INQUISITION live at Saint Vitus Bar, Apr. 20th, 2014 (FULL SET)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @UnleashTheBlob
    @UnleashTheBlob 10 років тому +122

    This man is a riff machine

    • @capn731
      @capn731 9 років тому +12

      I know they are fucking great..

    • @yeastie713
      @yeastie713 8 років тому +3

      +UnleashTheBlob So fucking good

    • @Warmasterchorus
      @Warmasterchorus 6 років тому +2

      guitar master - sound like orchestra, how can it be?!!

  • @jesseinfinite
    @jesseinfinite 9 років тому +83

    Who needs a bassist when you're Inquisition. \m/

  • @WhiteBlackMetal88
    @WhiteBlackMetal88 10 років тому +43

    I am always amazed with this drummer, his way of playing and emotions he put through playing are really great. Beautiful band.

  • @Unmasque
    @Unmasque 10 років тому +113

    Here's the setlist as far as I can tell:
    0:00 Force of the Floating Tomb
    4:25 Nefarious Dismal Orations
    8:27 Command of the Dark Crown
    12:21 Those of the Night
    18:09 Embraced by the Unholy Powers of Death and Destruction
    21:57 Astral Path to Supreme Majesties

  • @Hrimthur666
    @Hrimthur666 8 років тому +23

    Inquisition is a live phenomenon! Two people doing such great noise like no other band :D Awesome!

    • @williamgatesenson
      @williamgatesenson 8 років тому +2

      someone suggested this band so i checked out this video just for the music while doing things in other windows. got about 10 mins in and just saw your comment. had no idea it was just two guys, damn

    • @speedgo41
      @speedgo41 8 років тому +2

      Incredible stage presence from these guys! I'll never forget the first time I saw them live. Videos don't serve them justice at all.

    • @raphiki2
      @raphiki2 8 років тому

      Hrimthur666 mantar, jucifer sry dude

    • @elhermeneutico
      @elhermeneutico 4 роки тому

      Two guys who sound like a fucking army!

  • @elloko25
    @elloko25 10 років тому +35

    Raise the chalice!!!!

  • @elias011196
    @elias011196 8 років тому +13

    So much evil and might on those riffs, and those blast beats are head crushing. I definitely love this band. I listen to them when I am pissed off, when i´m calm, when I´m sad. Just all the time. I really hope to see them live at least once. Come to fucking Argentina!

  • @UnholyBlackGrindeR
    @UnholyBlackGrindeR 9 років тому +30


    • @DIG1TALAnima
      @DIG1TALAnima 6 років тому

      UnholyBlackGrindeR total la bandera de Colombia 🇨🇴 siempre en alto... Hail malditos...

    • @DIG1TALAnima
      @DIG1TALAnima 4 роки тому

      Siempre llevando lo mejor de el black metal colombiano a la altura que se merece ... hail ...

  • @Nekrist218
    @Nekrist218 2 роки тому +4

    Flawless band, on the very top for sure.

  • @sethnekromancer
    @sethnekromancer 10 років тому +41

    Hail real black metal

    • @sethnekromancer
      @sethnekromancer 10 років тому

      Hail Inquisition!!!!! Sangre suramericana

    • @ginethcallejas2247
      @ginethcallejas2247 10 років тому +2

      cacique + inquisition= matar a alguien jaja

    • @sethnekromancer
      @sethnekromancer 10 років тому

      hahahaha es un arma secreta

    • @derekobs
      @derekobs 6 років тому

      Inquisition??Real black metal??Was that a joke??

    • @dante666jt
      @dante666jt 3 роки тому +1

      @@derekobs no ur a joke with that name. Barka

  • @whenpigsfly860
    @whenpigsfly860 8 років тому +7

    Everyone in black metal more or less sings the same way. Except Dagon. His voice fits their songs perfectly.

  • @dusnmatr
    @dusnmatr 4 роки тому +10

    Love how they shifted from ritualistic satanic/pagan to cosmic black metal. Just added to there originality.

    • @dante666jt
      @dante666jt 3 роки тому +2

      Satanism is still prevalent

  • @luciferiandread2709
    @luciferiandread2709 4 роки тому +5

    Damn. Inquisition is one of a kind.

  • @nickgaetano3510
    @nickgaetano3510 7 років тому +2

    This band has such a speciall place in my heart , and also, what a performance !

  • @ThePsytocrophic
    @ThePsytocrophic 9 років тому +14

    Inquisition and Bell Witch reppin that Seattle 2 piece game HARD!

  • @ScreaminVengeance101
    @ScreaminVengeance101 9 років тому +4

    The fact they're such a full sounding duo amazes me!

  • @charles-francois-bienvenum8322
    @charles-francois-bienvenum8322 7 років тому +5

    Hail Inquisition! They are loyal to no one but themselves and real black metal.

  • @thedeathmachine666
    @thedeathmachine666 7 років тому +9

    0:51 gotta love that cymbal hit technique lol

    • @shoresofpatmos
      @shoresofpatmos 4 роки тому +3

      ahaha its hilarious. how he moves his whole body.

  • @Inmate999
    @Inmate999 4 роки тому +9

    New album coming anytime soon? We just need more Inquisition.

  • @pabloDm66
    @pabloDm66 10 років тому +4


  • @ryancf7508
    @ryancf7508 10 років тому +4

    Nice cymbal catch at 15:33.

  • @JW-fi3es
    @JW-fi3es Рік тому

    Thank you for the Miller High Life commercial for this amazing band

  • @Warmasterchorus
    @Warmasterchorus 6 років тому +21

    season of mist lose one of his best bands! Hail Dagon! My great respect to you!

    • @breakfastMcgull
      @breakfastMcgull 6 років тому +18

      warmaster chorus All over a false allegation. I honestly feel bad for Inquisition where they got fucked financially and publicly over a 10 year old case, where Dagon was not found guilty over possessing CP.

    • @Forferdelse666
      @Forferdelse666 3 роки тому +1

      @@breakfastMcgull Indeed. F*ck SOM and f*ck Metalsucks.. true colours show, nothing more than con-artists and wimps swallowing whatever shit they think they can find on people. Hail Dagon and the majestic force that is Inquistion! 🌑🕯🔥

    • @breakfastMcgull
      @breakfastMcgull 3 роки тому

      @@Forferdelse666 updated take: yeah. Inquisition is fucking yikes, LMAO! OOF! Seeing the court paperwork was something. Immortal is better anyways, so whatevs...

    • @Forferdelse666
      @Forferdelse666 3 роки тому +5

      @@breakfastMcgull just read a new interview with Dagon, there’s more to it than just crazy allegations.
      Immortal is ok, but is totally different from Inquisition. Abbaths values are/were constant drunkness/abuse of drugs, and that led him to not be with Immortal anymore.. that’s weak and lame. His solo project is ok, first album better than the second one. Easily forgotten about.
      Newest Inquisition is total killer and I for one don’t believe in shit which comes from an uneducated idiot running a page called Metalsucks.. sorry dude. Not buying it, ever. We may quarrel forever, but that’s no point.

    • @Forferdelse666
      @Forferdelse666 27 днів тому

      @@breakfastMcgullwho gives a f dude. Music fukkin’ rips, that’s what’s important. Surely a lot of people in your life that you had to do with have bad shit in their past.. more than you know.

  • @jairoaguirre8618
    @jairoaguirre8618 3 роки тому +1

    Cuando dos son legión !!!

  • @TheBlindPariah
    @TheBlindPariah 8 років тому

    The truth is found in the swivel of your hips as you stand entranced before the awesome power of mighty Inquisition.

  • @crazyivanastas
    @crazyivanastas 10 років тому +1

    Instant favorite.

  • @speedgo41
    @speedgo41 8 років тому +10

    Incubus is a fucking beast

  • @ckaliopeayala9231
    @ckaliopeayala9231 9 років тому

    Astral Path to Aupreme Majesties 21:58
    Excelente rola una de mis faboritas

  • @mercenarychief8949
    @mercenarychief8949 8 років тому +1

    Holy shit these guys are amazing

  • @reignofterrorzion3211
    @reignofterrorzion3211 7 років тому

    Incredible 2 piece just seen them With Mayhem in N.Y.C. Great show!

  • @trouzercoff
    @trouzercoff 10 років тому

    Great upload Frank, cheers. Seeing these guys in Manchester in three days time \m/

  • @LoopzAndAcid
    @LoopzAndAcid 10 років тому

    amazing performance!!!

  • @rameitori
    @rameitori 10 років тому +2

    Nice quality man! Whatever I recorded on my phone turned out like shit, obvioulsy.

  • @cecarvalho
    @cecarvalho 5 років тому

    Hail to one of the greatest black metal bands Hail Inquisition

  • @doctornerve
    @doctornerve 10 років тому

    Hooray for this. THANKS

  • @fsfdrew
    @fsfdrew 9 років тому

    great show ,even in video

  • @henrycastaneda6046
    @henrycastaneda6046 2 роки тому

    Best band ever!

  • @mpmassacre91
    @mpmassacre91 5 років тому

    The 2 dude's are fucking great seeing them live was fucking great

  • @luisfelipecr8480
    @luisfelipecr8480 7 років тому

    Muy buenos músicos

  • @DeathMetalManiac1988
    @DeathMetalManiac1988 9 років тому +1

    4:34 Craig Peters from Deeds of Flesh?

  • @badboybootz8
    @badboybootz8 7 років тому +1

    Holy Fuck I can't wait ATX soon! \m/

  • @timcoleman3d
    @timcoleman3d 2 роки тому +1

    Black metal cacophony, love it!

  • @ptadijkt
    @ptadijkt 10 років тому

    Great Stuffs !

  • @badboybootz8
    @badboybootz8 3 роки тому +1

    I can't believe I missed their set. I was too high and drunk during UADA smh

  • @mintykawaii6487
    @mintykawaii6487 10 років тому

    Inquisition!!! Yes!!!!

  • @isolateddemon9438
    @isolateddemon9438 4 місяці тому


  • @barristanselmy2758
    @barristanselmy2758 2 роки тому +1

    This kind of satanic sonic riffing doesnt need solos. 2 people making as much sound as a 4 piece band.

  • @lunarpoetry09
    @lunarpoetry09 10 років тому +1

    A big question is what type of camera

  • @juanenamorado4734
    @juanenamorado4734 7 років тому

    great sound headbanger ball

  • @DanielRodriguez-cr8ns
    @DanielRodriguez-cr8ns 4 роки тому +3

    This is the best nefarious dismal orations I have ever heard

    • @LarryAlfadanzsoad
      @LarryAlfadanzsoad 4 роки тому +1

      The drumming on this song is otherworldly. The construction of this song is perfect. The vocals and the riffing are magical. They were beasts on stage. Hope they return doing concerts

  • @DouglasEntertainment
    @DouglasEntertainment 8 років тому

    Fucking amazing

  • @toothsnaggleer
    @toothsnaggleer 10 років тому +2

    Pure Live##...Mighty Inquisition,, Always pleasure to watch their eternal supremacy. Now waiting for the "Brutal Assault 2014".

  • @TheNorsk666
    @TheNorsk666 8 років тому

    Épico el final ...

  • @RobertHendrickson-n5x
    @RobertHendrickson-n5x Рік тому +1

    The dynamic duo crush the Jewish prophet 🤘

  • @bogdanandone9022
    @bogdanandone9022 10 років тому +2

    Does someone knows about the songlist ?

    • @AvarayrOfficial
      @AvarayrOfficial 10 років тому

      Can only recall the last song. It's called Astral Path.

    • @Balstoisturbator
      @Balstoisturbator 10 років тому +3

      1. Force of the Floating Tomb
      2. Nefarious Dismal Orations
      3. Command of the Dark Crown
      4. Those of the Night
      5. Embraced by the Unholy Powers of Death And Destruction
      6. Astral Path to Supreme Majesties

    • @Balstoisturbator
      @Balstoisturbator 10 років тому

      blackmetalmagick1 Actually the first song in the set is from Obscure Verses for the Multiverse which is currently latest full-lenght album from Inquisition. ( I bet you already knew that. )

  • @plague877
    @plague877 9 місяців тому

    I am yet to watch a live set at St.Vitus where the sound isn’t terrible - sack the sound man.

  • @isabelledelon9089
    @isabelledelon9089 5 років тому

    No need to be many to fill the place suffice to be the best 🐱🐱🐱🤘🤘🤘🐱🐱🐱🐾🐾🐾

  • @nicholaspfeffer3724
    @nicholaspfeffer3724 3 роки тому

    Inkubus kiks as and dagon is a riff genus

  • @sataniscorpus616
    @sataniscorpus616 9 років тому

    hail inquisition!! hail the kvlt !! AVE LCF

  • @alexxchavez9606
    @alexxchavez9606 10 років тому

    What camera did you use for this?

  • @LTDsaint15
    @LTDsaint15 7 років тому +1

    Jesus, the singer has frogier vocals than all my drill instructors did..

  • @volanterodas
    @volanterodas 3 роки тому

    he loves his fernandes guitar

  • @tatansays
    @tatansays 10 років тому

    Con que tipo de guitarra toca Dagon?

  • @thedeathmachine666
    @thedeathmachine666 8 років тому +1

    drummer is hilarious to watch, guess he isn't into using his wrists. looks goofy but still sounds solid.

  • @SinnedNogara
    @SinnedNogara 9 років тому

    Behemoth played in a bar this small? Holy shit

    • @johnlewis4945
      @johnlewis4945 8 років тому +2

      behemoth will play anywhere, they're not dickheads, they love and are passionate about what they do

  • @belphegor_3696
    @belphegor_3696 5 років тому

    Black metal master

  • @pox584
    @pox584 9 років тому

    those are some evil sounding riffs.....

  • @theeholygoalie
    @theeholygoalie 9 років тому

    No bass player? Is he using the low end from his amps?

  • @leoegagamao6088
    @leoegagamao6088 5 років тому

    Is Dagon using a looper?

  • @Hwedy-uk6dy
    @Hwedy-uk6dy Рік тому

    ❤🤟🥁🤐gud 🤟🇺🇦

  • @huguitorecords5055
    @huguitorecords5055 4 роки тому

    I love Inquisition, but it's funny the fact that Dagon doesn't sing the lyrics correctly

  • @dante666jt
    @dante666jt 3 роки тому

    Drummer riding scooter

  • @agentaxe
    @agentaxe 7 років тому

    Hail Abbath hahhaha

  • @MarcoVillarreal99
    @MarcoVillarreal99 9 років тому


  • @geckomoriahreborn8447
    @geckomoriahreborn8447 8 років тому +1

    Immortal rip-off but still good