Misconceptions About 50 Different Jobs

  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024


  • @Goldenfurproduction
    @Goldenfurproduction 10 місяців тому +6

    Librarian here! Here are some more misconceptions I get about librarians.
    1. Like you said, not every librarian has a degree in library science. I myself have a bachelor's in English but not a degree in library science. Most of the staff at the library I work at don't have degrees in library science. I work at a public library in a suburb city and work mainly at the front desk as a circulation librarian. I also do the library's social media.
    2. Sometimes we look like we're just sitting behind a desk, but we're always busy. While at the circ desk, we mainly check in and check out books, but many of us have various projects we are also working on at the same time. When there are no patrons, we are still working. There are plenty of people I talk to who think that being a librarian means we read all day and alas, that is not true.
    3. Libraries are not always quiet. I know some libraries are, but I always laugh at the general perception that libraries are a quiet place. There are a lot of young families in the area which means screaming children is a daily occurrence. The staff at my library generally don't shush people because we know that a lot of the kids don't know better and the parents are trying their best.

  • @feldar
    @feldar 10 місяців тому +30

    Software Engineer here: we usually can't fix software either. We make software, and if you have the source code we might be able to debug it, but if you're having problems with your Operating System or Microsoft Word, a software engineer is not the person to turn to.

    • @trevinbeattie4888
      @trevinbeattie4888 10 місяців тому +5

      I second this. Many if not most software issues turn out to be a case of Problem Between Keyboard And Chair. The first people to turn to should be the technical support staff for the product in question; if they determine there _is_ a bug in the software, they can get the relevant details to the appropriate software engineers. Many software engineers can help diagnose general issues if they’re familiar with the software, but we tend to specialize and can’t know everything.

    • @TonyHammitt
      @TonyHammitt 10 місяців тому +1

      I'm a solution architect working for a software company. When I get asked about my job, I usually just say that it's hard to explain. I don't design houses, and I don't want to fix your computer because you wouldn't like to pay my hourly rate. My job involves a lot of problem solving, writing procedures and documentation, figuring out how to configure our software to do what the clients want and figuring out what the clients really need. Then figuring out how things break (by breaking them) and fixing those problems. If you want a network of thousands of systems to work together, that's the kind of thing I do.

    • @maddiejoy6619
      @maddiejoy6619 10 місяців тому

      My husband is a software engineer and yes. He's not tech support either 😅.

    • @kmillerdevx3
      @kmillerdevx3 10 місяців тому +3

      Another one for software developers: most of us don't write code all day. Between meetings, testing, research, writing requirements, or reviewing other developers' code, our day is full before we even get a chance to write a single line of code.

    • @nebulan
      @nebulan 10 місяців тому

      My family has gotten used to my tech support suggestions which actually is the same for troubleshooting error messages in my own code: google it
      I'm proud of my mom (65) and niece (12) for mastering their websearch skills to troubleshoot their difficulties

  • @Yeraus
    @Yeraus 10 місяців тому +21

    Fear not the man who has one misconception about fifty jobs, but the man who has fifty misconceptions about one job.

  • @illiteratemochi4150
    @illiteratemochi4150 10 місяців тому +19

    As a marine biologist, I should mention this. We don’t get to spend all our time out on the ocean or at beaches; although, we do get to do that sometimes with field work. Most scientists in many different fields do a whole lot of data analysis, emails, writing papers, and other computer and lab stuff

  • @AozoraMiyako
    @AozoraMiyako 10 місяців тому +10

    As a video game tester, it's not all fun and games. i don't get paid to "play" games full time. Sometimes I will be looking at the same 10meters for 8 hours.

  • @maddiejoy6619
    @maddiejoy6619 10 місяців тому +12

    I'm a stay at home mom. There's a lot of misconceptions about my job 😅. We do financially contribute. I spend a lot of time budgeting groceries and other household expenses to make sure we can live on my husband's income. I cook our meals instead of having us eat out because it's cheaper. I research cheaper meals to stretch our grocery budget. I spend most of my summer going go garage sales so we won't need to spend as much money on necessities for our kids. I also host garage sales and sell things on Facebook marketplace to get extra cash. I take care of (almost) all appointments and phone calls during the day so my husband doesn't have to miss work to take care of those things. Also, you know, childcare costs a ton. I'm contributing. It may not add up to as much as some people's salaries, but it's a contribution nonetheless.

    • @echognomecal6742
      @echognomecal6742 10 місяців тому +1

      If someone...or a team, had to be paid for all that, it would be pretty pricey.

    • @echognomecal6742
      @echognomecal6742 10 місяців тому

      Oh, & if you're home for extended periods, add "guard" &/or "house-sitter" to it bc an occupied home is less likely to be burgled/vandalized.

    • @katherinerichardson2273
      @katherinerichardson2273 4 місяці тому

      that's an unpaid job that is your choice but don't let anyone say it's nor work, it's work

  • @Linusgump
    @Linusgump 10 місяців тому +4

    I’m a steering wheel holder, er, truck driver. I’ve been doing it over a quarter of a century with over 2 million miles driven on 3 different continents. It doesn’t matter whether your local, regional, or otr your home time is never like any other job.
    Currently I haul fuel and I make more than a otr driver and I’m home every night, but often that “home time” is literally eating and then going straight to bed because I worked a 12-14 hour day and will be doing it again tomorrow as well.

  • @fnsmike
    @fnsmike 10 місяців тому +43

    Paid summers off? Teachers in the US don't even get paid for the massive hours they put in after the normal day, or reimbursed for buying essential school supplies out of pocket.

    • @y_fam_goeglyd
      @y_fam_goeglyd 10 місяців тому +2

      Not just the USA. It happens, unfortunately, in many countries. Hubby is a learner supporter at a college (works with older teens who didn't get their basic English and/or maths qualifications in school), and after the latest "restructuring", his pay has been _reduced!_ It was that or take redundancy. The same happened to the tutors there. They're ridiculously underpaid but they love their kids.

    • @laurenvasnelis9028
      @laurenvasnelis9028 10 місяців тому +1

      The "massive hours after they put in a normal day" is part of their salary. That's most salary jobs tho.

    • @phunkybarbie
      @phunkybarbie 10 місяців тому +2

      @@laurenvasnelis9028 But it shouldn’t be, at least I don’t know think so! Nobody should have to work unpaid overtime even if they are salaried! We are not worker bees we are people who deserve a life outside of work!

    • @laurenvasnelis9028
      @laurenvasnelis9028 10 місяців тому

      @@phunkybarbie It's not "unpaid overtime." I would guarantee it's in every teacher contract. My ex-husband worked a 9-5 for a huge construction rental company and would get called in on Saturdays. He just did what he had to do.

    • @phunkybarbie
      @phunkybarbie 10 місяців тому +1

      @@laurenvasnelis9028That’s such a bummer to have to work on your day off. My hope for the future is that one day the norm for all jobs will be respecting people’s time enough to let them actually clock out at the end of the day and not have to come in on their days off. We are humans, we need time to rest and recoup!

  • @jakobburton-sundman8549
    @jakobburton-sundman8549 10 місяців тому +2

    One thing I love about days mail Carriers don't work on some days,. Is when Christmas packages were late and the post office wasn't flooded with angry calls, but "they have family too."

  • @TheyJustCallMeEm
    @TheyJustCallMeEm 10 місяців тому +2

    I've worked way too many retail jobs. The misconception that the customer is always right is incredibly wrong.

  • @nebulan
    @nebulan 10 місяців тому +2

    Weather forecasts go into a databases like noaa that share for websites, newsrooms, apps can use. The coast guard even uses that data to predict where a lost vessel might be

  • @mariaft2
    @mariaft2 10 місяців тому +24

    Thanks for getting the librarian stuff right, lol. People often think we are volunteers, or read all day. I barely have time to read my email, let alone a book. We also get specialized training. As a children’s librarian, I have studied child development and early literacy.

    • @Miss_Kisa94
      @Miss_Kisa94 10 місяців тому +3

      Honestly I really wanted to become a librarian till I found out that I would need a master's degree 😒 no way I could afford that

    • @y_fam_goeglyd
      @y_fam_goeglyd 10 місяців тому

      Hello dear colleagues! 😁❤️
      My early career was as a library assistant in the UK. Librarians hold degrees, either a bachelor's in librarianship (I was going to go to Leeds University to study that, but unfortunately life intervened), or a post grad masters or even a PhD in it (the initial bachelor's could be anything).
      Library assistants are the vast majority of employees and we look after the books (shelving returns and new books - the latter after the librarian has classified them, fixing, issuing & returning, taking requests, assisting the public, reading with kids... There's a lot to do!)
      I've worked in HQ - readers' requests section, specifically for me subject based, where I'd have to research to find the most appropriate and available books on a given subject (my colleague did the new book requests), and help load them into the appropriate container for distribution to each library in the county. They often weighed about a 100 lbs and I'd have to literally sling them up to the top shelf! I loved that job, especially as occasionally I'd get to fill in on the mobile library, but got transferred to the town library. That's where I did the majority of the forner description.
      Then onto a university library which used the Bliss classification after a lifetime of using Dewey. I _hate_ Bliss! Though my section was M-N, so I was with my beloved history books. You can tell how much that place traumatized me, I was only there 18 months and left 36 years ago, but I still remember certain classes lol.
      Finally I ended up on a mobile library in London! Had life not taken yet another turn (initially not a good one but I ended up marrying the guy I'd moved to London to be with in the first place, so it worked out well. We're still together after 35 years of marriage, 4 kids and now 6 grandchildren later, I don't regret a thing), I'd still be working in libraries, even though I had to work for a major telecoms company after moving to Hubby's place. Unfortunately I have a degenerative condition which prevents me from working. I really really miss libraries...

    • @KattMurr
      @KattMurr 10 місяців тому

      I have a unique library position with NYS's Department of Corrections. I'm a library clerk. I do not work at a facility but central office in Albany. We fill law library requests strictly on a computer system. No direct contact with the convicts. I took a test to obtain the position. My qualifications for taking the test was 5 years as a library assistant at a local public library...

  • @KattMurr
    @KattMurr 10 місяців тому +2

    I'm not a librarian but a library clerk. I work for NYS Department of Corrections and Community Supervision. I had to take a test to get the position. My qualifications for taking the test was working as a library assistant at a public library for 5 years. I do not deal directly with convicts because I work at central office in Albany. We fill law library requests using a computer system the incarcerated individuals have access to at their facility. Not anyone has access to the law library. The incarcerated individual has to take a course and pass a test before having the privilege of library use. Very interesting job and very happy to have it!

  • @dstinnettmusic
    @dstinnettmusic 10 місяців тому +7

    Lasagna path: I promise to hate Mondays and kick the dog off the table whenever the opportunity is there

  • @uberwiguy
    @uberwiguy 10 місяців тому +1

    As a CPA, I can confirm that I'm not a math whiz. I can work a 10 key much faster than I can do mental math. It's a lot more learning rules than knowing how to do math.

  • @MarkiusFox
    @MarkiusFox 10 місяців тому +1

    My father was a trucker for most of his life, he did all three types at one point or another. I knew him mostly doing local trucking, operating out of central Florida; he'd drive as far South as Key West (rarely) and as far North as Jacksonville, but never really up in the panhandle region. OTR and regional pay more, but they are not great for a father that wants to be around their children as they are growing up.
    To add to the misconceptions:
    Drill Sergeants/Instructors are allowed to touch a recruit: While some films and tv shows might depict an instructor getting physical, the reality is that they prefer to be hands-off. That isn't to say they will avoid physical contact. If they are assaulted by a recruit, they will react accordingly, and be required to do the paperwork explaining why after everything is said and done.
    Military Generals/Admirals are weapons experts: Every person in the military is a professional, including the ones that wear stars as their rank, but they aren't necessarily an expert in the field of weapons. For that, there are a few specific jobs, and even then the expertise can be rather limited.

  • @malagastehlaate230
    @malagastehlaate230 10 місяців тому +6

    Here is one I run into a lot in my job... Laboratory Technicians are NOT just phlebotomists... we don't just draw blood... while that is part of our job... it is just a small part. Some Lab Techs don't draw blood. But most of us have trained in phlebotomy... And we are NOT nurses. You have no idea how many times I get asked things like "When can I get my pills?... When is the Dr coming?" Honestly as a lab tech I have no idea... My response is often "Please ask your nurse."... I also get very tired of the "Haha funny" of being called a vampire... 300x a day... well maybe not that often but yeah... contrary to popular belief... you aren't the first to come up with that one... I roll my eyes at you... internally... While I am probably the closest thing you are going to come to a true vampire... I am not one... yes I work nights... yes I avoid the sun... yes I deal with blood... however... no fangs here... I don't typically bite. I have been bitten... anyway... not just a phlebotomist.

  • @toastedwaffle4515
    @toastedwaffle4515 10 місяців тому +2

    Orkin pro ( pest control): The job has very little "exterminating"(Killing pest)
    99% of the job is preventing infestations. When you do the job right you don't kill anything

  • @TheSolXP
    @TheSolXP 10 місяців тому +4

    10:28 Additionally, they don't always get quality sleep. My Dad was a firefighter in the 70's and 80's, so being on-call all the time means you never know when the next assignment will be .. which is why he's able to fall asleep anywhere at the drop of a hat.

  • @pinkicekream
    @pinkicekream 10 місяців тому +6

    Super super excited that you mentioned us doulas!!! Some clarification:
    We also have training in NON-medical physical, emotional, and educational support. We also have lactation training to support breastfeeding parents. LOVE LOVE LOVE your holy trinity!

  • @JeramyWare
    @JeramyWare 10 місяців тому +2

    Big, important misconception from your video: Midwives are NOT medical professionals. In many states there's no educational or licensing requirements to call yourself a miswife. Nurse Midwives are a thing, and they are medical professionals that have gone through college, nursing school, post-grad education, and advanced training. There's a huge difference in safety and patient outcomes.

  • @shaneminer4526
    @shaneminer4526 10 місяців тому +1

    In Missouri the county coroner is the only person who can arrest a sheriff.

  • @ryuuwyvern90
    @ryuuwyvern90 10 місяців тому +1

    In Australia, teachers ARE paid for the holidays. However, are these holidays. They are spent working from home on usually copious amounts of marking, reporting, planning, creating and collating resources and lessons. Our job can be so exhausting many of us collapse in the first week and just need rest.

  • @joewilson3393
    @joewilson3393 10 місяців тому +15

    I am a data analyst, so people expect me to do math all day too. In reality most of my job is figuring out how to collect the data and then display the data in a way that can be used. Analyzing and math are a smaller part in the middle. Just like the accountant, my tools like Access and Excel do most of the math for me. As long as I understand what math I am telling them to do, of course.

  • @spinkitty250
    @spinkitty250 10 місяців тому +1

    I'm an Art model for art schools, studios, colleges, and universities. Everyone thinks my job is "just to sit there and look pretty" for pay. In reality I'm doing isometric exercise and being as still as possible for anywhere from 30 seconds- 6 hours, and sometimes having a single pose go for over 4 weeks or more. I work in 20 minute intervals with a 5 minute break to regain circulation but it can put you at higher risk of athletes foot and ring worm due to a lack of sanitation between places. It also puts you at much higher strain injury risks from breaking a pose too fast since going from no motion into motion can be too sudden for the muscles. It also puts you at risk of Fat Pad Syndrome because you are putting a steady and immense pressure on the weight bearing leg. I love my job but man, the amount of injuries i have had are not insignificant. Not to mention the base level of having to help separate nudity from sexuality for the sake of art and education.

    • @katherinerichardson2273
      @katherinerichardson2273 4 місяці тому

      wow I really didn't know anything about that sort of thing or that it was a profession interesting

    • @spinkitty250
      @spinkitty250 4 місяці тому

      @@katherinerichardson2273 it's absolutely one of those weird professions that you only learn about if you take figure drawing or someone you know does.

  • @PABadger13
    @PABadger13 9 місяців тому +2

    Misconception: Park Rangers spend all day in nature.
    The natural ecosystems of parks generally take care of themselves pretty well without our intervention. Park rangers are generally more concerned with the human landscape of parks: the guests and the infrastructure that supports them. This can include anything from picnic areas and trails to offices and workshops to water distribution and sewage systems. Parks, especially large parks, may be seen as small cities with mostly transient populations...and anything that can happen in a city can happen in a park. Additionally, not all parks are natural areas: parks may also be historical, cultural, recreational, or scenic - or all of the above. Operationally, that means that we fill a wide range of roles, including cop, emergency responder, teacher, store clerk, secretary, janitor, public works employee, construction worker, gardener, social worker, historian or scientist. Depending on our actual title, duties, and specific agency, some of us can be very specialized in these roles, while some of us, like myself, can do a little of everything, even multiple roles in the same day. So while it is true that I'm more likely to see a peregrine falcon at work than many people, I also spend a lot more time cleaning restrooms than they might.

  • @jliller
    @jliller 10 місяців тому +1

    A professional archaeologist I know told me for every day of field work there is typically a week of lab work. I suspect that is true for similar jobs like paleontologists and marine biologists.

  • @nicksintora518
    @nicksintora518 10 місяців тому +2

    More on Pilots: it’s a misconception that when the autopilot is on we just sit back and relax and sometimes fall asleep… The pilots are still putting commands into the autopilot and talking to ATC throughout the duration of the flight

  • @lindsaynic
    @lindsaynic 10 місяців тому +1

    My friend is an archaeologist! She works at a museum. Sometimes she gets to travel, but she mostly just works on stuff at the museum.

  • @markedis5902
    @markedis5902 10 місяців тому +2

    31:55 Doctor tells nurse what to do…. Nurse tells doctor where to go

  • @route2070
    @route2070 10 місяців тому +3

    In college i had 2 professors who were prosecuting attorneys before they went into teaching. Per state law they were their county's coroner.

  • @TheAmishEngineer
    @TheAmishEngineer 10 місяців тому +1

    Civil engineers don’t just deal with buildings; we also handle roads, railways, waterways, pipelines, utilities, dams, bridges, etc. Some even deal with aircraft.

  • @myragroenewegen5426
    @myragroenewegen5426 10 місяців тому +1

    I find the bit about librarians a little strange. Perhaps it would be better phrased as, "a library science degree allows you to be a lot more than just a librarian. And there are a wide range of different kinds of specialized librarian jobs too that most people aren't familiar with when considering librarians." My sense is that library science is about managing and dealing with information archives of all kinds, but maybe someone with a library science degree will expand that definition further.

  • @melonmelon2848
    @melonmelon2848 10 місяців тому +1

    Misconception #1 for e-commerce trader, we really don't usually ship your package ourselves and we don't own the Amazon logistics either
    And we certainly is not Amazon

  • @aroundtheworldlearning2309
    @aroundtheworldlearning2309 10 місяців тому +2

    Misconception about my job as an ELL Teacher (English Language Learner) - that I must know how to speak another language to teacher. No. It's pretty much English immersion. When a problem arises, I use google translate. I do happen to speak some Spanish but no more than anyone who took it in high school or college.
    Another misconception is that all I need to do is go into a room and talk. First off, I'm not supposed to do more than 30% of the talking. Secondly, I have to know such things as how language is acquired, how sounds are made, complex grammar rules, common mistakes students make in translating from their language to English. It's much more complex than people realize.

    • @katherinerichardson2273
      @katherinerichardson2273 4 місяці тому

      I've actually been learning Spanish on an app called Duolingo for like the last 2 years for fun it's really interesting how language works

  • @darkmooink69
    @darkmooink69 10 місяців тому +2

    As someone from the civilised world I never understood tenure because it just sounded like any other job then I found out how bad American employees have it.

  • @drewdoesmusic
    @drewdoesmusic 10 місяців тому +3

    As a cashier, I can safely say that the most common misconception about us is that we give a shit.

  • @mw66683
    @mw66683 10 місяців тому +2

    In regards to attorneys/lawyers and degrees...if it ain't on the page, it ain't on the stage.

  • @hoovdaddy0505
    @hoovdaddy0505 10 місяців тому +1

    Common misconception about police: Being arrested does not mean you'll be read the Miranda Warning. You are only read Miranda if you are under arrest (some officers will read you Miranda if an arrest is impending or it would be reasonable that you do not feel free to leave) **AND** you are being asked incriminating questions. If a cop sees you beating someone up or observes you on camera shoplifting, or fleeing the scene of an accident and arrests you later, dont think youre off the hook just because you weren't advised of Miranda.

  • @stecky87
    @stecky87 10 місяців тому +2

    Thank you for having the misconceptions about the library: so many people think everyone working at a library are librarians

  • @x0men
    @x0men 10 місяців тому +2

    IT dude here, we don't know your passwords, not unless you give it to us and/or we "hack" your account, and by "hack" I mean find your password written down on a sticky or in a file on your desktop.

  • @filipruml
    @filipruml 10 місяців тому +3

    American teachers don't get paid summers off? Damn.

  • @Yourcousinvinnie
    @Yourcousinvinnie 10 місяців тому +3

    For Starbucks baristas: we’re actually people with feelings, not subhuman scum to do your bidding :)

  • @TheSolXP
    @TheSolXP 10 місяців тому +1

    22:25 Let's also remember businesses tempt that grey area of deducting tips from wages and when credit card tips get added to their paycheck. Cash is King.

  • @redjazzjrSRM
    @redjazzjrSRM 9 місяців тому

    11:30 David Payne the meteorologist who makes tornadoes more exiting rather than scary. Gary England was the meteorologist that lived for The Twister! The tornado that just kept multiplying and left the biggest scar on the Earth visible from satellite view!

  • @cjthechill
    @cjthechill 10 місяців тому

    1. Hired hands for stagehand work DO NOT get to enjoy, let alone see, the concerts (unless hired as show call and put into a certain position such as spot light op). The actual stage TECHS a.k.a. roadies are the ones directly involved, so much so they get exhausted of the same thing over and over.
    2. NEITHER stagehands nor roadies have any kind of power over getting discounted tickets. We go in through security clearance.

  • @cassafrasscubby460
    @cassafrasscubby460 10 місяців тому +1

    You may think the cooks in restaurants and fast food joints all have a serve safe certificate, but that's a common misconception. There might be one or two managers with the certificate, but prep and most cooks have no certifications, and your servers absolutely won't have them.
    Applying for a state or federal cooking job might require you to get a tb test and a hep test (and probably out of your pocket) but you will NEVER find a restaurant or fast food joint that requires these tests.
    Enjoy your next meal out.

    • @skellbo
      @skellbo 10 місяців тому

      In Texas a few years ago it became the law that all food employees including servers have to take a food certification course online. Employees have two weeks to make sure it gets done. Most places I have worked here have been very adamant that you get your certification on time, though I have had one job that didn't ask for eight months until the inspector was about to come around. But that place was falling apart at the seams. So this one does tend to vary by state.

    • @katherinerichardson2273
      @katherinerichardson2273 4 місяці тому

      these places do not put importance on getting people serve safe my old job would keep talking about how they're going to get everyone served safe but they wouldn't give you the time to actually trained and do it

  • @y_fam_goeglyd
    @y_fam_goeglyd 10 місяців тому +2

    In the UK, most babies are delivered in a midwife-led wards (delivery room, water birth room if available, post-delivery...) There should always be a ob-gyn on hand if the midwife decides that a caesarian is necessary (or one is planned), but they are practitioners and can prescribe some medication as well as deliver the baby. They are either fully-qualified nurses (3 years study & on-ward work) with a post grad qualification in midwifery (I think that's an extra year), or they spend 3 years getting a qualification in midwifery. I'm not sure if the qualifications are called degrees, but it's that standard.
    I had 3 kids in hospital, one of which needed intervention by the on-call registrar (it was stupid o'clock in the morning), the others by a pair of midwives (they usually work in pairs). I had my last baby at home. My midwife (you get one from the start of your pregnancy at your local surgery. They'll be with you throughout and up to 10 days after) and her colleague came to my house and delivered my daughter. This was planned, btw, and by then I knew what I was doing! It was fantastic. Hardly even hurt - no relief or anything.

    • @isaadore5403
      @isaadore5403 10 місяців тому

      3 babies here and didn't see a doctor once, midwives all the way!

  • @myragroenewegen5426
    @myragroenewegen5426 10 місяців тому

    The one about health restaurant inspectors is interesting. It would be good if those who dispatch inspectors made an effort to send them into areas a ways from home, so that they could eat in their own neighbourhoods without proprietors of places they might frequent most being aware of their occupation. Such measures would avoid much of the potential for bribery or hard feelings, and allow inspectors to lead normal eating-out lives near their homes, at the very least, avoiding whatever area they inspect more easily than they could if they serve their own immediate neighbourhood.

  • @josephtaub20
    @josephtaub20 7 місяців тому

    Lawyer/attorney in USA = solicitor/barrister in England, I believe. Librarian/wood desk: No, chipboard under melamine. USA Waiter tips: Waiter PAY is actually BELOW minimum wage; they do it for the tips. They have to pay income tax on those, too--and the government makes estimates of how much that should be and bills them for it!

  • @BickfordSarah1
    @BickfordSarah1 10 місяців тому +2

    Childcare professionals are not babysitters

  • @ModelsWorkshop
    @ModelsWorkshop 10 місяців тому

    There is also competitive truck driving. It has a written test, a Pretrip Test, and a skills (driving) test.

  • @ShadowedHandParish
    @ShadowedHandParish 10 місяців тому +2

    Customer Care or Device Technical Support: The customer is NOT always right, more often they are so woefully wrong they're actually harming themselves. The Government is always right because they made the safety laws and sadly that means you can't do what you want and expect us to fix it

    • @thefunkyJ
      @thefunkyJ 3 місяці тому

      I recently learned that there is a misconception about that quote, the full quote is actually "The customer is always right in matters of taste", so the original saying is not even saying that they are always right.

    • @ShadowedHandParish
      @ShadowedHandParish 3 місяці тому +1

      @@thefunkyJ true but the mass perceptive hive-mind has latched on to the misquote to the point it's true and therefore cannot be assailed by logic or proof..when I have a customer scream at me their the customer and they pay my bills, I just take solace knowing they're another bleating sheep that I've kept alive in spite of themselves

    • @thefunkyJ
      @thefunkyJ 3 місяці тому

      @@ShadowedHandParish It's a hard job, I respect that

  • @route2070
    @route2070 10 місяців тому +1

    With TSA, if police is in the job title, they are a cop and can arrested. If not they are security. The word officer doesn't matter, since in part most security personal are called security officers. Correctional officers is completely different.

    @STRETCHofLGV 10 місяців тому +1

    Oh man The ARMY and military as a whole.. everybody thinks its just infantry and going to war or "the field". . Its been almost 4 years since i even had a chance to shoot a rifle at a range

  • @KatelynDombach
    @KatelynDombach 10 місяців тому +1

    I'm a private investigator. It is WAYYY more boring then people think! My position is sitting in an office on the phone but even the surveillance investigators that are out following people are spending most of their day sitting outside of a house hoping the person comes outside. Everyone thinks about PIs investigating cheating spouses and run away kids and all sorts of crazy things but our bread and butter is insurance fraud. You would be amazed how many people claim they cant walk after that car accident or work place injury but we catch them being more athletic then I am!

  • @ChrisTheDragonRider
    @ChrisTheDragonRider 10 місяців тому

    Marketing is more than just making advertisements! Advertising is one of the final and often over-exaggerated steps in marketing. Most of a marketer's job is more involved with brand development, consumer behavior, sociology, psychology and many other aspects of business strategy.

  • @macaylacayton2915
    @macaylacayton2915 10 місяців тому +1

    fossils are what paleontologists study, yes the more well known fossils of dinosaurs but not all fossils are dinosaurs, there are plant fossils, sea life fossils, shell fossils, etc. Anything that is similar to bone can fossilize

  • @EmilyExplosion27
    @EmilyExplosion27 10 місяців тому +2

    School counselors are not disciplinarians. I could say much more, but that feels like the big one.

  • @BenjaminKeller
    @BenjaminKeller 8 місяців тому

    To be fair, pilots can normally check in advanced how fully booked flights are and can more or less predict if there will be space.

  • @InstinktzBTW
    @InstinktzBTW 10 місяців тому

    Local driving pay less and also don’t take in account for daily commute expenses. That’s why I’ve never opted to being a local driver.

  • @samkingsway6564
    @samkingsway6564 7 місяців тому

    Loved this episode!! Learned a lot and agreed with all. Thanks for always creating great content!

  • @samivayajd
    @samivayajd 10 місяців тому

    I usually close my eyes when getting a haircut, sends a good message lol. Also, I'm an I.T. Specialist and a good chunk of our job is setup of equipment which can be very tedious because of organizing cables. I spend more time doing inventory than I do any other task on an actual computer, other than read emails and submit tickets.

  • @Tarotgal8205
    @Tarotgal8205 2 місяці тому

    I assist Veterans with their claims to the Department of Veterans Affairs. 1) I didn't make your decision so don't yell at me. 2) No, VA isn't waiting for you to die before they work on your claim. 3) I cannot rush the process. Now that I have that out of my system, I am well training to follow the laws Congress sets down to get the veteran the benefits they are entitled to. Every situation that requires an application has a process to be followed to make a determination on the situation. Every person is important but please wait your turn.

  • @echognomecal6742
    @echognomecal6742 10 місяців тому

    For some reason I was curious about the newspaper 24:00
    January-16-1919 was, indeed, a Thursday.

  • @therongjr
    @therongjr 10 місяців тому +5

    My experience is that human resources representatives absolutely do NOT have people skills.

  • @kimberlyowen7600
    @kimberlyowen7600 9 місяців тому

    Librarians and Library Assistants also don't just sit around reading books all day! LOL! What you do, do all day is Customer Service! :D

  • @christinegengaro8931
    @christinegengaro8931 10 місяців тому

    I live in Los Angeles, and let me tell you, ice cream trucks are a year-round thing here. At least down my block. 😂

  • @nicolechafetz3904
    @nicolechafetz3904 10 місяців тому

    Being able to draw used to be important in the field of architecture before computers.
    John Green wouldn’t have missed that link .
    Just kidding, man, I love ya.

  • @jasondroninaround
    @jasondroninaround 10 місяців тому

    A truck driver's electronics logs computer cannot shut the truck down. I don't know if that's a public misconception, but that is definitely a misconception with the drivers, early in electronic log adaptation.

  • @daniel55645
    @daniel55645 6 місяців тому

    As a local truck driver, we get paid WAY more than OTR drivers.

  • @jliller
    @jliller 10 місяців тому

    Meteorologists are correct in their forecasts far more than people think in a large part because most people don't understand how the concept of percentage chances. 50% chance of rain does not mean the forecast is for rain half of the day.
    Also, weather can be shockingly localized. Last summer, the site where I work rarely got any rain. However, the area eight miles due west of me - part of the same overall community - got rain almost every day. And I'm in Florida so it's not like there was a mountain range in the way.

    • @katherinerichardson2273
      @katherinerichardson2273 4 місяці тому

      the way I see it the only thing they can do is predict the current pattern but there are a lot of factors that cause the pattern to change regularly

  • @CreatrixTiara
    @CreatrixTiara 10 місяців тому

    Stage magic: it's never mind control. It's never subliminal messaging. That's way too unpredictable.

  • @kandipiatkowski8589
    @kandipiatkowski8589 10 місяців тому

    I have a bachelor's degree in business management with a minor in accounting (I joke that I have a BS degree in BM....lol), but haven't really used it. I was in customer service for around 20 yrs, about half of which was at a major auto lender, so it was close. I'm definitely not a math whiz.....not to mention that I dif not like doing taxes. I finished my degree with the intention of getting a accounting job, but that never happened. I did have a short stint as a manager in a travel agency, but that was way before I finished my degree. It was the one time I was given a job that, even on paper, I wasn't qualified for (based on my experience). It was because my boss at the time wanted to move to another city to open another office, so he fudged the paperwork so I could stay in the current office (I wasn't able to move at the time). That boss ended up not beibg the most ethical person....but that was before 9/11 changed all the rules.

  • @nine4t4
    @nine4t4 10 місяців тому +1

    Tip pools are not universal. I worked in restos with fine dining. Funny story...
    The head waiter is handing out sections (he was a bitch). He gives one guy only a table of 8, because it's a business dinner (he tried to screw the waiter). Zad, takes it on the chin.
    They ordered our best dishes, and almost raided the wine sellar.
    hW, "what did they tip"
    "16%, but it's okay. the bill was 4000 dollars. Thanks for giving that table".
    The waiter only tipped out the bar tender for a few cocktails. 600 bucks in his pocket. Corkimg fees didn't apply.
    Easy night, 600 bucks with only one table. HWaiter made about the same, but he ran his ass off for it. C***. The kitchen bought Z drinks that night, just to see if we could make HW burst into flames.

  • @redjazzjrSRM
    @redjazzjrSRM 9 місяців тому

    16:15 I know one of my most trusted mates got fired over cussing to a student who was just a purely toxic kiddo.

  • @eifelitorn
    @eifelitorn 10 місяців тому +1

    why are your videos always so low volume :/

  • @firstcynic92
    @firstcynic92 10 місяців тому

    I don't want an attorney who just practices law. I want one thats a professional. 😂

  • @nandavalenti
    @nandavalenti 10 місяців тому +1

    I'm a translator, and a common misconception is that we're walking dictionaries 😅

  • @robotdeer
    @robotdeer 10 місяців тому

    I like when the handsome bear tells me lists of things.

  • @stephenbonutto2713
    @stephenbonutto2713 10 місяців тому +1

    Electricians won't fix your broken hair dryer or ovens etc. We deal with fixed wiring only and not appliances.

    • @linvallier2269
      @linvallier2269 3 місяці тому

      My spouse is a retired electrician, and fixes EVERYTHING. Including our wedding gift coffee maker …..from 1974. ❤

  • @JoPlaysSims
    @JoPlaysSims 10 місяців тому

    Actually in the UK are medical experts and work in hospitals.

  • @robumf
    @robumf 8 місяців тому +2

    It's lot easier to train a dog, or a horse then a human.
    Unfortunately because the person is usually the problem. You need to deal with that.

  • @AlisonBriscoeCricket
    @AlisonBriscoeCricket 10 місяців тому

    I LOVE the MAP on the wall!!!!

  • @dallasmartinfark
    @dallasmartinfark 10 місяців тому +1

    People think banks carry a safe full of cash at each location but we really have about $50k

    • @glennso47
      @glennso47 3 місяці тому

      Just ask Jimmy Stewart in It’s A Wonderful Life.

  • @TiagoSeiler
    @TiagoSeiler 9 місяців тому

    Listening to this while flying cross country on flight benefits 🤣

  • @taylorboulton177
    @taylorboulton177 10 місяців тому +2

    My bff's dad passed the bar without going to law school

    • @glennso47
      @glennso47 3 місяці тому +1

      I pass the bar every time I go past the tavern.

  • @echognomecal6742
    @echognomecal6742 10 місяців тому

    I'll be consulting my Realtor about my upcoming surgery.

  • @phredtoonjoon6669
    @phredtoonjoon6669 10 місяців тому +1

    i work at q funeral home. no one knowss what i do. i get asked the craziest quetions lol . its fun sometimes

    • @katherinerichardson2273
      @katherinerichardson2273 4 місяці тому

      my friend is a mortician and a funeral director so I know some of that stuff

  • @katherinerichardson2273
    @katherinerichardson2273 4 місяці тому

    that's like the fact that I can read Spanish a heck of a lot better than I can understand what someone is saying when I hear it those are different jobs in different skills

  • @ChadwickTheChad
    @ChadwickTheChad 10 місяців тому +1

    Chatty hairdressers and uber drivers are the absolute worst.

  • @pmarkhill519
    @pmarkhill519 9 місяців тому

    Abraham Lincoln studied on his own to become a lawyer in Illinois.

  • @Velata
    @Velata 10 місяців тому

    Speaking of the Hippocratic oath: it doesn't cover surgeons. The part about "abstain from whatever that is deleterious" means the usage of the knife goes against the oath. The updated versions do try to include the surgeons (which explains the "do no harm"), but the original profession of medicine does not include the surgeons.

  • @rickjensen1636
    @rickjensen1636 Місяць тому

    Doctors are supposed to do no harm? Fun fact, the guy that invented the Gatling gun was a doctor, how's that for doing no harm? lol

  • @phunkybarbie
    @phunkybarbie 10 місяців тому +3

    I am a substitute teacher and I’ve been surprised how many students and parents (and some full time teachers) think subs must have degrees in Education. This is FALSE! In my district at least the only requirements are: being over 18, having a Highschool diploma and not having a criminal record. 😂

    • @_Super_Hans_
      @_Super_Hans_ 10 місяців тому

      Yet they always cry about not getting paid enough

    • @phunkybarbie
      @phunkybarbie 10 місяців тому +2

      @@_Super_Hans_ Just to be clear Full time teachers must have degrees in education, substitutes (teachers who are only there when the full time teachers are away) are the ones who only need the qualifications above. I can’t argue with what I’m paid, I’m a glorified babysitter… BUT I believe that full time teachers are criminally underpaid and undervalued. We simply would not have a functioning society without them yet they are not paid a livable, equitable wage nor are they valued for their tremendous service to society. Teachers are HEROES ❤

  • @mradam9872
    @mradam9872 10 місяців тому

    A misconception about my job is that I’m a robot.

  • @HAWK060
    @HAWK060 10 місяців тому

    Well I'm a truck driver, and yeah i'm never home.

  • @thebradleyb
    @thebradleyb 10 місяців тому +1

    Holy heck, man. WTF is that Optometrist segment? You basically called them special salespersons and I don’t think anyone was accusing them of just being sales people and even being a sales person doesn’t mean you’re a bad person or pushing bad products onto people. What a weird thing to put out into the universe. Grind that axe, I guess.

  • @colleenkochman9656
    @colleenkochman9656 10 місяців тому

    I vote for "The Lasagna Oath".....

  • @ThunderChunky101
    @ThunderChunky101 10 місяців тому

    An oath isn't just a ritual... It's an oath.
    How far has mankind fallen...