First step get out of your house second step talk to people I swear you see he never has his phone in his hands too live and you might be amazed at what is out there
I was severely traumatized years ago as a teenage, got diagnosed with cptsd. Spent my whole life fighting cptsd. I suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Not until my wife recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 8 years totally clean. Much respect to mother nature the great magic shrooms.
I love hearing great life changing stories like this. I want to become a mycologist because honestly mushrooms are the best form of medicine (most especially the psychedelic ones) There are so many people today used magic mushrooms to ween off of SSRI medication- its amazing! Years back i wrote an entire essay about psychedelics. they saved you from death buddy, lets be honest here.
Hey mates! Can you help with the source? I suffer severe anxiety, panic and depression and I usually take prescription medicine, but they don't always help. Where can I find those psilocybin mushrooms? I'm really interested in treating my mental health without Rxs. I live in Australia don't know much about these. I'm so glad they helped you. I can't wait to get them too. Really need a reliable source 🙏
Yes sure of Predroshrooms..I'm so very happy for you mate, Psilocybin is absolutely amazing, the way it shows you things, the way it teaches you things. I can not believe our world and our people shows less interest about it's helpfulness to humanity. It's love. The mushrooms heals people by showing the truth, it would be so beneficial for so many people, especially politicians and the rich who have lost their way and every other persons out there.
Yes he's Predroshrooms a professional mycologist. My daughter did straight shrooms in few days. Made her whole! after words, no more addictions, pains, ptsd and depression. It helped us.
Metal was actually invented by Pope Jesus the 64th as a way for the monks to release built up homosexual tensions. Don't beleive me pray about it if you want.
My recovery journey was greatly enhanced by the therapeutic benefits of mushrooms. Other psychedelics like DMT and LSD have also proven to be remarkable.
That final dialogue was eerily well spoken. From a giggling mushroom hunter the hermit became a philosopher of society, a collected individual. This man has my respect
They open the doors of perception. The mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work unless it’s open. I became, eventually ,an emergency nurse. I had more empathy, understanding , calm skills in life or death situations . I was good at my job. I’m now 63 and retired. Magic mushrooms from Britains green and beautiful land . Then came Amsterdam! Homegrown kits . A different buzz with every one. I never went crazy on them and didn’t do them year round. Once in a while , when the time was right. I’ve discussed the universe with friends and also laughed with them uncontrollably. Brilliant highs . But I do think you have to be the right type of person. I’ve known people go overboard and it turns into a habit, a kind of addiction. I haven’t done any for a few years years now, but am looking forward to the festive season in the autumn. ‘Mind how you go ‘
small side note though from some anecdotal evidence and personal experience: Microdosing daily (300-600mg) works amazing for neurological damage and brain/nerve injury. I was born with a myriad of chronic illness but only done large (0.5g-1g) doses twice with set+setting prep. I was free of intrusive thoughts + any depressive symptoms the first time for 2 weeks, on 0.5g, I take ~300mg daily now for about 6 months and it's helped get rid of chronic depression, helped my SLE, Fibro and seizures come down from 5-6 a day (1-2 grande mal) to practically 0 in the last few years. This and cannabis has helped me have a life worth living again. I'm glad you also had such enlightening experiences with this beautiful medicine. Peace be with you. :)
Depression haunted my life from a very young age, and I was put on a bunch of SSRIs as a child in attempt to deal with it. None worked.Psychedelic mushrooms was brought to my attention. It was the first thing that actually had real effects. They should only be used with great care and respect.
I hear this is supposed to be good for people who have mental health issues. I actually just started the research process of microdosing and all that. Im to the point where I want shock treatment.
I will always be grateful to mushrooms. One trip I had the mushrooms told me it was ok that I didn't agree with my father who was a preacher concerning Christianity. The mushrooms told me my father loved me even though I was agnostic. The mushroom can be a harsh teacher, but it does love u for who u are
Thanks for the reply. I've never seen them, so I'm wondering if it was just individual to his experience. He always talked about them like they were an objective experience, but I've yet to talk to anyone else whose seen them.
Andrew Reed I see, and I'm guessing you've had dmt. Well thank you for your input for more information of the object reality of this nature but I'm sure since he took very high doses like in the peek of led he'll hit dmt and always proclaimed the importance of the third hit. Maybe one day well meet on those grounds. I bid you farewell and safe travel to the next planes of reality my good and humble sir (:
Psilocybin is an ancient and powerful medicine. It is amusing that “modern” medicine is only now trying to understand what Indigenous people have know for a millennia.
Shrooms completely halted my seasonal depression and I stopped going to counseling since I no longer needed it.I believe it was the key part in healing my depression.
I've eaten 7 grams and had a very controlled trip. Another time, I ate one mutant penis envy, cut fresh off its bed, and went to Jupiter. You can never fully tell how hard they'll hit you. Just relax and let them take you.
On My Travels ive often seen that gesture he made at 5:03 minutes, what a Humble and Respectful Man, may you enjoy prosperity and for your family aswell : )
A job like Hamilton’s sounds awesome . Such odd adventures and it’s your job to find these far out places and secretive people . Seeing the human condition and the things we do for comfort is really interesting
His dad is a famous director, Erol Morris. I worked with him on the show wormwood and Hamilton stopped by. He always wears white shirt and white pants. His dad always wears his own outfit but the same every day. Artists.
Dopamine P "High" lol. Don't worry, it's probably going to be as interesting as seeing someone trip on benadryl. Well that is a tiny bit interesting but not nearly as much as the real psychedelic mushrooms.
Please does anyone know where I can get them? I put so much on my plate and it really affects my stress and anxiety levels, I would love to try shrooms
One time at band camp I saw hamilton trip. He was such a goofy clarinetist. He was always tripping on the coat this one guy wore, maybe it was at a wedding, I can't remember.
Vice dude: "can we go hunting for mushrooms tomorrow?", Russian Hippie: "idk it depends on your behavior...." Vice dude: "YES ID LIKE TO GO HUNTING FOR MUSHROOMS, TOMORROW!!"... ...most cop sounding answer ever lmao
Carpathian Forrest... Russian... right Thats like seeing a similar video about some Forrest in Canada snd going like "These Mexican shamans are crazy!" Haha
You’re a fantastic journalist, I look forward to seeing you grow with vice and through your career. As we get older, there is no other way but to advance for you. I appreciate your content and curiosity of experiences in life - not being able to experience them myself, brings me comfort of time passing regardless because there is content like this.
The thing I love most about Hammy is his dry sense of humor. “.... and apparently he has a chainsaw” Just the monotone delivery of irony keeps me in tears.
@@ब्रह्मन-ष1स here are some hard truths that if you can understand may “enlighten “ you. Our ancestors yours included needed clothing in cold harsh winters unless they were from near the equator(or took psychoactive drugs). Don’t spit the same venom that you detest others for, reallysadweeb asked a normal question and you called them a narcissist. Looking at your name and page I’m assuming you might be vegan which would explain your fixation on using “opinion” and your lack of coherence because you are lacking vital proteins, I’m not saying eat meat but go see a doctor or eat more Whole Foods because your thought ability is suffering. Also don’t believe in the people in your playlists they are predators who feed on people who seek spiritual or financial understanding; furthermore, sadghuru may sound profound and he may have a few good nuggets(who doesn’t) but do not trust him as he is a charlatan who murdered his wife.
I've met a man who took a whole vile of acid and he knew things about me no one could know he saw right into peoples soul wish I had met him more than once
Sometimes you're only supposed to meet someone once. When you meet someone for the first time you should remember it could be the last time. This will change how you perceive people and you'll learn that one brief encounter might be the most important of your life.
@@SisterDogmatawho can remain open to these encounters all day every day? My perspective is they are ephemeral. They arrive, they leave. There is little more you can do.
@@bimfred I don't think these things happen all day every day. But once in a while you meet someone, whether in this world or the trippy one, and those few moments spent with that person change your life forever. Life is fleeting and those moments are beautiful. Best wishes.
1:49 anyone else see that beautiful amanita muscaria he had up there drying? 😍 I bet you start tripping as soon as you set foot in that cabin just because of the vibe and how sacred mushrooms really are. 🍄🍄🍄
I found hundreds of A. muscaria var. guessowii today. The rain has been helpful. Brought about 5 pounds home & dehydrating them right now. Personally, I enjoy a low dose fly agaric “trip.”
I'm sure i heard that sunlight kills the active ingredients. thats why they use tinted vials for liquid psilocybe. I'd try putting it in a dark place to see if that works better
did you call it ghost water because all the psilocin got ghosted away by uv rays? just make tea, it's much less elaborate and actually works just fine.
god I love that dude he had me laughing like a mofo when he said that and Hamilton's reaction when he gave him the mushroom was like fuuuuuuck here we go again deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole we fall
Or it's likely that someone who has been to Europe has tried frog at least once. It's more likely that it's a lucky guess than this one guy knows some deep universal secret. Don't let the confirmation bias set in.
a question, how long does he soak the mushroom in the vodka, and does this work with dried amanita as well? Does one then only use the liquid extract? Ive been trying amanita, different to psilocybin, but has a very hypnotic side as well as its rather nauseous to drink in a tea, though 3.5-5 dried grams slowly simmered at next to no low boil with some honey and some vitamin C on an empty stomach is less nauseous. Anyone got any tips for eliminating the nauseous from the tea?
It's best if it passes through some ones or a animals (dog or bear)liver.... Slavic shamans would then drink the urine, just like weed turns into something else when eaten then metabolised through the liver so does fly argic, supposedly that's when it was has anti cancer effects before that you can seriously mess up your brain
Hamilton : How do you survive here in the winter? Vasyl : Food comes on its own. The woods people tell Hamilton and his crew, thanks for coming, "food", then they eat them.
James Morris he doesnt, journalist get fixers who get paid for knowing these rando weird people who are willing to be interviewed wheter theyre shroom gnomes, ganbangers or isis who knows lol
Carpathian forest Where the trees are endless Forest titans fall to rest A bed is made for the queen Mushrooms gather in circles Where bears walk Dereliction houses dark spirits A comet falls deep into darkness Stones rise in circles Where drums roar Water wispers vibrating People dance under the moon In circles Bone to Rune Skull to Dust Ice melts the thoughts of the gods Root promises blossom
Fascinating ! Timothy Leary would be proud of this dude. I'd love to sit down and chat with this hermit just to understand how his mind has expanded over the years. Great video, okay, so is there a part 2 ??? lol
I gotta agree about the amanita thing. I mean its dangerous enough that its toxic, but worse yet is what would happen if someone went looking for them and accidentally ate one of the other similar looking amanitas that grow in the forest that happens to be deadly. With muscaris though, at least you can process it so that its safe to eat.
I was walking trails in Fontainebleau park area in Louisiana, saw some of these mushrooms, had no idea what they were, and took really awesome pictures of them. I feel so dumb for not grabbing them lmao they really are gorgeous
*EXPLAIN THAT ATHEISTS* 😂 No but seriously, if you claim to know the worlds origins based off what some sober God hating scientists write in a book who gives a freaky frump about your opinion.. live a little and decide for yourself, dont be chained to the popular bias
fly agaric AKA amanita muscaria is a pretty shitty high.. and that doc said it's neurotoxic.. stick with psilocybin mushrooms, people!! didn't you learn anything from alice in wonderland?
how would I talk to you guys about the amanita some more. I work with one of the leading research groups on the subject and on of the few who know how to grow them in the lab. It would be a pleasure to teach you guys and the world about the science behind the amanita in a more acceptable and digestible light.
My grandfather taught me how to live off the land, these things have been eaten in moderation for a long time, not too sure about eating them for every meal though.
Need more Hamilton's Pharmacopeia? We've curated a playlist with all the classics from his show here:
Look at the spelling mistake in the title that has been there for 5 years without any of you noticing! : *'HAMITLON'S* PHARMACOPEIA.'
First step get out of your house second step talk to people I swear you see he never has his phone in his hands too live and you might be amazed at what is out there
what is the update with this area of the mountains as the war is in Ukraine? You should follow up with this man VASYL... it would be EPIC!
I was severely traumatized years ago as a teenage, got diagnosed with cptsd. Spent my whole life fighting cptsd. I suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Not until my wife recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 8 years totally clean. Much respect to mother nature the great magic shrooms.
I love hearing great life changing stories like this. I want to become a mycologist because honestly mushrooms are the best form of medicine (most especially the psychedelic ones) There are so many people today used magic mushrooms to ween off of SSRI medication- its amazing! Years back i wrote an entire essay about psychedelics. they saved you from death buddy, lets be honest here.
Hey mates! Can you help with the source? I suffer severe anxiety, panic and depression and I usually take prescription medicine, but they don't always help. Where can I find those psilocybin mushrooms? I'm really interested in treating my mental health without Rxs. I live in Australia don't know much about these. I'm so glad they helped you. I can't wait to get them too. Really need a reliable source 🙏
Yes sure of Predroshrooms..I'm so very happy for you mate, Psilocybin is absolutely amazing, the way it shows you things, the way it teaches you things. I can not believe our world and our people shows less interest about it's helpfulness to humanity. It's love. The mushrooms heals people by showing the truth, it would be so beneficial for so many people, especially politicians and the rich who have lost their way and every other persons out there.
Where do I reach this dude? If possible can I find him on Google
Yes he's Predroshrooms a professional mycologist. My daughter did straight shrooms in few days. Made her whole! after words, no more addictions, pains, ptsd and depression. It helped us.
It's a shame they aren't making this show anymore, probably my favorite thing vice has ever put out.
On Ig~~~~
He has his own channel and podcasts goin
I completely agree. I haven't learned this much in such a short time since Bill Nye the science guy.
"The Mushroom Hermit of The Carpathians" is the most Doom Metal-sounding phrase that I've ever heard.
Legalise drugs and murder
@@benshelly1603 yeah maybe not murder
Def would be the title of a 16 minute opening track on a doom album
Proceeds the weedian
Metal was actually invented by Pope Jesus the 64th as a way for the monks to release built up homosexual tensions. Don't beleive me pray about it if you want.
He's not crazy he detached from this insane society and is living life the way it's meant to be lived.
KVNG JAY nah he’s crazy
KVNG JAY sorry king 🤴
Nope,stop romantizing this,the man is eating neurotoxins who damages his brain and is romantizing that
The people calling this man crazy are the actual crazy ones. This man is sane. The people in the comments are insane.
My recovery journey was greatly enhanced by the therapeutic benefits of mushrooms. Other psychedelics like DMT and LSD have also proven to be remarkable.
Hey mate, can someone help me with the source?
doctorcyruss is your guy, got all psychedelics and the most knowledgeable that i know.
He's on telgram?
Yes, and tiktok
It's amazing how they work better than antidepressants and serve as recreational purpose as well
Hamilton was shook when the guy told him he knew he tried the frogs.
jagiNON lmao i saw that too
But seriously how the fuck he know lol
The universal veil is lifted
Hamilton just looks like a dude who licks random things to see alternate realities.
jagiNON he probably watched his video
If this isn't a real life RPG quest then I don't know what is.
King Zelos On Me!!
Skyrim quest in Falkreath, find the mushroom forest shaman and learn of his ways to enhance Alchemy skill
King Zelos been some time since i laughed that hard at a comment
King Zelos if you play the first Fable for Xbox there’s multiple quests about finding mushrooms
What's an RPG quest.
That final dialogue was eerily well spoken. From a giggling mushroom hunter the hermit became a philosopher of society, a collected individual. This man has my respect
Interviewer: How do you survive here in the winter?
Hermit: food comes on its own.
*stares at interviewer like he’s food*
*laughs in evil*
this should be the comment of the year . I'm I'm tears bahahaha
Do you remember those old 700 club infomercial things. I do.
Bonnie Rabbit I laughed so hard cuz nobody got it on the set
Bonnie Rabbit ok
This Comment right here tho
Man that dynamic between these two is hilarious.
"Depends on Your behavior eehehehehehe"
*gives stone face*
"we will proceed north"
How in the hell did you stumble upon a mushroom hoarding hermit living in the forrest with a chainsaw though?
Michael Knight i asked the same question!
Wtf now I am creeped out....
Michael Knight that's vice for ya xD
Where does he buy his vodka? lol
the WWW
They open the doors of perception.
The mind is like a parachute.
It doesn’t work unless it’s open.
I became, eventually ,an emergency nurse.
I had more empathy, understanding , calm skills in life or death situations .
I was good at my job.
I’m now 63 and retired.
Magic mushrooms from Britains green and beautiful land .
Then came Amsterdam!
Homegrown kits .
A different buzz with every one.
I never went crazy on them and didn’t do them year round.
Once in a while , when the time was right.
I’ve discussed the universe with friends and also laughed with them uncontrollably.
Brilliant highs .
But I do think you have to be the right type of person.
I’ve known people go overboard and it turns into a habit, a kind of addiction.
I haven’t done any for a few years years now, but am looking forward to the festive season in the autumn.
‘Mind how you go ‘
small side note though from some anecdotal evidence and personal experience: Microdosing daily (300-600mg) works amazing for neurological damage and brain/nerve injury. I was born with a myriad of chronic illness but only done large (0.5g-1g) doses twice with set+setting prep.
I was free of intrusive thoughts + any depressive symptoms the first time for 2 weeks, on 0.5g, I take ~300mg daily now for about 6 months and it's helped get rid of chronic depression, helped my SLE, Fibro and seizures come down from 5-6 a day (1-2 grande mal) to practically 0 in the last few years.
This and cannabis has helped me have a life worth living again. I'm glad you also had such enlightening experiences with this beautiful medicine. Peace be with you. :)
@@DefirenceYeah but you really need to differentiate, these are not the same thing as psilocybin
Depression haunted my life from a very young age, and I was put on a bunch of SSRIs as a child in attempt to deal with it. None worked.Psychedelic mushrooms was brought to my attention. It was the first thing that actually had real effects. They should only be used with great care and respect.
I hear this is supposed to be good for people who have mental health issues. I actually just started the research process of microdosing and all that. Im to the point where I want shock treatment.
dr.perryshroom is your guy. Got all kinds of psychedelics stuff. Guided me through my first ever experience
Been through this conversation before. I can’t do anything without a proper medical professional following me.
YES, he is dr.perryshroom. There's a lot of potential in psychedelics
The use of magic mushrooms can completely help one get over addiction and depression. but there’s a big risk if you eat the wrong type
That man and his giggle have blessed me.
In what way? Can you explain?
Beautiful souls keeping the earth strong and appreciated. Need more of them...
I will always be grateful to mushrooms. One trip I had the mushrooms told me it was ok that I didn't agree with my father who was a preacher concerning Christianity. The mushrooms told me my father loved me even though I was agnostic. The mushroom can be a harsh teacher, but it does love u for who u are
bro it is a mushroom
@@vibratorss you just don’t understand everything he said is true
@@vibratorss you have no idea what this man is speaking about and it shows
U on about regular mushrooms ? fly agaric is a very different experience.
@@fingmoron Even when one boils it down etc. It's poison.
Not judging anyone but no Thankyou.
Man that guy looks like dmt nome or elf, it's fascinating as hell
frankcwte have you seen a dmt gnome/elf? Or is this just a McKenna reference?
Truthfully just a mckenna reference, I have yet to experience it my self
Thanks for the reply. I've never seen them, so I'm wondering if it was just individual to his experience. He always talked about them like they were an objective experience, but I've yet to talk to anyone else whose seen them.
Andrew Reed I see, and I'm guessing you've had dmt. Well thank you for your input for more information of the object reality of this nature but I'm sure since he took very high doses like in the peek of led he'll hit dmt and always proclaimed the importance of the third hit. Maybe one day well meet on those grounds. I bid you farewell and safe travel to the next planes of reality my good and humble sir (:
MBS Creative wow :D
Psilocybin is an ancient and powerful medicine. It is amusing that “modern” medicine is only now trying to understand what Indigenous people have know for a millennia.
Shrooms completely halted my seasonal depression and I stopped going to counseling since I no longer needed it.I believe it was the key part in healing my depression.
Yes… dr_xzavier.
Sure!! dr_xzavier.
Yea and he delivers discreetly.
I've eaten 7 grams and had a very controlled trip.
Another time, I ate one mutant penis envy, cut fresh off its bed, and went to Jupiter. You can never fully tell how hard they'll hit you. Just relax and let them take you.
“It grows near the road, stands on one leg, and wears a hat, but doesn’t say hi to anyone” 🍄
it rhymes in russian lol thats why he said it
I just love that!! And the giggle he had, a twinkle in his eye!! Just like Ol’ St. Nick!!
Mario would lose his damn mind if he saw that
Me too :(
On My Travels ive often seen that gesture he made at 5:03 minutes, what a Humble and Respectful Man, may you enjoy prosperity and for your family aswell : )
A job like Hamilton’s sounds awesome . Such odd adventures and it’s your job to find these far out places and secretive people . Seeing the human condition and the things we do for comfort is really interesting
He's one of the few that doesn't buy into any the bullshit and is just super scientific about it all
He's a *real* one, for sure.
not to mention getting fucked up on all kinds of different types of drugs.
His dad is a famous director, Erol Morris. I worked with him on the show wormwood and Hamilton stopped by. He always wears white shirt and white pants. His dad always wears his own outfit but the same every day. Artists.
Terence Mckenna did all this years ago too
So u stop it before he gets, thats the best part
Dopamine P teaser...
Seriously though, such a build up and to just end leaving us hanging like that....not cool man not cool!!!!! 😥
Dopamine P "High" lol. Don't worry, it's probably going to be as interesting as seeing someone trip on benadryl. Well that is a tiny bit interesting but not nearly as much as the real psychedelic mushrooms.
Too poo for sure shrooms is a better high if there is hallucinations occurring
He didnt do it
Psilocybin, LSD, shrooms and ketamine are absolutely life changing substances that have so much potential to help people with mental health issues
Please does anyone know where I can get them? I put so much on my plate and it really affects my stress and anxiety levels, I would love to try shrooms
Yes, dr.raymyco
Is he on instagrm?
Sure, dr.raymyco
Psychedelic definitely have potential to deal with mental health, they really helped me.
Knew a similar dude back in the 70s.. except then we called it burned out shroom dude that lives in a storage unit.
why cut the film off at the good bit... want to see NERDY BOY WITH DEEP VOICE TRIP.
One time at band camp I saw hamilton trip. He was such a goofy clarinetist. He was always tripping on the coat this one guy wore, maybe it was at a wedding, I can't remember.
I like how the hermits like "you've tried frogs, right?"
And Hamilton's all like "how do you know..."
Then he just gets cut off
Yea saw that.. literally laughed out loud
he'd clearly been shown an episode on his friends phone prior to hamilton gong, hence he knew.
@@rapfactor1 Maybe, maybe not.
5:38 the translation is wrong, he said “Well, I went to visit my grandpa and grandma to the Other World...”
Vice dude: "can we go hunting for mushrooms tomorrow?",
Russian Hippie: "idk it depends on your behavior...."
...most cop sounding answer ever lmao
Well if he were a cop he had plenty of evidence before that moment lol.
Lmao like a Ukrainian hermit could possible be a cop, Ukraine can barely police its cities, let alone the Carpathian Mountains
@@warrcoww6717 I think he was talking about Hamilton
Carpathian Forrest... Russian... right
Thats like seeing a similar video about some Forrest in Canada snd going like "These Mexican shamans are crazy!" Haha
Dudes trippin balls! Hamilton asks "How do u live here in the winter"? Dude starts laughing uncontrollably...what a trip😁
I fucking love this show
the question is if they pay the guy for the show and filming him, or for the knowledge he gives
Makes these episodes longer! so much to discover, so little time per episode!
The full episodes are on his show, Hamilton’s Pharmacopeia. I think they should all be released for free though now.
They're on Hulu right now
Very well made episode. The editing, cinematography, and content is fantastic. I love this series!
Except I'd live to know what happened after he ate the 🍄
You’re a fantastic journalist, I look forward to seeing you grow with vice and through your career. As we get older, there is no other way but to advance for you. I appreciate your content and curiosity of experiences in life - not being able to experience them myself, brings me comfort of time passing regardless because there is content like this.
This episode has so many unanswered questions I need the full episode..
Dl them!
He looks well fed and happier then most 🍄❤️
The thing I love most about Hammy is his dry sense of humor.
“.... and apparently he has a chainsaw”
Just the monotone delivery of irony keeps me in tears.
That forest and mushrooms are beautiful!!!!
Love this guy.....a modern day shaman in touch with life it has been forgotten
Feeling the shroom-giggles transmit through this electronic medium, I laugh and reflect about this alien technology.
Aint nothing like the shroom giggles!
Looks like he can turn you into a mushroom
I did that once. It was a really strange few hours. It was quite squishy and moist though. I told Alex Jones and he was just like always yelling...
this guy has been hiking around the world for years you'd tink hed get proper clothes for it. Thats some real dedication right there
@@ब्रह्मन-ष1स you need clothing in the cold, do not think that you don’t because your body will die.
@@ब्रह्मन-ष1स so you telling me you’d be fine naked, ankle deep In snow and somehow not catch hypothermia?
@@ब्रह्मन-ष1स here are some hard truths that if you can understand may “enlighten “ you. Our ancestors yours included needed clothing in cold harsh winters unless they were from near the equator(or took psychoactive drugs). Don’t spit the same venom that you detest others for, reallysadweeb asked a normal question and you called them a narcissist. Looking at your name and page I’m assuming you might be vegan which would explain your fixation on using “opinion” and your lack of coherence because you are lacking vital proteins, I’m not saying eat meat but go see a doctor or eat more Whole Foods because your thought ability is suffering. Also don’t believe in the people in your playlists they are predators who feed on people who seek spiritual or financial understanding; furthermore, sadghuru may sound profound and he may have a few good nuggets(who doesn’t) but do not trust him as he is a charlatan who murdered his wife.
@@jordanbrown1032sadhguru murdered his wife? I always felt like dude was horrible beneath the surface
Why would you stop the video right there agh I deff need part 2 in my life... Hamilton on VICE always = Amazing content :)
I've met a man who took a whole vile of acid and he knew things about me no one could know he saw right into peoples soul wish I had met him more than once
Sometimes you're only supposed to meet someone once. When you meet someone for the first time you should remember it could be the last time. This will change how you perceive people and you'll learn that one brief encounter might be the most important of your life.
same but then i became that guy and now i know all is one
@Josh Glad to be of help.
@@SisterDogmatawho can remain open to these encounters all day every day? My perspective is they are ephemeral. They arrive, they leave. There is little more you can do.
@@bimfred I don't think these things happen all day every day. But once in a while you meet someone, whether in this world or the trippy one, and those few moments spent with that person change your life forever. Life is fleeting and those moments are beautiful. Best wishes.
"How do you transport your mushrooms overseas?"
"I Shypit
3:07 Just fucking beautiful man, that view is just amazing.
"He's considered the guardian of a forest, and apparently he also has a chainsaw." LOL
1:49 anyone else see that beautiful amanita muscaria he had up there drying? 😍 I bet you start tripping as soon as you set foot in that cabin just because of the vibe and how sacred mushrooms really are. 🍄🍄🍄
Mushroom ain't scary, have you ever had shrooms before?
I’m just gonna watch this on repeat for the rest of my life
I found hundreds of A. muscaria var. guessowii today. The rain has been helpful. Brought about 5 pounds home & dehydrating them right now. Personally, I enjoy a low dose fly agaric “trip.”
these guys know the secrets of the universe...
We used to put ground psilocybin mushrooms in vodka then set it in the sun for a few days. We called it Ghost Water.
Vanger48912 sounds great!
I'm gonna try that now.
anon deilvers report back comrade!
I'm sure i heard that sunlight kills the active ingredients. thats why they use tinted vials for liquid psilocybe. I'd try putting it in a dark place to see if that works better
did you call it ghost water because all the psilocin got ghosted away by uv rays?
just make tea, it's much less elaborate and actually works just fine.
Everything is connected that's how he knew
Wavy Vaporizers WOKE
god I love that dude he had me laughing like a mofo when he said that and Hamilton's reaction when he gave him the mushroom was like fuuuuuuck here we go again deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole we fall
Wavy Vaporizers wingo
Or it's likely that someone who has been to Europe has tried frog at least once. It's more likely that it's a lucky guess than this one guy knows some deep universal secret. Don't let the confirmation bias set in.
Peter Fish if youve had personal experience with simular things you wouldn't be saying what you are rn
do on episode on the peyote cactus or datura!
So grateful you got there and showed me my forest 🙏
full episode please
Notice how he’s really happy always giggling
Because tripping out his nut 247 lol
They can smell the estrogen coming off Hamilton
This guy and his vice videos are just uncomfortably cheesy
The cinematography looks great ♥️
It was just getting interesting! When does season 2 come out?
a question, how long does he soak the mushroom in the vodka, and does this work with dried amanita as well? Does one then only use the liquid extract? Ive been trying amanita, different to psilocybin, but has a very hypnotic side as well as its rather nauseous to drink in a tea, though 3.5-5 dried grams slowly simmered at next to no low boil with some honey and some vitamin C on an empty stomach is less nauseous. Anyone got any tips for eliminating the nauseous from the tea?
It's best if it passes through some ones or a animals (dog or bear)liver.... Slavic shamans would then drink the urine, just like weed turns into something else when eaten then metabolised through the liver so does fly argic, supposedly that's when it was has anti cancer effects before that you can seriously mess up your brain
Part 2 hurry...
this is a clip from a 1 hour show on viceland
where's the link to the video?
Hamilton's a real fun guy
My favorite Hamilton episode.
Hamilton : How do you survive here in the winter?
Vasyl : Food comes on its own.
The woods people tell Hamilton and his crew, thanks for coming, "food", then they eat them.
7:08 it's crazy how Hamilton was shocked he knew he tried the toad
his friend would have shown him on his smartphone prior to hamilton coming. no way he didn look into hamilton before the interview
I never get tired of watching Hamilton and his fascination with drugs.
Where does he find all these people?
James Morris he doesnt, journalist get fixers who get paid for knowing these rando weird people who are willing to be interviewed wheter theyre shroom gnomes, ganbangers or isis who knows lol
Investigation. And a budget to pay them.
Facebook 🙄
Why cant you guys upload the full version on youtube? Used my hulu acct to see the full one.
Any longer version from this available? :)
The nerd looks at him as if he's seeing the subtitles too.
Carpathian forest
Where the trees are endless
Forest titans fall to rest
A bed is made for the queen
Mushrooms gather in circles
Where bears walk
Dereliction houses dark spirits
A comet falls deep into darkness
Stones rise in circles
Where drums roar
Water wispers vibrating
People dance under the moon
In circles
Bone to Rune
Skull to Dust
Ice melts the thoughts of the gods
Root promises blossom
Is that a real song what is it
We all listen to Heilung, you're not special.
James V I didn’t say I was, weirdo.
Fly Agaric, As a an amateur mycologist, I have longed to encounter this species in the wild. Good shit
Ross pnw
if you live in america. i used to see them all the time as a kid in Maine. never tried them though because i figured they were just poison.
They are everywhere in the Colorado mountains, the forest preserves are littered with them
Yeah i just saw a bunch growing on a old Asian guys lawn
Northern California. Sonoma County. I have seen them.
This looks awesome! But I can’t find the complete episode. Is there a longer version?
Hamilton has the most interesting life. This is so cool
Fly Agaric aka Amanita Muscaria are not rare!! At least in Washington I see many of them every year
Washington state, right?
@@jonathanlove7078new Hampshire too
his friend would have shown him on his smartphone prior to hamilton coming. no way he didn look into hamilton before the interview
Umm.. where's the rest of the video?! there a part 2? I wanna see the journey...,
Vice what’s up with short videos I understand your on dish cable but why not UA-cam?
Fascinating ! Timothy Leary would be proud of this dude. I'd love to sit down and chat with this hermit just to understand how his mind has expanded over the years. Great video, okay, so is there a part 2 ??? lol
Timothy leary was a sex predator
Indeed, I am proud.
@@atticushexcel9567 no need to be insulting
Come to Shypit! Lots of hippies make the pilgrimage there during summer solstice
I gotta agree about the amanita thing. I mean its dangerous enough that its toxic, but worse yet is what would happen if someone went looking for them and accidentally ate one of the other similar looking amanitas that grow in the forest that happens to be deadly. With muscaris though, at least you can process it so that its safe to eat.
I was walking trails in Fontainebleau park area in Louisiana, saw some of these mushrooms, had no idea what they were, and took really awesome pictures of them. I feel so dumb for not grabbing them lmao they really are gorgeous
No, they give hard and dishporic trip
Why'd the video cut off?! It was getting good!
They look so happy and tranquil
where does one watch these series in its entirety. -_- i hate these teasers
You can buy or rent them on i tunes bro
But this is a new episode thats not out yet
Hamilton's Pharmacopeia S2E07 A Fungal Fairy Tale
I love it too I think everyone that watch this show needs a open mind
Hamilton was freaked out as soon as the guy told him he tried frogs 🐸
No but seriously, if you claim to know the worlds origins based off what some sober God hating scientists write in a book who gives a freaky frump about your opinion.. live a little and decide for yourself, dont be chained to the popular bias
Umm, once again this is all staged Hamilton simply shared his experiences with him prior to the interview WAKE UP PEOPLE And WISE UP
TRUMP 2020🇺🇸
@@gageedwards2780 L
@@sopohi1477 😭🤣🤦♂️
WOW i felt Vasyl's energy..... Truly a blessing-- he seemed like he was having the time of this life LMAO
Does anyone knows the best way to take the dry ones? Infusion/tea? Smoked? Or just eat'em? Thanks!!
Is there a second part to this episode. The video seems to end abruptly as soon as Hamilton Chows down on the dried cap.
fly agaric AKA amanita muscaria is a pretty shitty high.. and that doc said it's neurotoxic.. stick with psilocybin mushrooms, people!! didn't you learn anything from alice in wonderland?
you consumed it the wrong way. If i served it too you you would love it.
Amanita muscaria is not deadly however unprocessed it becomes an unpleasant experience
Rob C for u it might be a shitty trip but for some it's the crossing of 2 worlds
Don't talk about the sacred mushroom like that.
Rob C lol u good?
Hope he's doing okay in Ukraine, prayers up.
I bet he's doing just fine because he lives in the woods and is self sufficient
He is perfectly fine, he live in most safe region in Ukraine
how would I talk to you guys about the amanita some more. I work with one of the leading research groups on the subject and on of the few who know how to grow them in the lab. It would be a pleasure to teach you guys and the world about the science behind the amanita in a more acceptable and digestible light.
I would absolutely love to read more about this. Could you please point me in the right direction?
Where is the rest of the video?
This is a beautiful episode
Spoiler: he turned into a mushroom.. In fact all mushrooms in that forest originate from people visiting Vasyl..
cat on paper This is a seriously underrated comment 😂
That would be an awesome short story.
My grandfather taught me how to live off the land, these things have been eaten in moderation for a long time, not too sure about eating them for every meal though.
1:23 Sophisticated bright young man, called "nerdy-looking" lol #forestpeople
it wasn't the forest dude that called him that, it was the Ukrainian translator lol
Mushroom hermit man is living the dream
surely there has a be a part 2 right ?