It's my birthday today. ~ The year is 2024; just about four decades since this album was recorded, then released in 1985. I've been playing it quite a bit this summer, as I do every year.. I listen to a lot of music from various genres, but 'Silent Scream' is still my primary go-to from the time that the Spring air starts heating up until the Fall leaves begin turning color. 'Summer Sun' and the other songs on the album have always allowed me to become the young, impressionable young man I was many years ago, driving to the Jersey Shore with my girlfriend (aka "the one who got away"). I'm very familiar with the unfortunate circumstances that cost Gary West and the rest of the band their chance to reach the superstar status they worked so hard for when creating Silent Scream. I've learned many lessons over the course of my life; one of them is the fact that ultimate success in any field requires the perfect combination of ability, hard work, timing, and perhaps most importantly, good luck (or at least, the avoidance of any bad luck). From one Gary (me) to another Gary (Mr. West), I hope you know that there are many listeners of your music who realize "what might have been"... or, to be more accurate, what SHOULD HAVE been.
Yeah, I'm from the neighborhood. Came up on this band. Anyone remember "One Block West" ?. In the early 80's they would blow the roof of of the place. RIP, Van.
Reminds me of going on dates with my girlfriend (now wife of 29 years) back in the 80's- that was the litmus test- would she go on another date with me! :)
Discovered this cassette at a thrift shop today and now I already love it, very underrated band. Reminds me of a lot of melodic rock and hair metal bands of that era. Like a mix of Night Ranger Survivor and Y&T
I agree with your opinion :). While I thought the first two were great, this one is in a class all of its own. Brilliant. They should have been a household name. Tragic they got screwed :(
Triumph firefall. Gary west David gates and John Waite these guys had really high-pitched one of a kindvoices yesterday were all genuine an from the Heart
Agreed. This album is about heartbreak, so heartfelt, emotional. It has helped me push the the trauma of lost love since it’s release date, 1985, a gift that keeps giving.
Kinda sounds like "Night Ranger" & "Journey". Felt So Far-Far Away Long Ago if I heard this kinda Beautiful Sounds of Past. Feels like I've been "Shoot Out Away Too Far from My Own Beautiful Past" then-what I Suddenly Realized is .... I Think "I've Been Trapped Within an UN-Pleasant Future of myself" @ This Millenium Time of Now. That makes Me Felt Deeply Depressive of my Own "Nowadays Existence". 😪😓😥😭
Sadly after album started getting traction , anti-abortion film with same title was released, regardless of where you land on issue, the connection sunk this amazing album. promoted by
Gary West is a genius! The entire original band were so ahead of their time. Thanks for posting this.
Yea thank
Yep. Still hurts that he was sick when I went to see them warm up for Kansas on Kansas's Drastic Measures tour in Rockford Illinois
It's my birthday today. ~ The year is 2024; just about four decades since this album was recorded, then released in 1985. I've been playing it quite a bit this summer, as I do every year.. I listen to a lot of music from various genres, but 'Silent Scream' is still my primary go-to from the time that the Spring air starts heating up until the Fall leaves begin turning color. 'Summer Sun' and the other songs on the album have always allowed me to become the young, impressionable young man I was many years ago, driving to the Jersey Shore with my girlfriend (aka "the one who got away"). I'm very familiar with the unfortunate circumstances that cost Gary West and the rest of the band their chance to reach the superstar status they worked so hard for when creating Silent Scream. I've learned many lessons over the course of my life; one of them is the fact that ultimate success in any field requires the perfect combination of ability, hard work, timing, and perhaps most importantly, good luck (or at least, the avoidance of any bad luck). From one Gary (me) to another Gary (Mr. West), I hope you know that there are many listeners of your music who realize "what might have been"... or, to be more accurate, what SHOULD HAVE been.
Yeah, I'm from the neighborhood. Came up on this band. Anyone remember "One Block West" ?. In the early 80's they would blow the roof of of the place. RIP, Van.
Nope, I don't recall One Block West but lived at 99th and Roe, right down the street from Ron Verlin ,bass player
Dont Walk Away is a time capsule sending the listener back to 1985........FANTASTIC JAM AND ALBUM!!!
Reminds me of going on dates with my girlfriend (now wife of 29 years) back in the 80's- that was the litmus test- would she go on another date with me! :)
Discovered this cassette at a thrift shop today and now I already love it, very underrated band. Reminds me of a lot of melodic rock and hair metal bands of that era. Like a mix of Night Ranger Survivor and Y&T
How Summer Sun, I'm Getting Out, when You're Young, and Don't Walk Away were not bigger amazes me.
This is the best Shooting Star Album easily.
Dead-on right MarkZambo. These are not just shooting star's best but great songs that got less airplay than deserved
This band and album should have been huge. RIP Van...
Great album
Great AOR! I like the singer.
My opinion only, but this by far is their best work...
I agree with your opinion :). While I thought the first two were great, this one is in a class all of its own. Brilliant. They should have been a household name. Tragic they got screwed :(
One of my favorites!
Triumph firefall. Gary west David gates and John Waite these guys had really high-pitched one of a kindvoices yesterday were all genuine an from the Heart
Also I'm glad to have went to school with them boys!!!!!!!!!
Shawnee Mission North?
I really enjoy this CASSETTE still lol
cheers great album i just love it so keep on rockin' with this great band.
Survivor vibes. This could be a rocky soundtrack. Seriously underrated band.
Y&T vibes
Yeah I thought it sounds like a heavier mid 80s Survivor or Night Ranger maybe, I'm surprised it wasn't a bigger album
Agreed. This album is about heartbreak, so heartfelt, emotional.
It has helped me push the the trauma of lost love since it’s release date, 1985, a gift that keeps giving.
Wha'ts wrong with KISS LOL?
Still rock out to this album ! Bangers top to bottom and definitely my favorite album of Shooting Star (Probably an unpopular
Great album. Thank you!
Why in the world indeed did this band not go platinum. Ridiculously underrated album.
I'm hoping not because of sales. Van McClain probably shouldn't have tried singing so much lol
Wow! This is some nice AOR! Thanks For The Upload.
Kinda sounds like "Night Ranger" & "Journey". Felt So Far-Far Away Long Ago if I heard this kinda Beautiful Sounds of Past. Feels like I've been "Shoot Out Away Too Far from My Own Beautiful Past" then-what I Suddenly Realized is .... I Think "I've Been Trapped Within an UN-Pleasant Future of myself"
@ This Millenium Time of Now.
That makes Me Felt Deeply Depressive of my Own "Nowadays Existence".
Track two sounds like Triumph.
I feel 80's Toto vibe here
Whereas I get a late 70's Survivor vibe. :)
where as I get an Asia/ Journey vibe.
Sadly after album started getting traction , anti-abortion film with same title was released, regardless of where you land on issue, the connection sunk this amazing album.
promoted by
I remember that movie it had absolutely no connection to this album. They got screwed by Geffen, that is what sunk this album. Not some niche flick.