Just to be crystal clear, the relaxation technique is extremely simple and quick: Step #1: You check your body tension Step #2: You let go of the tension This should take you 3 seconds. And you do this over and over again throughout the day as you're doing all your daily tasks. You do not need to go through a 5 minute relaxation routine. That is actually counter-productive. Learn to check for and release tension quickly, in under 5 seconds.
Hey Leo, I just did a Skype interview with Anadi (Aziz Kristof). It was an extremely humbling experience. He was trying to point out the different centers of my awareness like the "personality" vs. "the person" vs. "bare attention" and "pure me". He said that because I'm new to his teachings, I can't navigate the different centers of my subjectivity or awareness. Do you have any comment on his teachings? Have you experimented with dividing the different centers of your consciousness? He told me to direct my attention to the back of my head while looking at my visual field to see the "person" acknowledging the "personality". What are your thoughts on this?
I scan my body frequently, due to thoughts I'm breaking. I'll stretch that part of my body, and release it. On point, with this video. It only takes a few seconds to do. Awareness is key.
Also, if you have the time, could you let me know what you make of this? anaditeaching.com/the-map-of-awakening/ The distinctions seem very confusing. Maybe you could provide some insight into this based on your experience.
"Unconsciousness = tension". This video was brilliant. I started getting really bad nerves as I was finishing up secondary school and they affected me pretty badly in college too. I'm glad this video was included.
I think the school system should focus on basic education and building social/life skills until middle school. At that point kids are then assessed and can choose a “PATH”. Each path is a specialization of intercepting skill sets such as Medicine, Social/Political Science, IT.. etc We are being robbed because after 10-20 years studying, testing and sitting around being lectured you are still not an expert at anything… Today's education system including major university is a complete joke and a waste of time.
Thank you Leo for this! I think this is a very underrated episode, I found that after going through anxiety for the last several months and unpacking and fixing it to its core, most of the "issues" leftover/still stored are in my body that became more aware to me during meditation. This video just helped me validate what I realized in mediation as well. Thanks for providing a practical way of going about it
yep, anxiety is impacted a lot with the degree of muscle relaxation you can achieve during everyday life - I struggle heavily with anxiety to the point I can't think at all and by trying to be as relaxed as possible in my muscles 24/7 it really helps
32 year man over here, who has been angry and heading no where fast up too I came across these videos a year ago. I don't know what was it. Although my brain didn't understand it because I was blinded by anger, hate, hopelessness, a whole lot of crap lol. No one to help me. You brought me out. And now you have taught me something I have been feeling since I was a child knowing why I feel that way but don't know how to let go. Thank you!
Lol, thanks for your opinion. Thank God your opinion isn't a fact, and it's just a damn picture hahahaha. No need to put thought into it. Duh duh. It's the damn net. Don't even resemble who I am, but hides who I am. Dumb dumb think before you talk next time.
AllStarFlamePepito how did I judge? I didn't he did? Yes we are all human, and no one is perfect. That's I do know. I don't judge people, unless they show there true color.
Your story is very similar to mine, except I had a panic disorder and thought I had a heart problem because of chest pains, palpitations, and twitching. however, my EKGs always came back normal. After a year of having these symptoms, I decided to face my mental breakdowns for once. I suddenly felt some "burst of prana" around my heart and the symptoms went away instantly. For the academics, panic disorder is a wonderful example that sheds light into the mind and body relationship. Keep it up Leo!
I think I have this as well I often wake up with this ache in my chest / heart due to a traumatic experience that happened 2 years ago and I can’t seem to shake it .. I just want to move on from this and live my life ..hope were you able to do it ?
Coming back 3 and a half years later to say that this video fundamentally changed the trajectory of my relationship with myself, therapeutic healing, and areas of study. Currently in a BA at Naropa University studying Somatic Studies, in Hakomi therapy, and use eccentric dance as a primary method for sensemaking about our broken information ecology All the Love, and all the Power to you Leo!!
Fantastic video, I learned a lot about myself. As I got older I started sleeping in weird positions, legs crossed, hands under the pillow and not on my back anymore.
Since I was a child, I've had strange non-dual experiences and have been trying to figure out what reality is, so your videos mostly clicked perfectly and I can easily follow along. But this is something I'm terrible at. I literally wanted to jump out of my skin while doing the exercise at the beginning of the video. I have all the negative symptoms you listed (besides heart attack haha) so this is possibly the most important video for people like me.
Leo is not materialistic. He became enlightened so he felt what is like to be the universe and suffering of everyone, so he is trying to help us out. he is also paid by youtube, has book list and life purpose which you can buy to support him. He is really comfortable money is not an issue, so he isn't chasing after it.
Thanks Leo, I can't express how valuable this video was to me in overcoming anxiety. I've found that your quality of mind as you relax your body is key - I like the image of a fox scratching itself. It's just naturally attending to its body without judgement. In the same way, you never force change but just allow it.
Out of all the videos you've ever made, this is your most foundational video. I think this video should be a required watch before anyone views your other work on UA-cam. As you say, the more conscious you are, the more relaxed you are. The more relaxed you are, the more conscious you will be.
I've been practicing body relaxation for 8 years, almost every day for the first year, everything going great, it is tricked on the face part once you focus on it you feel like a warm energy going from back of neck to the top of the head and go down to the face, a very fast relaxation, works every time for the first half of the year. It became addictive for the face part since it felt so good. One night it was cold and I didn't close the window, while I tried to focus the face part, the flow stuck on the forehead and never come down to face, the second day, I felt my left forehead like I had been punch, and since then the feeling began obvious everyday, and I started to panic, try to relax body but never had my face relax, and what is more, once I focus on face, the headache become very strong like the whole head was going to explode! Till now almost every night when I sleep, I feel the extreme tension on my forehead, it never gone for a second, only when I forget it, Every time I feel it is gone, I think about it, it come back. I don't know why, but maybe there is a reason for no others but only Leo mention about the face part, I wonder maybe there were many suffer the same thing as I had, and acknowledge that it would be tricked if you focus too much on your face.
Two days ago l've got cold. So my body felt awful. This video reminded me on a very important thing. Relaxation and awareness instantly allowed me to feel much better. And l think it will help me to recover sooner
Leo, I love your deeper topics and videos but I believe your greatest value lies in shooting how-to videos and giving amazing practical tips! Just my input, thanks!
This came at a great time. There's so much truth to this. I've been researching and learning about this and have found that this tension and stress has caused my mother's fibromyalgia and my non epileptic seizures. That's right, I pass out and convulse and puke for hours on end and wake up in a hospital because of stress and anxiety. I can't believe how far behind the medical community and neuroscience is on this. Part of the problem is the stigma of mental illnesses, a majority of which are caused by stress and anxiety.
I am working on body awareness and relaxation to heal trauma. Also doing Rick Simpson oil protocol. Seriously amazing results so far. Thanks so much for this.
35:52 love that little smile there :) You‘re doing great work, Leo. Can‘t thank you and people like Jordan Peterson, Teal Swan, Eckhart Tolle enough for the wisdom that they teach. You have helped me through so much things
Thank you for addressing this super important topic, Leo! ❤️ As someone who practices body awareness, I'd like to add to the list of body parts your heart and your throat, where I personally carry A LOT of my tension (along with shoulders).
long time ago i was into a toxic relationship, and the 2 last year, i was always sick. started having skin problems n digestive problems, and after many many visit to my doctor $$$ she said that maybe the problem is not physical. SO, it took a while but i broke that toxic relationship. And now today, i havent seen my doctor in the last 5 years. I realize it today, how your body IS connected to your mind. Back then it was hard to understand, and to do. but it is possible, to heal and to let go. Thanx Leo !!
It is quite easy to forget and underestimate the body when one is too much in the head. I know it myself... I have only recently noticed how important it is to do this shifts of attention from the chattering mind into the body.
Wow leo!! this man saved my life couldn't find any other personal development guru like him still looking another guru please guys tell me another guru who's clear and don't talk about material chasing gurus
Great insight about becoming aware of tensions and relax the body AND relax the mind (from about 8 minutes into the video). I can feel that this improves the mindfulness practice.
i love u for overcoming your overall jealousy and giving 100 percent of your energy for the delepoment of everybody who watches the video.oh and thanks
Mind body connection is extremely helpful during childbirth. There has been so much fear and anxiety built up around childbirth that nowadays women are having cesareans and induced labor (which often times leads to cesareans) for no real reason, except that they are scared of natural child birth. I practiced relaxation techniques while I was pregnant with my son and when my labor started I was ready for it. I gave birth to him (in a birth center with midwives) after only 4 hours of labor. One of the midwives said that I could have birthed him at home by myself because it was so easy and natural. The thing that made that possible for me was the mid body connection. Being able to relax and release the tension. Being able to birth my son that way was so empowering.
Another point I'd like to add from my own personal experience of the body is that an issue with one part of the body can manifest as pain, discomfort or tension in a different area of the body. For example, if its nerve pain in your hands/arms, the issue may be coming from your neck area. I've also been told by an acupuncturist that issues with the feet can rise up and manifest much higher up the chain at the hips, and up to the shoulders. Investing time and awareness on the body will definitely increase our probability that we catch issues as they start to take root and fix the issue at its core. Let's keep growing our awareness. Sending you good vibes!
Yup, akaATK put you on the right track. Try searching for "referred pain (and area of pain)". The basics of this is that it is mainly for nerve type pain (but not all the time), which feels very sharp and electric or numb. For example, if you have sharp or numb pain in your hands, it may be because there is a pinched nerve in your neck. Sometimes a pinched nerve in the lower spine can manifest as pain in the legs. Good luck!
Leo! A big gratitude marinaded shout out to you man from Finland. I have been following your channel now for couple of years and it just keeps getting better and better. In this video you touched a topic of movement / dance that has been dear to me during the last five years. I'd say that I have "moved" trough a lot of issues and emotions by allowing my body to express whatever there is. If you have the change to go and do Authentic Movement / Contact Improvisation / Free Dance I very warmly recommend trying out these practices. Seems that you are well on your path, yet for me these have proven to be hugely beneficial practices to experience freedom, well being and connection. Much love! and remember, you cannot move wrong ;)
Oh, before I forget. Thanks Leo for sharing! I just took a little ring instead of the wristband. This ring has helped me in the past to create some awareness around worry so I think it will help me again to create more awareness around how I feel in my body!
Oh my goodness, I'm paralyzed from my nerves but this video is helping me learn how to communicate with my body and tend to it rather than be afraid of it. I really struggled with this 💓 thank you so much
I was suffering from gut inflammation , was so low on energy constantly , I quit my job , excercise and good food , one year and I have almost recovered , there were times when I got frustrated due what seemed like no results , I kept trying , depression is gone , not that I have fixed my problems , I just have more energy to deal with them so they don't bother me much , I am happy and wish you happiness
Wonderful video. I have tried to relax my body totally, it started aching so much, like extremely hot energy ball was moving around my body. Good/ bad experience. Weirdly enough my body started aching more while relaxing rather when I came back to my normal functioning.
Sometimes there is too many emotions around one theme which makes it hard to just let it go, and accept it. The EFT System is a tool that is super powerful for complex emotions and therefore hard to accept tensions, is similar to hatha yoga techniques but more detail oriented. For me that has been the easier way to completely let go of huge traumas and body tensions. The other effective solution is to become aware that you are not the mind, so there is nothing anymore to resist hehe 😜
Thanks . Been watching for a while now. Love your videos. This one came right on time. BEEN dealing with this for years and the way you broke it down really opened up my eyes to solutions. Thanks again!
I think that one thing that Leo forgot too mention in his video is the importance of becoming a superconductor. It is not about suppressing your emotions or tension but about letting it pass through you with no resistance :) Really Love your work! Wish you the best of luck with everything :)
Definitely very important. I had a huge problem with built up tension in my body to point of vomiting sometimes all day. I found that the Wim Hoff method could release this tension.
Leo, I really like the way you lay out those teachings. I frequently catch myself analysing your teaching rather than following it directly ;) But that's what makes it a good teaching, the mix of direct pointings and their practical implication.
So relaxed I fell asleep! Went back & watched through though - I noticed a lot of these unconscious tensions since I started getting neck pain during stressful times in work. Can't stress enough the importance of practice in relaxing. Brilliant advice in this video, thanks Leo. I'd add spending time in nature as a way of relaxing the body and truly connecting.
Fantastic episode Leo! I’ve listened to it so many times already:-) Can I ask you to do a video at some point on Speech Awareness ie our choice of words, and becoming aware of the language we use to articulate things, situations, people etc and how that affects our physiology, psychology and philosophy:-) much thanks:-)
I've been playing a lot of High level DDR, and I've been finding that the more I relax my mind/body the better I can play. and this awareness I got from playing has actually been boosting my spiritual development as well, lol.
Thank you, i've been meditation on my body a lot lately because i've come to the same realisation of how important it is, but you made me deepend the importance of it, and so, I plan to do it a lot :) Thank you.
Hey leo! You give me the information contained in so many personal development books here just in one channel. Possibly i have been carrying tensions inside the body for long time which i realized through the exercise.
Good build leo, that's part of the problem in my community. Guys are scared to have a good cry and get those emotions out. Instead we are thought its weak to cry or show emotions, not in a immature way but they hold it in and the first problem with someone happens and they snap and kill someone. Crying is a release of energy, notice u feel a little better after a good cry?
I didn't have time to finish the video so I'm not sure if you talked about it but as an actor, discovering and using your mind body connection is key to performance for movement and breathe. So in training we do a lot if work with various movement techniques like feldenkrais, laban, bartenieff, Tai chi, and qi gong. I'm sure you know a lot of these but if you don't they're worth a look at.
Hey Leo…I have tension for most of my life even when I was very little. I didn’t even know I was tensing my shoulder, neck and face. So it’s been very difficult to relax my body. The muscles are just stuck. I can’t let go! I was able to relax it a while ago. I was doing a lot of body scan meditation, body awareness and deep breathing exercises during that time. Probably I need to go back to that. But anyways, thank you for this video you have been very helpful like always!
Can totally relate to mushrooms making you feel like you just came into your body for the first time and helps you get in touch with how beautiful it is. Highly recommend to anyone (except if you got family mental health issues).
Just to be crystal clear, the relaxation technique is extremely simple and quick:
Step #1: You check your body tension
Step #2: You let go of the tension
This should take you 3 seconds. And you do this over and over again throughout the day as you're doing all your daily tasks.
You do not need to go through a 5 minute relaxation routine. That is actually counter-productive. Learn to check for and release tension quickly, in under 5 seconds.
Hey Leo, I just did a Skype interview with Anadi (Aziz Kristof). It was an extremely humbling experience. He was trying to point out the different centers of my awareness like the "personality" vs. "the person" vs. "bare attention" and "pure me". He said that because I'm new to his teachings, I can't navigate the different centers of my subjectivity or awareness. Do you have any comment on his teachings? Have you experimented with dividing the different centers of your consciousness? He told me to direct my attention to the back of my head while looking at my visual field to see the "person" acknowledging the "personality". What are your thoughts on this?
No idea
I realized how many times i tense my face and jaw everyday and how i did relax them few times. Thank you Leo :)
I scan my body frequently, due to thoughts I'm breaking. I'll stretch that part of my body, and release it. On point, with this video. It only takes a few seconds to do. Awareness is key.
Also, if you have the time, could you let me know what you make of this?
The distinctions seem very confusing. Maybe you could provide some insight into this based on your experience.
"Unconsciousness = tension". This video was brilliant. I started getting really bad nerves as I was finishing up secondary school and they affected me pretty badly in college too. I'm glad this video was included.
Great video, I wish other people talked about this topic too. Anyone know any?
I’m so pissed how much school pretty much robbed me of my childhood and adolescence
Let’s do what we can to reform the school system
No kidding, but good luck going against the big corporations and local govt's that want to keep the assembly line running.
Do you have a better alternative? I would to hear it.
I think the school system should focus on basic education and building social/life skills until middle school. At that point kids are then assessed and can choose a “PATH”. Each path is a specialization of intercepting skill sets such as Medicine, Social/Political Science, IT.. etc We are being robbed because after 10-20 years studying, testing and sitting around being lectured you are still not an expert at anything… Today's education system including major university is a complete joke and a waste of time.
@@mv1991 we need Leo school
Thank you Leo for this! I think this is a very underrated episode, I found that after going through anxiety for the last several months and unpacking and fixing it to its core, most of the "issues" leftover/still stored are in my body that became more aware to me during meditation.
This video just helped me validate what I realized in mediation as well. Thanks for providing a practical way of going about it
yep, anxiety is impacted a lot with the degree of muscle relaxation you can achieve during everyday life - I struggle heavily with anxiety to the point I can't think at all and by trying to be as relaxed as possible in my muscles 24/7 it really helps
Yup! Very underrated episode. I've come back to this one a lot.
Leo man, you provide so much value. By far my favorite youtube channel for a couple years now. Thank you thank you thank you
32 year man over here, who has been angry and heading no where fast up too I came across these videos a year ago. I don't know what was it. Although my brain didn't understand it because I was blinded by anger, hate, hopelessness, a whole lot of crap lol. No one to help me. You brought me out. And now you have taught me something I have been feeling since I was a child knowing why I feel that way but don't know how to let go. Thank you!
J.C.P P 32 year old man with a DBZ avatar yeah...Loser
Lol, thanks for your opinion. Thank God your opinion isn't a fact, and it's just a damn picture hahahaha. No need to put thought into it. Duh duh. It's the damn net. Don't even resemble who I am, but hides who I am. Dumb dumb think before you talk next time.
AllStarFlamePepito how did I judge? I didn't he did? Yes we are all human, and no one is perfect. That's I do know. I don't judge people, unless they show there true color.
J.C.P P You’re a 32 year old man who doesn’t know even the difference between there and their. Lol I pity you.
Purityknights yup. Didn't start like most. How narrow-minded. Sad. Unlike most. I know my flews, and ok with them. How about you? Haha Pharisee.
Awesome topic! Love how this channel is becoming more and more profound and holistic.
Totally agree with that!
Hey Leo, would appreciate another video on this. Like a serious 3 hour deep dive into this. Specifically on trauma release, thanks!
Yep, I agree.
Your story is very similar to mine, except I had a panic disorder and thought I had a heart problem because of chest pains, palpitations, and twitching. however, my EKGs always came back normal. After a year of having these symptoms, I decided to face my mental breakdowns for once. I suddenly felt some "burst of prana" around my heart and the symptoms went away instantly. For the academics, panic disorder is a wonderful example that sheds light into the mind and body relationship. Keep it up Leo!
What did you do to relief? Have same type of problem
I think I have this as well I often wake up with this ache in my chest / heart due to a traumatic experience that happened 2 years ago and I can’t seem to shake it .. I just want to move on from this and live my life ..hope were you able to do it ?
Coming back 3 and a half years later to say that this video fundamentally changed the trajectory of my relationship with myself, therapeutic healing, and areas of study. Currently in a BA at Naropa University studying Somatic Studies, in Hakomi therapy, and use eccentric dance as a primary method for sensemaking about our broken information ecology
All the Love, and all the Power to you Leo!!
Fantastic video, I learned a lot about myself. As I got older I started sleeping in weird positions, legs crossed, hands under the pillow and not on my back anymore.
Since I was a child, I've had strange non-dual experiences and have been trying to figure out what reality is, so your videos mostly clicked perfectly and I can easily follow along.
But this is something I'm terrible at. I literally wanted to jump out of my skin while doing the exercise at the beginning of the video. I have all the negative symptoms you listed (besides heart attack haha) so this is possibly the most important video for people like me.
dude you keep my life in check... for free??
There are paid products. Did you buy them?
Leo is not materialistic. He became enlightened so he felt what is like to be the universe and suffering of everyone, so he is trying to help us out. he is also paid by youtube, has book list and life purpose which you can buy to support him. He is really comfortable money is not an issue, so he isn't chasing after it.
You could paypal him, i do out of gratitude
he is a millionaire.
This is incredible I had so much tension I dint realize it ❤️thank you so much
Thanks Leo, I can't express how valuable this video was to me in overcoming anxiety.
I've found that your quality of mind as you relax your body is key - I like the image of a fox scratching itself. It's just naturally attending to its body without judgement. In the same way, you never force change but just allow it.
yep, same, greatly helpful with easing anxiety by relaxing as much as possible 24/7
5 minutes in and I can already tell this is a classically useful actualized.org video.
this is the most powerful video on youtube... you can be RELAXED IN YOUR BODY 24/7 !!
yep, one of the most important videos on UA-cam, without exaggeration
You man are changing lives. You are a blessing on our planet. God bless you.
Out of all the videos you've ever made, this is your most foundational video. I think this video should be a required watch before anyone views your other work on UA-cam. As you say, the more conscious you are, the more relaxed you are. The more relaxed you are, the more conscious you will be.
I truly believe your videos are more valuable and insightful than the entire educational system 10x over! This is what school needs to be about!
I've been practicing body relaxation for 8 years, almost every day for the first year, everything going great, it is tricked on the face part once you focus on it you feel like a warm energy going from back of neck to the top of the head and go down to the face, a very fast relaxation, works every time for the first half of the year. It became addictive for the face part since it felt so good. One night it was cold and I didn't close the window, while I tried to focus the face part, the flow stuck on the forehead and never come down to face, the second day, I felt my left forehead like I had been punch, and since then the feeling began obvious everyday, and I started to panic, try to relax body but never had my face relax, and what is more, once I focus on face, the headache become very strong like the whole head was going to explode! Till now almost every night when I sleep, I feel the extreme tension on my forehead, it never gone for a second, only when I forget it, Every time I feel it is gone, I think about it, it come back. I don't know why, but maybe there is a reason for no others but only Leo mention about the face part, I wonder maybe there were many suffer the same thing as I had, and acknowledge that it would be tricked if you focus too much on your face.
Two days ago l've got cold. So my body felt awful. This video reminded me on a very important thing. Relaxation and awareness instantly allowed me to feel much better. And l think it will help me to recover sooner
Leo, I love your deeper topics and videos but I believe your greatest value lies in shooting how-to videos and giving amazing practical tips! Just my input, thanks!
Heycel for sure. His how-to videos are priceless for practical use
thank you leo! Only watching this video made me aware of where a lot of my problems stem from, I can now help my self by digging deeper.
This came at a great time. There's so much truth to this. I've been researching and learning about this and have found that this tension and stress has caused my mother's fibromyalgia and my non epileptic seizures. That's right, I pass out and convulse and puke for hours on end and wake up in a hospital because of stress and anxiety. I can't believe how far behind the medical community and neuroscience is on this. Part of the problem is the stigma of mental illnesses, a majority of which are caused by stress and anxiety.
This was an excellent episode.
I tried releasing tension near my shoulders and started crying.
I will be practicing this more.
I am working on body awareness and relaxation to heal trauma. Also doing Rick Simpson oil protocol. Seriously amazing results so far. Thanks so much for this.
35:52 love that little smile there :) You‘re doing great work, Leo. Can‘t thank you and people like Jordan Peterson, Teal Swan, Eckhart Tolle enough for the wisdom that they teach. You have helped me through so much things
Thank you for addressing this super important topic, Leo! ❤️ As someone who practices body awareness, I'd like to add to the list of body parts your heart and your throat, where I personally carry A LOT of my tension (along with shoulders).
+valedro Good point
@@ActualizedOrg Also, this ties really nicely with your Awareness Alone Is Curative video, which is one of my favourite videos of yours.
@@valedro Great video, I wish other people talked about this topic too. Anyone know any?
@@lfcrags9715 Peter Ralston
long time ago i was into a toxic relationship, and the 2 last year, i was always sick. started having skin problems n digestive problems, and after many many visit to my doctor $$$ she said that maybe the problem is not physical. SO, it took a while but i broke that toxic relationship. And now today, i havent seen my doctor in the last 5 years. I realize it today, how your body IS connected to your mind. Back then it was hard to understand, and to do. but it is possible, to heal and to let go. Thanx Leo !!
You have no idea how valuable this video is to me.
This video came out so crazy relevant to my life right now. I was literally just looking up videos about sleep, crazy this just came out!
It is quite easy to forget and underestimate the body when one is too much in the head. I know it myself...
I have only recently noticed how important it is to do this shifts of attention from the chattering mind into the body.
Greatest video I ever seen!
Wow leo!! this man saved my life couldn't find any other personal development guru like him still looking another guru please guys tell me another guru who's clear and don't talk about material chasing gurus
Eckhart Tolle maybe?
I had this subject in mind all day and you just happened to make a video about it!!!
Great insight about becoming aware of tensions and relax the body AND relax the mind (from about 8 minutes into the video). I can feel that this improves the mindfulness practice.
i love u for overcoming your overall jealousy and giving 100 percent of your energy for the delepoment of everybody who watches the video.oh and thanks
I like how you get more personal! The uniquence glances.
I was here at 999k subscribers. Well on your way to 1 million. Congratulations. Love your channel!
Thank you, Leo
Merci pour vos enseignement,Thank's for your lessons
Mind body connection is extremely helpful during childbirth. There has been so much fear and anxiety built up around childbirth that nowadays women are having cesareans and induced labor (which often times leads to cesareans) for no real reason, except that they are scared of natural child birth. I practiced relaxation techniques while I was pregnant with my son and when my labor started I was ready for it. I gave birth to him (in a birth center with midwives) after only 4 hours of labor. One of the midwives said that I could have birthed him at home by myself because it was so easy and natural. The thing that made that possible for me was the mid body connection. Being able to relax and release the tension. Being able to birth my son that way was so empowering.
+earthlovin Yup, indeed. Hypnosis and self-hypnosis is also great for natural painless childbirth.
What another life transforming insight. Just beyond words.
Thanks for this Leo. This will help so many as it is helping me immensely. 🙏
Another point I'd like to add from my own personal experience of the body is that an issue with one part of the body can manifest as pain, discomfort or tension in a different area of the body. For example, if its nerve pain in your hands/arms, the issue may be coming from your neck area. I've also been told by an acupuncturist that issues with the feet can rise up and manifest much higher up the chain at the hips, and up to the shoulders.
Investing time and awareness on the body will definitely increase our probability that we catch issues as they start to take root and fix the issue at its core.
Let's keep growing our awareness. Sending you good vibes!
How could you tell the root of the issue when all you feel is pain in a certain place
Yup, akaATK put you on the right track.
Try searching for "referred pain (and area of pain)".
The basics of this is that it is mainly for nerve type pain (but not all the time), which feels very sharp and electric or numb. For example, if you have sharp or numb pain in your hands, it may be because there is a pinched nerve in your neck. Sometimes a pinched nerve in the lower spine can manifest as pain in the legs. Good luck!
Leo! A big gratitude marinaded shout out to you man from Finland. I have been following your channel now for couple of years and it just keeps getting better and better.
In this video you touched a topic of movement / dance that has been dear to me during the last five years. I'd say that I have "moved" trough a lot of issues and emotions by allowing my body to express whatever there is.
If you have the change to go and do Authentic Movement / Contact Improvisation / Free Dance I very warmly recommend trying out these practices. Seems that you are well on your path, yet for me these have proven to be hugely beneficial practices to experience freedom, well being and connection.
Much love!
and remember, you cannot move wrong ;)
Oh, before I forget. Thanks Leo for sharing! I just took a little ring instead of the wristband. This ring has helped me in the past to create some awareness around worry so I think it will help me again to create more awareness around how I feel in my body!
Oh my goodness, I'm paralyzed from my nerves but this video is helping me learn how to communicate with my body and tend to it rather than be afraid of it. I really struggled with this 💓 thank you so much
I was suffering from gut inflammation , was so low on energy constantly , I quit my job , excercise and good food , one year and I have almost recovered , there were times when I got frustrated due what seemed like no results , I kept trying , depression is gone , not that I have fixed my problems , I just have more energy to deal with them so they don't bother me much , I am happy and wish you happiness
Wonderful video. I have tried to relax my body totally, it started aching so much, like extremely hot energy ball was moving around my body. Good/ bad experience. Weirdly enough my body started aching more while relaxing rather when I came back to my normal functioning.
This is awesome, thank you Leo
On point here. This is a very important video by the master guru, Leo.
Vipassana in your own words...❤
Psilocybin is the most amazing psychosomatic technology. It makes you feel your body so much, this awareness work becomes piece of cake.
One of your best recent videos, IMO.
Dancing is an awesome way to develop body awareness for me...my all time favourite is zumba
Sometimes there is too many emotions around one theme which makes it hard to just let it go, and accept it. The EFT System is a tool that is super powerful for complex emotions and therefore hard to accept tensions, is similar to hatha yoga techniques but more detail oriented. For me that has been the easier way to completely let go of huge traumas and body tensions.
The other effective solution is to become aware that you are not the mind, so there is nothing anymore to resist hehe 😜
Thanks . Been watching for a while now. Love your videos. This one came right on time. BEEN dealing with this for years and the way you broke it down really opened up my eyes to solutions. Thanks again!
Please do videos on Social intelligence and Emotional intelligence and how to achieve high levels of these....
Check out his past videos!:)
@Ego 1999 It's important
It's on his book list!
Thanks Leo, your last 10 episodes or more have been amazing! Your thoughts and videos are a very important element to my growth.
I think that one thing that Leo forgot too mention in his video is the importance of becoming a superconductor. It is not about suppressing your emotions or tension but about letting it pass through you with no resistance :)
Really Love your work! Wish you the best of luck with everything :)
Be a leader, superconductor and empty jar. :)
Definitely very important. I had a huge problem with built up tension in my body to point of vomiting sometimes all day. I found that the Wim Hoff method could release
this tension.
+Paul Arbuckle That's a good technique too.
The best video you've ever made imo
Leo, I really like the way you lay out those teachings. I frequently catch myself analysing your teaching rather than following it directly ;) But that's what makes it a good teaching, the mix of direct pointings and their practical implication.
I really love this video..teaches me to be grounded with myself and let go..thank you so much for sharing this video..
So relaxed I fell asleep! Went back & watched through though - I noticed a lot of these unconscious tensions since I started getting neck pain during stressful times in work. Can't stress enough the importance of practice in relaxing. Brilliant advice in this video, thanks Leo. I'd add spending time in nature as a way of relaxing the body and truly connecting.
Excellent .You are great in understanding psychology
Fantastic episode Leo! I’ve listened to it so many times already:-) Can I ask you to do a video at some point on Speech Awareness ie our choice of words, and becoming aware of the language we use to articulate things, situations, people etc and how that affects our physiology, psychology and philosophy:-) much thanks:-)
Thank you very much Leo for your kindness :)
Thanks Leo. I love you!
I think you just saved my life
Thank you a lot Leo.
I find it so amazing you are speaking things that I think about a lot lately. The ties of thoughts and the body :)
I've been playing a lot of High level DDR, and I've been finding that the more I relax my mind/body the better I can play. and this awareness I got from playing has actually been boosting my spiritual development as well, lol.
Thank you 💜
Thanks a lot lot Leo , can’t thank you enough . Thank youuuuuu mate
Thank you, i've been meditation on my body a lot lately because i've come to the same realisation of how important it is, but you made me deepend the importance of it, and so, I plan to do it a lot :) Thank you.
You are soooo AWESOME and PHENOMENAL!!
Thank you so much!
This is so helpful, not only for me but also for the side listeners.. We love you Leo :)! Thanks a lot
This video is very important for me because I should lern how to control the stress in my body
TRE Trauma Release Exercises, and Float Tanks are great for this type of work!
So powerful
Great video Leo..one of your very best...
Hey leo! You give me the information contained in so many personal development books here just in one channel. Possibly i have been carrying tensions inside the body for long time which i realized through the exercise.
Great video, I wish other people talked about this topic too. Anyone know any?
I noticed the same problem and I was trying to solve it somehow and boom-a video fitting exactly.
Good build leo, that's part of the problem in my community. Guys are scared to have a good cry and get those emotions out. Instead we are thought its weak to cry or show emotions, not in a immature way but they hold it in and the first problem with someone happens and they snap and kill someone. Crying is a release of energy, notice u feel a little better after a good cry?
+Godscience7 7 Yup, a classic problem with juvenile forms of masculinity.
Godscience7 7 real men show emotion...surpression is being fake
I didn't have time to finish the video so I'm not sure if you talked about it but as an actor, discovering and using your mind body connection is key to performance for movement and breathe. So in training we do a lot if work with various movement techniques like feldenkrais, laban, bartenieff, Tai chi, and qi gong. I'm sure you know a lot of these but if you don't they're worth a look at.
Freaudian slip after 32:13
Human nature can be studied but not escaped, especially your own. -Stanley Milgram
Damn Leo used to really spam these old videos with ads haha … Great video though, very valuable lesson that I will always take with me
Amazing I’ve already been practicing this time to time, motivating
Liked this video Leo.
Really helpful, thank you.
Hey Leo…I have tension for most of my life even when I was very little. I didn’t even know I was tensing my shoulder, neck and face. So it’s been very difficult to relax my body. The muscles are just stuck. I can’t let go!
I was able to relax it a while ago. I was doing a lot of body scan meditation, body awareness and deep breathing exercises during that time.
Probably I need to go back to that. But anyways, thank you for this video you have been very helpful like always!
Thank you Leo!! I got to reread and practice Lowen's work❤
Great information!!!
Can totally relate to mushrooms making you feel like you just came into your body for the first time and helps you get in touch with how beautiful it is.
Highly recommend to anyone (except if you got family mental health issues).
Thank you Leo
Unspeakably helpful.. I hope u recognize the occasionally sit with the difference u make. #godswork
Peace & blessings