The most accurate way to take temperatures are in Rankine at 29.92in.hg with inversely proportional CFM's and divide it by the inside diameter of the latent heat.
BTW it sounds exactly like forensic tech in police in my country. They are said to be expensive to train so after you become one you have little chance of promotion too high (beyond point when you still do ft stuff).
Imagine a human born and confined to the room temperature room for the first 18 years of their life and then finally letting them out to experience hot and cold rooms, it would blow their mind.
It's nothing special. I was born in Cuba and never experienced Snow for my whole life, 'till I went to live in Italy, and I regreted experiencing snow. I hate it.
Item #: Unknown Object Class: Thaumiel Special Containment Procedures: The TRTR is to remain connected to a suitable power supply at all times in the middle of the main research center. The TRTR is not to be bewildered with SPC-002. Description: The "TRTR" or The Room Temperature Room is an unkown or yet-to-be-numbered containment unit to store specific objects to keep them at room temperature. Should any crew member enter the TRTR may experience the feeling of not wearing any pants and an eerie sensation of not telling where the air ends or their skin beggins, further experimentations didn't showed any consecutive side effects. There, i did my best :)
So bizarre that the whole thing about Greendale is how rubbish it is, and yet their air conditioning department is so good that THE room temperature room is located there.
@@Ascertivon Indeed it was and more true then people have been taught. Yes Europeans were many times Slaves to African Empires. Oh have the tables turned
@@marcelldavis4809 Like all of history, it's complex, but what he said wasn't entirely wrong. There's empires that just caught any foreigner passing by, although 'the Europeans' have littered the ocean floor with dead slaves and expanded their operations much further
@@bartlett2335 if it's an "inside joke" that you know about, then that makes you an insider, right? So then tell us the joke. Or are you just one of those people that hates Freemasons simply because you fear what you don't know or understand? I'm not a mason but I know bullshit when I see it
@@todabsolute It's a word play joke for English words. Un- and In- are both used for the same purposes in the case of both words. Unbelievable = Not Believable, Invincible = Not Vincible (Vincible is a synonym for beatable). So, by switching it to Unvincible and Inbelievable, it creates a situation where if you're not paying attention it sounds correct but if you are paying attention and understand how words are constructed know that it's both uncorrect but also technically correct as well. Which is funny.
if you find the idea of eating a space man panino(yes, that's the correct singlular form. panini is plural) with black hitler is somewhat surreal, you're streets behind....
@@MicahYeah Yeah, Dan Harmon wrote for both shows. Makes sense he would make similar jokes. (Please note this based is based on pure assumption and I'm not 100% sure this is cause of the similarity).
@@josephlabaer4471 I'm pretty sure both are based on "the world's quietest room," which is a real thing, but it's certainly no coincidence that Harmon riffed on the concept in two of his shows.
The fact that it's guaranteed lifetime employment out of the training program actually means Greendale has the best training program of any school in the country.
@@--.._ To not feel the temperature you'd actually need it to NOT be room temperature, due to the different thermal conductivity. Same concept as is behind why grass is a lot cooler to walk on than concrete or metal on a hot day, but they're actually the same temperature.
@@Iluvpie6 Room 👏 temperature 👏 means 👏 roughly 👏 20°C. If 👏 it 👏 is 👏 roughly 👏 20°C 👏 outside 👏 then 👏 it 👏 IS 👏 room 👏 temperature. Go 👏 back 👏 to 👏 school.
Having John Goodman play such an absurd character with such straight-faced gravitas is the kind of creative brilliance that sets Community apart from other TV comedies.
I once experienced room temperature. It was the greatest moment of my life. I was maybe 7 and I went outside one morning and noticed something weird. It was exactly as he described it, I couldn't tell where the air ended and my skin began. There was neither hot nor cold or any sense of feeling. It was as if time had frozen and all energy in the air ceased to exist. Please tell me I'm not the only one
I once felt total room temperature. It was one sunny afternoon, I was walking with a friend and was like " you feel this? It's like...perfect. Not too humid or too dry, not hot or cold. If I had to pick a weather to live in for the rest of my life, this would be it". It's hard to explain in words.
Dude - I felt it once also - a perfect June day. Zero wind. Perfectly still. Clear sky. Was earlier in the morning so sun wasn’t blazing overheard. I was walking to the gym and suddenly became very aware of how I felt absolutely nothing. It was surreal!
This actually isn't too farfetched when you consider that only a few years ago, the worldwide standard for the Kilogram was a small metal cylinder (made out of platinum iridium) kept in a glass box at the Beureu of Weights and Measurements just outside Paris.
But they've just ruined it by stepping inside, like walking into that room and picking up the kilogram with an ungloved hand, introducing corrosion in the long term and a minute change in weight by depositing moisture, etc off your hand at that moment. Room temperature will never be the same again
@@Berilia Body heat increasing it slightly and whatever temperature the hallway air is diffusing into the room through the open doorway. He would definately ruin it being locked in for 24 hours :)
@@markwright3161 I think there's been a slight misunderstanding, because I meant "How could they? This is horrible" but I didn't really expand so I completely see how the tone could be read differently. My bad!
Honestly a breath lock for doors is ingenious in a sense. You can use the eye of a dead man, but you can’t replicate the *breath* of him alive. Edit: Wow. I’ve never got that many likes for a joke slash point. I’m humbled.
Sure you can, you intubate a corpse, blow air into it under pressure, clamp the tube and unclamp it in front of the sensor. The elasticity of the lungs and the ribcage will cause a passive expiration, simulating a real one.
So I used to think that if somebody was _room temperature,_ that meant they were dead. But now I know that if a person is room temperature, they've achieved supreme enlightenment and a greater state of being.
@@Ojay_YT The silicon sphere was only a proposal; in then end they decided to define the kilogram by fixing the value of the Planck constant to a specific value.
This scene is a perfect example of how ridiculous the jokes got on this show, but was still comedy gold. Community was the Macgyver of comedy shows. It could literally make a joke out of anything.
It's difficult to see. But there's a subtle story/joke in the eye contact. Whenever he says 'palm fronds' and 'pharoahs' he holds his gaze with the camera. Implying that in his mind, we, the viewers, are the fallen pharoahs and he the Superior slave. It's a clear in-universe subversion of historical powers. His eyes are disgusted as if to say 'you chose comfort over kingdoms. You fools.' Fantastic directing/acting decision. I can't imagine a writer knowing how to put this into a script
I felt True Room Temperature once last year and I genuinely felt like Troy. It was wild; it's like your don't exist if you body isn't thinking about its environment.
This is just a joke. There is no such a thing. Room temperature means 20 C by definition, not becasue 20 C feels special. And what temperature and humidity feels good depends on the person, and even one person can feel differently in the same temperature room depending on for example how fast is his heart rate.
I'm convinced that the room temperature room is the greatest joke in the history of comedy and John Goodman knows it. Look at the smile he fights back knowing he gets to tell the best joke ever written.
@@Swingking1977 Once you're in... You're in. Air conditioning repair will be your life. A life of secrets you'll be unable to share with outsiders. You will be an air conditioning repairman and nothing else...
@@TheYaegerjeusmc John Goodman doesn't have that many STARRING roles per se, but he is ALWAYS memorable and impactful whenever and wherever he appears.
Please read my analysis of the hidden meanings behind this video below. 0:02 Notice the triangle at the top. This is the Eye of Providence. 0:07 Hand gesture. The elite ruling class use gestures and symbols a lot. 0:10 Notice the Freemason checkerboard floor. This is the floor design in Freemason lodges and it represents the concept of duality. All three participants were blindfolded from the beginning. The guy who said 'Done' had his blindfold removed. During Masonic rituals members are blindfolded. The other two guys had bags put over their heads. Notice how the lighting changed; the lights were turned off on the other two guys but remained on the guy who finished. The removing of the blindfold and focused lighting represents illumination. The elite believe they are illuminated whilst we are blind (Illuminati). Also, notice the blue circle on the floor with writing and symbols. More occult symbology. 0:15 'Mr Barnes air conditioning repairs an elite worldwide family dating back to the very beginnings of civilisations. Our predecessors were slaves fanning the pharaohs with palm fronds. Over time we became expert at making our superiors comfortable. We made it our business. And along the way, we learned to make ourselves comfortable. No more palm fronds Troy. Now we are the pharaohs.' In ancient Egypt the Israelites (Jews) were slaves to the pharaohs. The Jewish ruling class of the world today comprises of elite families who procreate with each other to retain their power. This family is an international network of secret societies and cults which have ruled over us since ancient civilisations. They take advantage of us and capitalise on our desires by providing us with endless entertainment, food, alcohol etc to consume so we are satisfied and distracted. 1:17 'That's what we do Troy. Incredible, invisible and believable things. Where an unseen, unknown, unvincible fraternity of craftsmen, graduates of this school are guaranteed lucrative employment for their entire lives.' Being a member of the Freemasons in the highest degrees gives members perks and puts them in the upper echelons of society, where they have access to many pleasures. 1:36 'There is one catch Troy. Once you're in, you're in. Air conditioning repair will be your life. A life of secrets you'll be unable to share with outsiders. You will be an air conditioning repairman and nothing else until the day you die.' In Freemasonry, members swear an oath to never share secrets and are not allowed to leave once they're in, otherwise they will be sacrificed.
It's basically the same joke that Rick and Morty makes with "true level" The joke is the same, that the room temperature room is so transcendently better than outside life that after the 24 hours nobody could possibly want to leave it behind. Difference is Troy turns it down while Morty is taken away and desperate to go back.
As an HVAC guy who went to school for it, this entire episode is FILLED with inside jokes no one but HVAC guys would get as well. “A lethal dose of freon” still kills me
"That's what we do, Troy: incredible, invisible, inbelievable things... where an unseen, unknown, unvincible fraternity of graduates from this school are guaranteed employment for their entire lives." I hope whoever wrote that line got to pick first from the donuts box the next time or something, because damn, that was a really good one. ^_^
@@cypherusuh I don't know, but if you watch the rest of Community season 3, Goodman's character and the air conditioning repair school clearly reference a lot of things, Star Wars included
No one but John Goodman could have pulled this off. His voice is so incredible and dynamic. He somehow makes this joke honestly feel powerful. I really want to see him perform a serious scene of this nature. Conscripting a new recruit into a secret society of inmeasurable duty and influence. Truly conveying the unpossible responsibility their choice to join will place upon them.
Probably Tommy Lee Jones could have pulled it off, or Liam Neisen, or Leslie Neilsen, or Hugh Laurie, or Lawarence Fishbourne, or Rip Thorne, or the Egyptologist from "The Mummy" or Morgan Freeman, or any other of the hundreds of actors who have made the "ancient origins of the clandestine para-governmental organization" speech while walking down a hall of oddly applicable props.
@@phartferd5738 i mean tommy lee jones would be precisely the right person for this since this is a men in black parody but that would be a conflict of interest lol
@@Relco12 becouse PTSD and th3 fact that some military positions and training are hard to make transferable to the civilian work, making an instant disadvantage their fault
It figures that the only thing the Redditor with the dead meme for a profile picture would have to say is exactly what's already in the video, and nothing else.
What's crazy is I know this is supposed to be a joke but I've experienced exactly what hes describing. A few years back I walked out of my house one evening to go to the gas station and as soon as I stepped outside I realized there was something strange with the air. There was no wind but it felt like I had walked into a vacuum in which I could breath. It wasnt hot or cold it just.....was. even walking through it felt like walking through nothing. It was the most bizarre thing I've ever felt to this day.
Yeah, this is pretty much how it goes out in the HVAC field, it's like that one person you date whom is abusive yet knows how to make you feel satisfied and's a cruel mistress
“And nothing else until the day you die” that’s the feeling every employer gives off during a job interview. No Steve, I’m not planning on keeping this entry level job for 5 years because you have no ambition in life
@@ninyaninjabrifsanovichthes45 Some people do not and that is fine, but they expect most people to not have ambition and to be happy with staying at an entry level position, never getting raises.
Please read my analysis of the hidden meanings behind this video below. 0:02 Notice the triangle at the top. This is the Eye of Providence. 0:07 Hand gesture. The elite ruling class use gestures and symbols a lot. 0:10 Notice the Freemason checkerboard floor. This is the floor design in Freemason lodges and it represents the concept of duality. All three participants were blindfolded from the beginning. The guy who said 'Done' had his blindfold removed. During Masonic rituals members are blindfolded. The other two guys had bags put over their heads. Notice how the lighting changed; the lights were turned off on the other two guys but remained on the guy who finished. The removing of the blindfold and focused lighting represents illumination. The elite believe they are illuminated whilst we are blind (Illuminati). Also, notice the blue circle on the floor with writing and symbols. More occult symbology. 0:15 'Mr Barnes air conditioning repairs an elite worldwide family dating back to the very beginnings of civilisations. Our predecessors were slaves fanning the pharaohs with palm fronds. Over time we became expert at making our superiors comfortable. We made it our business. And along the way, we learned to make ourselves comfortable. No more palm fronds Troy. Now we are the pharaohs.' In ancient Egypt the Israelites (Jews) were slaves to the pharaohs. The Jewish ruling class of the world today comprises of elite families who procreate with each other to retain their power. This family is an international network of secret societies and cults which have ruled over us since ancient civilisations. They take advantage of us and capitalise on our desires by providing us with endless entertainment, food, alcohol etc to consume so we are satisfied and distracted. 1:17 'That's what we do Troy. Incredible, invisible and believable things. Where an unseen, unknown, unvincible fraternity of craftsmen, graduates of this school are guaranteed lucrative employment for their entire lives.' Being a member of the Freemasons in the highest degrees gives members perks and puts them in the upper echelons of society, where they have access to many pleasures. 1:36 'There is one catch Troy. Once you're in, you're in. Air conditioning repair will be your life. A life of secrets you'll be unable to share with outsiders. You will be an air conditioning repairman and nothing else until the day you die.' In Freemasonry, members swear an oath to never share secrets and are not allowed to leave once they're in, otherwise they will be sacrificed.
The funniest thing about this are all the Masonic references, the classic Masonic hall layout, checkered floor, twisting floor pricket/candlestick, the portraits of venerated fellow brothers in craft, the Egyptian origin story and artifacts on display…combined with the “unseen craft/brotherhood” monologue, etc 😂 It’s like a reimagining of Masonry with all of the metaphors of Stonemasonry substituted for those of HVAC repair. Pretty hilarious, IMO.
I'm not gonna lie, I find it quite impressive that 5.1 million people saw a video with the title "the room temperature room" and thought "hmm....let me see what this is about".
Or.. it might just be a split with people who already knew what it was about and decided to rewatch it. That said, I have seen this video once before I watched community and today it just kinda showed up again. The title definitely got me back then though, it's just kinda.. interesting. Intriguing, rather.
@@camramaster gotta wonder how many of us have rewatched it. If only have that 5.9 million watched it more than once, then it'd be a lot less than 5.9 m people saw it.
In the past, we've based our metrics on physical objects. For example, the meter was the length between two points on a specific metal rod. Replicas of the rod were made to make proper measurements without using the actual one, but if you make replicas of replicas of replicas, the length will be off. You need that original. This room is that rod.
@@GunSpyEnthusiast As we speak, their top-secret labs in the Swiss Alps are developing incredible anti-entropy technologies for the sole purpose of restoring the temperature balance to the room.
Lol that poor kid. I wonder how many times a week he goes insane just because Rick wants to prove a point or that he's right. No wonder they have a room full of erased memories.
This went from a fascinating history lesson to a hilarious scene all the way to flat-out intense. What a ride. Whew, I need to cool off… Good thing I now know that there’s a room perfect for that.
I’m an HVAC technician too for a retirement home specifically (we have 150 units) and I can confirm I’ve never been in a room temperature room as 50% like it boiling and the other 50% like it 0 kelvin in their rooms
@@XxMadermanxX That entire scene is definitely a parody of MIB. Yes, freemasons are similar to that but MIB is the focus here. The speech can be almost equated to Agen K's and Zed's.
You can pinpoint the precise moment when Troy "drinks the koolaid" so to speak. Love the acting here, hes keeping up with John Goodman and i love their chemistry.
Air conditioning and refrigeration technician here. When you get hired at a company this is exactly how it goes.
I knew it!!!
Good to know
RIP Larry. He spilled the beans and they sent out a cleaning crew.
The most accurate way to take temperatures are in Rankine at 29.92in.hg with inversely proportional CFM's and divide it by the inside diameter of the latent heat.
@@secretzombie3976 yes. My hygrometer and thermocouples do fine though.
Most underrated joke ever: putting the bags on the heads of people who were already blind folded
Not necessarily an intentional joke. Still part of the parody made with this whole gag
@@OfficialAnarchyz it's undoubtedly an intentional joke.
And turning the spotlights off
Also: 1:17 (inbelievable, unvincible)
They're ac repairmen.they could recognize the air later.
Okay, but
"No more palm fronds, now _we_ are the pharaohs."
is such a powerful quote
Not nearly as iconic or powerful as “we wuz kangz an’ shiyet!”
@@FrostyShock349 jesus christ, get off the internet.
@@B-Roll_Gaming they'll be racist with or without the internet
@@Iukini I don't get it. What was the racist thing they said? What does it mean? I don't recognize the words 'kangz' and 'shiyet'.
He said that wright when I read this comment
"incredible, invisible, inbelievable"
"unseen, unknown, unvincible"
the best joke tbh
That's such a smart dumb joke. It's incredible.
Simply uncredible!
I was inaware I needed this until now!
I think it's a subtle jab that that despite their pomp and swagger, they're still fundamentally ineducated.
Is this an unside joke? I don't get it...
"You will forever repair air conditioners"
boy oh boy he will have a cool life.
That was a good one. Well done.
that came down on me like a breath of fresh air. Thanks for the joke
Waiting for the 69...
@@NeedlessEscape yes
@@MeCroc There was a 69% chance you would get 69 likes. Congrats.
"You will forever repair air conditioners"
Some people would kill for that level of job security.
BTW it sounds exactly like forensic tech in police in my country. They are said to be expensive to train so after you become one you have little chance of promotion too high (beyond point when you still do ft stuff).
if youre competent you have nothing to worry
My ac "repairmen" get paid to order a new ac and install it in the wall, if that's not easy money idk what is
666 likes. Be careful where you jump grasshopper. Demons disguise themselves as cool people.
@@Amused_Comfort_Inc you should try it
It took me way too long to realize this was a Men In Black parody
Gage Smith didn’t realized it till I read your comment 🤣
I have never seen men in black... But it's still funny
They had a scene & room like this in Monk
Thanks to you, it only took me a minute
Idk, it's a common trope.
Imagine a human born and confined to the room temperature room for the first 18 years of their life and then finally letting them out to experience hot and cold rooms, it would blow their mind.
probably both metaphorically and physically
don't give scientists anymore ideas
It's nothing special. I was born in Cuba and never experienced Snow for my whole life, 'till I went to live in Italy, and I regreted experiencing snow. I hate it.
@@Vexy93 That's not the same thing as never experiencing temperature
@@dorol6375 since your body produces heat it would be one helluva job to manage.
“The Room Temperature Room” sounds like an SCP, I love this bit
someone please for the love of all that is holy, make that an scp!
I feel like Greendale CC needs to be an SCP itself.
Item #: Unknown
Object Class: Thaumiel
Special Containment Procedures: The TRTR is to remain connected to a suitable power supply at all times in the middle of the main research center. The TRTR is not to be bewildered with SPC-002.
Description: The "TRTR" or The Room Temperature Room is an unkown or yet-to-be-numbered containment unit to store specific objects to keep them at room temperature. Should any crew member enter the TRTR may experience the feeling of not wearing any pants and an eerie sensation of not telling where the air ends or their skin beggins, further experimentations didn't showed any consecutive side effects.
There, i did my best :)
@@henrikmonkee You're a hero
All of greendale is aSCP
I read the title like james bond. Room, temperature room
yeah you did
If I could give reddit gold on youtube I would.
Zachary Denomme I read it like, Room Temperature, Room.
@@aeris5142 fuck off.
Aeris that bad
So bizarre that the whole thing about Greendale is how rubbish it is, and yet their air conditioning department is so good that THE room temperature room is located there.
well yeah, its the only thing that keeps them in business.
it’s not IN Greendale is it? they brought him somewhere else
@@Doctor_Straing_Strange it's an annex, an appendage if you will
Clandestine operations find homes in negelected locations. It makes perfect sense.
I imagine there's one everywhere there are air con techs.
Combine this with a "true level" floor and we've hit perfection.
Rick and Morty ?
same writer
that will be a room where you feel infinite. sounds incredible
Orgasms for DAAAAYS boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
it's a myth, I say!
"No more palm fronds, Troy. Now *we* are the pharaohs."
Strangely impactful
Bro for real
Honestly, yeah. I thought it was a nice line.
@@Ascertivon Indeed it was and more true then people have been taught. Yes Europeans were many times Slaves to African Empires. Oh have the tables turned
@@user-mf4on1pk2z were they though?
@@marcelldavis4809 Like all of history, it's complex, but what he said wasn't entirely wrong. There's empires that just caught any foreigner passing by, although 'the Europeans' have littered the ocean floor with dead slaves and expanded their operations much further
This must be one of the most ingenious gags in television history.
This isn't even close to the best thing Community has done.
It’s a masonic inside joke of course
You havent watched many sketch shows have you...
@@bartlett2335 if it's an "inside joke" that you know about, then that makes you an insider, right? So then tell us the joke. Or are you just one of those people that hates Freemasons simply because you fear what you don't know or understand? I'm not a mason but I know bullshit when I see it
"Unvincible" and "inbelievable", on purpose. That commitment.
What's the joke? Switch funne?
@@todabsolute It's a word play joke for English words. Un- and In- are both used for the same purposes in the case of both words. Unbelievable = Not Believable, Invincible = Not Vincible (Vincible is a synonym for beatable). So, by switching it to Unvincible and Inbelievable, it creates a situation where if you're not paying attention it sounds correct but if you are paying attention and understand how words are constructed know that it's both uncorrect but also technically correct as well. Which is funny.
So yes, switch funne.
@@ergonamix9977 I see what you did there.
@@ergonamix9977 I like how you just added "Which is funny." at the end to 'reinforce' your point
I love how weird this show got. It started out as a relatively normal sitcom set in the real world but as it goes on it gets more and more surreal.
what show is it?
@@gabrielrader8921 community.
It's beautiful. I love this show.
Uncredible show
if you find the idea of eating a space man panino(yes, that's the correct singlular form. panini is plural) with black hitler is somewhat surreal, you're streets behind....
This is were the true level joke comes from.
From rick and morty?
@@MicahYeah Yeah, Dan Harmon wrote for both shows. Makes sense he would make similar jokes. (Please note this based is based on pure assumption and I'm not 100% sure this is cause of the similarity).
Yeah and you definitely didn't just read the comment above
@@josephlabaer4471 I'm pretty sure both are based on "the world's quietest room," which is a real thing, but it's certainly no coincidence that Harmon riffed on the concept in two of his shows.
@@chairwolf5446 cool, I'll have to look that up.
The "in-"/"un-" switchup in this scene is one of my favorite jokes in the show
I thought it was quite inbelievable.
@@Chebab-Chebab an uncredibly executed joke undeed
@@TheDanubeDepleter Yes, undeed.
@@Chebab-Chebab you, my friend are a quality chap
@@TheDanubeDepleter That's uncredibly kind of you.
haha I just noticed they put black bags over the other two candidates who were already blindfolded
Henry Ng so troy couldn't see their faces and possibly remember incriminating details
Henry Ng well you see, they did it so they couldn't see what they were doing.
you just noticed it? really? your comment is 3 months old liar
traveling random You new to youtube mate?
hahaha i think this is really funny
The fact that it's guaranteed lifetime employment out of the training program actually means Greendale has the best training program of any school in the country.
But after leaving that room... Reality is poison! I wanna go back I hate this!
*sigh* I guess it's time for some "click click"
Mind: Blown
I got that reference hahaha
that is very funny Josh
I thought the Room Temperature room was only a fairytale.
A myth…
Is the fat guy John goodman? it sounds just like him ( i dont watch this show)
When u comment 5 years later
@@jamesbrown3497 hey i didn't bump the comment VHS did lol’s a myth........a mythical room that’s been told about for generations. Very few get to step inside the......
Room temperature room.
I came out of a building and for a second I legit felt no cold, warmth or wind, and for one blissful second, the world was the room temperature room.
someone left the room temperature room door open for too long
If 👏 you’re 👏 not 👏 in 👏 a 👏 room 👏 it’s 👏 not 👏 room 👏 temperature
Ah yes... June 24th, 2015, 14:02. Everyone remembers where they were the day the world was room temperature.
@@--.._ To not feel the temperature you'd actually need it to NOT be room temperature, due to the different thermal conductivity.
Same concept as is behind why grass is a lot cooler to walk on than concrete or metal on a hot day, but they're actually the same temperature.
@@Iluvpie6 Room 👏 temperature 👏 means 👏 roughly 👏 20°C.
If 👏 it 👏 is 👏 roughly 👏 20°C 👏 outside 👏 then 👏 it 👏 IS 👏 room 👏 temperature.
Go 👏 back 👏 to 👏 school.
Having John Goodman play such an absurd character with such straight-faced gravitas is the kind of creative brilliance that sets Community apart from other TV comedies. part 2
Incidentally, his casting is itself a subtle joke because one of the largest air conditioning companies in the world is Goodman Manufacturing.
@ksr4797pierce! Stop trying to make “streets ahead” a thing.
He's perfect for roles like this, just watch him in the big lebowski
0:20 This is such a movie-level quality monologue and it's used as the most smartest dumbest joke ever. I love Dan Harmon.
Its movie-level quality because its a spoof of men in black 😂
I don't. He's a woketard simp. But community is pretty good if you take out all the woke crap.
@@themonsterunderyourbed9408 boy shut up
its john goodman, he will make it movie quality, regardless what the scene or role is
Definitely the most smartest.
I once experienced room temperature. It was the greatest moment of my life. I was maybe 7 and I went outside one morning and noticed something weird. It was exactly as he described it, I couldn't tell where the air ended and my skin began. There was neither hot nor cold or any sense of feeling. It was as if time had frozen and all energy in the air ceased to exist. Please tell me I'm not the only one
You're not the only one. It's really weird
How about ni
i feel yah
nah, your mom just gave you the wrong brownies
This is the beginning of the men in black storyline.
I think it was the free mason story line.
Likes are 666 and my username is illuminati wtf
Woke asf
Illuminatus Illumini Illuminati it's almost as if you picked your own name 😑
I once felt total room temperature. It was one sunny afternoon, I was walking with a friend and was like " you feel this? It's like...perfect. Not too humid or too dry, not hot or cold. If I had to pick a weather to live in for the rest of my life, this would be it".
It's hard to explain in words.
Dude - I felt it once also - a perfect June day. Zero wind. Perfectly still. Clear sky. Was earlier in the morning so sun wasn’t blazing overheard. I was walking to the gym and suddenly became very aware of how I felt absolutely nothing. It was surreal!
The true repairman will repair man.
Ash Jarnicki Doctors.
Artistic Cat Harvard wants to know your location
Artistic Cat Good that you're *shook*
Anyone else hear that in Morgan Freeman’s voice
This actually isn't too farfetched when you consider that only a few years ago, the worldwide standard for the Kilogram was a small metal cylinder (made out of platinum iridium) kept in a glass box at the Beureu of Weights and Measurements just outside Paris.
But they've just ruined it by stepping inside, like walking into that room and picking up the kilogram with an ungloved hand, introducing corrosion in the long term and a minute change in weight by depositing moisture, etc off your hand at that moment.
Room temperature will never be the same again
@@markwright3161 How could they?
@@Berilia Body heat increasing it slightly and whatever temperature the hallway air is diffusing into the room through the open doorway.
He would definately ruin it being locked in for 24 hours :)
@@markwright3161 I think there's been a slight misunderstanding, because I meant "How could they? This is horrible" but I didn't really expand so I completely see how the tone could be read differently. My bad!
@@Berilia oh, no problem. :)
I really liked the part when Speed Racers dad talked to Childish Gambino
No offense, but you thought of Speed Racer's dad before Sully from Monsters Inc.?
KirbyLinkACW Yes, any time I hear that voice, speed racers dad, but now that you mention it, I can’t unhear sully
@@KirbyLinkACW No offense, but you thought of Sully from Monsters Inc before Dan the dad from Roseanne??
@@mydjmode You know what? That's fair.
I think Speed Racer was a fine performance.
As an HVAC professional, and an HVAC teacher, I approve of this. I thought my intro to my students was catchy, but this is better.
It reminds me of the *_mold in this video_*
What was your intro?
@@sisyphusmarble8460 "hi iM dAviD!"
Please use your intro too sometimes I'm sure its great!
@@sisyphusmarble8460 "Bring your head down to my appendage and I'll show you whaz up."
Honestly a breath lock for doors is ingenious in a sense.
You can use the eye of a dead man, but you can’t replicate the *breath* of him alive.
Edit: Wow. I’ve never got that many likes for a joke slash point. I’m humbled.
Squeeze their chest
Sure you can, you intubate a corpse, blow air into it under pressure, clamp the tube and unclamp it in front of the sensor. The elasticity of the lungs and the ribcage will cause a passive expiration, simulating a real one.
@@Nightraven26 just curious why do you know this and how?
Their source: Personal experience
@@Nightraven26 so you're a doctor, embalmer, CSI or something darker?
The fact they got John Goodman to do this is God damn hilarious.
He's killin' it.
Over the line
I only really know him from the big Lebowski. Such a funny character !! Gonna look for other movies with him in it.
He'll show you the life of the mind
@@architectsxiii5379 Thanks for the tip! Definitely gonna check it out 😁
This storyline was insane and i loved every second of it
Edurne Ace how are there no comments on here
Right? 1668 likes and no comments... Nice.
Why the fuck are there 3 comments?
Why the fuck are there only 3 '' why the fuck are there only a specific number of comments '', comments?
Why the fuck is there only one "Why the fuck are there only 3 '' why the fuck are there only a specific number of comments '', comments?" comment?
So I used to think that if somebody was _room temperature,_ that meant they were dead.
But now I know that if a person is room temperature, they've achieved supreme enlightenment and a greater state of being.
Potato potato.
i just noticed that my room has room temperature and was grateful for a sec
Geras Katinas what? Your room has room temperature?!? Do you mean it has that as a temperature setting? Wat temperature is room temperature tho?
@@james7024 🤫
64 degrees is room temperature for me
@@lukesmith8896 dam thats hot i was thinking more like 23 but k
James P. Sullivan looks weird with all that CGI making him look human.
@@jamess.7811 look up James p sullivan
I was looking for this comment lmfao
You thought of Sully before Pops Racer?
your a morom LMFAO
How will Troy leave the room if it requires breath print to open.
It’s all a ruse, they locked him in there for eternity
@@jaredhilton04 at least its room temperature.
"...take 24 hours."
@@AbelRamirezII oh shit
It is a room with a room temperature, not a freaking airless room.
The line “now we are the pharaohs” unironically goes insane
“This is America”
No, this is the room temperature room.
No this is Patrick.
I'm wondering how many people get this joke
@@rvure you beat me to it lol
@Adam Zinger you mean the old guy from lethal weapon?? 🤣🤣🤣
@Adam Zinger uh what? how is he racist exactly?
Considering they are literally using a physical artifact to define a kilogram, this "room temperature room" might not be that outlandish after all
I just watched a video before this about a guy explaining how they made a silicon sphere to replace those artifacts
@@Ojay_YT The silicon sphere was only a proposal; in then end they decided to define the kilogram by fixing the value of the Planck constant to a specific value.
@@SimonClarkstone thanks for the clarity. I'm just noticing the video I watched was from 2013 XD
It reminds me of the *_mold in this video_*
They don’t use that object anymore. It’s obsolete.
This scene is a perfect example of how ridiculous the jokes got on this show, but was still comedy gold.
Community was the Macgyver of comedy shows. It could literally make a joke out of anything.
@@HenryGamer-jx4xn this show is community
@@zanecoutts9986 joe wat the hell are u doing on youtube go end racism or police brutality
@@HenryGamer-jx4xn no don't tell anybody, but I am extremely racist
No that's Seinfeld
It's difficult to see. But there's a subtle story/joke in the eye contact. Whenever he says 'palm fronds' and 'pharoahs' he holds his gaze with the camera. Implying that in his mind, we, the viewers, are the fallen pharoahs and he the Superior slave.
It's a clear in-universe subversion of historical powers. His eyes are disgusted as if to say 'you chose comfort over kingdoms. You fools.'
Fantastic directing/acting decision. I can't imagine a writer knowing how to put this into a script
“Sorry, I had onion on my burger I can’t get inside my house”
This is the only thing I can think about
@mewtwoy cuter furri
@@Emerald-Fluffie Let's all settle down here and dicuss who is truly the cutest.
Or: "Five beers, master? Just how many lunch breaks did you have at work?"
this is the room...
Oh hi Mark
Oh hi, Mark.
The room where it happens
Aliyah M
I was going to say that.
Plot twist. John leaves and bill cosby is sitting in the corner."want a drink young man?"
I'm not a fan of this show. I'm a whole air conditioner.
You are everywhere master
a whole ass god dayum air conditioner
I love you
Good one
I felt True Room Temperature once last year and I genuinely felt like Troy. It was wild; it's like your don't exist if you body isn't thinking about its environment.
This is just a joke. There is no such a thing. Room temperature means 20 C by definition, not becasue 20 C feels special. And what temperature and humidity feels good depends on the person, and even one person can feel differently in the same temperature room depending on for example how fast is his heart rate.
@@tojassargaja2085 humorless killjoy
@@tojassargaja2085 wow.....wait to ruin all fun on Earth fine sir..... *sigh*
@@tojassargaja2085 this is why nobody likes you Tojas
inbelievable and unvincible.
and unconceivable and innatural.
me fail english? that's unpossible
Is this a men in black spoof?
“I prefer the term homage” -Abed
Also yes it is
@@malonmido7675 lmao
...which means John Goodman is playing Rip Torn. Ha!
It's a John Q spoof
Lol wtf
I'm convinced that the room temperature room is the greatest joke in the history of comedy and John Goodman knows it. Look at the smile he fights back knowing he gets to tell the best joke ever written.
So, if the door only opens and closes with Laybourne's breath, does that mean he locked Troy in the room?
JimmySteller you mean in the room temperature room...
JimmySteller wouldnt him opening the door get ride of the room temperature.
I imagine that hallway works as an airlock.
still an air pressure difference.
he could always go through the infinite labyrinth of eternal ice...
“A life of secrets you’ll be unable to share without ciders”
Crap, now I genuinely don't know which the line is
It reminds me of the *_mold in this video_*
He said "with outsiders" not "without ciders" ;)
@@freekicker90 sorry, but you’re wrong. There is a clear gap between the words “without” and “ciders”. And John is world renowned for drinking cider.
@@Swingking1977 Once you're in... You're in. Air conditioning repair will be your life. A life of secrets you'll be unable to share with outsiders. You will be an air conditioning repairman and nothing else...
May I take a minute to admire how John Goodman’s career has resurged in the past few years as an amazing character actor?
That's his entire career, he's the greatest supporting actor ever. 538 did a statistical analysis, it's literally a fact.
@@TheYaegerjeusmc John Goodman doesn't have that many STARRING roles per se, but he is ALWAYS memorable and impactful whenever and wherever he appears.
@@AlphaNumericKey The Emperor's Mew Groove
John what about esteemed character actress Margo martindale?
@@AlphaNumericKey Pops Racer comes to mind immediately
I once experienced a room temperature pool. It didn’t feel like water… it felt like I was in the void. A perfect vacuum
"Now, we're the pharaohs."
Such a powerful line in such an odd show.
Please read my analysis of the hidden meanings behind this video below.
0:02 Notice the triangle at the top. This is the Eye of Providence.
0:07 Hand gesture. The elite ruling class use gestures and symbols a lot.
0:10 Notice the Freemason checkerboard floor. This is the floor design in Freemason lodges and it represents the concept of duality. All three participants were blindfolded from the beginning. The guy who said 'Done' had his blindfold removed. During Masonic rituals members are blindfolded. The other two guys had bags put over their heads. Notice how the lighting changed; the lights were turned off on the other two guys but remained on the guy who finished. The removing of the blindfold and focused lighting represents illumination. The elite believe they are illuminated whilst we are blind (Illuminati). Also, notice the blue circle on the floor with writing and symbols. More occult symbology.
0:15 'Mr Barnes air conditioning repairs an elite worldwide family dating back to the very beginnings of civilisations. Our predecessors were slaves fanning the pharaohs with palm fronds. Over time we became expert at making our superiors comfortable. We made it our business. And along the way, we learned to make ourselves comfortable. No more palm fronds Troy. Now we are the pharaohs.' In ancient Egypt the Israelites (Jews) were slaves to the pharaohs. The Jewish ruling class of the world today comprises of elite families who procreate with each other to retain their power. This family is an international network of secret societies and cults which have ruled over us since ancient civilisations. They take advantage of us and capitalise on our desires by providing us with endless entertainment, food, alcohol etc to consume so we are satisfied and distracted.
1:17 'That's what we do Troy. Incredible, invisible and believable things. Where an unseen, unknown, unvincible fraternity of craftsmen, graduates of this school are guaranteed lucrative employment for their entire lives.' Being a member of the Freemasons in the highest degrees gives members perks and puts them in the upper echelons of society, where they have access to many pleasures.
1:36 'There is one catch Troy. Once you're in, you're in. Air conditioning repair will be your life. A life of secrets you'll be unable to share with outsiders. You will be an air conditioning repairman and nothing else until the day you die.' In Freemasonry, members swear an oath to never share secrets and are not allowed to leave once they're in, otherwise they will be sacrificed.
Anyone notice leaving required a breath print and Troy was trapped in the room?
@Anonymous Commenter I mean, he did put together a championship-winning car in 32 hours once.
It's a nice room to be trapped in
For 24 hours anyway
That's the point, you can't feel where your life begins and ends
It's basically the same joke that Rick and Morty makes with "true level"
The joke is the same, that the room temperature room is so transcendently better than outside life that after the 24 hours nobody could possibly want to leave it behind.
Difference is Troy turns it down while Morty is taken away and desperate to go back.
"Incredible, invisible, inbelievable things"
Ok hold up-
"We're an unseen, unknown, unvincible fraternity of craftsmen"
Nice morrowind Vivec profile picture
This joke is so inderrated and inexpected and makes me laugh out so loud 🤣
Me when I was a maintenance man for a year
He means to say free masons
You left out, "unvincible fraternative crafstsmen".
As an HVAC guy who went to school for it, this entire episode is FILLED with inside jokes no one but HVAC guys would get as well. “A lethal dose of freon” still kills me
"That's what we do, Troy: incredible, invisible, inbelievable things... where an unseen, unknown, unvincible fraternity of graduates from this school are guaranteed employment for their entire lives."
I hope whoever wrote that line got to pick first from the donuts box the next time or something, because damn, that was a really good one. ^_^
classic Harmon
i think its a clear refencee to secret societies actually
Oh fuck, i was about to say that inbelievable isn't a word, but it was paired with "unvincible"
Hey, that's pretty good!
After this the air-conditioner repairman probably felt really weird going into the writers room
Georg unlike the entire test of the clip? The point is the specific wording seeming wrong when really it's ironic.
Sounded like a Sith Lord luring a Jedi to the dark side
Room temperature rooms are a pathway to powers that many would consider.. unnatural.
Isn't it Man In Black reference?
@@cypherusuh I don't know, but if you watch the rest of Community season 3, Goodman's character and the air conditioning repair school clearly reference a lot of things, Star Wars included
Would have been more believable than... whatever that sith Palpatine pulled.
@@Vasharan More belivable than what Hitler did.
Unfortunately this show didn't have enough fans to make it air.
Maybe the algorithm will promote this clip again in 5 years, and people will see your comment. Until that fateful day, I leave you a simple Like.
@@thechadford8572 Oh how convenient for you to have think this way. Thank you for reminding me, on this day to the future.
Har-Har-Har !
Underrated joke
That was a good one. 2 puns there.
I love it when you go outside and it just feels like nothing, no cold nip and no hot sear, it just feels perfect and I wish I could feel it more
"The world is a lie, the ground is uneven. Lambs to the cosmic slaughter!!!!"
-A half remembered quote
Ah, Rick and Morty!
I read this as "Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, bye!" somehow
@@capnceem is that from gravity falls
Everything's crooked, reality is poison. I want to go back, I hate this. Lambs to the cosmic slaughter!
@@lmmortalZodd Thank you lol 😆
No one but John Goodman could have pulled this off. His voice is so incredible and dynamic. He somehow makes this joke honestly feel powerful. I really want to see him perform a serious scene of this nature. Conscripting a new recruit into a secret society of inmeasurable duty and influence. Truly conveying the unpossible responsibility their choice to join will place upon them.
Probably Tommy Lee Jones could have pulled it off, or Liam Neisen, or Leslie Neilsen, or Hugh Laurie, or Lawarence Fishbourne, or Rip Thorne, or the Egyptologist from "The Mummy" or Morgan Freeman, or any other of the hundreds of actors who have made the "ancient origins of the clandestine para-governmental organization" speech while walking down a hall of oddly applicable props.
@@phartferd5738 i mean tommy lee jones would be precisely the right person for this since this is a men in black parody but that would be a conflict of interest lol
James Earl Jones FTW.
Gilbert Gottfried for the win.
godfuckingdammit I'm upset people don't acknowledge the brilliant joke you made
I'm so happy to see these comments
This is one of if not my favorite arcs in Community, every part of it was so hilarious
Ultimate job security? In this economy?
Sign me up!
TBot Alpha military
@@Relco12 with the amount of unemployed and homeless veterans?
@@Hhuiza0 not to mention the suicide rate
Hector that’s kinda rheir fault, if you’re smart enough to steer away from those mistakes, you can get everything paid by the government
@@Relco12 becouse PTSD and th3 fact that some military positions and training are hard to make transferable to the civilian work, making an instant disadvantage their fault
"We became experts in making our superiors comfortable... Along the way, we learn how to make ourselves comfortable."
Nos thats STONKS
It figures that the only thing the Redditor with the dead meme for a profile picture would have to say is exactly what's already in the video, and nothing else.
@@bathsleeper On the other hand, you have an American Psycho profile picture, which I respect.
Now *we* are the pharaohs
virgin dead meme haha stonks elon musk tesla to da moon redditor vs chad dub master checc em 9000 american chadco channer
Imagine if that floor was perfectly level
...and you threw a bunch of Mortys in there!
@@Sketch1994 orgasms
Lambs to the cosmic slaughter
I think Dan Harmon might just write whatever is annoying him into scripts.
Hahaha God damn you. Beat me to it
This is the clip that convinced me to watch my favorite show for the first time, Thanks!
What's crazy is I know this is supposed to be a joke but I've experienced exactly what hes describing. A few years back I walked out of my house one evening to go to the gas station and as soon as I stepped outside I realized there was something strange with the air. There was no wind but it felt like I had walked into a vacuum in which I could breath. It wasnt hot or cold it just.....was. even walking through it felt like walking through nothing. It was the most bizarre thing I've ever felt to this day.
Inbelieveable/unvinceable - the best part of the whole clip.
Thats the joke
lol he didn't get it we can /wooosh him lmfao get /woooshed nerd.
@Anonymous Commenter I would but I can't see myself in the mirror because I'm unvisible.
It reminds me of the *_mold in this video_*
It reminds me of the *_mold in this video_*
"I'll give you the sunrise to think it over."
"Hey, is it worth it?"
"Oh yeah, it's worth it! If you're strong enough..."
Yeah, this is pretty much how it goes out in the HVAC field, it's like that one person you date whom is abusive yet knows how to make you feel satisfied and's a cruel mistress
This is Dan harmon’s first true level moment
“And nothing else until the day you die” that’s the feeling every employer gives off during a job interview. No Steve, I’m not planning on keeping this entry level job for 5 years because you have no ambition in life
No, they want YOU to have no ambition.
@@Skenjin What if I don't want to have ambition anyway? What if I just want to live a quiet, comfortable, peaceful life?
@@ninyaninjabrifsanovichthes45 Some people do not and that is fine, but they expect most people to not have ambition and to be happy with staying at an entry level position, never getting raises.
Please read my analysis of the hidden meanings behind this video below.
0:02 Notice the triangle at the top. This is the Eye of Providence.
0:07 Hand gesture. The elite ruling class use gestures and symbols a lot.
0:10 Notice the Freemason checkerboard floor. This is the floor design in Freemason lodges and it represents the concept of duality. All three participants were blindfolded from the beginning. The guy who said 'Done' had his blindfold removed. During Masonic rituals members are blindfolded. The other two guys had bags put over their heads. Notice how the lighting changed; the lights were turned off on the other two guys but remained on the guy who finished. The removing of the blindfold and focused lighting represents illumination. The elite believe they are illuminated whilst we are blind (Illuminati). Also, notice the blue circle on the floor with writing and symbols. More occult symbology.
0:15 'Mr Barnes air conditioning repairs an elite worldwide family dating back to the very beginnings of civilisations. Our predecessors were slaves fanning the pharaohs with palm fronds. Over time we became expert at making our superiors comfortable. We made it our business. And along the way, we learned to make ourselves comfortable. No more palm fronds Troy. Now we are the pharaohs.' In ancient Egypt the Israelites (Jews) were slaves to the pharaohs. The Jewish ruling class of the world today comprises of elite families who procreate with each other to retain their power. This family is an international network of secret societies and cults which have ruled over us since ancient civilisations. They take advantage of us and capitalise on our desires by providing us with endless entertainment, food, alcohol etc to consume so we are satisfied and distracted.
1:17 'That's what we do Troy. Incredible, invisible and believable things. Where an unseen, unknown, unvincible fraternity of craftsmen, graduates of this school are guaranteed lucrative employment for their entire lives.' Being a member of the Freemasons in the highest degrees gives members perks and puts them in the upper echelons of society, where they have access to many pleasures.
1:36 'There is one catch Troy. Once you're in, you're in. Air conditioning repair will be your life. A life of secrets you'll be unable to share with outsiders. You will be an air conditioning repairman and nothing else until the day you die.' In Freemasonry, members swear an oath to never share secrets and are not allowed to leave once they're in, otherwise they will be sacrificed.
@@ninyaninjabrifsanovichthes45 that's a life most people regret living when they get older.
The story I get from my AC repairman when I ask why the bill is so high.
It reminds me of the *_mold in this video_*
The funniest thing about this are all the Masonic references, the classic Masonic hall layout, checkered floor, twisting floor pricket/candlestick, the portraits of venerated fellow brothers in craft, the Egyptian origin story and artifacts on display…combined with the “unseen craft/brotherhood” monologue, etc 😂
It’s like a reimagining of Masonry with all of the metaphors of Stonemasonry substituted for those of HVAC repair. Pretty hilarious, IMO.
I'm not gonna lie, I find it quite impressive that 5.1 million people saw a video with the title "the room temperature room" and thought "hmm....let me see what this is about".
Or.. it might just be a split with people who already knew what it was about and decided to rewatch it. That said, I have seen this video once before I watched community and today it just kinda showed up again. The title definitely got me back then though, it's just kinda.. interesting. Intriguing, rather.
This video have been roaming around my recomended videos for quite some time and now i decided to watch it lol
5.9m now.
@@camramaster gotta wonder how many of us have rewatched it. If only have that 5.9 million watched it more than once, then it'd be a lot less than 5.9 m people saw it.
this is probably my favorite joke from community
just the idea of "room temperature room" is so genius
Honestly the blindfolded repair is so cool. Engineer goals.
Really? Some of the he engineers I worked with I thought they already had blindfolds on.
In the past, we've based our metrics on physical objects. For example, the meter was the length between two points on a specific metal rod. Replicas of the rod were made to make proper measurements without using the actual one, but if you make replicas of replicas of replicas, the length will be off. You need that original.
This room is that rod.
I can't feel my pants.
then they are completely fucking with it by them being in the room, emitting HEAT.
@@GunSpyEnthusiast As we speak, their top-secret labs in the Swiss Alps are developing incredible anti-entropy technologies for the sole purpose of restoring the temperature balance to the room.
21° is supposed to be optimal room temp for humans
everyrhing is crooked,reality is poison,i wanna go back!
lambs to the cosmic slaughter!
Haha. Nice.
it's just perfect level, you're overacting.
he wasn't ready
Lol that poor kid. I wonder how many times a week he goes insane just because Rick wants to prove a point or that he's right. No wonder they have a room full of erased memories.
And both Community and Rick & Morty are created by Dan Harmon
This went from a fascinating history lesson to a hilarious scene all the way to flat-out intense. What a ride. Whew, I need to cool off…
Good thing I now know that there’s a room perfect for that.
It reminds me of the *_mold in this video_*
No, the room is room temperature. If you're looking for cold, you need to go somewhere else.
I love how Goodman sells the gravitas of it.
It reminds me of the *_mold in this video_*
Makes you wonder where they keep the body temperature body...
Apparently the title of the episode is “Advanced Gay.”
🎵 got a p-p-pocket full of Haw-thornes!! 🎵
HA! gaaaaaaaaay!
I dont know why gay means dumb. Those guys are alright in my book.
We know
@@jayclement3581 hahahahha gay doesn’t mean “dumb”. It used to mean “fun / exciting “ but now it mostly means “ homosexual “
My dad who is a HVAC service technician loved this part of the show
Which movie?
@@Amghannam what? Its a show
@@rexjolles Well, what is the name of the show then?
@@Amghannam Community
@@rexjolles Thx
I’m an HVAC technician too for a retirement home specifically (we have 150 units) and I can confirm I’ve never been in a room temperature room as 50% like it boiling and the other 50% like it 0 kelvin in their rooms
Now we just need Rick to bring the room to True Level, and then that room would be utter perfection.
I love how the set design, writing and acting is all alluding to initiation in the MIB movies lol, too good
It's actually parodying a masonic lodge
@@XxMadermanxX That entire scene is definitely a parody of MIB. Yes, freemasons are similar to that but MIB is the focus here. The speech can be almost equated to Agen K's and Zed's.
I didn't realise this clip was from Community until I literally just got to this episode. Now I appreciate both this and the show a lot more.
It reminds me of the *_mold in this video_*
You can pinpoint the precise moment when Troy "drinks the koolaid" so to speak. Love the acting here, hes keeping up with John Goodman and i love their chemistry.
“No more palm fronds, now we are the Pharaohs”
- Sun Tzu
"actually I don't feel"
now all they need is rick sanchez to come install a true level floor.
Everything's crooked, reality is poison !
Take all of your shit Put it in a box
Combine perfectly level with perfect temperature
@@rainbowspork Calm down Satan
There are things man was not meant to experience
I like to think there's a room out there that is the standard for what's room temperature
0:39 The way Laybourne says "Now we are the Pharaohs." Was so damned cinematic.