cried out to Yehovah in utter despair and excruciating pain, and the Father heard us and brought relief and calmness. Thank you for your testimony about a period of unemployment and eventual restoration. At times, the answer is, Wait, my son!