Vayne top is simple to fight,things like draven,aphelios or Quinn are the actual problem . Vayne can be easily fought with lots of champs that can all in her once she gets in range to attack. Shen,tahm,malphite etc
@@fritzcalingacion4846 I’m not sure if you were joking or you’re just dumb but the comment literally described what happened in the video made by Vars.
I was an asol main. I was because, assasins and ya riot. Also I don’t like to roam but I rather like to counter roam. So anyway I dont like roaming too much so ehy play asol. I only started maininng him cause he is the coolest looking champion in the game.
One tricks are key to any learning curve at any level IMO. When you’re great and have that feel for a champ, it really helps you get a grasp of macro and the flow of a game. Wave control, team fights, and such are much easier to learn and improve on when playing a champ who’s power is very natural for any individual. My main was Shyv and Nauty boi jungle in late season 3 and I learned the importance of every role through OTP with those two. Tank, bruiser, what horrid things adc’s can do to you lol. Then I learn jungle timers and importance of objectives and overall flow of a game. OTP are healthy except for those ranged anti top laners lol. Those got a special place
Theoretically, yes. But if I had a nickel for each million points Yasuo that doesn't leave the midlane until either nexus falls, I would have paid off my student loan debt a month ago.
As certain Karen once said: "Strong Pokémon. Weak Pokémon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled trainers should try to win with their favorites."
Ahh yes, the Karen we love! Wish she got a bigger role in the story though. She feels like a she was supposed to be the champion or something but then they decided to change it.
Mid lane plat + on, aurelion sol counters the top 1-6 champions who are S+ tier. The same is true even in dia 2 +. Clearly aurelion wouldve been rumpant like udyr was but i guess NOBODY wants to look at statistics.
@@stormdragon2529 True, one of them almost destroyed the whole game, we only won because the top and jg where feeding our jg and mid so they turn the tables on the late game.
Having a one trick champion with a small group of champions that you are good at (even if you are not the best at them) is the most ideal. This ensures that you are not doomed in case your one trick gets banned or counter picked.
I feel like as bad of a rap as it's gotten, I feel like this is where Clash shines. Your OTP will be banned, so you have to have other things you can at least not int with to win
@@savage_serpent1383 I'm glad you look at the AD/AP of your team 👏🏽 I have seen JGs pick Master Yi despite their team being full AD and enemy team having hard CC 🤣
being a 1-3 trick helped me pin down more detailed things about the game, like wave management, decision making, rotations, invading, map awareness, etc. having the champions mechanics down to muscle memory pretty much halves the amount of brain power required to lane with a champion.
This right here. Its also why playing mechanically easy champs like Annie, Sett, etc will make it easier to improve. Youre simply able to put more brainpower into trading, tracking cooldowns, setting up objectives, and all that
late but 100% agree. often play in a 4/5 stack with some friends who have been playing for ages but instead of one tricking, they hop from one champ to another. i on the other hand started one tricking lux, and her simplicity meant i could focus so much more on the details of the game than they could, so much so that i exceeded them in game knowledge. somewhat painful though bc they rarely listen to me as im newer to the game so i sometimes just have to watch on in sorrow at their dumbass plays lul
I feel like one tricking Fiddlesticks for 9 months straight taught me more macro than anything I've ever done in League. Because Fiddles has a pretty basic kit, your number one priority is getting good ults, and you need to have good vision denial and map awareness to know where to be and when.
I actually learned a lot spamming Lissandra for a bit. It taught me to play a lot slower, calmer, and more calculated to take make use of the kit. Same with Jhin as ADC.
One tricking can often be very useful. Personally i prefer having a larger pool of simpler champs as a support but i did one trick thresh for all of season 8 and it really showed how much growth there is by focusing. I think a pool of 2 champs should be there though since otherwise a target ban will occur .
it's really difficult to play two champions, I find mastering one already so hard. Plus if you main a champ with low ban rate (Leblance Kassadin that sort of thing) you can pretty much get away with your main most games
@@hqhuy931 with target ban i mean theres software that shows people your most played champ and if you are a otp and then they just ban your champ no matter who it is. The higher elo the more common this is. I agree learning certain champs is hard. Playing two toplaners is way way harder than 2 enchanters who dont differ too much from each other. Even then its useful to include a simple champ like malphite to have options for different situations
@@theimmortaleye7511 it's just so unhealthy to counter a person by banning their main, I didn't even know that exists, I just assume it's bad luck most of the time...
@@hqhuy931 no sadly u can use software to detect a persons mains. It gets used all the time in high elo and especially clash to win since it lowers the winrate of otp by over 30 percent sometimes. And in clash there isnt really a dodge possibility. My taliyah was banned 9 times in clash just cuz i have so much mastery on her compared to others. And im not even great at her🤣 u notice when u play champs no sane person would ban like aurelion and azir. But well in this game people play to win for lp by any means necessary
I'm a D4 one-trick Anivia. Then I created a smurf account to practice top lane. And bois, I get wrecked the few first games on Silver :D To be fair I can perform fairly on other mid-lane champs, but not other roles. I think onetrick is good, especially when you know how to learn macro and stuff. But after that, you should learn other roles as well if you wanna climb higher than D4. In the contrast, one tricking can't take you to where ever you wanted if you are always on auto pilot. Learn macro, theory,... I see plenty of silver, gold one-trick Yasou with millions of mastery points. They stomp the lane really fast then manage to throw the game just as fast as they come in.
I am also an anivia otp, but since everyone bans my champs in tournaments I have to learn to play all the roles with all the champions as I often end up getting forced into jg or top when a team member has been subbed in :/
Idc what people say about one tricking I prefer to stick with mastering a champ that fits my playstyle and I have fun with rather than just picking 3 boring meta champs that I don’t really care about but challenger analysts recommend them because it’s the optimal way of climbing… 💤
@@savatarx99 I feel the other way. I enjoy playing so many champs in the game and picking so many of them in different roles and playstyles has affected my rank over the years (currently d3). I feel if I had just stuck to one role and a few champs like I done this season I wouldve hit d2 last season :D
9:35 Jesus would like to have a word with you! All jokes aside, that Iroh quote was so amazing and I love having that little flashback to my childhood. So thanks for that ^^ 11:30 Hey wait a minute that is not very Uncle Iroh of you to say!
Im master tier from one tricking heimerdinger. It really helps being otp for climbing but once you are In the top and your otp is not an op champion, be ready to climb very slowly
My advice is to play the game the way you enjoy it the most. I ve became a defacto one trick not to climb but because I found a champ I enjoy more that everyone else. If that isn't you play whatever. Your enjoyment is more important than internet points.
For me when i play against a higher ranked otp its never me destroying him but him destroying himself so it looks like i beat him but it always depends on him I just punish his int
I've been obsessed with playing Sett for about a month now, and your tip of being too used to the champion is so true. I've been trying out various new top champions because of this, i realized I was thinking my champion was a lot tankier than it is because of Sett. I still love Sett and will probably play him a lot more, but i need to learn multiple champions especially if i want to start ranked
I noticed that I like the _idea_ of one tricking; mastering a champ, learning the game in depth, pushing mechanics to their limits.. but so far every time I tried to one trick I just got burnt out and didn't want to play the game anymore. Fizz, Anivia, TF, one tricking them was some of the more dull experiences I had in league. Maybe I just didn't find the champ for me yet but... So far I am sticking with a pool of three champs + nami in case I get support, and its a good balance of variety and mastery.
You got burnt because you didnt like the champion easy, when i decided to main sylas it was only because he looks cool then after discovering his op kit i decided to stick to him
Same here,I play every top laner including jgs on top sometimes,the only times I one tricked was old op tahm and aatrox since his rework until they removed revive from his R
Taric OTP here with Blitz, Braum and Thresh as secondary picks. Can confirm that otp'ing will get you very far and its alot of fun to be very good at your job!
One overlooked aspect to onetricking is the identity. When you make friends in League, having this one champion you know like the back of your hand gives you tons of social credit, especially if it's something obscure. (I used to main the hell out of Sejuani, played her jungle, top, support, even mid). This makes you a fun person to play League with, because you can offer valuable insight into how the game works from your champion's perspective.
Why do i feel that aside from balance, Riot wants people to test out different champs so they'll constantly nerf and buff some so that people are forced to play more than 1 champion
Because they do. One tricking is a unhealthy thing for league. It increases queue time, frustration towards the game and toxicity in general Riot themselves have made a point on this
You forgot the part where they do mini rework and fuck up things for low elo player and and.make it.cancer for high elo players mini rework rengar one shots faster in low elo like always in high elo fuckers go tank and start resting there whole kite 3 times with the stack being reduced to 3 from 4
Sometimes people just like one champion playstyle and the overall feel of it that they play lol. If they are feeling oppresed by riot nerfing it to be unplayable so they can try other champions they simply move on to other games.
Well though vars doesn't agree one tricking is kinda bad. You have to play meta to get higher in ranked. I'm not saying change to a new champ every patch but you need to know a small pool of champs for different situations and games.
@@zerospectator4119 This. I was a Garen OTP. For a while in S10 he was next to useless, so I stopped playing the game for a year. Came back to find him stupidly OP with Stridebreaker, and I didn't want my one trick to be OP either, so I still waited. lol
I've been a Twisted Fate one-trick for a long time (I'm a few games away from 1 million!) And people always ask me "How do you play such a boring champion?". The thing is, TF is actually one of the most versatile champions in the game because of his kit, auto attack stun, waveclear, mana sustain, attack speed, and a global teleport. You can play him like a utility mage like Dopa does, you can play him as a burst mage like GrossGore, you can play him like an AD/hybrid hyper carry, you can play him like a roaming support, and even though it's pretty troll, some have had success building full tank, and full lethality and carried. not to mention TF can use almost every single rune (except conqueror and guardian) in the game efficiently. Every build feels like a different champion, so I never get tired of him.
Riot recently has come up with so many new interesting and fun champions that I have resorted to "one trick" whatever the newest champion is, until a new one gets released
The amount of times my main got "Countered" is crazy, but Vars is right! I know ways to bait enemies based off of exposing my weaknesses or what to look for in the enemies plays that can allow me to turn the fight around based off of be "Countered" countless times. Glad he brought this up!
When it comes to macro proficiency I've always noted that the one tricks that gravitated towards flashy champs often have abysmal macro because all they care about is montage worthy plays instead of objectives, I think most of us have seen 14/2 Katarinas and12/0 Yasuos that lose the game due to doing nothing with their leads with regards to objective securing. Meanwhile, players that one trick simple champs like Garen, Nasus or Volibear are often very macro oriented.
Except junglers. OTPing junglers don't care about montage. They only care about how little time it will take to finish the game to not have to deal with some of their brain dead team mates.
About the "pick the counter" thing . My usual aproach is to check if A) my main is rly bad against them(most time i know that already) and B) check if under the 7 best counter champ is someone i play or can play
Im surprised you didnt touch more on the specialist sub class, those champs may have low play rates but 90% of the time when you see them you KNOW its a otp or a main at the very least, like nobody casually picks bard, singed, or old mordekaiser for a great example, especially because most specialist champions play styles are so different its like they arent even playing the same game of league everybody else is playing. Which also means when you see one on your team, helping them out usually brings favourable results as they are well experienced at carrying leads when they get ahead on their mains, and at the same time many enemy teams dont know how to handle a fed specialist champion, they are so used to countering popular champions like yasuos or lee sin say. Like we all know lee sin falls off, but do we all know how to counter an ivern or aurelian if they are getting ahead? Exactly, you might supposedly counter teemo, but if you rarely ever play against teemo, how do you know how to counter him? You might be so used to countering meta picks that when a otp on a specialist champion shows up your not going to know what you should be doing.
Singed one-trick here. The virtually only way to shut a fed specialist down is wait for himself to run it down lol. The better they are, the more they will avoid doing that tho. Just dont feed them :)
Was a great video to watch. Even as a support Thresh main, I took a break and picked up Garen to learn some basic wave management and macro thats helped me a lot in other places. keep up the awesome vids
i just wish the yasuo on my team got a slight buff. like he doesnt have to be enemy yasuo level, but atleast somewhat decent would be ok so he doesnt always solo throw the game
The Fiora and Aatrox example was really good, I’m a support main and I always check counters against other supps to try to make lane easier but sometimes I would choose counterpicks I had no idea how to play instead of just picking something easier
@@owo4470 Having 1 good champ and 1 decent per role/lane is better imo, with as many cross-play as possible. The more versatile they are, the better. Ex: Good at Pantheon, Shaco, Vayne. Decent at Rumble, Senna. Pantheon for top, mid, supp. Shaco for top, jg, (mid, supp if you're good enough). Vayne for top (as much as it's hated), adc. Rumble for top, jg, mid. Senna for adc, supp. My good picks are Azir (top), Master Yi/Udyr (jg), Xerath/Vel'koz (mid/support), Jhin (mid/adc). My decent ones are Mordekaiser/Garen (top/mid), Skarner (jg), Azir (mid/adc), Blitzcrank (supp). They're not as diversified as I suggested, but they're at a much higher level and ban/pick rate than other champions.
@@louisrobitaille5810 Actually it's.. above Maybe above plat But I see no use of macro in bronze,silver,gold The players there never look at the map,that includes me sadly I have to admit,I stopped warding after a while and stopped trying to manage waves after just being beaten by another enemy laner over and over,by now I have mostly quit the game,I play maybe 1-2 days a week in a good mood.
As someone who was a meta slave last year no avail I’ve been one tricking Talon this season and have roughly a 70% WR on the champ and have already reached Silver I which I couldn’t even reach last year. This is now my second season of ranked and I have already been learning so much about the game through Talon’s eyes. Say what you want about me for playing Talon but he’s just a champ I really enjoy playing because of assassins creed and you can’t take it away from me
Say what you want about League but one of the good things about having such a large and diverse roster is that there's something for everyone. Every player has that one champion they love to death, love playing them, love their lore, love their design. Yeah a lot of people love the new and popular champs, but have you seen the passion and care someone has when they talk about their mains like Aurelion Sol, Ivern, or Bard? This includes popular otps like the ones you mentioned too. Everyone has at least 1 champion they really connect to, and you've got to admire the game for achieving that.
I think it says something about diversity in character design when you one trick someone and that experience doesn't transfer neatly to any other champ. I one trick Pyke and the other hook supports don't feel at all the same.
As a new League player the animosity towards one tricks feels very funny. I come from fighting games where playing the same character for years and between games is seen as an admirable thing. There's a reason to why "I've been an x main since Third Strike" is a popular joke
Porofesser says im "OTP Sona" and i was wondering what that meant. I guess sense my playrate of Sona is around 80% that makes me a Sona One-Trick-Pony?
I cant one trick. No matter what champion I find interesting or fun, I dont feel like playing them after 20+ games. Whether Im bad at the champion, or I feel like they dont do enough, or if they are only good in certain matchups or situations, or I simply get bored. I cant get myself to play one champion for long. This is one of the main things that discouraged me from playing anything outside of Draft Pick. With almost 2k hours clocked in, I dont have a rank. For example, I used to "one-trick" gangplank mid (with no relation to Tobias Fate, I genuinely like gp mid>top) and after inting one too many games I just felt like I hit a fat wall. Another thing that keeps me from one-tricking, is these sudden urges I get to play random champions. The only thing I have going for me is that I like to play midlane, and adc/sup(shaco) as a second role.
I'm in here to say: nice video, and it's crazy how long you can go without detecting Fire Emblem music in the background, that stuff slaps so fittingly
Obviously there is only so far that any particular thing will take you up the ranks. This is self evident. But considering that you simply need to get to gold for all the rewards? OTP is easily the easiest way to reach that level.
I used to be a Skarner main back when I started playing in 2014. I also played Udyr and Volibear at the time. Upon Kalista's release, I have became so traumatized at that amobination for existing that I droped my champion pool forever and became a Shaco onetrick.
I'm glad you exist to point out basic things that most league players either don't realize or inherently ignore so they can flame you in game lol. It feels good to know that at least one person out there thinks about the game in a manner close to how I do.
I started the game back on season 10 and I was a Kayle OTP. When I eventually got the courage to play anyone else, I failed HARD. I just had no balls to fight anyone before buying a couple items, since I was so used to scaling late game and playing safe, so I missed a lot of opportunities This tale, unfortunately, has a bad ending I'm a Yuumi main now
And what ? If you enjoy yuumi and have fun it's all that matters.... I'm Irelia and Katarina otp because i really enjoy them. (Katarina on wild rift (grandmaster 226 lp) and irelia on pc (master 83 lp currently) so i believe that one tricking is actually the way to climb
@@patrikgasparik8686 It's just a joke. I think Yuumi is valid, I don't really care that people dislike her in general. I like supportive champs (even Kayle is a more supportive hypercarry), so I just got *attached* to her style By the end of the day, you just have to play the champions you enjoy :)
I used to OTP Mordekaiser before the rework. I was both happy too see his new direction and kind of sad that I'll never be able to play as him again. Realizing that after the rework I would be pretty much useless I started expanding my champion pool and it was a great decision
depending on your champ, you will tilt your team off the face of the earth when you lock it it, and if you get banned your worthless. so. ultimately, i chose to be bad at every character. been playing since volibear was the newest champion like 9 years ago or something, and just played my 1500th game. lol
I used to be a riven one trick but I've been expanding out, right now I also like Camille and renekton. One tricking is annoying af at a higher elo and it seriously creates some bad habits, glad I'm expanding
I decided to one trick Riven and I don't regret it at all. It's so much more fun for me to learn a specific match-up with her and pilot around weakness well.
Legit I'm the same. After learning combos and animation cancels after a while you get really good at baiting, surviving and killing opponents quickly and in bullshit ways. So much fun I almost never lose lane.
Im playing mid. Around 5 champs and none of them is meta. I play the champs i like. Not the ones that are meta right now. Ahri,Lux, neeko,Twisted Fate and Malphite(just to fuk some yas,zed,...mains off^^). And sometimes Seraphine.
Another benefit of one tricking is over time when you eventually move onto different champions you can play your old one tricks as pocket picks, this is especially useful in clash. If your new main is banned you can fall back on that one champ you played for 2-4 seasons because unless they've been fully reworked you should still be able to play them to a good level. For me, I'm currently OTPing Pyke but had a season as zyra and 3 seasons as Sona and if I don't need to comp hard for my team and my Pyke is banned, I can fall back on one of those two no matter the meta and still play them well.
Vars: "If you play one champion and only that for years and years that starts to hold you back" Me, a Kayn OTP: i basically main 3 champions in one, i'm fine.
5.1 million mastery points no lifer in Sona here. :D *[dark and bitter laugh that's clearly full of pain]* x'D Well, it has its ups and downs. Currently, with Sona, we're on the downs part. The ups part was during season five. That was a good slaughterfest and snuff film. Very fun. Now? "Adrian, I did it." *[takes away the plastic chair he stored at the graveyard forever and waves goodbye to Sona's grave since he's not coming back again due to closure and moving on]* :')
Kayn onetricks can't play the game when their onetrick is banned because they never get punished for making stupid decisions. They either dash out run away through a wall or use R so they dont get focused in fights. That champ is so Elo boosted.
Another advantage of one tricking is you know all the strenghts and weaknesses of that champ so when they get picke by the enemy you kinda have a mental guide on how to counter them
My one trick used to be classic aatrox which is why I took a long break. I played him since release and even during his worse but I was so in love with his personality
It was actually a fun video to wach, especially when I am myself, kinda onetrick, but at the same time main of like different 7 champs, while also trying to play some new champions
Love your content, Vars! You've taught me more verbage for League than anyone I've played with. Super useful! Also, you should do ASMR recordings. You've got a great voice.
I think there's something to be said about finding that champion for you to 1 trick. My most played champ is Katarina, with Fiddlesticks and Ahri not too far behind, and I chose to main them out of spite of seeing them. It took me around 40 games with each of them before I started turning my win rate around, and I've learned how to consistently do well with them. Even though I started off hating them, they are my absolute favorites now. Its fun to learn how a OTP is born
The point you made at 11:00 & at 11:25 are the reasons why i very rarely ever call myself an actual Pyke OTP. Yes, a very overwhelming % of my games played are as Pyke, and yes, my summoner name is literally a pun using his name (i.e. pyke tyson - though that's not my account), but i think the simple fact that pyke tends to have a fairly high-ish ban rate (currently 6.9%, w/ play rate over 10%) despite him only having a positive win rate for 2 patches this ENTIRE season is what stops me from being a TRUE, DIE HARD, one trick. .... not to mention the champion is very, VERY team mate dependent... it can get very frustrating to play him sometimes. that's why i am also a blitzcrank and thresh player whenever i am not playing my main, and I am even currently in the middle of trying to pick up brand support.
Note at the time of this videos release, the #1 spot on the EUW ranked ladder was just occupied by Lathyrys, a Bard OTP. So much for claiming OTPs cant climb.
And people claimed that lathy was just carried by the champ, so once bard got heavily nerfed he let his account decay and went back from d1 to rank one in two weeks just to prove a point lmao. That guy is good as hell.
"Asol mains are the most chill dudes you'll ever see". I'll take your word for it as i haven't seen a single Asol being played this season. As for one tricking, whenever i could i picked Veigar, but only in ranked. In normal games i avoided picking my mains. If Veigar is banned (very rare) or picked (incredibly rare) i knew exactly what i'm struggling the most against and just picked it. I know his matchups, which runes to take against different opponents, i could lane swap when i noticed my top laner gets hard countered and aside from Yone, Xerath and Vel'koz i usually got through laning without any hiccups. That is assuming my jungler wouldn't pick up a random fight in the river and die (which happened more often than it should). One tricking is overall fine as long as you don't develop tunnel vision.
Thresh One trick right here didn’t even watch the video yet I just really love Thresh. His Lore? Fresh, His Kit? FRESH, His Design? FRESHHHHHH! Thresh, Every Game all Game
3:48 - 5:12 they play keep away from the riven was kind of hilarious to watch. Like ring around the rosie, but if riven catchs you she facerolls keyboard and you die.
Can completely agree on that vid, I otp'd sion from s9 till s11, realized I'm shit on every champ besides him, now I'm playing a wider variety of Champs and got a lot better in general (climbed up a division to gold) next season I will continue the grind. But fr sometimes playing ur old otp is just a great feeling tbh
Im surprised you didn't mention the phenomenon of it feeling like less popular champs like Singed and A-sol having cult-like loyalty from their one trick community, (those two being exceptionally so with many people being 99% on Singed/A-Sol), and more popular champions more often being mains. Perhaps thats just a placebo, but I swear the less popular the champ the more dedicated the one tricks, guess its a loyalty and honor thing.
11:30 one time, I was in iron for quite a while, then my friend said one trick nasus, I made it to bronze, and by now, I’m one game away from promos to silver, and I found a cool main, just farm, decide if I should splitpush or not, when I do however, I can really tear down their base, cause I’m nasus
I used to one trick Ivern and there are some things that are situationally useful but can be game changing since some camps you can mark and grab camps over a wall such as gromp
One trick players enjoying their fav character >> meta slaves
*Me still playing my Horse boy even though riot nerfed him*
Meta slaves get to try out more champs ;) If your forced to learn a champ maybe you'll like it eventually
But what do I know. I'm just a Potatoe 🥔
Me trying to make my Lizard girl work ;-;
Me just killing trespassers: what's meta?
Vars :"One tricks tends to lack knowledge of other champions/roles due to their slim champions roster"
Viegos OTP :"No, I don't think I will"
Not if I pick Alistar for all roles ;)
Viego and Sylas 2-tricks mastering the whole video game.
@@HamsterPants522 if that helps u sleep at night
@@emisolis4977 Lighten up lol
@@HamsterPants522 ok now what
As long as im not facing a 10 million mastery point grandmaster vayne toplane I feel no animosity towards onetricks
I ban vayne everytime I play top
Vayne and riven are so jaja champs it’s frightening
Gnar gives me more cancer though
Vayne top is simple to fight,things like draven,aphelios or Quinn are the actual problem .
Vayne can be easily fought with lots of champs that can all in her once she gets in range to attack.
Shen,tahm,malphite etc
@@rageixi1422 aphelios is the only broken shit of the ones you mentioned
Shout out to Vars using the old Aatrox picture for talking about his old main! I felt that as an old Aatrox main myself :'(
Who's Vars?
@@fritzcalingacion4846 look at this channel’s name
@@MaidenlessScrub Sure he is not talking about other vars?
@@fritzcalingacion4846 I’m not sure if you were joking or you’re just dumb but the comment literally described what happened in the video made by Vars.
Take it from a sol main, we are chill because riot has bullied us more then anyone ever could in game
It’s a rare sight to find one of my fellow space dragons in the wild
I met one of your kind yesterday. Pretty rare to see.
I was an asol main. I was because, assasins and ya riot. Also I don’t like to roam but I rather like to counter roam. So anyway I dont like roaming too much so ehy play asol. I only started maininng him cause he is the coolest looking champion in the game.
@@cmansos6236 then its mostly because you hate roaming, idk why you bring up riot because aurelion clearly coumters every assassin
@@poggers4392 did you mess up the order you were gonna say that in?
One tricks are key to any learning curve at any level IMO. When you’re great and have that feel for a champ, it really helps you get a grasp of macro and the flow of a game. Wave control, team fights, and such are much easier to learn and improve on when playing a champ who’s power is very natural for any individual. My main was Shyv and Nauty boi jungle in late season 3 and I learned the importance of every role through OTP with those two. Tank, bruiser, what horrid things adc’s can do to you lol. Then I learn jungle timers and importance of objectives and overall flow of a game. OTP are healthy except for those ranged anti top laners lol. Those got a special place
Also you get way less tilted on your main, especially when behind.
Theoretically, yes. But if I had a nickel for each million points Yasuo that doesn't leave the midlane until either nexus falls, I would have paid off my student loan debt a month ago.
As certain Karen once said:
"Strong Pokémon. Weak Pokémon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled trainers should try to win with their favorites."
Soy face
@@lynchmyteam uwu
Ahh yes, the Karen we love! Wish she got a bigger role in the story though. She feels like a she was supposed to be the champion or something but then they decided to change it.
This. Bard is my goodboi and a beautiful mass stasis is a beautiful mass stasis regardless of the meta.
This is what she says when you scout and pull her in Pokemon Masters EX.
One tricks on really niche champs are always great to see on your team and scary on the opponents.
Yea everytime i see a neeko they terrify me. No one plays her except the players who are really good at her.
Bard mains cause terror in the enemy team
@@yeetusdeletus5714 seeing a zilean main you just know the adc is ungankable and unkillable late game
When you see the enemy playing Aurelion Sol, pray he's iron otherwise you're all getting booped
Zac one tricks on the enemy team is one of the most pant-shitting inducing things
Me: you meet Asol one tricks? Where?
Riot: People are playing Asol? Better nerf him
Actually I recently played against a asol one trick it was scary AF
@@aidanacosta7875 aurelion sol one-tricks are only heard in legends. but when you see them they're gods
@@stormdragon2529 true
Mid lane plat + on, aurelion sol counters the top 1-6 champions who are S+ tier. The same is true even in dia 2 +. Clearly aurelion wouldve been rumpant like udyr was but i guess NOBODY wants to look at statistics.
@@stormdragon2529 True, one of them almost destroyed the whole game, we only won because the top and jg where feeding our jg and mid so they turn the tables on the late game.
Having a one trick champion with a small group of champions that you are good at (even if you are not the best at them) is the most ideal.
This ensures that you are not doomed in case your one trick gets banned or counter picked.
That’s why I otp khazix and Ekko in case kha gets banned I can play ekko or if we really need ap
So you mean that's it's not a problem in my Akali is banned and is feeding with my M6 Yasuo is fine ? Yeah !
i one trick zac but have hecarim for the shaco and kindred matchup
I feel like as bad of a rap as it's gotten, I feel like this is where Clash shines. Your OTP will be banned, so you have to have other things you can at least not int with to win
@@savage_serpent1383 I'm glad you look at the AD/AP of your team 👏🏽
I have seen JGs pick Master Yi despite their team being full AD and enemy team having hard CC 🤣
being a 1-3 trick helped me pin down more detailed things about the game, like wave management, decision making, rotations, invading, map awareness, etc. having the champions mechanics down to muscle memory pretty much halves the amount of brain power required to lane with a champion.
This right here. Its also why playing mechanically easy champs like Annie, Sett, etc will make it easier to improve. Youre simply able to put more brainpower into trading, tracking cooldowns, setting up objectives, and all that
late but 100% agree. often play in a 4/5 stack with some friends who have been playing for ages but instead of one tricking, they hop from one champ to another. i on the other hand started one tricking lux, and her simplicity meant i could focus so much more on the details of the game than they could, so much so that i exceeded them in game knowledge. somewhat painful though bc they rarely listen to me as im newer to the game so i sometimes just have to watch on in sorrow at their dumbass plays lul
@@interpolfan04 happens all the time when im 5 stacking, im usually greifing myself tho. playing full ap blitz mid or something stupid like that
@@orbitrons6731 i play kog so i auto and thats it lol
I feel like one tricking Fiddlesticks for 9 months straight taught me more macro than anything I've ever done in League. Because Fiddles has a pretty basic kit, your number one priority is getting good ults, and you need to have good vision denial and map awareness to know where to be and when.
Yes. Fiddle and Nunu are the best junglers to learn macro with.
I actually learned a lot spamming Lissandra for a bit. It taught me to play a lot slower, calmer, and more calculated to take make use of the kit. Same with Jhin as ADC.
You should try to one trick gangplank it will teach you positional awareness
I find that playing Fiddlesticks makes me focus a lot more on vision then I normally would and its helped me a lot.
Same with TF. Very basic kit, very macro-focused gameplay.
One tricking can often be very useful. Personally i prefer having a larger pool of simpler champs as a support but i did one trick thresh for all of season 8 and it really showed how much growth there is by focusing. I think a pool of 2 champs should be there though since otherwise a target ban will occur .
it's really difficult to play two champions, I find mastering one already so hard. Plus if you main a champ with low ban rate (Leblance Kassadin that sort of thing) you can pretty much get away with your main most games
Unless its not a Over a Million mastery points Master Yi main
@@hqhuy931 with target ban i mean theres software that shows people your most played champ and if you are a otp and then they just ban your champ no matter who it is. The higher elo the more common this is.
I agree learning certain champs is hard. Playing two toplaners is way way harder than 2 enchanters who dont differ too much from each other. Even then its useful to include a simple champ like malphite to have options for different situations
@@theimmortaleye7511 it's just so unhealthy to counter a person by banning their main, I didn't even know that exists, I just assume it's bad luck most of the time...
@@hqhuy931 no sadly u can use software to detect a persons mains. It gets used all the time in high elo and especially clash to win since it lowers the winrate of otp by over 30 percent sometimes. And in clash there isnt really a dodge possibility. My taliyah was banned 9 times in clash just cuz i have so much mastery on her compared to others. And im not even great at her🤣 u notice when u play champs no sane person would ban like aurelion and azir. But well in this game people play to win for lp by any means necessary
One tricking can be fun unless your champion is endlessly needed, reworked, and stomped to the ground.
Source - Ryze one trick
Thats tough
Cries in akali
I am a udyr otp and they only nerf his r and i play tiger udyr lol :d
(I have %70 winrate 160+ match)
Lucian got the same treatment too. Poor bastard
@@kaangultay6611 I love playing udyr, but ever since they removed sanguine blade, I can't feel it in me to play him again, sadge.
I'm a D4 one-trick Anivia. Then I created a smurf account to practice top lane. And bois, I get wrecked the few first games on Silver :D
To be fair I can perform fairly on other mid-lane champs, but not other roles.
I think onetrick is good, especially when you know how to learn macro and stuff. But after that, you should learn other roles as well if you wanna climb higher than D4.
In the contrast, one tricking can't take you to where ever you wanted if you are always on auto pilot. Learn macro, theory,... I see plenty of silver, gold one-trick Yasou with millions of mastery points. They stomp the lane really fast then manage to throw the game just as fast as they come in.
I am also an anivia otp, but since everyone bans my champs in tournaments I have to learn to play all the roles with all the champions as I often end up getting forced into jg or top when a team member has been subbed in :/
Idc what people say about one tricking I prefer to stick with mastering a champ that fits my playstyle and I have fun with rather than just picking 3 boring meta champs that I don’t really care about but challenger analysts recommend them because it’s the optimal way of climbing… 💤
@@savatarx99 I feel the other way. I enjoy playing so many champs in the game and picking so many of them in different roles and playstyles has affected my rank over the years (currently d3). I feel if I had just stuck to one role and a few champs like I done this season I wouldve hit d2 last season :D
9:35 Jesus would like to have a word with you! All jokes aside, that Iroh quote was so amazing and I love having that little flashback to my childhood. So thanks for that ^^
11:30 Hey wait a minute that is not very Uncle Iroh of you to say!
Im master tier from one tricking heimerdinger. It really helps being otp for climbing but once you are In the top and your otp is not an op champion, be ready to climb very slowly
My otp is sona how will it go?
@@lol-uq4ly u will never reach gold
My advice is to play the game the way you enjoy it the most. I ve became a defacto one trick not to climb but because I found a champ I enjoy more that everyone else. If that isn't you play whatever. Your enjoyment is more important than internet points.
I really want to one-trick Poppy but I keep getting crushed in top lane, sometimes is just pain
Vars: "OTPs are coinflips"
Me: "I've beaten diamond+ players and now I will proceed to run it down against Silvers"
For me when i play against a higher ranked otp its never me destroying him but him destroying himself so it looks like i beat him but it always depends on him
I just punish his int
Overall... I think it's good. Shows that someone truly loves their champ rather than following a meta. Like meeeeee, I only Ivern
yo same
I see you like the feeling of uselessness of a sup and the flame of a jungle
@@ericyarmey4454 just stfu u he can play whatever champ he likes
Doesn't have to be meta...
Being a rengar main, I LOVE IVERN
I've been obsessed with playing Sett for about a month now, and your tip of being too used to the champion is so true. I've been trying out various new top champions because of this, i realized I was thinking my champion was a lot tankier than it is because of Sett. I still love Sett and will probably play him a lot more, but i need to learn multiple champions especially if i want to start ranked
I tried one-tricking sett after being a garen otp, and I'm absolutely terrible at him, even after 100 matches.
I noticed that I like the _idea_ of one tricking; mastering a champ, learning the game in depth, pushing mechanics to their limits.. but so far every time I tried to one trick I just got burnt out and didn't want to play the game anymore. Fizz, Anivia, TF, one tricking them was some of the more dull experiences I had in league. Maybe I just didn't find the champ for me yet but...
So far I am sticking with a pool of three champs + nami in case I get support, and its a good balance of variety and mastery.
You got burnt because you didnt like the champion easy, when i decided to main sylas it was only because he looks cool then after discovering his op kit i decided to stick to him
Or you don't like the role. I love some mid lane champs but hate playing I usually just play them support
@@therealnizar3669 sylas is ez tho
@@sopadefideos5636 It has nothing to do with ease.
Same here,I play every top laner including jgs on top sometimes,the only times I one tricked was old op tahm and aatrox since his rework until they removed revive from his R
Taric OTP here with Blitz, Braum and Thresh as secondary picks. Can confirm that otp'ing will get you very far and its alot of fun to be very good at your job!
One overlooked aspect to onetricking is the identity. When you make friends in League, having this one champion you know like the back of your hand gives you tons of social credit, especially if it's something obscure. (I used to main the hell out of Sejuani, played her jungle, top, support, even mid). This makes you a fun person to play League with, because you can offer valuable insight into how the game works from your champion's perspective.
Why do i feel that aside from balance, Riot wants people to test out different champs so they'll constantly nerf and buff some so that people are forced to play more than 1 champion
Because they do. One tricking is a unhealthy thing for league. It increases queue time, frustration towards the game and toxicity in general
Riot themselves have made a point on this
You forgot the part where they do mini rework and fuck up things for low elo player and and.make it.cancer for high elo players mini rework rengar one shots faster in low elo like always in high elo fuckers go tank and start resting there whole kite 3 times with the stack being reduced to 3 from 4
Sometimes people just like one champion playstyle and the overall feel of it that they play lol. If they are feeling oppresed by riot nerfing it to be unplayable so they can try other champions they simply move on to other games.
Well though vars doesn't agree one tricking is kinda bad. You have to play meta to get higher in ranked. I'm not saying change to a new champ every patch but you need to know a small pool of champs for different situations and games.
@@zerospectator4119 This. I was a Garen OTP. For a while in S10 he was next to useless, so I stopped playing the game for a year. Came back to find him stupidly OP with Stridebreaker, and I didn't want my one trick to be OP either, so I still waited. lol
"League is a game that forces you to adapt."
*shows Kha'Zix gameplay*
Ah, I see what you did there
"X champion main is toxic"
"Do you have the slightest idea of how little that narrows it down?"
Only Vaynes in my case
"There's only 2 Yorick mains in existence"
You like to make friends I see
They also end up leaving me ;_;
So, the another is in Brazil
We have a OTP Yorick called CoveiroDivino (translated should be like "DivineGravedigger" or smth like dat)
@@miguelarrieiro Ohhhh. Need me to check him out and level up my Yorick game!
@@SeraSer4phic good luck then!
I've been a Twisted Fate one-trick for a long time (I'm a few games away from 1 million!) And people always ask me "How do you play such a boring champion?".
The thing is, TF is actually one of the most versatile champions in the game because of his kit, auto attack stun, waveclear, mana sustain, attack speed, and a global teleport. You can play him like a utility mage like Dopa does, you can play him as a burst mage like GrossGore, you can play him like an AD/hybrid hyper carry, you can play him like a roaming support, and even though it's pretty troll, some have had success building full tank, and full lethality and carried. not to mention TF can use almost every single rune (except conqueror and guardian) in the game efficiently. Every build feels like a different champion, so I never get tired of him.
Sounds like a lot of copium for a boring champion
@@weebsabix7114 Well I'm having fun. That's all that matters to me.
@@TwistedTeaFate TF has little mechanical skills but you need a good amount of macro knowledge to be good at him.
@@TwistedTeaFate c'mon, it's just free-elo
“Except conqueror and guardian”
Me and the boys going to make both of these runes work on TF
Riot recently has come up with so many new interesting and fun champions that I have resorted to "one trick" whatever the newest champion is, until a new one gets released
Man you really make these premieres so good i want to watch them rn only to see its out in 17 hrs, oh well will have to wait
The amount of times my main got "Countered" is crazy, but Vars is right! I know ways to bait enemies based off of exposing my weaknesses or what to look for in the enemies plays that can allow me to turn the fight around based off of be "Countered" countless times. Glad he brought this up!
Vars quoting Uncle Iroh has to be the best part about this video
“When you eventually and hopefully transition to other champions” (referring to Garen)
When it comes to macro proficiency I've always noted that the one tricks that gravitated towards flashy champs often have abysmal macro because all they care about is montage worthy plays instead of objectives, I think most of us have seen 14/2 Katarinas and12/0 Yasuos that lose the game due to doing nothing with their leads with regards to objective securing. Meanwhile, players that one trick simple champs like Garen, Nasus or Volibear are often very macro oriented.
Yeah One trick Psychopaths its very common
Same, it's like an antiproportional relation between agency and macro sense
Except junglers. OTPing junglers don't care about montage. They only care about how little time it will take to finish the game to not have to deal with some of their brain dead team mates.
About the "pick the counter" thing . My usual aproach is to check if A) my main is rly bad against them(most time i know that already) and B) check if under the 7 best counter champ is someone i play or can play
Im surprised you didnt touch more on the specialist sub class, those champs may have low play rates but 90% of the time when you see them you KNOW its a otp or a main at the very least, like nobody casually picks bard, singed, or old mordekaiser for a great example, especially because most specialist champions play styles are so different its like they arent even playing the same game of league everybody else is playing.
Which also means when you see one on your team, helping them out usually brings favourable results as they are well experienced at carrying leads when they get ahead on their mains, and at the same time many enemy teams dont know how to handle a fed specialist champion, they are so used to countering popular champions like yasuos or lee sin say. Like we all know lee sin falls off, but do we all know how to counter an ivern or aurelian if they are getting ahead? Exactly, you might supposedly counter teemo, but if you rarely ever play against teemo, how do you know how to counter him? You might be so used to countering meta picks that when a otp on a specialist champion shows up your not going to know what you should be doing.
Yeah, when i play againdt singed I always uninstall the game after playing
Singed one-trick here. The virtually only way to shut a fed specialist down is wait for himself to run it down lol. The better they are, the more they will avoid doing that tho. Just dont feed them :)
Was a great video to watch. Even as a support Thresh main, I took a break and picked up Garen to learn some basic wave management and macro thats helped me a lot in other places. keep up the awesome vids
They should nerf the enemy yasuo for real man.
Dude is literally unbeatable.
i just wish the yasuo on my team got a slight buff. like he doesnt have to be enemy yasuo level, but atleast somewhat decent would be ok so he doesnt always solo throw the game
They should also fix that bug where I sometimes get an enemy Yasuo on my team.
The Fiora and Aatrox example was really good, I’m a support main and I always check counters against other supps to try to make lane easier but sometimes I would choose counterpicks I had no idea how to play instead of just picking something easier
i think maining 3 champions on one role
is the best way to climb harder even to challenger
3 champs per role imo
@@owo4470 Having 1 good champ and 1 decent per role/lane is better imo, with as many cross-play as possible. The more versatile they are, the better.
Ex: Good at Pantheon, Shaco, Vayne. Decent at Rumble, Senna.
Pantheon for top, mid, supp. Shaco for top, jg, (mid, supp if you're good enough). Vayne for top (as much as it's hated), adc.
Rumble for top, jg, mid. Senna for adc, supp.
My good picks are Azir (top), Master Yi/Udyr (jg), Xerath/Vel'koz (mid/support), Jhin (mid/adc). My decent ones are Mordekaiser/Garen (top/mid), Skarner (jg), Azir (mid/adc), Blitzcrank (supp). They're not as diversified as I suggested, but they're at a much higher level and ban/pick rate than other champions.
I think just macro is superior,as long as you are above diamond 2 that is
@@fitmotheyap I think you meant "as long as you're below diamond 2*" no?
@@louisrobitaille5810 Actually it's.. above
Maybe above plat
But I see no use of macro in bronze,silver,gold
The players there never look at the map,that includes me sadly I have to admit,I stopped warding after a while and stopped trying to manage waves after just being beaten by another enemy laner over and over,by now I have mostly quit the game,I play maybe 1-2 days a week in a good mood.
That Iroh scene... Earned my like for sure.
Me, being on a loose-streak: "Yup. It's sun-praising time."
As someone who was a meta slave last year no avail I’ve been one tricking Talon this season and have roughly a 70% WR on the champ and have already reached Silver I which I couldn’t even reach last year. This is now my second season of ranked and I have already been learning so much about the game through Talon’s eyes. Say what you want about me for playing Talon but he’s just a champ I really enjoy playing because of assassins creed and you can’t take it away from me
Oh no you mentioned Asol quick hide him before he gets nerfed
Say what you want about League but one of the good things about having such a large and diverse roster is that there's something for everyone. Every player has that one champion they love to death, love playing them, love their lore, love their design. Yeah a lot of people love the new and popular champs, but have you seen the passion and care someone has when they talk about their mains like Aurelion Sol, Ivern, or Bard? This includes popular otps like the ones you mentioned too. Everyone has at least 1 champion they really connect to, and you've got to admire the game for achieving that.
I think it says something about diversity in character design when you one trick someone and that experience doesn't transfer neatly to any other champ. I one trick Pyke and the other hook supports don't feel at all the same.
As a new League player the animosity towards one tricks feels very funny. I come from fighting games where playing the same character for years and between games is seen as an admirable thing. There's a reason to why "I've been an x main since Third Strike" is a popular joke
Porofesser says im "OTP Sona" and i was wondering what that meant. I guess sense my playrate of Sona is around 80% that makes me a Sona One-Trick-Pony?
9:36 Vars that really caught me off guard and I love you for it
I cant one trick. No matter what champion I find interesting or fun, I dont feel like playing them after 20+ games. Whether Im bad at the champion, or I feel like they dont do enough, or if they are only good in certain matchups or situations, or I simply get bored. I cant get myself to play one champion for long. This is one of the main things that discouraged me from playing anything outside of Draft Pick. With almost 2k hours clocked in, I dont have a rank. For example, I used to "one-trick" gangplank mid (with no relation to Tobias Fate, I genuinely like gp mid>top) and after inting one too many games I just felt like I hit a fat wall. Another thing that keeps me from one-tricking, is these sudden urges I get to play random champions. The only thing I have going for me is that I like to play midlane, and adc/sup(shaco) as a second role.
I'm in here to say: nice video, and it's crazy how long you can go without detecting Fire Emblem music in the background, that stuff slaps so fittingly
Obviously there is only so far that any particular thing will take you up the ranks. This is self evident. But considering that you simply need to get to gold for all the rewards? OTP is easily the easiest way to reach that level.
I used to be a Skarner main back when I started playing in 2014. I also played Udyr and Volibear at the time. Upon Kalista's release, I have became so traumatized at that amobination for existing that I droped my champion pool forever and became a Shaco onetrick.
I'm glad you exist to point out basic things that most league players either don't realize or inherently ignore so they can flame you in game lol. It feels good to know that at least one person out there thinks about the game in a manner close to how I do.
I find I tilt less when I play Mordrkaiser. I win more when I tilt less so that’s why.
Same, but with Neeko. She's an angel.
8:26 i don't remember uncle dane saying that
I started the game back on season 10 and I was a Kayle OTP. When I eventually got the courage to play anyone else, I failed HARD. I just had no balls to fight anyone before buying a couple items, since I was so used to scaling late game and playing safe, so I missed a lot of opportunities
This tale, unfortunately, has a bad ending
I'm a Yuumi main now
And what ? If you enjoy yuumi and have fun it's all that matters.... I'm Irelia and Katarina otp because i really enjoy them. (Katarina on wild rift (grandmaster 226 lp) and irelia on pc (master 83 lp currently) so i believe that one tricking is actually the way to climb
@@patrikgasparik8686 It's just a joke. I think Yuumi is valid, I don't really care that people dislike her in general. I like supportive champs (even Kayle is a more supportive hypercarry), so I just got *attached* to her style
By the end of the day, you just have to play the champions you enjoy :)
I used to OTP Mordekaiser before the rework. I was both happy too see his new direction and kind of sad that I'll never be able to play as him again. Realizing that after the rework I would be pretty much useless I started expanding my champion pool and it was a great decision
depending on your champ, you will tilt your team off the face of the earth when you lock it it, and if you get banned your worthless. so. ultimately, i chose to be bad at every character. been playing since volibear was the newest champion like 9 years ago or something, and just played my 1500th game. lol
2:26 "all vlad mains are virgins". as a jinx/kaisa player, i guess ima vlad one trick...
I used to be a riven one trick but I've been expanding out, right now I also like Camille and renekton. One tricking is annoying af at a higher elo and it seriously creates some bad habits, glad I'm expanding
As an ASol one-trick, ty for the love!
I decided to one trick Riven and I don't regret it at all. It's so much more fun for me to learn a specific match-up with her and pilot around weakness well.
Legit I'm the same. After learning combos and animation cancels after a while you get really good at baiting, surviving and killing opponents quickly and in bullshit ways. So much fun I almost never lose lane.
Non-toxic Shaco onetricks are a thing, we exist! (We are very very rare though, im probably one of like 10 people who arent toxic on him)
Im playing mid. Around 5 champs and none of them is meta. I play the champs i like. Not the ones that are meta right now. Ahri,Lux, neeko,Twisted Fate and Malphite(just to fuk some yas,zed,...mains off^^). And sometimes Seraphine.
@@chiidybang370 i feel that, yas is my perma ban
me: hey that video is nice, makes a lot of sense
Vars: brings in Fire Emblem
me remembering every unit i lost in the 1 playthrough: pain
You managed to cram one months worth of League of Legends Toxicity into a SINGLE THUMBNAIL! Well Done.
Another benefit of one tricking is over time when you eventually move onto different champions you can play your old one tricks as pocket picks, this is especially useful in clash. If your new main is banned you can fall back on that one champ you played for 2-4 seasons because unless they've been fully reworked you should still be able to play them to a good level.
For me, I'm currently OTPing Pyke but had a season as zyra and 3 seasons as Sona and if I don't need to comp hard for my team and my Pyke is banned, I can fall back on one of those two no matter the meta and still play them well.
I'm a yorick one trick because he's the only character I could play without getting bored of
7:04 what are these terms “one-night stand” and “relationship”. First time hearing them
Vars: "If you play one champion and only that for years and years that starts to hold you back"
Me, a Kayn OTP: i basically main 3 champions in one, i'm fine.
Viego mains: *maniacal laughter*
Comment for the algorithm. I'm glad you specified "for climbing," important aspect.
5.1 million mastery points no lifer in Sona here. :D
*[dark and bitter laugh that's clearly full of pain]* x'D
Well, it has its ups and downs. Currently, with Sona, we're on the downs part. The ups part was during season five. That was a good slaughterfest and snuff film. Very fun. Now? "Adrian, I did it." *[takes away the plastic chair he stored at the graveyard forever and waves goodbye to Sona's grave since he's not coming back again due to closure and moving on]* :')
I used to play top / jungle / support
I mained Sion, Rumble, Jayce mainly, and i freaking loved it
Kayn onetricks can't play the game when their onetrick is banned because they never get punished for making stupid decisions. They either dash out run away through a wall or use R so they dont get focused in fights. That champ is so Elo boosted.
Why is that so true lol
Another advantage of one tricking is you know all the strenghts and weaknesses of that champ so when they get picke by the enemy you kinda have a mental guide on how to counter them
My one trick used to be classic aatrox which is why I took a long break. I played him since release and even during his worse but I was so in love with his personality
It was actually a fun video to wach, especially when I am myself, kinda onetrick, but at the same time main of like different 7 champs, while also trying to play some new champions
Love your content, Vars! You've taught me more verbage for League than anyone I've played with. Super useful!
Also, you should do ASMR recordings. You've got a great voice.
I'm an Ashe main. Love her CC, multiple ways to approach a fight and ESPECIALLY that she's still relevant from behind.
I think there's something to be said about finding that champion for you to 1 trick. My most played champ is Katarina, with Fiddlesticks and Ahri not too far behind, and I chose to main them out of spite of seeing them. It took me around 40 games with each of them before I started turning my win rate around, and I've learned how to consistently do well with them.
Even though I started off hating them, they are my absolute favorites now. Its fun to learn how a OTP is born
Funny you mention an Iroh quote. Illaoi quote: "They need wisdom; they don't need tea."
The point you made at 11:00 & at 11:25 are the reasons why i very rarely ever call myself an actual Pyke OTP. Yes, a very overwhelming % of my games played are as Pyke, and yes, my summoner name is literally a pun using his name (i.e. pyke tyson - though that's not my account), but i think the simple fact that pyke tends to have a fairly high-ish ban rate (currently 6.9%, w/ play rate over 10%) despite him only having a positive win rate for 2 patches this ENTIRE season is what stops me from being a TRUE, DIE HARD, one trick. .... not to mention the champion is very, VERY team mate dependent... it can get very frustrating to play him sometimes.
that's why i am also a blitzcrank and thresh player whenever i am not playing my main, and I am even currently in the middle of trying to pick up brand support.
the comparison to one night stands was so damn accurate
i like being otp but i can tell it’s very useful to find good opponents and allies which will give you more room to improve
Note at the time of this videos release, the #1 spot on the EUW ranked ladder was just occupied by Lathyrys, a Bard OTP. So much for claiming OTPs cant climb.
And people claimed that lathy was just carried by the champ, so once bard got heavily nerfed he let his account decay and went back from d1 to rank one in two weeks just to prove a point lmao. That guy is good as hell.
7:06 I never expected a ONS comparison for this 😂
Great work as always !
(special thanks to the fire emblem ost xD)
"Asol mains are the most chill dudes you'll ever see".
I'll take your word for it as i haven't seen a single Asol being played this season.
As for one tricking, whenever i could i picked Veigar, but only in ranked. In normal games i avoided picking my mains. If Veigar is banned (very rare) or picked (incredibly rare) i knew exactly what i'm struggling the most against and just picked it.
I know his matchups, which runes to take against different opponents, i could lane swap when i noticed my top laner gets hard countered and aside from Yone, Xerath and Vel'koz i usually got through laning without any hiccups. That is assuming my jungler wouldn't pick up a random fight in the river and die (which happened more often than it should).
One tricking is overall fine as long as you don't develop tunnel vision.
Thresh One trick right here didn’t even watch the video yet I just really love Thresh. His Lore? Fresh, His Kit? FRESH, His Design? FRESHHHHHH! Thresh, Every Game all Game
3:48 - 5:12 they play keep away from the riven was kind of hilarious to watch. Like ring around the rosie, but if riven catchs you she facerolls keyboard and you die.
2:25 this is a very thorough roast that was savage but nessisary
8:00 Glad that you included the most broken champion in all the game
Can completely agree on that vid, I otp'd sion from s9 till s11, realized I'm shit on every champ besides him, now I'm playing a wider variety of Champs and got a lot better in general (climbed up a division to gold) next season I will continue the grind. But fr sometimes playing ur old otp is just a great feeling tbh
Im surprised you didn't mention the phenomenon of it feeling like less popular champs like Singed and A-sol having cult-like loyalty from their one trick community, (those two being exceptionally so with many people being 99% on Singed/A-Sol), and more popular champions more often being mains.
Perhaps thats just a placebo, but I swear the less popular the champ the more dedicated the one tricks, guess its a loyalty and honor thing.
11:30 one time, I was in iron for quite a while, then my friend said one trick nasus, I made it to bronze, and by now, I’m one game away from promos to silver, and I found a cool main, just farm, decide if I should splitpush or not, when I do however, I can really tear down their base, cause I’m nasus
2 yorick players in existence. As a fellow yorick main that hurt because it's painfully true.
Why do I get the feeling that the part at 2:26 was written with more pleasure than the rest of the script
I used to one trick Ivern and there are some things that are situationally useful but can be game changing since some camps you can mark and grab camps over a wall such as gromp