Is Joseph Smith the world’s luckiest guesser? (Book of Mormon Edition) Ep. 84

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024


  • @user-qh1jo4db7n
    @user-qh1jo4db7n 4 роки тому +33

    I'm from Taiwan. I see a Chinese BOM in the background. How cool is that!

  • @tpbarron
    @tpbarron 4 роки тому +73

    I love how you leave it up to individuals to ask God for themselves of the truthfulness. That is how it should be.

    • @seans5289
      @seans5289 4 роки тому +1

      tpbarron: would you rather have solid evidence or a spiritual witness?

    • @tpbarron
      @tpbarron 4 роки тому +6

      @@seans5289 Totally spiritual witness.. I feel like that is why we are here. To go by faith.

    • @seans5289
      @seans5289 4 роки тому

      tpbarron: does that go for all of your pursuit of truth? As in, would you rather have a spiritual witness than evidence in academia?

    • @tpbarron
      @tpbarron 4 роки тому +3

      @@seans5289 No

    • @seans5289
      @seans5289 4 роки тому +2

      tpbarron: What makes academic pursuits different?

  • @prezp00nage24
    @prezp00nage24 2 роки тому +8

    You should include Beit Lehi, excavated within the last 15 years, in this video. It is a place in Jerusalem that aligns with time period and location with the house of Lehi, and has inscriptions on the house naming it "Beit Lehi" or, the house of Lehi. Locals also teach that a prophet lived there and that he and all of his family mysteriously vanished one day. Probably the single most compelling evidence of the Book of Mormon.

    • @HelloDocMode
      @HelloDocMode 7 місяців тому +1

      Aayo I need some sources for this please!

    • @DarthMomo
      @DarthMomo 3 місяці тому

      What's the source??? I'm a member, would love to see

  • @strjfs
    @strjfs 4 роки тому +13

    Fantastic! Please keep producing these videos. I will share them far and wide!

  • @notdawong
    @notdawong 4 роки тому +51

    Whoever does the editing and comedic clips is amazing!

    • @karostef9462
      @karostef9462 4 роки тому +3

      True Story! 👏👏

    • @grandpaje4734
      @grandpaje4734 4 роки тому +5

      This scripture is an evidence that Joseph Smith is NOT the author of the Book of Mormon :
      Alma 7:10
      10 And behold, he shall be born of Mary, at *Jerusalem which is the land of our forefathers,* she being a virgin, a precious and chosen vessel, who shall be overshadowed and conceive by the power of the Holy Ghost, and bring forth a son, yea, even the Son of God.
      If Joseph Smith is the creator or the author of the Book of Mormon, he will write : “ at Bethlehem....”, but Joseph was only translating by the power of God.
      So it was TRUELY ;
      The words of Alma which he delivered to the people in Gideon, according to his own record.
      NOT the words of Joseph Smith.

    • @davidsnell2605
      @davidsnell2605 4 роки тому +4

      GrandPa Je you bring up a great question that has been talked about for many many years. I actually recently wrote an entire episode all about it, so stay tuned. It’ll be out in the next month or two.

    • @vendingdudes
      @vendingdudes 4 роки тому +1

      @@grandpaje4734 go get your Hebrew thesaurus and check again. At Jerusalem is the correct phrase for "in the land of Jerusalem", "within the boundaries of the influence of Jerusalem", "in Bethlehem, a suburb of Jerusalem", etc. etc.
      Do you really think Joseph, an avid Bible reader, didn't know the location of Christ's birth? Why do you suppose he DIDN'T write "in Bethlehem" then?

    • @vendingdudes
      @vendingdudes 4 роки тому +1

      @@davidjanbaz7728 yep, it was a different town then, just like today. Nobody disagree with that. It's the use of the word "at" that is key. Different meaning in Hebrew than in English. Look it up! Facts are facts. You can criticize the church all you want, but this criticism is without basis.

  • @carinawoodmansee9699
    @carinawoodmansee9699 4 роки тому +19

    You forget to mention.....
    If he did just get "lucky" why is the church still growing? How did it get as big as it is based on a book? And why did he go through such pain and ultimately death for a book? I can't wait to see the looks on peoples faces when they find out Joseph Smith is in deed a true prophet. A great man of God who was willing to give his life to bring about the God's will to help all of us so that we could have a clear path in life.

    • @SteveSmith-os5bs
      @SteveSmith-os5bs 4 роки тому +3

      Carina Woodmansee well here you have the problem, in world membership the church is growing at a very reduced rate compared to past decades. In active membership per wards the church is shrinking at an ever increasing rate. The church increased it’s stakes but not it’s. Wards. If you look at the activity record of any given ward, you can use your own ward as an example. You can see that most wards may be about 60% inactive. So when the church boasts of a world membership of 15 million. You are really talking about an active membership of 5 to 7 million.

    • @williambott1230
      @williambott1230 4 роки тому +2

      Growing fast? It's only point .2% of the worlds population with only a 35 to 40% activity rate.

    • @carinawoodmansee9699
      @carinawoodmansee9699 4 роки тому +3

      @@SteveSmith-os5bs straight is the gate and narrow is the way and FEW there be that find it. More will follow Satan than Christ for sure...the book of Mormon talks about it several times. Doesn't make it less true. In the last days even the very elect will be deceived. Even if only a handful of people choose to follow Christ the end will still be the same. Regardless of how we feel or what the statistics show, doesn't change the plan. It's only up to us who we decide to follow

    • @SteveSmith-os5bs
      @SteveSmith-os5bs 4 роки тому

      Carina Woodmansee well the first come to was that the church was true because it is growing, now it is true because it is shrinking. I guess the next rational will be the because the church has been investing tithing over the last twenty years and has a 100 billon dollars it is true because it has the most cash.

    • @chaseallen7499
      @chaseallen7499 4 роки тому +2

      Another thing I remember reading is that Hryum quoted from the BoM an hour before his death. Would an honest man quote from a false book knowing it is against God before his death?

  • @faulkner42k70
    @faulkner42k70 4 роки тому +37

    Joseph smith was just telling the truth

  • @KevlarX2
    @KevlarX2 4 роки тому +41

    The scoffers will continue to scoff because they can't admit that they were wrong about Joseph and the Book of Mormon. The evidence keeps mounting in favor of Joseph, but it will always require faith on anyone's part to know that. Faith, and the confirmation of the Holy Ghost.

    • @seans5289
      @seans5289 4 роки тому +1

      Why would you need faith to accept evidence?

    • @seans5289
      @seans5289 4 роки тому +2

      david janbaz: That doesn’t answer the question

    • @cultfiction3865
      @cultfiction3865 4 роки тому +2

      KevlarX2. The way I see it is that he may have already known something about the geography of those lands and the names. But a word like Nahom. It rolls off the tongue. It’s a predictable place name that is short, and I think anyone could strike lucky with something like that. And even more so with the place called bountiful with all these trees and fruit and honey and a mountain etc. The Arabian peninsula is so big that there are bound be places like that. It doesn’t take a wizard or psychic to know that. At the end of the day, he got a few things that can be validated to some extent. But they are far from been groundbreaking and he claimed to have had a book written by Abraham yet the surviving papyri does not translate to what he wrote. For me, this is a damning indictment on Joseph. He claimed something and evidence does not support his claim. Also I’ve heard of links with him to fraud and people that commit fraud have to be crafty and cunning and clever to do it successfully. It’s unlikely that he was as stupid and uneducated as these videos often portray him

    • @seans5289
      @seans5289 4 роки тому +2

      david janbaz: Does your belief system hinge on faith or evidence?

    • @seans5289
      @seans5289 4 роки тому

      david janbaz: Except for mysteries?

  • @tylerdecent9879
    @tylerdecent9879 Рік тому +2

    These aren’t lucky guesses. The Book of Mormon is absolutely true. I know it.

  • @Michael-jo9jz
    @Michael-jo9jz 4 роки тому +21

    The words of those who scoff are empty. The words of God are full and true.

    • @seans5289
      @seans5289 4 роки тому

      Is it possible that you’re wrong about god?

  • @brianhorner8349
    @brianhorner8349 2 роки тому +3

    1. "Nahom" has been debunked. It is not the name of a discrete place (as the BoM describes it). "Nehem" (as it is more correctly recognized by native speakers in the region) is NOT a burial site. It is an entire mountain range. And what appears to be the ruins of a pagan temple referred to in the video are in a location that is NOT in Nehem. Even the word "Nahom" is just a guess. The word is written in ARABIC (not Hebrew!) and, as you said, lacks any vowels which means it could have been any word where you might want to insert the vowels of your choice. If the BoM said this "place" was called, "Neham", or "Nohem", you would be here trying to justify THAT name.
    You say this site is, "Right where it should be"? "Should be"? What makes you think that? You have no reason to think that the location of the stone with this three-letter inscription is located anywhere that your BoM characters traveled. You have only vague geographic generalities describing the location that COULD apply equally to any number of places on the Arabian peninsula. But there is no reason to think that your BoM characters ever went to any of them. In fact, there is no reason to conclude that they ever even existed.
    2. There is no wood on the East Coast of the Arabian peninsula suitable for ship-building. In order to build ships you need plank lumber, preferably hard woods. (Softer woods such as pine will warp and decay rapidly in sea water, which will cause the ship to SINK). Your own pictures clearly show the truth: The trees all along the East Coast of the peninsula are little more than scrub, not plank wood and certainly not hard woods. These kinds of trees grow in forests and jungles. But there are no forests or jungles on the Arabian Peninsula. You should have known that. The most common tree in this region is the Acacia tree - a gnarly short-limbed tree that is sort of like an olive tree. Acacia trees and bushes cannot be used to build any kind of ship, much less one that could be sailed half-way around the world, especially by people who had never sailed anywhere. There is also no reason to think there is iron in them-thar hills. Nor is there an appreciable volume of water. There are only wadis - mere creek beds that flow only rarely. (The Arabian Peninsula averages less than 1" of rain per year). So, far from a "good guess", this is another miss.
    3. "Alma". The fact that some people did not know that this could be a man's name is not evidence, let alone proof, that NO ONE knew it could be a man's name.
    4. "Jershon". Your argument here is a phonetic fallacy. "yarash" is not the same word as "jershon" and it most certainly is NOT a proper noun. It is a verb. Getting the first syllable of a word right does not make the grade, especially when it is not even the correct part of speech that your argument requires it to be. Furthermore, the fact is, there is no Hebrew word "jershon". There is, however, the Hebrew word "Gershon", which means "exile" or "sojourner". So ...there goes the "pun".
    5. Smith was not an "uneducated farm boy". First, his mother was a school teacher. Second, his numerous writings provide an abundance of evidence that he was able to read and write competently. He also was working with friends and family members when creating the Book of Mormon. There is a body of evidence showing that Smith and Rigdon were pals long before the official record shows. Rigdon was also a competent reader and writer.

    • @michaelzindel1419
      @michaelzindel1419 2 роки тому

      Don't forget his older brother attended Dartmouth and would come home for the summer, discussing many of the theological tenants of Mormonism with him. In fact, if you look at his older brother's theology professor's theological ideas, you'd see they correspond exactly with the religion Joseph would later found.

    • @alanbylund2659
      @alanbylund2659 2 роки тому +3

      You are missing several points here. It appears that you have just blindly believed points critics have made and just copied them here. If not, you are just making wild guesses.
      1. The vowels in Nahom do not matter. In the original Arabic or Hebrew it would read NHM. And that is exactly what was found in the location Book of Mormon scholars predicted it would be by reading the text and comparing it to the geography of the region decades before this discovery was made. I’ll emphasize again that this location was identified by Book of Mormon scholars before this discovery was made. It really doesn’t matter that there is also a mountain range named the same. The fact is that Joseph Smith, or anyone else living at his time and place would not be likely to come up with any name like that to match anything in the entire Arabian peninsula, let alone in the exact spot that the Book of Mormon describes. The odds of this showing up in the Book of Mormon by chance are astronomical.
      2. Your comment on the location of Bountiful on the SE coast of Saudi Arabia is naive at best. Archaeologists have identified that area as a place of ship building just 300 years after Lehi was there according to the Book of Mormon. You need to check your sources on this. People in Joseph Smith’s time assumed that such a fertile green location as described in the Book of Mormon would be impossible to find in that region of the world and there are several examples of that criticism being spoken and published by critics of the Book of Mormon. The fact that there is anything like that on the Arabian peninsula would be nearly impossible to predict at his time. Being in the exact spot on that vast peninsula that the Book of Mormon claims makes the odds exponentially greater. Another key component here is the discovery of iron ore discovered by geologists following directions from the Book of Mormon. Such deposits were perfect for doing what the Book of Mormon describes and unknown to geologists before this. To have this rare outcropping of iron in this exact location is nothing short of miraculous. Check out this video at 1:07:16.
      3. The reason Alma is mentioned here is that it was and has been a common criticism against the Book of Mormon even as recently as 2016, which illustrates the common assumptions of Joseph Smith’s day and even currently. Another example of a criticism becoming a support for the Book of Mormon. This was plainly stated in the video. How did you miss it? The video points out a criticism as late as 2016 saying that using Alma as a boy’s name is evidence the Book of Mormon is a fraud. You need to watch the video again apparently.
      4. You are obviously not a Hebrew expert. Follow this link to learn the rationale for the meaning of Jershon.
      5. Joseph Smith was uneducated in the sense that he only had what we would consider to be about a 3rd grade education. In modern context, we would expect an author and publisher of a book to at least have a high school diploma with some higher education. If you read his early writings you will find very poor grammar with poorly constructed and run-on sentences. That is why he usually used scribes who were more educated and better at writing. The idea that “There is a body of evidence showing that Smith and Rigdon were pals long before the official record shows” is just plain false. There is zero credible evidence of this and only wild guesses and speculation by critics. I’d like to see what you are calling evidence on this one.

    • @alanbylund2659
      @alanbylund2659 2 роки тому +2

      @@michaelzindel1419 At age eleven, Hyrum was sent to Moor's Charity School, associated with Dartmouth College. So what are the odds of an 11 or 12 year old studying and then discussing complex theological ideas with his 6 year old brother? This is how far critics have to stretch to find justification for their confirmation bias against Joseph Smith.

    • @michaelzindel1419
      @michaelzindel1419 2 роки тому

      @@alanbylund2659 Moor's Charity School is where he attended before Darthmouth. lol

    • @alanbylund2659
      @alanbylund2659 2 роки тому

      @@michaelzindel1419 He attended Moor's Charity School at age 11. He never attended Dartmouth or any college.

  • @SlayingtheGloom
    @SlayingtheGloom 4 роки тому +2

    "What do you call this place Nephi?"
    Nephi: "nn-hm"

  • @SlayingtheGloom
    @SlayingtheGloom 4 роки тому +27

    I've heard some people say that hearing some of what anti-mormons say, while being discomforting, also helped their testimonies just a little, because it was immediately apparent just how stupid they all were, and how stupid you would have to be to believe them. I have had similar experiences reading the anti-mormon comments under your videos.
    Every personal experience that I've ever had on the gospel, the church, and Jesus Christ, points me toward the same conclusions: Jesus IS the Christ, Joseph Smith DID restore the one true Church, The Church of JC of LDS IS the one true church, The Book of Mormon IS true, and nothing will ever change any of this.

    • @Herosoulstone
      @Herosoulstone 4 роки тому +5

      @Cole Smith Same Experience!

    • @thomasstokes1055
      @thomasstokes1055 4 роки тому +4

      @thorin Lange I’m glad you had that experience and you can be happy in the church but don’t call people stupid for taking issue with the problems in the church. These are very real problems that not everyone can look past. Historically, socially, doctrinally, it affects everyone differently. It takes a lot of guts to leave the church and people shouldn’t be shamed for it. Regardless, I’m happy that you and many others can find peace in it.

    • @Herosoulstone
      @Herosoulstone 4 роки тому +3

      @@davidjanbaz7728 I had this same Experience for years, but Overtime it changed and the church history and archives made it really hard for me not to believe in it. Not everyone has the same experience though. And your free to believe what you want:) I had the Holy Ghost Reclarify to me what was true and not true. He never Lies or Changes, but he Does Clarify. Again feel free to believe what you want:)

    • @Herosoulstone
      @Herosoulstone 4 роки тому +4

      @@davidjanbaz7728 They are Both True, Just one is more Clarified than the Other Actually. You wont recieve an answer from the spirit till you are ready for it. That is how Revelation is Revealed. He would not lie to! I agree 1000% Joseph Smith was Called by God, Prophesied of Before Hand, Also is A part of the Prophet Enoch's Calendar, Christ qouted Enoch im pretty sure at one point. You dont have to believe in Enoch though if you Believe in Christ Though.
      I and Friends have many Witnesses from the Holy Ghost and God's Angels, And Most importantly The Histroy Lines Up, and The Archives are why I believe in the Church The Most.
      I have heard basically every attack from Christians not lds, and Anti Mormons, I was Both, and I attacked the Church For Many Years.
      The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Is In Fact Jesus Christs Church! and it hurts me so much to see you Attack the person you say you believe in.
      While we might have different Understandings of this same Man, He is Christ.
      I fully Support other Church's Of Christ, While they might Not Being Recieving the Full part of Knowledge because it's Esoteric and That's how god has always worked, But that is 100% okay! where all on diffrerent Paces and parts of the Journey.
      I'm Just happy your trying to be Christ like and follow christ to very Best of Your Abilitys. Tbh, That Really Really Really Makes me happy your a Follower of Christ, David.

    • @Herosoulstone
      @Herosoulstone 4 роки тому +3

      @@davidjanbaz7728 It's Clarified not Changed. They are Both True, the bible might not necessarily claim the earth is flat, but it was an assumption or belief across some in the bible.
      Because i believe in the bom:
      In the Book of Mormon it is written that, “he that will not harden his heart, to him is given the greater portion of the word, until it is given unto him to know the mysteries of God until he know them in (full).
      The most prominent difference in sentiment between the Latter-day Saints and sectarians was, that the latter were all circumscribed by some particular creed, which deprived its members the privilege of believing anything not contained therein, whereas the Latter-day Saints have no creed, but are ready to believe all true principles that exist, as they are made manifest from time to time by God, to Further help the Saints.
      “Mormonism is truth; and every man who embraces it feels himself at liberty to embrace every truth…. The first and fundamental principle of our holy religion is, that we believe that we have a right to embrace all, and every item of truth, without limitation or without being circumscribed.” - Joseph Smith.
      In other Words we allow God to Keep Teaching us, and Keep helping us Grow. We arent Limited to just the Bible. And it doesnt mean we are adding on to it necessarily, But are Having Further Truth’s Or Clarifcation be Taught Upon the Core of it’s Truth’s. We do not want to change it.
      “[If the] Presbyterians [have] any truth. embrace that. [Same for the] Baptist. Methodist &c. get all the good in the world. [and you will] come out a pure Follower of Christ. - Joseph Smith.
      We Need to be ready to believe all true principles that exist, as they are made manifest from time to time. If the Prophet of Jesus Christ where to reveal unto us Further Truth’s in other Sec’s. We should be ready to believe and try and understand it further.
      You won't receive an answer from the spirit till you are ready for it. That is how Revelation is Revealed.
      You Don’t Learn Trigonometry, Or the Fine Tune Details of the core of Math, Before you Learn the Basics of Math.
      God teaches us Principles and Ideas that help us Get ready for Further understanding of Things.
      You Teach a Kid The Basics of Math, and Then you Can Teach them Those Other Things in Greater Detail, or the Basic Math Itself in Greater Clarification.
      It would be and i dont want to be rude so I hope you dont take it to heart, IT would be Ridiculous to say Trigonometry is A Counterfeit of The Core Basics of Math, Their the Same thing in Essence. Just Clarification and Further Knowledge that first needs a More Fundamental Understanding of Math before you can Understand it in more Detail.
      So! Christ Died for our Sins According to the Scriptures, And that He was Buried, and that he was raised on the Third Day According to Scriptures. This Is Truth! This is the Core of the Gospel and really everything else relies upon this. I will not Deny every other form of Math, that is Based on the core Principles of Math, Just Because it seems Different. Nor Can I Say that those other forms of Math aren't part of the core of math.
      The only reason further Knowledge on anything is ever received, or Revealed just like Math, is to help us. But we can’t do anything without the Core Message of Jesus Christ, and All other Truth’s only have Importance Because of Jesus Christ and what he did for us.
      Hence You won't receive an answer from the spirit on Clarification, if one you aren't willing to learn it, and 2 Arent ready for it. That is how Revelation is Revealed.
      So i’m not telling you your Necessarily Wrong. Clarification could be Taught and Brought to understand it better or Have God Reveal more on this Core.
      For Example Genesis is An Extremely Extremely Old Story. So old it came from the Begining in a sense. (not taking into the Babalonion Account of it.)
      This has Principles and Ideas that help us Understand how God Forms things, Covenants are Made, The Fall, Basics. And helps us on our journey to understanding god, There's a lot of Detail missing from it on purpose because its purpose isn't to reveal every single detail. Even though these things could be understood or revealed later.
      Genesis Does not Exclude Evolution, Just because it doesn't mention it. Nor is it important to know. until Possibly later.
      It’s Not Contrary. it’s Grown, Or Been Clarified Upon to better help the World in These times to Particularly Prepare Followers of Christ for the Millenium and Christ’s Second Coming.
      Science is a Method we use to Discover how God Created the Earth and how it was formed by God.
      I don’t Deny Genesis because I believe in Evolution.

  • @vendingdudes
    @vendingdudes 4 роки тому +16

    LOL at 2:34

  • @jamenrivera7546
    @jamenrivera7546 4 роки тому +7

    The simplicity of it is this, we are the ones in possession of a case provided with evidence for how this book came forth. If people wish to believe that Joseph could have dictated at least 3500 words a day to a scribe (either making it up on the spot or memorizing though there is no evidence for either) and providing the complex narrative which he did then they may, if they wish to believe at the same time that Joseph after making up the book to the scribe that he somehow tricked them into hallucination of an angel and the plates (though there is no evidence that he was capable of this either) then they may. However, it still stands that there has yet to be a grounded case set up taking into account all of the historical information which we are in possession of to explain for the origin of this book from those who don’t believe. If it’s such a simple case, why are the naturalistic explanations of its existence so complex?

    • @j.wesleyprice6620
      @j.wesleyprice6620 2 роки тому

      No naturalistic explanation is needed. But even if an angel comes with another gospel then what was preached to you, let that angel be accursed.

    • @prezp00nage24
      @prezp00nage24 2 роки тому +2

      @@j.wesleyprice6620 I hear this all the time. People don't understand that the Book of Mormon is not contrary to the other Gospels. It clarifies truths and has more of the words of Christ, who appeared not just to the people of the Book of Mormon, but to many other cultures around the world. Just look at the well preserved oral traditions of certain native Americans and Polynesians and who they describe as "Wakea" or "Cheezus". Once you've done your research you'll find the truth is undeniable.

  • @TimDavie5
    @TimDavie5 2 роки тому +2

    These videos are great. Thank you. Keep it up!

  • @lcutie36
    @lcutie36 3 роки тому +2

    Where is exactly Zarahemla lol ?

  • @theincrediblerodofiron304
    @theincrediblerodofiron304 Рік тому

    Yarshoh. That little dot gives the She an Oh sound at the end.

  • @Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr

    It's easy when you write the prophecy after. Joseph Smith wrote himself into the bible, and apparently that's proof because the bible prophesied about him!

  • @caesaramador4500
    @caesaramador4500 3 роки тому

    Towards the end he asked "where is he getting all this information from"

  • @longwing2011
    @longwing2011 4 роки тому +1

    JS, the man.

  • @ThoseOneGuysInc
    @ThoseOneGuysInc Рік тому

    Thanks! Great Video!

  • @elderinisrael
    @elderinisrael 4 роки тому +8

    Do all the anti's on this page realize by persecuting the Prophet Joseph Smith to realize they are fulfilling prophecy?

    • @granite6510
      @granite6510 3 роки тому +1

      No but we know that it only seeks to further entrench your beliefs. We don’t do it for you, we do it for the vulnerable investigators. And it seems to be working.
      By the way, how did Joseph not guess a single plant, animal, or mineral in all of pre Colombian america? You’d think he coulda got one right - it’s almost impossible to get that many wrong. Of course, he also scored a zero on his translation of the Book of Abraham. And let’s not forget he called his cribbing of Adam Clarke’s Bible a translation too. The guy wasn’t even trying to make the con last more than through his lifetime. Palpable.

  • @protochris
    @protochris Рік тому

    Nahom would be the same as the biblical Nahum-vowels omitted. And, In Joseph Smith's time, the name Jerson, pronounced Jershon, was a nickname for Jefferson. Jefferson (Jerson) was also a first name. Thanks for the Hebrew pun info, it helps explain the etymology of the decapolis town "Gerasa" or land of the Gerasenes.

  • @beckymcdonald9529
    @beckymcdonald9529 4 роки тому +8

    Answer: he was a professional con man.
    He made a living charging people money for him to find treasure, with his seer stones.
    Please just do a little research. Joseph was a liar

    • @elderinisrael
      @elderinisrael 4 роки тому +2

      If he was a con man, then why are so many things coming up that prove the validity of the Book of Mormon? If he was a con man why is the church still growing and is able to help millions around the world? If the Book of Mormon was false it would have been exposed as such by now, which it hasn't.

    • @beckymcdonald9529
      @beckymcdonald9529 4 роки тому +2

      @@elderinisrael it absolutely has been proven false. You just refuse to look at the evidence.

    • @beckymcdonald9529
      @beckymcdonald9529 4 роки тому

      @@elderinisrael members are leaving in droves

    • @elderinisrael
      @elderinisrael 4 роки тому +1

      @@beckymcdonald9529 I use to be an anti-christ, I at the time especially hate Mormons. The Book of Mormon has been proven correct many times scientifically.

    • @elderinisrael
      @elderinisrael 4 роки тому +2

      @@beckymcdonald9529 People leaving the church doesn't prove that it is false, it just means that people are being fooled or no longer believe.

  • @RaDHeyward
    @RaDHeyward 4 роки тому +5

    My 8yr old made up a fake story that had a bunch of matches to real places she's never seen too. Coincidence or Prophetess?

    • @letsdev5142
      @letsdev5142 9 днів тому

      Have that kid write a book like the Book of Mormon if she still matches accurate places.

  • @TonyFieldson
    @TonyFieldson 4 роки тому +2

    Good video thanks:) I did hear recently that there WERE actually men named Alma around Joseph's time and place, have you heard that too?

    • @brettmajeske3525
      @brettmajeske3525 4 роки тому +2

      I had not heard that. What is the source of this astounding discovery? It was a common criticism of the time that Alma was exclusively a female name.

    • @anthonyrippa686
      @anthonyrippa686 4 роки тому

      Alma had always been a man's name in England. It was common in the 1900s and early 20th century.

    • @brettmajeske3525
      @brettmajeske3525 4 роки тому +2

      @@anthonyrippa686 Well apparently the critics in 19th century America didn't know that.

  • @jonbaker476
    @jonbaker476 3 роки тому +5

    Well seeing as how the vast majority of the stuff he said was not true, I wouldn't say he's really all that lucky. A broken clock is right twice a day

  • @Isacc..
    @Isacc.. 10 місяців тому

    Mr smith a man who himself says he loves to listen to wolves howl, and when they get rid of him the devil will go 😂😂

  • @andreafaldon5026
    @andreafaldon5026 4 роки тому +7

    Interchanging names for males and females isn't a new idea.

    • @rksnote9635
      @rksnote9635 4 роки тому +6

      I think the point was that some critics were using the name Alma as evidence that Joseph was a fraud, but now we have evidence that Alma can be both a male and female name.

    • @brettmajeske3525
      @brettmajeske3525 4 роки тому +5

      @@rksnote9635 As recent as 20 years ago critics were using the names Lehi, Nephi, Sam, and Alma as "proof" the Book Of Mormon could not be true. So archeological evidence that such names were used in the appropriate time periods refutes those criticisms, and leads one to ask how is it that JS got it right when for over 150 years the scientific consensus was that he was wrong? Until of course they learned otherwise.

  • @Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr

    We don't attack the book of Mormon in some sinister plot to take down the one true church. Personally I think the book of Abraham makes it all come tumbling down way easier.

  • @Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr

    I think people back then knew the bible a lot better than we do. Didn't most people have only 1 book and no internet? I think they were just reading bible stories in their spare time. It's a lot different from now.

    • @mickski548
      @mickski548 Рік тому

      The records of Joseph people said they never saw Joseph studying the Bible a ton

    • @Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr
      @Volleyball_Chess_and_Geoguessr Рік тому

      @@mickski548 So as a child it was not common for his Father or something to read stories from the bible to them? Did they go to church on Sundays?

  • @jacobreeves3110
    @jacobreeves3110 4 роки тому +4

    Two questions.
    1)have you red the CES letter?
    2)how do you reply to the claims made by the letter?
    I just finished the book and it was very convincing. Check it out.

    • @brettmajeske3525
      @brettmajeske3525 4 роки тому +12

      Well, yes I have read it and find it to reflect poor scholarship and dishonest presentation. Assertations are poorly sourced, he ignores refutations that have been available for over fifty years, several of the questions are identical in scope just with different phraseology to increase apparent numeration, just to name a few issues. If you do find the the Letter worthwhile there are several rather complete analyses, but they are long. Latter-Day Saint Q&A goes by each question point by point and LDS Truth Claims examines the majority of concerns as well. The total presentations for each channel is around 30 hours, but they go in depth in their responses, and well, the CES letter is pretty long itself.

    • @brettmajeske3525
      @brettmajeske3525 4 роки тому +2

      @@davidjanbaz7728 Well I do not recall that video specifically, but in general I found most of his video's fairly well presented. I actually prefer LDS Truth Claims, but that is a bit more long winded.

    • @jacobreeves3110
      @jacobreeves3110 4 роки тому +2

      @@brettmajeske3525 I think religion is healthy, I'm all for it. I say this just so you know my intentions. I'm just trying to have a healthy discussion.
      So I read the CES letter (all 138 pages) over the last two days and finished this morning. I just was trying to get outside opinions because most of what the author said, was not stating his opinion but rather facts and questions. I'm not surprised the response is that long, because it would take a lot to answer all the questions put forth in letter.

    • @brettmajeske3525
      @brettmajeske3525 4 роки тому +5

      @@jacobreeves3110 Well, to put it bluntly, sometimes I feel he was stating opinions as if they were fact and questions. It's the disingenuous question fallacy. It is usually explained as follows:
      A Lawyer asks a witness if the witness has stopped beating his dog, knowing full well the witness doesn't even own a dog. Because the witness is only allowed to answer yes or no, he says "No." The jury is then left to assume that the witness has just admitted to beating his dog and therefore can not be trusted. The Lawyer has discredited a witness through the use of a Disingenuous Question. Sometimes the example is about beating one's wife, but the principal remains.
      Obviously the use of such questions is bad scholarship in a purely academic sense, and I feel the author could have made his point without doing so as frequently as he did. I am not claiming that all the questions were Disingenuous, but a significant portion were, too many to be purely accidental in my mind.
      I am expecting the desire for a specific example, and it has been a while since I have read the Letter, but I believe one of the questions concerning anachronisms in the Book of Mormon mention the presence of bees, beehives, and honey which did not exist in the Americas prior to European Expansion.
      On the surface this seems like a fair question, except it completely ignores that all of the mentions of Bees, actually being present take place in the Old World. The question itself implies that the Book of Mormon claims there were bees and like in America prior to European involvement.
      Additionally the tenor of the letter implies when it does not out right state, that neither the LDS Church or LDS Apologists had summited answers to the questions being asked, when published answers had existed for a majority of the questions for over fifty years. Rejecting a response as being insufficient is one thing, pretending it never existed is quite another.
      And certainly the lack of adequate citations for assertions is another issue I have a problem with.
      All in all while I certainly admit that some of the questions asked are relevant, they are surrounded by so many problematic ones that I have a hard time believing the document to have been written honestly.

    • @brettmajeske3525
      @brettmajeske3525 4 роки тому +2

      @@jacobreeves3110 I was writing a response to your comment that started, "Jacob Reeves replied: "Brett Majeske I think everyone has the right to follow any Religion they believe in. You can't sit here and say everything he said is BS because most of it is supported by the church. Specially..." When it disappeared on me. So I haven't been able to see what you wrote later.
      I did not say everything is BS, I just do not find it well sourced from an academic point of view. You were asking what we thought of it. Some of the questions raised are indeed relevant and need to be addressed. Surprisingly many of them had been addressed well before the Letter was written.
      I can not respond to what you thought specially relevant because that is when I lost you comment.

  • @realmless4193
    @realmless4193 2 роки тому

    Pretty simply, all lucky guesses, but I have to say that these don't necessarily have to have divine revelation as their source. They are also all well within the knowledge demons would have, so the book of Mormon isn't proved by these, as you said, but probably trying to I fee something different.

    • @bransonaverett3817
      @bransonaverett3817 Рік тому +3

      The Book of Mormon is a witness of Christ. Demons would never purposefully create a religion that’s is perfectly aligned with Christ original doctrine 😂.

  • @thomasstokes1055
    @thomasstokes1055 4 роки тому +4

    I can see these as faith bolstering to some, but when you step back and see the many examples of plagiarism in the BoM it makes perfect sense where he got some of this stuff. (View of the Hebrews, the late war, the Bible)

    • @brettmajeske3525
      @brettmajeske3525 4 роки тому +6

      Have you actually read either view of the hebrews or the late war? I find most of the people claiming plagiarism haven't even done the research to compare. For the record I have read them, my background is in comparative english/french literature, and they are not simular enough to justify that claim.

    • @brettmajeske3525
      @brettmajeske3525 4 роки тому +2

      @@davidjanbaz7728 I am not disputing JS used Clark's Commentary, although if we are going to pedantic about it his usage was fair use not plagiarism. There is no evidence Clark's was used for the BoM though which was a topic of discussion.

    • @brettmajeske3525
      @brettmajeske3525 4 роки тому +1

      @@davidjanbaz7728 I just said that JS's use of Clark's does not rise to the academic understanding of plagiarism, I know you disagree with me, put please be honest when restating my viewpoints. LDS do not think the BoM was written by one person, but by over a hundred ancient prophets and then translated by JS, which you well know.

    • @elderinisrael
      @elderinisrael 4 роки тому +1

      @@davidjanbaz7728 I know you don't know this but Clark's Bible commentary was written on January 1, 1967. How can Joseph Smith plagiarise something that wasn't even written?

    • @earthrenew
      @earthrenew 3 роки тому +1

      All debunked.

  • @darrencollinwood142
    @darrencollinwood142 Рік тому

    This video is a great example of cherry picking evidence to support a predetermined conclusion.
    It's commical to say he guessed right. Because he guessed wrong on the other 99%. This video proves how far you have to dig to find even the slightest coincidental truth in the BOM.
    There are hundreds of anachronism that church historians admit deny the claim that the book of Mormon is a historical text including animals, crops, technology such as wheels, and steel, language, currency, population, demographics, culture.

    • @YourFriendMac
      @YourFriendMac 10 місяців тому +1

      Just discovered these videos so apologies for the late response. I wonder if you have seen the 62nd episode of Saints Unscripted Faith and Beliefs which talks about these issues. While historians in the church or otherwise DO NOT in any way say that there is 100% definitive proof that the BOM is true, to say that 99% is inaccurate is untrue and I would kindly request an accurate source rather than a blanket statement aimed at what I would guess is a quick and crude snipe at members of the Church whom I love and deserve respect. Perhaps a source that could explain the 143 anachronisms proven to be accurate, the 27 that are trending towards accurate and the mere 34 remaining ones that are still considered to be anachronisms as explained (briefly) by David in the episode I wonder if you have seen. Cheers Sir!

    • @darrencollinwood142
      @darrencollinwood142 10 місяців тому

      @@YourFriendMac I appreciate the invite to watch that video of Saints unscripted I will absolutely do that. I like hearing both sides of the story in order to be able to make informed decision about the truth. I hope that more be leaving LDS members can do the same. I would like to invite you to watch or listen to the Mormon stories episode 1609 LDS discussions eight about the anachronisms of the Book of Mormon cheers

    • @YourFriendMac
      @YourFriendMac 10 місяців тому +1

      @@darrencollinwood142 I would love to take a look at that video as seeking out views, ideas, and perspectives of others inside and outside the faith I share and in Christianity as a whole in an effort to relate to and understand others has been a recent passion of mine. Sadly however, I will not have time to view a video 2 hours long because I am preparing to serve a mission which has taken up almost every full hour of my day for the past few weeks. If you'd like and are willing, I would love to have a summery and/or list of specific anachronisms that are found by that video. Thank you brother, I appreciate your perspective and am glad to have spoken with you! have a lovely day/night, and cheers!

  • @seans5289
    @seans5289 4 роки тому +1

    Would you say these are the most compelling examples?

    • @brettmajeske3525
      @brettmajeske3525 4 роки тому +4

      What is your opinion on the matter? Probably the most interesting thing about those examples is that for a long time they were specifically used to refute the BoM. No such land could exisit in Arabia. Alma is exclusively a girls name, etc. Other examples include the sword of Laban, the names Nephi, Lehi, and Sam. What do you think about these examples.

    • @seans5289
      @seans5289 4 роки тому +1

      Brett Majeske: I hadn’t heard the one about Alma’s name, but when I was in the camp of BOM apologetics, DNA was all anyone could talk about.
      I wonder, though, if someone were to take the place name “NHM” as compelling evidence that the Book of Mormon came from a divine source, wouldn’t that person also be reasonable to reject the Book of Mormon if they find compelling evidence that the book does not comport with reality?

    • @TBIhope
      @TBIhope 4 роки тому +2

      Sean S if I were confronted by evidence of the lie of the Book of Mormon, and also evidence for the Book, I would have to rely on the Lord to tell me where to go and what to believe.

    • @seans5289
      @seans5289 4 роки тому +1

      Abby C: would it matter if the evidence were stronger for either side?

    • @TBIhope
      @TBIhope 4 роки тому +2

      Sean S if it was, I wouldn’t need to rely on the Lord. But the thing is, there’s not enough evidence from either side to know for sure one way or the other. Instead, I have to do my best with what I know and pray about the other stuff. God will tell me if I do anything wrong. Apparently He loves me. He sent His Son to die for me, and so obviously, Jesus loves me, as well. Why would He ever refrain from telling me if I was doing something wrong?
      He’s given me peace about this, so I’m not worried.

  • @spencersoria9358
    @spencersoria9358 4 роки тому +4

    Turn down for what 😂😂😂💀💀💀

  • @shawnlarrabee45
    @shawnlarrabee45 4 роки тому +4

    I suppose if you fire enough arrows at a target you're bound to get a bullseye eventually.

    • @shawnlarrabee45
      @shawnlarrabee45 4 роки тому +4

      There are 43 named places in the Book of Mormon, according to Google. 2 potential matches to current day maps. It's perhaps a leap to say Joseph is the luckiest guesser in the world.

    • @Herosoulstone
      @Herosoulstone 4 роки тому +1

      It's the Amazing detail of his guesses if their guesses.

    • @Herosoulstone
      @Herosoulstone 4 роки тому +1

      @@davidjanbaz7728 I don't Understand how that could be a bad thing if clark's Bible Commentary was used Partially. Translating isnt just about Fixing things, It's not a Science, You Learn from Multiple Sources and if God Agrees with it. You can put it in. If god gives you a broom and a pan someone else made, and told you to sweep. Theirs nothing wrong with that. God uses people and things like scripture all of the time, Brigham Young Once Said, that he should not be Stumbled if the Prophet Should Translate the Bible 40,000 times over and yet it should be different in some or the same places Every Time. Hense if Joseph Learns True Knowledge, and God Ordains it, he can put it into translation if its further knowledge and true knowledge of the thing in the text. If he did gain knowledge from Clark's Bible Commentary. If he did.

    • @earthrenew
      @earthrenew 3 роки тому +2

      This would be more like getting struck by lightning and winning the lottery on the same day. Not firing arrows at a target.

    • @picardjl579
      @picardjl579 4 місяці тому

      @@shawnlarrabee45 This guy is so deluded it defies explanation. When the evidence is stacked against him-his answer is you must have faith, or time will tell, and when they do have some evidence they sqeeze it for all its worth. The truth of course is as you suggest a lucky guess.....

  • @brandonmma
    @brandonmma 4 роки тому +7

    Mormon is pretty cool. But unfortunately there’s not enough historical or biblical evidence for it

    • @marvinvieiradequeiroz8327
      @marvinvieiradequeiroz8327 4 роки тому +6

      That's the point of saying that those evidences are not proof, because not even if they find a ancient record saying "HI, I am Nephi and I lived here 6000 BC" people would take that as proof... Now, try to effectively argue the points brought up in this video and I'll give you a thumbs up

    • @stutterstudios4731
      @stutterstudios4731 4 роки тому

      Lamoni Queiroz I know the gentlemen who made the video referred to other videos they’ve made to defend the LDS faith, but I haven’t watch those yet. For my Muslim friends, they recognize that the Bible is good, but they believe it be corrupted from the fullness of the truth. Perhaps that’s what the Brandon fellow is insinuating, that the BoM has undeniable truth, but it is also has corrupt parts. The BoM does contradict what the Bible says, but I know that you guys would say the Bible is helpful, but not infallible. Also, if this comment wasn’t relevant to what you were trying to get at, then no biggie and I’ll take the L.

    • @davidsnell2605
      @davidsnell2605 4 роки тому +2

      To the original post--Respectfully, if you're looking for a religion that can provide hard scientific evidence to support their truth claims--even their most fundamental ones (like the existence of a God)--you may find yourself quite frustrated. Faith seems to be quite important in God's agenda. This video talks a little more about that (and the Book of Mormon):
      All the best, though! Hope you find/have found what you're looking for.

    • @stutterstudios4731
      @stutterstudios4731 4 роки тому

      MilkyWayWalker apologies for the late response. I am Catholic, so I agree with you on the faith and complying with God’s grace(works), and id prescribe to the Holy Trinity understanding of God. The Gospel of John is the most outward about declaring Jesus is God. John 8:58 w/ “Before Abraham came to be, I AM.” For Mark 6:50 and Matthew 14:22-33, both of these refer to where Jesus says “it is I.” I’ve heard the Greek for that segment literally says “I AM,” relating back to that Yahweh says to Moses in Exodus 3:14 to reveal his name/identity. In Daniel 7:13-14, with the Son of man, my bible says “He received dominion, splendor, and kingship; all nations, peoples and tongues will serve him.” Other translations say “worship him.” Worship comes for Middle English-I think-for “worth-ship.” In John, St. Thomas says “my Lord and my God,” to Jesus. Jesus forgives people’s sins throughout the Gospels, only God has power/authority to do so, which is why Pharisees, etc. were so mad at Jesus. Blasphemy if he’s not God. John 14:6 is quite damning if one were disagree to Jesus’ divinity. I’m Catholic, so Jesus’ divinity seems obvious to me, but I know that we have different lenses that we use. Thanks for your patience

    • @stutterstudios4731
      @stutterstudios4731 4 роки тому +1

      MilkyWayWalker and very quickly, from my Catholic/Protestant teachers, they emphasize that if Jesus isn’t God, the sacrifice He made isn’t as powerful, as God himself dying to cleanse the world of its sin. This argument is both pathos and logos. If God really loves me, why would he send his son (elevated creature), instead of sending his Son (God incarnate in the flesh, who’s fully God, fully man, who truly understands the human struggle, and truly loves us)? I also know my LDS friends believe that God the father was once a man like us, but who was his God then, and who was his God’s God, etc etc?

  • @Syed_12
    @Syed_12 4 роки тому +1

    Islam The Beautiful Religion
    ( Be Just )
    Quran 5:8.
    '' O you who believe! stand out firmly for God, as witnesses to fair dealing, and let not the HATRED OF OTHERS TO YOU make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be just: that is next to piety: and fear God. For God is well-acquainted with all that ye do. ''
    Quran 4:58
    '' Indeed, God commands you to render trusts to whom they are due and when you judge between people to judge with justice. Excellent is that which God instructs you. Indeed, God is ever Hearing and Seeing.''
    ( God's The Rules Of War )
    Quran 2:190
    '' Fight in the way of God THOSE WHO FIGHT YOU but do not transgress. Indeed. God does not like transgressors. ''
    Quran 2 :193
    '' And fight them on until there is no more oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in God; but if they cease, Let there be no hostility except to those who practice oppression. ''
    Quran 4:90
    ''.........So if they withdraw from you and cease their hostility and offer you peace, in that case Allah has not granted you permission to fight against them.''
    Quran 8:61
    ''And if they seek peace, then you also seek it, and put your trust in God. He is the Hearer, the Knowledgeable.''
    ( Stand Up For Justice )
    Quran 4 :135O
    '' Ye who believe! stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to God, even as against YOURSELVES, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for God can best protect both. Follow not the lusts (of your hearts), lest ye swerve, and if ye distort (justice) or decline to do justice, verily God is well-acquainted with all that ye do.''
    ( Who Are The Good Human Beings? )
    Quran 177
    '' Righteousness is not that you turn your faces toward the east or the west, but [true] righteousness is [in] one who believes in God, the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the prophets and gives wealth, IN SPITE OF LOVE FOR IT, to relatives, orphans, the needy, the traveler, those who ask [for help], and for freeing slaves; [and who] establishes prayer and gives charity; [those who] fulfill their promise when they promise; and [those who] are patient in poverty and hardship and during battle. Those are the ones who have been true, and it is those who are the righteous. ''
    ( Freedom To Believe And To Reject )
    Quran 2:256
    '' Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth stands out clear from error ''
    Quran 10:99
    '' And had your Lord willed, those on earth would have believed - all of them entirely. Then would you compel the people in order that they become believers? ''
    ( Tolerance For Other Religions )
    Quran 109: 1- 6
    Say,"O disbelievers,
    I do not worship what you worship.
    Nor are you worshipers of what I worship.
    Nor will I be a worshiper of what you worship.
    Nor will you be worshipers of what I worship.
    For you is your religion, and for me is my religion."
    ( Protection for Idol Worshiper )
    Quran 9:6
    "And if any one of the polytheists seeks your protection, then grant him protection so that he may hear the words of Allah. Then deliver him to his place of safety. That is because they are people who do not know. "
    “Call people to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good teaching, and argue with them in the most courteous way”
    Quran7:199 “Be tolerant, command what’s right, pay no attention to foolish people”
    ( Friendship With Non Muslims )
    Quran 60:8
    '' God does not forbid you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not expel you from your homes - from being righteous toward them and acting justly toward them. Indeed, God loves those who act justly. ''
    ( Do Christians And Jews and "OTHER" non-Muslims go to Heaven? )
    Quran 2:62
    '' Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,->ANY Protecting Friends < One Of Another )
    Quran 9:71
    ''And the believers, men and women, are > Protecting Friends < one of another; they enjoin the right and forbid the wrong, and they establish worship and they pay the poor-due, and they obey God and His messenger. As for these, God will have mercy on them. Lo! God is Mighty, Wise.''
    “To whoever, male or female, does good deeds and has faith, We shall give a good life and reward them according to the best of their actions.
    Quran 30:21
    “And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy…”
    The Prophet Muhammad said, “Heaven lies under the feet of your mother.”
    ( Human Are One family )
    Quran 49:13
    " O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of God is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And God has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things)."
    ( All The Racist People Will Enter Hellfire )
    Quran 30:22
    "And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the diversity of your languages and your colors. Indeed in that are signs for those of knowledge."
    My comment:
    The '' BASIC '' message of God to the human is that '' YOU '' believe in God and be kind to other human beings / animal and in the RETURNED God will reward you with a new life in Paradise.
    *The Quran ONLY guides you how to become a good human being "Nothing Else".
    *You are a good human being or a bad human being that is YOUR choice.
    *No one can force you to become a good human being.
    *You MUST work HARD to become a good human being.
    *Why should ''YOU'' do good deeds and avoid bad deeds?
    *Do Good - it's for You. Do Bad - It's against you.
    *'' YOUR'' life is a TEST from God that you will choose to do either Good or Bad.
    *Find the excuse to help others and forgive others NOT the other way around.
    *'' YOUR '' final destination is either Hell or Heaven.
    * So work HARD toward choice of YOUR destination..
    Quran 17:7
    " If you do good, you will do so for your own good. And if you do evil, it will be to your own loss."..

  • @Serve24
    @Serve24 2 роки тому +1

    “These things don’t prove the Book of Mormon is true.” You said it right there. Joseph Smith never did anything to prove he was who he said he was or he could do what he said he could do.
    I would never follow anyone who doesn’t show proof for what he or she is claiming. That’s why I’m a follower of Jesus Christ and not Joseph Smith (or any other false religious leader for that matter)

    • @michaelzindel1419
      @michaelzindel1419 2 роки тому +1

      At least we know the stories in the Bible took place in real places (well, except for Genesis and Exodus, but I digress). We also know a Rabbi named Yeshua bin Yosef existed and was very influential during the time period we expect. We also know the New Testament authors actually existed. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints have none of these things in their Book of Mormon. Their Book of Abraham has been demonstrably proven false. This is why it must demand so much from its followers. To keep them from looking too deeply.

    • @letsdev5142
      @letsdev5142 9 днів тому

      Can you prove Jesus Christ really rose from the dead?

    • @Serve24
      @Serve24 8 днів тому

      @@letsdev5142 Yes

    • @letsdev5142
      @letsdev5142 8 днів тому

      @@Serve24 What are your evidences?

    • @Serve24
      @Serve24 6 днів тому

      @@letsdev5142 looks like UA-cam is blocking my responses for some reason

  • @ernestmarcucella6918
    @ernestmarcucella6918 4 роки тому +1

    Well if this is true why can't the Church of Jesus Christ step forward and show it's true.???
    Otherwise it is like going to court and hearing something that is 3rd hear say.

    • @scottb4509
      @scottb4509 4 роки тому +5

      If God wanted to prove without a shadow of a doubt His ways and His truths, then He could do so, but it would be of no value. The whole point in this life is for us to find our way, learning to sift through the fluff and drivel, and find His truths so that we will be convicted by them, and not just have them. Have all the truth without working for it results in a lack of appreciation and respect for those truths.
      In regards to the restoration of the Gospel and the Book of Mormon, as well as in religion in general, there is ‘by design’ not enough evidence to prove its’ validity without question, but is enough evidence that its’ potential validity cannot be ignored. In this space between all proof, and no evidence, we are granted an opportunity where belief and faith can perfectly flourish and thrive. A similar argument was made by C.S. Lewis who said, "Argument does not create conviction, but the lack of it destroys belief.”

    • @toddgeorge7421
      @toddgeorge7421 4 роки тому

      The same can be said about Christianity as a whole. Prove to me that Jesus has actually been resurrected. There has to be faith, that's the whole point

    • @etifae8671
      @etifae8671 4 роки тому +1

      Why does the Church, Church Leader, or ANYBODY for that matter have to PROVE something or ANYTHING to ANYBODY. Das like saying to somebody that ain't racist "Why don't you prove you that you're not racist" when you've never known them before. Why don't you actually do your research then you will know that The LDS church got General Conference, their Chapel that's open for any visitors to feel free to LISTEN, the Book of Mormon, and A WHOLE LOT MORE. And if I even "proved" something to you I think you'd ignore it. 🤷🏾‍♀️

  • @redfightblue
    @redfightblue 2 роки тому

    The Book of Mormon is the history of Ethiopia. It was never published and eventually fell into the hands of Joseph Smith. Joseph remixed it to apply to America instead of Ethiopia and published it.
    It was written by the Jews that escaped Jerusalem before the Babylonians destroyed it. They immigrated to Ethiopia and lived there for 1,000 years or so. The remnants of these people are called Beta Israel.
    Take a look at how The Greek historian Herodotus described Africa compared to the Book of Mormon.
    Herodotus: Libya comes next after Egypt. The Egyptian part of this peninsula is narrow; for from our sea to the Red Sea it is a distance of a hundred and twenty-five miles... but after this narrow part, the peninsula which is called Libya is very broad... For Libya shows clearly that it is bounded by the sea, except where it borders on Asia.
    Book of Mormon: it was only the distance of a day and a half’s journey... from the east to the west sea; and thus the land of Nephi and the land of Zarahemla were nearly surrounded by water, there being a small neck of land between the land northward and the land southward.
    How did Herodotus know Africa was "bounded by the sea"?
    Herodotus: Necos king of Egypt first discovered this and made it known. When he had finished digging the canal which leads from the Nile to the Arabian Gulf, he sent Phoenicians in ships, instructing them to sail on their return voyage past the Pillars of Heracles until they came into the northern sea and so to Egypt. So the Phoenicians set out from the Red Sea and sailed the southern sea; whenever autumn came they would put in and plant the land in whatever part of Libya they had reached, and there await the harvest; then, having gathered the crop, they sailed on, so that after two years had passed, it was in the third that they rounded the pillars of Heracles and came to Egypt.
    This is the same sailing journey you read about in 1 Nephi. Lehi / Nephi were the sailors that first circumnavigated Africa. The remainder of the Book of Mormon takes place in Africa. A circumnavigation ends where it started.
    The "canal" Herodotus says was built by Necos (Pharaoh Necho II) is mentioned in the Book of Mormon many times. The Book of Mormon refers to it as a "fountain". When Lehi says the River Laman flows into the "Fountain of all righteousness" he is talking about the Nile flowing into the canal and into the Red Sea. A few chapters later the Angel confirms the Book of Mormon happens in Ethiopia. The Angel says in the end, the Lamanites will destroy the Nephites and turn the fountain filthy. This is because the war takes place on the Nile and pollutes everything downstream.
    The vision of the Tree of Life is a literal map from Israel to Ethiopia. Lehi says the Iron Rod leads to the Tree of Life (upstream) OR the fountain (downstream). You can now see the image he is painting of the "multitudes" following him out of Israel, along the canal (fountain) into Egypt, then up the river to Ethiopia. He says many of the "multitudes" will drown in the fountain or wander off and be lost in the great and spacious field and the great and spacious building. The field and the building is referring to Egypt. Jeremiah warns repeatedly that Jews that go to Egypt will fall into destruction. The solution is to follow the Nile out of Egypt, upstream to the Tree of Life. The river in the Tree of Life vision is The Nile River.
    Lehi believed the Tree of Life was in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is a candidate for the Garden of Eden. It's mentioned in Genesis for starters. It is a fertile highland with plants and animals of every kind. Ethiopia is a stark contrast to the deserts of Egypt and Judah. Beta Israel (remnants of the Lamanites) believe The Garden of Eden was in Ethiopia. They build their temples in the center of a garden representing the Garden of Eden. There are hundreds of these Garden of Eden Temples all over Ethiopia today.

  • @joshuakruntorad5644
    @joshuakruntorad5644 4 роки тому +3

    I don’t doubt JS had outside help, just as I don’t doubt Pharaoh’s magicians had “outside help.”

    • @chaseallen7499
      @chaseallen7499 4 роки тому +6

      Then who? Oliver cowdery and Martin Harris both helped Joseph Smith translate. They both were execomunicated, now if it was all fake then both of them were in the perfect position to let the public know how the Book of Mormon really was "translated". But they didn't. And Both of them never denied their testimony of the Book of Mormon and later rejoined the church.

    • @chaseallen7499
      @chaseallen7499 4 роки тому

      If your going to say he had outside help you have to tell us who helped him and prove of that outside help.

    • @allovertheplace9682
      @allovertheplace9682 4 роки тому

      @@chaseallen7499 I'm going to guess he's saying without saying, the same outside help Korihor had or as some of the LDS might say Mohammad might have has had.

    • @chaseallen7499
      @chaseallen7499 4 роки тому

      All Over The Place Mabye but he can't prove that is what happened without proof

    • @chaseallen7499
      @chaseallen7499 4 роки тому +1

      david janbaz But that isn't the Book of Mormon

  • @coalhouse1981
    @coalhouse1981 4 роки тому +1

    My biggest issues with the BOM are
    1. The High Christology
    2. Deutro Issiah
    3. the longer ending of Mark

    • @coalhouse1981
      @coalhouse1981 4 роки тому

      @@davidjanbaz7728 you probaly agree with the Mormons on the Longer Ending of Mark issue

    • @Herosoulstone
      @Herosoulstone 4 роки тому +1

      Deutro Issiah has been Explained countless of times. As well as the Longer Ending of Mark. These are weak issues that the BOM has.

    • @Herosoulstone
      @Herosoulstone 4 роки тому +1

      Actually I guess you dont have to watch the whole video. watch this. This will talk about thing's like the High Christology, And other things.

    • @coalhouse1981
      @coalhouse1981 4 роки тому

      @@Herosoulstone By whoo? Even Mormon Grant Hardy admits that Deutro issiah is a biiger problem than most LDS scholars admit. At least with the the Longer Ending of Mark you still have scholars you can point to. Show me a peer reviweed article arguging for the single authorship of Issiah.. just one will do... Harldy any OT scholar be it Christain , Jew or Atheist beileves that anything after 39 is pre exllic... thats a big problem

    • @coalhouse1981
      @coalhouse1981 4 роки тому +1

      @@davidjanbaz7728 I figured you be one of those Literaist... who beilieves the Bible has no errors... The Longer Ending Of Mark is more defensiable than Deurto Isssiah..

  • @KevlarX2
    @KevlarX2 4 роки тому +2

    First! ;)

  • @rizzorizzo2311
    @rizzorizzo2311 Рік тому

    😂 He was a documented con man. It’s hilarious people actually even entertain the thought that he was correct about anything. The only things you can assert he predicted are literal speculation and leading the evidence where you want it to go as opposed to the logically sound opposite.