Is DSD pseudo analog?

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • DSD is the best sounding recording technology today. How close it it to analog?


  • @volpedo2000
    @volpedo2000 2 роки тому +26

    “Glo-ster” is analog, “Glou-ce-ster” is digital.

  • @captainwin6333
    @captainwin6333 2 роки тому +6

    It's pronounced 'Gloster'. Great explanation too.

  • @ThinkingBetter
    @ThinkingBetter 2 роки тому +8

    DSD means Direct Stream Digital. It’s as digital as anything else digital. You should of course not be looking at single bits when you view a PCM stream but need to look at each value where you can easily see how the value follows the sound wave. DSD is easier and cheaper to convert to analog but that doesn’t make DSD itself analog. In fact, DSD-64 resolves the voltage less precise than 24 bit PCM, and some could argue opposite with that perspective (time vs voltage resolution).

    • @easystreetphoto2401
      @easystreetphoto2401 2 роки тому +1

      "dsd" is just a brand name. it's very wideband fm, with the digital clock acting as the carrier.

    • @ThinkingBetter
      @ThinkingBetter 2 роки тому

      @@easystreetphoto2401 DSD is not FM. Rather each sampling is sigma delta based. Check here:

    • @easystreetphoto2401
      @easystreetphoto2401 2 роки тому

      @@ThinkingBetter there are no samplings. the delta sigma modulator is a modulator circuit - a mixer, combining the carrier and signal waves. a high pass filter is enough to demodulate the signal and yield the original waveform.

    • @ThinkingBetter
      @ThinkingBetter 2 роки тому

      @@easystreetphoto2401 There are no sampling of levels but sampling of the deltas (up/down) relative to the sigma (accumulated level) enabling a stair-case approximation of the output waveform. A capacitor can be used as a DAC of a raw DSD stream as bits are causing charging/discharging of the cap. The many saw teeth steps will however need some low pass filtering to avoid ultrasonic noise.

    • @easystreetphoto2401
      @easystreetphoto2401 2 роки тому +1

      @@ThinkingBetter there is no staircase approximation of a waveform. there's a comparison of one voltage to a previous voltage to determine whether the next pulse is high or low. you can't get a staircase out of "high or low." there is no up from high nor down from low.

  • @GBftw
    @GBftw 2 роки тому +4

    The idea that people can only see 24 frames a second is a myth. If the shutter angle/exposure time on films was changed so that there was no motion blur any scene with movement would look horrible. It gets pretty hard to tell beyond about 240fps if you have more frames per second, but still possible for some.

    • @marianneoelund2940
      @marianneoelund2940 2 роки тому

      Yes, it's quite easy to tell if a video was shot using high shutter speeds, instead of 1/30 sec shutter speed which produces a natural motion blur. High shutter speeds produce a "stroboscopic" effect which looks quite odd when there is fast movement.

  • @CT-rn6ms
    @CT-rn6ms 2 роки тому +5

    Movies are usually 24 fps because it has been like that for a long time and seen as "cinematic" if you look at 60 fps video compared to 24 or 30 fps video you will see a difference. Other than that I agree with you.

    • @joesmith4443
      @joesmith4443 2 роки тому +2

      Some blockbuster movies are shot in 60 fps and it can “expose” a lot of the CGI if it’s slow down frame by frame. Also I’ve seen 60 fps used in “digital restorations” which is much like “upsampling” for audio. Even though it’s only an “illusion” the standard definition does improve quite a lot not like it was shot in HD but it looks better.

    • @joesmith4443
      @joesmith4443 2 роки тому

      Here’s Gemini man shot in 60 fps starring (no other than) Will Smith. You even go to 120 fps. Idk those higher fps don’t like natural to humans even though there’s more frames per second but it’s definitely smoother looking.
      Sometimes in certain scenes and situations, it can be better though…

    • @CT-rn6ms
      @CT-rn6ms 2 роки тому +3

      @@joesmith4443 I know all that but on average movie's are typically short at 24 fps.

    • @edfort5704
      @edfort5704 2 роки тому

      @@CT-rn6ms "audio correct" indeed :D

    • @joesmith4443
      @joesmith4443 2 роки тому +1

      @@CT-rn6ms yep. 24 is. That’s why movie/tv audio is in multiples of 24 (48 khz and above)
      The “tv standard” in the US is 24 and I believe it’s 30 or 25?? fps in Europe in Europe.
      Its also really hard to convert everything in fps and Audio so that’s why it’s “standardized” at 24 fps.

  • @alexseaford4029
    @alexseaford4029 2 роки тому +6

    Gloucester pronounced Gloster. We only invent these names to confuse Americans! 😆

  • @terryjefferylee6314
    @terryjefferylee6314 2 роки тому


  • @andydelle4509
    @andydelle4509 2 роки тому +1

    Well all electrical signals are analog! Digital just defines how the information of interest is encoded into that analog waveform. For example PCM is analogous to FM. It is interesting to note mankind's first electronic communication system was digital! Morse Code! As long is you could distinguish between a dot and a dash, you could decode the message. If the Morse Code was sent by radio, the background noise and static was irrelevant as long as you could still tell the difference between a dot and dash. Dot/dash = one/zero.

  • @380stroker
    @380stroker 2 роки тому +2

    You can make pcm equivalents to pdm. So they can both theoritically match eachother at some point, but with pdm you cannot do signal processing the way you can do it with pcm. I'd like to hear a blind test of 32 bit/384khz pcm vs (pdm) DSD 512. At some unknown point they become audibly indistinguishable and I'm sure we can all agree to that in theory. So why don't we strive to make the very best pcm Bit depth and sampling rate (true archive quality, which means massive overkill) and be done with it? For example: DSD 64 is 2.8Mhz at 1 bit. So why don't we try 2.8Mhz at 24bit pcm and see how that sounds? You'll also be able to do signal processing.

    • @ThinkingBetter
      @ThinkingBetter 2 роки тому

      DSD-64 resolves approx. as a 96kHz 20 bit PCM stream making it superior to CD quality but inferior to the DXD (352.8kHz 24 bits PCM) that it is down-converted (= lossy transcoding) from when mastered digitally. Many modern DACs can already do DXD or even better sample rates so no doubt that the PCM roadmap will continue to expand with higher frequency content. Already now you have major streaming services providing 192kHz 24 bits PCM FLAC lossless and error-free playback such as Amazon Music HD. This already beats DSD-64 today. When PCM sounds bad it's mostly not because of PCM itself but more about bad algorithms involved in re-sampling (some Android devices, for example) or other processing. DSD can't be processed and that is a bummer but on the positive side, it sort of protects the integrity of it.

    • @kongwee1978
      @kongwee1978 2 роки тому

      DSD in data are just 1 and 0, you can process that, just like PCM. Just that nobody writing for it. You can just convert DSD to PCM with zero loss and exact copy with the correct conversion rate. Convert to PCM so that you don't need to fork extra cash to rewrite the algorithm and extra CPU hardcode.

    • @380stroker
      @380stroker 2 роки тому

      @@kongwee1978 That's just it, converting to pcm defeats the purpose. Just record to pcm from start to finish.

  • @volpedo2000
    @volpedo2000 2 роки тому

    Lyngdorf’s digital amplifiers work in PWM like DSD. I wonder if you could feed them a DSD signal with no extra processing.

    • @kongwee1978
      @kongwee1978 2 роки тому +1

      There is active speaker that take DSD signal direct drive to Class D amp. I just can't remember the name.

  • @henrywatson6050
    @henrywatson6050 2 роки тому +1

    I am slighty confused with the function of a deta sigma modulator in dsd dacs. What is the function of a delta sigma modulator when we are playing dsd? Why do we use one for dsd? Since dsd can be played if a lpf is applied. If someone would be able to answer my silly question it would be much appreciated as i am chasing my own tail trying to figure it out. Thanks.

    • @kongwee1978
      @kongwee1978 2 роки тому

      99% of your DAC out there are SDM which is PWM in nature. That DSD being a binary data is written for. low pass filter is to reduce floor noise induced by the sampling rate. the lower, more noise. When you have DSD512 or 386kHz PCM, you do not need to add a filter in your circuit.

  • @gitmobob6266
    @gitmobob6266 2 роки тому

    The question shouldn't be is it analog or PCM or DSD it should be do you enjoy the final product. I personally find PCM recordings grate on my nerves and I can't listen for very long except as background music. DSD recordings are not widely available and require special equipment to play and I have limited experience with them.

  • @johnlager584
    @johnlager584 2 роки тому

    Loosely speaking, Digital =defined standard part sizes, analogue =can be split into yet undetermined part sizes, which in theory could be split into infinite and infinitely small, however human measuring equipment (ears) have a know resolution limit. So Paul is right that our perception has limit that digital can exceed, however Paul is still “analogue” himself (until split into parts).

    • @Chrisspru
      @Chrisspru 2 роки тому

      the analog- illusion he was talking about is the fact that energy in the universe comes in discrete packages, space becomes random fuzz below a certain scale, and time is broken up into packages by the time it takes lightspeed to cross a space- pixel. this means our universe is pixelated on the smallest level, the quantum scale.
      quantum comes from quantized, which in essence meams digital.
      its just so high resolution digital and so fuzzily (uncertainty principle) imperfect interconnected between "bits" that it can be viewed as analog

  • @ohjoy40
    @ohjoy40 2 роки тому

    Oh Paul lol. So your saying that analog tape is not continuous and is made up of bits ? Which in turn makes vinyl made up as bits as well ? Amplification is made up of bits ? The transfer of analog signal down a cable is made up of bits ? Oh boy, you e really gone down the rabbit hole with this one lol.

  • @AllboroLCD
    @AllboroLCD 2 роки тому

    I had this same thought when I first learned of digitally sourced vinyl going back. I began thinking whats the point if its a PCM master transfer? Ive never really had the chance to do an "on the fly" a-b comparison however.

  • @dona635
    @dona635 2 роки тому +2

    Yes, but with a movie, your eyes don't perceive the differences that your ears can, the old hammer, anvil, stirrup react more like a drum with reverb which leads into the next tone, like a waveform.

    • @davidstevens7809
      @davidstevens7809 2 роки тому

      yes. correct.. light sound and compression are analog.. yup so is fluid dynamics..

  • @charlesmanneschmidt7587
    @charlesmanneschmidt7587 2 роки тому +2

    I love Paul and everything, but he keeps mischaracterizing PCM vs. DSD. PCM's 44.1k samples/sec is far lower than DSD's data rate, but each PCM sample can represent over 65k steps, each one a different piece of information. Each DSD sample, however, is only either a "1" or a "0," so it takes many more samples to piece together the signal. There's more to resolution than sample rate.
    Also, we shouldn't get bogged down in "the world is bits" argument, but motion picture film frames are a poor example of digital sampling. Each frame is very, very analog.

    • @Crokto
      @Crokto 2 роки тому +1

      Doesn't film work via a photo chemical reaction operating on tiny distinct crystals? Hence film grain? Like yes it is analogue, but it is made up of lots of tiny bits

    • @midnightsocean2689
      @midnightsocean2689 2 роки тому +1

      I keep wanting to get excited about DSD but I get the feeling it's not exactly the be all end all answer and certainly not a direct replacement for good analog.

    • @AALavdas
      @AALavdas 2 роки тому

      @@Crokto Exactly! Analog is just a matter of definition, when talking about film. Each frame- just like each analog photograph, is made of lots of tiny bits.

    • @charlesmanneschmidt7587
      @charlesmanneschmidt7587 2 роки тому +1

      @@Crokto Maybe so, but that could be said of perhaps everything. Quantum mechanics. I still believe analog is real and as it's always been defined.

    • @charlesmanneschmidt7587
      @charlesmanneschmidt7587 2 роки тому

      @@Crokto It seems to me that if film is the same kind of digital as DSD, each frame would be solid black or white (or monochrome) and the data rate would need to be multiplied so that the density would yield moving images. Don't know whether that's even theoretically possible, but it would be digital.

  • @TheDanEdwards
    @TheDanEdwards 2 роки тому +8

    Not the best explanation by Paul. And it's best to just avoid what may be "reality". (FWIW physics suggests you are both continuous and discrete.) And yes, one can notice a difference between 25fps and 60fps video.
    Regarding DSD v. PCM (and the discussion should really be phrased as PDM v. PCM as "DSD" is a branding attempt by Sony and Phillips), in practice it appears that the debates continue but in commerce almost all music distributed is PCM, so I don't see a need to really worry about this issue. DSD may be superior (and there are theoretical papers and empirical studies which suggest that) but that may not be relevant because it has often been the case that what succeeds commercially is not necessarily what is the highest performance.

    • @InsideOfMyOwnMind
      @InsideOfMyOwnMind 2 роки тому +2

      Same with HD radio. It was a guy vs a corporation. What we ended up with is a format that poses some problems that the opposition did not.

    • @ThinkingBetter
      @ThinkingBetter 2 роки тому +1

      @@InsideOfMyOwnMind The reason PCM already won is that PCM allows digital signal processing and modern devices involve digital audio processing (PC, phone, tablet, car, TV, STB, wireless headphones etc.). Even digital mastering can not be done in DSD and all digitally mastered music actually got mastered into PCM even if you got a transcoded lossy DSD version of it (e.g. the actual mastering output was DXD, which is PCM). DSD therefore really only makes sense for analog mixed/mastered music (e.g. Octave Records) distributed to a niche market of audiophiles willing to download files for playback. Does DSD sound better than CD? Yes. Would I prefer DSD for an analog mastered music track? Yes, if the music itself is great. Does DSD sound better than the DXD it originated from? Of course not.

    • @vincentwerner4856
      @vincentwerner4856 2 роки тому +1

      I don't agree it's best to avoid trying to define reality. Not to go into a long and complicated philosophical discussion, but this thinking is IMO the results of decades of postmodern mumbo jumbo by social 'scientists' who don't understand sh*t about physics.

    • @kongwee1978
      @kongwee1978 2 роки тому

      @@ThinkingBetter Yet all your 99.9% AD/DA are SDM which is PWM in nature. DSD being the native data for PWM being rejected. But no a problem. DSD and PCM can translate to each other with zero loss and exact copy.

    • @ThinkingBetter
      @ThinkingBetter 2 роки тому

      @@kongwee1978 DSD and PCM are different methods of sampling and transcoding between them is lossy. The ultrasonic “trying to match the analog shape by a binary step up or down” noise you have naturally in DSD is unique for DSD. You could transcode DSD to PCM with preservation of that ultrasonic noise using same high 2.8224 MHz sample rate and 24 bits PCM and call it “lossless”, but who is doing this? Also, many DAC chips are not entirely sigma delta on the output but using some hybrid stage.

  • @wonderboy7768
    @wonderboy7768 2 роки тому

    time to get toasted on some bits

  • @james6039
    @james6039 2 роки тому +1

    I would like to add the Human Hearing system is also Digital. As well as Lassie's, Whiskies', Elsie's and Woodstock's. Thanks.

  • @Phil_f8andbethere
    @Phil_f8andbethere 2 роки тому +1

    Errrrr - not sure that's right. Digital is either on or off (0 or 1), whereas Analogue can be any value between 0 and 1 (or whatever the scale is), it's not just on or off it can be anywhere in between.

  • @paulhammond2245
    @paulhammond2245 2 роки тому

    I use a 31 band eq. It helps with the high end glare. If it helps why not is my point.

    • @ThinkingBetter
      @ThinkingBetter 2 роки тому

      It can make a lot of sense to add some EQ when the system including room acoustics is with a poor frequency response. But it is good to do some critical A/B testing with all bands on neutral (0db) to ensure you are not introducing any audible negative effects from it before calibrating it. And if you end up having to boost any frequency area more than 6dB, you should rethink your setup (speakers, placement or room acoustics). A great system doesn't need much EQ but usually any system can benefit from some careful use of it...if the EQ is a good one. BTW, one reason to use EQ is to compensate for any hearing issues e.g. as we age we lose ability to hear the high treble frequencies and adding a few dB (e.g. at 12kHz and up) can rejuvenate the experience quite dramatically.

  • @stug77
    @stug77 2 роки тому

    Shhhh you're gonna get the HFR people riled up.

  • @Bassotronics
    @Bassotronics 2 роки тому +1

    Remember, the aliens already invented PLD (Planck Length Digital). It’s as far down as we can get to analog in the realms of our spacetime reality.

  • @boriss.861
    @boriss.861 2 роки тому

    Paul Gloucester is Pronounced Gloh - ster please. How was Axpona?

  • @kyron42
    @kyron42 2 роки тому +3

    DSD has poor transient performance and has noise floor modulation.

    • @edfort5704
      @edfort5704 2 роки тому +1

      Oh, so that's why it sounds so fantastic.

  • @davidstevens7809
    @davidstevens7809 2 роки тому +1

    Paul ..nature is analog.. not digital..i totally disagree. we now have ability to make analog logic that they invisioned in early computer theory

  • @GaryB007
    @GaryB007 2 роки тому

    Love that pronunciation :)

  • @edg5367
    @edg5367 2 роки тому +3

    No it can’t Analog is analog

  • @PanAmStyle
    @PanAmStyle 2 роки тому

    Paul, Paul, Paul … yes for the most part, BUT … the photo analogy is WRONG if we consider photographs made on FILM. (I will not get into a philosophical discussion of film vs digital photography…) As you well know, the silver-oxide grains (converted to pure silver or dye structures during development) are of varying size and shape - especially the latter being dependent on the specific chemistry of the development process. In that sense film-based photographs are not analogous (see what I did there?) to DSD being analog.

    • @d.j.wiendels6572
      @d.j.wiendels6572 Рік тому

      the world is analog. Digital was invented, not discovered! A signal is digital because it can only have a pre-defined number of values,(often 2), occuring at fixed time intervals, making it posible to correct errors, rather than adding them up

  • @anthonycrivello5243
    @anthonycrivello5243 2 роки тому +6

    16/44.1 is all you need.

    • @googoo-gjoob
      @googoo-gjoob 2 роки тому

      it certainly is 'enuf' .... but better _can_ be both attained & appreciated. so, why not?

    • @edfort5704
      @edfort5704 2 роки тому +2

      I can picture your great-grandfather telling people riding some of the first automobiles: "Horse and buggy is all you need."

    • @kongwee1978
      @kongwee1978 2 роки тому

      Your DAC is oversample your 16/44.1 at least four time. And the nice part is 99.9% of SDM that PWM in nature. 1 bit like DSD.

    • @DashNode
      @DashNode 2 роки тому

      @Anthony Crivello I absolutely agree, anything higher than 48 kHz should only be used for recording to allow for a less fancy anti aliasing filter before the adc
      ... but for playback, 44.1 or 48k already gives an accurate enough restitution of the high end of the audible spectrum, which you hear less as you age anyway !

  • @spacemissing
    @spacemissing 2 роки тому

    Apparently one thing this explanation means is that analog is pseudo-digital.

  • @johnlebeau5471
    @johnlebeau5471 2 роки тому

    I own a DAC that filters the DSD signal so there is no chip or processing involved. A pure DSD signal, one that is recorded in DSD, and not converted from another digital format, is superior to any other recorded media I have heard. Caveat, I have never heard a master tape. The next best is direct to disc vinyl. Nothing is close to live.

    • @kongwee1978
      @kongwee1978 2 роки тому

      When doing AD/DA, no addition process(example EQ, DRC....etc) you can add during the conversion for DSD or PCM. Many people just like to mislead saying you can't process DSD.

  • @JonAnderhub
    @JonAnderhub 2 роки тому +4

    You must have been hitting the good stuff there in Boulder Paul!
    "The idea of analog is false, the idea of analog is an illusion"
    Analog is very real and is, by definition, signals of information represented by a continuously variable physical quality.
    An analog signal is a continuous signal which represents physical measurements.
    DSD, also known as Pulse Density Modulation, is a digital signal, a discrete-time signal generated by digital modulation.
    "You can't tell from a PCM stream what is going on but from a DSD stream, you absolutely can"?
    Paul, did you forget that in order to quantize that 2.8224 MHz sampling rate (DSD64) huge amounts of noise must be added to the signal?
    That means whether it's a recording of a Beethoven symphony or complete silence, with DSD there is always a large quantity of noise in the recorded signal and that can definitely be seen on a scope.
    Isn't that why you need a low pass filter, Paul?
    Let's be truthful Paul.
    If you tried to run an unfiltered DSD signal through analog equipment without a filter you would do some serious damage to the equipment.
    The only illusion going on here is the illusion that DSD (PDM) is superior, or more "like analog" than PCM.
    That simply isn't true.

    • @chevakable
      @chevakable 2 роки тому +1

      Maybe you yourself should start hitting the good stuff once in a while dear sir.
      Run yourself through a lowpass filter perhaps?

    • @marianneoelund2940
      @marianneoelund2940 2 роки тому +1

      The observation that "an unfiltered DSD signal through analog equipment without a filter you would do some serious damage to the equipment" is irrelevant and proves nothing.
      Neither does the fact that a DSD signal contains massive amounts of ultrasonic noise, prove that it isn't analog, or pseudo-analog. That noise content, the quantized nature of the DSD signal, and the requirement for a high-precision 1-bit decoder to reproduce it accurately, are the only distinguishing factors between analog and DSD.
      And in any case, DSD does not meet the basic requirement for a signal to be digital - there are no numerical representations in the stream. A better meaning of "DSD" would be Direct Stream Discrete, but unfortunately the audio world is unlikely to relinquish the "digital" label.

    • @JonAnderhub
      @JonAnderhub 2 роки тому

      @@marianneoelund2940 The observation that an unfiltered DSD signal would do damage to analog equipment goes to show that the DSD signal is not an accurate representation of an analog signal and that an analog signal can not be "seen" in a DSD file as Paul implies.
      The fact that DSD requires massive amounts of ultrasonic noise does in fact prove that DSD is not analog because the noise is added to quantize the digital samples.
      The first step in creating DSD is an analog to digital conversion where the analog signal is sampled.
      As you pointed out DSD then requires a "decoder", also known as a digital to analog converter in order for it to be played back.
      The same is true for a PCM signal as well.
      So there is nothing "analog" about DSD (PDM) and you can't see an analog signal nor play a DSD file without the "bits" being converted back to analog.

    • @marianneoelund2940
      @marianneoelund2940 2 роки тому +1

      @@JonAnderhub Sampling is not a "digital" function. It merely time-quantizes the signal, and it is done with purely analog circuitry.
      Paul was referring to the visibility of the average DSD signal level *on an oscilloscope,* and he is correct.

    • @TheDanEdwards
      @TheDanEdwards 2 роки тому

      You're still on a mission. Why I do not know, but it is probably not quite as noble as you may like to tell yourself.
      "The only illusion going on here is the illusion that DSD (PDM) is superior" - both theoretical and empirical studies exist that indicate opposite of what you claim.
      " huge amounts of noise must be added to the signal?" - you keep going on and on about this. Look up why dithering is desirable in many applications, not just audio.
      "Analog is very real and is, by definition, signals of information represented by a continuously variable physical quality." - that may be what is told to beginning engineering students, but trying to understand what is "real" is much more difficult than you imagine. While I think Paul's description in this video is not the best, I think I know what he is getting at, as opposed to you who seem to be on this anti-DSD mission for who knows what reason.

  • @davidwilliams2840
    @davidwilliams2840 2 роки тому


  • @user181
    @user181 2 роки тому

    This is a really strained explanation.

  • @gaary1969
    @gaary1969 2 роки тому

    Gloss ter sher

  • @budgetaudiophilelife-long5461
    @budgetaudiophilelife-long5461 2 роки тому

    🤗 THANKS FOR EXPLAINING AGAIN 😁…A COMPLEX SUBJECT 🧐…. In a way we can picture 🤔 👍😍😍😍

  • @jon4715
    @jon4715 2 роки тому

    nah, motion picture film is still analogue despite it being a series of still captures

  • @marcbegine
    @marcbegine 2 роки тому


  • @mr.b4444
    @mr.b4444 2 роки тому

    Where in The Matrix, I knew it!

  • @billsiemer4932
    @billsiemer4932 2 роки тому +1

    Ah the fun. A well recorded performance with the right mics, boards, preamp, and most importantly a good engineer can sound great on a CD or album. Screw up any of the above and you get less than stellar results. After a point it doesn't really matter the recording medium. It is the artistry of the engineers that count. I admire the quest for audio perfection. Truly. But will it make a big difference on my sub$10000 rig?? Probably not.

  • @vincentwerner4856
    @vincentwerner4856 2 роки тому +2

    If the true nature of reality is discrete ('digital') or continious ('analog') is a question that is still not definitively solved by science! And DSD is dicrete, not continious.

  • @jaysanko5403
    @jaysanko5403 2 роки тому

    Paul, it is an absolute sacrilege that you can't pronounce Gloucester correctly considering you're name is McGowan!!! (Glow-ster)

  • @circattle
    @circattle 2 роки тому +1

    Hahaha. It’s pronounced “Gloss-ter-shur”

    • @gotham61
      @gotham61 2 роки тому

      I think it's the Gloucester the city, not Gloucestershire the county.

  • @AudiOhm
    @AudiOhm 2 роки тому

    A photo is not made of little pixels. A picture in a digital form is made of pixels, like a png, bmp, jpg, etc. If you are going to compare get it right...

    • @james6039
      @james6039 2 роки тому

      Get an old photograph and look at it though a magnifying glass - you will see random pixels. They should have taught you that in the 4th Grade.

    • @AudiOhm
      @AudiOhm 2 роки тому

      @@james6039 When I was in 4th grade digital cameras were not invented yet. There are no pixels in a photograph, there are in digital camera pictures...

    • @james6039
      @james6039 2 роки тому

      @@AudiOhm Isn't Anolog Film Grain similar to Digital Pixels ?

    • @AudiOhm
      @AudiOhm 2 роки тому

      @@james6039 A grainy photo is not pixels. A picture will have a defined number of pixels, width and height...

    • @easystreetphoto2401
      @easystreetphoto2401 2 роки тому +1

      every photo on film is made of little binary pixels. in a color photo some of those binary pixels are coupled with dye.

  • @davidstevens7809
    @davidstevens7809 2 роки тому

    first time i disagree with you..

  • @gotham61
    @gotham61 2 роки тому

    Gloucester is pronounced GLOSS-tur

  • @kjbunnyboiler
    @kjbunnyboiler 2 роки тому

    Pronounced “gloster” or “glostershire” 🤣🤣🤣

  • @dgross2009
    @dgross2009 2 роки тому +1

    I love this guy and believe he is one of the top experts in his field but he insists that DSD is a substitute for analog and I totally disagree. Especially in the case of records, the record player is analogist to an instrument which depending on the setup, cartridges, tracking weight, quality of player, etc., makes the analog source inspiring and alive. You don't get that with SACD's. Now if the source is digital that is a different story. Generally, but not always, the analog equipment does nothing to improve it beyond the 0's and 1's.

  • @ozgurinsan
    @ozgurinsan 2 роки тому

    so more than cd quality is useless.

  • @Ricky-cl5bu
    @Ricky-cl5bu 2 роки тому

    The amount I’ve learned off Paul is unbelievable, and ave been an audiophile for 40 years

  • @geoff37s38
    @geoff37s38 2 роки тому

    This is an explanation from someone who clearly does not understand how digital audio works. The analogy with video frame rates is totally wrong. DSD is an obsolete and technically inferior format.

    • @angelwars3176
      @angelwars3176 2 роки тому

      Why is it used by some of the best recording engineers then?

  • @tcngr
    @tcngr 2 роки тому

    When the speed of DSD signal is faster than the speed of your receptive capability of your eyes, how can you tell the difference between analog and digital.

  • @DenisFlorent
    @DenisFlorent 2 роки тому +1

    « The idea of analog is an illusion » that is SOOO true :) Analog is something made of digits :)

  • @billd9667
    @billd9667 2 роки тому

    Analog is phony digital - and vice versa

  • @milkman100001
    @milkman100001 2 роки тому +1

    glost-a-sher . = Gloucester