I wish they had talked more about the amount of special care these animals need so that people watching this don't run out and get a sugar glider based on just how "cute" it is.
I'm a former sugar glider owner. To those thinking of owning, just know that Sugar Gliders are VERY high maintenance. I would say more than dogs and definitely more than cats. You need to trim their nails at least once a week or it'll hurt when you play with them. They pee and poop more than any animal I've owned. And they LOVE peeing outside of their cage. They will make it a point to aim at the walls surrounding the cage when they pee. Their urine smells worse than a cat's so be prepared for the odor. They are very loud at night and unless you have them in another room, their barking will keep you awake.
Javontae Eaddy Better to know and not get one, than to get one and find out that they're not as low-maintenance as some people are claiming! They are indeed VERY high maintenance - to the point that your house needs to be set at a constant appropriate temperature AT ALL TIMES. They get sick easily, and because they are naturally a wild prey animal, will hide their symptoms until they keel over one day. They stink, you have to constantly wash everything because they just pee and poop ALL THE TIME and everywhere (even in their food if you try leving it in the cage) a lot of materials are toxic to them, they can be easily lost, and are just all-over high maintenance. Thank you, ***** , for pointing that out.
Everyone who is hating on this person should shut up, the is animals live for a long time and need proper care, they need thought about buying and need a lot of maintenance just to survive. These animals are expensive and so are there needs, and I don't own one (friend does) and I already know what they need
Xgizala2020X Informing people so they can make good pet-buying decisions is not hating. We merely don't want to see yet more people buy sugar gliders because they see something like this and think they're just like super-cute mice... I've seen too many people get gliders for that reason, and the gliders end up dying or being sold/abandoned/given to a shelter because they didn't realize how much work *really* goes into taking care of gliders.
I wanted to point out males don't smell so bad and pee everywhere when they're spayed. They still like to mark you and will let a good pee go when they need to. I think Dexter gave really good info on gliders, people need to be really careful before buying them. Make sure you can give them proper care, they really are high maintenance. Also forget vacations unless you have people you can really trust while you are away. Mine are already 7, got them through rescue.
@@tamcurtis6561 no, alot is wrong. Alot she doesnt know what shes doing, feeding them gatorade is the most unhealthy thing ive heard for sugar gliders i feel bad for those poor things
A lot of your info about sugar gliders was really wrong. When you said that you feed them Gatorade it blew my mind, that can't be more unhealthy for them. And they don't have long tails so that they can wrap around things they use their tail to steer when the glide. And that's another thing it drives me crazy when people say sugar gliders fly because they don't they glide there is a big difference. Plz research before you tell the internet lies. And who ever watches this video Plz I beg you don't feed your sugar gliders anything with a lot of sugar such as Gatorade. It will lead to tooth decay, sickness, and much more. I don't want to be rude not my intention just trying to help the sugar gliders.
I got 2 of them and all I got to say is keep away from the closet or couches cause they like crevices so they will go under or try to squeeze into cushions or clothes
I have owned gliders for years. Two non-fatal issues I ran into were: i. glider crawling into vase and getting stuck until I found it ii. two gliders climbing into open gatorade bottle and nearly drowning overnight. Towels under doors or door guards can help. If you are a veteran owner whom knows their gliders you don't worry about these things.
"Um, they're nocturnal so they wake up at like 10:00 PM, normally. And ah, they go to bed around 10:00 PM." In what sort of a parallel universe is your studio?
Ph0be lmao no, she didn't. These things are nocturnal. They stay up at night. Look at the size of their eyeballs, it's to catch the maximum amount of light for dark environments.
gregory steve How do you know what she did or didn't mean? You actually think sugar gliders stay awake for a solid 24 hours? Your argument that they are nocturnal only supports Ph0be's comment about them going to sleep at 10 A.M.. Wake up at 10 P.M., go to sleep at 10 A.M.. That makes them nocturnal. Most nocturnal creatures ARE actually awake during daylight hours, at least for an hour or two in the morning.
Lucky Vine "You actually think sugar gliders stay awake for a solid 24 hours" Uh...no? Nocturnal implies that the animal sleeps during the day and is active at night. It's a tactic to avoid predators. And it's why those same predators adapted and the ones that had better vision in the dark were fed more, the ones that didn't died off. It's actually pretty interesting. But yea, these things naturally sleep during the day. And I would consider it inhumane to force them to stay up during the day.
I rescued 12 of these little guys. They are very social, and the previous owner made humans just seem like a food source. So they had their own little group. They were basically the mean girls from mean girls and if you tried talking to you, they'd retort with bitch face, loud noise, bite, or plain old ignoring. They cute though, only 1 of them liked me(outcast of the group), and I put him in a pouch and we would chill whever, I even took him to King Soopers once. Glad they have a home much more accustomed to their sass.
Meanwhile, landlord opens his computer and goes to youtube looking for scientific videos falls into cycle of clicking related videos. few videos later sees his tenant and his studio apartment full of pets. Fainted knocking the coffee table, nachos with cheese fall all over the floor creating a black hole that sucks the entire universe.
When I was about 9 or 10, I went to the pet store with my dad and saw a Sugar Glider. My dad had to pick me up so I could get a better look at it, as soon as it saw me it hissed as it's fur stood up. I screamed and everybody stared at me lol!!! It scared the crap out of me XD!!!
When my home is all dark and quiet, I went to the toilet and on my way there my sugar gliders would jump all around the cage and barking. I was actually really happy to see them.
Thanks for the cute video! We love sugar gliders. They're so smart and acrobatic; they love to bond. Give them lots of love and care. Sugar Gliders never cease to surprise us. They require patience in the beginning, being watchful when they're outside the crate. At first I was frustrated because he peed and pooped on me many times via tiny pellets. They generally go when they first wakes up. This takes time getting used to in the beginning. They are trainable to a degree. Ours jumps on command and responds to his name, food, etc. I just uploaded a few videos showing some of this to my channel. When I bring him to work, he falls asleep under my shirt. They're very sensitive to sounds and fast movements, so keep the noise down. They communicate with a variety of very distinct sounds and behavior. Co-workers love watching him jump from person to person. Be careful not to pull on them when they're on the couch, etc. They love the wheel (a safe one made for them, this helps file down their nails too). They love belly rubs and being gently pet from their ears to their lower back. They'll eat the fruit out of a thin apple slice except for the skin. They select their grains like adults, contemplating. If they don't like a piece of food, they may toss it out the crate. We give him fresh, purified water as we would give a human being or dog. It's healthier IMO regardless that Sugar Gliders are wild. Be sure to do your own research if you're interested in getting one. Their diet is important, to ensure balance between nutrients and protein. They're not high maintenance, but bonding (many people buy two Sugar Gliders), affection, and play time is important to them. And letting them sleep during the day for the most part since their nocturnal. They're like a combination of Flying Squirrel, a Ferret, Bat, Prairie Dog, Koala Bear, and Gizmo from Gremlins. They're adorable. Love them and they will love you. What else? Please Like this video so others are exposed to good information if he/she decides to get one and thank you VICE for your great videos including this one!
I just want to see comments about sugar gliders, not "I came here because of Jin" and all that nonsense. Guys, honestly, shut up and just enjoy the video. If you don't have anything relevant to say then don't say it :/
I LOVE SUGAR GLIDERS SO MUCH!!!! When ever I see a picture of them, I cry because there so adorable. Anyone who doesn't like sugar gliders have a heart that is made of stone. I don't mean to be rude but there so ADORABLE!!!
Loved this video, I always thought they barked at night because they're lonely. But after hearing what you said it makes sense cuz I go into the living room and talk to them and they get quite almost right away. My 11 month oop male is completely potty trained, but I have cats so I can't let them roam free like you do. My cats like them, i just don't trust them unattended.
one time when went to a zoo we saw sugar gliders my dad was taking of me with the sugar gliders and one of them was trying to nibble my shirt it was so cute
AWESOME VIDEO!!! but to all watching please dont buy a sugar glider before doing research. These adorable creatures require a LOT of work and need to be well taken care of. Many sugar gliders are very quickly given away which is very tramatic for them because they get attached to humans. ALSO, consider adopting instead of buying from a vendor or mill these cute little guys NEED homes very badly.
I hate it when people take buy animals without researching. Especially small animals as there are so many misconceptions that since small animals are small they don't require a lot of care and you don't need to research
My Uncle was brutally attacked by one of these little buggers. Ripped his upper lip clean off, horrible thing, Now when he sees a squirrel he gets hysterical and screams "Nook out it a irrel ! Un !"
I hear these things are such social creatures that if they're alone for too long they could get depressed and die....so they need all the love they can get Kataris Neff
@@darnociumsweggiestlordofal5752First of all, that's not a real sugar. They should be fed a BML diet, instant HPW, protein, meat, grains, fruit, and vegetables. Gatorade is terrible for them. If you have sugar gliders, you'd know. If you do have them however, you're basically asking for them to die. You're simply uneducated. And no, most of the things she said is NOT accurate. They can NOT have dairy. If you have sugar gliders, I really feel sorry for them.
Mick A What, return the domesticated pets so tjey can die in the wild? Think aboout what youre saying. She likely bought them captive bred, not wild caught conaidering how tame they are, they wouldnt survive a week in the wild.
Umm. Those in the USA did not originate in Australia, but from West Papua. They are not even slightly endangered in Australia. Indeed, they were introduced to Tasmania where they now prey on the Swift Parrot and are driving the latter to extinction. Cute, but sometimes carnivorous.
u can’t use that type of wheel bc they can get stuck and the part they glide with can get stuck too, i’ve heard abt people sugar gliders dying from that exact type of wheel that’s in the vid, u should use something that’s easier for them to get in and out like one without a bar in the middle
It's okay to grab them by their stomach as long as you aren't squeezing or anything. It is definitely better to let them crawl in your hand so as not to scare them, but if they're comfortable with you they won't mind being grabbed like she was grabbing them in the video. They may be small, but they are very strong :)
I absolutely love my male glider! Apart from scent marking, males are a mess. 😊 My preference has changed from dogs to gliders now...cheaper to feed, easy to care for, less messy! My mom even owns one now, too. Thanks for sharing this video.
Actually can live up to 15 yrs. it's really not that much work...no more than walking your dog. How lazy can u be??,? I agree though with you..if UR NOT DEVOTED, DONT BOTHER! Just don't get any pets for that matter.
tinki moon Agreed I have 4 and they really aren't that hard to take care of. They have only been in captivity about 30 years so there is a TON of conflicting info online I guess we will all learn as we go lol they make excellent pets
Sean Duncan-leimann They are. And glider possum? I've never heard that before. Take it from someone who's been doing research for almost 3 years, and know people who have these babies. I'm getting mine in a couple of years before I leave high school.
Obviously they are apart of the same family, marsupials. But they are not closely related. And the wombat is the koalas closest relative. Take it from someone who has lived on a wildlife park in Australia his entire life. So tired of Americans ect thinking they know everything about an animal that has been taken out of its natural habitat because you've googled that animal. The sugar glider is a native animal and I think that it's completely wrong for America to ship them out of their natural home and have them as a pet.
Ya'll don't understand what it's like to have an animal apparently. You feed them shit that they're allowed to have, and I'm sure the hot dog was a treat. They can live 15-20 years, you think they can survive that long in the wild? Owning a pet is the best thing for that animal. They can get food, they don't have to worry about predators, and they can be taken care of if sick. And obese? Not all of us are like that, take it from me. I may be only 14 and weigh 130, but that's because of my height, my tits, and ass, I have a flat stomach. If you're that upset because you're not allowed to own one in your place, then come to America, the freest place there is. Btw, it's illegal to own them in most states. Luckily, it's legal in my state, but I'm sure they'll make it completely illegal in a couple of years (but I'm ready to break the law. Already have.) Kangaroo fuckers.
That cage is way to small and they are not easy to care for if you care for them right . They need fresh fruit and vegetables every night not pellets and a slice of apple or some yogurt. I'm 11 and I know how to take care of a sugar glider better than they do.
Darnocium Sweggiest lord of all Well, for a travel cage its alright, and the fact that theyre allowed out to roam helps, but thats certainly not suitable, they need quite a bit bigger... Like, a lot bigger.
This was the first ever video I saw about sugar gliders. After I saw it I knew I wanted a couple! After doing loads of research for a good couple weeks I decided I would purchase some after I move out from home...while I was still at my parent's house I kept doing my research on them...thankfully....because any responsible Sugar Glider owner will know that the sugar gliders in this video 1. Have a MUCH TOO SMALL cage 2. Get the wrong food 3. Have a death trap of a wheel, totally unsuitable for sugar gliders I have 3, soon 5 suggies and I love them to death, but they are high maintenance and they need a humongous cage. The bigger the better. They also need a healthy staple diet. They need many toys and a good wheel, specifically constructed for sugar gliders. They don't come tame, usually you have to tame them yourself and daily bonding is a must if you want them to get and to stay bonded to you. Finding someone you trust who can properly take care of them while you are on vacation is also very important....... This and many many many other things you will have to take into consideration...and whatever you do.......do not purchase from Pocket Pets, do not trust Pocket Pets!
Just google pocket pets and if you research for a couple minutes you will see for yourself what awful people they are...starting at the whole "sugar gliders are super easy to take care of"-charade .... where they recommend you feed them their pelleted c__p and a slice of apple per day...horrible people.
Daisy & Nala Sugar Glider Omg I just looked at that website. I don’t even know that much about gliders and can already tell that those people have no idea what they’re talking about. Sugar gliders shouldn’t eat pellets like dogs that makes me sick to think about. And I just saw a review for a wheel like that one about how their glider broke it’s back and died! These are horrible people
That cage is small, that wheel can kill them, they shouldn't be eating apples and Gatorade, and I'm disturbed that I don't see any sleep pouches hanging in the cage for them. :\ This is a mess.
+Darnocium Sweggiest lord of all it's really not a big enough cage, they need much more vertical space than that even if it is only 2 gliders. They can eat apples as a treat food but that shouldn't be their diet, and they absolutely shouldn't be drinking Gatorade - which is full of PROCESSED sugars and preservatives. There's absolutely no reason they should ever need Gatorade. A pouch should absolutely be hanging in their cage, and Wodent Wheels are known to kill gliders because they are not tail or flight membrane safe. My information comes from sources such as exotic pet veterinarians and trusted glider rescues.
1 had 2 but sadly my male died from a tumor in its stomach after my female became pregnat. and +Lamar Pettway u can buy them in america. I got mine in clevland ohio
Actually, the breeds we see outside Australia are from Indonesia where sugie species also flourish in the wild. Australia has regulations against exporting any wildlife..
***** Pocket pets is not a good place to get them! They tell you many lies about actually taking care of them. I would suggest doing research before you adopt (*as you should with any animal) I found a local breeder near by and she let me play with the little cuties before I adopted!
they're cute, but i think people who own exotic animals are just selfish. they need to own it because it's cute. not only that they're wild, but they're nocturnal. I would feel guilty as hell for keeping them in a cage while they're awake and then playing with them and letting them out when they want to/are meant to be sleeping
if you dont give them what they want they will run away its better to own some pets because some wild animals might kill them the wild is more danger then the cage soo i keep alot of pets not becausse thier cute i want to protect them
Actually I own two SugarGliders. They're very social and if you do a little research they are nocturnal but I don't sleep much at night so they're the perfect little animals for me. The right owner=happy sugies!
heidenburg5445 Sugar Gliders aren't even rodents. They are marsupials... Kangaroo, Koala, Tasmanian Devil, Wallabe are all better examples than rats...
Keeping any animal is like a safe haven for them. If they get sick, they can be healed. If their hungry they can be fed with no trouble. And they can sleep without worry of predators.
My sugar glider once decided he wanted to climb onto my head from my shoulder and immediately started crabbing and chirping because he was afraid of heights.
Soo much wrong information. I can tell they came from Pocket Pets. For starters they need a staple diet. The wodent wheel in their cage is a death trap. Please do more research!
Actually a lot of the diet info on their site is incorrect. They need a staple diet so that their calcium to phosphorus ratios stay within range or they can develop HLP, which is usually fatal. They also don't do well alone. They get depressed and will overgroom causing bald spots. The cages they sell are way too small for a gliders need and the widest wheel is known to cause tail degloving and death. I rescue more gliders sold by pocket pets than anywhere else. It is heartbreaking
1:40 they wake up at 10 pm
1:44 they go to sleep at like 10 pm
+Kyle DuBois (Soulzarath) lmao
+Kyle DuBois (Soulzarath) Well she did say they are nocturnal so there's really just one option there :D
We want that villain dead or alive
Well can't you make up your mind
It's 10PM then go back to sleep at 10SM I think xD That confused me too😂
They have a really short sleep cycle... 10pm-10pm... 59 seconds to be precise..
lol I think she meant AM
their high metabolism requires less sleep. your also not supposed to get them wet or feed them after 12am.
If they aren't sleeping soundly throughout the day, they are stressed.
Raeven Brough HuRts To LauGh
I wish they had talked more about the amount of special care these animals need so that people watching this don't run out and get a sugar glider based on just how "cute" it is.
thats so true i agree
Do not buy this if you cant deliver a big naturel Habitat for them!
They don't need any care, they get their own food in the fridge and make sure to climb outside when they poop.
It's vice. Not BBC.
What do they eat? Whag do they need can you tell me i want to have one
I'm here because of Jin🥺
They are so cute!
TannyB3rry Ayeeeee fellow Army, me too!!! 😘😘😘
girl me too
Me too
Me too😂😂💕
Hey fam😂
I'm a former sugar glider owner. To those thinking of owning, just know that Sugar Gliders are VERY high maintenance. I would say more than dogs and definitely more than cats. You need to trim their nails at least once a week or it'll hurt when you play with them. They pee and poop more than any animal I've owned. And they LOVE peeing outside of their cage. They will make it a point to aim at the walls surrounding the cage when they pee. Their urine smells worse than a cat's so be prepared for the odor. They are very loud at night and unless you have them in another room, their barking will keep you awake.
Wow thanks guy, you just ruined all the fun
Javontae Eaddy
Better to know and not get one, than to get one and find out that they're not as low-maintenance as some people are claiming! They are indeed VERY high maintenance - to the point that your house needs to be set at a constant appropriate temperature AT ALL TIMES. They get sick easily, and because they are naturally a wild prey animal, will hide their symptoms until they keel over one day. They stink, you have to constantly wash everything because they just pee and poop ALL THE TIME and everywhere (even in their food if you try leving it in the cage) a lot of materials are toxic to them, they can be easily lost, and are just all-over high maintenance. Thank you, ***** , for pointing that out.
Everyone who is hating on this person should shut up, the is animals live for a long time and need proper care, they need thought about buying and need a lot of maintenance just to survive.
These animals are expensive and so are there needs, and I don't own one (friend does) and I already know what they need
Informing people so they can make good pet-buying decisions is not hating. We merely don't want to see yet more people buy sugar gliders because they see something like this and think they're just like super-cute mice... I've seen too many people get gliders for that reason, and the gliders end up dying or being sold/abandoned/given to a shelter because they didn't realize how much work *really* goes into taking care of gliders.
I wanted to point out males don't smell so bad and pee everywhere when they're spayed. They still like to mark you and will let a good pee go when they need to. I think Dexter gave really good info on gliders, people need to be really careful before buying them. Make sure you can give them proper care, they really are high maintenance. Also forget vacations unless you have people you can really trust while you are away. Mine are already 7, got them through rescue.
This video is literally like a how to on how not to raise sugar gliders
Ryan Thompson not true
Ok some is rong
@@tamcurtis6561 no, alot is wrong. Alot she doesnt know what shes doing, feeding them gatorade is the most unhealthy thing ive heard for sugar gliders i feel bad for those poor things
YungSkeetMachine exactly, their diet requires natural healthy foods.
Dance girl ur dumb af
Got here to see how sugar glider's fly to imagine how Jin's sugar gliders starts flying.
"They wake up around 10pm and sleep around 10pm" #genius
Hfnexfblxfrbcof eufbrudbyfbeh tuvuvucuvuvuvuvuuvvuuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuuvuvuvuvuvueenonyetevwevevevuevuevuwughamubinOSASS OSASA
loooool I caught that and went to the comments to see if anyone said anything
You've never misspoke?
Hi person from 8 years ago
A lot of your info about sugar gliders was really wrong. When you said that you feed them Gatorade it blew my mind, that can't be more unhealthy for them. And they don't have long tails so that they can wrap around things they use their tail to steer when the glide. And that's another thing it drives me crazy when people say sugar gliders fly because they don't they glide there is a big difference. Plz research before you tell the internet lies. And who ever watches this video Plz I beg you don't feed your sugar gliders anything with a lot of sugar such as Gatorade. It will lead to tooth decay, sickness, and much more. I don't want to be rude not my intention just trying to help the sugar gliders.
You told her😏
they shouldn't be fed yogurt either, being lactose intolerant.
Arent they lactose intolorant tho ??
Yeah idk what this person is doing but poor sugar gliders
Yeah I read that sugar gliders shouldn’t be fed sweets like candy or chocolate,the only sweets they can have are sweet fruits
Cool that thing can fly, someone's gotta slow mo this.
They don't fly,they glide
@@Chilam. Hence the name "Sugar Glider".
Its falling with style
I'd be scared of losing it in my house. Like, what if it gets stuck somewhere?
I got 2 of them and all I got to say is keep away from the closet or couches cause they like crevices so they will go under or try to squeeze into cushions or clothes
Honey they're like dogs. They love to stay by your side lol
I have owned gliders for years. Two non-fatal issues I ran into were:
i. glider crawling into vase and getting stuck until I found it
ii. two gliders climbing into open gatorade bottle and nearly drowning overnight.
Towels under doors or door guards can help. If you are a veteran owner whom knows their gliders you don't worry about these things.
That's why I'm a better choice for you, I'd always be around.
Where can I buy one of these?
"Um, they're nocturnal so they wake up at like 10:00 PM, normally. And ah, they go to bed around 10:00 PM."
In what sort of a parallel universe is your studio?
Gatorade? Sugar gliders drink Gatorade?
They wake up at 10 pm and go to sleep at 10 pm wtf
Lol I thought the same
I think she met 10 a.m.
Ph0be lmao no, she didn't.
These things are nocturnal. They stay up at night. Look at the size of their eyeballs, it's to catch the maximum amount of light for dark environments.
gregory steve How do you know what she did or didn't mean? You actually think sugar gliders stay awake for a solid 24 hours? Your argument that they are nocturnal only supports Ph0be's comment about them going to sleep at 10 A.M.. Wake up at 10 P.M., go to sleep at 10 A.M.. That makes them nocturnal. Most nocturnal creatures ARE actually awake during daylight hours, at least for an hour or two in the morning.
Lucky Vine "You actually think sugar gliders stay awake for a solid 24 hours"
Uh...no? Nocturnal implies that the animal sleeps during the day and is active at night.
It's a tactic to avoid predators. And it's why those same predators adapted and the ones that had better vision in the dark were fed more, the ones that didn't died off. It's actually pretty interesting.
But yea, these things naturally sleep during the day. And I would consider it inhumane to force them to stay up during the day.
Lol at her directly quoting Wikipedia !
Everyone at Vice praises Saturn, look at this lady's apartment.
why does your picture have a play button?
That wheel is a death wheel.
But true
Agreed, not sure why people laugh at that statement. Ugh makes me sad.
I rescued 12 of these little guys. They are very social, and the previous owner made humans just seem like a food source. So they had their own little group. They were basically the mean girls from mean girls and if you tried talking to you, they'd retort with bitch face, loud noise, bite, or plain old ignoring. They cute though, only 1 of them liked me(outcast of the group), and I put him in a pouch and we would chill whever, I even took him to King Soopers once. Glad they have a home much more accustomed to their sass.
Meanwhile, landlord opens his computer and goes to youtube looking for scientific videos falls into cycle of clicking related videos. few videos later sees his tenant and his studio apartment full of pets. Fainted knocking the coffee table, nachos with cheese fall all over the floor creating a black hole that sucks the entire universe.
undocumentedspot What the serious fuck did I just read? I think you wrinkled my brain.
+LyricalMajesty That would be a good thing, considering your brain is supposed to be wrinkled...
+undocumentedspot weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
When I was about 9 or 10, I went to the pet store with my dad and saw a Sugar Glider. My dad had to pick me up so I could get a better look at it, as soon as it saw me it hissed as it's fur stood up. I screamed and everybody stared at me lol!!! It scared the crap out of me XD!!!
Lol I had to keep replaying this one part because I thought that I heard a cat meow at the same spot overtime but it was just my cat lmao
A dog that was bred to run is being kept in a studio apartment. How nice of you, lady.
But those are sugar gliders...
she has 2 dogs^
+SharlieGrl Well he's not talking about the bloody chihuahua is he.
Sugar glider like....sweet food.
did anyone else notice the inverted 5 pointed star w/ the goats skull in the middle above her bed? PLEASE DONT SACRIFICE THE CUTE SUGAR GLIDERS!
When my home is all dark and quiet, I went to the toilet and on my way there my sugar gliders would jump all around the cage and barking. I was actually really happy to see them.
That wheel is a death trap for sugar gliders
ikr 😣😣
Because their tails or their membranes can get caught in the center piece. That can actually turn out deadly for them.
Yhey can also hit their back on center axel.
Better than usual vice
I have a sugar glider. He throws the waste petals of jasmine flowers , after sucking honey from it , into his drinking bowl .
Cute xD
Thanks for the cute video! We love sugar gliders. They're so smart and acrobatic; they love to bond. Give them lots of love and care. Sugar Gliders never cease to surprise us. They require patience in the beginning, being watchful when they're outside the crate. At first I was frustrated because he peed and pooped on me many times via tiny pellets. They generally go when they first wakes up. This takes time getting used to in the beginning. They are trainable to a degree. Ours jumps on command and responds to his name, food, etc. I just uploaded a few videos showing some of this to my channel. When I bring him to work, he falls asleep under my shirt. They're very sensitive to sounds and fast movements, so keep the noise down. They communicate with a variety of very distinct sounds and behavior. Co-workers love watching him jump from person to person. Be careful not to pull on them when they're on the couch, etc. They love the wheel (a safe one made for them, this helps file down their nails too). They love belly rubs and being gently pet from their ears to their lower back. They'll eat the fruit out of a thin apple slice except for the skin. They select their grains like adults, contemplating. If they don't like a piece of food, they may toss it out the crate. We give him fresh, purified water as we would give a human being or dog. It's healthier IMO regardless that Sugar Gliders are wild. Be sure to do your own research if you're interested in getting one. Their diet is important, to ensure balance between nutrients and protein. They're not high maintenance, but bonding (many people buy two Sugar Gliders), affection, and play time is important to them. And letting them sleep during the day for the most part since their nocturnal. They're like a combination of Flying Squirrel, a Ferret, Bat, Prairie Dog, Koala Bear, and Gizmo from Gremlins. They're adorable. Love them and they will love you. What else? Please Like this video so others are exposed to good information if he/she decides to get one and thank you VICE for your great videos including this one!
That gives us a lot of information thank you
your a poop weasel
Mick Stark you’re *
Biography discography autobiography wtf:-)
Acctully surugar gliders ain't that smart u can't train them anf shit J's I have 2 I had them since they where babies
Who came here because of Jin's new pets?
meee! i searched sugar gliders and fell upon this vid :')
Who’s jin
@@shom924 Jin? Jin is a bts member and he has sugar gliders
Shes babysitting them
A greyhound in a studio apartment? Bad idea.
+PaulTurbo Italian Greyhounds are small.
I am glad that in my life theres a show called The Cute Show
I just bought one, best investment EVER!
How much money are you going to make off it?
taylor wagneers
Billions! :-P
***** What would the appropriate response that satisfies you, GOD?
your butler bucker
i bet you ARMYs are gonna raid this video soon HAHAHAHA
_에리카 wait what?
Fr33 Worker no there not
Sakiirin it takes trash to know trash babe👌🏾
Fr33 Worker I guess u really are the definition of shit
They already have. Cause she’s spreading false information!. -5 year sugar glider lover
I just want to see comments about sugar gliders, not "I came here because of Jin" and all that nonsense. Guys, honestly, shut up and just enjoy the video. If you don't have anything relevant to say then don't say it :/
I'm nocturnal too so this is the perfect pet for me
I LOVE SUGAR GLIDERS SO MUCH!!!! When ever I see a picture of them, I cry because there so adorable. Anyone who doesn't like sugar gliders have a heart that is made of stone. I don't mean to be rude but there so ADORABLE!!!
Loved this video, I always thought they barked at night because they're lonely. But after hearing what you said it makes sense cuz I go into the living room and talk to them and they get quite almost right away. My 11 month oop male is completely potty trained, but I have cats so I can't let them roam free like you do. My cats like them, i just don't trust them unattended.
god I want a pair right now their cuteness draws you in
Whos here because of jin lol
Doty Audioswaps I am
one time when went to a zoo we saw sugar gliders my dad was taking of me with the sugar gliders and one of them was trying to nibble my shirt it was so cute
i daw one at a fair and it fell asleep in my sleeve.
this was everything i needed
Who else is watching this because of SEOKJIN???
Emilia aye army!
Me 😂
Me and because they're cute
Emilia mememememememememe
ME!! =D
AWESOME VIDEO!!! but to all watching please dont buy a sugar glider before doing research. These adorable creatures require a LOT of work and need to be well taken care of. Many sugar gliders are very quickly given away which is very tramatic for them because they get attached to humans. ALSO, consider adopting instead of buying from a vendor or mill these cute little guys NEED homes very badly.
I hate it when people take buy animals without researching. Especially small animals as there are so many misconceptions that since small animals are small they don't require a lot of care and you don't need to research
At last someone thinking of the sugar gliders needs
My Uncle was brutally attacked by one of these little buggers. Ripped his upper lip clean off, horrible thing, Now when he sees a squirrel he gets hysterical and screams "Nook out it a irrel ! Un !"
what the fuck
"little buggers" LOL
"Nook out it a irrel ! Un !"
I'm still laughing at this
lol im so confused well the one that took his lib probably had rabies xD and Hardstyle Hobo your profile pic awesome xD
Sugar gliders need enclosures, not cages.
ok those are adorable
I hear these things are such social creatures that if they're alone for too long they could get depressed and die....so they need all the love they can get
Kataris Neff
Kataris Neff
… *hugs back* …
...*nuzzles twice*
Meh… *let's you*
Did she just say that she gives them Gatorade??? Pretty much everything she said is inaccurate. I hope that her parents take better care of them.
you fuck off idiot
+Mady Daleo salty water doesn't go off?
@@darnociumsweggiestlordofal5752First of all, that's not a real sugar. They should be fed a BML diet, instant HPW, protein, meat, grains, fruit, and vegetables. Gatorade is terrible for them. If you have sugar gliders, you'd know. If you do have them however, you're basically asking for them to die. You're simply uneducated. And no, most of the things she said is NOT accurate. They can NOT have dairy. If you have sugar gliders, I really feel sorry for them.
America, please return our native animals,
Thank you,
no >:(
Mick A What, return the domesticated pets so tjey can die in the wild? Think aboout what youre saying. She likely bought them captive bred, not wild caught conaidering how tame they are, they wouldnt survive a week in the wild.
Umm. Those in the USA did not originate in Australia, but from West Papua. They are not even slightly endangered in Australia. Indeed, they were introduced to Tasmania where they now prey on the Swift Parrot and are driving the latter to extinction. Cute, but sometimes carnivorous.
The comments on this video are so entertaining! Cute video btw :)
Perfect animal for me because I sleep all day and work at home at night so this animal would be my company
Awww how cute! She has the same dogs as jenna marbles, cool!
This would be a great pet for someone who is up all hours of the night. Soo...cute💕
I had two...27 and you'll be driven out of your place from their urine smell lol
I find these beautiful babies so amazing but
I have seen one person!👌
u can’t use that type of wheel bc they can get stuck and the part they glide with can get stuck too, i’ve heard abt people sugar gliders dying from that exact type of wheel that’s in the vid, u should use something that’s easier for them to get in and out like one without a bar in the middle
I wouldn't grab them by their stomach Because
it could break a bone, I would scoop them up
It's okay to grab them by their stomach as long as you aren't squeezing or anything. It is definitely better to let them crawl in your hand so as not to scare them, but if they're comfortable with you they won't mind being grabbed like she was grabbing them in the video. They may be small, but they are very strong :)
Maggie Warren Yep, it's perfectly fine if you're gentle.
those animals look really cute
I absolutely love my male glider! Apart from scent marking, males are a mess. 😊 My preference has changed from dogs to gliders now...cheaper to feed, easy to care for, less messy! My mom even owns one now, too. Thanks for sharing this video.
1:41 Everyone in the video is moving in super speed so the sugar gliders can go to sleep in 59 seconds
i'm just browsing sugar glider videos because
1. sugar gliders are cute af
2. just to see how many videos have a mass of bts reference comments xD
Don't fucking buy these as a pets if you are not ready for them. They require a LOT of maintenance and a LOT of care and can live up to 9 years.
Actually can live up to 15 yrs. it's really not that much work...no more than walking your dog. How lazy can u be??,? I agree though with you..if UR NOT DEVOTED, DONT BOTHER! Just don't get any pets for that matter.
It's actually not hard I have 2 now and we used to breed them and yes we gave them an amazing home here
tinki moon Agreed I have 4 and they really aren't that hard to take care of. They have only been in captivity about 30 years so there is a TON of conflicting info online I guess we will all learn as we go lol they make excellent pets
tinki moon It's not hard and yet so many idiot people try to feed their sugar gliders cat food and then dump them on craigslist.
Actually they can live up to 12 years if you take care of them right
Watching this makes me miss my sugar gliders :(
Did dey diye? :'(
Zachinthehat yes
I would realy like to have one but i dont want to take away them from their family and wildlife :D Amazing little fellas :)
They are captive bred
Buy captive bred one's or get 2 of them
Syd Revers where do u buy
I was thinking about getting a sugar glider till I heard just how loud their barks are. Those little guys can make some noise.
Dude.... That.... IS AWESOME!
Thats like all i want to do now!
They are not closely related to koalas?? It's a fucking glider possum. The only closely related thing to a koala is a wombat.
Sean Duncan-leimann They are. And glider possum? I've never heard that before. Take it from someone who's been doing research for almost 3 years, and know people who have these babies. I'm getting mine in a couple of years before I leave high school.
Then why is a Red Panda related to a raccoon than a Panda?
Obviously they are apart of the same family, marsupials. But they are not closely related. And the wombat is the koalas closest relative. Take it from someone who has lived on a wildlife park in Australia his entire life. So tired of Americans ect thinking they know everything about an animal that has been taken out of its natural habitat because you've googled that animal. The sugar glider is a native animal and I think that it's completely wrong for America to ship them out of their natural home and have them as a pet.
Yeah complete agree. Seen pictures of people feeding hotdog to them, it's pretty disgusting
Ya'll don't understand what it's like to have an animal apparently. You feed them shit that they're allowed to have, and I'm sure the hot dog was a treat. They can live 15-20 years, you think they can survive that long in the wild? Owning a pet is the best thing for that animal. They can get food, they don't have to worry about predators, and they can be taken care of if sick. And obese? Not all of us are like that, take it from me. I may be only 14 and weigh 130, but that's because of my height, my tits, and ass, I have a flat stomach. If you're that upset because you're not allowed to own one in your place, then come to America, the freest place there is.
Btw, it's illegal to own them in most states. Luckily, it's legal in my state, but I'm sure they'll make it completely illegal in a couple of years (but I'm ready to break the law. Already have.)
Kangaroo fuckers.
That cage is way to small and they are not easy to care for if you care for them right . They need fresh fruit and vegetables every night not pellets and a slice of apple or some yogurt. I'm 11 and I know how to take care of a sugar glider better than they do.
Natalia Thomas Calm down kid, don't spaz out now.
+Darnocium Sweggiest she said she was watching them for her parents it's just a travel cage it's not like that's there actual cage
Darnocium Sweggiest lord of all Well, for a travel cage its alright, and the fact that theyre allowed out to roam helps, but thats certainly not suitable, they need quite a bit bigger... Like, a lot bigger.
I wanna make a tiny jet pack and goggles for it, and wait that's a cartoon
People, we have found the alternate source for fossil fuels. 1:53
I might be mistaken, but aren't Sugar Gliders illegal to own in New York City? The beginning of this video says "New York, New York."
fuck the police
Thug life
they aren't hers, she says she's pet sitting for her parents- most likely they don't live in nyc
Im here for Omma Jin :v
These little turds latch onto the face of unsuspecting victims and chomp down, avoid them at all costs!
You sure?
Disgruntled Moose yep 4 of em sooooo sweet
Yeah, I was gonna say I have no idea what Not See is saying.
+Julius Dindulius
How so; like the Drop Bear rumor and urban myth that's still been roaming around the internet?
+John Smith drop bears are real!
they are like hamsters but can fly XD they are soooo cute
This was the first ever video I saw about sugar gliders. After I saw it I knew I wanted a couple!
After doing loads of research for a good couple weeks I decided I would purchase some after I move out from home...while I was still at my parent's house I kept doing my research on them...thankfully....because any responsible Sugar Glider owner will know that the sugar gliders in this video
1. Have a MUCH TOO SMALL cage
2. Get the wrong food
3. Have a death trap of a wheel, totally unsuitable for sugar gliders
I have 3, soon 5 suggies and I love them to death, but they are high maintenance and they need a humongous cage. The bigger the better. They also need a healthy staple diet. They need many toys and a good wheel, specifically constructed for sugar gliders. They don't come tame, usually you have to tame them yourself and daily bonding is a must if you want them to get and to stay bonded to you.
Finding someone you trust who can properly take care of them while you are on vacation is also very important.......
This and many many many other things you will have to take into consideration...and whatever you do.......do not purchase from Pocket Pets, do not trust Pocket Pets!
Just google pocket pets and if you research for a couple minutes you will see for yourself what awful people they are...starting at the whole "sugar gliders are super easy to take care of"-charade .... where they recommend you feed them their pelleted c__p and a slice of apple per day...horrible people.
Daisy & Nala Sugar Glider Omg I just looked at that website. I don’t even know that much about gliders and can already tell that those people have no idea what they’re talking about. Sugar gliders shouldn’t eat pellets like dogs that makes me sick to think about. And I just saw a review for a wheel like that one about how their glider broke it’s back and died! These are horrible people
I heard gliders are really tasty deep fried with a mustard dip,
What kind of a MONSTER eats mustard on a confectionery dish? They're called SUGAR gliders for a reason!
That cage is small, that wheel can kill them, they shouldn't be eating apples and Gatorade, and I'm disturbed that I don't see any sleep pouches hanging in the cage for them. :\ This is a mess.
Komichi Agree. Mine have three pouches. Although they only care about one. Lol.
+Darnocium Sweggiest lord of all it's really not a big enough cage, they need much more vertical space than that even if it is only 2 gliders. They can eat apples as a treat food but that shouldn't be their diet, and they absolutely shouldn't be drinking Gatorade - which is full of PROCESSED sugars and preservatives. There's absolutely no reason they should ever need Gatorade. A pouch should absolutely be hanging in their cage, and Wodent Wheels are known to kill gliders because they are not tail or flight membrane safe. My information comes from sources such as exotic pet veterinarians and trusted glider rescues.
Love the fact that they wake up at night, just like me
"Go to bed at ten PM and wake up at ten PM." Sooo they never sleep???? Lol
I will find a way to Australia just to get one O_O
1 had 2 but sadly my male died from a tumor in its stomach after my female became pregnat. and +Lamar Pettway u can buy them in america. I got mine in clevland ohio
Oh thanks +kolntin htut
Actually, the breeds we see outside Australia are from Indonesia where sugie species also flourish in the wild. Australia has regulations against exporting any wildlife..
***** Pocket pets is not a good place to get them! They tell you many lies about actually taking care of them. I would suggest doing research before you adopt (*as you should with any animal) I found a local breeder near by and she let me play with the little cuties before I adopted!
got them living in my back yard...
they're cute, but i think people who own exotic animals are just selfish. they need to own it because it's cute. not only that they're wild, but they're nocturnal. I would feel guilty as hell for keeping them in a cage while they're awake and then playing with them and letting them out when they want to/are meant to be sleeping
if you dont give them what they want they will run away its better to own some pets because some wild animals might kill them the wild is more danger then the cage soo i keep alot of pets not becausse thier cute i want to protect them
Actually I own two SugarGliders. They're very social and if you do a little research they are nocturnal but I don't sleep much at night so they're the perfect little animals for me. The right owner=happy sugies!
Dogs and cats were once wild animals so were horses. some animals can be domestic and some can not
heidenburg5445 Sugar Gliders aren't even rodents. They are marsupials... Kangaroo, Koala, Tasmanian Devil, Wallabe are all better examples than rats...
Keeping any animal is like a safe haven for them. If they get sick, they can be healed. If their hungry they can be fed with no trouble. And they can sleep without worry of predators.
Vine brought me here....
Just the one? You really should have at least a pair as they're very sociable.
My sugar glider once decided he wanted to climb onto my head from my shoulder and immediately started crabbing and chirping because he was afraid of heights.
Soo much wrong information. I can tell they came from Pocket Pets.
For starters they need a staple diet. The wodent wheel in their cage is a death trap.
Please do more research!
Actually a lot of the diet info on their site is incorrect. They need a staple diet so that their calcium to phosphorus ratios stay within range or they can develop HLP, which is usually fatal.
They also don't do well alone. They get depressed and will overgroom causing bald spots. The cages they sell are way too small for a gliders need and the widest wheel is known to cause tail degloving and death.
I rescue more gliders sold by pocket pets than anywhere else.
It is heartbreaking
Tina Scarpinito wodent wheel. Yes Pocket pets looks legit.. If you really want information check out www.suggie.info
+Skye Wulf they go by three names Sugar Gliders, Sugar Bear. and Honey Glider
+Tina Scarpinito pocket pets have made about a dozen sites backing them up with faulty info
Skye.. PP also provides bad info.. For proper diets I use www.suggie.info/staple-diets
I rescue babies, most of which are from Pocket Pets..
nope I ain't getting one I like my sleep... dogs... cats... n chickens... they don't bug me lol i think one of these is to needy for my likings
Here because of David
My sugar glider will be called "suga"
If you live in Calgary, the Humane Society has two Sugar Gliders up for adoption.
Just a warning, they don't taste like sugar.
I have six and I'm getting 3 more and the female is pregnent
+Kaitlyn Moffitt OMGGGG!!!!!!!! Congrats for the female!!!!!!!
Wake up at 10 pm.. Go to bed at 10 pm?? Im confused
Hannah Davis marijuana kills
You have to take a lot of care of them, they are not easy to take care of!
too cute