Metallica - Orion | Rocksmith Guitar Cover

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @MrMetallidude
    @MrMetallidude 11 місяців тому +16

    This - *this* is my favorite song of all time. Thank you for playing it. I also saw them in 2023. Both shows, in Sweden. Literally about six feet from Hetfield's chair on the first show, second show in the Snake Pit. So happy they play this one on one of the two shows and Call of Ktulu on the other. Anyways - good job.

  • @Rusli1659LPSoldier
    @Rusli1659LPSoldier 11 місяців тому +4

    i like how the audio and the chart taken from Guitar Hero: Metallica. That ending is sounds better than the album version.

  • @jeremypellek5849
    @jeremypellek5849 11 місяців тому +5

    Heard this song live again in Detroit back in November, and it will always be powerful. Great playthrough!

    • @thatbillyguy5451
      @thatbillyguy5451 11 місяців тому +2

      I was at that show to and it was awesome when they played it!

  • @thepresidentslab
    @thepresidentslab 17 днів тому

    3:59 what if I have my eyes on both?

  • @BallinVFX
    @BallinVFX 15 днів тому

    Rockin’ guitar playing brother! 🔥🎸🔥🎸🔥🎸 Full support brother💪🏻

  • @BruceCopperfield
    @BruceCopperfield 11 місяців тому +8

    Too bad riff starting at 2:20 is charted wrong. Should be A-E-C, not A-B-C
    Although I think bass indeed plays A-B-C underneath

    • @Rusli1659LPSoldier
      @Rusli1659LPSoldier 11 місяців тому +1

      but the guitar uses A, Esus2 and B while the bass uses the A B and C which you can hear the difference. thats how metallica plays live i think?

    • @BruceCopperfield
      @BruceCopperfield 11 місяців тому

      @@Rusli1659LPSoldier Yeah, they might play 0-2-4 on record, not sure about that. But it seems that live they play regular E5

    • @Rusli1659LPSoldier
      @Rusli1659LPSoldier 11 місяців тому

      @@BruceCopperfield it depends on the options, that's two ways how to play that part. Maybe for me, I use Esus2 than E5 which it practically fits for me.

    • @lunazara6775
      @lunazara6775 3 місяці тому

      Funny thing, I've noticed a detail in the main riff that I have yet to see anybody but myself and Metallica get right. There's supposed to be a gallop in the transition from the 5th fret A string 4th fret D to the 6th the fret A string, but nobody hears it somehow. It's loud and clear for me too, doubly so if you listen without the drums.

    • @BruceCopperfield
      @BruceCopperfield 3 місяці тому

      @@lunazara6775 Yeah, I know about that, it appers only once per verse I think, also might be triplets not gallops, but I might be mistaken about that. It's present in the most tabs of the song.

  • @haldinpacovor7007
    @haldinpacovor7007 11 місяців тому +5

    pog for cliff

  • @Fastmax13
    @Fastmax13 11 місяців тому

    Dude fucking epic 🤘

  • @sabbathbeast1322
    @sabbathbeast1322 11 місяців тому +1

    Play the Entire Exodus for the baloff and Zetro fan man

  • @rcspeedy8109
    @rcspeedy8109 11 місяців тому +1

    You would buy us all an island if you had 100k Twitch subscribers? Sign me up! 😁