I was an active alcoholic from 15 to 35. I well know that need for alcohol upon waking up and the misery I would feel if I had to wait for the bar to open. When I was 35 I got sober, (the hardest thing I have ever done even with all the trauma of living on the street), and my new life began. I am now 69 and still sober. My husband died 7 months ago, we had been married for 31 years, and for 7 weeks I had the urge but it passed and I hope to be sober for the rest of my life.
To Sean's mother...as parents, we all make mistakes and have live with that. While you may believe your son is in this situation because you "didn't raise him right", he is now an adult and ultimately responsible for his own actions....and it is never too late to mend your relationship.
I agree with what you said. But her feelings of being essentially a failure is not just for her son but the other 4 children that were removed from her care
@@madelainemadelaine2934 yes, I felt like she had a challenging life in her own childhood and youth. ❤️ I had tears in my eyes for her when she was talking about that. 😔
You have absolutely no right to speak to someone that way, you should be ashamed of yourself. Clean up your own backyard, and they can clean theirs. You should never speak to someone that way. What if the shoe was on the other foot, and they said that to you?
I work as a pharmacy assistant and it’s awful. We get abuse (not as bad as hospitals), and are short staffed and exhausted. It’s definitely soul killing. It’s awful
I love the young doctor who said to the belligerant (drunken?) man with the broken neck, if you get up I won't stop you, I have another patient who needs me, then when the patient starts to get up, the same doctor rushes back and sedates him so he can't move. I love that even in his exasperation, he preserves life, even when the patient does not value his own life. The doctor's job is to protect life regardless. What a contrast between the two men.
He's under the heavy influence of alcohol, has a brain injury and probably more and he may be mentally challenged to begin with so what would you expect ?
@@deb_ellen9733 Yeah, it would be nice if there were a drug to block alcohol; it would get used a LOT in hospitals alone. As it is, it's just up to the liver and time.
From what David said, the accident he was involved in was the 1956 Kano Airport BOAC Argonaut crash. 32 people were killed and only 13 survived. Such a big trauma surely leaves a massive scar...
I feel so sorry for him, part of it is misplaced guilt surviving the crash which killed his mother. His father sounds like a nasty piece of work. I hope he finds a way to move forward without the alcohol.
@@kristinelizabethbarker3459 I wondered if his father had actually said that, in those words. The son may have assumed that was what his father thought of him, because that's what the son thinks of himself.
To the nurse who thinks it's just plasters and patch-ups, it's not all darkness and heartbreak. My best friend back home landed in the emergency room due to alcoholism and he's now been sober for a couple years through sheer force of will and a therapist. Sometimes they do get better
I agree. What she meant is that THEY only do plasters and patch-ups, because they're not the ones who help solve the root problem (in this case, the addiction). That's when long-term intervention comes in.
But when you see the same faces over and over again drugs and alcohol coming in near death we literally save their lives so many are combative swear abuse you blame you and fight you while you are trying to save them. Unless you have had to deal with the stress of seeing this time and time again you really can’t comment. It’s not up to us to rehabilitate them in A@E it’s our job to treat them and stop them from dying
@@kylieknight2365 It's the drink that drives the behavior. When they're stone cold sober they may be the nicest people ever. I have refractory epilepsy and during a cluster, tons of back to back seizures, people think I just drank too much. I'm not the nicest person at that stage, but when it's passed I'll give you the shirt off my back.
I totally agree we are all like that at some point in life 🧬🧬🧬..... mental health and drug alcohol is a common thing nowadays more than car accidents etc.....
I have been in the hospital many many times due to serious health issues and, whenever the doctor said, I needed to do something like staying in the hospital for a few days, which has happened a lot, I agreed. I just wanted what was best for me. That’s all the doctors and nurses care about. What is best for you and if they recommend, say, You take this medication or do you have an overnight stay, just do it. It’s for the best.
@fionajanebarrett6008 She didn't give them away. They were taken into care because she couldn't look after them, and there may have been many reasons for that. She obviously feels guilt and great distress.
My ex husband is a severe alcoholic. He started detoxing after being arrested for another DUI and had to be put in a medical induced coma. It breaks my heart because sober he is a wonderful person. His entire family (parents and a couple siblings are also drunks) I watch what he puts our daughter through at 24 and his two minor boys through that he has with his second wife. It breaks my heart and it breaks our daughter’s heart. She hates knowing her little brother’s both have to watch him act like an idiot when it’s something that only he can stop but refuses to. I am extremely disappointed in him and his behavior. He has chosen his alcohol over two marriages already and no one in their right mind will put up with this bs forever. 💔💔💔 I can’t stand to see the way drunks act it drives me crazy and I have no to very little sympathy for them!!!
People with alcoholism should be treated in special places, only for these cases. Imagine accidents and all sorts of emergencies with doctors stressed by the drunks...
I,m just disgusted at the drunks who arrive in the hospitals and are super abusive to the hospital staff,The staff are performing a service to the public and the drunks are just abusive towards the NHS staff.There comes a point when the NHS need to post a sign over the entrance to AandE stating NO drunks allowed
Diesen Leuten alles in Rechnung stellen. Wenn kein Geld einzugreifen ist, abarbeiten lassen. Wird dringend Zeit für ne härtere Gangart. Menschen müssen wieder erzogen werden.
I am completely appalled by the behavior of these cops. How dare they dump their responsibility on hospital staff, and place vulnerable patients at risk! This female officer has a serious attitude problem, and I wouldn't consider her fit to police a bunch of cats! How disgusting and completely inappropriate. There should be a complete Judicial review of how the police are treating both NHS staff and the citizens they are supposed to serve. I would have never thought British police would act so callously, but then, I can see from this officer, the British Police aren't as civilized as the image they like to portray on these shows. This one is most definitely unfit to serve, and so are any other British Officer's that think it's acceptable to put vulnerable patients and hospital staff at risk!
On the other hand, they brought a mentally ill person, that told them, she tried to commit suicide to the hospital. Where else would they take her to? And why are the hospitals not prepared for people with mental health issues? The cop did the right thing bringing her to the hospital and her boss told her, she could not stay (that's what the male cop told the nurse). So what else should she have done?
@Rachel Martin I'm so sorry to hear how unhappy you've been and the way you've been treated. I completely understand. I finally found real happiness and peace of mind when I studied with Jehovah’s Witnesses.
This should have been titled True Stories of Drunken Idiots. Imagine spending years training to heal people and then having to deal with so many self destructive drunks!
We have great laws in NSW Australia with consumption of alcohol everyone who serves alcohol has to have an RSA (responsible service of alcohol) in that course you learn to spot people that are affect by alcohol and by law must refuse service and if caught serving alcohol the establishment is not only fined but may lose their license. Not only that if you have served an individual that is affected by alcohol drive and they have an accident you can be held liable.
The commercial for this show made me laugh cuz I can't imagine being on it and my bums up in the air while someone's pressing on it doesn't seem like an appropriate thing to have on the commercial LOL
My daughter who is an RN in Kentucky, walked away from the ER after she was kicked in her abdomen while 7 months pregnant. She is working in recovery now and loves it. She had had enough abuse.
My dad's father was a lifelong alcoholic and smoker. His drinking destroyed his brain and he died at 78. (Grandma lived to be 98, Daddy lived to 90.) Nobody cried when he died, we were relieved to be rid of him and all his drama.
It's called Korsakoff syndrome. Medical staff & police are NOT paid enough to put up with this abuse. I think this program should be shown at all schools....just to highlight the damage that alcohol abuse can cause.
My dad has been an alcoholic for longer than I’ve been alive and I can truly say I absolutely can’t stand drunks. An absolute waste of everyone’s time, they’re always super rude, very inappropriate, and think the world revolves around them. There’s better things for hospital staff to do than babysit alcoholics.
Sean is a crybaby. If his nose has been broken 40 times and all the other stuff, maybe he should quit drinking so he will be safe. His mother has felt so guilty about how she treated her kids that she babies him and he takes full advantage of that.
The guy taking care of the one dude looking over and making the disgusted face bcuz he was telling the truth that she would be wanting to touch him up TOOK ME OUTTT
I’m in Australia and wouldn’t dream of going to an A and E unless I had broken bones, blood pouring out of me or had been in a serious accident. Coughs, colds, splinters, too much alcohol / drugs is wasting precious Drs and nurses time. The way people speak to hospital staff is disgusting. They should put all the drunks and drug addicts in one big room and leave them to their own devices. We are encouraged to call A and E depts for advice if we are not sure whether we need to see a Dr after hours or if it can wait until Dr clinics hrs.
In Germany we have a special phone number to call to talk to a physician who will tell you if you need to go to a&e, urgent care or wait till your physician is open again, super helpful.
Some are addicts because of serious pain from medical problems that haven’t been diagnosed. But they should have a place where drunks sleep off their drinking. Then they don’t use up valuable doctors and nurses time. (I’m in the medical field. )
@@LINKINservicedogyes, there are so many reasons people drink and do drugs, usually trying to stem pain whether physical or psychological. I think you have a great idea and in a large centre where so many come in daily, triaging, then bring them to a separate ward with less staff per patient ratio would be a cost effective way to ensure they are being cared for and safe while not taking up ER resources.
Even to this day no one in any country in the medical industry. Should have to help self medicated alcoholic waste of time for real critical care patience..props to these er staff
He really deserves a piece of tape over that mouth until he sobers up, and can learn some manners... How immature, ignorant rude people can be. I have 3 kids, and if I were there in the hospital while they were talking like that to the staff? well, maybe you should ask them how I would react lol. Not acceptable, in any way.
These doctors and nurses deserve gold medals, every last one of them. I have zero tolerance for drunks, they're just disgusting yet the medical people are patient and kind to them. How the heck do they manage it?
My son in law was obese and an alcoholic. It destroyed his marriage. One day he was on the phone with a customer and just fell to the floor and died. He was 43.
I worked in A&E & drunks were a pain! What really shocked me were the children who regularly ended up in our department whose parents, when called, said "what do you expect me to do about it?" These were children as young as 10 years old, social services were working with the families & I often wonder what happened to them
It is hard to have patience and yeah, it's kind of gross, but happy healthy people usually don't do that. If they drink they usually stop before they start acting badly or getting in accidents. The people who really go over the top usually have something wrong, especially if they're doing it over and over.
Most of these drunks, who don’t have anything physically wrong with them, should just be sent home to sleep it off instead of taking beds from those who need it and from stressing the hospital staff and being difficult.
He’s using every excuse but himself he needs to grow up and stop Making everyone his victim. The mother had four children taken away Hopefully now he can get help if he wants it
Being an alchoholic is an illness, it’s an addiction just as drug addiction. Perhaps there should be an ER aside from the main area, for pol with addictions like alcohol, drug addiction etc. That way, more healthcare workers wouldn’t use so much time on them. And it goes without saying that a ward for alcoholics and drugs addicts should have a dedicated team of nurses and doctors who really wants to help and support them.
@@legster983 They may very well need help. And you can empathize with them and be kind to them. But I think we can do that without deluding ourselves.... they are also often very obnoxious. I think it's better to just be honest about that part of it. Some people who need help are very exhausting to deal with.
I'm laughing at A'E that's not right know it .But I was a bartender for years .These ppl should not be there I love that nurse did you do the boogy woogy 🤣😂🤣😂🤣And then the guy I want my mommy my mom would have smacked me .
He broke his neck and was scared. Even people in the last days of their life in hospice have been known to do the same. I thought this guy was being needy at first but then I had to really think about the whole situation. I feel for everybody here
Even in my biggest drinking and drugin I never acted disrespectful I constantly apologized or cried. I felt horrible they had to take care of me in that state.
Same here I never even wanted sympathy but I think people gave it to me anyway bc generally I was kind and sweet at heart but under alcohol I was further distraught altho I thought I was resting really I was getting ptsd blackout on alcohol and I would end up just crying and blaming myself which I mean I am accountable for my actions but I think that’s why I was treated kindly with sympathy or empathy from professionals trying to help even if it was against my will I went along bc I figured I got myself in this mess by blacking out and being rushed to a and e it’s not their fault I can’t cope with life at the moment lol glad to be sober now
Annoying Patient, was I? I don't drink. But when I watch this series, I often wonder if I was an annoying patient, as I suffered a severe Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and after a few days, when I initially was brought out of a drug induced coma, I likely felt confused upon waking. So, I believe I tried to undo the various wires, tubes and cables attached to me, to leave the Hospital, setting off the bed alarm, time and time again. - Not remembering where I was or that I should simply press the Call Button for help - as they surely told me each time I tried to escape. They sat in the room and watched me some of the time, and also had a camera w/ a mic and speaker system that they could check on me from another room. Thankfully, I improved rather quickly, and was moved to a Rehab. Hospital - who then had to react to their alarm system, when I set it off, until reaching "Room Independant" status, then a "Hospital Independant" status, when they disconnected all alarms, and stopped "babysitting" me so closely.
I‘m pretty sure no one was annoyed by your behavior, but most probably concerned for you. These pals did this to themselves at one time in their life or on that day, but you didn‘t do anything to become ill. I hope you are well now!
@@betweenthepoles I remember a lot of the invasion but had forgotten the 'bird' reference. Here a lot of girls - and women - were refered to as 'chicks.' Ugh. AAAnd I saw the Stones in 72 here in USA. So I'm cool.
In Germany it is super difficult to restrain a patients even when they might be a danger to others. I remember the doctors being super apologetic when they had to restrain my dad when he was weaned off sedation and was very agitated and was trying to pull out his lines.
My teacher told us that most doctors will never allow a patient to be restrained while in their care. This is in the US so it might be the same for most doctors in every country
I hope Sean pulled himself out of his self-pitying, drunken, abusive life! I also hope he got away from his useless, enabling mother. Sound heartless? Oh, well.
I think he was exaggerating. He said among other things that his nose had been broken about 40 times which I don't believe. He had a perfectly normal looking nose. It was the only nice thing about him.
I’ve been to England a couple of times and I saw a lot of drunks but I thought a lot of it was binge drinking because the pubs shut early. Since that has changed and they’re open later has the problem drinking gone down
I can’t believe patients are so offensive to the Staff. They need to come to a third world country and see what happens here. They are so darned lucky and need a kick up the axx to appreciate what they have🇿🇼
I was an active alcoholic from 15 to 35. I well know that need for alcohol upon waking up and the misery I would feel if I had to wait for the bar to open. When I was 35 I got sober, (the hardest thing I have ever done even with all the trauma of living on the street), and my new life began. I am now 69 and still sober. My husband died 7 months ago, we had been married for 31 years, and for 7 weeks I had the urge but it passed and I hope to be sober for the rest of my life.
Incredible stay strong please
It's one day at a time. Sounds so simple to a non alcoholic but I think it's a hard battle for an alcoholic.
I’m proud of you. Keep fighting every day.
Been an RN for 47 years( now retired) Sean and his carrying on brings back bad memories and trauma from being punched by a patient !
To Sean's mother...as parents, we all make mistakes and have live with that. While you may believe your son is in this situation because you "didn't raise him right", he is now an adult and ultimately responsible for his own actions....and it is never too late to mend your relationship.
I agree with what you said. But her feelings of being essentially a failure is not just for her son but the other 4 children that were removed from her care
@@madelainemadelaine2934 yes, I felt like she had a challenging life in her own childhood and youth. ❤️
I had tears in my eyes for her when she was talking about that. 😔
@@luvnursing875 you sure are sitting on a high horse. I hope you're perfect.
4 kids taken away.
She’s a failure as a mother.
It’s all her fault her kids are messed up.
Her tears now are useless.
You have absolutely no right to speak to someone that way, you should be ashamed of yourself. Clean up your own backyard, and they can clean theirs. You should never speak to someone that way. What if the shoe was on the other foot, and they said that to you?
The staff looks exhausted. I feel so bad for them. Dealing with abuse while short staffed & exhausted is soul killing.
I work as a pharmacy assistant and it’s awful. We get abuse (not as bad as hospitals), and are short staffed and exhausted. It’s definitely soul killing. It’s awful
It's really scary. There should be a department just for these cases.
Thank you for your dedication. Nobody deserves to be abused by them.
All the staff are heroes, putting up with abuse and violence, that the patient won't even remember
I love the young doctor who said to the belligerant (drunken?) man with the broken neck, if you get up I won't stop you, I have another patient who needs me, then when the patient starts to get up, the same doctor rushes back and sedates him so he can't move. I love that even in his exasperation, he preserves life, even when the patient does not value his own life. The doctor's job is to protect life regardless. What a contrast between the two men.
Yeah because the doctor would be liable if he didn't intervene. But I do get the exasperation for sure. I think I'd feel the same way.
The worst part of this is either they don't remember later or they do something worse later. Absolutely scary!
Imagine dealing with a "Sean" everyday. Gosh he's so ungrateful and rude to staff trying to help him.
When the doctor said "We're worried he might survive," I lost it laughing.
He's under the heavy influence of alcohol, has a brain injury and probably more and he may be mentally challenged to begin with so what would you expect ?
@@josi4251 n?m
Too bad Narcan doesn’t work on alcohol…..
@@deb_ellen9733 Yeah, it would be nice if there were a drug to block alcohol; it would get used a LOT in hospitals alone. As it is, it's just up to the liver and time.
From what David said, the accident he was involved in was the 1956 Kano Airport BOAC Argonaut crash. 32 people were killed and only 13 survived. Such a big trauma surely leaves a massive scar...
I feel so sorry for this man. Drinking to forget seems almost understandable. I hope his life improves. Bless
Oh,my! How tragic. Thank you for providing the extra insight. I so hope he heals and finds some measure of comfort going forward.
Bless him. I hope he’s doing ok. In a plane crash at 2 and lost his mum. Then being told you’re a failure by your dad. Heartbreaking!
I feel so sorry for him, part of it is misplaced guilt surviving the crash which killed his mother. His father sounds like a nasty piece of work. I hope he finds a way to move forward without the alcohol.
@@kristinelizabethbarker3459 I wondered if his father had actually said that, in those words. The son may have assumed that was what his father thought of him, because that's what the son thinks of himself.
To the nurse who thinks it's just plasters and patch-ups, it's not all darkness and heartbreak. My best friend back home landed in the emergency room due to alcoholism and he's now been sober for a couple years through sheer force of will and a therapist. Sometimes they do get better
I agree. What she meant is that THEY only do plasters and patch-ups, because they're not the ones who help solve the root problem (in this case, the addiction). That's when long-term intervention comes in.
But when you see the same faces over and over again drugs and alcohol coming in near death we literally save their lives so many are combative swear abuse you blame you and fight you while you are trying to save them. Unless you have had to deal with the stress of seeing this time and time again you really can’t comment. It’s not up to us to rehabilitate them in A@E it’s our job to treat them and stop them from dying
@@kylieknight2365 It's the drink that drives the behavior. When they're stone cold sober they may be the nicest people ever. I have refractory epilepsy and during a cluster, tons of back to back seizures, people think I just drank too much. I'm not the nicest person at that stage, but when it's passed I'll give you the shirt off my back.
One of the lucky ones.
I totally agree we are all like that at some point in life 🧬🧬🧬..... mental health and drug alcohol is a common thing nowadays more than car accidents etc.....
It’s so disgusting how people verbally abuse these doctors and nurses who are there to help and save lives
I have been in the hospital many many times due to serious health issues and, whenever the doctor said, I needed to do something like staying in the hospital for a few days, which has happened a lot, I agreed. I just wanted what was best for me. That’s all the doctors and nurses care about. What is best for you and if they recommend, say, You take this medication or do you have an overnight stay, just do it. It’s for the best.
Sean needs him mommy to say “no” to him more often
Too late for that..
@fionajanebarrett6008 She didn't give them away. They were taken into care because she couldn't look after them, and there may have been many reasons for that. She obviously feels guilt and great distress.
You mean the one who was laughing at her son when he fell and broke his neck?
Still throws toddler tantrums, doesn’t he?
I don't think Mom is much better. She wanted to take a picture of her fallen son to have a laugh the next day.
Worse thing about drunks is they cause misery to everyone around them. ..medical staff aren’t paid enough!
I love your A &E hospital videos.
You have to be a very unique person to handle this day in and day out!
With drunks it’s always everyone else’s fault
some drunks are happy drunks, others are just like Sean, obnoxious
I love this doctor, not putting up with any abuse
I was a critical care RN for 35 yrs, I didn't put up with any abuse either.
Accountability is indeed a huge issue involving alcohol no matter where you are from.
In many cases it's genetics.
@@alidabotes6264 In most cases it's stupidity.
Either you are one or you marry one.
What you live with you learn, what you learn, you practice.
You are right.
Also right.
My ex husband is a severe alcoholic. He started detoxing after being arrested for another DUI and had to be put in a medical induced coma. It breaks my heart because sober he is a wonderful person. His entire family (parents and a couple siblings are also drunks) I watch what he puts our daughter through at 24 and his two minor boys through that he has with his second wife. It breaks my heart and it breaks our daughter’s heart. She hates knowing her little brother’s both have to watch him act like an idiot when it’s something that only he can stop but refuses to. I am extremely disappointed in him and his behavior. He has chosen his alcohol over two marriages already and no one in their right mind will put up with this bs forever. 💔💔💔 I can’t stand to see the way drunks act it drives me crazy and I have no to very little sympathy for them!!!
"Bit worried he might survive :
People with alcoholism should be treated in special places, only for these cases. Imagine accidents and all sorts of emergencies with doctors stressed by the drunks...
If only there was the funding. Great idea though. A medical centre purely dedicated to alcohol overdose and poisoning. Sad reflection on society.
I,m just disgusted at the drunks who arrive in the hospitals and are super abusive to the hospital staff,The staff are performing a service to the public and the drunks are just abusive towards the NHS staff.There comes a point when the NHS need to post a sign over the entrance to AandE stating NO drunks allowed
Diesen Leuten alles in Rechnung stellen. Wenn kein Geld einzugreifen ist, abarbeiten lassen. Wird dringend Zeit für ne härtere Gangart. Menschen müssen wieder erzogen werden.
Sean wanted his mommy so he could feel sorry for himself and blame her for his stupidity.
Sean is choosing to be a victim 👍
Exactly! What a useless human being
How am I going to lay here, yeah. Staring at these two lights, yeah. Can’t sleep on my back, yeah. 😂
Sean’s behavior is appalling! Shame on him
Ben's behaviour at 23:05 is also disgusting......
He's a piggy
I am completely appalled by the behavior of these cops. How dare they dump their responsibility on hospital staff, and place vulnerable patients at risk! This female officer has a serious attitude problem, and I wouldn't consider her fit to police a bunch of cats! How disgusting and completely inappropriate. There should be a complete Judicial review of how the police are treating both NHS staff and the citizens they are supposed to serve. I would have never thought British police would act so callously, but then, I can see from this officer, the British Police aren't as civilized as the image they like to portray on these shows. This one is most definitely unfit to serve, and so are any other British Officer's that think it's acceptable to put vulnerable patients and hospital staff at risk!
On the other hand, they brought a mentally ill person, that told them, she tried to commit suicide to the hospital. Where else would they take her to? And why are the hospitals not prepared for people with mental health issues? The cop did the right thing bringing her to the hospital and her boss told her, she could not stay (that's what the male cop told the nurse). So what else should she have done?
It's like that everywhere. I'm in the U.S., and I've been picked up and dumped at the emergency room then left to stew in my own misery.
They did their job as described.
Taking away and filling up beds from the real ppl that need medical attention
@Rachel Martin I'm so sorry to hear how unhappy you've been and the way you've been treated. I completely understand. I finally found real happiness and peace of mind when I studied with Jehovah’s Witnesses.
This should have been titled True Stories of Drunken Idiots. Imagine spending years training to heal people and then having to deal with so many self destructive drunks!
Sean needs help in the form of realizing he’s his biggest roadblock
These people are fantastic at care!
im one drink away from being an alcoholic again... no more, its already stolen enough of my life..
one is too many and a thousand isnt enough..
Can't believe this hospital doesn't have a locked psych ward for that out of control woman!
The NHS has been grossly underfunded for years.
Sean has brought all his problems on himself.
Think mommy needs to walk away now. He’s just gonna keep doing this
Nothing worse than an alcoholic that feels sorry for himself and wants to drag everyone else down with him...
Sean heard something about getting put in the veins and he turned into a calm man from there. Ffs these people are ridiculous
Gotta love hospitals that have on staff security. I worked in one where you paged Dr. STRONG TO YOUR LOCATION And everyone available came running.
We have great laws in NSW Australia with consumption of alcohol everyone who serves alcohol has to have an RSA (responsible service of alcohol) in that course you learn to spot people that are affect by alcohol and by law must refuse service and if caught serving alcohol the establishment is not only fined but may lose their license. Not only that if you have served an individual that is affected by alcohol drive and they have an accident you can be held liable.
We have similar programs and laws in British Columbia , Canada.
Same in Ontario
We have that too but it doesn't matter
Same here in Alberta, Canada. People abuse it though. It’s inevitable
Doesn’t stop people from drinking at home though. And some people can come off a lot more sober than they are
The commercial for this show made me laugh cuz I can't imagine being on it and my bums up in the air while someone's pressing on it doesn't seem like an appropriate thing to have on the commercial LOL
This episode is PTSD triggering for anyone that walked away from working in the ER.
Then don't watch this series. It's that easy.
My daughter who is an RN in Kentucky, walked away from the ER after she was kicked in her abdomen while 7 months pregnant.
She is working in recovery now and loves it.
She had had enough abuse.
I don’t think that many people realize that alcohol induced dementia is a thing that can happen to people
People that have self control dont care why they act like idiots.
I’ve seen it and it was devastating. A woman just in her 50s, so young, with a 10-15 minute memory. 😢
My dad's father was a lifelong alcoholic and smoker. His drinking destroyed his brain and he died at 78. (Grandma lived to be 98, Daddy lived to 90.) Nobody cried when he died, we were relieved to be rid of him and all his drama.
@@nancylongworth9617 yeah it can be a lot, especially when they don’t realize that they messed themselves up to the point of where they’re at
It's called Korsakoff syndrome.
Medical staff & police are NOT paid enough to put up with this abuse.
I think this program should be shown at all schools....just to highlight the damage that alcohol abuse can cause.
My dad has been an alcoholic for longer than I’ve been alive and I can truly say I absolutely can’t stand drunks. An absolute waste of everyone’s time, they’re always super rude, very inappropriate, and think the world revolves around them. There’s better things for hospital staff to do than babysit alcoholics.
Sean is a crybaby. If his nose has been broken 40 times and all the other stuff, maybe he should quit drinking so he will be safe. His mother has felt so guilty about how she treated her kids that she babies him and he takes full advantage of that.
Profound. Moving. Sad. Our human condition is so pitiful. I want to do my part, by God’s grace to make a difference.
Don’t wait on your imaginary friend…
Both of my parents as well as my sister work in this field. I couldn’t do it. I don’t have the patience for these type of people
Thank you.
The guy taking care of the one dude looking over and making the disgusted face bcuz he was telling the truth that she would be wanting to touch him up TOOK ME OUTTT
I’m in Australia and wouldn’t dream of going to an A and E unless I had broken bones, blood pouring out of me or had been in a serious accident. Coughs, colds, splinters, too much alcohol / drugs is wasting precious Drs and nurses time. The way people speak to hospital staff is disgusting. They should put all the drunks and drug addicts in one big room and leave them to their own devices. We are encouraged to call A and E depts for advice if we are not sure whether we need to see a Dr after hours or if it can wait until Dr clinics hrs.
In Germany we have a special phone number to call to talk to a physician who will tell you if you need to go to a&e, urgent care or wait till your physician is open again, super helpful.
@@tiff2106 yep we have that in aus! And CALMS which is like halfway between a&e and GP care as it’s in the hospital so they can admit you if needed.
Some are addicts because of serious pain from medical problems that haven’t been diagnosed. But they should have a place where drunks sleep off their drinking. Then they don’t use up valuable doctors and nurses time. (I’m in the medical field. )
@@LINKINservicedogyes, there are so many reasons people drink and do drugs, usually trying to stem pain whether physical or psychological. I think you have a great idea and in a large centre where so many come in daily, triaging, then bring them to a separate ward with less staff per patient ratio would be a cost effective way to ensure they are being cared for and safe while not taking up ER resources.
@@LINKINservicedog some suffer from diseases that have bad flare ups that send us to the hospital. It's not fun to have a chronic illness.
Even to this day no one in any country in the medical industry. Should have to help self medicated alcoholic waste of time for real critical care patience..props to these er staff
Sean is so demanding and self entitled,Im not surprised he has been attacked so many times ,if its true.
He's more than that. He's toxic and abusive. I'd hate to see how he treats her at home.
@@AnotherWittyUsername. I totally agree with that....not someone Id like to meet.
@@AnotherWittyUsername. He is weak and pathetic, how old is he to be begging for his mother all the time.
He really deserves a piece of tape over that mouth until he sobers up, and can learn some manners... How immature, ignorant rude people can be. I have 3 kids, and if I were there in the hospital while they were talking like that to the staff? well, maybe you should ask them how I would react lol. Not acceptable, in any way.
They should have sedated him far sooner just for the peace 😂
Nothing cements a relationship more than a drunken joint visit to A&E
Alcoholics wastes so many people’s time and medical resources. Wish there was more mental help for them.
My mother died from alcoholism at 54 she bled out at night not a pretty sight.
These doctors and nurses deserve gold medals, every last one of them. I have zero tolerance for drunks, they're just disgusting yet the medical people are patient and kind to them. How the heck do they manage it?
We did it because that was our job, we coped by joking about it, moaning about it & sometimes crying
Sean needs to be told, loudly, to GROW UP.
Acting like a 5 year old as old as he is, guilt tripping his mom, like that.
My son in law was obese and an alcoholic. It destroyed his marriage. One day he was on the phone with a customer and just fell to the floor and died. He was 43.
The look on doc’s face around 9:20…😂
Hahahahhaaha as I saw this comment I was at the part. Lol. So funny
I know, I thought the same exact thing! 😂
I made the same face at the same time 😂😂
"One is too many and a hundred's not enough". 26 years under my belt, one day at a time.
What a disrespectful guy to talk of his girlfriend “touch him up” gross, girl drop him fast
Sean grow up!!
I have no patience for people who drink too much.
It is disgusting! 😜
I worked in Emergency Room and some of the drunks were the worst. Nobody wanted to work St Patrick 's Day or New year eve! The worst.
I worked in A&E & drunks were a pain! What really shocked me were the children who regularly ended up in our department whose parents, when called, said "what do you expect me to do about it?" These were children as young as 10 years old, social services were working with the families & I often wonder what happened to them
It is hard to have patience and yeah, it's kind of gross, but happy healthy people usually don't do that. If they drink they usually stop before they start acting badly or getting in accidents. The people who really go over the top usually have something wrong, especially if they're doing it over and over.
@@karenlloyd945at that young age, the "parents" are SUPPOSED to be responsible for them! If anything, those "adults" should be charged with neglect.
Most of these drunks, who don’t have anything physically wrong with them, should just be sent home to sleep it off instead of taking beds from those who need it and from stressing the hospital staff and being difficult.
Love the Aussie Dr Graeme 😊
Sean’s a piece of work😮
Aussie doc is awesome dealing with Sean the fwit.
Nurse Clair!! You are an angel. ❤😍
He’s using every excuse but himself he needs to grow up and stop
Making everyone his victim. The mother had four children taken away
Hopefully now he can get help if he wants it
Chin up Kaye! You are one of us! Human!
Wow so proud that have filipino nurse❤
If you're not feeling funny you bought the wrong drug 😂
That consultant is ace and I've seen a lot of them
Wonderful, an A&E full of drunks when those beds can be used for ill patients?
Being an alchoholic is an illness, it’s an addiction just as drug addiction. Perhaps there should be an ER aside from the main area, for pol with addictions like alcohol, drug addiction etc. That way, more healthcare workers wouldn’t use so much time on them. And it goes without saying that a ward for alcoholics and drugs addicts should have a dedicated team of nurses and doctors who really wants to help and support them.
pitiful. hard to feel sorry for those kinds of disruptive 'patients'
Drunks are just obnoxious.
Yep as Sean showed so well
They need help, that’s just an awful thing too say, yeah they may be hard work but you have no idea what’s going on if there lives !
@@legster983 Obnoxious is obnoxious. No matter the reason.
Honestly I hate you for posting this. Just because you live in a safety bubble doesn't everyone else does I've had friends lose there life to this
@@legster983 They may very well need help. And you can empathize with them and be kind to them. But I think we can do that without deluding ourselves.... they are also often very obnoxious. I think it's better to just be honest about that part of it. Some people who need help are very exhausting to deal with.
I still struggle to believe that alcohol is legal in most countries, but cannabis isn't.
This episode aired in 2011. I wonder if Sean is still alive.
I'm laughing at A'E that's not right know it .But I was a bartender for years .These ppl should not be there I love that nurse did you do the boogy woogy 🤣😂🤣😂🤣And then the guy I want my mommy my mom would have smacked me .
He broke his neck and was scared. Even people in the last days of their life in hospice have been known to do the same. I thought this guy was being needy at first but then I had to really think about the whole situation. I feel for everybody here
Even in my biggest drinking and drugin I never acted disrespectful I constantly apologized or cried. I felt horrible they had to take care of me in that state.
Same here I never even wanted sympathy but I think people gave it to me anyway bc generally I was kind and sweet at heart but under alcohol I was further distraught altho I thought I was resting really I was getting ptsd blackout on alcohol and I would end up just crying and blaming myself which I mean I am accountable for my actions but I think that’s why I was treated kindly with sympathy or empathy from professionals trying to help even if it was against my will I went along bc I figured I got myself in this mess by blacking out and being rushed to a and e it’s not their fault I can’t cope with life at the moment lol glad to be sober now
Annoying Patient, was I? I don't drink. But when I watch this series, I often wonder if I was an annoying patient, as I suffered a severe Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and after a few days, when I initially was brought out of a drug induced coma, I likely felt confused upon waking. So, I believe I tried to undo the various wires, tubes and cables attached to me, to leave the Hospital, setting off the bed alarm, time and time again. - Not remembering where I was or that I should simply press the Call Button for help - as they surely told me each time I tried to escape. They sat in the room and watched me some of the time, and also had a camera w/ a mic and speaker system that they could check on me from another room. Thankfully, I improved rather quickly, and was moved to a Rehab. Hospital - who then had to react to their alarm system, when I set it off, until reaching "Room Independant" status, then a "Hospital Independant" status, when they disconnected all alarms, and stopped "babysitting" me so closely.
I‘m pretty sure no one was annoyed by your behavior, but most probably concerned for you. These pals did this to themselves at one time in their life or on that day, but you didn‘t do anything to become ill. I hope you are well now!
It's important to sedate patients or give Ativan, etc
You would hope that drunks could see how disgusting they act, and so abusive, that they would change their behavior. Stop enabling them.
They've kept the wrong "substance" legal, haven't they?
David's story is very sad :(
A ride on the Adi-Van would make her more manageable quick and in a hurry!
@@AuskaDezjArdamaath *lorazepam. I know how to spell it, I just spelled it how we say it.
@@mburke0330 Tempting to go full propofol, but then she'd need monitoring...
@@Just1Nora maybe even thorazine.
I just hate alcohol sooo much!!! it destroys both families & brains....
When he said bird I thought he meant an actual bird. Greetings from the USA!
You must be too young to remember the “British Invasion” of the 60’s. All the British musicians like the Beatles called girls “birds.”
@@betweenthepoles I remember a lot of the invasion but had forgotten the 'bird' reference. Here a lot of girls - and women - were refered to as 'chicks.' Ugh. AAAnd I saw the Stones in 72 here in USA. So I'm cool.
Can restraints not be used/ordered in the NHS when it is clear the patient could be a danger to themselves or others? Not criticizing, just curious.
In Germany it is super difficult to restrain a patients even when they might be a danger to others. I remember the doctors being super apologetic when they had to restrain my dad when he was weaned off sedation and was very agitated and was trying to pull out his lines.
My teacher told us that most doctors will never allow a patient to be restrained while in their care. This is in the US so it might be the same for most doctors in every country
There are legal implications in Australia for use of restraints.
Unfortunately, those who make those "laws" are very far removed from the reality.
I hope Sean pulled himself out of his self-pitying, drunken, abusive life! I also hope he got away from his useless, enabling mother. Sound heartless? Oh, well.
😂 the amount of times Sean has been assaulted….I see why
I think he was exaggerating. He said among other things that his nose had been broken about 40 times which I don't believe. He had a perfectly normal looking nose. It was the only nice thing about him.
Yeah, that mouth of his! The worst part is he didn’t offer a single apology for his atrocious behaviour. That really ticked me off!
Sister Claire is a beautiful soul and woman!
I’ve been to England a couple of times and I saw a lot of drunks but I thought a lot of it was binge drinking because the pubs shut early. Since that has changed and they’re open later has the problem drinking gone down
41:35- Wow! Looks like C3 and 4.
In Quran Allah said Don't come close alcohol because it's a part of demons act
that sean guy YIKES
I can’t believe patients are so offensive to the Staff. They need to come to a third world country and see what happens here. They are so darned lucky and need a kick up the axx to appreciate what they have🇿🇼
If your not feeling funny, then you bought the wrong drug. Hahahahahahah😂😂😂 lol 😂😂Brilliant
“Anyone who speaks Spanish?” Mispronounced “Paella”. 🤣
Sean is so rude
"tripped over the clothes horse"? What does he mean?
it's a wooden rack to dry clothes on; it opens and closes like an accordion
Обожаю вас медики!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤