It doesn't matter about the high council, it's random animations anyway and they all contradict each other anyway. Just remember that Athens was right next to another island and you kept creating battle units and moving them away from the city, leaving it completely exposed. You used your only defensive unit to try and take a Settler; that was not clever as Phalanx is terrible at attacking, I saw that coming a miles away. Your safest city is Corinth, because it sit's in-between everything. When I build cities, I just throw in an attacking unit and defensive and never (under any circumstance) move them. If I want to attack I create more units, the attack/defence unit inside the city don't exist to me as playing units, they just defend. It seems like the French want revenge from Civilization 1.
It doesn't matter about the high council, it's random animations anyway and they all contradict each other anyway. Just remember that Athens was right next to another island and you kept creating battle units and moving them away from the city, leaving it completely exposed.
You used your only defensive unit to try and take a Settler; that was not clever as Phalanx is terrible at attacking, I saw that coming a miles away. Your safest city is Corinth, because it sit's in-between everything. When I build cities, I just throw in an attacking unit and defensive and never (under any circumstance) move them. If I want to attack I create more units, the attack/defence unit inside the city don't exist to me as playing units, they just defend. It seems like the French want revenge from Civilization 1.
Hello, hello! The French are strong, but the Mongols are also a pain. In the end Democracy screwed us good lol. Have a great one!