18 MORE Minutes of Useless Catholic Trivia

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1 тис.

  • @generalyousif3640
    @generalyousif3640 Рік тому +712

    Still waiting for a video on every rite of the church

    • @seamlyshenanigans861
      @seamlyshenanigans861 Рік тому +33

      He made one. It’s called “Which Type of Catholic Are You”

    • @ajyyoung3263
      @ajyyoung3263 Рік тому +4

      But… Latin Mass is worth trashing. Even with all the other rites. Oh and there will be a new Aztec/Mayan rite instituted by the Vatican in May 2023. Blessings!

    • @generalyousif0
      @generalyousif0 Рік тому +7

      @@seamlyshenanigans861I know that but it’s not specific enough

    • @jjmac83
      @jjmac83 Рік тому +3

      @@generalyousif0 there is Wikipedia. Or just type in the liturgical rites for each of them on UA-cam. That might be interesting to watch

    • @Eserr7856
      @Eserr7856 Рік тому

      ​@@ajyyoung3263 thats interesting. Do you know any details about how that culture will influence how the Mass is said?

  • @AlbertM170
    @AlbertM170 Рік тому +174

    "...go and watch anything else I've made over the last 8 years..."
    Very well, I'll rewatch the first useless Catholic trivia video. 😂

  • @rhwinner
    @rhwinner Рік тому +727

    I can't wait until I get to heaven, where there will be an eternity of useless Catholic information! 💜🙏💜

    • @ToxicPea
      @ToxicPea Рік тому +30

      Genuinely can't wait!
      Let's all keep praying and work hard to make that a reality for everyone in our lives!

    • @lauralutz4538
      @lauralutz4538 Рік тому +19

      I hope I meet you there!😀

    • @elisabetta611
      @elisabetta611 Рік тому +16

      SAME. I could listen to these FOR HOURS. (Sorry Father Casey!)

    • @geordiewishart1683
      @geordiewishart1683 Рік тому +2

      Perhaps you've had to say farewell to a mother or father, laid to rest a brother, sister or perhaps say goodbye to a spouse or best friend. Have you wondered: What's happened to them? Where have they gone? Why do I doubt?
      You may feel unexpected emotions such as shock and disbelief-making it difficult to accept what's happened.
      You desperately want to know the truth. Supposing the person is safe and looking down from heaven is just not enough. You're skeptical, not completely satisfied with mere speculation. And you think: What about me? What will happen to me when I die?
      You need to know what God has said. Is there a sure word from Him that will help you?
      Going to heaven at death-truth or empty hope?
      Sometimes you have a need to believe, especially at those times in life that force you to think about your mortality. We all know that in the end no one beats death. But it's one thing to know it in the back of your mind, and something else to come face to face with it.
      When you're looking in the face of death, the idea of heaven can seem comforting. It can seem beautiful-but does that make it true? Is it just wishful thinking, or can you know the facts? Is it just a matter of faith?
      Now here's what may be surprising: What the Bible says about death and heaven is probably quite different from what you may think you know or what you believe.
      So how can you be sure of what you believe? The majority of Americans and Britons still believe in life after death. According to a Gallup poll, 81 percent of Americans and 55 percent of Britons say they believe in going to heaven.
      We want to believe that our loved ones who have died are okay and that we'll be okay. So surveys show that most people are confident, or at least they have a feeling, that life doesn't end at the grave.
      Only Jesus has gone to heaven
      How would you answer this question: Where do your ideas about heaven come from? Most Christians would say they come from the Bible. Yet some have an image of floating on clouds. Some believe they'll be given wings like angels. Others believe that they'll gaze into the face of God for eternity.
      Yet did you know that none of these are what the Bible actually says is in store for us? None of these are ideas that God has given us in the pages of His Word. It's time to examine your concept of death and your belief in going to heaven!
      Don't just believe what someone else has said, or what a Sunday school teacher may have taught you, or what a church or religion says, or what this article says. Why not? If it's not based on the truth, what good is it? So don't believe any person's opinion-believe your Bible! You must believe what God says in the pages of His Word. That's the challenge today. Are you willing to look at what Scripture actually teaches? That's where our understanding of life and death must come from-the Word of God!
      Notice what is stated in John 3:13 (emphasis added throughout): "No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven"-and that one Being is Jesus Christ, who has returned to heaven!
      Now that may be startling to you-but the Bible here is clear and plain. How does what it teaches here compare with what you've thought was true? If you look in the New International Version, it renders the statement as, "No one has ever gone into heaven." The Message says, "No one has ever gone up into the presence of God." God's Word Translation says, "No one has gone to heaven." The only exception is Jesus Christ Himself!
      Jesus' disciple Peter echoed this sentiment in Acts 2: "Men and brethren, let me speak freely to you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his tomb is with us to this day . . . For David did not ascend into the heavens" (Acts 2:29, Acts 2:34).
      So Jesus' disciples did not teach that life beyond the grave meant going to live forever in heaven. Jesus Himself never promised that Christians would go consciously to heaven at death!
      Hebrews 11, speaking of great men and women of faith of past ages, tells us that they are still awaiting their future reward of being made perfect in God's Kingdom: "And all these, having obtained a good testimony through faith, did not receive the promise . . . that they should not be made perfect apart from us" (Hebrews 11:39-40).

    • @geordiewishart1683
      @geordiewishart1683 Рік тому +3

      Death compared to sleep-that is, temporary
      So why haven't they yet received the promise of eternal life? And if they aren't in heaven, where are they?
      When Jesus' friend Lazarus died, Christ's reaction was very telling. Jesus Himself said, "'Our friend Lazarus sleeps, but I go that I may wake him up.' Then His disciples said, 'Lord, if he sleeps he will get well.' However, Jesus spoke of his death, but they thought that He was speaking about taking rest in sleep. Then Jesus said to them plainly, 'Lazarus is dead'" (John 11:11-14).
      That tells us something important. How does Jesus Himself describe death? He doesn't say that people who died immediately went to heaven or hell at death. He simply compares it to sleep.
      So let's think of that comparison for a moment. When someone is in a deep sleep, they have no awareness of the passing of time or any knowledge of events that are occurring while they're asleep. It's like they're unconscious. They're oblivious to circumstances. So throughout the Bible, we see that it describes the dead as figuratively in a state of sleep. They're unaware. They're waiting in the grave.
      King Solomon confirmed the fact that death is like a deep, unconscious sleep: "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going" (Ecclesiastes 9:10). Just before that he wrote, "For the living know that they will die; but the dead know nothing" (Ecclesiastes 9:5).
      So it becomes clear that the Bible consistently teaches that good people don't go to heaven or anything like heaven at death-instead they sleep in the grave. All of the dead-the good and the not-so-good alike-wait in the grave.
      Now that's quite a change in perspective! We don't have to be overwhelmed and consumed by grief because we're told that even in death there is hope. As the apostle Paul wrote in 1 Thessalonians 4:13, "I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope." So instead of the chilling thought of our loved ones having ceased to be, we're told that we can be comforted. We can be encouraged by thinking of them as being asleep in Christ!
      A greater promise than heaven as commonly imagined
      Think of the common concept of heaven. Supposedly heaven is where you, your best friends and your relatives go after you die. Many believe that their departed family members are looking down on them from paradise.
      But if so, have you ever wondered what that paradise would really be like? Would it really be a place of perfect happiness? Would it really be a place of ideal joy and bliss? Imagine if it were true: How could it really be heavenly?
      Imagine if you were in heaven, looking down and seeing this world. What would you see? You'd see a world of pain. You'd see a world of war and grief. Imagine watching your loved ones-seeing their shortcomings, seeing their blunders, watching them go through terrible trials, seeing their sinful acts-witnessing a world of evil! Would that be paradise? No. That would be torture and misery. Rather than some dreamy paradise, it would be your worst nightmare!
      The Bible reveals a much greater truth and fate for those who die. Let's see again what Jesus Himself taught.
      Since the dead are waiting in the grave as if asleep, what are they waiting for? When and how will they be awakened from that sleep?
      The answer to that question is one of the great revelations of Scripture. God's promise of the resurrection of the dead truly brings us hope. It is not just a resurrection to life, but to a life of meaning and purpose with Jesus Christ here on earth, ruling for a thousand years (Revelation 20:4). This all begins with the return of Christ, at which point His faithful followers are resurrected (1 Thessalonians 4:16).
      The Old Testament patriarch Job understood the gravity and full meaning of this future resurrection. Notice what he said in Job 14:14: "If a man die, shall he live again? All the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come" (King James Version). Job understood that he would one day be resurrected.
      Even more importantly, he understood that a change would occur. This same change is described by Paul in 1 Corinthians 15 as a change from mortality to immortality-from physical, mortal flesh to immortal, glorified spirit. That is what the coming resurrection of the dead in Christ is all about-not an aimless eternity in heaven, but a real change to becoming like Jesus Christ (1 John 3:2).
      Change your life now to be part of the change at the resurrection
      This is the wonderful truth of God's plan for His people. It's God's purpose for your life. The Bible speaks clearly of a resurrection and a change from physical life to spiritual life. Understanding how one can have a part in that resurrection is so very important to having an understanding of what our life today is about and certainly a genuine hope for the future.
      It tells us how we need to live right now. Our understanding of and belief in God's plan should make a difference in who we are and how we live our lives. Jesus clearly showed us what our priorities in life should be: "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness" (Matthew 6:33).
      When you look to the truth of the Word of God instead of human tradition, you can have hope. You see that death, like sleep, is not permanent. You see that there will be an awakening and a change to an incorruptible life with Jesus Christ as your King!
      This beautiful picture of the future is not a figment of your imagination. It comes directly from the Bible-the Word of God.
      When you look to the one true source, the source of all things, you find incredibly good news. The time will come when the dead in Christ will be resurrected from sleep to immortal life at Jesus Christ's return to earth.
      So be faithful. Look forward to His return!

  • @emmamcclellan8272
    @emmamcclellan8272 Рік тому +48

    More facts about retired papal traditions! The papal coronation, that chair thingy he rode around in, the hammer that checks if you’re dead or just “mostly dead”…

  • @epicurius1
    @epicurius1 Рік тому +11

    Fun fact about the Filet Of Fish, Roy Kroc adopted it over his first choice for a meat free sandwich, the Hula burger, which was a piece of grilled pineapple on a bun with mayo. Probably a good choice.

  • @blanasky4385
    @blanasky4385 Рік тому +21

    Thank you Father Casey, always interesting videos, 59 year old convert, and just got done with a 10 hour shift at Ford Motor co., in Detroit. I enjoy the information and many times serious issues covered with wisdom and compassion. God Bless you Father 😊

    • @EpicWolverine
      @EpicWolverine Рік тому +2

      Shout out to the D! If you have some time, there’s some beautiful churches in the city to visit: Sweetest Heart of Mary, St. Joseph Shrine, Old St. Mary’s to name a few.

  • @nikikranz
    @nikikranz Рік тому +24

    I'm so thankful for another Hungarian reference! Simon "The Rock" Johnson had me completely 😂😂😂 Thanks for showing that Catholicism is not only serious stuff.

  • @lauralutz4538
    @lauralutz4538 Рік тому +41

    Totally enjoyable & NOT useless, thanks, Father! More videos, please!!😊

    • @liamfoley9614
      @liamfoley9614 Рік тому

      The problem with Modernism in General and the NO Mass in particular is the level of personal interpretation that's permitted.

  • @erichodge567
    @erichodge567 Рік тому +10

    Oh no, Father... you're gonna do another one. In times as exhausting as these, a video like this is so calming. So yeah, please do another one, as soon as you can.

  • @patrickreilly6924
    @patrickreilly6924 Рік тому +2

    In Pensacola-Tallahassee diocese we get a little touchy about St Augustine getting recognition for the first mass but according to diocese website and Pensacola history the first mass was on the beach in Pensacola around where there is a large cross erected now.
    From the diocese website
    August 15, 1559
    Spanish colonists, accompanied by five Dominican priests and a lay brother, arrived in Pensacola. The first Mass was offered on August 15, 1559. This is regarded by most historians as the first documented Mass at an undisputed European settlement in what is now the continental United States
    Truly enjoy all your videos on the different platforms that you are on. Please keep it up. I especially like the comedian’s reviews
    God bless you

  • @fr.andygutierrez5356
    @fr.andygutierrez5356 Рік тому +10

    We appreciate your sacrifice in making this video, Father. May it bear great fruit in bringing many to see the solid, useful content you’ve posted for the good of their souls! Pax et bonum!

  • @joegabuzda976
    @joegabuzda976 Рік тому +3

    You are a treasure trove of knowledge. This kind of video as well as your other videos is what will bring the younger generation to the faith. Never stop your presentation. Young guys like you in the church will keep it alive !!! At 71, you are a light of freshness in my faith. Thanks.

  • @glumbumble
    @glumbumble Рік тому +3

    Had no idea about "O Radiant Light O Sun Divine." That's actually good information for people who pray the Liturgy of the Hours as that hymn features pretty regularly. I'm interested in learning the original version now.

  • @shelaghpeterson4130
    @shelaghpeterson4130 Рік тому +4

    My understanding is that the Archdiocese of Baltimore was the first established diocese in the United States and that the dioceses in Quebec (in what became Canada) and Puerto Rico predate its formation.

  • @linafuquen
    @linafuquen Рік тому +8

    Father, for me, your video is absolutely, the very best useful information for our spiritual life. Thanks for sharing!
    I pray for you!

  • @joshuamiller-le753
    @joshuamiller-le753 Рік тому +5

    I would argue in my case, these facts are not useless. While I am not Roman Catholic, (I am anglican) I have learned a great deal about the church in a way that is very unique. My biggest admiration of your videos is that you do not take a judgmental stance. So, Fr. Casey, no matter how useless you may think things like this are, these types of things are important to me at least.

  • @huskymom234
    @huskymom234 Рік тому +4

    Fr. Casey, in these times it is quite refreshing to here these things - the church is an integral part of our lives we should hear some of the more esoteric stories about churchdom . Thank you

  • @ettabeckner1144
    @ettabeckner1144 Рік тому +2

    I found, and subscribe, because of your "Useless Catholic Information." I'm Catholic and find them fun, funny, amusing AND informative. Thank you, Father Casey. God's blessings to you and yours. P. S. Hi, Father Casey's mom & dad!!!!!!!!!

  • @ericromano7703
    @ericromano7703 Рік тому +1

    Father, my wife has never been Catholic, and over the last several years has seemed to lose whatever faith she used to have, though she's never told me so. While a small thing, I was quite happy to be able to tell her about St. Peter being somewhat named Simon "The Rock" Johnson. I hope and pray that things improve over time, but for now, this was a small nice thing, and I thank you. This video may not have helped me to have a deeper understanding or appreciation of my own faith, but it was helpful to me just the same.

  • @maciek1655
    @maciek1655 Рік тому +3

    God bless you father it's good to hear from you again !

  • @ModernEphemera
    @ModernEphemera Рік тому +7

    Already know this one will be a banger, father

  • @AutumnButterfly
    @AutumnButterfly 3 місяці тому

    “Coffee is gross. And no, I won’t be taking any questions.” 🤣😂🤣😂

  • @christianjamescollado9822
    @christianjamescollado9822 Рік тому +1

    These actually are useful ideas for us seminarians for our quizzes in theology and church history subject, also for our revalidas exam.

  • @dianecomly5621
    @dianecomly5621 Рік тому +4

    I love all your videos. I really learn so much about the religion I have been for more than70 years. THANK YOU🙏🙏

  • @irontemplar6222
    @irontemplar6222 Місяць тому +1

    If you grow disheartened remember the lord works in mysterious ways, and often times the alternative path bears more fruit than previously imagined.
    As many others have said. Many people have discovered your channel as a result of these videos, and in doing so you are making people realize the many ways the Catholic Church has influenced are lives. Ways that people previously took for granted.

  • @FatherJMarcelPortelli
    @FatherJMarcelPortelli Рік тому +2

    Although kneeling is required is certain parts of the liturgy, there is no requirement for a church to have kneelers. So, if your church has kneelers, thank those who installed them for you. If not, either get some installed or kneel on the floor.

  • @sirflowerinvictus
    @sirflowerinvictus Рік тому +1

    Keep these videos coming Fr. Casey! They may be boring but are packed full of interesting content.

  • @golrader
    @golrader Місяць тому

    Worth it! This was an awesome video!

  • @chasieboi5640
    @chasieboi5640 Рік тому +3

    Thanks for doing this video I do like my trivia, but don’t feel too downcast as I can honestly say I follow you for your pastoral work.
    Though some clickbait is worth it as your musings definitely help to make the world a better place.

  • @pebsstonesteel1424
    @pebsstonesteel1424 Рік тому +1

    But it's fun! 😊
    It just proves that Catholism is a rich culture-religion. You see it (in art) and you live it (expressions, day to day living, the calendar, sciences, the law ... all based on Judeo-Christian principles originating from the Catholic faith).
    Can't wait for the next one, Fr. Casey 😊

  • @Xerxes2005
    @Xerxes2005 Рік тому +1

    The first official diocese in North America is the Diocese of Québec, founded in 1674. Its first bishop was St François de Laval. At the beginning, it covered most of North America. Baltimore is the first Catholic diocese of USA.
    Edit: Well, of course there are a few even older in Mexico...

  • @gkcollard2
    @gkcollard2 Рік тому +2

    I love all your videos! This kind brings laughter which we badly need!

  • @SaltyVixen06
    @SaltyVixen06 Рік тому +3

    I loved this! So interesting and you Fr Casey are quite entertaining!! Sorry but I think that you should make more of these videos! Thank you for the information, the laughs and may God Bless You Always 🙏🏻😇

  • @Bobby-ih6xt
    @Bobby-ih6xt 3 місяці тому

    Fun fact for the Filet o fish. The McDonalds franchisee suggested the fish sandwich, Ray Kroc the owner of McDonalds suggested a grilled pineapple sandwich. The fish won! 😂 (per documentary that I saw).

  • @kamehouseboxing7142
    @kamehouseboxing7142 Рік тому

    Hello from El Paso we love our Bishop Mark Joseph Seitz!

  • @margaretarokiasamy9605
    @margaretarokiasamy9605 Рік тому

    Fr Casey just want to send greeting from Malaysia and to thank you for this video. Also its really fun to listen to you.

  • @jenshansen3568
    @jenshansen3568 Рік тому

    There is still need for a third and fourth and fifth video with Catholic trivia. They are always good starting points to study on from those facts…

  • @michaelryan3960
    @michaelryan3960 Рік тому +1

    I enjoyed this video a lot! You should make this a series!

  • @mickeyspanish9709
    @mickeyspanish9709 Рік тому

    A video where you answer questions left in the comments, or twitter would be super cool. I have so many. Some are pointless, like how comfortable are your clothes (habit??), but other deeper theological or history questions.

  • @drsingingeagle
    @drsingingeagle Рік тому +2

    @03:24 - Dude! Did you just say, "Coffee is gross?" 😳 That sacred drink is responsible for many of us not falling asleep during our own holy masses!

  • @ladymmctube
    @ladymmctube Рік тому

    Take heart. I am a member of a protestant and watch all your videos faithfully. (Qualifier: Not the baseball trips.) I enjoy the trivia, but mostly I love your love of Christian faith and the thoughtful depth or your teachings.

  • @johnbrandon5493
    @johnbrandon5493 Рік тому +1

    I'm not Catholic but I truly appreciate you and your videos. May God richly bless you!

  • @jflaugher
    @jflaugher Рік тому +1

    The Coptic Orthodox and the Etheopean Orthodox also call their leading bishops "pope"; but they don't claim to be THE Pope - they just use the same word.

  • @TheCleric42
    @TheCleric42 Рік тому +1

    My wife just announced her conversion- to Unitarian Latte.

  • @jharrison2117
    @jharrison2117 Рік тому

    Great delivery. Fun to watch. Keep 'em coming!

  • @tomreilly515
    @tomreilly515 Рік тому

    entertaining. And informative. When did the last video that I watched offer as much?

  • @Mart289
    @Mart289 Рік тому +3

    Very interesting...God bless you ❤

  • @BasedPhilosophyMom
    @BasedPhilosophyMom Рік тому

    Never heard of you before, this video is HILARIOUS! *subscribing*

  • @renferal5290
    @renferal5290 Рік тому +1

    This was brilliant!!! I loved it!! You are a very good man and I am thankful for all your videos.

  • @Elisabeth.r.87
    @Elisabeth.r.87 Рік тому

    I have watched many of your videos, but this made me subscribe... so not useless at all. And real fun to watch. Thank you!

  • @anotheronlineperson
    @anotheronlineperson Рік тому

    Also, just wanted to echo some of the comments as well - the algorithm may have picked up the "useless facts" video and I clicked on it; but honestly have enjoyed watching your many other thoughtful videos and it's been both faith affirming and provoking. Thank you for posting!

  • @nbenefiel
    @nbenefiel 3 місяці тому

    I went to Catholic grade school, High School, Jesuit University, Catholic grad school. I joke that I never heard of Martin Luther until I was 30.

  • @historiacontaco
    @historiacontaco Рік тому +1

    Simon… the Rock…. Johnson… I did not see that one coming 🤦🏻‍♂️ 😂

  • @markusgwodog6796
    @markusgwodog6796 Рік тому

    Though I'm following some Priests' channels it was improbable for me to find this video because ... Je suis francophone et je regarde assez peu de contenus non musicaux en anglais. Bravo d'avoir trompé l'algorithme. So let's go for the other videos.
    Greetings from Cameroon!

  • @ritalaguna6533
    @ritalaguna6533 Рік тому

    Fr. Casey, Thank you for the useless information video. While I understand you think it is a waste of time. I find it a great way to engage youth and children who are bored with regular catechism lessons. Throwing in useless trivia is a fun was to engage the young people, it makes them think and I always challenge them to look it up when they don't believe me. This goes to prove the adage 'The teacher is always right' 🤔🤯

  • @Aima952
    @Aima952 Рік тому

    Giraffes is my new favourite unit of measure. My local cathedral is only 17 giraffes tall - and while it was still the worlds tallest building it was a catholic church!

  • @ronkoetz8976
    @ronkoetz8976 Рік тому

    First time listening to you, loved it. Thank you. And yes, I subscribed.

  • @GranMaese
    @GranMaese Рік тому +2

    Father Casey, excuse my ignorance, but if some of the Caribbean Islands are officially considered North American territory [because North America goes beyond the USA and Canada], wouldn't that make the mass celebrated on January 6 1494, in the current Dominican Republic territory [La Española, back then] the very first Catholic mass celebrated in North America?
    And even if we wouldn't consider the Caribbean territories for the trivia and rather focus only on the continental countries [USA, Canada and Mexico], then wouldn't the first mass have been the one celebrated in current's Mexico's territory [Cozumel Island] on May 6th 1518?
    Edit: And the first official diocese in N.A. would also be the first diocese of Mexico in September 2 1530, wouldn't it?

    • @karenleonard1365
      @karenleonard1365 Рік тому

      Where does St Augustin FL fit in this? I thought the Spanish opened that colony pretty early on.

  • @lmlauramam
    @lmlauramam Рік тому

    Thank you for being such a good sport and doing this video! I love your more serious content and do prefer it to this so please keep making thought provoking videos, but it was good to watch some lighthearted stuff too!

  • @nunocspinto
    @nunocspinto Рік тому +2

    Useless but preety interesting! I've learnt some cool stuff for trivia around the church 😀

  • @christianlamb3911
    @christianlamb3911 7 місяців тому

    “Coffee is gross” HERESY!!!! COFFEE IS BEAUTIFUL!!!
    All seriousness, I love your videos! Thank you Father Casey!

  • @shaunleonard3878
    @shaunleonard3878 29 днів тому

    I completely agree with you regarding coffee! 🤢😁

  • @StephenGBorja
    @StephenGBorja Рік тому

    Happy Easter!
    Speaking of Easter, was 3:40 an Easter egg? You said “1789”, but the video showed “1798”.

  • @26Bluegb
    @26Bluegb Рік тому +7

    We just want to be prepared if we ever meet Stephen Colbert and he challenges us to a Catholic Throwdown.

  • @jinxadnix8886
    @jinxadnix8886 Рік тому

    Breaking In The Habit: This information is all useless.
    Me a DM: It's free lore.
    D&D has a proud history of DMs trying to show religions properly. You have actually helped us and possibly yourself as a result.

  • @Erizou90
    @Erizou90 Рік тому

    It's actually 8 notes for the whole dies irae dies illa ^^ You can find it in all kinds of music, especially classical.

  • @Scotsmanthebedbug
    @Scotsmanthebedbug Рік тому

    I love your videos. I understand how you feel while making this video. I do appreciate the trivia. But i truly love your stories and wisdom. I also like your reaction videos as well. GOD Bless.

  • @donnavanderwalt7106
    @donnavanderwalt7106 Рік тому +1

    Yes a lot of useless information. However something just struck me. It was a great reminder of the fact that catholism has been around so long, and we are a world wide family. Just what I needed in a time where personally we have been facing some very unpleasant "Catholic bashing" for want of a better word. My daughter is only allowed to see someone once a week because she is Catholic and apparently we are evil. Talk about judgement. So father Casey I know this bored you to tears, but it game me a reminder I needed. Thank you. See God works in mysterious ways. 🙏🏻

  • @alonsodelamata5574
    @alonsodelamata5574 11 місяців тому

    In Latin countries such as Mexico, celebrates the so cold “April fools day” on the 28 of December which is the day of the holy inocents for the church. In Mexico we prank people on this day referring to those who were parked as “inocents”

  • @loganreinke7056
    @loganreinke7056 Рік тому +1

    The archbishop of Omaha, Nebraska' name is George Lucas. The same name of the "Star Wars' creator".

  • @AdamMaynes
    @AdamMaynes Рік тому +1

    “Please never make me do one of these again,” is uttered as I sit here thinking “I can’t wait until round three!!” 🤣🙏❤️

  • @annenelson5656
    @annenelson5656 Рік тому +1

    I wish I could remember all this Catholic trivia.

  • @roseb.3970
    @roseb.3970 6 місяців тому

    3:40 Actually the diocese of Quebec was founded in 1674 (more than 100 years earlier) and is currently celebrating its 350th anniversary. Its first bishop was St. François de Laval and included all of New France. According to Wikipedia: "At its peak, in 1712, it covered the entire American continent to the Gulf of Mexico. Only the British colonies that would later become the United States and the Spanish colony of Florida were not under the authority of the Bishop of Quebec."

  • @lynncw9202
    @lynncw9202 Рік тому +4

    I called my priest to give my mother the last rites when she was dying. She was a Methodist and our Catholic priest was so kind when he came to visit her. She was in a coma.

  • @ccityplanner1217
    @ccityplanner1217 Рік тому

    Not four months late, but 8 months early. Pisa still celebrates the Annunciation as the new year, and there it is already 2024.

  • @donovanmedieval
    @donovanmedieval Рік тому

    I thought a pretzel's shape was meant to look like a person praying.

  • @philipvlnst
    @philipvlnst Рік тому +1

    I enjoyed the video! Sorry, but I want you to do one again. It is a great break from philosophy and theology studies and the stresses of life.

  • @morgangallowglass8668
    @morgangallowglass8668 Рік тому

    I may not be a monotheist, but I AM a huge fan of your channel!

  • @EpicWolverine
    @EpicWolverine Рік тому +3

    Part 3 part 3 part 3 🤣

  • @AlbertM170
    @AlbertM170 Рік тому

    That was awesome.
    When is part 3 coming out. 😁😉

  • @bigtex4058
    @bigtex4058 Рік тому

    Fun fact: The lagoon from Gilligan's Island is now a parking garage.

  • @jordydinga1167
    @jordydinga1167 Рік тому +1

    Father, you made a mistake at about 10:50.
    There are 5 rites families
    1) Latin comprising the roman rite, anglican use, zaire use...
    3)Alexandrine consisted of Coptic and Geez rites
    4) Antiochian or West Syriac consisted of west Syriac maronite and Syriac
    5) East Syriac
    But there are 23 Sui Iuris Churches (autonomous churches within the Catholic Church) other than the Latin Church.
    Many Sui Iuris Churches can use the same rite : the geez rite is used by both the Ethiopian and Eritrean Catholic Churches; the Ukrainian catholic church, the melkite catholic Church, the Romanian catholic Church and basically all the greek-catholic Churches use the byzantine rite.
    The reverse is also true: a single sui iuris church can have many rites: the Latin Church use the roman rite, the anglican use and the Zaire use( which are all latin rites). The Eritrean Catholic Church use both the geez and the roman rites (since all latin community in Eritrea have been transferred to the care of the primate of the Eritrean Church making Eritrea the only part of the world where Catholics of all rites belong to a single sui iuris Church).

  • @timpollock4075
    @timpollock4075 Рік тому +2

    > 30 giraffes
    Americans will do absolutely everything to avoid the metric system.
    Yet this was a great video that randomly came up. I'm glad it did!

  • @hglundahl
    @hglundahl Рік тому

    17:30 _Does_ a bishop use his crozier when visiting another diocese?
    I had knowledge of bishops in the diocese and abbots in the abbey holding croziers opposite directions - the bishop ruling outward, into the world in his diocese, the abbot ruling inward, over his own monks ...

  • @worldnotworld
    @worldnotworld Рік тому

    IHS is actually "I" for Greek Iota, "H" for Greek Eta, and "S" for Greek Sigma. Only the third letter differs significantly in shape, though the "Eta" is actually a long [ē] in Greek, not an [h]. It's not "I because there is no J in Greek;" it's just I because it's originally an [i]/[y] sound. Our pronouncing it as [j] is an innovation.

  • @robbinallan3767
    @robbinallan3767 Рік тому

    I found this to be not useless at all. But a valuable font of information and an encouragement to spend more time in my faith. Thank you. P.S. I subscribed.

  • @hglundahl
    @hglundahl Рік тому

    4:47 Thank you very much for showing an argument against His late Holiness unfounded.
    The duty to be in seminary is actually not de jure divino, and can therefore be dispensed with.

  • @CDI647
    @CDI647 Рік тому +1

    8:07 Ok, the plural for diocese is absolutely useful as a Catholic, but I appreciate its placement here regardless because I never would've bothered to look it up otherwise 😅

  • @yvonne3976
    @yvonne3976 Рік тому +1

    I've always wanted to learn about the Easter Bunny and April fool's day 😂
    Thank you so much, God Bless.
    Ps. If I weren't already subscribed, I would've done it during your request lol!!

  • @sasanchez915
    @sasanchez915 Рік тому

    17:33 we just got an auxiliary bishop

  • @no1fifthave
    @no1fifthave Рік тому

    You may want to check your source for the latest Easter date. The latest Easter can be in April 25, not the 23. It was on April 24 in 2011 and on April 25 in 1943 and will be again in 2038.

  • @tinemarie15
    @tinemarie15 Рік тому

    LOVE this video (but I love many of your other videos, as well)! :)

  • @kath.9505
    @kath.9505 Рік тому

    Lol love it. Thank you Fr. This gave me a good start to my friday. ❤👍

  • @watcherwlc53
    @watcherwlc53 Рік тому

    8:25 - Some churches, including Lutherans, use good bread baked by someone in the congregation

  • @bondjamesbondsandiego0075
    @bondjamesbondsandiego0075 Рік тому

    More trivia videos please!!

  • @weirdfoodcombos3249
    @weirdfoodcombos3249 3 місяці тому

    I love useless facts. I love this video. PLEASE do more. God bless you.

  • @somepig2k
    @somepig2k Рік тому

    Fr Casey is not mistaken when he says " I am just piling on Grade A useless information"...I am in earnest when I say that this is REALLY Top Notch useless information , and cant wait to use some of it in casual conversations and then casually act ads if I had known these things all my life.

  • @macnosmutano4849
    @macnosmutano4849 Рік тому

    I quite enjoyed this video. So much so that i demand a third.

  • @lafarfalla2273
    @lafarfalla2273 3 місяці тому

    I love the irony of one of the most fecund mammals in existence being the symbol of virginity/the virgin birth

  • @oakarusa
    @oakarusa Рік тому +1

    Thank you for your work