One thing a lot of new players don't get about these type of mechanics is that they aren't a bonus, they're a hindrance. It's not some thing the champ *can* do to get ahead, it's something they *have* to do to keep up.
I kinda disagree on Veigar though, he's got CC and burst with good ratios. The scaling only lets him snowball harder, his problem is rather the amount of mobility in the game atm.
@@d4s0n282 but his passive doesn't strictly give him power to scale. Don't get me wrong Veig can be strong but if he is into anyone with mobility (kat,kass,fizz,zed etc) he can't get to his stacks and is useless. Cho scaling adds to his kill combo (ult) and the bonus hp adds to his E damage. Kindred allows you counter jungle and get more out of it, and more out of ganks that you're already doing which means their scaling mechanic is also a bonus.
@@Shtutaq that's the worst Senna build. Why would you go that when you have so much range that they shouldn't even get to you in the first place + you have self peel. And on top of that the build is nerfed to the ground.
My Nasus ally farmed for 30 minutes straight and managed to oneshot all enemy towers and gave us the victory screen while we dealt with the 5 enemies invading our base. I love that Nasus.
@@fashionsuckman4652 being a sion main I rather play against trundle then morde every day of the week. Morde is shit but against sion it feels like Thanos
@@potatolord5774 you’re right pressing wither (which is the range of a marksman aa) being having someone slowed for 99%, while nasus runs at you with approach velocity and enhanced boots. Is far too hard to nasus to approach his target.
I like these champions because they are very good at teaching you fundamentals of the game. They teach you to farm well, too learn how to play passive, learn what powers spikes are and how to take advantage of them, and most importantly how to play from behind (most people can't comprehend nowadays)
It's hugely important to talk about Vayne and Fiora in this video as their % max health true damage abilities, in effect, scale infinitely with champion health.
Sion's passive is pretty good actually, since his shield is based on health, and with Titanic, he's basically a lesser Senna, where her abilities and attacks get slowly stronger. Getting 60+ AD bonus from Titanic on Sion always feels monsterous. Basically makes him scale with durability and damage at the same time
@@d4s0n282 Yeah, but that's kind of the thing. Other tanks fall off, while Sion still gets stronger, even if slighty. Which makes him an unique case in the case of tanks, making him pretty good.
Imo Cho scales much faster and does have much more utility,you have q that is very easy to land in teamfights with airborne and slow,w with silence and e with slow,while sion can only try to land q and get stunned,and try to hit someone with e,which does almost nothing in teamfight.Also sion ult is nigh useless in fights,it simply grants you ability to run away when you splitpush. To get sion stacks fast you need to fight creeps instead of champs which again leads to splitpush.Literally the only thing sion can do well
infinite scaling isn't necessarily useless, it adds a separate goal in a match aside from hitting item and level spikes. However, this gameplay element of stacks only adds to your pure stats and doesn't actually change the gameplay or dynamic of the champ when compared to a kayle or kha. sure it can be scary to deal with, but a smart team can easily shut down scaling champs with enough effort. a side note as well, contrary to popular belief, I think that scaling champs such as Nasus and viegar are actually midgame because once other champs start finishing off their builds, they can win any fight just as easily as an infinite scaling champ can. TLDR not useless, just kinda boring
Nasus is midgame, but Veigar is yes, really strong in midgame, but even stronger in lategame because his stacks are more easy to have the more the game progresses
There was this one game that I'll never forget where our support left the game early on while I was playing Senna ADC. Thing is, I had dark harvest and gathering storm, and the rest of my team was competent enough to stall. The game went on for like well over a full hour to the point where everyone was full build and I have so many stacks that I could auto towers from outside of their range and could quickly take down even their tanks. Thanks to that insane scaling I was able to successfully win the 4v5 It was just me fulfilling my ultimate late game scaling fantasy and no other game ever came even close to it.
We live for that as a cho main I won't forget that game where no joke it was like over 200minutes long at that point I was at well over 60 stakes and was one shoting ppl with my e while having 25k+ hp without gargoyle at that point I just ran straight mid and one shot there towers one by one with demolish. GL infinite scaling brother to get that 1 gem of a game that will fulfill your fantasy.
I had a similar experience when I played Nasus and almost got 1000 stacks at 30, a lot happened that game, so I was so strong that I could nearly 1 v 5 entire enemy team. I only died because of a crit hit but I will never forget the enemy team typing in all chat just to say “get this fucking demon away from me”
@@red_freeman9499 really? I didn’t notice because it slows by up to 100% over the duration, with almost no cooldown. Hmm maybe u are right, I must have mistaken it for a root then!!
@@JrKengu League has a minimum movement speed of 110. You can't get slowed more than what is realistically 2/3 if you have low movement speed or 3/4 if you have high movement speed.
The reason Nasus and Veigar have the easiest time benefitting from their stacks is due to items. Veigar's strongest attribute is the ability to build cheap AP items and still hit as hard as another mage who's going for the expensive stuff. Nasus builds whatever is the best Sheen item and then full tank, because he can get the flat damage he needs from stacking Q. If there were more (and better) items that let you stack resistances, Sion and Cho'Gath would be a lot stronger since they're already getting max health from their kit. Then we have Kindred and Senna, who can't really build around their stacking. Kindred still needs marksman items even if their stacks give them similar stats because marksmen cannot function without getting those stats as fast as possible.
ADC items scale multiplicatively so flat ad, crit and attack speed scale really well with items. Then there's also the fact that both Senna and Kindred gets range which is massive.
i mean you can build legit anything on senna the passive is more just to spit on your opponent plus who doesnt like a 600AP senna who hits with 300AD with shit like demonics or other memeable items
Also, at like 80 stacks (which is totally achievable) you've essentially got the equivalent AP as an item with more AP to come, which leaves you free to build a straight tank item like Gargoyle's if you wish (especially if you've already grabbed Zhonya's, Banshee's and deathcap) just so you can say fuck you to anyone trying to 1-shot you with lethality/flat magic pen builds - after all, what's an additional 60-100ish damage on abilities that already do several hundred if not a thousand odd damage - compared to surviving to getting another cast or two off? As for Senna, her passive makes her straight up the best marksman, as the crit she gets from souls means she doesn't need 5 crit items to unlock her full potential (plus she can get 100% crit before reaching full build, which only Yasuo and Yone can match). Without the obligation to finish a crit build she has the most freedom in build-diversity - meaning unlike other marksmen she can pick up items like Ravenous hydra for omnivamp and better AoE for teamfights or bruiser items so she can be a bit less squishy, after all, the difference between being one-shot or two-shot can be survival if you have teammates who can peel or are able to flash away from danger. The fact she can do all that while also being the safest mid/late-game marksman with the longest engagement distance is ridiculous, the only reason she's not perma-banned or nerfed to the ground is because people are locked into modes of thinking that became outdated when damage and mobility creep made the ADC role less prominent. Throw in Grasp (assuming your laning partner has some CC, e.g. a Senna support with an Ashe or Senna ADC with, well pretty much any reasonable support) and once you reach late-game you have the nearest thing in League to a cheat code.
@@Neion8 if you want something funny build pure crit+lifesteal and LDR or shereldas on senna you can get >100% lifesteal and 1 hit fill your intire hp bar
@@anonymousnyancat492 yeah but your mana is also funny because if you can spam W then you will evaporate your mana in a second maybe that's why they do not want us to reach a certain point where veigar can spam W.
"If there was a champion whose entire kit scaled infinitely they'd be broken." This didn't age well. We need a video for new A-Sol. This had me in tears
@Klaas_F0X The difference being that their entire kit doesn't scale infinitely like new Aurelion Sol's kit does. His Q damage increases with stardust, W travel distance, E size and execute threshold, and R radius all scale with his Stardust. Kindred comes close to this as her marks upgrade her W, E, and Q, but not her and also her marks aren't very significant upgrades either in my opinion.
No idea how this channel isn’t bigger, it’s been my absolute favorite league channel for the past couple months and I’ve learned so much, keep up the good work
Infinite scaling I'd argue is also a good tool to help teach some mechanics on those champions. Kill-based infinite scaling stacks lets a player better gauge last hitting, things like Kindred and Bard's stacks may promote map awareness or roaming skills, Swain's stacks may promote being better aware of root opportunities etc.
I started playing swain recently. Due to his W I have gotten used to playing with my camera unlocked on pretty much all champions and I'm much more aware of what is going on around the map as I need to check if I can hit anyone with my W. I really think he can be a useful champion to improve your map awareness and camera controls.
In my opinion, as a Nasus player, he has one important property, he shreds turrets, by himself. He is Tryndamere levels of splitpusher, if not more past a certain amount of time, and unless they have akali or katarina or anybody with large aoe dmg lategame, he has atleast 1,5 min to oneshot all towers, and by definition, the nexus :)
I kind of like Infinite scaling bc it adds another feature to the game state where against champs like Nasus your main goal is to freez the wave and prevent him from getting stacks, it also adds pressure on you to end the game earlly.
@@theodorechatzis7881 Well, the counter to his stated tactic is to roam - part of the reason many toplaners take teleport - which actually increases overall interactivity between the lanes. If your opponent decides to take the advantage of the now empty lane to push up and farm tower plates, you can return with your jungler/midlaner who are newly freed up by the gank you helped pull off to punish the overextention and freeze them in reply. The advantage of helping your teammates get fed by this tactic also can not be overstated, as even if you loose laning phase due to a sub-optimal start, having fed team-mates to carry you can more than make up for it. Also, pressure to end the game early can lead to less cautious and more interesting gameplay such as Jungle invades, towerdives you weren't certain you could pull off, risky objectives or starting fights that you didn't have an obvious advantage in - a nice change from the passive-aggressive farming simulator that is the start of most League games.
@@Neion8 All of what you are saying is absolutely right and i honestly can't disagree, but how many of those things are possible in a soloq environment. I mean, in reality your mid or jungle will never cover you or your wave and any leads you give to your teammates will essentially be in vain as they are most likely to throw. However, freezing sometimes does work, i have to admit that, but then again it prevents you to do all of the above as it gives free prio to the enemy laner. You can't roam, you can't rotate. What i'm trying to say is that scaling champs give the player too much safety so no matter how bad he plays the laning phase he will usually just outscale you.
Not useless for Nasus. There's no better feeling than coming to teamfights after 30 mins of farming to 2 shot the adc,mid and jg. His passive lifesteal allows him to, to the most part ignore enemy dmg early game, so he can pretty safely last hit minions with Q. Lategame his 1 Q just heals like a third of his hp bar, while also 1 shotting that 13/2 jinx xD
Thing is a good jinx +support will kite you and never let her get hit. Nasus is MUCH better in the midgame. Coming into a team fight with 300 stacks and 2 items at 15 mins you are one of the strongest champs in the game. Tanky, insane damage, sustain, hard to kite midgame (w + flash or ghost), turret shredding, good 1vs 1. But late game you have no aoe, no dash/movespeed up and everyone else has tank shred+ crazy cc. Best you can do is splitpush which other champs do better. Way better to push your lead In the midgame.
@@shanecoffing yea. Midgame nasus better, but if you get lead you will stomp even late. Thing is jinx doesn't have any mobility so all you need is ghost + W and she's back at fountain
@@Symasas225 Which is why Jinx is going to run around with a tank or a support who will CC you for enough time to either let her escape or even kill you, since most ADCs are able to easily shred tanks in the late game. Even then, once your ult is over you're just a bit more threatening than a cannon minion, so even just kiting you and running away is a victory for them Edit: which is why Nasus's main goal is splitpushing: if the enemy team only sends melees or champions with no CC, you will usually be able to either win the fight or at least get away safely. On the other hand, if they send their best teamfighters, they will lose a lot of map agency and allow your team to win objectives much more easily
They can be kind of frustrating to play against (especially veigar cage, that thing is more powerful than most ultimates on an 8 second cooldown lategame), but almost all of them are just alright, senna can be really difficult to deal with and is kind of a balance nightmare due to her flexibility though, she's the ezreal of infinite scaling champs
Very clever choice of music as always, Vars. Using the soundtrack for PMD rescue team DX's final dungeon, a tower made out of clouds that stretches infinitely into the sky, as background noise in a video talking about infinite scaling! I see what you did there.
I'd love to see Sion's passive involved with his infinite stacking. Say, for every 100 stacks you get with furnace, your speed and and attack speed when reanimated increases by 5%. Either that or have the thresholds, where after some amount of stacks his first auto attack on an enemy when reanimated stuns
"Infinite Scaling is usually locked to a specific mechanic and or stat in that champions kit, and thankfully there is no champion in league who's entire gameplay infinitely scales. If they did, that would be broken." *My name's Ignacarious Gigantareno Rex Le Spes Offerentis, but my human friend named me Smolder.*
"Thankfully, there's no champion in league whose gameplay infinitely scales" Me, a kindred main: Hmm, interesting (but seriously tho, their stacks are hard and inconsistent to get, and you need quite a bunch to start to feel the impact of the scaling on all 3 basic abilities)
"And thankfully, there's no champion in league who's entire gameplay infinitely scales, if they did, that would be completely broken" ASol: *Smug cosmic dragon noises*
I always wanted Nasus’s q to have a “gain x” or something upon reaching a certain threshold. Like, at 300 stacks his Q could gain something small like 5 bonus lethality for just the q, 450 stacks E gaining true sight on anything inside it, 600 stacks his wither becomes a 3 second slow instead but with a 1.5 second stun at the end of the slow.
I would like a nasus rework where all his abilities stack and have certain new effects at certain thresholds where you choose what you need to stack depending on the enemy
Justaname wrong 500 by 20 is very very good if you play anywhere above gold and almost impossible diamond+ 1000 by 30 is almost unheard of these days because of how quick games end and how teamfight reliant the game is these days Changes would be balanced I think
Infinite scaling is one of those things that sounds really cool on paper and has a definite power fantasy attached to it, which I think is why Riot was attracted to the mechanic... But its also a balancing nightmare, especially when that scaling directly contributes to damage... I was gonna go on a huge rant comparing infinitely scaling champions like Sion, Nasus & Veigar to Heroes from DotA like Slark, Pudge & Anti-mage but there's so many interconnected micro-factors that play into how strong or weak the mechanic even is, which really just reinforces the main point. ITS A BALANCING *NIGHTMARE*
I just want to mention that Veigar being able to hit an additional time with his Q is the most broken effect you can give him bar extremely ridiculous buffs. It makes his scaling faster, and would make him such a prominent midgame threat he’s going to get perma-ganked the entire game and STILL hit 250 stacks by 25.
I love playing infinitely scaling champs, late game macro is quite possibly the most fun aspect of the game for me. However, I do personally think Shyvana in current state barely counts as an infinitely scaling champ, reason being that her stacks are unlike any other champ in the category. At best, she can get 1 stack every 5 minutes, the only thing even comparable to that is Cho with his ult (and Sylas with Cho’s ult), even then, those champs aren’t forced to wait for the dragon in order to stack effectively. Her actual stack stats is also quite possibly one of the most pitiful things in the game, 5 armor and magic resistance every 5 minutes (assuming you get every dragon) is honestly not even valuable. I can only hope that when she inevitably gets her rework in a couple years, after Udyr and probably Skarner, they either make her stacking more valuable or get rid of the mechanic entirely in exchange for something else
Change +5 armor and magic resist to +5% Armor and Magic Resist. Boom, now it’s more appealing to go after every 5 min and helps shyvana scale defensively with greater impact.
But it's every dragon she kills, so A'Sol should TECHNICALLY give her the stacks. Unless they changed it to only the Drake, but she, in theory, should always kill A'Sol and stack every death from him.
Now that we have a new Aurelion Sol that also infi-scales. They took your idea that the more you collect the stronger you become. A Sol’s abilities upgrade when he reaches a certain amount of stardust, and they will continue to upgrade the longer the game goes on. That is definitely how they should update these infi-scalers
Yeah, that's a heavy question mark Vars. Reading the comments and in my own opinion, scaling is important to give people hope on holding out vs early stompers. It gives good practice for safe laning and farming, and overall it's just more fun than simply farm farm farm kill kill kill
That's literally the opposite of what most people want. No one wants to sit in lane playing safe farming for 30min to have a decisive fight. We had that meta and most people hated it.
@@fiethsing9988 If I wanted to have a teamfight simulator like League's current super-flashiness is tending towards I'd play Battlerite. There's a middle ground to be reached here - scaling champs either need to be sped up or everybody else slowed down so many matches don't just boil down to the first teamfight and an ff@15. Macro should still be an important factor in deciding games, and scaling champs are there to incentivize people to play for later game objectives rather than just throwing your balls to the wall at level 3 and hoping for the best.
Vladimir can technically also infinitely scale exclusively because his passive is an infinite recursion stat, if he has a way to increase HP or AP past normal 6 item thresholds, he can scale infinitely that way. Although, it's stupid because it'd require like, Grasp, Heartsteel, Gathering Storm, Overgrowth, Demonic Embrace and a game to just go on forever to gain the most use out of his passive, of course Gathering and Overgrowth alone would work too but that's not as funny, so it'd be like the dumbest kind of infinite scaling but definitely not not infinite scaling, just reaaaallly bad and never practical.
I disagree with the durability point - sure Nasus' q doesn't make him tankier directly, but he can build full tank/haste because he gets the q dmg for free (if he's farming properly). Ergo, the ability enables Nasus' durability much more than other fighters.
I remember when we (my friends and I) started playing League regularly and my buddy Trev said "I just want a mage that casts spells and does a lot of damage" and our other friend reccomended Veigar. Those early early games against other new players were so fun to watch Trev get hundreds of stacks and just one shot everything.
12:36 To be fair, Veigar's W already does get an extra 10% cooldown reduction for every 50 stacks of his passive. I mean I know it isn't exactly the same thing but eh
First of all i gonna say that Nasus doesn't need a rework, i'm the Nasus main myself (250k mastery), i like playing him as he is. I don't good enough to judge anyone or anything (silver for 4 season 😢) but i played him enough to know his huge problem and slowly drifted away from the current meta. He's a single target damage dealer prioritize in split pushing which doesn't viable in the current meta where team fight is more essential. Split pushing doesn't viable in soloQ and in Proplay where every Nasus weakness exploitable so i basically design my ideas for a potential rework on how he should be. I essentially keeping his playstyle all the same which a doggy with a big stick bonk people 😀 hit hard on his early game even more cause the rework is toward late game as infinite scaler Base health: 620 Bonus health per level: 120 Health regen per 5s: 9 Health regen per level: 1 Base Mana: 375 Mana per level: 70 Mana regen per 5s: 9,5 Mana regen per level: 0,75 Base armor: 40 Armor per level: 4,25 Base AD: 68 AD per lv 3,75 Base MR: 32 MR per level: 1,25 Movement speed: 350 Attack range: 175 Crit damage: 175% Base AS: 0,635 Bonus AS: 3,25% Passive: the True Ascendant Upon reaching levels 9, 13, 16, and 18, Nasus Enchants his abilities reaching it's max potential, gaining additional bonuses. The soul devourer: If Siphoning Strike kills its target, Nasus permanently gains soul stack, increased to 4 if its target is a Champion, Large minion, or Large monster, Turret and increased to 6 if its target is Epic monster. Explanation: i switch around his stacking on his Q to the passive and gave him old lifesteal passive on his Q. I think this new passive gonna impact Nasus entire kits rather than just more damage from Q making him scale more into the late game than the actual mid game then falloff late game just being infinite scaler. Q: Siphoning Strike Cast time: None Cost: 25 Mana CD: 7.5 / 6.75 / 5 / 4.25 / 3.5 Active: Nasus' next basic attack within 10 seconds has an uncancelable windup, gains 25 Range, deals bonus physical damage and heal him for 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20% pre-migitation damage dealt (+0,1 per 3 soul ) heal of minions are reduced by 35% Bonus Physical Damage: 35 / 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 (+3 per soul ) Reset Nasus basic attack timer Apply on-hit If this attack kills the target, half of the mana cost is refunded Q ( Enhance): Soul shattering Effect radius: 275 Nasus Siphoning Strike now deal 50% of Siphoning Strike bonus damage (+ 120% total AD)(+50% AP) to all nearby enemies as physical damage. If the target is beyond his normal basic attack range, Nasus leaps to the target's location within 350 range. Nasus can cast Soul shattering while being rooted or grounded but cannot leap. Explanation: 2 of Nasus biggest problem in my opinion were wave clear and lack of mobility so i kinda had some ideas to gave him a small aoe on his Q kinda like Galio passive. But you can decide if you want stacks more or wave clear cause the aoe gonna mess up his stacking efficiency so you can decide to enhance it or not. The leap i added to the empower version i think kinda niche but effective kinda like illaoi W leap. I also added AP ratio so Nasus actually use his Q if he went AP build :D W: Wither Target range: 725 Cast time: 0,1s Cost: 85 Mana CD: 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 / 10 Nasus aged the target enemy champion for 5 / 5.25 / 5.5 / 5.75 / 6 seconds, slowing them by 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 / 95% and crippling them by half that amount 17.5 / 25 / 32.5 / 40 / 42.5% instantly. If target within the flame (Nasus E) are withered, the tenacity reduction is double and they are grounded. Nasus can target enemy turret to reduce its attack speed by 12 / 24 / 36 / 48 / 60% and turret shot speed by 6 / 12 / 18 / 24 / 30% W ( Enhance): Decaying spirit Nasus summons locusts that chases after and reveals the withered enemy 65-150 (+ 7.5% AP) (+ 4% target's maximum health)(+0.5% per 25 souls) total magic damage and increase all their current cooldown by 3s. Total 6 swarm of locusts are summoned. Enemies that pass through the locusts for the first time from the same cast are wither for half the amount of the primary target ( slow, cripple and duration are 50% less than primary target) kinda like Rell E Explanation: i think that combo with E and W which makes enemy grounded actually makes Nasus gets a chance to chase down high mobility champs like Riven, Vayne. The idea which makes Nasus has a point & click root actually too op and doesn't make sense so i came up with this. The empower W is a niche aspect for AP Nasus more viable and the aoe slow is kinda a nice part for Nasus cause chaos in team fight. The locusts and stuff i think really interesting fit in his Anubis theme E (Spirit flame) Target range: 725 Effect radius: 425 Cast time: 0,25s Cost: 70 / 90 / 110 / 130 / 150 Mana CD: 15s (-0,5s per 50 AP, capped at 10s reduction at 1000 AP) Nasus erupts a vengeful spirit flame at the target location, granted sight within the flame for 5s dealing magic damage to all enemies within the area. The flame then remains lingering for 5 seconds, dealing magic damage every 0.5 seconds to all enemies within the area and reduce their tenacity while they are inside. Magic damage: 60/ 105 / 145 / 185 / 225 (+60% AP) Damage over time: 15 / 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 (+ 20% AP) (+ 3% target's missing health) Tenacity reduction: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25% (Enhance) Divine inferno Increasing target range: 750 Increasing effect radius: 475 Reduce all healing and shielding enemies received by 40% His first cast now disrupts enemies ongoing channel spell. Nasus can select a turret ruins and spends double the mana cost to cast divine inferno above the ruins after a 0.75-second cast time. Divine inferno remains for 12s and functions the same as a standard but will deal no damage. Divine inferno ruins effect radius: 2000 Nasus and his allies gain bonus Movement speed upon stepping on the field. Enemies, in turn, are slowed for the same amount, decaying over 2 seconds after leaving the field. Movement Speed Modifier: 10 / 17.5 / 25 / 32.5 / 40% Explanation: New champions within a few years in my opinion are overloaded with healing shielding and dashes ( Ex: Yone with 3 fucking dashes, fat load of healing when building shieldbow, BT, shielding from his W) so i think gave him something like free anti healing and shielding effects (i call it reversed spirit visage) would makes Nasus much much stronger cause he wouldn't buy something like serpent fang so he gets fuck up and struggle so bad against with something like Sett and Moderkaiser the healing reduction doesn't count as grievous wound so he gets a chance to compete with the beefy juggernaut with ton of healing renekton aatrox in exchange for loosing the armor reduction The disrupt part i actually added because i hated that i got blame for not stopping a Shen ult or Karthus cause i'm Nasus without any CC and dont kill em fast enough ;-; Anyway i think that the enhance version that build a huge turret size E that slow enemies and buff allies makes him more signicantly impactful for teamfight than only spit push 😀 Also it makes him more likely a tactical strategist that he should be, really missed out in his lore that Riot fail to replicated to his gameplay. P/s i make AP Nasus OP btw if you haven't noticed already XD R (Fury of the Sands): Effect radius: 425 Cast time: 0,1s Cost: 100 / 125 / 150 Mana CD: 160 / 140 / 120s Passive: Reduces the cooldown of Siphoning Strike (Soul shattering) by 15 / 40 / 65% , applying before ability haste. Active: Nasus unleashes his Ascendant form for 15s gaining bonus health and resistances. Nasus loses the passive bonus but increases 40% (+6% per 100 souls, max 500 souls) in size, grants 50 (+5 per 100 souls max 500 souls) bonus range and 200 (+10 per 100 souls max 1000 souls) cast range while active. Also your basic abilities ( Q, W, E) are lower by half Bonus health: 250 / 500 / 750 Bonus resistances: 50 / 65 / 80 (Enhance) Fury of the Ascendant: Upon transforming Nasus knocking down all nearby enemies disrupts their movement and cancels their dash for 0,5s. Nasus summons a sandstorm around him, increasing his tenacity by 25% . Enemies caught in the sand storm are slowed by 10% and nearsighted ( Enemies sight radius are reduce to 300 range) Scoring a takedown against an enemy champion extends Fury of the Ascendant's duration by 5 seconds, refreshing its effects, up to the original amount and restore 12% of your missing Health & Mana. Explanation: The idea of this R is to turn him into a True Raidboss which cause chaos in teamfight and hunt down enemies and drawn aggro rather than ignores and kites him where a 6 items Vayne 3-shot him. Turn his late game into a relentless Titan frontline soaks up all the damage and deals significantly high damage till he went down for his extremely weak early game. The DoT magic damage on his R doesn't make sense and barely makes any difference so i remove it completely instead the idea for a sandstorm around him to reduce sight and slow down them would be interesting :D Final conclusion: The idea for this rework to give Nasus more teamfight potential, dualing rather than sticking to the sidelane and constantly split pushing and stacking till the Nexus explode. I myself don't confident enough to certain make Nasus a viable Meta in this fast tempo of game these days but i'm sure that this rework gonna makes Nasus more popular and makes him more skill expression enough for players take interest in him. Some of Nasus skills design could end up overloaded but i just wanna point out anything that can makes Nasus more interest for other players. Obviously some of the number can be tweaked around to make him more balance. If you've read all of this then thank you very much for spending your time here :> sorry for the obsequious English 😕 not my first language ;-; Vietnamese btw
If you're reading this Vars i just wanted you to know that i'm loving all your Series and i hope that you'll make series where you came up with possible rework for league champions would be interesting or takes fan ideas like mine for discussion 😃 anyway greatwork my dude
Kind of like how Gangplank works is great. Nasus was always more of a midgame champion, it would be nice if Riot recognized this and gave him a proper midgame powerspike.
@@h4imon nasus is literally broken, the only reason no one plays him is because they don't want to play safe for like 25 cs and they don't want to wait for ghost cd. nasus perma wins every 1v1 in the entire game once he hits 6 + sheen + 60 or more stacks. he has literally never been stronger with the addition of uncapped cdr and how overpowered his r is. if nasus is playable at high elo (T1 is a huge commentor on this) he isn't balanced that patch
Veigar has a bonus effect that scales with his scaling in that his W cooldown decreases by ~10% multiplicatively for every 50 stacks. This does make an impact in upping his DPS, as he tends to be bottlenecked by cooldowns during extended fights, but since his E cooldown isn't touched he usually has to pray it hits or look for an opportunity from ally CC. I would love something like you mentioned with increasing the limited number of targets his Q can hit since that ability tends to feel more and more insignificant compared to his others as the game goes on.
Rework for sion : he die slower after death at 100 stacks. At 200 stacks he can push enemies with his E and stun them if push in wall I don't remember, how well sion getting his stacks, so numbers are random.
I'd remove Shyvana her dragon interaction outright, the source is just too well contested and its the only way she can get it, so it's usually just an aftertought but as a Shyvana player it is also frustrating that you sometimes just cannot interact with the system at all.(Besides, thematically it is rather weak)
They really need to rework her passive.. Either enemy jungler is bad or enemy team in general and just lets you take drags and you become immortal for no reason or you don't get drags and die like a fly.. Also ap shyvana shouldn't be a thing, change my mind, at least not in the way it is rn, making her into an annoying 1 button champ that is useless outside of ult
Draven technically also has an infinitely scaling ability. I know it's arguably not as inpactful as these ones mentioned but I thought it was worth noting.
Just letting you know I have started playing Veigar again with his protobelt build and let me say that infinite scaling doesn't feel like infinite since at some point trying to gain more stacks on Veigar would just be a waste of time since I still oneshot them with my 200 stacks and 4 items
That sion being as tall as as the nexus turret he is standing next to and probably having the same health as baron is actually terrifying just to look at.
If I could rework one infinite scaler (Swain, I love him in the midlane), at 150 stacks (which is a mid to late game), Riot could give him +30 armor and magic res during his ultimate (many would disagree cause Swain is already pretty strong and his ults heals himself, but that would be cool)
The thing about Nasus, Sion, Veigar and ChoGat is that with infinite scaling, they can basically take out one of the major points of the game: structures. Maybe they cant reach the late game vayne, but the late game vayne also cant take out a tower in one hit. I already see a Nasus destroy a whole lane in a minute
Infinite scaling shouldn't be a thing. If you're having a hard game and it's really even, maybe you have a really bad player on your side and the enemy has a terrible toplaner who plays nasus, all of a sudden it doesnt matter if the nasus player sucks since he will do more damage than kassadin while being tankier than ornn due to healing so much from his damage + passive while having a full tank build
I honestly kinda like that there are still champs that thrive when the game takes almost an hour in this assasin/fighter meta where everything has 100 dashes and oneshots everything. Not many games actually last that long but boy when they do... I also really like the way they "scale" the better you are at the champion the better stats you have without necessarily it being REALLY hard, it sort of reminds me of shooters where you can always improve and oh boy is it satysfying to improve.
I think more champions need this mechanic, like Bard getting 2 charges on his Ultimate and is now global with a fixed flight duration of 1 second when he gets 75 chimes, or Zilean, at 60 minutes his E & Ultimate gets 5 charges, and his R can be used globally. Essentially giving players a real reason to keep fighting.
@@mewjelter4208 It is so you have the drive to play out games and champions actually become worth playing due to their potential. You probably won't ever really see it in games, but when you do, it would be crazy. Instead of it being that you just get more damage. That's currently what all infinite scaling champions do.
@@d4s0n282 I've played veigar in every lane, every role, all types of builds, and I have both kicked ass and got my ass kicked, it always depends on what the enemy team picks and if they play it smart
I remember how fulfilling Cassiopeia's old passive is during mid-game, idk how to explain but it feels nice to have an additional mechanic that benefits the champion
12:54 that Q splash got to be in WR for a bit with the nemesis duels where only him vs renekton, k6 vs rengar and irelia vs riven could face off but it didn't last more than 1 season. If 2 nemesis encountered each other at any time in the game, with no allies from either team nearby a nemesis duel was triggered and whoever won the duel gets a permanent buff that lasts until the game ends
I totally agree with you on this topic and i would love to see them add these new goals in stacking too them. Some more ideas for them Nasus: Q: On 100 stacks now deals AOE damage or on 100 Stacks his Q stuns enemies for ,5 sec when the E armor pen or W slow is at max W: Enemies Slowed by his W are grounded in his E E: Enemies at max Armor reduction get grounded R: On 500 Stacks he now gets AOE Damage on his Q while ult or his Q heals more. Veigar: Q: On 50 stacks veigar gets pushed back or every 50 stacks he hits 1 target more with the Q W: Maybe an increase in size E: On 100 stacks slows before cast or grounded enemies on the inside R: On 150 Stack the ult deals the lowest damage AOE which scales with stacks Idk if these ideas are balanced but it would make them more interactive and it would help remove some of the problems they have right now
Nasus mini-rework idea: - [P] Ascended: Nasus's abilities gain new properties based on slaying minions, monsters or takedowns. (Each ability has different stacks. Last hitting w/ basic attacks grants E stacks) - [Q] Siphoning strike: Same Q as now. Increases damage and gives % LS for each stack threshold. - [W] Withering sands: Slow + damage on an area (think E but with a slow). Stack threshold grants slow % + damage. Upon reaching a particular threshold, grounds enemies inside and pulls them towards the center (sand whirpool, like Rell's R) - [E] Obelisk: Summons an obelisk (terrain, like Trundle's pillar) which casts a zone around it. Zone grants Nasus movement speed. - [R] Fury of the sands: Same ult, adds effects to abilities: -> [Q] Decreased cooldown -> [W] Roots instead of slow -> [E] Area of effect also does damage over time It would be awesome if all regions and/or groups of champions w/ relating characteristics (think like ascended vs human noxians vs human demacians) would carry their group theme into the rift. Think characters like Garen and Darius, who only use weapons, don't use mana.
Two ways I could think of are taking ideas from both Artanis and Alarak from HotS. Artanis technically scale infinitely with one of his level 1 talent, but his scaling talent demands you to play him aggressively and constantly put yourself in danger (hitting heroes with rapid basic attacks, which is the playstyle he is designed for). Your scaling is heavily affected by how effective you are at playing on the edge, which creates a lot of room for skill expressions despite it's just a flat number increase. The more successfully you are at playing the dangerous game, the more it allows you to do chop up the enemy team in the future. Knowing that, the enemy team would put a well-fed Artanis on top of the hit list during every fight, which creates more interesting scenarios (especially when said Artanis gets greedy and reckless). Alarak, on the other hand, can also technically scale indefinitely from his Sadism mechanic. The more Sadism you gain from killing enemy heroes, the more ability dmg output he has. But there is a catch: He would lose a huge chunk of Sadism upon dying. So in a way it's similar to Artanis above, with Alarak you have to play a dangerous game to balance out your rapid scaling without getting punished. I think you can still make infinite scaling champions better during early games, of make their scaling mechanics grow more rapid, as long as you also put some interactive drawbacks for the enemy team to exploit / to keep it in check.
In my experience as a Veigar player, and over all, I think that the three that have significant threat of breaking the late game are Veigar, Cho, and Nasus, but Veigar more. The mentioned problem for Nasus is that he's melee, if the enemy team has CC, he's pretty screwed. Cho has the ability to close on people because of his Q, which is terrifying, however, if you have a bad game, that scaling's never happening if you aren't able to get unique feasts. Veigar, though, has such a ridiculous burst potential if you can learn to land his skill shots, and he has the ability to self peel, and his abilities are ranged. For all those who say Veigar is stupid easy because he has a point and click R, remember that every other ability is a skill shot. A Veigar that's worth anything will keep farming through the whole game. Stack every AP he can because by the time you hit about 250 stacks, you delete tanks if you took cut down and horizon focus, and half the time you don't even need your ult for them. The only thing that continues to be a problem for Veigar are people who can pass through his cage, or can get to him so fast that he dies before he has a chance to cast it. I've beaten 1800 ap, and it doesn't take an hour and a half. It just takes a dedication to stacking and doing everything you can to grab a stack. Last hitting drag, stealing the small chickens, poking, participating in team fights, and of course double stacking on minion last hits with Q. That's really all it takes. Are you behind? Just keep stacking. By the time you get to 35 minutes, you will be a powerhouse even if the rest of your game has sucked.
The thing with some of the infinite scalers is that their stacks are essentially an extra item, sometime 2. That can be huge at times, especially if they are ones played as a support.
so funny enough as a cho main i have made my own rework for him, and one of the ideas i was throwing around was the idea that his basic abilities evolve based on his stacks, like viktor, khazix etc. so he gets a point that he uses to evolve an ability at a certain stack threshold. so lets say at 1 stack 6 stacks and 12 stacks, he gets a point to evolve an ability, maybe his e heals for the percent health damage dealt, his w can fear or maybe under a certain condition can fear, and his q grounds people after they are hit, so they cant dash afterwards something that would make cho more of a late game threat, besides just 6000 hp, and an ult that does 80% of the health of an adc he cant reach
One thing a lot of new players don't get about these type of mechanics is that they aren't a bonus, they're a hindrance. It's not some thing the champ *can* do to get ahead, it's something they *have* to do to keep up.
I would says yes to all but kindred. Edit: and cho
I kinda disagree on Veigar though, he's got CC and burst with good ratios. The scaling only lets him snowball harder, his problem is rather the amount of mobility in the game atm.
@@themuffinprincesa21 and imo viegar, cus like viegar alone is already really strong in teamfights if he survives laning, with a amazing e and r
@@d4s0n282 but his passive doesn't strictly give him power to scale. Don't get me wrong Veig can be strong but if he is into anyone with mobility (kat,kass,fizz,zed etc) he can't get to his stacks and is useless. Cho scaling adds to his kill combo (ult) and the bonus hp adds to his E damage. Kindred allows you counter jungle and get more out of it, and more out of ganks that you're already doing which means their scaling mechanic is also a bonus.
You forgot Yasuo infinitely scaling deaths
Underrated comment
Death is like the wind
@@panlis6243 Always by my side
There is only death mine or mine
"its not like senna turns into xerath and can snipe you from 2 screens away"
*I beg to differ*
yep, i played alot of senna and that can happen when u get close to 200 souls
@@rafabellini5267 no need for 200 , just a RFC and 100-120 souls is enough .
Senna doesnt get tankier ? i guess he doesnt know senna's run grasp, bone plating, overgrowth and health items into engage lol
I once had to lane against Senna in top lane as Shen. I could not approach any minions without getting riddled with bullets.
@@Shtutaq that's the worst Senna build.
Why would you go that when you have so much range that they shouldn't even get to you in the first place + you have self peel. And on top of that the build is nerfed to the ground.
My Nasus ally farmed for 30 minutes straight and managed to oneshot all enemy towers and gave us the victory screen while we dealt with the 5 enemies invading our base. I love that Nasus.
Yeah Nasus is trash in teamfights, but he absolutely shreds towers lmao
The reason why I stopped playing to lane lol. Even if I was 12/1/0 against 0/9/0 nasus it doesn't matter if he one shot our base
@@Takin2000 nasus Is the same as fiora. They thrive in one on one fights
@@satriahadi1893 yeah exactly
Everybody gangsta till Nasus starts farming champions with his Q
what crap of a champ he is ....
@@_darkavenger why ?
I think he fine
@@unknowguy9642 he is over tuned fr low elo 😂
@@_darkavenger he’s op in low elo cause they don’t know how to punish and zone him off farm
@@Cynsham my low elo team mates keep complaining when i play mid on my second account 😂
Useless until that 1000 stacks Nasus disappears from his lane.
Give Q a Drakhtar Passive when he hits 1k stacks, im in
and gets kited to oblivion
@@Raiko01 uses -100% increasing movespeed skill*
@@Raiko01* Slows you up to 90% with ghost activated*: "And who decided that?"
@@Raiko01 Ever had a nasus W you?
Just go Trundle and Subjugate the enemy Sion, his scaling is now your scaling for your ultimate lol
Then Mordekaiser also scales infinitely!
@@loisolano6041 mordekaiser steals base stats
@@kilgor4502 no?
@@kilgor4502 No, he steals a percentage of core stats like ad AP and attack speed. Not base. All your items make him stronger
@@fashionsuckman4652 being a sion main I rather play against trundle then morde every day of the week. Morde is shit but against sion it feels like Thanos
Not useless when the 0/20 nasus one shots you.
Woof woof
I think if the 0/20 nasus can get close enough to you to one shot you, it is kinda your fault
As a nasus main I can confirm it's their fault for letting you get close
@@potatolord5774 you’re right pressing wither (which is the range of a marksman aa) being having someone slowed for 99%, while nasus runs at you with approach velocity and enhanced boots. Is far too hard to nasus to approach his target.
@@Punchaubuns Galeforce FTW
I like these champions because they are very good at teaching you fundamentals of the game. They teach you to farm well, too learn how to play passive, learn what powers spikes are and how to take advantage of them, and most importantly how to play from behind (most people can't comprehend nowadays)
exactly champs like Kayle and Nasus are all about just managing your laning phase and split pushing, be patient and then they become GG's
lEagUe PlAyeRs TheSe dAys
@@magical571 they suck
na nasus level 6 power spike is godly if you have decent q stacks its far most than what most champions can suddenly do
@@samcan9997 if you hit 6 first it's a guaranteed kill. With some good wave management it's not hard to get an exp lead.
It's hugely important to talk about Vayne and Fiora in this video as their % max health true damage abilities, in effect, scale infinitely with champion health.
@zahando i mean for fiora it definitely is implied, but Vayne has zero romantic hints
Champion health doesn’t scale infinitely most of the time though so that’s moot
@@changthunderwang7543it does with runes like overgrowth. But either way, it doesn’t scale then you’re still good playing fiora
Sion's passive is pretty good actually, since his shield is based on health, and with Titanic, he's basically a lesser Senna, where her abilities and attacks get slowly stronger. Getting 60+ AD bonus from Titanic on Sion always feels monsterous. Basically makes him scale with durability and damage at the same time
fair, but its still so tiny, that its barely anything, and tanks are just overtaken by scaling mages like kassadin or adcs late game
@@d4s0n282 Yeah, but that's kind of the thing. Other tanks fall off, while Sion still gets stronger, even if slighty. Which makes him an unique case in the case of tanks, making him pretty good.
@@katamas832 would be the same with cho^ since his e and r also scales off hp, and he gains a ruby crystal per kill with r
Imo Cho scales much faster and does have much more utility,you have q that is very easy to land in teamfights with airborne and slow,w with silence and e with slow,while sion can only try to land q and get stunned,and try to hit someone with e,which does almost nothing in teamfight.Also sion ult is nigh useless in fights,it simply grants you ability to run away when you splitpush. To get sion stacks fast you need to fight creeps instead of champs which again leads to splitpush.Literally the only thing sion can do well
@@d4s0n282 and has a huge base AD with low dmg, mostly CC abilities.......
infinite scaling isn't necessarily useless, it adds a separate goal in a match aside from hitting item and level spikes. However, this gameplay element of stacks only adds to your pure stats and doesn't actually change the gameplay or dynamic of the champ when compared to a kayle or kha. sure it can be scary to deal with, but a smart team can easily shut down scaling champs with enough effort. a side note as well, contrary to popular belief, I think that scaling champs such as Nasus and viegar are actually midgame because once other champs start finishing off their builds, they can win any fight just as easily as an infinite scaling champ can. TLDR not useless, just kinda boring
They're midgame until the match goes to 1 hour and Veigar can one-shot people with Q lol
Yeah, at about 200 stacks if nasus has sheen, he can fight you, and if he has 300 he basically just wins the lane
@@minimoYT full build vlad can oneshot a whole team and doesnt have infinite scaling
@@hashteraksgage3281 but match this day dont go that long
Nasus is midgame, but Veigar is yes, really strong in midgame, but even stronger in lategame because his stacks are more easy to have the more the game progresses
There was this one game that I'll never forget where our support left the game early on while I was playing Senna ADC.
Thing is, I had dark harvest and gathering storm, and the rest of my team was competent enough to stall. The game went on for like well over a full hour to the point where everyone was full build and I have so many stacks that I could auto towers from outside of their range and could quickly take down even their tanks. Thanks to that insane scaling I was able to successfully win the 4v5
It was just me fulfilling my ultimate late game scaling fantasy and no other game ever came even close to it.
We live for that as a cho main I won't forget that game where no joke it was like over 200minutes long at that point I was at well over 60 stakes and was one shoting ppl with my e while having 25k+ hp without gargoyle at that point I just ran straight mid and one shot there towers one by one with demolish. GL infinite scaling brother to get that 1 gem of a game that will fulfill your fantasy.
@@skelet8337 hahahaha both of you are right, it’s the best feeling
If they couldn't close a 4v5 for sixty minutes, they absolutely deserve to lose that :D
@@skelet8337 yesssss cho mains
I had a similar experience when I played Nasus and almost got 1000 stacks at 30, a lot happened that game, so I was so strong that I could nearly 1 v 5 entire enemy team. I only died because of a crit hit but I will never forget the enemy team typing in all chat just to say “get this fucking demon away from me”
*PTSD flashbacks to Shyvana roaring out of the jungle with a ramped-up Feral Flare*
"Rework idea for Nasus, his W can root"
Me, an assassin player: *what*
It already can though?
@@JrKengu its a slow
@@red_freeman9499 really? I didn’t notice because it slows by up to 100% over the duration, with almost no cooldown. Hmm maybe u are right, I must have mistaken it for a root then!!
@@JrKengu League has a minimum movement speed of 110. You can't get slowed more than what is realistically 2/3 if you have low movement speed or 3/4 if you have high movement speed.
@@Stevenxsx well no, technically you can, it’s called a root, and that is what nasus W does, practically.
Titanic Hydra on Sion gives infinite AD, technically.
Imagine if Atma's Impaler was still around
@Shadow Slime That's what technically means...
So do Gore drinker then
@@dylanhelvetios2300 no cuase it's capped at 15%
The reason Nasus and Veigar have the easiest time benefitting from their stacks is due to items. Veigar's strongest attribute is the ability to build cheap AP items and still hit as hard as another mage who's going for the expensive stuff. Nasus builds whatever is the best Sheen item and then full tank, because he can get the flat damage he needs from stacking Q.
If there were more (and better) items that let you stack resistances, Sion and Cho'Gath would be a lot stronger since they're already getting max health from their kit.
Then we have Kindred and Senna, who can't really build around their stacking. Kindred still needs marksman items even if their stacks give them similar stats because marksmen cannot function without getting those stats as fast as possible.
ADC items scale multiplicatively so flat ad, crit and attack speed scale really well with items. Then there's also the fact that both Senna and Kindred gets range which is massive.
i mean you can build legit anything on senna the passive is more just to spit on your opponent
plus who doesnt like a 600AP senna who hits with 300AD with shit like demonics or other memeable items
Also, at like 80 stacks (which is totally achievable) you've essentially got the equivalent AP as an item with more AP to come, which leaves you free to build a straight tank item like Gargoyle's if you wish (especially if you've already grabbed Zhonya's, Banshee's and deathcap) just so you can say fuck you to anyone trying to 1-shot you with lethality/flat magic pen builds - after all, what's an additional 60-100ish damage on abilities that already do several hundred if not a thousand odd damage - compared to surviving to getting another cast or two off?
As for Senna, her passive makes her straight up the best marksman, as the crit she gets from souls means she doesn't need 5 crit items to unlock her full potential (plus she can get 100% crit before reaching full build, which only Yasuo and Yone can match). Without the obligation to finish a crit build she has the most freedom in build-diversity - meaning unlike other marksmen she can pick up items like Ravenous hydra for omnivamp and better AoE for teamfights or bruiser items so she can be a bit less squishy, after all, the difference between being one-shot or two-shot can be survival if you have teammates who can peel or are able to flash away from danger. The fact she can do all that while also being the safest mid/late-game marksman with the longest engagement distance is ridiculous, the only reason she's not perma-banned or nerfed to the ground is because people are locked into modes of thinking that became outdated when damage and mobility creep made the ADC role less prominent. Throw in Grasp (assuming your laning partner has some CC, e.g. a Senna support with an Ashe or Senna ADC with, well pretty much any reasonable support) and once you reach late-game you have the nearest thing in League to a cheat code.
@@Neion8 if you want something funny build pure crit+lifesteal and LDR or shereldas on senna you can get >100% lifesteal and 1 hit fill your intire hp bar
"thankfully there is no champ that entire gameplay infinitely scales" *Asol rework comes out* yeah, idk
Veigar's stacks also reduce the CD of his W, a 100% ap ratio ability. The limit is 0s CD
its funny to just spam w and make it undodgable
@@anonymousnyancat492 yeah but your mana is also funny because if you can spam W then you will evaporate your mana in a second maybe that's why they do not want us to reach a certain point where veigar can spam W.
@@joveninocando1386 blue buff
"If there was a champion whose entire kit scaled infinitely they'd be broken."
This didn't age well. We need a video for new A-Sol. This had me in tears
I mean Veigar also kinda has infinite scaling on all abilities and now we got Smolder too
@Klaas_F0X The difference being that their entire kit doesn't scale infinitely like new Aurelion Sol's kit does. His Q damage increases with stardust, W travel distance, E size and execute threshold, and R radius all scale with his Stardust. Kindred comes close to this as her marks upgrade her W, E, and Q, but not her and also her marks aren't very significant upgrades either in my opinion.
No idea how this channel isn’t bigger, it’s been my absolute favorite league channel for the past couple months and I’ve learned so much, keep up the good work
We're almost at 100k! :D
Infinite scaling I'd argue is also a good tool to help teach some mechanics on those champions. Kill-based infinite scaling stacks lets a player better gauge last hitting, things like Kindred and Bard's stacks may promote map awareness or roaming skills, Swain's stacks may promote being better aware of root opportunities etc.
I started playing swain recently. Due to his W I have gotten used to playing with my camera unlocked on pretty much all champions and I'm much more aware of what is going on around the map as I need to check if I can hit anyone with my W.
I really think he can be a useful champion to improve your map awareness and camera controls.
Kindred stacks also promote counter jungling.
In my opinion, as a Nasus player, he has one important property, he shreds turrets, by himself. He is Tryndamere levels of splitpusher, if not more past a certain amount of time, and unless they have akali or katarina or anybody with large aoe dmg lategame, he has atleast 1,5 min to oneshot all towers, and by definition, the nexus :)
"they should have thresholds with their stacks"
*smolder enters the room* *aurelion rework enters through the window*
I kind of like Infinite scaling bc it adds another feature to the game state where against champs like Nasus your main goal is to freez the wave and prevent him from getting stacks, it also adds pressure on you to end the game earlly.
That's the game plan against every champ in top
@@dizzyheads pretty much
Unless youre against quinn you just freeze and deny exp by zoning
So you just said it promotes uninteractive gameplay from both sides and that's a good thing?
@@theodorechatzis7881 Well, the counter to his stated tactic is to roam - part of the reason many toplaners take teleport - which actually increases overall interactivity between the lanes. If your opponent decides to take the advantage of the now empty lane to push up and farm tower plates, you can return with your jungler/midlaner who are newly freed up by the gank you helped pull off to punish the overextention and freeze them in reply. The advantage of helping your teammates get fed by this tactic also can not be overstated, as even if you loose laning phase due to a sub-optimal start, having fed team-mates to carry you can more than make up for it.
Also, pressure to end the game early can lead to less cautious and more interesting gameplay such as Jungle invades, towerdives you weren't certain you could pull off, risky objectives or starting fights that you didn't have an obvious advantage in - a nice change from the passive-aggressive farming simulator that is the start of most League games.
@@Neion8 All of what you are saying is absolutely right and i honestly can't disagree, but how many of those things are possible in a soloq environment. I mean, in reality your mid or jungle will never cover you or your wave and any leads you give to your teammates will essentially be in vain as they are most likely to throw. However, freezing sometimes does work, i have to admit that, but then again it prevents you to do all of the above as it gives free prio to the enemy laner. You can't roam, you can't rotate. What i'm trying to say is that scaling champs give the player too much safety so no matter how bad he plays the laning phase he will usually just outscale you.
Not useless for Nasus. There's no better feeling than coming to teamfights after 30 mins of farming to 2 shot the adc,mid and jg.
His passive lifesteal allows him to, to the most part ignore enemy dmg early game, so he can pretty safely last hit minions with Q. Lategame his 1 Q just heals like a third of his hp bar, while also 1 shotting that 13/2 jinx xD
Thing is a good jinx +support will kite you and never let her get hit. Nasus is MUCH better in the midgame. Coming into a team fight with 300 stacks and 2 items at 15 mins you are one of the strongest champs in the game. Tanky, insane damage, sustain, hard to kite midgame (w + flash or ghost), turret shredding, good 1vs 1. But late game you have no aoe, no dash/movespeed up and everyone else has tank shred+ crazy cc. Best you can do is splitpush which other champs do better. Way better to push your lead In the midgame.
@@shanecoffing yea. Midgame nasus better, but if you get lead you will stomp even late. Thing is jinx doesn't have any mobility so all you need is ghost + W and she's back at fountain
@@Symasas225 Which is why Jinx is going to run around with a tank or a support who will CC you for enough time to either let her escape or even kill you, since most ADCs are able to easily shred tanks in the late game. Even then, once your ult is over you're just a bit more threatening than a cannon minion, so even just kiting you and running away is a victory for them
Edit: which is why Nasus's main goal is splitpushing: if the enemy team only sends melees or champions with no CC, you will usually be able to either win the fight or at least get away safely. On the other hand, if they send their best teamfighters, they will lose a lot of map agency and allow your team to win objectives much more easily
@@Zakaker good point. In low elo no adc is smart enough to not face check that brush though
nasus just needs to point and click the adc into a wheelchair with wither and his job is done, the siphoning strike stacks are an afterthought
They can be kind of frustrating to play against (especially veigar cage, that thing is more powerful than most ultimates on an 8 second cooldown lategame), but almost all of them are just alright, senna can be really difficult to deal with and is kind of a balance nightmare due to her flexibility though, she's the ezreal of infinite scaling champs
Literally a better version of Thresh ultimate
Technically the cooldown is 3 seconds then because it stays around for 5 seconds so yeah
"he only falls off in the late game" shows a graph of his wr drastically increasing.
Very clever choice of music as always, Vars. Using the soundtrack for PMD rescue team DX's final dungeon, a tower made out of clouds that stretches infinitely into the sky, as background noise in a video talking about infinite scaling!
I see what you did there.
Oops you caught me XD
Thats the og rescue team version of sky tower im pretty sure tho
@@V2ULTRAKill my bad. I didn't pay too close attention to it.
I'd love to see Sion's passive involved with his infinite stacking. Say, for every 100 stacks you get with furnace, your speed and and attack speed when reanimated increases by 5%. Either that or have the thresholds, where after some amount of stacks his first auto attack on an enemy when reanimated stuns
Dear lord.
i mean it kinda already does since the more hp he has the longer he can stay alive with his passive
"Fortunately we don't have any champions that scale everything infinitely as that would be incredibly broken"
oh yeah it hasn't aged well
13:26 That bard casually stuning someone in fountain while Vars talking made my day.
as senna i've gotten like less than 5 stacks away from outranging towers so many times, it causes me pain
"Infinite Scaling is usually locked to a specific mechanic and or stat in that champions kit, and thankfully there is no champion in league who's entire gameplay infinitely scales. If they did, that would be broken."
*My name's Ignacarious Gigantareno Rex Le Spes Offerentis, but my human friend named me Smolder.*
"Thankfully, there's no champion in league whose gameplay infinitely scales"
Me, a kindred main: Hmm, interesting
(but seriously tho, their stacks are hard and inconsistent to get, and you need quite a bunch to start to feel the impact of the scaling on all 3 basic abilities)
"And thankfully, there's no champion in league who's entire gameplay infinitely scales, if they did, that would be completely broken"
ASol: *Smug cosmic dragon noises*
I always wanted Nasus’s q to have a “gain x” or something upon reaching a certain threshold. Like, at 300 stacks his Q could gain something small like 5 bonus lethality for just the q, 450 stacks E gaining true sight on anything inside it, 600 stacks his wither becomes a 3 second slow instead but with a 1.5 second stun at the end of the slow.
I would like a nasus rework where all his abilities stack and have certain new effects at certain thresholds where you choose what you need to stack depending on the enemy
Why tho? A good nasus player can reach 1000q in more or less than 25 min so i dont think the idea of give him more mechanic to his kit is balance
Justaname wrong 500 by 20 is very very good if you play anywhere above gold and almost impossible diamond+
1000 by 30 is almost unheard of these days because of how quick games end and how teamfight reliant the game is these days
Changes would be balanced I think
Infinite scaling is one of those things that sounds really cool on paper and has a definite power fantasy attached to it, which I think is why Riot was attracted to the mechanic... But its also a balancing nightmare, especially when that scaling directly contributes to damage...
I was gonna go on a huge rant comparing infinitely scaling champions like Sion, Nasus & Veigar to Heroes from DotA like Slark, Pudge & Anti-mage but there's so many interconnected micro-factors that play into how strong or weak the mechanic even is, which really just reinforces the main point.
I just want to mention that Veigar being able to hit an additional time with his Q is the most broken effect you can give him bar extremely ridiculous buffs. It makes his scaling faster, and would make him such a prominent midgame threat he’s going to get perma-ganked the entire game and STILL hit 250 stacks by 25.
i mean ganking veigar is normally free stacks
TFW the 100 grasp procs nasus with 600 stacks and sunderer heals to full HP in one Q. Priceless. Priceless
I love playing infinitely scaling champs, late game macro is quite possibly the most fun aspect of the game for me. However, I do personally think Shyvana in current state barely counts as an infinitely scaling champ, reason being that her stacks are unlike any other champ in the category. At best, she can get 1 stack every 5 minutes, the only thing even comparable to that is Cho with his ult (and Sylas with Cho’s ult), even then, those champs aren’t forced to wait for the dragon in order to stack effectively. Her actual stack stats is also quite possibly one of the most pitiful things in the game, 5 armor and magic resistance every 5 minutes (assuming you get every dragon) is honestly not even valuable. I can only hope that when she inevitably gets her rework in a couple years, after Udyr and probably Skarner, they either make her stacking more valuable or get rid of the mechanic entirely in exchange for something else
??? heh? not really for cho, his ult is not nearly that long
@@d4s0n282 not that long and not forced to stack on one monster and one monster only, yes. it is still the only comparison close in that regard
They could update it so baron also counts, together with large monsters and champions, even if with lesser value (only +2 or something)
Change +5 armor and magic resist to +5% Armor and Magic Resist. Boom, now it’s more appealing to go after every 5 min and helps shyvana scale defensively with greater impact.
But it's every dragon she kills, so A'Sol should TECHNICALLY give her the stacks. Unless they changed it to only the Drake, but she, in theory, should always kill A'Sol and stack every death from him.
"A champion where the whole kit is infinite scaling would be broken"
Aurelion Sol rework : "you goddamn right"
If you're bad at the game it makes all your 50 minute long games pretty fun
One time, I did actually get 1000 or so stacks on nasus cause of this
@@Celestial-yq6hz Nasus in low elo is so fun. You kinda die if they know how to kite, but one shotting everyone with ghost on is the best feeling
Oh, sorry for actually trying to play the league of legends instead of team deathmatch
@@fashionsuckman4652 technically the slow should make it very difficult for them to kite
@@Celestial-yq6hz Well in team fights ppl usually put quite a bit of resources into making you slow or unable to move.
Now that we have a new Aurelion Sol that also infi-scales. They took your idea that the more you collect the stronger you become. A Sol’s abilities upgrade when he reaches a certain amount of stardust, and they will continue to upgrade the longer the game goes on.
That is definitely how they should update these infi-scalers
Yeah, that's a heavy question mark Vars. Reading the comments and in my own opinion, scaling is important to give people hope on holding out vs early stompers. It gives good practice for safe laning and farming, and overall it's just more fun than simply farm farm farm kill kill kill
That's literally the opposite of what most people want.
No one wants to sit in lane playing safe farming for 30min to have a decisive fight.
We had that meta and most people hated it.
@@fiethsing9988 If I wanted to have a teamfight simulator like League's current super-flashiness is tending towards I'd play Battlerite. There's a middle ground to be reached here - scaling champs either need to be sped up or everybody else slowed down so many matches don't just boil down to the first teamfight and an ff@15.
Macro should still be an important factor in deciding games, and scaling champs are there to incentivize people to play for later game objectives rather than just throwing your balls to the wall at level 3 and hoping for the best.
@@ArceusShaymin ill have you know ive fucked giga fed atroxes up as lethalit senna by macro dodging all his Q's
@@ArceusShaymin Playing Battlerite really would be fun, wouldn't it? If only I still could.
Vladimir can technically also infinitely scale exclusively because his passive is an infinite recursion stat, if he has a way to increase HP or AP past normal 6 item thresholds, he can scale infinitely that way. Although, it's stupid because it'd require like, Grasp, Heartsteel, Gathering Storm, Overgrowth, Demonic Embrace and a game to just go on forever to gain the most use out of his passive, of course Gathering and Overgrowth alone would work too but that's not as funny, so it'd be like the dumbest kind of infinite scaling but definitely not not infinite scaling, just reaaaallly bad and never practical.
Dont forget to add Sion(Cho much slower), Bard and Thresh.
Sion health scaling is the only reason i can do leathality sion
And Swain
and kindred
@@brotkruemel5628 fun fact: kindred bonus attack range has a cap
@@dahviper6731 yeah, at 25 marks, but her numbers still increase
I disagree with the durability point - sure Nasus' q doesn't make him tankier directly, but he can build full tank/haste because he gets the q dmg for free (if he's farming properly). Ergo, the ability enables Nasus' durability much more than other fighters.
Minor correction here, Cho doesn’t actually infinitely scale. Apparently the max stax is like 495 or something
There is a point where he stops getting "bigger" and just gains stats instead of size.
@@andrewplehn4805 yeah after he got so big he covered the intire base area
I remember when we (my friends and I) started playing League regularly and my buddy Trev said "I just want a mage that casts spells and does a lot of damage" and our other friend reccomended Veigar. Those early early games against other new players were so fun to watch Trev get hundreds of stacks and just one shot everything.
12:36 To be fair, Veigar's W already does get an extra 10% cooldown reduction for every 50 stacks of his passive. I mean I know it isn't exactly the same thing but eh
when you can cast 3 metors at the same time though xd
First of all i gonna say that Nasus doesn't need a rework, i'm the Nasus main myself (250k mastery), i like playing him as he is. I don't good enough to judge anyone or anything (silver for 4 season 😢) but i played him enough to know his huge problem and slowly drifted away from the current meta. He's a single target damage dealer prioritize in split pushing which doesn't viable in the current meta where team fight is more essential. Split pushing doesn't viable in soloQ and in Proplay where every Nasus weakness exploitable so i basically design my ideas for a potential rework on how he should be. I essentially keeping his playstyle all the same which a doggy with a big stick bonk people 😀 hit hard on his early game even more cause the rework is toward late game as infinite scaler
Base health: 620
Bonus health per level: 120
Health regen per 5s: 9
Health regen per level: 1
Base Mana: 375
Mana per level: 70
Mana regen per 5s: 9,5
Mana regen per level: 0,75
Base armor: 40
Armor per level: 4,25
Base AD: 68
AD per lv 3,75
Base MR: 32
MR per level: 1,25
Movement speed: 350
Attack range: 175
Crit damage: 175%
Base AS: 0,635
Bonus AS: 3,25%
Passive: the True Ascendant
Upon reaching levels 9, 13, 16, and 18, Nasus Enchants his abilities reaching it's max potential, gaining additional bonuses.
The soul devourer:
If Siphoning Strike kills its target, Nasus permanently gains soul stack, increased to 4 if its target is a Champion, Large minion, or Large monster, Turret and increased to 6 if its target is Epic monster.
Explanation: i switch around his stacking on his Q to the passive and gave him old lifesteal passive on his Q. I think this new passive gonna impact Nasus entire kits rather than just more damage from Q making him scale more into the late game than the actual mid game then falloff late game just being infinite scaler.
Q: Siphoning Strike
Cast time: None
Cost: 25 Mana
CD: 7.5 / 6.75 / 5 / 4.25 / 3.5
Active: Nasus' next basic attack within 10 seconds has an uncancelable windup, gains 25 Range, deals bonus physical damage and heal him for 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20% pre-migitation damage dealt (+0,1 per 3 soul ) heal of minions are reduced by 35%
Bonus Physical Damage:
35 / 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 (+3 per soul )
Reset Nasus basic attack timer
Apply on-hit
If this attack kills the target, half of the mana cost is refunded
Q ( Enhance): Soul shattering
Effect radius: 275
Nasus Siphoning Strike now deal 50% of Siphoning Strike bonus damage (+ 120% total AD)(+50% AP) to all nearby enemies as physical damage. If the target is beyond his normal basic attack range, Nasus leaps to the target's location within 350 range.
Nasus can cast Soul shattering while being rooted or grounded but cannot leap.
Explanation: 2 of Nasus biggest problem in my opinion were wave clear and lack of mobility so i kinda had some ideas to gave him a small aoe on his Q kinda like Galio passive. But you can decide if you want stacks more or wave clear cause the aoe gonna mess up his stacking efficiency so you can decide to enhance it or not. The leap i added to the empower version i think kinda niche but effective kinda like illaoi W leap. I also added AP ratio so Nasus actually use his Q if he went AP build :D
W: Wither
Target range: 725
Cast time: 0,1s
Cost: 85 Mana
CD: 18 / 16 / 14 / 12 / 10
Nasus aged the target enemy champion for 5 / 5.25 / 5.5 / 5.75 / 6 seconds, slowing them by 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 / 95% and crippling them by half that amount 17.5 / 25 / 32.5 / 40 / 42.5% instantly. If target within the flame (Nasus E) are withered, the tenacity reduction is double and they are grounded.
Nasus can target enemy turret to reduce its attack speed by 12 / 24 / 36 / 48 / 60% and turret shot speed by 6 / 12 / 18 / 24 / 30%
W ( Enhance): Decaying spirit
Nasus summons locusts that chases after and reveals the withered enemy 65-150 (+ 7.5% AP) (+ 4% target's maximum health)(+0.5% per 25 souls) total magic damage and increase all their current cooldown by 3s. Total 6 swarm of locusts are summoned. Enemies that pass through the locusts for the first time from the same cast are wither for half the amount of the primary target ( slow, cripple and duration are 50% less than primary target) kinda like Rell E
Explanation: i think that combo with E and W which makes enemy grounded actually makes Nasus gets a chance to chase down high mobility champs like Riven, Vayne. The idea which makes Nasus has a point & click root actually too op and doesn't make sense so i came up with this. The empower W is a niche aspect for AP Nasus more viable and the aoe slow is kinda a nice part for Nasus cause chaos in team fight. The locusts and stuff i think really interesting fit in his Anubis theme
E (Spirit flame)
Target range: 725
Effect radius: 425
Cast time: 0,25s
Cost: 70 / 90 / 110 / 130 / 150 Mana
CD: 15s (-0,5s per 50 AP, capped at 10s reduction at 1000 AP)
Nasus erupts a vengeful spirit flame at the target location, granted sight within the flame for 5s dealing magic damage to all enemies within the area. The flame then remains lingering for 5 seconds, dealing magic damage every 0.5 seconds to all enemies within the area and reduce their tenacity while they are inside.
Magic damage:
60/ 105 / 145 / 185 / 225 (+60% AP)
Damage over time:
15 / 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 (+ 20% AP) (+ 3% target's missing health)
Tenacity reduction:
5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25%
(Enhance) Divine inferno
Increasing target range: 750
Increasing effect radius: 475
Reduce all healing and shielding enemies received by 40%
His first cast now disrupts enemies ongoing channel spell.
Nasus can select a turret ruins and spends double the mana cost to cast divine inferno above the ruins after a 0.75-second cast time.
Divine inferno remains for 12s and functions the same as a standard but will deal no damage.
Divine inferno ruins effect radius: 2000
Nasus and his allies gain bonus Movement speed upon stepping on the field. Enemies, in turn, are slowed for the same amount, decaying over 2 seconds after leaving the field.
Movement Speed Modifier:
10 / 17.5 / 25 / 32.5 / 40%
Explanation: New champions within a few years in my opinion are overloaded with healing shielding and dashes ( Ex: Yone with 3 fucking dashes, fat load of healing when building shieldbow, BT, shielding from his W) so i think gave him something like free anti healing and shielding effects (i call it reversed spirit visage) would makes Nasus much much stronger cause he wouldn't buy something like serpent fang so he gets fuck up and struggle so bad against with something like Sett and Moderkaiser the healing reduction doesn't count as grievous wound so he gets a chance to compete with the beefy juggernaut with ton of healing renekton aatrox in exchange for loosing the armor reduction
The disrupt part i actually added because i hated that i got blame for not stopping a Shen ult or Karthus cause i'm Nasus without any CC and dont kill em fast enough ;-; Anyway i think that the enhance version that build a huge turret size E that slow enemies and buff allies makes him more signicantly impactful for teamfight than only spit push 😀 Also it makes him more likely a tactical strategist that he should be, really missed out in his lore that Riot fail to replicated to his gameplay. P/s i make AP Nasus OP btw if you haven't noticed already XD
R (Fury of the Sands):
Effect radius: 425
Cast time: 0,1s
Cost: 100 / 125 / 150 Mana
CD: 160 / 140 / 120s
Passive: Reduces the cooldown of Siphoning Strike (Soul shattering) by 15 / 40 / 65% , applying before ability haste.
Active: Nasus unleashes his Ascendant form for 15s gaining bonus health and resistances. Nasus loses the passive bonus but increases 40% (+6% per 100 souls, max 500 souls) in size, grants 50 (+5 per 100 souls max 500 souls) bonus range and 200 (+10 per 100 souls max 1000 souls) cast range while active. Also your basic abilities ( Q, W, E) are lower by half
Bonus health: 250 / 500 / 750
Bonus resistances: 50 / 65 / 80
(Enhance) Fury of the Ascendant: Upon transforming Nasus knocking down all nearby enemies disrupts their movement and cancels their dash for 0,5s. Nasus summons a sandstorm around him, increasing his tenacity by 25% . Enemies caught in the sand storm are slowed by 10% and nearsighted ( Enemies sight radius are reduce to 300 range)
Scoring a takedown against an enemy champion extends Fury of the Ascendant's duration by 5 seconds, refreshing its effects, up to the original amount and restore 12% of your missing Health & Mana.
Explanation: The idea of this R is to turn him into a True Raidboss which cause chaos in teamfight and hunt down enemies and drawn aggro rather than ignores and kites him where a 6 items Vayne 3-shot him. Turn his late game into a relentless Titan frontline soaks up all the damage and deals significantly high damage till he went down for his extremely weak early game. The DoT magic damage on his R doesn't make sense and barely makes any difference so i remove it completely instead the idea for a sandstorm around him to reduce sight and slow down them would be interesting :D
Final conclusion: The idea for this rework to give Nasus more teamfight potential, dualing rather than sticking to the sidelane and constantly split pushing and stacking till the Nexus explode. I myself don't confident enough to certain make Nasus a viable Meta in this fast tempo of game these days but i'm sure that this rework gonna makes Nasus more popular and makes him more skill expression enough for players take interest in him. Some of Nasus skills design could end up overloaded but i just wanna point out anything that can makes Nasus more interest for other players. Obviously some of the number can be tweaked around to make him more balance. If you've read all of this then thank you very much for spending your time here :> sorry for the obsequious English 😕 not my first language ;-; Vietnamese btw
If you're reading this Vars i just wanted you to know that i'm loving all your Series and i hope that you'll make series where you came up with possible rework for league champions would be interesting or takes fan ideas like mine for discussion 😃 anyway greatwork my dude
Infinite scaling is my favorite mechanic in the game, I love every single of the champions that have it
Kind of like how Gangplank works is great. Nasus was always more of a midgame champion, it would be nice if Riot recognized this and gave him a proper midgame powerspike.
leave veigar alone he's perfectly designed theres nothing wrong with him, Nasus though can eat a soggy biscuit and shove one up
there's nothing wrong with any of them
Nasus is a fair champion that will always have the lesser priority on his lane.
Fuck you Veigar apologizer, Nasus is great
@@Dexuz he is a bad champion.
@@h4imon nasus is literally broken, the only reason no one plays him is because they don't want to play safe for like 25 cs and they don't want to wait for ghost cd. nasus perma wins every 1v1 in the entire game once he hits 6 + sheen + 60 or more stacks. he has literally never been stronger with the addition of uncapped cdr and how overpowered his r is. if nasus is playable at high elo (T1 is a huge commentor on this) he isn't balanced that patch
Veigar has a bonus effect that scales with his scaling in that his W cooldown decreases by ~10% multiplicatively for every 50 stacks. This does make an impact in upping his DPS, as he tends to be bottlenecked by cooldowns during extended fights, but since his E cooldown isn't touched he usually has to pray it hits or look for an opportunity from ally CC. I would love something like you mentioned with increasing the limited number of targets his Q can hit since that ability tends to feel more and more insignificant compared to his others as the game goes on.
Rework for sion : he die slower after death at 100 stacks. At 200 stacks he can push enemies with his E and stun them if push in wall
I don't remember, how well sion getting his stacks, so numbers are random.
Sions stacks generally relate to his cs, so 7/min dould be a good average for him
MFW new Sol has all his abilites scale off of his infinite scaling passive
Vars: "There are 11 infinite scalers in the game.
Me who picks Grasp and gathering storm for every champion: "Are you sure about that?"
Overgrowth: Bonjour
Aurelion Sol would like to have a word with this video. All his abilities scale infinitely, but he is barely viable
I'd remove Shyvana her dragon interaction outright, the source is just too well contested and its the only way she can get it, so it's usually just an aftertought but as a Shyvana player it is also frustrating that you sometimes just cannot interact with the system at all.(Besides, thematically it is rather weak)
They really need to rework her passive.. Either enemy jungler is bad or enemy team in general and just lets you take drags and you become immortal for no reason or you don't get drags and die like a fly.. Also ap shyvana shouldn't be a thing, change my mind, at least not in the way it is rn, making her into an annoying 1 button champ that is useless outside of ult
I love that he's got the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Sky Tower music playing in the background. So many good memories playing that game.
Kindred also gets additional additional 75 AA range at 3 stacks and infinitely 25 AA range each 4 marks after that.4:40
No, the range is capped at 250 extra range.
3:50 New Asol... range, damage, AOE, mobiility, everything scales with stacks.
why Senna has a 600 range auto-attack?
Its 680
I think this is the same range as Caitlyn and Ashe
@@Celestial-yq6hz Cait has 650, Ashe 600 and Senna also 600
The mystery dungeon music fits perfectly! Works so well in the background to accentuate the mysticism which slowlt gets unveiled
Draven technically also has an infinitely scaling ability. I know it's arguably not as inpactful as these ones mentioned but I thought it was worth noting.
Well yes, but actually no
He may obtain infinite gold but gold has a finite relevancy thus finite scaling
@@V2ULTRAKill But rune "future market" was considered as "infnitely scaling", so...
I diddnt notice the first 30seconds of the video because the Mystery Dungeon music gave a nostalgia trip
It's like a time limit on your games.
Not really, id be more concerned about a camille/kassadin/vayne rather than a nasus/veigar/senna
Thanks for the video!
I really love the fact, how you more or less already know this, but still it is interesting to watch though!
Getting that extra hp from throwing jump scares at the enemy Caitlyn under her turret as Swain is undeniably fun
3:54 aurelion sol exist.... 1 year was enought for riot to do exactly what you said
Just letting you know I have started playing Veigar again with his protobelt build and let me say that infinite scaling doesn't feel like infinite since at some point trying to gain more stacks on Veigar would just be a waste of time since I still oneshot them with my 200 stacks and 4 items
At that point, you only scale so your ult can oneshot the adc by itself
Do you use tear when you go protobelt? I only go protobelt when I go against artillery mages like xerath and when I do, I build tear
I build tank veigar
200 stacks, and 4 items??? I think u are stacking wrong, u should have atleast twice that
Watching this video is really funny after seeing “Everything wrong with: Smolder”
Having these kind of champions makes the enemy end the game quickly or else....
That sion being as tall as as the nexus turret he is standing next to and probably having the same health as baron is actually terrifying just to look at.
“how many of your games went over 60 minutes”
euw players: i’m about to end this man’s whole career
That Idea you had for Nasus sounds REALLY GOOD!!
I say It as a Nasus main for 3 years streight :^D
If I could rework one infinite scaler (Swain, I love him in the midlane), at 150 stacks (which is a mid to late game), Riot could give him +30 armor and magic res during his ultimate (many would disagree cause Swain is already pretty strong and his ults heals himself, but that would be cool)
Morgana's Q lasting 5 seconds when maxed would be cool too, wouldn't it?
The thing about Nasus, Sion, Veigar and ChoGat is that with infinite scaling, they can basically take out one of the major points of the game: structures. Maybe they cant reach the late game vayne, but the late game vayne also cant take out a tower in one hit. I already see a Nasus destroy a whole lane in a minute
I love how no one is talking about kindred. Goes to show why they are placed in the wnop vid 😂😭
She is supposed to scale, but she never did.
@@maxusgamer8515 damn. The burn. Hahaha
Infinite scaling shouldn't be a thing. If you're having a hard game and it's really even, maybe you have a really bad player on your side and the enemy has a terrible toplaner who plays nasus, all of a sudden it doesnt matter if the nasus player sucks since he will do more damage than kassadin while being tankier than ornn due to healing so much from his damage + passive while having a full tank build
Useless bc game decided at 15 minutes bc snowball rate ruined the game
"And thankfully there is no champion in league whose entire gameplay infinitely scales" New asol came out, point not valid no more
I honestly kinda like that there are still champs that thrive when the game takes almost an hour in this assasin/fighter meta where everything has 100 dashes and oneshots everything. Not many games actually last that long but boy when they do... I also really like the way they "scale" the better you are at the champion the better stats you have without necessarily it being REALLY hard, it sort of reminds me of shooters where you can always improve and oh boy is it satysfying to improve.
I think more champions need this mechanic, like Bard getting 2 charges on his Ultimate and is now global with a fixed flight duration of 1 second when he gets 75 chimes, or Zilean, at 60 minutes his E & Ultimate gets 5 charges, and his R can be used globally.
Essentially giving players a real reason to keep fighting.
kek the zilean change sounds beyond insane, would be thrilling playing against 5 99% slows
@@mewjelter4208 It is so you have the drive to play out games and champions actually become worth playing due to their potential. You probably won't ever really see it in games, but when you do, it would be crazy. Instead of it being that you just get more damage. That's currently what all infinite scaling champions do.
[My Veigar OTP ass coming down from the heavens with 1300 AP with nothing but tank items ready to one shot a bitch]:
_Scaling is what now?_
god, one day I wanna try that and do well, every time I try it, I get blasted
@@d4s0n282 I've played veigar in every lane, every role, all types of builds, and I have both kicked ass and got my ass kicked, it always depends on what the enemy team picks and if they play it smart
I appreciate the Mystery Dungeon OST dude!
We got a man of culture right here!
I remember how fulfilling Cassiopeia's old passive is during mid-game, idk how to explain but it feels nice to have an additional mechanic that benefits the champion
12:54 that Q splash got to be in WR for a bit with the nemesis duels where only him vs renekton, k6 vs rengar and irelia vs riven could face off but it didn't last more than 1 season. If 2 nemesis encountered each other at any time in the game, with no allies from either team nearby a nemesis duel was triggered and whoever won the duel gets a permanent buff that lasts until the game ends
I know this is off topic but the pokemon mystery world music gave me massive nostalgia
Also great video
Heartsteel has entered the call
I totally agree with you on this topic and i would love to see them add these new goals in stacking too them.
Some more ideas for them
Q: On 100 stacks now deals AOE damage or on 100 Stacks his Q stuns enemies for ,5 sec when the E armor pen or W slow is at max
W: Enemies Slowed by his W are grounded in his E
E: Enemies at max Armor reduction get grounded
R: On 500 Stacks he now gets AOE Damage on his Q while ult or his Q heals more.
Q: On 50 stacks veigar gets pushed back or every 50 stacks he hits 1 target more with the Q
W: Maybe an increase in size
E: On 100 stacks slows before cast or grounded enemies on the inside
R: On 150 Stack the ult deals the lowest damage AOE which scales with stacks
Idk if these ideas are balanced but it would make them more interactive and it would help remove some of the problems they have right now
Nasus mini-rework idea:
- [P] Ascended: Nasus's abilities gain new properties based on slaying minions, monsters or takedowns. (Each ability has different stacks. Last hitting w/ basic attacks grants E stacks)
- [Q] Siphoning strike: Same Q as now. Increases damage and gives % LS for each stack threshold.
- [W] Withering sands: Slow + damage on an area (think E but with a slow). Stack threshold grants slow % + damage. Upon reaching a particular threshold, grounds enemies inside and pulls them towards the center (sand whirpool, like Rell's R)
- [E] Obelisk: Summons an obelisk (terrain, like Trundle's pillar) which casts a zone around it. Zone grants Nasus movement speed.
- [R] Fury of the sands: Same ult, adds effects to abilities:
-> [Q] Decreased cooldown
-> [W] Roots instead of slow
-> [E] Area of effect also does damage over time
It would be awesome if all regions and/or groups of champions w/ relating characteristics (think like ascended vs human noxians vs human demacians) would carry their group theme into the rift. Think characters like Garen and Darius, who only use weapons, don't use mana.
Two ways I could think of are taking ideas from both Artanis and Alarak from HotS.
Artanis technically scale infinitely with one of his level 1 talent, but his scaling talent demands you to play him aggressively and constantly put yourself in danger (hitting heroes with rapid basic attacks, which is the playstyle he is designed for). Your scaling is heavily affected by how effective you are at playing on the edge, which creates a lot of room for skill expressions despite it's just a flat number increase. The more successfully you are at playing the dangerous game, the more it allows you to do chop up the enemy team in the future. Knowing that, the enemy team would put a well-fed Artanis on top of the hit list during every fight, which creates more interesting scenarios (especially when said Artanis gets greedy and reckless).
Alarak, on the other hand, can also technically scale indefinitely from his Sadism mechanic. The more Sadism you gain from killing enemy heroes, the more ability dmg output he has. But there is a catch: He would lose a huge chunk of Sadism upon dying. So in a way it's similar to Artanis above, with Alarak you have to play a dangerous game to balance out your rapid scaling without getting punished.
I think you can still make infinite scaling champions better during early games, of make their scaling mechanics grow more rapid, as long as you also put some interactive drawbacks for the enemy team to exploit / to keep it in check.
I used to speedrun the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series, I appreciate your music choice :D
In my experience as a Veigar player, and over all, I think that the three that have significant threat of breaking the late game are Veigar, Cho, and Nasus, but Veigar more. The mentioned problem for Nasus is that he's melee, if the enemy team has CC, he's pretty screwed. Cho has the ability to close on people because of his Q, which is terrifying, however, if you have a bad game, that scaling's never happening if you aren't able to get unique feasts. Veigar, though, has such a ridiculous burst potential if you can learn to land his skill shots, and he has the ability to self peel, and his abilities are ranged. For all those who say Veigar is stupid easy because he has a point and click R, remember that every other ability is a skill shot. A Veigar that's worth anything will keep farming through the whole game. Stack every AP he can because by the time you hit about 250 stacks, you delete tanks if you took cut down and horizon focus, and half the time you don't even need your ult for them. The only thing that continues to be a problem for Veigar are people who can pass through his cage, or can get to him so fast that he dies before he has a chance to cast it. I've beaten 1800 ap, and it doesn't take an hour and a half. It just takes a dedication to stacking and doing everything you can to grab a stack. Last hitting drag, stealing the small chickens, poking, participating in team fights, and of course double stacking on minion last hits with Q. That's really all it takes. Are you behind? Just keep stacking. By the time you get to 35 minutes, you will be a powerhouse even if the rest of your game has sucked.
The thing with some of the infinite scalers is that their stacks are essentially an extra item, sometime 2. That can be huge at times, especially if they are ones played as a support.
so funny enough as a cho main i have made my own rework for him, and one of the ideas i was throwing around was the idea that his basic abilities evolve based on his stacks, like viktor, khazix etc. so he gets a point that he uses to evolve an ability at a certain stack threshold. so lets say at 1 stack 6 stacks and 12 stacks, he gets a point to evolve an ability, maybe his e heals for the percent health damage dealt, his w can fear or maybe under a certain condition can fear, and his q grounds people after they are hit, so they cant dash afterwards something that would make cho more of a late game threat, besides just 6000 hp, and an ult that does 80% of the health of an adc he cant reach
Hey hey! You forgot a small factoid about Kindred's scaling. Kindred also gains bonus attack range with marks, but this scaling stops after 25 marks.