Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean Speed Run ~Segment 83~ speedrun

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
  • Segment 83 is the bread and butter of this speed run, and it went well. At almost twenty eight minutes in length it represents about 5% of the total time in this run. To start the fight, Ayme attacks Gibari, who defends with an EEL and LARGE SHORTCAKE greatly increasing his attack strength. Xelha lands a perfect straight on Giacomo, 1428. Now it's Kalas's turn, and I have been waiting a long time to do this. Getting a straight with nine cards isn't so easy. I had to balance out the spirit numbers to increase my chances. I gave Kalas as many (9)s as I could. I always try for at least one or two major straights from here on out, but as I said it's not guaranteed. I don't care about conflicting elements in the least and am not afraid to use a healing item or camera to make the straight happen. Kalas makes a Final Straight Sunrise ending in a VOICE 5 and asks, "Who wants to die?" Giacomo does apparently because of Kalas's 3498 HP attack. See what I mean? That is half of Giacomo's life in one attack, so sexy. Giacomo's turn is next, and he does his double attack. When he is attacking Kalas I make sure to remove the Magnus finishers that I don't need unless they possess a (9) or a (1). I am trying extremely hard to set up a major straight. Gibari is up next and holy shit, I didn't know he had it in him. See what I mean about that strength boost in the beginning? Another perfect attack, 1802. After Folon's turn and with Giacomo near death it's up to Xelha. I have to improvise a bit with her and almost screw up by taking too long to select an attack. Somehow, I manage a set pair for 1145 and Giacomo is down. Ayme goes next, and I shut her out with a defense aura. Kalas plays next and makes the best percentage play starting a six card straight with a (2), 1886. Gibari throws out a mix of cards but with power, 1077. I admittedly make some bad choices while Kalas is getting attacked. Xelha is up and running out of decent Magnus to select. She does a good job with a full house, 878. On Kalas next turn, I am all over the place. Once I see that my straight isn't happening I panic. I probably could have made a set-set combo, but I'll make up for it soon, 970. I completely gamble with Gibari cutting my attack short after only a four hit combo and thinking it's enough to kill Ayme in her weakened state. If I'm wrong, and she lives I doubt if I can live with that mistake. I get really lucky though and drop her like a bad habit, 606. After Folon's next attack, I am a little worried. Gibari is poisoned and one hit away from death. I have had problems with dying, so I was concerned. A five card straight is as good as I can do with Xelhla, 694. Kalas goes and completes a Straight Fall, 1740. I could have made a sunrise and starting at (9) was gutsy. Gibari is my new hero completing a six card straight finding a (1) on the last possible card, 1659. If Folon attacks Gibari, he dies, and I start over. The death isn't such a big deal, but I want the massive amount of experience from this fight. It's at least five levels. He instead attacks Xelha, who stops him with her FIRE AURA Lv. 1. Xelha's next attack is a good example of why I spent so much time grabbing those LIGHT YELLs. It really keeps her doing damage, 1365. As I am attacking Folon with garbage, I was stunned when my attack was stopped short by a defense Magnus, DAMMIT!!! YES!!! It was enough, 396. What an epic performance. By the way, I have to fight them twice. I am a little more nervous this go around because I wasn't able to save between fights. Xelha starts with a three-pair, 683. Ayme raises her defense, which saves me some time. Kalas uses a full spectrum of cards to make his Straight Fall, 1647. Giacomo attacks twice and again, Gibari gets a major attack boost before he attacks for 1562. Gibari gets pounded by both Folon and Ayme, and it has me worried enough to start thinking about a healing Magnus. Xellha brings the light, 1449. I stumble a bit with Kalas but do well to manage a four-pair, 906. Giacomo gets an extra turn because I couldn't kill him and look what happens. He looks to heal, but heals Ayme. It's a very strange sort of glitch but lucky for me. Gibari's combo is halted but it's enough to kill Giacomo, 825. That was a big step and gives me confidence. I'm a bit shaky with Xelha, 1259. I ravage Ayme with Kalas and a clutch Straight Sunrise, 3818. She is now on her ass and that catches me up quick. So much for her ROUGH EM' UP DRINK. Gibari continues to impress, 1176. Xelha is attacked, uses her defense aura, and plays a smart attack, 1305. Kalas manages something, 1348. Gibari tries hard, 628. Xelha, 861. Kalas passes on a random spirit attack and finishes the job, 1318. Finally, I am done. I had no idea that I would carve through these guys so fast and not even a house fire would prevent me from saving.


  • @scottimus432
    @scottimus432  13 років тому

    It is just a figure of speech. I don't literally try to keep my eyes always open it just seems that when I am paying such close attention to the cards I never blink. I noticed once after playing for a few hours that my eyes were burning and I realized that the pace of the game meant I probably wasn't blinking very much, maybe like once every 30 seconds. This can happen in any prolonged intense battle.

  • @CJHElectro
    @CJHElectro 4 роки тому


  • @scottimus432
    @scottimus432  13 років тому

    There is so much thinking that goes on while I am doing this it's crazy. I will eventually give explanations and give reasons why I do what I do and why I sometimes make minor errors. It's hard to blink while playing this game, very addictive as well.