Aidan McCamant I assume your CBA is up to date? What units/faction are you playing as when this occurs?Default faction or modded units? I believe there is a seperate PBO in the CBA optional folder that you need to drag in the /addons folder for it to work on ALL modded units.
Thank you for the tutorial. I was having some trouble getting the interaction menu to work and the configure addons menu too. It turns out that my CBA A3 was out dated.
My interaction menu does not work at all. Every time I try to use it a red circle appears and never goes away or lets me select any option. I've tried it with all the vanilla factions and even the units with the "ace" symbol next to them. I have the newest versions of cba and ace3. I got it to work once and that was it.
So I’m trying to use the equipment but instead of a “configure” title in the menu, it gives an “options” title. When you click on the options title; the only option it gives you is “Ace Headbug Fix”. Big sad, a very bright minds assistance will be greatly appreciated!
can I load my ace and I get in-game that works but when I press Ctrl and Windows key or just Windows key the little red circle stays on my screen and it's glitch there do you know how to fix
Do you know if i can start a server with mods such as (ace 3, bcombat v1.8 etc etc) and my friend doesnt have these mods or anything, can they join my server and play anyway?
yeinzy For some reason I missed your comment....As Michael said yes, but if the mission ran by the server has certain modules in it such as the ACE ones, your friend will be kicked off.
I jus start gettin into Arma 3 and I've always seen this ace mod but I've never understood how to use it or what the hell it does lol thank you for making this video. I mainly play single player zombie scenarios with ai teammates lol
God I fixed this a long time ago but I don't remember how. Ace does not want to show in configure addons after reinstalling ace and cba. Any suggestions?
+Mawyman 2316 Make sure you're loaded in game first of can't configure addons from main menu... Secondly, do verify that your CBA is absolutely up-to-date.
darkmaulOI You'll have to switch by using the ACE Medical module settings on the editor. It varies per mission. I believe it's also possible using a settings file but I have not tried anything of that yet.
darkmaulOI There might be, after all modules on the editor are nothing else than script presets executed before init. Try asking it in the ACE3 thread on BIstudio forums.
A tad late but I'm not 100% sure. I know in the past you could use your interaction menu key on a friendly AI unit and around the chest area there'd be an inventory option. That could be one way to do it.
I have downloaded ACE I have all the items and the maps have been updated but I cannot get the interaction menu up or configure addons, it is empty. Can someone please help me out.
It's really annoying. This mod is great, but there are too many bugs, so I do not use it for the moment. This one, and the f****** interaction menu disapearing after loading a savegame or relaunching the game...
My interaction key for arma 3 is broken in altis life and arma life.... i cant restrain people and or escort the person. i was wondering if it has a restrain action with all the other things i need or if you know how to fix my issue.... i looked everywhere... thanks :)
Either really. If you want it to work NOW, downgrade CBA will likely fix it, but I am sure ACE will release a fix within a few days..or that's at least what I expect from 'em. On forums was mentioned that currently ACE is investigating whether its an ACE or CBA issue...we'll see ;)
***** Well to help you out its CBA since i dont have ACE i just was looking for a menu to fix my issue with restraining people etc but i would rather ask then look it up.
Oh wait, I just realized, Altis Life..doesn't use ACE I assume..If you would like you could go to BIS forums and post this issue in the CBA thread, because to me it sounds like you just confirmed its CBA's fault :P What interaction menu does the Altis Life you're playing on use though? Sounds like ACE/AGM
yeah i already saw it thnx, but still one problem if i start the game that way like you show it becoms a modded version and i can't acces the server i want to acces
karel5348 Well yeah. It'd be unfair if you were running modifications of your game and you're trying to join a server where people don't have modifications, now wouldn't it? :P You'll have to play on servers that also run ACE3 or otherwise servers that don't have checks for what mods you are running.
+thewannnabeyoutuber try hover over the option with th e mouse while holding lmb and then release should be able to go to ace options and change the method of selection though
I simply can't get this addon to work. When making a mission with ace3 only enabled, when i go to multiplayer and press "continue" to start the server, the game crashes. If i start a mission with other addons enabled, i get no menus or what so ever when pressing windows button. Anyone know of a video or step by step guide to installing and enabling this addon in a mission, because the wiki is not realy developed at all yet.
SideshowCop I have a similar glitch with starting up a MP lobby, LAN works fine but Internet causes game to freeze..had that issue in ArmA 2 as well..:/ Anyway, make sure your CBA is up-to-date, as that's been an issue for others. Are you using Play withSix?
is there a basic keyboard configuration setups for the noobs who are fresh arma 3 players. advanced player can come up with an easy buttons combination. I find a difficulty in bringing and selecting notations from the self interaction and other interaction menu.
Vernon Deaglepuppy Well yeah but I covered that in another video I believe, the original showcase one. Besides, I'm showing you where to find the keys >.
It's just a little weird the way it changes the default arma 3 keys, like pressing 1,2,3 for grenade switches instead of the normal ctrl+T. Usually when you press space to select all AI units, instead of just selecting a number for which type of actions you want then to do, that is now shift+1,2,3 etc because of the grenade switch keys... Guess it just needs more set-up configuration to suit the user than ACE2 did, it was really only the self interaction/object interaction that you had to change in arma 2.
Swurvin "Guess it just needs more set-up configuration to suit the user than ACE2 did" Pretty much yeah. More options is good but also bad as the time it takes for this set-up increases. I've been playing with ACE since before it came out and I'm still changing keybinds now and then :P
Not sure if things have changed in-game, but as a reply here from 6 years ago mentioned; Make sure you have an up to date CBA A3 mod. That is the mod that adds the Configure Addons screen with all of its content. Also ensure you have the latest version of ACE3 of course.
Crazy how a 5+ year old video is still helping out people. Thanks.
9 years
5 years later and this is still helpful
5 years? with a 10 month old comment? on a 8 year old video? something is not adding up
When I use my activation key all I see is a red circle and when I use the self interaction it dose the same
Aidan McCamant I assume your CBA is up to date? What units/faction are you playing as when this occurs?Default faction or modded units? I believe there is a seperate PBO in the CBA optional folder that you need to drag in the /addons folder for it to work on ALL modded units.
Thank you for the tutorial. I was having some trouble getting the interaction menu to work and the configure addons menu too. It turns out that my CBA A3 was out dated.
Harrison Wade No problem, you're not the first that had an outdated CBA. ;)
Thank you friend, I finally can edit Ace3 settings.
My interaction menu does not work at all. Every time I try to use it a red circle appears and never goes away or lets me select any option. I've tried it with all the vanilla factions and even the units with the "ace" symbol next to them. I have the newest versions of cba and ace3. I got it to work once and that was it.
Frederick Loud did you ever fix this issue? I'm having the same problem
Frederick Loud ctrl+windows for self interaction
Quick question which is the key for left/right window im a bit confused on what key am i going to use it for ACE mod interaction?
Thanks. I never would have noticed the ace options button...
When ı push my interaction button ı don t see anything
Başar Adak happened to me to some server. It worked fine in editor though
I'm missing the configure tab
hi quick question for you when you put an explosive down using the Ace interaction which key is it to detonate the bomb do you no
Big Long shot but I downloaded the two menus and not any of those two are working I have like 60 some mods running could that be the problem
How do you work body bags and Stetchers. Also Wire Cutters
I got problems with one thing, I used to be able to check ammo, repack and all that from the Ace Menu, I cant seem to anymore
So I’m trying to use the equipment but instead of a “configure” title in the menu, it gives an “options” title. When you click on the options title; the only option it gives you is “Ace Headbug Fix”. Big sad, a very bright minds assistance will be greatly appreciated!
getting error: File ace_cup_wapons_ace_compat.pbo is outdated? Whats causing this and how do I fix it?
i have tried to open the self menu but it dosent work :( i tried to change key dosent work can u help me ?
Oh sweet, a 3 minute tutorial!
the only keys that it lets me change or tab that shows is "ACE3 Equipment" and i installed it just like the video you did please help
The problem I'm having is I have ace but there is no ace options in the top left
can I load my ace and I get in-game that works but when I press Ctrl and Windows key or just Windows key the little red circle stays on my screen and it's glitch there do you know how to fix
A707Hitman what versions of arma 3 and ace3 and cba do u have
Do you know if i can start a server with mods such as (ace 3, bcombat v1.8 etc etc) and my friend doesnt have these mods or anything, can they join my server and play anyway?
yeinzy Yes
yeinzy For some reason I missed your comment....As Michael said yes, but if the mission ran by the server has certain modules in it such as the ACE ones, your friend will be kicked off.
***** oh okey, thx for the answers :)
when in a server i go to the ace options and nothing is there please help
Outcomb Stall Are you running @ACE3? Is the server running @ACE3? Are both running @CBA_A3? Important data that is missing here :p
ya my friend helped me it was that the server wasn't running the mod
I jus start gettin into Arma 3 and I've always seen this ace mod but I've never understood how to use it or what the hell it does lol thank you for making this video. I mainly play single player zombie scenarios with ai teammates lol
Ace options does not show in top left. Or anywhere for that matter
How do I set my settings to advanced in a scenario? Pls tell me I can't find it anywhere
+Tb4 Gaming You need the medical module placed in the mission. OR adjust userconfig settings but that's more complicated.
God I fixed this a long time ago but I don't remember how. Ace does not want to show in configure addons after reinstalling ace and cba. Any suggestions?
+Mawyman 2316 Make sure you're loaded in game first of can't configure addons from main menu...
Secondly, do verify that your CBA is absolutely up-to-date.
Well I did so.... I got it first from the workshop then when it didn't work I got it from armaholic.
I can't seem to deploy bipods. Like on 249's and such.
iGame360fficial What mod you using for the 249? CUP? ACE3 changes nothing bipod related.
***** I figured out why I couldn't. It was because I deleted the Marksmen folder. Just had to validate my cache. And 53 files were missing.
I accidentally deleted the interaction menu control is there a way to get it back
+Roman Hampton Yeah just double tap in the area where its supposed to be and press the key you want to assign.
the configure addons doesnt show ace 3 what to do? i can connect to ace servers just fine and i can see all the stuff that ace adds but not the menu
Arbijter Update your CBA modification.
i shall do that ill tell u if it worked :)
it worked thanks a lot bro :) u just earned a sub
Good to hear, thanks ;)
HI I've downloaded and installed ACE but when I go into ACE options its just blank, could you help me fix the issue if possible please?
is your arma on 1.60? is your cba up to date ?
Hello, how do I switch from the basic medical system to the advanced medical system?
darkmaulOI You'll have to switch by using the ACE Medical module settings on the editor. It varies per mission. I believe it's also possible using a settings file but I have not tried anything of that yet.
***** ok thx, do you know if there's a command (adv med sys for all players) that I can execute to avoid going in the editor?
darkmaulOI There might be, after all modules on the editor are nothing else than script presets executed before init.
Try asking it in the ACE3 thread on BIstudio forums.
***** ok, thx.
Sorry to ask a stupid question. But how to you bring up the inventory menu for an AI team mate?
A tad late but I'm not 100% sure. I know in the past you could use your interaction menu key on a friendly AI unit and around the chest area there'd be an inventory option. That could be one way to do it.
When I'm in the interaction menu, I actually have to turn my character around to select different options. Any idea how to fix it?
+adrian1372 ACE Options top left when paused, go to "open mouse when self interaction menu is open" or something like that :P enable that feature.
I have downloaded ACE I have all the items and the maps have been updated but I cannot get the interaction menu up or configure addons, it is empty. Can someone please help me out.
The195Clan Make sure your CBA_A3 is up-to-date, that's been a common issue.
Hi i have a problem with my self interraction menue when i push the buton strg and windos it schow a red cirkel but it don't schow the other things
version 3.6.2
learn english please
Ivan Oldano he is a minecraft kid he can't spell for shit
Hi. I can't interact with civilians and other IA... any idea? Where to configure that?
Thank you!
+Pockocmoc Gaming VidZ Same problem.
It's really annoying. This mod is great, but there are too many bugs, so I do not use it for the moment. This one, and the f****** interaction menu disapearing after loading a savegame or relaunching the game...
+Pockocmoc Gaming VidZ Did you download CBA from Armaholic? the steam workshop version won't help you
Yes I did.
Left ctrl + windows. Or go to (toggle) and add a button.
im downloading this as i type and i wanted to know how it worked so thanks alot for this usefull video
My interaction key for arma 3 is broken in altis life and arma life.... i cant restrain people and or escort the person. i was wondering if it has a restrain action with all the other things i need or if you know how to fix my issue.... i looked everywhere... thanks :)
Connor john That may be due to the recent CBA update, it broke the interaction menu if you're a civ.
***** So i just downgrade the version of it or do i wait for another update? and thanks for the info :)
Either really. If you want it to work NOW, downgrade CBA will likely fix it, but I am sure ACE will release a fix within a few days..or that's at least what I expect from 'em.
On forums was mentioned that currently ACE is investigating whether its an ACE or CBA issue...we'll see ;)
***** Well to help you out its CBA since i dont have ACE i just was looking for a menu to fix my issue with restraining people etc but i would rather ask then look it up.
Oh wait, I just realized, Altis Life..doesn't use ACE I assume..If you would like you could go to BIS forums and post this issue in the CBA thread, because to me it sounds like you just confirmed its CBA's fault :P
What interaction menu does the Altis Life you're playing on use though? Sounds like ACE/AGM
for me, the damn cursor will show up but the menu options dont open
is this a mod? and how do i install it cause i have problems with my left windows please help
+karel5348 I have an installation tutorial video on my channel :)
yeah i already saw it thnx, but still one problem if i start the game that way like you show it becoms a modded version and i can't acces the server i want to acces
karel5348 Well yeah. It'd be unfair if you were running modifications of your game and you're trying to join a server where people don't have modifications, now wouldn't it? :P
You'll have to play on servers that also run ACE3 or otherwise servers that don't have checks for what mods you are running.
+MrSanchezHD yeah okay thnx anyway
how do u select things in the menu
Click with the mouse
i have tried it dosnt work
+thewannnabeyoutuber try hover over the option with th e mouse while holding lmb and then release should be able to go to ace options and change the method of selection though
i got it working thx for the help :)
How to do that in the new version ?
the same problem here i ctrl + window dosent work for me :3
thanks dude u deserve a sub u helped me a lot
I go to configure/controls/configure addons but its's empty
Arnau Tena González Reinstall CBA, make sure it's the latest version. Also, try re-downloading ACE if that doesn't work.
***** Ok, thanks for answering me.
I simply can't get this addon to work. When making a mission with ace3 only enabled, when i go to multiplayer and press "continue" to start the server, the game crashes. If i start a mission with other addons enabled, i get no menus or what so ever when pressing windows button.
Anyone know of a video or step by step guide to installing and enabling this addon in a mission, because the wiki is not realy developed at all yet.
SideshowCop I have a similar glitch with starting up a MP lobby, LAN works fine but Internet causes game to freeze..had that issue in ArmA 2 as well..:/
Anyway, make sure your CBA is up-to-date, as that's been an issue for others. Are you using Play withSix?
Yeah i saw the comments about CBA, so that was updated before i tried it out. I'm using Arma3Sync - is that other one better?
any button you click for use mod
what do you mean?
for ace3 list
+MrSanchezHD how do I move my backpack from back to front belt
Search for a mod that does that, forgot the name sry.
Any way to yell surrender? I really want to take captives, but cannot get close enough before getting shot.
Trollinski JR With AI? You'll have to script it yourself :p
The mod is working perfectly but i can't reload any of my guns
its not working
Thanks very mach very helpful
I had no option problem but now fine because
close Arma 3
window mode > Fullscreen or
reinstall CBA and ACE
restart Arma 3
i spent 5 hours setting it up because my arma 3 WAS A BITCH and it was worth it
I M Not getting config addons , these is no config addon
i dont have ace options
My guy 👏
Let me guess I have to press ctrl+Q+alt+Tab+~+1+numpad8+9+*+F to express frustration on how complicated these controls are
Am I the only one who prefers AAF over NATO, FIA, and CSAT?
+Celtic Ketchup i use USAF and others :P
+Celtic Ketchup AAF my fav too
Russian kits I'm loving ..the new mod. Sick
Naaah CSAT above all
is their a basic setting for ace 3 and ? i'm not joking
radeed Rad could you describe your question better?
is there a basic keyboard configuration setups for the noobs who are fresh arma 3 players. advanced player can come up with an easy buttons combination. I find a difficulty in bringing and selecting notations from the self interaction and other interaction menu.
radeed Rad If you're a noob maybe don't use ace?
this tutorial was really usefull?
i cant drag and carry
My ArmA 3 is crashing!
XD the ending XD
sorry but why i just have Only ACRE2
Arthur Tamazian Install ACE3 appropriately.
the basics of the game are what's needed, starting out with changing keybindings is stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
basics of the game? you mean ace3 mod or arma3 the game?
+MrSanchezHD How about default interaction keys etc.
Vernon Deaglepuppy Well yeah but I covered that in another video I believe, the original showcase one.
Besides, I'm showing you where to find the keys >.
They made tons of useless stuff in ACE3, definitely nowhere near as simple as arma 2 ACE
Useless to you may be useful to others. I can imagine some things being less useful though. What do you think is useless? :)
It's just a little weird the way it changes the default arma 3 keys, like pressing 1,2,3 for grenade switches instead of the normal ctrl+T. Usually when you press space to select all AI units, instead of just selecting a number for which type of actions you want then to do, that is now shift+1,2,3 etc because of the grenade switch keys... Guess it just needs more set-up configuration to suit the user than ACE2 did, it was really only the self interaction/object interaction that you had to change in arma 2.
Swurvin "Guess it just needs more set-up configuration to suit the user than ACE2 did" Pretty much yeah. More options is good but also bad as the time it takes for this set-up increases.
I've been playing with ACE since before it came out and I'm still changing keybinds now and then :P
i cant open the ace3 option
IKR. No matter what i do it wont show up.
When i press the interaction menu key I only see a red circle in the middle of the screen but is doesn`t move
olivier k same
olivier k ever get a fix?
Ever get it fix?
Fordescape83 yes
how did u fix it olivier k
when i go to configure addons nothing is there
Not sure if things have changed in-game, but as a reply here from 6 years ago mentioned; Make sure you have an up to date CBA A3 mod. That is the mod that adds the Configure Addons screen with all of its content. Also ensure you have the latest version of ACE3 of course.