MS Meeting I went to/Rant 3

  • Опубліковано 2 тра 2010
  • I share what went on at this meeting i went to. I guess you could call it Rant 3


  • @ThePennygirl
    @ThePennygirl 14 років тому

    Oh my I had a vision LOL I can see it now !!!
    And in the ring now!! (crowd roars) is MsGirlOnline !!! (crow roaring in applause) taking on Jackass from So. Cal. LOL if the motto worrks ROCK IT !
    I have too much time on my hands today LOL love and hugs :)

  • @dely1112
    @dely1112 14 років тому

    Loved your comments! You make so many great comments - and I loved the way you said them. We have MS - we aren't stupid. It takes all of us to ask questions before maybe they get it? Good for you. If more people had trouble walking, maybe more progress would be made...... Many times doctors are more of a problem than a help. Best of Luck, God Bless!!

  • @BlushingRoses
    @BlushingRoses 13 років тому

    Maria! Awww! You're so impassioned! That's how ALL of us should be!!! I think you're awesome :)

  • @ThePennygirl
    @ThePennygirl 14 років тому

    YOU ROCK ! Along with sharing MS I share the same anger and FRUSTRATION !
    I agree with the Bear ! Rant 3 approved ! rant onm, rant on. Far as am concerned this is healthy anger for me, we gotta keep the boxing gloves on folks many more rounds to go!

  • @kkkkkkatherine
    @kkkkkkatherine 14 років тому

    Love your Passion!!
    Ranting is good for the soul!
    It does suck that we -the-patients need to BE OUR OWN UBER- ADVOCATES
    and this Venoplasty/ angioplasty is A COMMON Procedure for Blocked Vessels, but if you have MS, well, that's 'Just Not Done"....YET!!!!!
    Hang in there!!!

  • @ToriUTK
    @ToriUTK 14 років тому

    Rock it Maria.
    I went to a seminar like that a few weeks ago with a naysayer doctor. I think she called it a "snake oil cure". I just rolled my eyes. A "lets wait and see" answer would have been a lot better.
    What the hell is wrong with these doctors? for real.

  • @Reluctantwriter7
    @Reluctantwriter7 14 років тому

    It's amazing to me, that he could right off the bat say it doesnt work, and that 3% of patients stroke out from a procedure, but what does he have to offer? Medications with a plethora of side effects? Drs are so terrified. Is it because they think we are wrong or because they know we are right for fighting? You're awesome Maria!

  • @VernBeachy
    @VernBeachy 14 років тому

    Good for you Maria. Keep it up!

  • @omexmc80
    @omexmc80 14 років тому

    Hi Maria, I agree i would love to somehow take over the TV broadcast for every channel and play something about CCSVI so everyone can get to know about it..
    We will win this fight and one day we will laugh in all the naysayers faces.

  • @kezzcass
    @kezzcass 14 років тому

    GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! I am shaking my fists and stomping my feet with you! You stood up and people will have listened. Even if it raised a small question in other's minds it will help. To say it is not true is so ignorant. Rant whenever - the world doesn't change by people keeping their opinions to themselves. Kx

  • @BrendaRaven1
    @BrendaRaven1 14 років тому

    Maria, stay strong, I completely understand your frustration. I know we try to be good ambassadors for our cause, and you did the right thing not lowering yourself to the standards of the Dr. who went 'postal' on TV

  • @MrMarkafisher
    @MrMarkafisher 14 років тому

    Good on you Maria, get angry!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    We are certainly entitled too, & this attitude will cause change.

  • @angelusa73
    @angelusa73 14 років тому

    Dear Maria,
    I got some "bad news" today and I am sad and upset too. I understand you completely! and I can tell you that your face says it all!!!! You are quite upset!!!!!!!!!!
    We know a lot more than doctors and the MS Society people! It is sooooo frustrating!!!
    It's normal to feel what you feel. Scream and vent as much as you want: we are here for you and we will listen!!!!

  • @MSVlogSupport
    @MSVlogSupport 14 років тому

    Maria I think we all feel your anger! The fact that they are lying about so much of this is what really makes me agree with Mark about what it is going to take. This is a vascular problem!

  • @dely1112
    @dely1112 14 років тому

    @metalwayne42 I know how you feel -- I think many of us put it off for as long as we could. I have SPMS and there really isn't any medicine for that kind that is worth the risk. I hope soon there will be more options! God bless!

  • @lorimayb
    @lorimayb 14 років тому

    I'm with you! I'm really angry too--I'm sick of being polite!

  • @MrStimpy77
    @MrStimpy77 13 років тому

    I'm fortunate to be symptom-free and MS might end up having little effect on my life (lucky me, and I'm sorry my being so lucky offends) but that's why I'm waiting for the dust to settle and by not getting involved I also mean no I will not take treatment I don't need and keep making these guys rich.
    I do see progress being made, slowly, on the acceptance and I expect it will be another 5 years before ppl will take CCSVI seriously. In the mean time I'm boycotting excitotoxins and thinning down.

  • @wisdaniel
    @wisdaniel 14 років тому

    There is not a 3 % chance of stroke with a venogram.
    This is not a big surprise, IMO. Many of these people will not come around until very late in the game.
    Well deserved ranted.

  • @donotconcede
    @donotconcede 14 років тому

    @omexmc80 That could be like in the movies . . except the one's taking over the channels will be the good guys . .US . . . lol maybe they will make an XMen movie of us. . .we will be the ones with the power like spiderman has. :-D

  • @notapplicable66
    @notapplicable66 14 років тому

    If I was working in the computer industry and China came out with some new breakthrough technology in computers you don't think I would be one of the first in line to try it out?? Even though I had nothing to do with making it! I wouldn't be sitting back and not bothering to even try it and then tell everyone else that it is crap!! For a neurologist to behave this way some how it's acceptable!! This is all about money! Never again will I take a neurologists word as the gospel.

  • @notapplicable66
    @notapplicable66 14 років тому

    You know the sad thing about neurologists is that they have studied MS for what? 100 years now? And they and no closer to solving it now as they were back then. They have basically done nothing in that time but delay the disease Temporarily. For them to dismiss CCSVI when they know nothing about it shows how much they are really trying to help us. NOT! I would rather go to Zamboni for treatment.

  • @donotconcede
    @donotconcede 14 років тому

    Maria . . .omg. Tell you what, get treated properly for CCSVI and then go back to the next meeting and dance and skip around. Be that ___ hole. I am serious. Imagine the utter glee you will feel. lol I felt that when Kerri told about her visit to her neuro. There is some guy on that list in Missouri. I am NOT even telling my neuro or going to talk to them. I'm just gonna go, get treated, get better and then do back flips for them when they wish to test my disability.

  • @zedsys95
    @zedsys95 14 років тому


  • @kezzcass
    @kezzcass 14 років тому

    @MsGirlOnline Haha when you get rich why don't your buy yourself an Interventional Radiologist team and set up your own clinic!!! :o) (then no one would have to waste any more time!)

  • @donotconcede
    @donotconcede 14 років тому

    Oh and I would have really spoke my mind and corrected him about the 2 deaths. WTF?

  • @violetmatthers
    @violetmatthers 14 років тому

    HOW DARE THAT MAN LIE TO YOUR FACE!!!! That is exactly why I don't go to those idiotic stupid talks! same cenerio with me Having an argument with an IDIOT DR Over a negative response ON TYSABRI!! Thank God I took him on or I wouldn't be walking now! Tysabri at least has me walking again! ALWAYS FORM YOUR OWN OPINIONS! STAND UP and NEVER EVER GIVE UP! PLEASE SCYPE ME SOON K Love Theresa